FGHT Dallas: Marriage Maintenance

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thank you [Music] [Music] is when my heart was broken [Music] is who you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh come on you got some time put those put those hands together come on [Music] [Music] i know oh [Music] who you are [Music] [Music] with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody put those hands together and give god some praise in the house of god oh come on come on clap your hands clap clap your hands thank you jesus but certainly our god is it to be praised while you're standing help me thank god for that testimony tonight amen we certainly enjoyed sister courtney and let's thank god for evangelist freeman tonight amen i tell you we certainly enjoyed let the redeemed of the lord say so god bless you take your seed in his presence tonight what a fellowship what a joy divine i'm just grateful to be in the house of the lord one more time even i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i'm not here because i got to be here i'm here because i get to be here amen it's a privilege to be able to walk through those that every time we get a chance amen we ought to enter these gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise amen i'm just blessed and privileged to be a part of the body of christ amen and this particular part of the vineyard amen i'm i'm glad to be a man a member for gospel holy temple yes i am amen i'm honored amen that god chose me a man to operate in this part of the of the vineyard amen and i know that god's got people all over the world amen that doing what it is he called them to do and i'm gonna do what he called me to do he man and i'm glad he called me to do it right here i think about it so often amen i am tremendously blessed i tell people everywhere i go amen i think i pastored the greatest group of people that god could have ever given amen to me the pastor and i appreciate each and every one of you all amen i'm thankful for the opportunity event to grow together amen and i tell you it is a wonderful thing to be able to come amen night after night and see you and to experience the lord together amen to grow together to to study the word and to amen to see god just root people and ground people amen and make them strong and stable children of god that's what it's going to take in this last day hour amen if you're going to make it you got to be strong and stable amen not wishy-washy like the bible said like like the waves of the sea you got people like that amen they don't know what to believe even every video pop up on youtube they change and they hold doctrine amen well i believe this i saw on youtube somebody said this listen you got to be strong and stable enough amen to know the word of god for yourself even people can make one good point on youtube and a thousand bad points and you let that one good point blow your mind now you second guessing everything you don't no no no you got to be strong and stable in this hour amen he said you can't be like the waves of the sea you know waves come in and out they just all day long you stand there they coming in they going out coming in and that's the way some people are amen they just they don't know what to believe they're they're strong and then they weak they strong and then they weak hey man they shout and then they doubtful they shouting it listen the bible says that kind of person ain't getting nothing from god amen but i'm grateful amen that god's got people that know the word amen and you can't fool people that know the word of god amen you can't trick them and bamboozle them and hoodwinker man amen no when you know the word amen the bible said if you know your god you can be strong amen and you can do exploits and i know amen that you're a people of the word aren't you well look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord ame and i am a lover of the word of our god i love the word you love it i got mine tonight come on hold your power up in the air thank god because everything else is going down but what but the word of our god and you know i still get excited about the word amen i get excited it's not just about preaching it i love to hear other people preaching amen i get excited about the word of the lord amen the book of colossians colossians the third amen chapter amen colossians the third chapter right behind philippians and savior amen sometime colossians chapter number three amen and let's consider the 12th through the 19th verses is that all right i told y'all to come on back amen colossians chapter number three verses 12 13 14 15 16. 17 18 and 19. now we talked last week amen about for this cause the bible said a man must leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh we we love the concept of the cleaving amen but some of us haven't really mastered the leaving yet man you know you you still got mama's boys and and and and matt and listen i you always love your mama amen but at some point in your life you got to grow up at some point in your life you you got to be a man amen you gotta make some decisions amen and you gotta be willing to deal with the consequences of those decisions that's what that's what being grown and mature is all about amen you have to you have to make some decisions there's some tough ones sometimes but that's what it means amen when you grow and you mature amen we got the the the cleaving but some of us hadn't come yet to the place where we where we where we've mastered the leaving amen so we're sort of here but then we're sort of over there too amen we're ready for this but we're really not ready to let that go we love being comfortable we love amen being in a place where everything is familiar but marriage is a totally different situation and i tell people that when they come for pre-marital counseling i tell them this is something completely new this is something that has never existed before the two of you have never been married this has never been a family before so when you get married you are literally creating something that has never existed and sometimes amen sometimes it's it's more difficult than people really really uh uh think that it's going to be not that marriage is something to be dreaded because you know you listen to some people and you wonder why in the world would anybody get married the way they talk about marriage girl your life's gonna get cut off y'all y'all gonna be almost put out the house and it's gonna happen time and time again y'all gonna be at each other's throats no that's them that don't have to be your story and stop listening to folks hey man that's already confessing they got a bad marriage every time i looked around we was at each other's thoughts just always argue always that each other's throat and i'm telling you you're going to be the same way it don't have to be that way amen but now they're going to be some things that that that that you don't agree on amen they're going to be some things that that that you just don't do alike you're two individuals trying to take two lives and like they smush them together and make one life out of two two different backgrounds maybe you had two parents she had one parent uh maybe she had to work early you didn't have to work early uh to make a living all of these things come into play so when you come together you're not gonna all the time see everything just alike but you learn how to work through this stuff amen you learn how to deal with it to engage with one another for the betterment and the furthering of the family but they just i mean nowadays it's just so easy to tuck your tail and just run and you've got a whole lot of men and a whole lot of women too running amen every time something happening you all can't agree on which hamburger helper to cook tonight you just argue are you running back to your mama listen at some point you have to stay and stick that out boy y'all don't get quiet now amen it's so easy now because this generation has been taught amen through their experiences and they were wrong experiences you ain't got to stay god wants you to be happy that that's what people tell you now that that's their excuse to jump in and out of different marriages god wants you to be happy god wants you to be saved and in order for you to be saved you're gonna have to do things the way god or now i'm telling y'all y'all look like you want to look we gonna talk about this word tonight amen because people now are just teleport oh girl go get you another one no don't do that you messed up two or three of them already and you on the prowl no no we rounded ten or four god can hear you of aids and heal you of cancer well if he can do all of that can he keep you together amen we walk in contradictions oh honey just pray is there anything too hard for god and we love now there ain't nothing too hard for god pastor i just can't do this no more i'm gonna ask y'all to ask you is there anything too hard for god i believe god can can grow your