FGHT Dallas: This is a Suffering Way

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yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] and i couldn't find [Music] lord we thank you for destroying [Music] says [Music] well put those hands together and praise the lord everybody oh come on we can do better than that let's praise him like he's worthy to be praised come on come on oh the bible said let the redeemed of the lord say so hallelujah thank you jesus or you ought to thank him for just being saved anybody glad just to be on the lord's side i'm glad one day he sanctified my heart to the truth come on we can give him a better praise than that thank you jesus oh my soul to magnify the name of the lord for his goodness and his mercies toward us would you just before you be seated take a moment just lift your hands this time i want you to just say something extremely personal to the lord something that can't nobody tell him but you out of your experience with god oh yes lord yes lord you know what he is to you you know what he's done for you would you glorify him hallelujah thank you jesus oh for making ways out of no way thank you lord [Music] for being extremely good to me thank you lord for life health and strength oh my soul magnify the name of the lord god bless you put those hands together as you take your seat tonight what a fellowship what a joy divine just glad to be in the house of the lord one more time i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i'm glad to see you here tonight amen i'm glad to see you the fellowship of the saints i'm grateful to god that he's kept you safe amen not just saved amen but it kept you safe and from the will of the enemy he's a good god amen it could have went another way but god in his mercy and his grace has been so faithful humanity's proven himself all over again the bible said every day there's a brand new mercy that we enjoy and we experience from the lord i want to take some time to thank god for all of our guests and our friends that are here tonight amen maybe i don't know your name or where you're from but i want you to know you're welcome here at all times and to all of our wonderful brothers and sisters that are watching amen live or either at a later time and date we appreciate the lord for you it is one of the great joys of our lives amen to read the comments and the correspondence that we get from those that watch and join us by way of youtube amen it is always a great thing to hear how god is moving for people that are not even in dallas amen people that are literally around the world i was in another country uh preaching and after the service there was a young man walked into the pastor's office and he said i never thought i'd be in the same room with you and i'm looking trying to figure out who does he who is he talking about he said i'm from africa he said in my village we just got internet access he said and we watch full gospel holy temple every day he said i didn't wear now this the part that got me he said my village so remote he said i didn't wear a pair of shoes until i was 15 years old he said i'm the first person from my village to ever fly on an airplane and to come and to see you in this service he said we watch you every day isn't that something that god is carrying this gospel around the world there are people that we may never meet amen people that will never shake their hand will never speak to them on this side but heaven's got the record amen and i'm just grateful that god in these last and closing and final hours of time have given us a way amen to spread this gospel of the kingdom around the world and for gospel holy temple and those of you that continue to partner with us i want to thank you for amen entrusting to us the opportunity amen to send this gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth that's our goal our goal is not to get rich amen i'm not preaching to get rich i'm still trying to find all this money for claims and preaching you know how they give us a bunch of where's all this money folks isn't this amen but i'm not here to get rich hey man i'm not trying to buy watches and cars with your money every dime you sow goes for the work of ministry amen and i want you to know that and i appreciate you for helping us to send this gospel of the kingdom around the world look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord amen oh and i am a lover of the word of god i got mine you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank god because everything else is going down but what everything but what everything but the word of our our god we had such a great time in fellowship this weekend amen i'm just listen every time i come to church i'm excited amen about being in the presence of the lord i love the word of god i love amen everything about it i love reading it amen i love to hear other people preach it i love everything the bible says we're clean through the word amen so i love it amen it is what we need is the foundation on which we build our whole life amen so we've got to value this like we've never valued anything else the word of god is what we need it is what is vital it is what is necessary it is what is important amen it is invaluable to our walk with god amen so the sooner you fall in love with the word of god the better off you're going to be amen the book of first peter amen we were yeah i believe it was sunday night we talked out of the book of first peter amen i want to call your attention to first peter amen the the fourth chapter her let us begin at the 12th through the 16th verses that's first peter chapter number 4 verse number 12 13 14 15 and 16. amen amen that's first peter when you have it say man read what the bible says beloved beloved think it not strange i don't think it's something weird reid concerning the fiery trial concerning the fiery trial which is to try you which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you it's not strange it's not something that's not supposed to happen don't think that it's strange when fiery trials come to try you this is when some people look up to god with that bad attitude that got him through