God Is Trying To Show You Off! | Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grace and peace family bishop marvin sapp and i would like to welcome you to the chosen vessel church we're excited to have you to be a part of our virtual experience i hope and pray that as you watch today that you are blessed not only through music but through ministry keep it locked why because we about to go to our worship experience already in progress praise the lord praise the lord everybody [Music] hallelujah [Music] hey [Music] [Music] come on [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] great jehovah even if you're at home share this live right now let everybody know that the chosen vessel is celebrating 101 years this morning is anybody glad about it listen upon this rock i'm going to build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it are we glad about that this morning come on tony let's go ahead and bless the lord this morning [Music] come on if you're here to bless great jehovah let me see your clap [Music] song says you are god and you're in control [Music] you are great i am [Music] things will change [Applause] things will change [Music] we'll change [Music] everybody put your hands together listen if you come to follow the name of jesus this morning i ought to hear a sound of worship in your strength [Music] he's [Music] [Music] i know things will change things will change can i get a witness this morning i won't stop blessing the lord [Music] with everything within us morning put your hands together come on if you've got the celebrations let me see you lift your head i'm gonna pray [Music] take my oh [Music] oh oh [Music] that is just so good to be here today i'd rather be here than newest hospital i'd rather be here giving god the praise happy birthday chosen vessel you know we are 101 years older thank you sister ebony we love the new songs because the lord says [Music] the bible says sing unto the lord a new song but there's some old songs [Music] that brought us over there some old songs that got us to where we are today and look at us all dressed up but there was a time when we were dressed up and we weren't dressed up on the inside and it took the light of the world to come and help us out come on and clap your hands if you came to have some church this sunday morning if you came to have churches don't get your mass muzzle your praise say oh yes [Applause] how can we do it like this all around us [Music] shine all around us is i'm not satisfied until i see you clap your hands come on y'all don't forgot to clap your hands like you're sanctified clap your sanctified hands come on shine on beautiful time here we go come on open your mouth jesus is jesus um he's the all over the world all over the world oh that's it one more time oh jesus she if anybody asks you you praise him like this tell him i'm praising him because he's been good to me he woke me up he's starting me on my way but and i got a reason anybody got a reason to pray [Music] [Music] because i feel them coming on some of y'all too dressed up don't don't let your clothes keep you from praising it look up the 9 year old and say hey i don't know about you but i got a reason to give it prayers watch me pray them [Music] it's double time praise him praise him in the morning praise him [Music] one more time [Music] all right let me stop playing with them they didn't come to have no church [Music] you've been better [Music] if i try [Music] everybody said lord [Music] [Music] [Music] chosen vessel everywhere if you're watching why don't you put this in the comment section [Music] [Music] so good to me that's it children [Music] [Music] has he been good to you somebody declared [Music] [Applause] [Music] think about it chosen show [Music] [Music] when i look over this audience and see so many people some of you were sick you had to hold it but you're able to come in here and lift your hands and give it praise and worship son so many ways so many times [Music] you've been better today think about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've been better than good to me wish god me [Applause] [Music] so good [Music] tell the person next to you i don't have time to testify about everything i've been through tell them say but what i want you to know today is that it's been better than better than better than better than [Music] [Applause] you've been so good lord everybody said come on [Music] me [Music] [Music] i know some of you the enemy has been torn in your mind but come on and declare your peace [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna tell you all think about it vessel yes sir [Music] get your hands up it's a sticker flip your hand to check i lived let's say it one more time come on [Music] [Music] [Music] just think about it vessel knowing knowing knowing no every time we've needed help throughout these 101 years the lord has favored us he never left us without a witness somebody who understands that declare your peace your gift [Music] through a lot of storms but this sunday morning it's a stick up i lived [Music] [Music] come on let's finish that's a good place to praise him amen that's it come on balcony lift your voice [Music] [Applause] those hands are giving praise this morning there you are you are the strength of mine y'all gotta help me give me praise you are you are [Music] [Music] the strength of mine [Music] you are you're the source of my you are you are the strength of mine strengthened my life now i lift my hands to [Music] one more time you are you are the source of my strength i wish i had some real help today and you are [Music] you are the strength of my [Music] i wish i had some folk that would lift their hands i lit my hands in total [Music] i need [Applause] [Laughter] does anybody need him this morning [Music] bless us now [Music] hey savior i need if you know you need it [Music] me [Music] us under bless us now um [Music] hey [Music] [Music] to be somebody look at somebody on your right or your left look at them and smile real fast i know they can't see you but you can smile through your mask and tell them hey there i said i need you to look at somebody just point in their direction and tell them i need him y'all still quiet i'm just going to ask you one more time to look at somebody on some side of you on your right or your left tell them say no some of y'all still looking at me put your preacher voice on i lead him [Music] hey take your seats if you can take your seats if you can take your seats if you can [Music] listen we got visitors in the house we got visitors in the house so so so let me just give y'all some information real quick [Music] just in case you didn't know we not the audience we the show and what we learned is if we show out he'll show up y'all looking at me strange look at somebody and tell them say i'm not the audience i am the show y'all ain't talking look at what more persons say neighbor i'm not the audience i am the show y'all ready just in case you didn't know i am not the audience but i am the show just in case you didn't know i'm not the audience but i'm in the show just in case you didn't know i am not the audience but i am the show just in case you didn't know so show up you show up show up so so [Music] [Music] just in case you didn't know we are not the audience but we are the show just in case we didn't know we are not the audience but we are the show just in case you didn't know we are not the audience but we are the show just in case you didn't know [Applause] he'll show up show [Music] [Music] come on couples hands together [Music] take your seats turn your attentions to the screen for this morning's announcements [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey chosen youth and parents the time has come for the chosen experience we're inviting all you 6 to 18 to come and be a part of our chosen youth worship experience starting at 11 a.m on sundays in our chosen youth sanctuary masks are required while in the building and temperatures will be checked upon entry virtual auditions for chosen vessels music and performing arts ministry are in progress we're looking for singers and praise dancers to serve here at chosen vessel you can submit your video to dr myron williams chosen vessel gmail.com or dr williams at thechosenvessel.org we interrupt our program to bring you this important message with more than 12 700 texans hospitalized with covet 19 this state is nearing its previous pandemic peak the highly transmissible delta variant of the corona virus is spreading rapidly in texas health experts emphasize vaccinating as many people as possible to curb the virus spread and 83 percent of texans are age 12 and older are thus eligible for the vaccine the cdc recommends people previously infected get vaccinated because scientists aren't sure how long immunity lasts for them and vaccinations further boost protection against covet 19. the sars covert ii infection is transmitted predominantly by respiratory droplets generated when people cough sneeze sing talk or breathe the cdc recommends community use of mass specifically non-valved multi-layered cloth masks to prevent the transmission of the sars covert tube masks are primarily intended to reduce the emission of virus-laden droplets which is especially relevant for asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic infected wearers who feel well and may be unaware of their infectiousness towards others and who are estimated to account for more than 50 percent of transmission masks also help to reduce the inhaling of these droplets by the wearer the community benefit of the masking for stars covert to control is due to the combination of these effects individual prevention benefit increases with increasing numbers of people using mass consistently and correctly [Music] hey remember there are many ways to stay connected to the ministry here at the chosen vessel be sure to join us for any of these virtual connection opportunities chosen vessel daily prayer call via conference line monday through friday from 6 a.m to 6 15 a.m central time by dialing 425-436-6200 and access code 497 pound tuesday night's pastoral bible study at 7 30 p.m via youtube and facebook and sunday school sunday mornings at 9 30 a.m via zoo for more information on any of these virtual connection opportunities just visit thechosenvessel.org [Music] amen amen amen amen govern yourselves accordingly as it pertains to all of our mornings announcements for those who are watching us via streaming want to challenge you all to begin to share share share because i'm telling y'all it's going up from here it is going up from here you ain't seen