finger back boy y'all got all them to how many of y'all believe that i believe god can can regrow teeth you you sit in that bed 75 years old and you believe you're gonna start teething again i believe god can do it i believe god can feel my cavities he he he's that kind of god he can do anything but then you come back i can't do this no more now either he can do it all or he can so we got to decide amen are we going to start trusting god to do what we need him to do or are we going to continue to lean to our own understanding amen we got options there's only one option that's going to turn out the right way you can do a whole bunch of stuff but if you want it to turn out right you have to do it god's way look at somebody just let them do it god's way colossians 3 and 12 when you have it say amen read what the bible says put on therefore put on therefore as the elect of god holy and beloved holy and blood bowels of mercy owls of mercy kindness humbleness of mind meekness meekness long-suffering forbearing forbearing one another one another and forgiving one another and forgiving boy that's a that's a tall order ain't it forgiving one another keep that in your mind for giving one another because people now want you to talk to them and we need counseling and you come and talk for three hours and then at the end of the session i'm sorry i'm just finding it hard to forgive well if you don't say that at the end you could have said that at the beginning and save me three hours amen i just he said you ought to forgive one another we pray the lord's prayer and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors but then we find it hard to forgive because people have disappointed us and we feel so let down we feel like we need some kind of justification for us acting the way we act and feeling the way we feel so we hold on to offenses we don't want to forgive nobody because if i forgive them that means i got to let it go and if i let it go that means i can't roll my eyes when they walk by so you got people they feel like you hurt them real bad so they want you to know how bad it was by how they treat you as a result of what you did and so they're not ready to let it go yet because they haven't treated you bad enough yet for you to know how bad your offense was to them so they need to keep this thing going until they feel better about themselves because it's hard to forgive people and move on when you just trying to hold on to the offense and you got some people now you could have been over this three weeks ago but you just ain't got all your vendetta out yet don't you have a reason to have an attitude what you want to eat today we ain't got number chicken so i mean really ain't no option so just you could have just cooked the chicken you didn't have to talk to me about this your attitude sting you need a whooping forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any if you got to call against anybody even as christ forgave you so also do ye and above all these things put on charity love which is the bond of perfectness and let the peace of god rule in your heart let the peace of god rule in your heart to which also you're called in one body and be ye thankful let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart to the lord and whatsoever ye do in word or deed do all in the name of the lord jesus giving that having a bad day can't get along just grab each other hand and start singing to him you say you ain't trying to sing to him when you're angry that may help you get over some stuff amen psalms hymns and spiritual songs read and whatsoever he do in word or deeds and where did he do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god and the father by him read wives submit yourselves unto you again it really is in the bible that the wife have to submit why are y'all smiling and laughing y'all oh read that again wives he's talking to you if you're married he's talking to you submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the lord husbands husbands love your wives love your wives and be not bitter against them so we're going to deal with some bitter husbands tonight too because women ain't the only ones that can have an attitude amen just because you ain't rolling your eyes don't mean you don't have a bad attitude amen you can stare and be stinking your attitude amen so he says there's some things we got to do he's talking to us now and you've got people that are willing to get along with with with people that they don't have a covenant with you got people they they they value when they treasure the people in the church and that's wonderful to do that hey man but now if you're going to nurture and repair any relationship shouldn't it be the relationship between the husband and the wife you got folks under the bible said if i got an offer and and my brother got ought against me leave my offering on the altar and go and get it right with my brother i just come to ask you to forget you can ask everybody else to forgive you and get it right with everybody i just don't want to go to hell i don't want this one thing to keep me out of the kingdom but then you come right home and you got people that don't even talk amen what is this all about it is the enemy trying to destroy destroy marriages destroy covenants and what i want to talk about tonight is marriage maintenance because it's one thing to get married but just like everything else you do you got to maintain it amen you get a new car you you got to every now an advent and some of you need to remember amen those lights are not supposed to be flashing on your uh dashboard amen if you got two and three and four and five lights flashing in your car you're not gonna have a car sooner or later that means there's maintenance that needs to be done and sometimes in marriage we got red lights flashing that don't mean get out that means there's maintenance that needs to be done you're all like come on that don't mean take your car to the junkyard just go get your changed and get that repaired why y'all getting quiet but we so quick to junk our marriages boy there's gonna be a long one tonight i mean ain't no thank you because ain't nobody else saying nothing but you amen you you don't you don't junk marriages just because red lights are flashing maintain it do some marriage maintenance everybody say marriage maintenance we talked last week about what these responsibilities are uh when we get married the husband and the wife have respected responsibilities and they're outlined in the word of god that's the reason why i believe that before a person gets married they've got to go to the word of god go to your bible and find out what a man is supposed to do in a man what a woman is supposed to do in a marriage amen you've got people jumping in they have no clue amen all they know is i can do some stuff and not go to hell now and so that's all they want amen they jumping but they never think about the real responsibilities that come along with marriage and there are a lot of responsibilities that come along with marriage and i had no idea last week the response i was gonna get from that one sermon i mean people literally called me from all over this country oh that was it and you and one woman told me she said you got to talk about all this submitting stuff my husband was in the house i went to the bedroom and turned the phone down because i said no you can't hear this you know he don't need to hear this kind of stuff because but you know the thing about it is it's worth talking about and i just believe that if it's in the scriptures somebody got to preach this amen if god was gracious enough to give it to us and paul was bold enough to write it down then we got to be bold enough to preach this stuff amen because obviously it's god could have told us anything but this is a part of what he told us so obviously this is what he wants us to know so let's deal with this stuff amen because it doesn't make sense what's happening now in these last and closing and in these final hours of time the way things are going the way people amen are now violating the covenants of god amen god is going to record with us after a while so it's worth talking about because if we're going to do it let's do it right hey man if people are gonna get married hey man let's put it out there amen like my friend say put it down there where the goats can get it hey man let's make it plain let's put it out there so that everybody understands that when i jump into this situation amen i know what i'm getting into and i know what it is god requires of me now that i am here it cannot be that you got two saved people living in one house amen and they're just enemies and like ships passing in the night amen you've got folk everybody's speaking in tongues you got people running and dancing he meant all in the floor and then go home amen and can't even get along with each other and we think that this is god's will amen at some point you got to stop all that shouting amen and go