INTO the FOG! - ILS Approach at a BUSY Class Bravo Airport step by step with ATC Audio

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there's never been a better day to take you guys up in the sky with me today our destination of tampa florida the weather is forecast to be at minimums so let's go take the tbma 50 and shoot the silas approach right down to minnows [Music] do [Music] all right welcome aboard everybody today we are on ifr flight from miami into tampa international and we are on the arrival procedure the deak iv arrival and we're going to be shooting the ils one nine left approach the weather here at tampa is showing right at minimums it's a foggy morning here yes i mean st pete is actually vfr across the bay but where we're going to tampa they're right now they're broadcasting right at minimums and they're showing a half mile visibility and 300 foot ceiling zero six seven select the approach here ls one nine left five two six six i'll load that for now some of the things that we're going to have to deal with in on this approach when we get down in the fog is we do have the morning sun that we're going to be looking into which is going to hamper our visibility trying to see the runway environment through the fog everyone tango bravo contact tampa final 118.5 118.5 851 taken bravo about seven nine or five just under maintain five times tampa good morning november eight five one tango brought you five thousand with mike cbm 851 tango bravo tamper approach verify speed two one zero roger two ones you're on the speed for eight five one ten row you can actually i don't have a camera off the left wing here but you can actually all see the downtown buildings of tampa seven six six all right so we got our little airplane right here on the approach plate we're gonna intercept over cosby 2 000. go right down to 226 feet which is 200 feet above the ground and we need a half mile visibility to shoot this approach and we have that they're broadcasting right at the half mile speed and tower 119.5 already we have to go mist we got that briefed also we're going to go up to 600 feet straight ahead then we're good until we reach that climbing left turn to 2 800. intercept the pi 138 radial out to gibbs and uh with the gibbs holding pattern we're going to be doing a teardrop engine right it's uh one zero eight point five give me a ma5 in wintertime in florida this is when you get these kind of approaches with the fog that's two different types of challenges you get flying in florida summertime you have to deal with all the big convective thunderstorms speed one seven zero reduced one seven zero on the speed eight five one ten bravo it gives you a complete opposite mix of type what they just asked us to maintain i've flown a couple different tbms in my life and this one here 851 tango bravo it does not like to slow down i don't know if it's what it is about this airplane it likes the fast air putting two one to the other one on our left low climb 210 on the heading join the localizer pull the power back and it barely wants to ever slow down on it may find one tango bravo turn left heading two seven zero left two seven zero eight five one ten all right left two seven zero we're going to go off a nav mode in the heading activate the mode here we're getting right there turn left heading two one zero maintain three thousand two bucks cleared eyelash runway one niner left approach and one seven zero knots until cosmic two one zero on the heading uh three thousand two bucks and one seven zero knots until cosmic uh for eighty five one tango bravo all right three six zero downtown have been uh reducing your speed uh to your final approach speed and uh tower nineteen slowing it down for you 19.5 10 31 turn left arm the approach here attending two niner zero chronos double 7.95 just gonna maintain four thousand uh once the localizer comes in we should see the airplane turn on course follow that in and then at cosme is where we're going to intercept the light slope that sun is bright right off our left we're going to be dealing with that as we try to look through this fog level 795 due to some departures down there at the tampa expect vectors for the ils runway one niner right approach and the localized frequency one zero eight point five expecting one nine right southwest seven ninety five you have any updated visibility 7.95 i'll work on that all right they're working that airplane wanted to know the updated visibility he's a little concerned for that all right so we're on the localizer ubma five one tango bravo tower 19.5 today 195 851 tango bro tampa tower good morning november if i want to hang abroad with you on the house one night left 485.1 tango bravo tampa tower good morning win one five zero six from the one on the left cleared land clear to land one nine left thanks eight five one tango bravo tower base is uh 350 for delta thank you all right delta alpha just updated it's at 350 for the bases i think a bravo live pc uh 1240 basis 350 feet all right thanks for heads up one tango bravo put our altitude selector to our go around altitude where we can go down to 226 feet all right we're still vmc here we're about to go into the fog layer here 1031 ios 1 9 left 500 feet to go to minimums there it is we wanted to deal with the sun in our face here in just a second content departure proper good morning speed that we want we're in a local 500 and we're right on the glass slope 500 feet to go to the ground 200 feet to minimums still go i'm going in and out of the cockpit right now looking at my 100 foot developments i'm going in and out with my eyes i'm starting to see the approach lights there we go runway in sight we're rated at about 320 is where we were at let's connect the autopilot there was our go around altitude and we'll continue on to land 132 tower are you ready oh yes we are sure wings 132. it was 132 to win one seven two at five you know one nine right click to take off traffic boeing seven three seven eight mile final there we go we're in the center line one night right clear for takeoff welcome to tampa international guys [Music] when off the runway roger will keep the speed up and exit off a romeo 851 tango bravo we're gonna be going over to shelf air romeo we got sierra coming up here on the left and then romeo's the next one so that's where they want us to go southwest 795 outside of jim bob good morning 795 temperature good morning when they went on right cleared to land basis quarter 350 feet tampa ground number eight five one tango bravo clearing one nine left on romeo i need to go shout there uh number eight five one tango bravo uh taxicab via romeo romeo under the ram thanks eight five one tango bravo all right we'll be giving our taxi clearance romeo into the ramp as you can see let's show it there straight up there in front of us see the fog rolling through here i hope you guys enjoyed that short little flight here with us not too often i get to do approaches to minimums like that so i thought you know let's flip on the cameras and show you guys so if you like the video smash that thumbs up button and also if you want to see more of this stuff be sure to subscribe i thank all the sponsors and the patrons for supporting this channel and here we are at shelter air it's one of my favorite fbos of tampa here hard to see though that sun looking for our marshaller right now is what we're looking for you guys see him out there anywhere there he is i think i got him in sight can i have this park american 24 59 one-niner right it's busy here oh i'm sorry is your discretion just buy some ready to attack the american 24-59 and i show you're at gate 79 there he is right over here to our right it's kind of this park right next to this other airplane potential aircraft departure eighties november is now current november with this one follower of their hand signal z8003 there's my buddy over here runway one nine a right taxi via charlie bravo eight bravo victoria [Music] jake you're back shut your face [Music] hello [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 151,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, vlog, TBM850, ILS to minimums, Single Pilot IFR, ATC audio, ATC, Flying in bad weather, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, Challenging flight, IFR, Cockpit, Tampa, Miami, S1K, BOSE Aviation, Pivot Case, Flying
Id: MiJ0G57xs58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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