nothing yet so indeed i'm excited let me first just pause for a moment and say to the entire chosen vessel church happy 101 anniversary amen y'all come on y'all can do better than that 101 years come on come on y'all can clap you've been faithful you've been committed you've been dedicated for a hundred and one years my god my god yeah that's good that's good that's good right dude bless god that's god 101 years of successful ministry here in the dfw metroplex and it is just such a great honor to be a part of this celebration two years ago today two years ago today i stood in this pulpit for the first time as the new senior pastor of chosen vessel and what's so amazing is is that the person that i have the responsibility of succeeding has been nothing but an extreme support and faithful member you know sometimes when pastors when pastors when they retire they really don't retire they say they're in retirement but they come in and they cause they say they are helping but the truth of the matter is is that they come in and they cause disruptions i can't get no help in here because it begins to i'm not gonna say divine but what it does do is it you know people who are pastored or have been pastored by the former pastor you know they they don't latch on to the new pastor quickly and i'm i'm so very grateful that that has not been a problem here amen amen he is he has been my biggest supporter and always telling me that i'm doing an exceptional job and you know i was i was teasing somebody i was telling somebody i don't know i think because of covet i i call him uncle richard um but you know because of colvin he's just he's he's like look i'm enjoying my life marvin you ain't gonna worry about nothing here and i i tell people all the time i said you know what when i retire i want to retire like him because he knows how to retire we y'all y'all want to retire and still hang out at your job and all that kind of stuff uncle richard like look you know i can watch church on facebook you know i'm saved i've been saved for a very long time and i don't know no other way so me not coming to church on a sunday morning don't make me no less saved i get my church on facebook and youtube uh while i'm on the golf course okay y'all y'all laughing okay wait when when i retire i got listen i got that same anointing on my life uncle richard i really do i'm that's i got that same oil on my life they ain't gonna never see me either ever the next time they see me it'd be in the rapture i'm telling you right now that's it but i'm so very grateful that he is here with us today to help us celebrate i want y'all to put your hands together and celebrate our bishop emeritus richard young let's thank god for him come on y'all could do better than that let's love on this man of god amen and as i've always said as i've always said y'all can stay standing behind every great man there is a greater woman and i thank god for the woman of god that stands with him in ministry that's my ain't arlene come on let's bless god for her as well and while y'all still standing while y'all still standing uncle richard ain't arlene if y'all could just come up here for a moment please i want y'all to come up here for a minute if you could amen y'all y'all come on up because i you know uh y'all don't ask for nothing you can stay down there you can see i'll come down i'll come down i'm gonna ain't arlene don't be playing though i mean like she came to church come on now come on come on now you you know she sets the standard that's all i can tell y'all y'all don't never ask for nothing and i'm just so very i'm i'm blown away that y'all don't i mean you know you could but you don't you spent 30 i want to make sure i got the right years 30 34 years pastoring this church building it from nothing to to what it is today and the foundation that i have to build on is exceptional and i thank you so very much i i i don't i don't just say things because i don't believe in putting words in the atmosphere i i select what i'm supposed to say because death and life is is really in the power of your tongue and i'm saying it's whatever y'all need when y'all need it you know just a phone call away and i mean that i'm putting it in the atmosphere so everybody can hear me say it uh but we wanted to give you something just to say thank you all for everything that you do it ain't much i'm gonna be honest with you it's not much uh but but but i just gave you a blank check so you know whatever you need at any time if y'all need us for anything just know that we're here and that we love y'all for real though and i'm not just saying that i'm not just saying [Music] almost five years ago when you asked me i'll never forget you said to me marvin have you ever thought about leaving michigan i told you i don't know i never thought about it and uh when you told me you said marvin i really believe the lord is telling me you're supposed to succeed me i was like of all people in the world me you know i mean you you have connections to so many different gifted anointing even your sons and you know i know but i know what god is saying and i know the voice of the lord on this and i fought it i did and you know i fought it and uh but but i can honestly say this to you and i ain't gonna cry because i feel like it's coming if y'all know me y'all know me by now me coming here saved my life [Applause] it it it it it saved it saved me mentally it saved me spiritually and i i believe it saved me physically as well i haven't been this happy in a very long time [Applause] so thank you all for trusting me thank you for trusting me with with this vision thank you for trusting me with what you worked so hard for and i promise you i promise you i'm gonna make y'all proud every day i'm gonna do whatever it takes to make sure that when you all look at marvin sam as long as you are on this earth you'll be able to say that young man well that man was the right decision for us to make i love y'all come on let's put our hands together come on y'all can do better than that let's thank god for him save me i we did we did some we did some um y'all sit down i'm sorry y'all sit down we did we did some due diligence as it pertains to members of the church and i'm telling y'all i i you know me starting a church some 16 years ago back 18 years ago now me starting a church some 18 years ago i didn't know folks stayed in one church so long i didn't know that because you know my experience and i'm moving forward my experience pastoring uh how can i say this people are transient they don't they don't stay in one ministry for any amount of years you know the lord always speaking to them the lord is telling me my season is up here yeah you know that's just you got offended by something you feel like your gift is not being used the way it's supposed to be used and you made a decision to transition that wasn't god god doesn't plant and pluck it's in scripture my my resident theologian is here and uh i call him my resident theologian because whenever i have questions that's theologically based he knows i pick up the phone and i call him and ask him questions yeah but you know i see jesus only cursing and causing a tree to die that did not produce so if god plants he's not planning to pluck he's planning to establish and a part of growing catch this i am preaching and i might talk about this next sunday because i've been reading it's a part of growing is pruning you see some of us we we don't want to be pruned so when the pruning process comes about now god is telling us to move on he ain't telling you to go nowhere he telling you to sit there and receive the pruning but but we did some due diligence and i was blown away because we got a member of this church that has been a member of this church for 80 years 80 years [Music] deaconess ophelia rayford has been a member of the chosen vessel church 80 years [Music] deaconess rayford uh she's not with us today but but i i i can give timmy brian i got something for her and uh we we celebrating deaconess rayford for her 80 years deaconess rayford is chosen chosen vessels living legend amen yeah i said how she been in 80 years she's 88 years of age she came here when she was eight years old and she's not with us today she's not here but we gonna keep her absolutely positively in our prayers and we're gonna just keep her name before the lord if we can do that i greatly and greatly greatly greatly appreciate it i'm like 80 years like y'all kidding me 80 years at the same church can y'all imagine what she hadn't seen over these 80 years the shifts and the transitions the shocking things that has taken place in this church i don't know i don't know if i won't be a member of nothing for 80 years i'll be honest with y'all amen but you know but thank god for that in life amen amen past keith do i got anything else do i got one more i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good okay okay go get him trying to move as expeditiously as possible we in great time because i came to die y'all didn't get it y'all missed it i got up this morning with the mentality okay god i'm going to church to die so that i can be resurrected all over again in other words i stepped out of my house with a spirit of expectation i know god is going to speak and i know he's going to move leave me alone leave me alone j till i'm don't you mess with me right now cause i 101 years two years i got some my feet is light this morning i just leave me alone my feet is light light light light i brought a change of clothes in the back just in case i sweat out what i got on see y'all thought i was playing i i came to give him praise this morning but i i brought mine i i stacked the deck this morning i stacked it because i have two amazing gifts that i'm going to share in music ministry and in the preach word but before we move any further do y'all know what time it is y'all y'all too quiet y'all gotta let it let let them let the visitors know how we act during sea time say do you all know what time it is it's sea time in the house and here at the chosen festival there's a multiplicity of ways we plant seed into the kingdom of god but specifically there are four specific ways that we give and we give in four ways we give via giblify looking for the words and make sure you look for the words the chosen vessel cathedral look for the words the chosen vest cathedral we also give you a cash app that's cash sign tcbc ministries we also text the word we text the word give we text the word give to eight three three nine four eight nineteen eighty seven if you are giving cash or check in the sanctuary cash or check in the sanctuary i would that you would