FGHT Dallas: The God Who Hears and Answers Prayers

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[Applause] some friends in the house tonight hallelujah thank you lord [Music] let's take our testimonies tonight hey man let's thank God the man for the quality Youth Congress Dallas chapter the young people singing about the blood a man god bless you teach you see if you can we're so blessed to be here tonight a man in the house of the Lord I'm just honored to be whether Saints are they man glad to be a man among the people of God and I tell you a man God has been extremely kind towards us blessed us to make it over the dangerous highways hey that is pretty bad outside the Senate alerts a man but you are in the house of the Lord tonight God's been good to you come on clap those hands and bless every hey man I told him in calling Wednesday night I'm not worried about the rain outside I wanted to rain inside a man I want the power of the Lord to come down in this place Amen we're so blessed thank God for first lady amen give honor to her tonight and certainly to dr. Shirley Murray into this host of ministry and to all of you tonight my father's children a man thank God for those that are tuned in and watching a man those that cannot be here for whatever reason maybe they're in another state or another city Amen or another country for gospel would you help me thank God for those a man that tune in and join us every time we have service now look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the Word of God I've got in mind you brought yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what the everything but the word over our our God but the First Samuel the man for Samuel the first chapter a man I want to call your attention if you would to the ninth verse that's First Samuel chapter number one and I want to begin reading at the ninth verse and let's read Amen unto the nineteenth verse that's for Samuel 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 and 19 and will you have it they read what the Bible says so Hanna Rosa so Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh uh-huh and after they had drunk read now Eli the priest set up on a seat by post of the temple of the Lord set up on his seat the Bible says by post in the temple of the Lord and she was in bitterness of soul and she was in bitterness of soul read and prayed unto the Lord haha and wept sore and she bowed a vow and she bowed a bow and said and she said O Lord of hosts ah ha if I will indeed look on the affliction if you will indeed look upon the affliction of thine handmaid of your hand me and remember me and remember me this is this is Hannah praying now pouring out her heart before the Lord read and not forget thine handmaid AHA but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man-child uh-huh and when I give him unto the Lord then will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life he's yours all of his life and there show no razor come upon his head uh-huh and it came to pass and it came to pass and she continued praying as she the Bible says continued praying before the Lord that Eli marked her mouth now Hannah she spake in her heart she's speaking of heart only her lips moved but her lips were moving woman was doing some kind of praying and a man she prayed that doers we're not coming out of a mouth but a mouth was still moving this prayer came from her heart this prayer was deep rooted deep seated amen it came from her innermost being and Wow she's praying in her heart the Bible says her lips are moving she has something she needs God to do and she's serious about receiving something from the Lord read what the Bible says but her voice was not heard but a voice was not heard therefore Eli thought she had been drunken it not a man of God looking at this things this is a drunken singing this woman said him mouth moving not saying anything weeping she's drunk in the house of the law no this deserves some kind of scolding because some things you just don't do in the house of the Lord and now he presumes that this woman is indecent in the house of the Lord read and Eli said unto her and he says unto her how long would thou be drunken put away thy wine from thee away a wine from thee and Hannah answered and said uh-huh no my lord I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit a woman of a sorrowful spirit I have drunk and neither wine nor strong drink better poured out my soul before the Lord I have poured out my soul before the Lord count not 9 handmade for a daughter of Belial uh-huh for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken then eli answered and saying Eli answered and said go in peace Oh in peace now you know this is some good news for somebody that's been praying as hard as this woman was praying going in the peace and the God of his will grant thee thy petition the god of his regret you your petition that thou has asked of him what you asked him he's going to do it breathe and she said let Don handmaiden find grace in thy sight uh-huh so the woman winter weighing and did eat and her countenance was no more she got up when it got her something to eat her countenance was no more sad something has taken place got a lot got uh some food watch the face stop cried touch the matter just tell him some good is getting ready to happen to you ah get up wash your face stop all that crying you've been something good is about to take place breathe and they rose up in the morning early AHA and worship before the Lord worship before the Lord and returned and came to their house to Rhema ah ha Elkin I knew Hannah his wife and the Lord remembered her and the Lord remembered her just look at somebody and tell him he hears and he answers prayers that's what I want to talk to you about tonight the God that hears and the ends our prayers I was thinking earlier when I was reading this passage