and if you value reconciliation with your brother amen then surely you've got the value reconciliation with your husband to say amen that's why i told you last week hey man don't do stuff other people amen that you won't do to preserve your own house hey man you cooking other folk food listen hey man if you don't cook at home amen they don't eat you trying to cook for nobody else or y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you hey man we've got to realize what is right and what is proper and sometimes listen i've been counseling for a while now people will do stuff for other folk amen as a way of lashing out and proving a point to the people that they should be doing it for amen if you act right then this is what you could enjoy if you do right and we're using all of these weapons against each other and don't even realize that's not gonna bring you back together that's just gonna drive you further apart amen i don't and these brothers around here don't you let these women uh use you to make their husbands jealous now y'all getting quiet uh-huh uh sisters don't you let no man use you amen to make his wife jealous because these are people now amen that are not submitting themselves to god amen and now listen keep your hands off of people because you know you got folk now they're just oh did you see what she had and they know that stuff is digging in your side amen but they'll say all kind of stuff and they'll do stuff just so you see it that's their way of whipping you down stop pulling lint off that man's jacket y'all don't got quiet here keep your hands to yourself amen folk want to see amen want you to see them do this stuff amen so that you now feel some kind of way about it so that they whip you down without having to put their hands on you and they make you feel bad and he may be using all of these things as weapons amen because they're fighting at some point you got to stop fighting the bible said this is not going to empower and flesh of your flesh and you don't hate your own flesh that's what the bible said no man ever hated his own flesh but he nurtures it amen he takes care of it and that's the way we got to do he been those that we are in a relationship a covenant relationship with amen so now it can be that you're both speaking in tongues at church and then you go home in your enemies can i tell you the bible talks about the fact that if there's not harmony in the home then even your prayers will be hindered but y'all getting quiet and you're wondering hey man while there's so much sickness amen flowing and why we can't get it together what seem like we're suffering and we're in trial i'll tell you why it's because you can't get it together and when you're in a covenant relationship you've got to be bound amen by the terms of that agreement if there's a violation then god does not value amen anything that is not lined up with his will and that's the reason why god said if the husband and the wife can't get at all if you all are having issues and you refuse to resolve these issues then the bible tells us amen that god will not even hear you when you pray and we all got some stuff we need god to do we got some things we're looking for god to bring through amen some things we want to see come the past and we're wondering what's to hold up can i tell you amen for some people you are the holder god is waiting on you to line back up with his will amen and for you to appreciate the covenant agreement that you made and you're going to find out that if you can get it together you're going to start to see the blessings of god begin to flow through this family you're going to see healings take place you're going to see god provide for you amen but the problem is now he means you want to act like everything is right amen and receive the blessings from that benefit amen without everything really being right no it's not about how you shout at church god is going home with you you want to see how you treat your husband when you get to the house so he's still saying wives submit to your husbands he's still saying husband love your wives and don't be bitter against them and so what we've got to realize now amen god wants loving marriages and really a successful marriage i thought about it amen is one in which both parties would dare pray and ask god lord show me myself this is what people ain't praying we pray lord open her eyes lord show him everything he's done wrong help him see how he has offended me that's the kind of stuff we pray but you know i was thinking about it the other day when you look at jesus jesus started laying out some hard truths to these to these disciples they were sitting around the table eating this this this what is what has come to be known as the last supper and jesus starts saying stuff like listen one of y'all sitting at this table it's going to betray me 12 of y'all's sitting in one of you is a devil your heart ain't right you you got bad intentions and you know what matthew didn't say lord is it peter you didn't hear bartholomew it got to be it it lord is it is it philip but everybody at that table the bible said begin to say lord is it i they were only concerned about themselves making sure that they were not the ones that was committing amen such a grave infraction against the christ but now that nobody's asking lord is it me am i the one disturbing the peace in this house is it me is it i'm my lord am i the reason why we can't get enough is it something that i did to disrupt this atmosphere is it i my lord nobody is asking god now show me myself we're saying lord show them themselves i want them to see themselves the way i see them but that's not the measurement we have to want to see ourselves the way god sees us we're so good at pointing out the faults in everybody else that we can't seem to understand that sometimes we are faulty ourselves i don't care how high you think of yourself you got some quirks you have some annoyances boy y'all don't got quiet enough you think everything you do is just so right because it's the way you do it that's not the measurement of whether it's right because it's the way you've always done it there are some things about you that a lot of folk got to look past just to keep dealing with you so don't act like you ain't got no faults amen ever amen and the other person in the relationship is the one that's always causing the trouble y'all looking at me that's also right get me luke the 6th chapter and the 41st verse and luke 6 hold on let him get it because i want him to know this really is in the scriptures luke 6 and 41 read what the bible says and why behold this thou why behold is now the moat that is in my brother's eyes that little bitty stuff in your brother's eye you can see that from across the room you got folk they trained to see fault in everybody they train to see all the negatives have you ever seen somebody like that they can never compliment you but anytime something is out of order out of place they always the eyes always fall on that i mean they train to see all of the negatives so they never compliment but they can always criticize and he says why are you looking at that moat that little bitty that that little speck in your brother's eye but perceive is not but you can't even put you are clueless you have no awareness that the being that is in thine own eye that you got a big old beam in your eye re either how can style say to thy brother how can you say to your brother brother let me pull out the moat that is in thine eye i need to fix you when thou thyself behold is not the being that is in that and don't even realize there's a whole lot about you more stuff probably that needs to be fixed you got folk now trying to fix other folk and you just as broken as you can possibly be you can't fix everything you just got to ask god lord show me myself let me deal with the stuff i can deal with can i tell you you can't change nobody the only person you can change the only person you're responsible for is your self a person has to want to change for you but you ain't gonna change nobody or y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you so you can look all across the room and identify everything wrong with everybody else i don't like the way they do this they give them a nerves when they do that and the bible says you can't even perceive that you got a 2x4 sticking right out of your but you want to go help somebody else oh let me get that moat out of your eye so you want to clean everybody else up rather than dealing with the stuff that you've got going on look at somebody tell them just worry about you that's all just worried about you you've got poke like that now everybody knows it that's a demon going around it's a nosy demon yeah we got your folk getting involved and stuff ain't got nothing to do with them trying to fix other people just worry about you listen just make sure if you're in a relationship a marriage a covenant agreement and things are not going right your responsibility is to make