lift your hand up high lift it up high even as we speak we want to get an envelope in your hand our brothers servants are in the aisles even as we speak ushers in the aisles even as we speak thank god look at the men of god standing up seeding and sowing amen amen look at them in god passing out envelopes that's what i love look they they suited and booted praise the lord looking good amen if you need the envelope in the sanctuary uh we're going to make sure we get an envelope to you if you're giving if you're giving online make sure you give in all of those different ways i want to challenge you again to make sure you share share share make sure you share share share and uh if you're giving and you're going to put it in the mail you can send it to 4650 campus drive in the city of fort worth texas you can make it payable to tcbc and uh make sure that you google make sure that you google if you will the zip code i never give the zip code and the reason i never get the zip code because i really want you to do some due diligence and some investigating into the ministry in which you're seeding and sowing into i know without a shower down in my mind that this is exceptional ground this is great ground to seed and to sow into why because this is the house that favor is building favor is building this house god is doing some amazing things in the last few weeks i have been on sabbatical and people have fussed at me because i had been gone a little too long but i am home now and uh but y'all in trouble because while i was out uh when i go away i spend time talking to god and reading and writing things out and coming up with concepts and ideas not only for my own personal life because i believe that when you get away that god wants to restore you but i also came up with some things that i feel like it's time for us as a body of believers to execute here in the dfw and i'm just excited about where god is taking us as a ministry but i always say share always share always tell people that ministering is easy it doesn't take money to minister but it takes money to fund ministry the things that we're striving to do the things that we're trying to do the things that we are assigned to do from schools and to uh facility updates and upgrades and i don't know if you all have the opportunity to go into our youth sanctuary our youth sanctuary is state of the art i can't get no help of in here and the reason why we were able to do that is because of the gifts the gifts of those of you all who are seeding and sowing what a would a man rob god would a man rob god yes they would they rob in the thai the mishwa in the hebrew that word mishwa the hebrew is the tenth and it's imperatively important that we give god what belongs to him that which is holy that which is supposed to be set apart set aside i don't pay my tithe i give him his tithe oh god it's quiet here i'm by myself i don't pay my tithe i give him his tithe i give him what is holy i don't spend what is holy i don't i don't i don't use what is holy on my nails i don't use what is holy on my hair i don't use what is holy on my shoes y'all quiet i can't get no help here i don't use what's holy on my bag i take what's holy out of my bag and i seed it and i sow it into the kingdom of god because i've learned that if i give he's going to give it back to me good measure pressed down and shaking together and running over shall men god has somebody assigned god has somebody assigned somewhere whose responsibility catch this is to seed into my vision somebody somewhere is assigned but i have to make sure that i see them so first amen while you all are giving even as we speak i'm about to make this announcement i'm so very excited to have this young man here with us and uh my god how long have i known you we were you as a teenager you was a teenager because when you told me how old you was today i was kind of shook and shocked all at the same time but i used to go preach in baltimore for the d.c delaware and maryland council for the pentecost assemblies of the world and his father at that particular point in time was the bishop over that particular council and uh got the opportunity to connect to his family and and strangely enough his brother and my brother i'm his brother and i who are just about the same age at that point in time he was the council chairperson and uh connected to the family then and then after that when i was ready to retire from the music industry after starting a church and the church was going extremely well i had to do one more record and i contacted his amazingly gifted brother his twin actually and said i needed some songs and he sent me my favorite song and i know y'all don't know this i don't even know throw it at you and say go find your place of worship [Music] look into your pain and find your praise [Music] every little place in your life prepare you for your high place and every tear you cry was water for the heart and of your victory and even though you're in the valley victory comes to your adversity [Music] and find a place of worship [Music] my favorite song that he ever wrote for me and then he wrote another song that you all know cause i know don't nobody know that song but you know my soul is thirsty hands went up all over the place he wrote the song thirsty for me among other songs and i'm like wow this this boy is don't play that cuz i big down crying and i didn't know at that point the twin had a pen [Music] but what he has done in this music industry he's written some of the most unbelievable songs that y'all won't know in a few minutes if just case y'all didn't know who he was y'all gonna know after you get finished this stella award-winning grammy-nominated artist who happens to be a praise and worship leader extraordinaire snuck away from his church because i told my brother i needed him because he is the minister of music or the praise and worship leader he run it all he the music he myron let me just say that he myron he is the minister of music of the new birth church in the city of atlanta georgia under my covenant brothers leadership pastor jamal harrison bryant i want y'all to put your hands together for this amazing gift that's about to kill this place this morning y'all better act like y'all excited [Music] none other than jonathan nelson come on let's bless god for him now [Music] why he had to do all that singing before i got up i was telling bishop mckissick i said see he set me up he set me up um i am in a company of generals today my daddy's a preacher he said my dad has always said you're never going to another man's house without giving proper honor so some of you are sitting can you do me a favor can you rise to your feet not just a gospel artist but a great pastor leader friend brother can you help me celebrate bishop marvin seth hey y'all make some noise in the building come on raise it up come on chelsea vessel i love you big brother and to one of the coolest bishops when we were growing up in paw bishop richard young has always been one of the coolest it is such an honor to see you great man of god come on can we celebrate him everybody make some noise the lady young god bless you and to my other brother it's a family affair today bishop rudolph mckissick we honor you would you clap your hands dr myron l williams and to this great music staff i'm done talking i'm ready to celebrate anybody ready to celebrate today i know you got on your mask just not your name and say neighbor i like to introduce myself highlight man because some of them acting like they little sleepy look at your name one more time say neighbor i like to introduce myself tell them my name is victory anybody named victory in the building come on let's celebrate hey put your hands on it come on [Music] let's go old school let's rock just a little bit old-school sound come on everybody come on board work i don't see y'all come on i've got evidence here i've got her i've got [Music] [Applause] i am we honor all of the deacons and leaders here god bless you my name is victory if your name is [Applause] god i know i'm [Music] god everybody lift up your praise everybody victory what's your name even victoria victory everybody clap your hands and chase my name is a victory my name is a victory my name is victory my name is victory my name is [Music] everybody come up hey i need you to clap like we had an old school service come on grab your hand i got the ushers clapping come on everybody clap your hands come on [Music] this praise team good lord y'all singing this morning dr myron called me and said hey you gotta do the song there's a song the lord gave me about 20 years ago i think it just really speaks to the season where we are everybody has something on the inside of them when you were created you were created with purpose for purpose to fulfill purpose can you just tell somebody i'm carrying something i'm carrying something i'm carrying something now look at the same neighbors say it's time for you to manifest oh no no no y'all saying that cause i told you to say it i need you to think about that thing that you're carrying that book that ministry whatever it is tell them i'm carrying something now prophetically declare tell them it's time for you to manifest oh prophesy it's time for you to manifest glory to god hallelujah glory to god [Music] come on praise team help me say pregnant possibility said possibility [Music] to obtain it for it must come to pass [Music] let's prophesy to this atmosphere say i decree come on indeed and i call it in the spirit in the spirit [Music] what god's [Music] i want you to look at somebody look in the camera find somebody tell them tell them your future your future your your promises you don't have to worry about it it shall be fulfilled yes you you shall obtain it [Music] declared you got to hear it in the spirit declaring you gotta hear it in your spirit it's time for you to everything god's forgiving you i need everybody to declare that [Music] hey i see it now everybody say i have it declared [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody [Applause] [Music] man you know what to say right here you know what to say right here it's my miracle my [Music] way back in eternity me [Music] [Applause] [Music] say to me [Music] without [Music] [Music] did you know that you're [Music] i chosen [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] the yes variant and covet has troubled our faith our belief system is a little bit off but i'm still going to be what god has created [Music] and designed me to be it's interesting that the word speaks of us in our current present state it says you are completing him not you're going to