it is always exciting to see God solve what was thought to be an unsolvable problem when people have given it the best that they could and for all of them if but all of their knowledge all of their energy nothing seems to change ever been there with you you devoted a whole lot nothing changed everything just happens for you but when you have devoted who you are and what you have and all of you your mental energies your physical energy is you're racking your brain and you're going here when you're going there and you're looking for an answer and for all of your trying there seems to be no answer it is always exciting to see God come in because when God comes in he has this this this way of turning things that look so impossible around so quickly you wonder was it ever that bad in the first place you you know the psalmist said when God turned the captivity of Zion it was like them that dreamed of dreams so sometimes God got aware printed things around and he does it so perfectly until it's almost like it's hard to believe just just a miracle out of nowhere but that's the kind of God that we serve you've got to know Amen that he can turn everything around and turn it in you not only can he turn anything around but the Bible said that the heart of King is in the hands of God and God can turn the Kings heart whatever way he so desires you've got to know that not only can God change things but God can change the people cuz I found out a man that the book of Romans Paul says or what but then he comes back and says who Amen sometimes it's a what but then sometimes it's a who it's something amen to know that whatever level you find opposition or God is able amen you got to know tonight out of God that the carpet we serve is the God that can I want you to know amen he has ability he is not like so many other gods that are really not gods Amen that people have ascribed that deity to the God that we serve is a God that can he has the power he has the ability and I've got some good news for somebody he has the wheel you know some people have the power amen but they lack the will to do it and every one of us have seen people like that selfish in their abundance in a men are just reserved they have the power to do it amen but they just don't see the necessity of acting on your behalf and ain't that sad when you got folk around you hook you up and help you out you always saying nothing Amen some matter that you just need to smile on you and help you make it to a better day the will to do that but I want you to know that God has the power and God has the wheel to know that God cares about everything that you're going through and I want you to know Amen the thing about it amen God can do anything and you know I think we as the people of God we've got to get back to the point I'm not just talking about what God can do but actually believing that God can do anything Oh y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you remember a couple years ago I was taking a class I was sitting in the class in the class make an axe head swim y'all hear the man out of the - four days [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] I was never runs out No [Laughter] no it's not amen the truth of a situation or the facts of a situation Amen we just choose to believe that our God is greater and that's what you've got to always keep in the forefront of your mind [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] that means you esteem him higher and greater and mightier glory it takes the fear away yeah when you when you know he's stronger when you know he's better so much better when you know there's nobody like our God No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] wish I could tell everybody it's got to get you up and going get you to act according to what you say you believe God to do listen brothers and sisters it doesn't matter how hard it is to deal with what you have bring that problem to Jesus it seems to you bring it to the Bible tells us he tells us you know it just cast it on me [Laughter] [Applause] he he's concerned about you he knows that there are things that hurt you he knows that there are things that will break your heart he knows that situations were frustrating you and he cares so many times we feel like God is so cold and so distant but he cares so many times that people that are going through and in the middle of that going through they're praying and it don't seem like they're hearing anything that God's coming from the heavens and it's don't care [Laughter] [Music] [Music] she's got problems in the body she's got problems in a mind and she has a very aggressive antagonistic rival by the name of Dyna is one of Elka's wives Hannah being the other one but Hannah's suffering not only in a body because the Bible said a womb was but she's suffering in a mind because that's the deal with the stigma of not being able to have a child and she didn't she didn't have children not because she did jörgen glad it wasn't that she didn't she didn't warn a child she wanted a child but for all of her wanting and all of her trying she had to sit there year after year after year and watch her adversary walk around the house talking crazy look at my stomach it's growing a cup put your hand right here he kicking again yes she put up with watching somebody have what she wanted more than anything how this wouldn't this wasn't a few month this was a year's worth of antagonizing years what of of aggressive cruel mockery is watching somebody else throw a baby and catch him and laughing and giggling and the most she can do is be asked to babysit while men L cannot go out for a night on the town and know that she wanted this so bad emboldened her enemy and you know we talked about suffering and I said all the time one of the most difficult things to endure is this public suffering see it's one thing if I know I got a problem