sure that it's not you that's dropping the ball you got to pray and talk to god and ask god if it's me clean me up if it's me show me myself if i got some issues deal with me first so he's asking now how can you say to your brother let me pull the mold out of your eye when you don't even behold the being that's in your own eye now read so they can hear what jesus got to say to them kind of people thou hypocrites cast out wait a minute don't don't rush past that amen jesus said you are that's it or hypocrite you want what's best for this marriage and what's best for this marriage is for you to get yourself together you're a hypocrite because all you want is for somebody else to take responsibility so you can sit there amen and look and act and feel like you were better in the situation than anybody could ever be can i tell you ain't nobody in the marriage got a pristine record like that now every time that's friction gotta be him gotta be heard gotta be him gotta be her he said you're a hypocrite read what he says cast out first the beam out of thine owner the first thing you've got to do according to jesus is cast the beam out of your own eye first because the reality of the matter is you can't really see amen what's going on with nobody else until you clean your glasses off first amen you've got some people hey man they think they look honey i look at them and every time i look at them i see a spot and the only problem is you're looking through spotted glasses amen clean your own glasses off amen and then the bible said you can help somebody else don't you know amen you can't make nobody else better until you are better yourself hey man i know y'all don't listen cause i look at people hey man when i'm on the airplane everybody doing what they do the poor flight attendant is sitting up there trying to give you life-saving instruction and you just sit up there on the phone texting i know they don't tell you to turn your phone off anyway but one of the things they tell you is that if this airplane loses cabin pressure you have compartments above your head the mask will come down what do they tell you to do pull the mask close to you amen take the strip put it over your head even make sure your mask is tight and then you help those that are around your wife because if you don't help yourself first then you'll end up getting in the way amen ain't no need to put the mask on them if you're gonna fall out in the aisle amen and cause a power became nobody get out now you got to help yourself and then look for somebody else that needs your help when it comes to a marriage you can't make that woman better he means you got to make yourself better and if you work on yourself then me still want to be a better person to match the better man that you have become [Applause] well i can see y'all don't want me to preach tonight there are times hear this when we can be so blinded that we don't even understand that the way people are acting towards us is really a reaction to us so we're praying about them i sure can't stand the way she did me and don't even realize that what she did wasn't necessarily just an action it was a reaction sometimes you got to go ahead and onto that l on that l you dropped the ball sometimes she never did what she did if you hadn't done what you did first and we criticizing their actions and we're praying about them and praying on them lord now i know i can't get it the way you can i'm gonna put in your hands and or whatever you gotta do work go over but when you bring her back make her right and you don't even realize the only reason why she did the stuff she did was because of some dumb that you did so you've got to learn how to get the beam out of your own eye before you can help somebody else get the most out of their eye it's really a reaction to your actions sometimes and sometimes we're so focused on their faults in the action that we can't even see how we contributed to our own problem now we're praying about stuff that we did and if we did it then we can really undo it god ain't got to come down here and move heaven and earth for you sometimes all you got to do is retrace your steps and go back and try to undo the mess you did boy i can't get no help on this side turn over here and talk to these people because now i just talked about this last night and i see now why i'm sorry ministers i understand now why more times than not seems like what sets people off and here we go what sets people out now is a conversation that's gone wrong you know i'm finding out that a lot of the problem is we don't know how to talk to each other that's a whole lot of the problem we just haven't figured out yet proper communication a lot of fires are started in the house behind the conversation people just don't know how to talk to each other they don't know how to interact with each other and and and and that's that's one of the things that we have to learn hey man i would talk get me st james the third chapter and get me the second verse that's james james chapter number three start at verse two i believe that is for many things yeah we offend all in many things we offend all if any man offend not in word the same is a perfect man the same is a perfect man if you can keep your words from being offensive the bible says you're a perfect man if you got that level of discipline where you can talk he talked at the beginning he said we are not being ministered because we'll receive the greater condemnation so he said listen the way we the stuff we're going to talk about as christians amen we're going to offend some people when you start talking about living holy and all of that but then there are other ways that people use their words to offend and he said you've got to watch it read and able also to bridle the whole body if you can control your mouth you can discipline your whole body isn't that what proverbs said he that keeping his tongue keeps his life so if you can boy look at here y'all shutting up at the wrong time you ought to be saying a man now amen he said if you can keep your tongue you can discipline the whole man the whole body read behold we put bits in the horse's mouths that they may obey us you see that horse the reason why you turn to the right and turn to the left when you put you put some in his mouth and that you can control the whole horse wait tongue when you control that bigger horse because that look that bit is in his mouth and you're just pulling in there you control his whole body breathe and we turn about their whole body behold also the ships look at this big old cruise ship which thou be so great i never took a cruise have no desire to take one but they tell me some of those cruise ships have how many stories they got you said 14 17 stories and all this kind of stuff that big old ship and guess guess how it's making that that wide u-turn some man sitting right up in there with a steering wheel in his hand and and turning that big old cruise ship with a little wheel those big ships on the sea they turn them with a little bit of wheel and don't tell me that just because it's small don't mean it don't have power read and are driven of fierce winds yet are they turned about with a very small hound whether so ever the governor listed read even so the tongue is a little member your tongue is a little they say it's about 20 ounces your tongue is a little member and boasted great things behold how great a matter a little fire kindling your tongue can start a fire say the wrong thing your tongue can start a hover you want to know how your marriage got burned to the ground sometimes it was your tongue that did it boy y'all getting quiet finish reading so i can hang my hat here for a minute and the tongue is a fire the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity lord have mercy so is the tongue among our members uh-huh that it defileth the whole body your tongue can defile your whole your tongue can get your whole body hurt keep talking to people crazy yo i gonna suffer because of what your tongue did you don't lost behind your tongue your tongue needs to take a vacation give your tongue a rest it sets the world on fire it defiles your whole body yup look at somebody tell them your tongue your tongue get in a fight behind your tongue i throw your tongue get other people hurt i remember one time danielle was when she was a teacher before she retired know our parents are now they children always write you can't tell they're kids nothing so she had a parent-teacher conference and the woman come in there and oh she talking loud and and talking crazy to danielle and then yeah sitting up here and the woman said oh i'm telling you now when when when my husband get off work he coming up here he coming to see you she said tell him to come home my husband will be here through i told him don't say don't no don't get me in this kind of stuff i'm subject to walk in the room and end up on the ground and don't know why i'm down there your tongue will get you in trouble it'll get