FGHT Dallas: For This Cause

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[Music] come on oh come on clap those hands would you [Music] wow i love to play [Music] [Music] [Music] everything you need [Music] well come on and put those hands together and give god some praise in the house of the lord tonight come on hallelujah [Music] oh come on i see your hands let's praise him tonight for his goodness and his mercy toward us certainly our god is a great god and he's greatly to be praised before you take your seat would you just lift your hand to the lord and i mean from your heart through your lips to god's ears would you would you just give him something he's worthy of hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus oh come on that's it that's it praise him like he's worthy some of us hadn't taken the time today to really honor him for his goodness this this is a great time hallelujah he's kept you safe and kept you saved all day oh with your mind stayed on him we got something to praise him for hallelujah and god is not through blessing you you ought to tell somebody on your way to your seat just tell them god it's not through blessing you amen god bless you take your seed in his presence what a fellowship what a joy divine amen leaning on his everlasting arms what a blessedness what a peace is mine leaning on his ever lasting arms i'm grateful to be in the house of the lord tonight anybody glad to be here amen this is tuesday night tuesday night at full gospel amen it's family night mothers bring your daughters and fathers bring your sons and let us worship the lord together amen it means something for the family to come together amen and serve and honor the lord amen you you see families now being split apart families are going in every direction amen they're going every which away amen the father the mother coming to church leaving the kids at home amen parents are shouting the victory amen and losing their kids at the same time but i believe that serving god should be a family affair amen and if god is strong enough to keep the mother and the father he's strong enough to keep the children amen the bible says we just have to train them in the way they should go amen the way they should go not the way they want to go because you know this is that time now when when parents are terrified of their kids the kids are running the parents and telling them what to do amen but the bible says you train them in the way they should go amen and the bible tells us the way they should go so if we choose to do this thing by the word of god we'll be okay amen everything is going to be all right look at somebody and tell them neighbor there's a word from the lord and i am a lover of the word of god i love mine you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank god because everything else is going down but what everything but the word of our our god the book of ephesians tonight i want to i want to talk to you is it all right amen if it ain't just sit there i'll be done when i get done ephesians the fifth chapter and i want to call your attention amen to the 21st through the 33rd verses just a few few verses in your hearing amen ephesians chapter number five let's begin in verse number number 21 amen through 33. amen you know come on and catch up with us tonight we may do just a bit of reading but that's all right verses 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and [Music] 33 correct amen you got it read what the bible says submitting yourselves submitting your self one to another in the fear of god one to another in the fear of god just look at somebody and tell them god is watching you yeah he looking at you looking at how you're handling things and hey man he's pulling for you to do things right amen submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of god because he's looking and you need to be keenly aware of the fact that god is watching read wives why submit yourselves unto your own husband lord you don't hear about this kind of stuff even at women's conferences how you have a whole woman's conference and and don't hear nothing about wives submit i knew i should have came saturday night well come on back saturday night and get your healing cause this gonna hurt for somebody tonight wives read that again wives submit yourselves into your own husbands not somebody else's submit yourself to your own husband y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you amen see we got to get some victory in these areas here because you got some women willing to do stuff for other men they won't even do for their own husband now y'all getting quiet i feel it over on this side now you got folk listen if you won't cook your own husband a pie don't cook me one you know what they get they getting quiet you ain't bought your own husband nothing and buying the pastor gifts keep your gifts give to your husband all right that's that's the amen corner back there i'm going i'm gonna go with that tonight so keep that coming just keep that coming amen submit yourself to your own husband as unto the lord as unto the lord for the husband is the head of the wife in 2021 the husband is still the head boy we could really just just go home now but the women want me to get to this husband's part in a minute i'm gonna come around that corner when we come in 2021 the husband is still even as christ is the head of the church is he still the head of the church well then the husband is still the head of the wife i don't care what kind of degree you have the husband is still the head of the wife i don't care if you make more money than he makes the husband is still the head of the wife can i come down your rope put some in your mailbox i don't care if you're a minister he ain't the husband is still the head of the wife i feel like i lost about 38 of y'all he's still the head even as christ is the head of the church when christ stops being the head of the church then the husband can stop being the head of the house and men love to to to say that you know submit because the husband is the head of the wife but you that that's that's that's not an accolade if you ain't doing nothing uh uh uh uh worthy of being the head come on he's telling you you're the head you don't leave from behind weak people do that if you're going to be the head get on out there in the head that's the head and be the first one to pray be the first one to open your bible body getting quiet already be the first one to pay your tithe be the first one to sacrifice if you're the head get on out out front and be the head we use that almost like a club i'm the head of this house well i mean in the technical sense what if you're at the house sitting up lazy then you under the head in the technical sense i don't just feel like this is going to be a hard one tonight i'm telling you y'all better get off of me because i'm going to be here until god get the glory amen amen if if if if you can't take care of your house now listen let me let me let me let me say this because you got some men that are doing everything in the world they can do to make stuff work and just because he don't make as much money as you make don't mean you down the brother and talking to him like he gotta tell hey y'all ain't saying that because because he don't make as much money as you may call or because he don't have what you have now you talking crazy to him you ain't nobody you ain't even a man listen can i tell you sister some the bible said submit did you hear that submit to your to your own husband he don't need you having one amen and you're gonna treat him like a little boy if he's out front doing the best he can i don't care if he lost his job three months ago if he's looking for work amen he's trying to do what he can do he out there picking up cans trying to make stuff he meant to work out for the family he meant whatever happened to women building him up rather than trying to pan down because he can't do what somebody else amen can do cannot tell you something at least he's still bad at least he's trying to make it work at least he got a mind to go out and get something to take care of his family