be okay i wish i was in the right church it says you are i need you to get a confession in your mind and i need you to use it as a war against everything that has come up against us these last 18 months no matter what the circumstance no matter how you feel no matter what the circumstance no matter how you feel say yes i am [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] can you lift your hands up as high as you can i'm moving on one more time justin i am [Music] and for 30 seconds for real can you praise god on your i am [Music] can you praise god on what you just said i already am i said can you praise god on your i am somebody may need a miracle i am healed i am set free i am delivered i am blessed in the city and in the field i am with god [Music] i really do have to take my teeth i just need you to say as loud as you can one more time [Music] real fast and put a hallelujah on your lips like you know you already are bishop said take as much time but i'm not gonna do that i gotta keep it moving [Music] i'm not waiting i already am [Music] i am the manifestation of what he already spoke in the heavens i don't have to wait for it i already am when he created me i already was somebody say i already am i wish i had a real church in here i wish i had a real church in here say i i am i wish i had a church that would say i am i am i am i am [Music] [Music] make that your [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] him [Music] [Music] wow [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it's it's preaching time i am i'm so very grateful to god that i have and that i grew up in a family of all boys i don't have any sisters of my own i grew up with a family with all boys so i absolutely unequivocally understand how it is to be in a family with all boys i didn't get the opportunity to pick them they were selected for me sometimes i love them sometimes i don't but at the end of the day that not nobody tried to cross them [Applause] because they are my blood brothers however this gentleman that i'm about to present to you all and introduced to some is just as much of a brother as my blood brothers it's it's five of us in this covenant family that we have put together they're not here but he is and that's not a slight they all are pastors in their own right and i know they're watching cash i know y'all watching that's why i said it tony matthews in the city of denver colorado and the dmv he's the baby of the bunch then we have william murphy atlanta georgia he's sort of the baby of the bunch he's the most emotional of us all the middle child is jamal harrison bryant some about the middle children that's all i got to say then there's me then after me our eldest brother is here he's the one that keeps us all in line when we try to keep him in line believe it or not he's an only child doesn't have any other brothers or sisters he is the son of rudolph mckissick senior the pastor is an amazing church in jacksonville florida when i called my brother i said man listen it's our anniversary it's 101 years we gonna be in church i know y'all still doing virtual stuff but you know texas is a different animal will you come and be with me and without question he said yes i will leave my pulpit and i will come and be with my brother the old saints used to say uncle richard get your buckets out children cause it's gonna rain i'm telling y'all right now y'all ain't ready for what's about to happen [Music] but if you are sitting in anticipation and if you just as i as i introduce him and bring him to the podium just scream out loud quickly i need a word don't don't play with it now don't play with it i don't i don't know what you've been through this week and i'm i'm not going to tell you i'm not going to tell you about my life this week and and and the emotional things that i've gone through all week long but but i just need y'all just holler for me tell him say give him a word i don't i don't know what you need but i do know god's got it and if you have a spirit of anticipation and expectation i promise you you're not going to leave here the way we came don't worry about the time we'll be back on regular schedule next week pastor will be back next week and we gonna get out on time next week but we celebrating this week it's a party jay i'm next sunday i wish that everyone who can would stand to their feet even now and just put your hands together and let's bless god for my brother the honorable right reverend dr rudolph waldo mckissick jr consecrate me now to thy service lord by the power of grace divine let my soul look up with a steadfast hope my will be lost in thine draw me nearer near a blessed lord god i thank you for this day and for this sacred space not only for those who are on the scene but even those who are on the screen and now bless me as i seek [Music] to have conversations around my courageous convictions about calvary somebody needs a miracle today somebody didn't just come because it was church they're desperate so god today [Music] honor your word and honor this vessel as i submit to be used by you thank you for this incredible church that stands now more than a century thank you oh god for the leader upon whose shoulders my brother stands on you stood in this place for so many years thank you for my brother who now stands as the watchman in the tower [Music] holy ghost have your way yes do what only you can do in jesus name and if you love him and you're ready for a word shout amen i will bless the lord at all time god's praise will continually be in my mouth my soul will make her boast in the lord the humble will hear thereof and be glad oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt god's name together listen would you help me applaud appreciate and celebrate my brother beyond blood who i love to life bishop marvin sapp come on can y'all help me really this is my brother for real for real [Music] when i was a younger younger preacher i used to always flip through the religious channels and i would be very frustrated because i couldn't find anybody on the religious channels who wasn't preaching bubble gum sermons and then one day i stumbled upon this preacher i did not know but not only did i just like his style i liked what he was preaching and i kept waiting on the name to come across the screen i was a young preacher this preacher was preaching the unadulterated gospel this is a true story and then finally the name came across the screen and it said bishop richard young and i said one day i want to meet him would you help me honor today this incredible man of god you may take your seats bishop that's a true story that's a true story and i would look every week from that moment on to hear you not only preach but yank it every sunday and uh i am honored to be here and then my brother you know most times when guest preachers come they get real deep and solemn and they sit there deep like they're meditating on you know what they gonna preach you know when you come for family and then i'll be 56 in two weeks i'm not old but at 56 i ain't trying to impress nobody and i'm with family so today i just came to worship and have fun i wasn't trying to sit there jonathan nelson is a gift to the body of christ just like jason wrote for you jonathan didn't write for me but he honored me by letting us uh re-record one of his great songs that we were blessed to take all the way to number two you're in the right place at the right time he is my brother and i am thankful i i'm thankful for this moment of 100 plus years because i pastor a church that is 183 years old so i know about longevity my father pastored there for 48 years and just like bishop young he is still around but he's retired for real he doesn't try to get involved he just comes to church to do what members do to all the covenant brothers that are watching the cash app is because we know they're all watching to my wonderful beautiful and lovely and amazing wife she's watching this morning she is next year my wife of 30 years she is also the executive pastor of our church the saps are special to us my children think marvin sapp walks on water i don't know why but they think his children think i walk on water when i told my children i was coming to see uncle marvin this is the relationship they said to me are the kids gonna be there i said no but we ain't coming because that's just the relationship all of our children have and i want them to know i'm honored to be here sir on this church anniversary well come on let's go to work take your bibles or a copy of the word of the lord and go to the book of beginnings the book of genesis chapter 22. this band is just i don't really know what to say about y'all myron that's we'll talk later come on stand with me to honor the reading of god's word genesis 22 lord have mercy and i'm going to begin reading at verse 1. i won't read all of the verses because of time but i will read uh the ones that i think will give us the constitution of the context of our conversation genesis chapter 22 verse 1 sometime later god tested abraham he said to him abraham here i am he replied then god said take your son your only son whom you love isaac and go to the region of moriah sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain i will show you early the next morning abraham got up and loaded his donkey took with him two of his servants and his son isaac when he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering he set out for the place god had told him about on the third day abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance he said to his servants stay here with the donkey while i and the boy go over there we will worship and then we will come back to you abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son isaac and he himself carried the fire and the knife as the two of them went on together amen you may be seated in the presence of our god sometime later god tested abraham i want to preach this more it's a spirit so god with this thought in our minds god is trying to show you off god is trying to show you off many of you may be familiar with the saying of charles dickens from his great work a tale of two cities where charles dickens says it was the best of times it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness it was the epoch of belief it was the epoch of incredulity it was the season of light and the season of darkness it was the spring of hope it was the winter of despair what dickens is speaking there are not seasons that came after each other but seasons that were happening at the same time it is the language of what we call paradox that life what dickens was suggesting that life