everybody else in trouble you gotta learn hold your tongue because it can defile the whole body read and set it on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of hell for every kind of beasts and of birds and of serpents and of things in the sea is tamed they got shamu and he down there jumping and and doing tricks and you got dolphins doing tricks i saw a bear riding a tricycle you see a man with a flute the snake come up i seen men kiss snakes on the head cobras just kiss them all just charm them we have tamed all the beasts lions and tigers sitting in the circus on them on them little stews and they just doing all kinds of stuff standing up on their back there we'd untamed all these animals but the bible says but your tongue can no man you're dumb yes but the tongue can no man tame but the tongue no man contains real it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison they're with why stop that you know the bible said life and death on the power of your what my time running can i deposit just just give give me a little time i will plow through here your tongue the bible said it is a problem you can tame everything else but you you you can't tame your own you need god to help you to tame your tongue can i say something to you because people have come to me and and it almost ended bad because i don't know how to deal with that i don't know how to take that for people to come to me and say stuff like well can i talk to you yeah what i'm just going to tell you now i'm just blunt and say the stuff i just say what's on first of all i'm your pastor and anytime you got to come to me and say all of that before you say what you got to say you already know what you're getting ready to say has the potential to offend me you don't put disclaimers on stuff if you don't know something is already wrong and i don't care how blunt you claim you're honey i'm just blunt i just say what's on my mind that don't make it right you can't say everything can i talk to you everything that's running through your mind can't run off of your tongue well i was thinking it you might as well say it that's the devil talking to you the bible says study to be quiet you got to learn if you're going to preserve your marriage you got to shut up sometimes sometimes it's your own tongue that's starting these fires boy y'all don't get quiet enough i see i'm gonna have to work my way through here the book of proverbs the 10th chapter and the 19th verse says in the multitude of words they're wanted not singing you keep talking you're gonna say some stuff you ain't got no business saying that's the reason why i keep telling these ministers stop talking so much you ain't got to comment on everything you don't have to post about everything learn how to shut up hey man because if you keep talking after a while you're going to say something you ain't got no business saying and then you're either gonna have to come back and apologize for it or if it's gonna be too late and you would have ruined yourself ministers all we have is our word i end up returning cartwheels i'm talking to you you value my words at the point that my words don't mean nothing to you i don't lost you that's why i gotta discipline my work i can't be out there talking a bunch of crazy stuff and then in here after i did that and try to preach to you you'll discount the truth because of the foolishness you heard me say that's what we got to do we got to learn how to be quiet sometimes i'm just blunt you got to ask god to tame your tongue amen sometimes i know you know and you know it because cause we're good at that and i was talking the other day and i was telling some people your problem is that even when you listen you don't listen to understand you listen to respond you're not trying to get a good understanding you're trying to hurry up and say something so you listening close so you can pick out every place in there where she doesn't made a mistake and now you're not trying to hear her side of the story you're not listening to her heart you just listening so that when she finally shut up you can jump in there and say something sharper than what she just said you got to learn sometime to just say okay bite your lip go in the bathroom turn the shower on grab you one of them dry towels put it over your mouth and scream if you got to but shut up because all this confusion don't have to be there sometimes we start these fires oh look at somebody and tell him i know he's telling the truth i just and telling me you do too i can tell how you look in your way you know exactly what are you talking about woman ask god to show you yourself that's part of marriage maintenance pray ask god show me myself if things ain't right ask god to show you how they got that way and god you know what i love about god god's not gonna point everybody else out to you that's the thing about some people some people don't even realize how god operates they always honey god showed me you in the dream now why is it that god is waking you up showing you everything about me i just i never understood that and your kids rotten and and and selling dope out of your backyard and all that stuff but god talking to you about everybody else in lancaster i was in the spirit on the last day and the lord took me and i saw you and uh and i'm sitting up you're trying to figure now listen come on now all the stuff wrong with you and god talking to you about everybody else's faults can i take if god don't talk to you guess who he gonna talk to you about you he gonna show you yourself first and then what happened to isaiah he said unto the other king god's like that i saw the lord and then when i saw when god started dealing with me i looked at my own self and said i am undone i i'm a man of unclean lips i dwell in the midst of a people with unclean lips you're not just showing me everybody else if i'm gonna be in your presence if he is the light and his word is really a mirror when i stand in front of it i'm not going to see the stuff you doing wrong i'm saying lord search me and if you find anything that shouldn't be take it out because i want to be right we got to get this thing together one would ask god show me myself pray that prayer you sitting there saying you want to be a a wife after god's own heart pray that prayer lord show me me you know what god's going to do he's going to show you where it is that you have contributed to the flames and to the smoke that you see in your own atmosphere some of our problems tonight is that you just don't know how to properly communicate and so you you tearing this man down instead of building him up and you're wondering why he walking around i can't get him to talk to me he don't like your conversation boy they can quiet now let me go ahead and then dig into this cause cause i don't know who's telling these women now that you can talk to a man any kind of way they never did that and just recently in the past generation or two now folk talking crazy to you you ain't never seen that you look anywhere else people respect people but now all of a sudden now we can talk crazy to the man and then you expect for him to be this this this king in the council and you're expecting him to do all this stuff for you and you just emasculated him with your mouth you can't talk to that man crazy boy they getting quiet let me come back over here you can't talk to him any kind of way who you think you are don't talk to a man any kind of way like that and you claim you love him and you sit up here you know what at least my last boyfriend if that ever come out of your mouth listen you just don't even realize how close you came to utter chaos you ain't no kind of man you ain't this i wish why can't you be like him why did and then and listen listen you can't talk to no man like that where you get that from so i guess you think you're gonna beat him down into submission you don't understand the male mind ain't no man gonna sit there and let you talk to him crazy you know what's gonna happen he gonna find a way to put himself back in the power position you keep trying to make him feel small listen the bible said a wise woman will build her house but a foolish woman will tear it down with her own hands it ain't nobody else breaking up your house you're breaking up your house you got to learn how to talk to a man you can't sit there and he trying and doing everything he can do to try to keep this family afloat and all you're doing is criticizing and you can't never give no the bible said if there be any virtue if there's been a praise think on those things you always focused on the negative but you can't even see all the stuff he's doing and this man out of a job but he up there selling blood and plasma trying to help you get some groceries and you and that's how they gave you did this hit listen you mean you gonna give him all the blame but none of the credit you know what he gonna do he gonna sit down you gotta i don't know who's telling these people you can just say anything can