and rather than using your mouth to tear him down why don't you use your mouth to build them back up lord see some of y'all can't say amen tonight because because it's so easy nowadays girl you ought to get rid of him and go get you a working man and and and you got to stop taking the dice marriage advice from folks that don't have three and four husbands anyway girl leaving she's been married six times and telling you to leave him she might have eyes on himself talking to you on the left side leaving then talking to him on the right hand she just don't know how to treat a real man boy we just we just we just on the first wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands for the man the husband is still your head lord i'm already y'all i'm already preaching hey this is preaching right here this is the good stuff right here amen submit yourself to your own husband amen the one that that that god gave you submit yourself to him you know the problem is the problem is now women are so used to treating boyfriends like husbands you ain't gonna never get married like that boy y'all getting quiet you ain't gonna never get married treating a boyfriend like you're your husband when they tell these little girls 16 years old crying and can't hardly eat he dumped me girl let me tell you something what's wrong with you get up go in and eat because i can guarantee you by the time you're 21 you ain't gonna remember who he was hey man now you sit up scared to to be talking to somebody in the lunchroom because he's looking at you i don't want him to see me talking about stop treating these little boyfriends like the husband that is not your husband he's a boy submit to an and take a real man to bring a woman's subject especially now because these women some of them can be an unruly bunch take a real man in these days because these strong-willed independent women been taught they don't need a man don't they you better be a real man if you're going to deal with a woman these days you got to give us something to respect amen because she been out there working 10 hours a day acquiring the stuff she got about two cars and got two cars in the net and here you come with a suitcase when they had get your finger down out there for that the hub in the head no no no no it don't work like that amen amen for the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church read and he is the savior of the body ah therefore as the church is subject unto christ just like the church is subject unto christ and we are uh-huh so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything so let the wives beat their own husbands in everything [Music] re husbands uh-oh love your wives wait a minute to you all that clapping and carrying on you were doing just a second ago husbands love your wives uh-huh even as christ also loved the church just like christ loved the church love your wife so that means love is something that you're capable of you're capable of loving your wife and he says lover just like christ loved the church christ loved the church in a sacrificial way i'll prove it read what the bible said and gave himself foreign that's how much christ valued the church he died for the church and then he looks at you and says i want you to love her just like that you got to be willing to sacrifice your life and some of you lord have mercy you you can't say your lover like christ love the church because your love ain't sacrificial hey man you around here getting your toes done and her feet so rough she doesn't run about three fold past stock and try and get ready come to church and you this ain't no this this has now turned into a selfish generation and that's what i if you're a selfish man don't get married that's not the place for selfish people he said if you gonna love a lover like christ loved the church and he gave himself for the church oh it's so easy to quote these scriptures and try to bring this woman subject to you and she didn't come home before you did and found notices all on the door saying you can put out after she gave you her money for you to pay the bills and now find out you've been squandering money on all these get-rich-quick schemes and buying shoes and getting put out of your boy y'all getting quiet tonight now listen just say man they don't know i'm talking about you unless you keep looking like that don't do that folk now buying clothes buying shoes and video games and all that and then got the nerve to get phone calls saying your car is getting better to be picked up you can better get put out of your house come on we got to give them something to respect his love was a sacrificial love how in the world this woman believe you lay down your life for her and you won't even let a video game pass you by it's going to take more than you coming to church and the pastor getting up hollering about uh the man is ahead of the door listen when you get home it's got to be practical amen you've got to put this stuff into practice when you get home amen it's got to be more than just i'm saved and i'm the man of this house you got to do what it is you can do to make sure that this woman knows and this family knows that you're more than just a man in the house that you are in fact the man of the house read that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word re that he might present it to himself he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without it should be holy and without blemish so ought men to love their wives that's how you ought to love your wife as their own body as your own boy that's lover as your own she is an extension of you and you can't do everything for yourself and do nothing for her love her like you love your own body and the bible said no man ever hated his own flesh you know you don't hate yourself you don't do yourself wrong so love her like christ loved the church and treat her like you treat your own body and you know th this is the day of some of the most pampered men you've ever seen me and pampers she can't get in the mirror because you sit in there plucking little straight eyebrows stop all that you're a boy sacrifice love her as christ loved the church and gave himself for it so our men are they ought to love their wives as their own body reap he that loveth his wife loveth himself you love her you love you read it's for no man ever hated his own flesh but nourished and cherished it even as the lord the church for we are members of his body we are members of his body of his flesh of his flesh and of his bone and of his bones for this calls shall a man leave his father and mother for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother for this reason shall a man leave his father and his mother when they leave let it be for this reason let them come to the point of realizing that there's somebody that i can build with somebody i can grow with somebody i can strengthen somebody i can nourish amen that's what the bible said for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall be joined unto his wife re and they too shall be one flesh and they too shall be one flesh and that means more than just sexually they twain shall become more folk that twain shall become that means more than sexuality amen you got people in the house with each other having sex and can't stand each other so it means a whole lot more like a child getting cried like hey they too shall be one flesh there's a reason amen that god is calling men and women together in the bonds of marriage they too shall be one that means together together now read this is a great mystery uh-huh but i speak concerning christ in the church nevertheless nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife and as himself even as himself and the yc that she reverenced her husband i want to talk about for this cause just looking for somebody just just tell them for this cause because it's a whole lot involved in this right here it's a whole lot people think just getting married is that that's all they need and if i can just get married i can stay safe yeah please some of these folk marriages the reason why they backslid amen you got to understand what