life you know and say why me what is all of this about after all of my living right this is what happens to somebody like me but he says don't think it's strange as though some strange thing happened unto you that's just not a strange occurrence re but rejoice but rather rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of christ's suffering rejoice that you are able to partake of christ suffering read that when his glory shall be revealed there is something coming there's a result of this suffering that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy you're going to be glad listen it's good now but it gets greater late you're going to be good one of these days when it's all said and done you are going to be glad that you were able to go through it uh-huh re if you be reproached for the name of christ if you be reproached for the name of christ happy are ye aha for the spirit of glory and of god rested for the spirit of glory and the spirit of god rested on you on their part evil spoken on their part he's evil spoken of but on your part but on your part he is glorified he's glorified but let none of you suffer as a murderer but now if you're going to suffer don't suffer for doing the wrong thing you know you got some folk they claim they suffering for the glory of god my god oh they don't like me because i'm saved no they don't like you cause you late all the time is ain't nothing brother devil tried his best to turn me around no that's cause you didn't mind your business now now what do you say don't don't this ought not be your kind of suffering let none of you suffer as what a murderer a murderer or as a thief or as a thief or as an evildoer or as an evildoer or as a busybody that is i told you about minding your business read in others men's matters and other men look at somebody tell them god wants you to mind your business lord there's a whole lot of folks suffering they're in trouble now because they couldn't keep their nose out of somebody else's business and then when people ask you out of their business now you feel like everybody got an attitude with me they just treat me funny and all you need an anointing to mind your own business my pastor used to tell me if people bold enough to ask you into your business you ought to be bold enough to ask them out of your business y'all ain't got the boy y'all ain't saying you know you got folk now they bowl yeah they they bald you know they want to know stuff and they'll they'll come try to pick a conversation with you just to figure out the stuff they want to know well y'all ain't saying nothing they they born and they'll run their hands through your hair cuz read yet if any man suffer as a christian yet if any man suffer as a christian let him not be ashamed don't let him be ashamed but let him glorify god on this behalf let him not be ashamed but let him glorify god on this behalf if any man suffer as a christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify god on this behalf but if if yet if any man suffer as a christian if he suffer you mean you mean christians suffer if any man suffer as a christian let him not be ashamed don't don't walk around like something is wrong with you because you're suffering but let him glorify god on this behalf i want to talk to you tonight about this is a suffering way look at somebody and bring them back down to earth because maybe they still way up there in the clouds look at them and tell them the truth tell them this is a suffering way i know some folks didn't even look at you they don't want to hear nothing like that i come to hear about a car but the reality is this is a suffering there's no way we can get around this and y'all y'all look like i just ran over your dog amen y'all done checked out of this one huh this is a suffering way and the sooner we realize that i think the better the better equipped will be to endure the trials that we face i was thinking let me just jump in the deep part tonight there is in christianity now a false premise a deadly and a damaging misunderstanding uh this is a weird ideology right now this this philosophy this this new doctrine in christianity that has in essence divorced salvation from suffering now people are told and led to believe that when you get saved everything is going to work out just fine you'll never cry you'll never go through anything people will love you to death everybody is going to be your friend when you get saved all of your trouble is over at that point just get saved and just say yes to the lord amen just give god your life and from that point forward amen all you will experience is mountaintop after mountaintop at the mountaintop there is no suffering for you because you are a child of god but brothers and sisters don't listen amen to that false philosophy because according to the word of god this is a suffering way i know people don't like to hear that they don't like to hey man to chew that over in their mind the fact that now that i'm saved you mean i still got some mountains to climb you think hey man now that i'm saved or you're telling me brother herman that there are people that are not going to like me for all of the good that i do and all amen of the righteousness by which i try to govern my life you mean to tell me that there are still people that are not going to understand my righteous living you telling me brother herman that there are people that are still going to try to take advantage of me there are people that are not going to like my standard they won't like my doctrine amen because it points a finger at them you mean to tell me that there are things that i'm going to have to go through simply because i'm a child of god and that's exactly what i'm telling you amen it is falsehood it is lies amen for us to stand and tell people that when you get saved that nothing bad is going to ever happen to you again as a matter of fact the bible tells us amen in explicit terms that this is a suffering way there's no way around it there's no way amen that we can avoid it the fact that we are in this world the fact that we are the children of god means that there are going to be hostilities that are going to be aimed