must be lived out in the existential understanding of the manifestation of paradoxes as you journey in other words it's not the best of times or the worst of times jesus but it's the best of times and the worst of times all at the same time what what dickens put before us is the reality that all of us live with unresolved polarities the sense of living with contradictions and that if we only speak of the blessings and the positive aspects of the christian life then we aren't embracing the whole truth we we have we have created this kind of uh polyanish faith where there are no struggles and no unanswered questions we have created more of a pep rally than we have a worship service where now the preacher is not challenging us and maturing us and stretching us but now the preacher stands up as the main cheerleader leading you in pep rally phrases to get you emotionally but not grow you existentially we live in this time now where the preacher only talks about things that will tickle the ear of those listening without helping them to understand that life is lived when it is authentic faith in seasons with glaring contradictions imma come get you don't worry it can be the best of times and the worst of times all at the same time it can be good and bad in the same season it can be light and darkness in the same season and the christian that is mature does not only live in the good times but the mature christian watch this knows how to live in the bad times as if they're still in the good times the real christian lives in such a faith that you really don't know which one they're in when you look at them they are in a bad time but shouting like it's a good time they are in a rough time but smiling like it's a bad time the mature christian doesn't just run to the good but they know how to balance the polarity of the paradoxes it's good and bad at the same time that's what happens in this story in in god commanding abraham to sacrifice his son listen yet promising that the covenant would continue through the same son he's got to sacrifice the best of times in the worst of times it's a test of abraham's faith the ability to live listen with the paradox of a promise given by god and then god seeming to go back on what god promised while trusting that god has not gone back on it preach rudolph mckissick it's the story of faith that has to affirm the promise of god while having to manage a problem that seems to wipe out the promise just one chapter earlier god assured abraham that it would be through isaac that the offspring would come to make the promise of chapter 12 come true where god told him i'm gonna make you a great nation and i'm going to make your name great and now it has taken all of these years and even at one point abraham tried to make it happen for himself i'm gonna help somebody and even when abraham tried to make it happen for himself the blessing marvin is that even when abraham messed up god never took his eyes off isaac that god kept on believing kept on telling him that isaac was coming and now isaac is born and after isaac is born god says now kill him god orders him to sacrifice the very son which then threatens the very promise god had just reaffirmed i'm just working through it for a minute god gives these instructions take your only begotten son whom you love and when you get to the top of the mountain sacrifice him get the picture god promises him a son gives him the son now asks for the son jesus um okay now let me put it on the road how do you deal with god's promises when god seems to force you into a reality that seems to be canceling the very promise god made jesus how do you manage when god seems to sabotage his own will in your life this is a test i'm coming to get somebody this is a test about being faithful to god when god seems to go against god self lord can you be faithful to god when it appears that god is no longer being faithful to you i know we don't like this kind of thing can you be faithful to god when the next command god gives you seems to contradict the promise god just told you and it looks like god is sabotaging the very thing he told you he had for you what do you what do you do that see that's why you have to establish your faith in the promise so that you are able to handle the challenges that come in the process because it is in the process where the enemy shows up y'all didn't get it because the enemy can't do anything about the promise because that's in god's hand so the enemy works on the process because that's in your hands because what you need to understand is that the will of god ain't automatic it takes your choosing it for it to come to pass so the enemy lets god make every promise he wants to make to you and the enemy doesn't get in your way of shouting over the promise because the enemy knows when you got to walk out the process he can put some stuff in your way that will make you want to quit make you start to doubt make you want to throw in the towel and if you don't know how to think with your faith you'll never be obedient with your life this is this is a lesson we need to hear because abraham just like abraham we get tested with paradox yo some of y'all looking at me like you're not feeling you you get promised peace but look like all you got is anxiety you you get promised prosperity but you can't pay your bills you get promised good in your marriage and now you're ready for divorce you get promised health but you can't stay out of the doctor for black folk we were promised it was the land of the free but we can't get free we were promised equality but all we get is disenfranchisement y'all can sit here and look at me like this but some of us in here know what it means to have the best of times and the worst of times and god make promises to you in his word and yet they have not come to pass yet [Music] it's interesting to me bishop young that we are never given a reason as to why abraham is tested by god and i've heard preachers try to be deep and profound and theological give their their rhema insight but god never says and the book never says why he really tested abraham and that's all right with me because the reality is few of us ever really know why god forces us to endure paradoxical and problematic predicaments god rarely tells you why you're going through what you're going through i know i know i'm talking to somebody else but i think i've discovered a possible answer um um rabbi mordecai kaplan um said that in jewish tradition i'm gonna help somebody a person listen is never trapped but they're always tested and that he said to me he said what we don't understand i'm going to come help somebody that is that what you think is a test is not is not a trap it's just a test now here's what he said marvin the word test in the jewish understanding has the terminology and the etymology and the understanding of a banner that is showing something off y'all didn't get it that in the jewish understanding the word test means there's a banner over your head and the person is showing you off on their behalf to tell everybody who you really are you come here y'all didn't get it you think you're being tested god said i'm just showing you off because i know you gonna pass the test i'm trying to help somebody when you get sick god's just showing you off when you can't pay your bills god's just showing you off when your children are acting crazy god's just showing you up let me get it to you job yes in the las vegas of heaven when god put job's name on the betting table and he told the devil do everything you want to do to him but i guarantee you he will not curse me he was just showing him up i'm coming to get you and he did everything he could to job and we missed what's in the text because what the devil said was he'll curse you to your face which means god he's going to say something out of his mouth that will show he really ain't faithful and after job did everything he could he sat around the table he pulled the led screen down in hell he caught all his hemps around the board room because it looked like job was getting ready to say something and he was saying i got him now i know what he gonna say but he didn't know god was just showing job off so when job opened up his mouth he said the lord giveth and the lord taketh away blessed i feel like preaching i wonder is there anybody in here who can just say god show me off i know i gotta go to the doctor but show me off i know i'm struggling with my bills but show me off i know i feel like i can't make it but show me off god do whatever you want to do to show me off that no matter what comes my way i will bless the lord head out [Music] i know you got a mask on but just nudge your neighbor and tell them god's just showing you off yes that was the wrong name but don't touch them cdc regulation just look at him and tell him god's just showing you off he's not punishing you he's not mad with you he's not judging you don't worry about what negroes say about you god is just showing you [Music] sit down if you if you got enough nerve throw your head back and just yell show me off god y'all ain't saying like your minute i want you to think about something you going through i want you to think about something you feel like you can't handle i want you to think about something people are judging you on and just throw your head back and just yell shout me off god sit down sit down sit i'm down to move on so show me also sit down sit down sit down let me show you in this text how you should respond to a off moments you shout out [Music] let me show you how you respond and show off moments so you don't mess up what god's trying to show off his first thing to texas taylor to teach us is that you've got to understand the powerful partnership of purpose and place the powerful partnership of purpose and place all right i'm in the text um let me say this there isn't a sign even if you don't know what it is yet um its potential is not canceled by your ignorance jesus okay i don't i don't mean i don't mean ignorant in a negative connotation i mean just by your lack of knowledge even if you don't know what your assignment is the potential of it is not cancelled by your ignorance of it there is an assignment in and for your life and with that assignment comes proper placement here what i'm about to tell you assignments always tied to a place look at the text abraham leave that place leave where you are and go to a mountain place i will show you jesus and sacrifice your son on that mountain place jesus um the assignment of your life and the purpose you were born to fulfill is tied to being in the right place you know what i'm telling you blessings are