marriage is so y'all don't want me to preach on on tuesday you've got to understand what marriage is because a lot of people jumping into this and that jesus said if you're going to build a tower he said you've got to sit down first and count up the cost to see if you got what it takes in order to finish what you started if not the bible said men will walk by and you've seen it you've seen people lay foundations for houses and you'll see it and nothing ever comes of it just a big old concrete slab in the middle of nowhere and the next thing you know you see grass growing up around it and after a while you'll start to see cracks growing through it and then next thing you know grass is growing up through the cracks in the concrete because they had enough to start but they didn't count the cause and they did not have what it took in order to finish the house when you get married the first thing you've got to do is sit down and count up the cost and that's what you got to tell this generation now amen because they're just jumping in with both their feet amen and haven't really sat down to understand nothing having read the scriptures to see what a woman amen is supposed to do in a marital relationship they haven't cracked open the pages of the bible to know what a man is supposed to do what are his responsibilities in a marital relationship so you can't say that they really fully understand it because they didn't really know what marriage was they didn't know what it was about they had an idea of marriage and they were in love with the idea of being that's the reason why you can't tell them nothing can i tell some of you something tonight amen you can't tell some people anything because they're so in love with the idea of it amen they're looking around and hey man that friend doesn't got married and this other one got married and now they are in love with the idea of being married but they're not sitting down to count up the cost they're not sitting down to understand amen enough to know that when i get into this situation there are responsibilities that god have placed on my shoulder it's more than just coming together amen physically because you know that's what's on people's mind now hey man that's the reason why when they get saved they feel like they gotta hurry and get married amen oh yes i can't stay safe if i ain't getting married the bible said it's better to marry than the birth listen but can i tell you something brothers and sisters if you got a problem with your flesh before you get married then marriage is not the answer it is not the solution you got four gay men they feel like they can't do nothing other amen than backslide if they ain't got nobody with them amen sex has such a stronghold on this generation until they're using sex to sell cars they're using sex to sell ice cream cones amen they're using sex to sell everything because it has such a grip on this generation he meant so much so that even when people get saved amen the devil tell them the first thing you do look through the church and find you find your boyfriend find your girlfriend saints don't do that kind of look at y'all don't get quiet now hey man the real saints don't do that kind of stuff hey man girl i gotta help him get married amen my flesh is giving me problem marriage is not the answer amen if you've got a lush demon in you then deliverance is the answer but it's not marriage because if you get married and you still got that lust demon on you hey man you'll ignore the woman in your bed he better go oh god look at him getting quiet now and go take your cell phone to the bathroom amen in there trying to gratify and pleasure you that's what a love spirit will do to you amen so the first thing you got to do well how do we know if we compatible ask yourself this first of all are we both really saved [Applause] what is this this this is a hard one tonight i i didn't know it's going to be this hard first of all are we both really saved because the bible tells us in first corinthians the seventh chapter we're only to marry hmm ain't really act like you don't know that scripture we're only supposed to marry how in the lord can i say this that means if you're saved and she ain't saved i don't care how long you've known her mary on only in the lord see that's the problem now we got people expecting god to bless a marriage that he was only half invested in and now folk you know it used to be a time when people people would come and talk to the pastor about that because they knew they would get godly advice but when people just want to do what they want to do when they wax warm like the bible says they gonna marry and now people don't even come talk to the pastor about getting married because they scared he gonna say something and then they gonna have to make a willful decision to do the opposite of godly counsel so what they do they go get married first and then bring them and say this is my husband can you counsel us marry only in the lord you've got sometimes the situation it's so tired nowadays hey man you got two people claiming both of them saved and they can't even hardly stay together how in the world do you think your god's going to bless a marriage when you ignore the first commandment of marriage and that is to only get involved with somebody that has a covenant with the lord amen if they don't have a covenant with god you can't trust y'all don't got quiet now i grew up with him i've been knowing them since the third grade that's wonderful amen but when it comes down to your salvation and it comes down to your future amen walk with god you can't bring nobody on board that's gonna compromise that he meant somebody amen that's gonna make it hard for you and put a weight around your shoulder amen and keep you from trying to do what god called you to do the first thing you got to make sure is that you're equally yoked together i don't see the devil trick too many people like that oh i feel the lord drawing me closer well let the lord finish drawing him close ever since i've been talking to you girl i've been studying my bible more and i don't know but whenever i'm around you i just feel this connection with god and here you go with your savior complex feeling like you the only person can bring him to god listen i don't care if he come down here and fall out foam at the mouth and shake amen until his socks hangs down around his ankle hey man you let god finish doing whatever god's going to do in him and to him before you snatch him up don't you mind nobody telling you honey ain't enough brothers in the church you better go on to get him because i saw sister so-and-so looking at him from across the church he meant it's better to make sure he's delivered it's better to make sure he's safe amen stop snatching folk off the altar what god got for you is for you amen you got to know it god is calling us now amen to make sure that whatever we do we do it and we are within the parameters of the will of god amen it's more to it than just making sure he's safe you got to make sure he's eligible to be married oh because now you know for well he got saved listen let me tell you something the bible is still right boy now y'all getting quiet now folks swapping husbands now like they change cars every four and a half years can i tell you something the bible is still right amen there were only he meant a couple of things in the word of god that the bible said that you can put away a husband for he meant some of us not well honey he's saying that i don't care amen if he's not eligible to be married or she's not eligible to be married amen then you got to let that go you got to leave that alone i don't care how much shoulders he got i don't care how big her hips are he meant just because she fine don't mean she yours just because he stopped don't mean he's yours can i talk to somebody here amen because the bible says if you marry her that have been put away then you are an adulterer and you got folk now that say they love god they wanted to make all kind of sacrifices for god amen they willing to die for god amen but i mean they just as hot ready amen as a little caesar speaker