at us so what we've got to do now amen we've got to prepare ourselves amen to move forward in god do you know they're going to be challenges and obstacles that every one of us are going to have to face amen they're going to be things that we're going to have to do amen i will never mess through the power of the holy ghost to move beyond amen and it's not just going to be a cakewalk but through much tribulation we're going to enter into the kingdom of our god so many people have taken a hold of this false ideology this false philosophy this misunderstanding of the christian life that what it has resulted in is the influx of weak and feeble people boy y'all get quiet amen you better say man are they gonna think i'm talking about you people have believed now that when i get saved nothing bad is ever going to happen again and what that has done it has given people a false expectation of safety and security amen from the very presence of challenges and when they have this false understanding amen these are the ones he meant that as soon as trouble hit their house they split their gold he meant because they never expected anything that had to happen now that they've given their heart to the lord but brothers and sisters might i share with you tonight amen that when you come over on the lord's side the bible said as christ suffered in the flesh arm yourself likewise amen with the same mind you've got to realize that when you come over on the lord's side amen the devil hates the fact that you belong to god amen the devil hates the fact that you gave god your life and from that point forward you are now public enemy number one and because you are a child of god you can expect the devil to do his very best he meant to try to turn you around to try to dissuade you and if he can't do that he seeks to make life as miserable as he can possibly make it because you are the child of god but you know you've got to be like power you've got to learn how to glory even in your tribulation i'm trying to figure out tonight are there any christians left in christ amen that believes that when i got saved that was the greatest thing that could ever happen to me and it doesn't matter how bad my mondays are a young guy cried how terrible my twos is at wednesdays and thursdays how challenging my fridays and saturdays i realize amen that serving the lord is still the best decision that i've ever made it doesn't matter how many mountains i've got to cry amen i'm willing to climb it because he is still the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life i wish i could get somebody to look at your name and tell the neighbor jesus is the best thing that's ever happened to me amen and it doesn't matter even what i've got to go through as long as i've got him on my side god as long as i as long as i have him on my side i'm going to be all right amen so what this has done now he meant this false teaching it has resulted in the production and the influx of weak and feeble people amen people who can shout with the best of them amen but who cannot endure are you hearing what i'm trying to tell you you've got to realize brothers and sisters amen when you get saved that's the moment not to sit down and take it easy but that's the time when you got to roll your sleeve up and you've got to prepare yourself now to fight the good fight of faith you know it's time right now amen for us kicking back with our heels up thinking that we're going into heaven on flowery bits of ease but can i tell you if you get there are you already said and i've read it today the bible said that the righteous will just scarcely be saved i hear one of my good friends say all the time amen your chances of making it to heaven are slim to none are you hearing what i'm trying to tell you you're only gonna make it in by the skin of your teeth but you know what if you learn how to endure it if you learn how to go you always say nothing here i'm trying to tell somebody amen you've got to fight your way to the kingdom the devil's going to be there to try to turn you back trying to turn you around trying to get you to give up trying to get you to walk away but i'm coming to tell you you've got to be stronger than that it's time now he meant to put your old feelings in your back pocket can i talk to somebody here and set yourself now amen to climb over hills and mountains to go around the challenges and to meet every obstacle with the sun determination that says heaven will be my home now you've got to know look at something and tell them this is a suffering way amen you know those are the ones now that can survive only in the fairness of weather amen they can't handle themselves and y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you you've got people now that can't handle the challenges the only thing they can handle now amen are the blessings and that's what we see now that's the weeding out of those amen that would just simply come to church i see now while the bible said many are called amen but only a few are chosen because god you always stand up in here he's looking for the cream of the crop can i talk to somebody amen he's looking for the ones that can take a licking and keep on climbing up the king's highway he's looking for those people that are not easily dissuaded not easily turned around but somebody who as good as the devil can give it you can take it and say it's not enough to make me quit i'm looking through the house tonight trying to find out are there still people who have been through the storm and the rain had to cry had to walk off and leave you all by yourself but y'all hearing me but your testimony tonight is that it still wasn't enough to make me quit my mind is still made up and my heart is still fixed i'm going with jesus all of the way look at somebody tell them this is a suffering way i thought about it this brand of christianity that we see in america has given rise to what i call entitlement thinking this kind of thinking has created a bunch of small people people who feel like they're supposed to have it all and they're supposed to get it easily before y'all don't get quiet on tuesday hey man this this new he brand of