i tell you a man a man has something that they call an ego and you don't even realize your words can damage this man's ego and we're using words against each other it ain't just women men do it too but we're using these words against each other what kind of man are you you keep saying that and then try to get the best out of him you'll never see it until you learn how to discipline your words i don't know where we get this from what a way to pull the best out of people is to tear them down and talk to them crazy i'm gonna help him be a man you can't help him be no man by talking crazy to him because what he's going to do is shut up then he'll walk around the house you're going to ask questions and he's going to give you or now you don't try to force him to be something different and now you want to send him uh some some text message that got 4988 words to it and he done sat there and you know he ain't read all that because you sent it and 10 seconds later he just takes back and said okay you know what that means he's not trying to communicate with you because he don't like the way you communicate i don't know why i can't get my husband to talk he ain't saying nothing to me because the last time he tried to have a conversation with you you went off you can't talk to him like that you need to get delivered and got all this good stuff to say about everybody else all this stuff you can brag it out oh brother also had on a nice suit he he had a nice seal and this and then go home and tear your own husband down that's foolish that's foolish amen his teeth might be falling out of hell falling out but that's your husband big that's your big stomach husband listen can't trade me in the devil is a lie i'm i'm losing everything i told during the pandemic i was in here praying one night says the lord and i went back and looked that's why i don't look at the the the services number and i went and i was praying i did like this and i went back and looked i said lord where's my hair going y'all don't see me doing that no more this motion you're gonna get the devil is a lie amen you married him hey man you didn't you didn't marry for shape didn't marry i hope you didn't because that was foolish and then it says something like till death do us part that shape ain't gonna be there when death do you part amen that ain't what you're married for but that's your husband amen don't tell him down now cause you don't seen a younger newer model come back now the devil jumped on you and you sit up and tearing him down because he don't look like some 20 year old he ain't 20 nothing amen you you can't you can't do that so we got to ask god lord show me show me who show me me can i say this to you woman can i tell you what a man really values i'm okay a man values peace see that see that you see that he valued peace when he come home he want to come up to a peaceful atmosphere don't nobody want to fight all day and all night and that's the reason why somebody got off at three and you don't see them till eight they went up and parked the sonic and then drunk about two or three their route 44 cherry line made slushes and they just sitting up there trying to kill ty god because men value peace i was listening to an article the other day and and they were talking about how god that a man is the being in the world they said they can date a woman they can sleep with a woman they can even love a woman but then they'll find somebody else that comes along and in a month's time they proposing to them because what they want is peace and stability and if every time they come around it's a fight don't nobody want to do that all day don't don't nobody want to don't they don't want to argue all day i remember years and years and years ago i was talking to a young lady and and she told me she said my husband treats me right but i'm not used to that she said he came home with some flowers she told me this she said i took him out of his hand went straight to the trash can let the lid up and i threw him in the trash while he was looking she said there are times when he'll he'll sit there and tell me i'm beautiful and he'd tell me that he loved me she said and i don't believe a word of it i don't believe that she said he'll go in the bathroom trying to get away she said now walk in behind him and i'll just talk to him and i'll nag him and i'll nag him and i'm nagging him and i say this to him she said and then when he finally turns around and raises his voice to me she said then for some reason i feel okay she said because when i was growing up that's how my family did me we we wasn't we went all that love it they talked about me they they mistreat and so for her she felt like that was what what the atmosphere should have been like but a man values peace y'all don't believe me give me second chronicles wait a minute second chronicles second chronicles 14 i think it is let me hear every beat you there ii chronicles 14 7. 14-7 therefore therefore he said unto judah said unto judah let us build these cities and make about them walls and towers gates and bars why the land is yet before us because we have sought the lord our god we have sought him and he had given us rest on every side jesus said let's let's do all of this because we saw the lord we sought him and god gave us rest on every side they were operating in a time of peace they weren't fighting god said everywhere they looked they had rest they had peace everywhere look all around all of that just rest and peace everywhere and look at the next clause what does it say so they built and prospered so they built they prosper it's not hard to build and prosper when you're operating in an atmosphere of peace when your home is chaotic you can't build nothing you can't prosper that way but when you have peace you can build and you can prosper that's the reason why these unsaved men have these emotional affairs they may not go and sleep with nobody but you wonder why they can talk to this one but can't talk to me because that's a stress-free conversation now is it right i ain't saying it's right it's wrong if they have an emotional fat that that's a wrong thing to do but a man that's not saying that don't know how to deal with that stuff these men that ain't saved and some some of you have unsaved husbands you got to learn how to deal properly and and correctly with them so that you can draw them in you can't talk to him and then try to tell him to come serve your god amen if you want him saved treat him like a man or you ain't saved you can't tell me what to and then you want him to come to your church don't have him thinking that's what your pastor teaching you because i just told you in the beginning wives submit to your husbands now y'all look like y'all want me to shut up all right let me move on husbands you've got to pray and ask god show you yourself cause you can't talk to that woman any kind of way can i tell you something she ain't your daughter you don't order no woman around boy y'all don't got quiet now you can't order no woman around that's not your daughter that's not a child that's your wife and some of the problem that men are facing is the fact that they can't respect this woman as a woman you still talking like she's subservient to you go get me this go do this go do that that's not a child that's your wife and if you're the man you're supposed to be you ain't got to order a woman around like that you know what a woman want a strong man see that see him clapping [Applause] they don't want no little boy trying to be a man if you're gonna try to tell them what to do these just strong independent women they done they waited until they were 37 to get married they didn't live by themselves all this time paying their own bills doing all that stuff and you gonna come in with nothing and try to tell her what to do she ain't listening to you ain't no man you just grew tall you got to ask god to show you yourself and you crazy to sit up here and talk to a woman like that and then sit down and eat her food okay were you brave but you got to learn how to do if you're going to be the king you want to be you got to learn how to rule the kingdom through love not through force because you're not going to force that woman to do nothing and you got men and they love sermons like this because they they go home and whenever they get an argument submit see then you want me to come in and back you up she don't even know you in another room and then you just walk in possible on the phone i was talking don't do me like that no sir don't don't do me like that because you got to give a woman something to submit to you got to give us something to submit to you know what i found out i don't care how hard a woman is when a real man walk in the room she'll submit to a real man y'all can get quieter i don't seen the kind that like other women and look like a boy wearing khaki pants and all that stuff i done seen them and a real man walk in the room he'll pour femininity because a woman don't mind coming