hey man they just ready to hurry up and jump into bed and hurry up and jump marry any man to do hey man they just like goliath just send me a man a bald-headed man a grey-headed man send me a man just anybody amen but come on now it's time for us to realize that everything we do is ministry and it's so sad now that you got people ignoring all of that just because we go to the same church amen that means that he good i can marry him the devil is a liar he been helping oh now y'all let me come back over here listen it's not for everybody and i'm trying to tell you amen the bible said if you didn't have cause he meant to divorce then remain single or either be reconciled to your husband we got to get this stuff right now cause it don't make sense that you got folks sitting in the same church amen and got three wives in the same choir could i talk to somebody up in here and they sitting around rolling their eyes at each other stop getting mad at her the only thing y'all got in common is that joker [Applause] where he saved yeah but is he eligible well i guess i better hurry up in i still believe like the bible said that marriage was ordained of god well yeah god god ordained marriage i still believe that that marriage is still honorable amen i believe that i still believe that the bible teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman amen what did he say in in malachi oh boy just slit my mind malachi says i was the witness between you and the wife of your youth that's what god said i was i was the witness between you and the wife of your youth you standing up in front of the church and the preachers say you know just we've come together before god and these witnesses and you look at that all you see is your great aunts and and your cousins but you didn't see that god was standing there the value you made you made that before god i do and yeah before god i do i do and now you don't something is is is going on in this generation and somebody has to talk about this because if we don't talk about it then people will be just like they were in the old testament the book of judges every man is going to do that which is right in his own eyes there's got to be a measurement there's got to be something by which we measure whether or not we are in the will of i don't know why y'all looking at me like y'all don't want me to talk i'm gonna look over here at you because you didn't got my attention here marriages are under attack and if the church can't get this right can't talk to the world about about nothing i know where you go i mean come on and we sit up here let your light so shine your light ain't shining if we don't do things the way god has ordained for us to do things and you know that's what the enemy is really trying to do he's trying to ruin god's plan yeah he he's trying to thwart god's plan for his people because the family is such an important unit in the world see people really don't don't understand how important the family really is that's why the devil's trying to attack him because he knows that if he can weaken the family he can weaken society and how many come on now how many years did they preach that message to us oh fatherlessness is the number one cause of gang activity fatherlessness uh promotes uh incarceration drug use and that they're more likely to commit crimes and and fatherlessness is is a reason why men divorce their wives at a greater rate most of and all these years they've been preaching that stuff to us and now we act like we don't get it and the bible is right god ordained the family and the devil is after it because he knows if he can destroy the family he can take society all the way down can you imagine how much bolder and brighter society would be if there were fathers and mothers working together in the homes to raise their children if there was a man there amen that would look at his daughter and say you ain't going nowhere looking like that hey y'all don't got crying now if there were parents there that would talk to their sons and validate them at home so they didn't have to go out there to the street he been looking for somebody to make them feel important make them feel like they belong wouldn't it be something amen if every child you had had your last name some of these kids walking around this world today don't even know who they belong y'all don't get quiet now don't know who in the world they belong to hey man because they got this last name and their sister got that last name and then my last name is different from everybody he meant can you imagine if the family hadn't been stronger even if they hadn't been more cohesive how much better this world would be so when the devil attacks the family it's not just that family he's trying to weaken society because he understands that the family unit is important to god god created the family before he created the church god started a family back in genesis yeah and so and even now you you got folk expecting the church to do what the family unit should be doing i say it all the time if your kids come to church and the first time they heard about moses was when i told them something they write in your house what i preach here should be the foundation of what goes on in the house but now your kids are your responsibility and you can bring them to church all day and let me just talk to them but if when they go home you're not reinforcing the word of god your own self then they are not going to grow up strong christians hey man when the house and the atmosphere in the home is not really a christian atmosphere it's a convenient atmosphere and that's what the enemy is doing he's trying to tear families down he's trying to tear marriages apart that's the reason why the divorce rate is so high now that's the reason and you would think it was only in the world but even in the church you got people talking about that we can't stay together why he ain't paying bills why well i don't know just irreconcilable differences what that's an excuse what does that mean what does it mean we just we just just grew apart what that mean we just sorry brother herman we just we're just two different people it was that for you got married and and now that's a reason for for people to to separate and go they they separate well now some of y'all looking at me like y'all want me to move on off this subject but i'm trying to tell you i'm trying to tell you amen you telling folks to hold on to their trials and then next thing they know you don't file for divorce girl i know the doctors only gave you two years to live but god can do anything just hold on and wait for god to turn it around and then the next thing they know the same one you're encouraging find out you don't file for divorce what happened to all that god can turn stuff around what happened to all that hold on it's so easy to say but it ain't so easy to do and the enemy now is trying to push that off on everybody but somebody gotta gotta hold on to god now listen let me say this i realize there are some people they never even intended to be divorced divorced them they were sitting there just minding their own business and they pleading with people let's let's try this let's go to counseling with the past and i don't understand how saved people don't want to counsel with the pastor ain't that something let's go talk to the pastor no i ain't talking to the pastor how are you saving gonna make a decision like that and the first thing come at your mouth i don't want to go do you know why you don't want to go talk to the pastor because you're not interested in doing what god wants you to do you interested in doing what you want to do yourself and you scared i'ma say something that don't agree with your already made of mine it used to be folk the bible said in the book of proverbs in the multitude of counselors there is safety sometimes you didn't even see hey man how the devil was waiting on you peeking out from behind that tree and so because you didn't talk to nobody you just went along and let the devil chop your head but we got to end hey man there's another pandemic going around and it's the tearing up of families we got to