always tied to a place fulfillment is always tied to a place success is always tied to a place it is always a place that only god can direct you to be in you better hear me place matters there is always theology in geography preach boy yeah yeah yes place matters joseph had a vision but he had to get to a place for it to have manifestation jonah was instructed to go to a place called nineveh ruth had to leave moab and follow her mother-in-law naomi back to bethlehem where she met boaz place esther was raised by mordecai but when god got ready to bless her god moved her into the palace place your purpose has power when you are connected to the right place which means something sometimes a thing isn't working not because you aren't called to do it but because you're trying to do a right thing in the wrong place [Music] it might not be that you on call you just ain't called to be there it might not be that you want marriage material i'm getting in trouble it might be that you wasn't just called to be married there watch him watch it go to a place that i will tell you i will show you you're missing it go to a place go to the region of moriah god i love this go to a mountain in the region of moriah that i will show you as you go yo y'all missed it y'all y'all missed it i'm not gonna tell you which mountain when you start but i'm gonna tell you which mountain as you go y'all didn't get it yet because if i give it all to you when you start you might take the credit for it so i need to mature your faith in the process so i'm going to give you more as you go than i do when you start see that's some of our problems we want the signs and we want the conviction and we want the answers before we step out in faith but god says you around here talking about god do something and i'll move and god said move and i'll do something y'all didn't hear what i just said you you around here talking about god show me something and i'll go god says go and i'll show you something because god gives you more as you go sit down when you learn to trust god without having all the answers who am i talking to when you follow god's lead without totally clear instructions who who am i talking to god says go to the mountain i will show you you've got to understand it's tied to a place but then it's tied to god's manifesting as you go because being in the will of god ain't about knowing it's about trusting it's about trusting what god is up to see here's what i've discovered i'ma move on action is the ultimate test of your beliefs action is the ultimate test of your beliefs jesus that what we do is the measure of our convictions and the measure of our prayer let me tell you something you can measure your own beliefs by the behavior they motivate y'all didn't hear what i just said you can measure what your convictions are by the behavior they motivate i know what you believe not by what you say but i know what you believe based upon what you behave no matter what words you wrap it in it's tied to a place now it's gonna get dark and marvin i apologize early cause i know we see dc regulation but some folk might run and i apologize up front folk watching on the screen if you throw your phone i don't take care of insurance um because this the one that's for me um you've got to resolve to be resilient now now let me work it let me work it if it's worth it um i i i think abraham's greatness is his resilience i i i do not believe that he ignored the terror of his situation he does not ignore the pain or the uncertainty of of what he's ordered to do he just refuses to surrender to the pain and the fear he ain't he acting like he's okay with this he no he just refuses to surrender to what he ain't okay with jesus he refuses to allow the situation to undermine his faith in god and the promise god has made he refuses to abandon hope in the face of a bleak reality he refuses to wish away his challenging reality he ain't one of these praise the lord folk who act like they ain't going through nothing he knows clearly what he got to do but he's made a choice to deal with it and keep on trusting that see that's what resilience is when you can't change it but you refuse to let it change you preach boy when you can't walk away from it but you refuse to let it kill you when you cannot change the story but you can operate the sentences in the story it's resilience watch his resilience watch this oh it's about to get good watch this resilience watch this resilient he says in verse six this is about to get good um we're going to worship watch this and it says abraham took the wood jesus placed it on his son isaac carried the fire and carried the knife this is about to get real bad we're going to worship and the bible says going to worship he carried the wood carried the knife carried the fire come here come here we're going to worship he made his son carry the wood he carried the knife and he carried the fire y'all ready because sometimes you have to come to worship carrying things that could kill you i just i'm about to help somebody i'm about to help somebody every now and then your resilience is seen in what you're carrying but you still got the nerve to give god the worship do i have any witnesses sometimes you got to come to worship carrying stuff that's supposed to kill you carrying stuff that's supposed to cut you carrying stuff that's supposed to burn you carrying stuff that's supposed to weigh you down sometimes you've got to say god i like you i'm carrying some stuff but i'm still in work i'm trying not to get to it who am i talking to this morning who came in here carrying some stuff who came in here dealing with some stuff who came in here with some stuff but you know why you ought to shout because with everything you're carrying you still made it to worship with everything you're carrying you still giving god the praise look at three people and tell them i'm resilient like that you don't even know what i'm carrying you don't even know how rough it is you don't even know how dark it is but i am wrists [Music] [Music] what happens when god makes you carry stuff that could kill you [Music] so sometimes you got to carry things that have the potential to kill you or make you lose your mind i don't come on this ain't for the bad and bougie raindrop drop top i'm looking for the real folk i'm looking for the real folk who can say everything ain't good in my life i am carrying some stuff i am carrying some children i'm carrying a crazy spouse i'm carrying debt i can't afford i'm carrying cancer but in spite of everything i'm carrying i woke up this morning saying this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and i'm glad i came to find somebody who can say i'm rejoicing that with everything i'm carrying i still know how to worship i wish you would holler one time i'm resilient y'all ain't hollering i said holla one time i am resilient you're carrying some stuff that would have killed a lesser person you're carrying some stuff that made other people lose their mind you've got disease in your body stressed by weight stress by anxiety no money in the bank friends of you children are crazy spouse is a fool and god is making you carry it but you're carrying it with a smile you're carrying it with dignity and with everything you've been carrying you should have lost your mind in 2019 2020 you've been carrying covet been carrying covet family members and you've got the nerve to be in church giving god the praise because you're resilient [Music] i want you to look at something i'm about done i want you to look at somebody they can't see your mouth but i'ma tell you what to tell them so they'll know what you're saying look at him and tell him neighbor if you knew everything that i carried in here this morning you'd be shouting on my behalf now look back at him and tell him neighbor i'm going to shout on your behalf i don't even know what you carry it but the fact that you showed up this next holler is because with everything you're carrying you have the nerve to still come now hold up for your name i just heard this in the holy ghost i don't know why but god told me to tell everybody in here to shout next for bishop young and for bishop sapp because for years y'all have no idea the stuff they had to carry and still preach i need everybody in chosen vessel to just give god a praise real quick that for however many years bishop young carried some stuff but he stood here and preached and when cancer thought it had it he said i'll carry that too when cancer thought it would take him out he said i'll carry that too and when death thought it would take my brother out when he lost his beloved he said i'll carry that too i need you to holler for your bishops because they still preach even when they carry y'all ain't hollering i said holler because they preach carrying stuff they preach carrying burdens they preach carrying sickness they preach carrying children they preach carrying y'all for your pastor [Music] i'm about done sit down for real [Music] sit down y'all disobedient sit down i don't preach in front of folk a whole lot y'all better sit down yeah i'm a little pentecostal y'all better sit down he says he says we're going to worship and we will be back abraham go to a mountain i will show you and on that mountain kill your son abraham says y'all stay here can i pull over if i promise to keep the motor running because it's real deep to me that abraham teaches us us a lesson about relationships that you have the right to determine where you place people y'all didn't get it y'all stay here we going over there see the problem with some of y'all is y'all let folk intrude into your space but you got to be so confident in what god's doing that you got to know you got the right to tell some folks stay here you were with me before but stay here and don't worry i'll be back but until i come back you stay over i don't have time to preach that i don't have time to preach that one time he said sit down sit down sit down sit down abraham go to a mountain i will show you kill your son abraham turns around says y'all stay here the boy and i'm going to worship and we will be back [Music] see words jesus become things that enter the world through your mouth whatever that thing is you got to speak it through your mind i i don't want to tear this place up but i'll i'm gonna give everybody a prophetic license for about 25 seconds and i hope y'all don't tear the place up too bad i want you to think of something you are in jeopardy of losing jesus i want you to think of something you lost and it might not be something tangible it might be your joy it might be your smile it might be your confidence it might