subject to a real man but if you don't know how to take care of your own affairs and your own bit ain't no need you trying to sit and lord over that atmosphere like you really summon you not what a woman want is not just a man in the house she could have had any man in her house she wants somebody that's the man who loved the house now y'all done got quiet he sitting up that burglar all in the downstairs taking all your stuff maybe go see what's going on you go i can't i'm on the phone with 9-1-1 you go boy you better get your laser self up and go and take your whooping like a man if that's what you got to do you don't send no woman down there to handle that kind of stuff no you got to be a man and you got to do more boy y'all didn't get quiet again you got to do more than just demand this woman come subject to you you've got to give her something to look up to and listen and can i say this that don't mean you necessarily got to have a better uh education because you got some men some men didn't go to college but it don't make them any less than a man they don't have the job that the woman have they're not making as much money but they don't make them less than a man because they bring so much more to the table than that some of these men make a whole lot of money but they got a mean right too but you got some men they take care of their responsibilities they'll do it they'll stay they'll stick around they'll take care of their family they'll raise their children they'll help out so you can't sit up there and let me say this you can't bound on that brother just because he means you've got a doctorate and all he got is a master's all he has is a bachelor's that's not a reason amen for you to look down on nobody because can i tell you something amen if he's willing to stick it out he's willing to be a godly man he's willing to do what god requires of him to do you can do a whole lot worse than that but you can't hardly do no better so now we're not going to put those kind of stipulations on people because you got some good men amen they may not may not have a corporate job he just a mechanic you don't understand you must don't know mechanics make a whole lot more money than some of these folks that got uh masters and and uh no no no see we don't set up and let people uh mess our mind up and you listen to her about girl he's driving this he driving there and that's why he lives with his mama because he can't afford rent and that car he driving so don't look at life that way boy y'all done got quiet brothers i'm trying to help y'all out i got somebody i'm trying to help get you somebody you got to ask god brothers to help you see yourself because some of the problems that men are having they're bringing on themselves a man you're provoking situations unnecessarily [Music] you don't come in and put your work boots on the table house clean and you come in and step out of all your clothes in the living room and expect somebody else going to clean up after you you left your mama remember a man has to leave his father and mother you can't come to this woman and and that's why you you got to know if if if if you're not going to do that don't start it hey man don't don't sit there and start that no y'all gotta sit down and talk because if this woman is clean and she's not used to that and she come in and she see all your clothes and i mean all of them sitting right there in the living room then she gonna have a major problem with you you're provoking stuff you're bringing some of this stuff on yourself anybody would have a problem with that you got to make sure that you're not the cause of this home breaking up and sometimes a man instead of protecting the home he's exposing it because of the way he acts you got to be a man and part of being a man is taking care of your responsibilities and supplying for the needs of this family that's the reason why i keep trying to tell don't come to me talking about you looking to get married and you don't even have a job because i'm not going to sign on to nothing like that you're not going to do a woman like that because if you can't take care of her there's no need you sitting up here talking about for richer off of poorer because you ain't never been richer and you just go marry a woman in hopes that you're able to take care of her listen you can't jump in the you know what the bible says and i know it starts out by talking about widows and how you have to take care of your family members but then it does still say that a man that don't take care of his own household is worse than an infidel and have departed the faith if you can't take care of your own house the bible says you ain't got no business shouting on the floor you got these men shouting they got all all these fine clothes these new shoes and your wife and your kids sitting over there looking like they don't belong to nobody shame because you got men now that would rather take care of themselves than to take care of a family boy now y'all really getting quiet tonight amen and you you don't have no no mind now i get it and let me put this in here because some men are between jobs and i mean for the last couple of weeks not the last couple of years you got some people they just the the pandemic done set in and people are being laid off and if he got laid off due to no fault of his own you can't you can't you can't talk to him crazy that he's still trying and you ought to at least celebrate the fact that he's trying amen amen but now if you just sitting up in the house shame on you if you are able-bodied because some men are not able-bodied some happen and some of them are on disability and that's understandable but even at that if they can do something they ought to amen but if you are strong and able there's no reason why somebody that's 28 years old and has a family ought to be sitting up in the house playing video games all day long and been expecting this woman to bring her check home so you can spend her check like you were out there pushing lawn mowers or something if you didn't work for it you can't lord over that stuff boy now y'all getting quiet get get me get me second thessalonians 3 and 10 and i'm i'm almost done second thessalonians 3 and 10. second thessalonians 3 and 10. but even when we were with you even when we were with you this we commanded you we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat and as much as you love to eat you ought to love to work just that much the bible says men if you don't work you ought not eat how is she gonna respect you and every time it's time to she gotta call her mama call your mom and ask if we can borrow twenty dollars something is not right and you know what what's really shocking is that people are okay with this stuff that's right you got people that play people in the church they'll play on your sympathy won't work lazy can't get a job and you ask them why you ain't working or ain't nobody hybrid they got nine million jobs those were the figures that came out nine million jobs available everywhere you look they hiring well that ain't the job i want let me tell you something if you got 16 kids at the house forget about the job you want get out there and pick up cans y'all don't got quiet i'm i'm waiting on a corporate job corporate is closed they ain't calling you you get out there i don't care if it's at a gas station y'all can get quiet i don't care what you got to do you feed your kids it's amazing the ones that don't have a job always eating amen boy they getting quiet they're getting quiet and the bible said if you don't work you ought not eat high in the world you're out of job and still gaining weight we want everybody else to feed us to work for us and to do all of this brothers we got to get rid of this this this lazy mentality and you wondering why it is this woman she don't respect me as a man it's kind of hard when you sitting on the couch won't even look at it when you talk how much we bringing home this week not a dime to be a man means taking care of business if you got to recycle take care of your family stop trying to be big and see that's the thing brother that ego would get you in trouble somebody else didn't bought a car and you don't win sign don't to call you know you can't afford listen if you got all of them kids ain't no need you going to buy you no two-seater trying to keep up with other folks this stuff got to stop that don't even make sense being a man means making sacrifices or y'all hearing what i'm trying to it means making some tough decisions and if you can't do that it's hard for a woman to see you as a man when she the one doing everything and you still trying to take all the credit so we got to get this thing together we got to have some marriage maintenance that's the reason why it takes strong men to be around strong men and that's why i want brothers hey man encourage each other to do that don't just sit there and laugh at some of this stuff this stuff ain't funny lazy ain't nothing funny about a lazy