stop this now the devil is the one trying to tell you that you can't get along and you can't stay together the devil is alive if god can heal you of cancer if he can heal you'll have blood pressure if god can pay your bills amen and work a miracle for you then why can't god put your house back together oh is that not what you want i was listening to a preacher not long ago he was talking about this boyfriend girlfriend culture and he said yeah i'm not letting my daughter have boyfriends he said because that don't do nothing but train her for divorce get with this one get used to being with them then he break up with her then she go over here get with this one they they talking for a couple of months then he break up with her then she go find somebody else and then they break up and then she fight and that ain't doing nothing but training her to go ahead and when something working right and all this stuff is collapsing just go find you somebody else stop all of this foolishness hey man you ain't got to be passed around to everybody do you know how precious you are even you're a woman of god you're a child of god amen why don't you stop all this be the one everybody want but the one ain't nobody had [Applause] amen this this is a divorced culture now nobody can stay together but god is calling us he meant back to an understanding that what god has joined together and then mark 10 and 9 let no man put asunder yeah so now for those of you that are not married if you think about jumping in this situation understand what you're getting into understand what you're involving yourself is because you got vote well i just made a mistake well that's a pretty big one so what do we think we think we just supposed to jump out of it because about three years into it we don't feel out of love it was good while you was on your honeymoon it was good all that time and now all of a sudden something happened and now we're going to jump back out of it because this i made a mistake at what point in your life did you realize it was a mistake see i'm not afraid some folk gonna get to the gate and people aren't thinking about this stuff they don't they don't think about you're going to get to the gate and and like the like the like the rich young ruler jesus said one thing you like i already speaking in tongues and shouting that ironing your cry robe thank you but then you get up there and when you get there then but there's there's just there's one thing one thing call call your husband i hate you to be up at the gate looking around trying to figure out here then two and three brothers step forward and bind all of them together hand and feet just put them all together and throw them in we don't think god's serious about that stuff people don't think that if they thought that they wouldn't be doing the stuff they do they don't think god is serious about that because they feel like well i'm tired of being by myself at least i can have somebody to drink coffee with in the morning people don't think god is serious about this and so people got this in their mind everybody deserves to be happy well how many people are you gonna make unhappy in your pursuit of happiness so you're just supposed to run through all of them just like test driving cars you supposed to just take all these clothes to the to the dresser you're gonna try on all of them until you find one that fit that's why we got to do this thing like the bible said to do these things all things by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto god did you pray about that before you jumped in there you know out of all the years i've been counseling i think there's there's two people at the very most that have ever come to me and said i'm thinking about getting married and and then once they went and prayed they came back and said god told me no i want to do everybody i don't know why god always say yeah did you pray about it oh yeah yeah prayed about what did god say yeah yeah he told me that's the one he he he yeah he said that was it and that's why i ask you they'll tell you those that come for pre-marital counseling every time they come in the door i say y'all still going to do this y'all still going to get married well yes sir yes sir all right so i can't i'm not going to say talk you out of this oh no no uh-uh we don't pray about it and god told us it's the one i said all right well remember that because when you come to me saying i can't do this i'm going to remind you that you told me you prayed and god told you yes but you know what i found out god ain't saying yes to everybody they listen to that flesh and so then they jumping into these situations and they didn't count up the costs they didn't realize that this ain't this this this ain't a cakewalk these are two individuals who come from two different backgrounds two different upbringings this one had two parents that one had three this one grew up by himself she had eight brothers and sisters and so the upbringing and all of the the way you see the world is so very different and when you come together in a marital space sometimes it's not as easy as you imagined it to be because because a lot of people the only thing they see when they think about getting married is that i can do some stuff they didn't really count up the cause they they didn't think about that they didn't realize all the stuff you got to consider in a marriage because again this is not the place for selfish people and you're so used to having your way i ask them all the time if both of you sleep on the right side of the bed when you get married who going to sleep on the right side of the bed see don't nobody think about stuff like that because all of us have what we call non-negotiables we all have these little quirks that that little stuff don't make sense to nobody but you and you need to understand all this before you get married and and and really really understand who it is that you are talking about spending the rest of your life with because if they are in love or if they are addicted or if they have a habit of doing those things that you count as then till death do us part is a long time so you got people that really didn't understand what they were jumping into and that's the problem now now they're married and they think that god is going to give them a pass to take that dress back and get you another size cause you tried that one on and it didn't fit right and so now now your husband ain't a minister but some other brother and god bless the church and now you're looking at your husband crazy and now you feel like god calling you to i don't know why but god god is telling me that's my husband don't don't don't do that don't do that amen if that's who you married to that's your husband that's your wife are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you that's your husband that's your wife i don't need you looking around the church trying to figure out who who got a better shape and and and whose stomach ain't as big and all that stuff can i tell you something that's your husband that's your wife and if his stomach big then that's just more you to love just you just love him and his stomach but that's your husband so we we're going to cut all this out amen in the church world people just sitting going crazy now behind this stuff and act like god's not going to call this in at the end of the day the bible says marriage represents the mystical union that exists between christ and his church what kind of picture are we giving people of christ and his church when marriage is nothing serious for people who say stuff like ah die for the lord you will but would you stay married to that woman for the lord no i'd rather die there's something wrong with you jesus needs to come and strengthen you his own self and let me let me say this before i if i told you i wasn't going to go talk to you alone but when you talk about stuff like this sometimes people think that something is wrong with them because this is a foreign thought to them you got people some folk all they think about is marriage that's all they think about that's that's all amen you you can't even be nice to them