religion that we've seen now says you're supposed to have it all you know that teacher now that everybody's supposed to be a millionaire everybody's supposed to live in a seven bedroom home everybody's supposed to have three cars and only got a two-car garage jordan got quiet hey man that's what this new teaching is that you just you're blabbing and you're grabbing amen all you got to do is give your tithe and amen if you put a hundred dollars in god don't send ten thousand dollars out and so now you've got people who are disappointed with god because their expectation that god amen was not realistic at least not according to the word of god can i tell you everybody is not going to be a millionaire well y'all don't got quite everybody amen it's not going to live in a mansion everybody's not going to have four and five cars can i talk to you amen but that don't mean that you're not saved that does not mean that you're not on the lord's side and we've got to get rid of this thinking now amen that says that unless you've got all of this stuff on the checklist he meant three closets full of clothes and he meant a hundred pair of shoes and amen a 2021 car that you are not blessed the devil is alive he means you've got some folk riding on the bus amen but they got the favor of god on their life you know what has happened we have started equating pain with godliness as if that's all god is looking for but can i tell your sons and daughters it doesn't matter what you don't get down to here if you live right and if you live a holy god said your lotta end is gonna be greater there are people that are down here now amen they're suffering they don't have a whole lot of stuff but they got jesus christ and we as the people of god have got to learn that whatsoever state we're in we are going to be content why because he's with me are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you you can't look at god and say i need jesus and no as long as i got jesus oh you always say nothing here i can ride the bus because he's riding with me i can live in an apartment because he's standing with me are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you i can't cook my own meal for once y'all ain't saying nothing ah because he's at the table with me and if you ain't married y'all didn't get cried he's still there holding you you ain't got to have a man to wrap his arms around you because when you know jesus you never ever by yourself anyway [Music] [Applause] oh god it's not going to be a cookie-cutter situation where everybody is going to have the same stuff you got to know some of us are going to have five cars some of us don't have half a car it's gonna work monday wednesday thursday and friday and on church days it's gonna give you trouble we come to church and hear folk testify i thank god because god gave me a brand new 2021 burgundy i went tope interior of v6 and y'all y'all ain't and then folks sitting up there feeling like they ain't blessed because because i'm still driving at 2008. you know focus you know put the spin on testimonies now i got run flat tires and i don't have to get all changed for 12 000 now and i don't have to then you crank your car up and smoke go everywhere and here you are feeling like you can't testify amen because you ain't got what they have the devil is alive i come to tell you hey man if you don't have a car if you wake up with light health and strength you may say brother herman i walk half the way to church and i live six miles away thank god god gave you the strength to make it that far are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you we got to stop can't gain this godliness just because we don't take amen paris vacations because we don't fly first class because we don't have what everybody else has that means we're not blessed the devil is alive you are blessed brother herman but you don't understand i had a car and they took it you're still blessed let me tell you some child of god you didn't stop being blessed when you got that car you didn't stop being blessed when you got married you didn't stop being blessed when you got a big house you were blessed the moment you lifted your hands and said god i tried it my way and it didn't work come in and deliver me everything else is extra brothers and sisters everybody's gonna have their own time to go through stuff don't you ever think people don't have problems i remember one day i was i was preaching i was talking about something that i went through and somebody came to me after service and they said i've been knowing you all your life and i ain't never known you to go through that kind of stuff and i'm trying to figure out how presumptuous can people be to think that just because your yo yo your blouse match your skirt and your shoes match your belt in your purse that you got it good and don't never go through nothing can i tell you some of us are just walking trials but we make going through look good are y'all hearing what i'm trying to i'm trying to find somebody here that can testify you had full compliment your shoes and they don't even realize that's the only pair of shoes you got you had full compliment your clothes and they didn't even realize you had tear stains all on your blouse oh y'all ain't talking here i'm trying to tell you you can't look at folks and tell what they're going through but you know what i do believe i believe that if you're a child of god you are the worst suffering for jesus christ like a badge of honor get up and brush your teeth wash your face and comb your nappy hair amen the world not know that you're suffering you know what i tell them if i got to go through and cry i'll go to the bathroom lock the door turn the water on so don't nobody hear me cry but when i come back out i'm still going to praise god and tell everybody i mean that this is the day that the lord has made way oh honey christians don't lose their house the devil is alive y'all don't got quiet look at y'all ain't saying nothing here tonight oh you wanted me to tell you that ain't no way in the world bad stuff gonna happen to you oh no no no some of us gonna suffer in it let me come back over here they hey man