man that ain't nothing to brag about uh uh man she's still taking yeah she's still taking care of me and y'all have ain't nothing funny about a lazy man and god said if that's who you are and you can't take care of your family you don't need to be able to close your mouth you speaking in tongues loud and all that kind of stuff and you just said huh you just going out and look over there and your wife looks like she can't praise him because she's too weak if you can't take care of your family the bible says you are worse than an infidel god ain't playing with lazy men and let me say this as i get ready to close sisters if he was lazy before he got married to you ain't no need you coming and complaining now see that's the reason why you need to talk about this stuff cause i'm not gonna sit there and let you get into nothing that you ain't supposed to get into i'm going to if he ain't got no job i'm asking questions both of y'all sit in front of me i'm talking about are you working what your credit look like see these folks just jumping into stuff and they don't even know who they were and that's the problem our flesh is on fire and the bible says when they wax one they will not focus just running to get married but you know what the bible said the bible said adam knew eve and she conceived and bear a child that means more than knowing her sexually there is a knowing boy y'all don't got quiet enough you ought to know her emotionally you ought to know her spiritually and that's what there's a whole lot go into that but you just want to know her physically the problem is you got folks having sex with folk they don't know don't really know you ain't dug deep you know you don't know nothing about him other than the fact that his shoulders abroad that's not enough if they don't have lasting qualities leave them alone and i'm not going to sit there and sign on to something that's not going to turn out right for you ask questions what do you think because i'm going to tell you in roundabout sort of ways let he that hath an ear hear what the spirit is saying amen you got to know this stuff because marriages are falling apart and listen it's better to wait then to jump into something that you come to find out really ain't for you my time is gone if you learn to do things right you'll see that marriage can be lasting it can it can have a wonderful end if you if you ma and the problem it just needs to be maintained that's all i tell people when they get married every now and then just come sit down and talk let's talk so we can see what's working for you what's not so we can make these minor adjustments now don't don't don't call me when his clothes in the yard that ain't the time to call me i tell them don't call me when the house is on fire call me when you first start smelling smoke because i can help you through that but all it takes is maintenance that's all you got some people now that they're ready to jump out they're ready to give up because it don't seem like it's it's what it needs to be and now you're disappointed and i know because i've counseled so many people down through the years there's a frustration now people are just frustrated that's the problem they're frustrated they're disappointed because something happened and it shattered their idea and so now they frustrated and disappointed they're hurt they're angry and all of these emotions are sitting on top of your love then you got to i don't love it like yes you do you do you just gotta get through the disappointment the frustration the anger the hurt and but when you get down to it it's still that that woman you fell in love with is still there that man you fella he's still in there you just can't see him because every time you look at him now you see frustration and the hurt he calls you get that stuff out of the way that's why the bible says forgiving one another and for bearing with one another get that stuff out of the way forgiveness is important and you got to let that go and i was now i know i closed my bible but i was reading in ecclesiastes you can write it down because i want you i want you to to read it later on in your quiet meditative moments ecclesiastes 7 and 20 what is that 21 21-22 it says also take no heed unto all words that are spoken lest thou hear thy servant curse thee for often times also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise has cursed others don't take everything you hit a heart don't let that be such a deal breaker for you forgive because if you think hard enough you don't offended somebody too think hard enough i can't believe they did me like that if you think hard enough you offended somebody too and so he said don't don't be so caught up and taken by this stuff for bearing one another and forgiving one another if any have a quarrel against that brother this is where we are forgive forgive if somebody talked to you crazy forgive if things didn't go right and then somebody said something they weren't supposed to do because you know brothers we can be clueless sometimes sometimes we can say the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time that's why we gotta think but i didn't know that can't continue to be the excuse you have to think before you speak sometimes you say something to a woman you don't even realize you gave up complex you just said some some careless something just out of the way and you don't even realize now she walking by the mirror looking at herself every time she walked by the mirror trying to figure out why you said that is that a new that's an old dress what size is that dress and you know don't do that because when you get through saying that she gonna go straight by the mirror and i don't care what she say something you're not she's looking trying to see what you saw when you looked at her sometimes we can be so clueless so clueless you gain anyway don't say stuff like that don't do that and sometimes we we do it as as a guys you know under the guise of i was just playing you don't play some kind of ways because your words cut sticks and stones break my bones but words can break my spirit so you got to watch that sisters you can't say everything to that man watch that your words can break your spirit my time is going we all stand to your feet it just takes some marriage maintenance you don't have to junk your marriage like you junk a car you see the lights come on you take it to the mechanic get it fixed you don't throw it away that's the way your marriage is lights are flashing don't throw your marriage away take it back to the mechanic you'll fix it that's why the bible is so profound the bible said a threefold court is not easily broken i love that scripture because when people stand at the altar if that marriage is going to be successful it takes more than the two of them the bible said a threefold chord is not easily broken god has to be that third chord yeah and if you take those three chords and you break them together you can almost pick a card there's some strength in that with god you are so much stronger than you'll ever be without him we just need to maintain it ask god to come back in show me myself i want to see what i'm doing don't let me get so bogged down looking at other people i want to know me i want to know that i'm pleasing i want my prayers to be answered so i got to make sure that i'm not the one that's creating this bad atmosphere did i say something wrong did i did i do something wrong what did i did i unknowingly set some events in motion and if you're sincere with god god will show you you yes he will and if you mean right when he shows you you're going to get that right just stop being stubborn sometimes and i'm sorry can solve all of these problems but this foolishness been going on two months because somebody's too stubborn to just say i'm sorry maintenance marriage maintenance we're gonna get this together if there's anybody here tonight that's not saved would you come now listen don't stay there because you don't want people to think you having trouble in your house if you need god if you need something come on amen that's it come on if there's another would you come come quickly come quickly hallelujah come on if there's another this is a good time you can come home hallelujah thank you lord oh that's it hallelujah they're still coming [Music] oh man come on if it's not too late [Music] [Music] oh thank you lord [Music] yes jesus just now oh my god [Music] he will he will save yourself oh yes he will i know he will he'll save you [Music] just now [Music] or just now [Music] just [Music] [Music] yes lord come on to jesus [Music] come to jesus [Music] come on come to jesus [Music] come to jesus [Music] oh come on to jesus [Music] oh just now come on lift those hands with you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 15,520
Rating: 4.9201331 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 40sec (6400 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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