because they they asking all kind of questions you know you you're not flirting with them how you doing god bless you you know holding the door for people on the way in and next thing you know they done that that means something to them i was coming in he looked behind me and saw me he was just being polite he just opened the door he was a a a sister he opened the door for you but honey the way he held that door for me i'm telling i just i feel like some people that's all they think about us but then there are some people hear me there's some people and i i always have to put this this this disclaimer out here blah there are some people who don't think about marriage at all you got some people all they think about honey when i get married and then you got some people marriage is is absol it's nowhere on their mind and i want those of you because when you preach on stuff like this you know sometimes i've had people well is there something wrong with me because i don't have a desire no no some people are content where they are and paul said i would that everybody was like me able to contact i wish everybody uh could could be like that because you know what what paul said he said those that are single behind the things of god is that what he said those that are single mind the things of god if you're not married you can pray five hours a day you ain't married you go home you can get on your knees and pray five hours read your bible for three straight hours a day you mind the things of god how you may please the lord but then paul says but when you get married then you have to mind the things of the world how he may please his wife and that don't mean that god can use that don't mean that you're less spiritual because god ordained marriage but what it does mean is that now a part of your responsibility and a part of your duty is to take care of your family now you honor god by honoring your marriage you honor god by taking care of the responsibilities that he gave you and so so if you're married wonderful if you're not married wonderful and you got some people uh the bible talks about people that will that that are units that are dedicated to god you have some people that have just dedicated their whole life to god they they they don't need they don't need any of that worldly distraction they they don't they don't need that so so they've already dedicated themselves to serving god uh and i believe it's isaiah he's in isaiah when he talked about how your your first husband is god so you've got some people in a sense the relationship that you value in people they just choose to just devote all of their time all of their attention all of the affection to god and that's a wonderful thing that's wonderful amen for them because they pray and they they seek god and not that you don't not that you don't but those that are single they don't have all of that and you know when you when you're single you can do what you want to do if you want to fast you you can fast you ain't got anybody to talk to but you but when you get married you you don't you don't shoot from the hip and just just do stuff so you have somebody else to consider is what paul was saying but then there are those who just honestly just they just want to be gods and gods alone and if that's you if you don't have a desire to be married nothing is wrong with you did you hear me there's nothing wrong i had an uncle uncle wilfred down on the frog he was never married but just about every day he spent his days at the church he just gordon he cleaned that church up you i mean that church that church was his heart that was his his affection uh he made sure everything at the church was done he didn't he didn't have time for for all of that other type of carnal relationship because that was that was his passion that was his heart and he gave everything he had to the church he was that he took care of that church better than some men take care of their wives he was completely dedicated to god and gave god his whole life and there are some people that are like that and if that's you god bless you god bless you but if you're married you're not less than them amen that don't make you less because you that means that now you have a different set of responsibilities and you have to now please god through taking care of the responsibilities that god has given you when you decided to enter into the covenant of marriage so don't think that because you're married and you can't pray five hours a day now and you can't reach a bible through it you can't get married and get mad at her because she don't want you sitting up in the other room all day she ain't marry you for you to set up another room all day one more chapter what what it is y'all y'all in church sunday morning sunday night tuesday night saturday night and then you get home and you want to go in and speak in tongues for the next three hours after you get home from church she's sitting outside of bed waiting on you to get done speaking of tongues honey not right now i'm still in the spirit you come out out of that spirit i feel a prayer spirit turning listen you you you didn't count up the cause you now y'all looking getting uh first corinthians seven because see you got to take people to the word now they don't thank you first corinthians started that first verse now concerning the things where of you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman wait a minute wait wait it's good for a man not to touch a woman but we engaged it's good for a man not to touch a woman that mean with your hands with your lips the bible says that we should treat the age women as mothers didn't it say that we treat we treat the younger women as sisters until you get married she's a sister to you you are not dude and i know you you can't hardly say this not today but you ought not do nothing with her you wouldn't do with your sister because that's assisted you so he says don't touch her read nevertheless nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband don't rush past that now let the husband render and to the wife do benevolence that benefit that comes in marriage that is right and proper there is a there is a conjugal duty that's a good way to say that when you when you get married and the bible says let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband we the wife has not power of her own body now the wife has not power over her own body that there is a responsibility and and and i know a lot of times people are divorcing over money they do he he he didn't bring his check home or he brought it home and it was only half of what it normally is or she did this and she went out and uh she bought uh uh a a ten thousand dollar purse and ain't nothing in the closet cost ten thousand dollars and we ain't got no money i can't stay with it it's the second time i warned him now all that money going she's foolish he's foolish and you got people that divorce over over money money issues a big reason why people can't stay together and that woman just got tired of getting put out the house every time she turn around she's losing this that's a big reason why why people can't stay together but that's not the only reason this right here is another reason why why people have problems and the bible tells you it can cause problems so he says let the husband render unto his wife do benevolence the thing that that that's rightfully hers as the wife and that thing that is rightfully the husbands as the husband for then the bible says read that verse again for the for the wife had what the wife hath not power of her own body you don't have power over your own body now that don't mean uh you know because you got folk they'll take that to the max they'll take that to the max but but what he's saying is that the responsibility and the covenant dictates that you don't just make these decisions by yourself because again marriage is not not the place for selfish people and and when when you're ready uh for some benevolence then then then then you you you want people to just comply but then with other folks ready for some benevolence some of y'all go home talking like this