but it's something totally different when everybody else can pick up on the fact that I got a problem if I could hide it I would because I can struggle with that on the inside of me and play a pot on the outside of keep yourself right and encouraged when you're going through and everybody can easily see it this is she's in that mode again she's back you know you know how it is when you want to be better can I talk to some real people when when when you really wanna be better you want to be over in you you want to be done with it you want to be able to testify [Laughter] everybody else gets apportion I'll give you a word they push you get a double portion cuz cuz your wonderful wife and because you're a wonderful wife I give you a double portion the problem was she didn't just want to be a wonderful way she wanted to be a wonderful mother the Bible says they were on their way they get to Shiloh and win there they're going up to the house of the Lord to make sacrifices should have been a joyous time it was a time when we got together and we would be able to go up and be in the presence of the Lord and go up and sacrifice before our God but the Bible said when Hannah got there she was in a low spirit and and she couldn't really eat she really couldn't drink anything her appetite was gone because that was a more pressing problem than just necessary food and there's some things that are change your routine I don't care what nobody to you that there's some things you can go through it'll change y'all getting quiet it'll change what you normally do what's your custom to do it there's some trials that you go through it'll alter your behavior it'll change y'all getting quiet it will change your pattern and people know that that means something serious and she goes she goes she's talking because there's something [Laughter] [Laughter] I wish to Brian stand up all night Bible says this woman starts talking to gun she's praying in her heart her lips are moving but words on coming out and that's okay that's how I know this was a deep prayer is that this Pratt wasn't just about a private words she was praying her heart praying her emotions she put everything she had into this press have you ever seen somebody really concentrated and they read the book and what she says she says God according to the word it was God that shut up her womb see that's what the Bible says we read the first part it says God had shut up her womb so now she's going back to God and no you know what's going on I know you know my need I know you know my frustration you know my pain you've seen my tears I want a child and I know it's right for me to have when I'm not asking for something that's not a right for me to have it's nothing wrong with me having this it's nothing wrong you said be fruitful you said multiply I know it's right for me to have this you said you wish and it's nothing wrong with me because I know you if I'm going to do and I'm giving him the Bible says when he like comes in comes in and he sees a woman would have broken this woman's it's not just a heart the spirit is Brooke and she's got to get in touch with God and he says are you really drunk in the house of God you would bring that kind of spirit into the church you go come on you knew you were coming to church and that's how you show up Toa [Music] and this shows me that sometimes when you do what you got to do some people don't understand it they they they don't they don't have a reference for it they they can't translate you're young and glad that they they want you to sit down yo and say you shout too much I get so tired of you every time I come in the song no no it's [Laughter] [Laughter] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's an answer spray Elkin a new hammer his wife and the Lord remembered her and the Lord remember and that the Lord remembered [Music] he keeps on making away Rachel the problem Sarah had the problem Hanna Elizabeth had the same problem but it keeps on doing it over and over and over again I know ain't got to tell some of you but give it another things gonna be different this next oh I wish I had somebody to believe that why the standard would you encourage somebody this time able be encouraged because things are gonna be different [Music] [Music] [Music] it doesn't never come if you need to be saved if you have a need whatever it is I [Music] come on let's hit that come on come on come on come on [Music] enough [Music] the enemy is pushing me I've had a knife well he just pushed you to do something about it that's all when you reach the point of it now you can hear it even at the words that you say to God when you've reached the place of enough your prayers stop being a part of what you're requesting and it changes that you start telling God what you're willing to give [Music] when you do it now tell it where I go when you do it I'm giving it back to you when you give it to me I'm using it for you but you give me I'll use it to build your kingdom is there another that's coming come to the men of God would you pray [Music] [Music] gonna be different [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all of those handsome oh yes [Music] I believe you can do anything what I'm asking you for nothing beyond occasion this is bad [Music] is than big with God he made the whole universe and you need her getting discouraged come on now created stars galaxies solar systems he hears he answers prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wrap your hands got a praise in this place I say to clap your hands and give God a praise in this house we share a prayer answering God god bless you see
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 23,353
Rating: 4.8637137 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 21sec (4521 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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