some of us gonna suffer in this life amen some of us are gonna lose some things are you the bible said we boy y'all don't got let me find somewhere else to look amen the bible said we were he said we're going to lose some things in this life amen some things we're going to walk away from amen and some things they're going to take from us amen some situations amen people are going to put us in amen it's going to be innocent suffering but can i tell you amen as long as you're on the lord's side god promised you that after a while he gonna make this good oh who told you you were supposed to have my god come on now all of this stuff you supposed to have a big bank account you're supposed to have money in your pocket no see that's how people are saying that they're blessed now and people are saying christians aren't supposed to get to that place can i tell you it get hard there was a point when jesus needed to pay his taxes and didn't have money in his pocket he told peter go fish it and look at that fish's mouth and get the money and go pay your patches and mine i'm trying to tell you you're not blessed because you got a whole lot in your pocket you're blessed because you serve a god that can make a way out of nowhere oh we look around and we look at all these people look at them they got something new and look at her she got a new hat and she got this and he got that and we're looking around and something then i says what's wrong with me because i don't have nothing new i don't have nothing up to date i don't have nothing that makes people turn around ain't nobody told me in a while that that looks nice on you who said that's the way things were supposed to be and you know what i figured out sometimes the devil is just playing with our minds trying to make us think that things are more important than they are there was one man on the news i think he was a meteorologist some of y'all saw that story he wore the same suit for a whole was it a year just to prove that people wouldn't even notice every day on television wearing the same suit just different times the same suit said and nobody even noticed but you know what the devil will tell you the devil will tell you everybody looking at you and he'll make you feel bad because you don't have what everybody else has the devil is a liar amen i tell them if you only got one suit just just get your two ties if you only got one hat word on the side this sunday turn around backwards next sunday flip it up in the front of y'all ain't saying under here oh y'all ain't got cr i'm trying to tell you hey man this is not the way god intended it for us to put everything into how people receive us down here but we should expect that the world is going to give us a hard time you know what when you look at most of the world you see christians running for their lives you see persecution of christians so severe and so fierce that they're dying by the hundreds they're being slaughtered they've been run out the churches are being burned to the ground they're being arrested and look at us over here we feel like we're supposed to have stuff and you know i get it hey man america is what they call the greatest nation that has ever existed in the history of the world look at our freedoms y'all we feel like oh i got a right to freedom of speech i have a right to freedom of religion i have a right to freedom of expression can i tell you all it takes is one vote before they start taking your freedoms away we feel like we are entitled to that stuff but can i talk to somebody amen and not just be realistic can i be real with you amen our freedoms amen and our rights are found in the word of god amen not in some constitution and i thank god for it amen but things can change for us at a moment's notice and can i tell you that's when real christianity is going to show itself what we're seeing now we're seeing the beginning stages amen of a nation that is becoming increasingly hostile to those of us that stick with the scriptures and hold to the doctrine of god what we're seeing now amen it's just a precursor amen this is just a prelude amen to what's coming later on if you think this is persecution you haven't seen anything yet and i'm trying to understand amen for all of our holiness for all of this church we have why don't we understand this why are we so quick to run why are we so quick to let go of god's unchanging hand when you've got people that are dying for the faith and here we are backslidden because we can't have our way can i tell you if you can't run with the footman then you can't run with the horses [Applause] you gotta understand what's really going on we're the children of god the people that are running for their lives because of their commitment to god and let me see this god is going to get all of us so-called christians you so called christians whose profession of faith don't mean nothing to them you got people just saying i'm a part of the church and that's all they'll say i'm a christian and that profession of faith means nothing to them they so easily walk away from it amen they so easily lay salvation down think so easily walk away listen if this thing is real at all then it's worth you holding on and i don't care how tough it gets we have a responsibility to god to stay true to what god has called us to oh salvation is not a one-step program to an easy life it's a covenant that we make with god oh god that we embrace even to the laying down of our lives oh people don't think that but god wouldn't record it let me tell you something the way it's going now things are getting rough i said things are getting so rough you don't know what it's going to require after a while and i'm looking at people that are so easily pushed out of church and i'm saying lord if they threaten you with your life can i talk to somebody amen how many of us could hold on to god it's so easy now because all we got to do is get dressed remember to bring our bible amen we're sitting in comfortable seats and you got people that can't stay faithful even in the most favorable condition amen but if there were ever a day when they said you can't come to church and i don't mean amen just hiatus