tonight somebody else ready for some benevolence then all of a sudden i'm tired no not tonight my iron is low i just i don't have no idea you know you you don't have power over your own body amen now y'all tell me that this ain't in the scripture i'm reading this out of the word of god and don't tell me i can't preach it because if paul was bold enough to write it i can be bold enough to preach about this stuff he said you have a responsibility and you got people now there's some folk this this is a major major issue in marriage that's why i tell people i don't care how you argue and and how i do care how you argue because you really ought not be that that that that out of control i don't care how you disagree i tell you don't don't start sleeping in the in the other room because once that distance grows between but the the the longer you stay distant the more you realize i can and it's hard for people to come back together especially now with all these attitudes and and all of that stuff but but see the thing is this a proper relationship benefits from yeah you know and so he says the woman doesn't have power of her own body the man doesn't have power over his own body these these things are in the word of god and you got people now even in areas like that they're just so selfish they want to when they want to and don't when they don't and don't understand that you're not the only one in this relationship you're not and so you just you just so so so dogmatic and so gung-ho when you feel like it's fine and when they feel like it ah i mean come on the bible said you render it amen they they they don't have to take nothing from you give it it is due benevolence it's what's right and what is proper now y'all looking at me like this ain't in the word i know it's in there now go go ahead and read cause the wife had not power of her own body but her husband and likewise also the husband has not power of his own body but the wife but the wife the wife has power over the husband's body the husband has power over the wife's body in other words this that marriage brings about this this responsibility and this obligation this obligation you know that's a part of it and that's what that's what sexuality and and and do benevolence is it's a celebration of love between two to married people that's why i keep telling them the bible said adam knew his wife eve and she conceived and bear son i knew that that's not just the knowing of sexuality that's the knowing that that's a deeper knowing and you got people now having sex with folks they don't know they're not they're not one in spirit they're not they're not one in goals amen one in in their spiritual aspirations that they're they're fractured but they can come together for some of that benevolence but the bible says remember they twain shall be one flesh there's a togetherness that god expects out of us read so i can hit this if not defraud ye not one the other that means don't withhold y'all hearing what i'm saying don't withhold husbands and wives don't withhold from one another read accept it be with consent except to be with consent for a time and then the bible says for time for time that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer so you know when it's time for fasting and prayer a lot of people just abstain from food but no you abstain from from from carnal pleasures and this is this is one of those things that when you fast and pray and if you're going to dedicate your mind and your heart and your spirit to the lord then there's a season where husbands and wives abstain for the purpose of fasting and for praying but but let me say this you don't just you don't just go on no spontaneous fast and and this man been waiting on you to get home and then you finally come to the door fasting what no no no uh-uh no no did you see what the bible says except to be with consent for a time this is important amen some people don't play and now why y'all laughing and the bible says with consent ain't that with consent for a time that you give yourself to prayer and fasting and and what and come together again and come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinency that satan tempts you not amen you don't don't defraud cause because again you know if a person was saved and sanctified and full up with the holy ghost amen for 10 years before they met you you don't woke up that that passion now you don't you don't walk that flesh up and then all of a sudden now they flesh woke up and then you you you cutting out on them and the bible said satan will start to tempt see now they got nothing you don't woke up that animal now and and satan will start to tempt them you don't you don't defraud them and now they sitting there and they just waiting on you to to give them some attention and you keep with holding that attention i mean come on i mean you're sitting there playing video games and she walking around in front of the tv and you just sitting there playing that game and she trying to let you know it's it's time for some benevolence and this man is out there oh all these women out there he fighting them off all day long cause you know they don't care now he's fighting them off all day long and the devil says you can do it nobody knows he's in devil you're a lie i got somebody and then he come home and the bible says satan will tempt you i know that's right read that again so i can hear them get done my time is gone defraud ye not don't defraud one another except that be with consent for a time for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting in prayer for spiritual reasoning and come together again that satan tempts you not for your incontinence let satan tempt you for your incontinency a lot of people are struggling in this don't defraud one another except to be full time now let me say this there are times when people are are dealing with things and husbands and wives sometimes we allow for those things to come up and have a greater effect than it should we we allow things to them if sometimes people are just there's a sickness in their body you know sometimes people are dealing with with things in their body and that's why it has to be some communication marriage has to have communication because if not you can be dealing with some in your body and you're just sitting up and and she's trying to figure out what's going on and you ain't even telling her so in her mind she got to figure out what what's going on with me he ain't touching me in three weeks he ain't touched me in six weeks what's going on and now you got this woman in the house she's looking at herself in the mirror trying to see where where she getting thick at and and what am i looking like to make him not not want me and she's sitting there questioning and second guessing herself when the reality is you may be sick that could be something going on with you if that's something that's going on with you then hey talk about that and hey let's go to the doctor take her with you because what she'll start to think well if you ain't getting it from me you got to be guilty from some daddy you can avoid all of that if something's going on say that there's a lot of things that that could go on that that can render a person hindered in that area but don't just sit there and not say nothing you got a sickness in your body and if it affects hey man yo your ability to benevolate is that a word let me here because see i'm going to end up losing my job behind some of y'all the way y'all reacting and responding to this stuff but say something say something you know there are some there are some some illnesses that people have and they affect the body in different ways and because they do don't just not say nothing and and and they sit up there trying to figure out what's wrong with me if if it's something going on say that and if you need to go go go see about hey man yourself and ask the doctor what's going on take that woman with you so that she know now it ain't what i thought it was because if you don't talk i'm telling you now a lot of times especially if men don't talk then women feel like they got to figure stuff out and if you