be your optimism but if you know something has been taken from you this ain't for everybody but it's for somebody i dare you to stand up and yell one time it will be back i don't know i don't know what i don't know who that's for my joy will be back my peace will be back my mind will be back i just heard this in the holy ghost somebody ought to say that for your child you haven't seen them in three months you ought to holla my son will be back my daughter will be back my grandchild will be back my money will be back not fear and especially after this pandemic my business will be back everything i lost it will [Music] i'm done his last thing and i'm gonna keep you too long [Music] so now [Music] his last thing i want to tell you um new perspectives always bring new possibilities and i'm done we all know the story marvin but i found something very interesting i found a very interesting tidbit when i went to a zoology book and not a theology book um zoology study of animals i i went to a zoology book um and i found this this tidbit i didn't know about um that made this come alive for me even more we know how the story ends i'm not preaching the whole thing he gets isaac on the altar lights fire gets the knife up and just as he's about to bring the knife down the angel says hold up don't harm the boy now i know that you trust me and the book says he looked up and saw a ram caught in the thicket um hold on hold on he he he saw a ram caught in the thicket um there are two things i discovered i i i went to zoology and then i went to a horticultural book because thickets are like bushes and bishop young i discovered something about thickets and rams that flipped this story on its head for me um thickets don't grow on mountain tops thickets are at the bottom of the mountain hold on don't shout yet and then i discovered in zoological information rams are never on the top of mountains they run on the side of mountains and at the bottom of the mountain because they are not physiologically or anatomically built to handle high altitudes y'all y'all gonna get this in a minute they they will collapse and die if they go too high up y'all didn't get it yet abraham never should have been able to have a ram or a thicket on the top of a mountain here i go so what you should see on the bottom god lets you see on the top y'all didn't get it y'all didn't shout y'all didn't y'all y'all didn't shout can i tell you today you're not abraham and you're not isaac some of y'all are ram and some of y'all are thicket because when you should be on the bottom god has put you all the way on the top y'all didn't see me coming who am i talking to life should have had you on the bottom circumstances should have had you on the bottom but god took you from the bottom and took you all the way to the top one of my favorite theologians james cohn said that god is a bottom-up god that god don't bless from the top down god bless us from the bottom up and i came to prophesy to somebody things are about to reverse on your behalf god's about to flip the script and do some stuff for you that should be on the bottom but it's all the way on the top and when folk look at you and ask you how you made it you gonna go hip-hop on them and get them started from the bottom now i'm here and when that negro comes back to you because now they want to be around you you're going to tell them back then you didn't want me now i'm going to top you all up on me because god's got a way of taking you from the bottom and taking you to the top is there anybody in here who can say i was on the bottom but the lord took me to the top i was the least of these but god made me the best of these give your neighbor an air high five and tell a neighbor you should have seen me when i was on the bottom but god yes took me from the bottom and took me all the way to the top i'm done the bible says abraham stalk that ram in the thicket because he looked up the ram had been there he never saw it because he had his eyes down see when you got your eyes on your problem you'll never see your possibility looking you in the face but if you look up you'll see what god has for you look up real quick and see your joy look up real quick and see your praise look up real quick and see your peace i'm done y'all he goes to mount moriah moriah means more he goes to the mountain of more but he doesn't come back with more as a matter of fact he comes back with less than he had when he went up when he went up he had a son when he went up he had fire when he went up yes he had wood when he went up he had a knife now isaac ain't dead he just didn't come back with him he goes yes to the mountain of more but doesn't come back with more than he had i said god i need you to help me close this server he said mckissick tell them sometimes you lose some stuff along the way but you ought to shout that you still got you sometimes your shout is not that you have more but every now and then you got to tell god god i thank you that i am maintaining i'm maintaining my joy of maintaining my peace i'm maintaining my mind and i i i got to get out of here but is there anybody in here that can help me close this serpent and say god i thank you that i'm maintaining me i've lost some stuff in this pandemic but i i i still got my mind i still got my peace i still because with everything that i lost god help me keep me is there anybody who can stand on your feet and just testify that god will help you keep yourself god will help you keep your mind god will help you keep your sanity won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it won't he fight your battles won't he make your enemies your footstool won't he give you joy and sorrow won't he give you hope for tomorrow won't he dry your tears won't he want [Music] he's keeping me because i know he's sustaining me i've got to give him glory because he's holding me because [Music] i gotta feel it if i'm faithful over a few things he will make me ruler over many so have that your name and tell a neighbor keep on trusting keep on believing because god specializes in doing great things on mountains that was the wrong neighbor so turn turn to somebody and tell a neighbor god does great things on mountains because one day on a hill called calvary they hung him high they stretched him wide he hung his head [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can say let the weak say i am strong let the power say i am weak your neighbor and tell a neighbor [Music] throw your hand back and say mom [Music] come on look at five people that tell them more is coming more is coming more joy our peace [Applause] [Music] [Music] sometimes i'm not abraham sometimes i'm the ram watch this and god took me to the top to be a blessing to somebody else [Music] i'm a living witness god will sustain and maintain [Music] give you more let me testify that i'm asked to do something just keep standing i had prostate cancer about 13 years ago now and it was in stage one so they did the robotic surgery to take it out then two years before that i'm a walking testimony they did a 12-hour spinal fusion on me six hours on my vertical spine six hours on my thoracic spine i was on life support for about 48 hours because i had swollen up so bad that i couldn't breathe prostate cancer trouble fusion after the fusion surgery because to get to your thoracic spine i've got a big scar right here and then to get to that spine they have to ply your vocal cords out of the way now what you don't know is that my undergrad degree is in opera all i've ever known is my voice that's that's all i've ever known i i had nothing but a voice after about four months after the surgery i had no voice and we couldn't figure out why went to a doctor they put a camera down my nose and down and put it on the screen they said say your vowels well i'm a vocal major so i know your vocal chords are supposed to meet in the middle and when they meet in the middle that's when you make the noise the sound so jonathan my left one moved but my right one didn't they said do it again left one move right one did the doctor looked my wife and i on the phrase and was like you have an earned doctorate i said i do he said well you better start to write for academia i said why he said your vocal cord is paralyzed i said fix it he said no you don't understand once it's paralyzed it cannot be fixed he said you'll never preach or sing again [Music] i was the example of this sermon god how do you give me the instrument of my purpose and then take it [Music] i was depressed i was suicidal my wife put me in the car one day and said hey let's take a drive and i said all right we pulled up and i recognized where we were we were at a doctor who had taken my tonsils out some years before and i said kim why are we here i don't want to deal with this she said i'd have already talked to him let's just go in there and see he said to me he's a foreigner he said i can fix you in 25 minutes i said sir i went to mayo you can't do that he said oh no he said i used to do this on opera majors opera singers i know tricks american doctors don't know he said i'm gonna take some fatty tissue from your stomach make a muscle out of it put it on your vocal cord i'm done how many of y'all know everything you need to fix you is already inside you i don't i don't have time to preach that i do not have time to preach that you around here trying to find stuff outside you to fix you but god told me to tell you everything you need to fix you it's already inside [Music] come on just touch yourself and say it's in me it's in me i don't need no negro i don't need no digress i don't need no money i don't need no connection i don't need no title i don't need no position everything god needs to fix me is already he fixed me and here i am people ask me why you do all that modulating because before i lost my voice and marvin knows this i was a baritone and i had one key d flat that's all i had but when i got it back jesus i got it back stronger than it was before i lost it so god gave me more than i had before it got cut so every time i go higher i'm reminding the devil that what you took not only did i get it back but i got it back greater than it's ever been i came to make an announcement whatever's been cut whatever you've lost whatever's going away god's about to do surgery in your life and when you get it back it's going to be greater than it's ever been more powerful than it's ever been now shout in advance that more is coming i look in advance that more is coming screaming advanced that more risk of it wave your hands in advance [Music] [Music] i [Music] before i lost before i lost my voice bishop young when i would