ain't talking and you leave them to figure it out then they gonna go according to what makes sense to them well i know him ain't no way anywhere he just ain't it's got to be somebody else say something because the bible said let it only be for a season and then with consent if there's a problem say that that's why the bible tells husbands and wives that we got to dwell with each other with understanding amen doing with each other would seek to understand one another that ain't everything but it's important amen so seek the understanding i can't finish this tonight they don't even cut the clock off i don't know where i am amen but for this cause thank you for this cause this this is something that that we got to get together amen you know people pay money to go to seminars to find out how to make more money they go to seminars to find out how to get rich quick and all of that but then they won't even take time to come and talk about about these things and i tell them look if you get married and something is going on the bible is still right in the multitude of counselors there's safety talk about that stuff amen i tell them and don't come to me when the house is on fire come to me when you smell smoke hey man you already packed his clothes up and stuck him outside pastor can i sit down and talk to you now you should have been talking to me for this cause god causes a man to leave he calls them to leave their father and mother cleave to the wife and mark says what god has joined together mark 10 and 9 let no man put asunder the enemy is trying to use whatever you can to tear marriages apart if it's not money it's benevolence if it's not that it's attitudes if it's not attitudes it's family members and it's sad that people are allowing all of these things to come in and rip marriages apart and and you know i keep telling them there's always one group of people that nobody takes into account that's them little boys and girls running around your house they're always the unintended victims of grown-ups inability to work their problems out you got to make that work ecclesiastes 4 and 9 says that two are better than one two are better than one amen you got some people they made that decision i just i can't do it and they jump out and then they realize they made a mistake they realized they made a mistake and now they want to jump back in it but at that point people are tired of being disappointed that tired of being on that roller coaster with you and at least now they they sell and you can't do that two are better than one it's better it's better for you to give god your life give god your heart give him your marriage give him your attitude and pray and ask god look lord if if i'm wrong show me because can i tell you something ain't nobody always right ain't nobody always ask god what is it about me am i making this situation a lot harder than it has to be because according to the word of god it's not that hard to stay together it's not hard to please god husbands love your wives it's christ love the church that's a hard love that's a hard love wives submit to your own husbands as unto the lord that's a hard commandment for somebody that's used to doing everything on your own and being you know your own authority and now you've set up and paid your own bills for the last 20 years and now you got somebody saying let me do it and now you looking over his shoulder you so worried he gonna miss that light beer you can't even have no no first of all if you're that worried he probably not the one you should have been with if you can't submit to him then chances are he probably wasn't the one god had for you because the blessings of the lord make you rich it adds to you but it doesn't add sorrow so it's not hard being in the will of god it's not it's not hard he says just love your wives and and wives submit to your husbands if you do those things you can make this work yes you can now am i naive enough to believe that every marriage is going to work no but you have to make sure that at the end of the day that you did everything you could do to please the lord you have to make sure that you did everything if it don't work it just don't let it be on your account sometimes that's how people are people just decide they don't want you no more they just don't want you anymore and that's hard and you got some folks that still love them you still love him but he just don't want you no more that's hard but you got to make sure when you lift your hands that you lifting clean hands before the lord you got to make sure you did everything that god called you to do and if that's the decision somebody else want to make that's what they make but you got to do it god's way the enemy is trying his best to tear marriages and protect houses apart and it don't make sense even it don't make sense to see some of the stuff that's pulling people apart now all we do is argue you know what that means somebody needs to shut up all we do is argue well be quiet quiet i now i meant when you get home and the devil tried to bring that confusion and that division for this cause and it's a worthy cause standard it's a worthy husbands and wives impacting the world by raising a family leaving a legacy in this world that's a worthy cause but some people are messing it up they're messing it up they don't know that god has a plan even for marriage somebody didn't want to hear that tonight you wanted me to tell you [Applause] somebody wanted me to tell you to go get you another one that one ain't no good sometimes we ain't no good but they put up with us and if you're so convinced that god can do anything people come crying the doctor told me i got this and i i'm not ready that oh you ain't got to die you ain't got to accept that report whose report will you believe i believe the report of the law i know god can do anything god can heal your body god can raise you up god can make you a testimony and i believe he going to lift your hands right now and you mean to tell me you got that kind of faith for other people but when it comes down to the most important institution besides the church all our faith go out the window now we're looking around trying to find the next victim somebody got to do this right somebody got to do it right god is depending on you everybody's bound tonight maybe there's somebody in this sanctuary or maybe you're watching and you need god to come in and work a miracle for you let me say this tonight it doesn't have to be your marriage that you need god to work out you're dealing with something in your body maybe the enemy is fighting you in your mind maybe you need to be saved maybe you need to be filled with the holy ghost maybe you stand in need of a miracle and you need god to come through for you he'll do it he'll do it is there one tonight if so you can come now [Music] hallelujah this is a great night to get to know him you can come on are you here amen [Music] everybody's well tonight [Music] god bless you lift your hands and praise the lord come on i didn't say lift your hands lift him in praise and father in the name [Music] in jesus name hallelujah thank the lord god bless you take your seed amen i hope that message didn't scare you away from the altar i don't want nobody to think he talked about me no if you need prayer amen come on god is a faithful god amen faithful to his word faithful to his people i want you to stay encouraged amen i want you to be encouraged maybe there's some people here you're going through that trial and you just don't know what to do god will see you through that yes he will amen you don't throw everything away just because you run into some challenges you just have to have a mind to make it work and if you have a mind to make it work then god will certainly come in and take what you give him and use it to better the situation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 14,239
Rating: 4.9307089 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: XaKRqA71uCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 45sec (5925 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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