preach i would get hoarse with one key before i lost my voice i would get hoarse after preaching but when i got it back not only did i have more power and it could go higher i never get hoarse i'm done here's what i want to tell you when god gives it back to you some of the struggles you went through before you're never gonna go through it again i'm not jonathan but i came to tell somebody the struggle is over god said you're never gonna struggle again in that area of your life when it comes back it's gonna be [Music] here's what i want to do hey can y'all play the struggle is over i'm gonna try to sing a jonathan in here y'all just play the struggle is over for me abraham did not sacrifice his son but he did give a sacrifice did you hear what i just said abraham did not sacrifice his son but he did make a sacrifice [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] abraham didn't sacrifice his son but he did make a sacrifice i'm talking to everybody on the screen as well he made a sacrifice i want everybody to get an again seed in your hand listen to me carefully what does it again see you've already sown seed but this is the again seed that god this word was what i needed and this is a tangible expression of my faith and everything i thought i was gonna lose i'm gonna get it back [Music] and when i get it back it's gonna be greater than it ever was and again see [Music] here's what i want you to do and i'm done i'll let jonathan take it i want everybody you know every giving platform if you're watching on the screen i know it's on the screen for you i want everybody to get a 120 seed in your hand everybody everybody bishop that's a stretch that's why they call it a sacrifice i want everybody to get a 120 seed either in your hand or on your phone in your hand or on your phone this seed is the tangible expression of your faith that god's gonna maintain me until i get more come on i want everybody to get everybody to get it so it in one of those four if you're watching me online today sow it in one of these four this is the tangible expression that when i get it back it's gonna be greater than it ever was and the things i thought i was gonna have to lose god said i'm gonna let you keep it this seed is saying god every promise you've made to me no matter how rough the struggle is in the process it will come to pass everybody everybody get 120 c 120 a bishop if they're going to do cash but it would have enveloped it okay put your hand up if you're going to do cash i see a couple of hands but most of us we're going we're gonna do we're gonna go digital i see a couple of hands over here see a hand down front bishop is like me i'm old school everybody else i want you to sow it right now this is my again see that the promise of god this is your isaac seed that everything god promised to me it's going to come this is your isaac seed if you if you're on cash out put in the memo isaac seed this is your isaac seed everything god promised to me it's going to come to pass and the struggle will be over i'm i'm done i'm done god bless you god [Music] if you need an envelope lift your hand up i want to get an envelope in your hand so that you won't miss this moment if you're giving electronically just wave your phone at me if you give it electronically i'm telling y'all i'm i'm hallelujah i'm not i'm not abraham i'm i'm not isaac i'm either the thicket or i'm the ram [Music] i'm that which god has promised that he was going to do because i manifested what i wanted even though god spoke to me what he desired god that's powerful room that's my god you can give just give hallelujah i want to do something and i don't want to rush it but we want to do something we haven't taken we haven't taken communion together as a family of faith in a moment and even though i'm not in my episcopal garb i want us to take communion together collectively amen your struggle is over let's all get in position so that we can come together collectively does everyone have their communion cups already i need mine if i could i would that everyone would stand in reverence to that which we are about to do as a family i thought that this would be the proper time for us as a family of faith to take his body and his blood there are people that have their hands lifted if we have some individuals that can pass out communion i greatly appreciate it thank you so much for this it was during the passover season when jesus was preparing to go to calvary for the purpose of redeeming lost man back to god the father the jesus who had selected 12 men whose responsibility was to master the master that he takes this moment to seed and or to pour into these 12 individuals for the last time it was also a time when jesus knew that he was going to be betrayed into his destiny however jesus when he shows up and the passover feasts is prepared and it is ready jesus wanted to describe to the 12 individuals that he had selected what it was that he was about to endure in order for him to successfully describe it scripture declares that he looks on the table and he decides to use what was on the table to illustrate that which he was about to endure the bible says that on the table was bread and wine he looks at the bread the bible says he blesses it and breaks it and he makes a declaration he tells the apostles this is my body and he says as much as you do this do this in remembrance of me he looks at the wine and when he looks at the wind he makes another bold statement he says this is my blood but then he goes forward and even goes a little deeper he says this is the new covenant or rather the new testament he begins to share with him that in so many words because of the simple fact that he was about to be offered up that because of his sacrifice that there was going to be no more need for turtle dogs no more need for rams or pigeons no more need for any animal to be offered up as a sacrifice why because he was the propitiation that was necessary and that was needed he was the atoning factor he was the ransom that was definitely necessary and needed to bridge lost man back to god the father that's why the veil was rent because before we could not have access to god a priest had to offer atonement on our behalf with the cause of the sacrifice of jesus christ each and every one of us can boldly go to the throne of grace and we can offer up our own sacrament i'm so glad i'm so glad no disrespect but i'm so glad i don't need a negro to go before god for me i don't need an individual to stand in his presence for me and i feel like david every time i come in here i know i'm not worthy i know i'm not supposed to be able to walk into this place but i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and i know i'm not the only one today that's glad because the truth of the matter is that none of us deserves to be in here today all of us have sinned and all of us have come short of his glory but gratefully gratefully we come here in appreciation so so even though many folks try to make as if that which we are about to do as a type and a shadow i want you to understand that you're not holding an artificial god you're not holding a type you're not holding a shadow but you are holding on to the life the breath [Music] the existence of the god of your salvation you you got his body in your hand you you got his blood in your hand and i don't know i'm i'm not trying to push you or pump you or anything but but but you do understand that you're holding on to power god i wish i had some help here the songwriter says that there is power in the blood some of you all don't even understand right now that you're holding on to your healing that you're holding on to your deliverance that you're holding on to your breakthrough and as you take it into yourself that healing miracles signs and wonders are going to manifest in your life it's going to happen i will that you would just holler that out loud say it's gonna happen for me now some of y'all ain't saying it like you mean it i would that you would say something say it one more time say it's gonna happen for me now i'm going to pray and when i get through praying i want us all to say the lord's prayer together and then when we say the lord's prayer together i want you all to take his body and i want you to take his blood father we thank you we give you glory we honor you for this day we praise you for this opportunity we thank you for this time we thank you for these your people now god we pray that as we go forward and we take that sacrifice that you made over 2000 years ago look at that we don't do this with ignorance or with lack of understanding the lord we're gone we do it with an understanding of who you are in our lives we recognize there's power in the blood there's healing in the blood there's deliverance in the blood lord god there's salvation in the blood now bless us make us a blessing encourage us keep us encouraged strengthen us through this in jesus name we pray our father who art in heaven thy kingdom come uh yes [Music] and lead us not into temptation but deliver us some evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever amen [Music] [Music] hallelujah and it flows to the lowest to the lowest valley [Music] oh yes the blood that gives me strength why don't y'all help me sing it from day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah sing it one more time yay i said it retails [Applause] [Music] all the way down [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wish i would sing it with me and i never lose [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm grateful to know today that it will never lose i tried him and i knew him i [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm the reaper [Music] uh by your hands father we thank you we give you glory now as we leave this place but not your presence cover us protect us love on us live in us build us from this moment on we thank you and give you praise honor and glory in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah well family you know what we're out of time but we're not out of message and we're absolutely not out of music nor ministry prayerfully hopefully you've enjoyed what you've experienced today log back on again watch our rebroadcast and remember this that the rest of your days gonna be the best of your days i promise you in jesus name we pray grace and feast you
Channel: The Chosen Vessel Cathedral
Views: 2,183
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Id: VdPylz0DRv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 15sec (10995 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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