i mean when they tell you it's against the law for you to name the name of christ for you to own a bible i'm trying to figure out how many people have this thing deep enough in their heart that they'll still say for god i'd live and for god it's easy to say that now when ain't nobody threatening your life but i come to tell you we are children of god in a world that's hostile to our god and after why god may have to test your testimony how many people would hold on to god boy y'all getting quiet sometimes i find myself rehearsing the stories of fox's book of martyrs and seeing how so many people gave up their lives for the cause of christ so y'all are y'all hearing me and we think this is persecution now amen people rolling their eyes at us no you don't understand persecution if you think we're eye rolling amen and full gossiping on you amen and saying you are not that ain't it can i tell you what persecution is persecution is when you don't know if you go y'all getting quiet here if you go live to see tomorrow when you read fox's book of martyrs they talk about people who were arrested and tried and many of them killed because of their testimony and because of their witness for god i remember reading the story of a man who they threatened with death if he didn't denounce his god and because he wouldn't he said he laid him down propped his mouth open put a funnel in his mouth and made him drink so much water and force so much water in him until he burst on the inside i remember hearing a story of a man who they took his wife and told him that if he didn't denounce his christ his pregnant wife would die and they would kill the baby and because he would not denounce christ they cut the baby out of her stomach killed her and the baby and he had to sit there and watch it happen y'all didn't got quiet and you mean to tell me you going to heaven and you can't come to church because somebody sat in your seat oh no i feel bad for people who think this is persecution because the russians know i like to sit there and they sent somebody there before i got there i'm tired of being persecuted for righteousness's sake salvation is a covenant we embrace it even if it means we've got to lay our lives on the line get me get me matthew 11 no no matthew 16 25. y'all didn't close your bibles did you matthew 16 and 25 for whosoever fought that he's talking about you for whosoever will save his life huh shall lose it if you save your life if you're willing amen to forsake christ just to save your own life and you've got a lot of people that are like that christ is always the first one to go we get rid of him and we do what we want to do and then we try to come pick him back up when we get done the pebble is alive he said if you're willing to save your life read and whosoever and whosoever will lose his life we'll lose his life for my savior for my sake shall find shall find it now that doesn't just mean losing it to death if you're willing to lose your life the life that you once lived the life that you enjoyed amen for the sake of christ then god said you'll find it yes you got some people that were going to be put to death but you had other people the life that they built for themselves paid themselves they had to walk away from that life for the sake of following christ jesus and you've got people and they're this room right now amen that had built themselves up in the world but when they found christ they had to walk away from that they had to get rid of that the people that were going professional amen but then when they got saved god called them to a different area amen and they had to forsake all of that you had a bunch of people amen that was selling dope amen and getting rich off of it and had built a life and a lifestyle but when they got saved they had to walk away and jesus said if you're willing to lose it for my sake you'll find it but how many people are walking away from christ to try to go and make a life for themselves he said if that's what you're doing you're going to lose it it'll never work out you'll never be fulfilled and you know that's the sad reality i've heard a lot of backsliders come back to god after they've left god and went out there and other folk would have looked at them and thought they were flying high but when they come back they testify that no matter what i gained it was never enough to fulfill me because if you seek to save your life he said you're going to lose it but if you're willing to lose it for my sake he said you'll find it you'll find that if you're willing to walk away from even the creaturely comforts of life he said you'll find real life you'll find joy you'll find everything you need if you're willing to forsake that other life but some of us are so connected and interconnected with this stuff that we can't fully serve god because we're still trying to hold on to the semblance of what we used to be we love being a baller in the world and we just don't want folk to lose that kind of respect for us so we still trying to act like ballers in church you got folks still trying to pimp in church oh god used to telling folk what to do and can't let that life and that lifestyle go have you ever seen people like that you've got people that come over to church and they still trying to have that same look amen in that same regard as they did when they were out there and they can't even really fully function in that space anymore but they'll go broke and they'll do all kind of stuff to try to keep that going because they like how it made them feel but jesus said if you come after me you're gonna have to deny yourself and look at what he said he said you gotta take up your cross and follow me every day can i tell you what a cross is it is the emblem of suffering and shame when you come to christ you got to be willing to take up your cross and follow him and i'm telling you when you take up that cross you'll find that this really is a suffering way you know what happens when you take up the cross of christ oh you start to understand what persecution is and sometimes persecution starts right at your own home when you take up the cross of christ there are people in your houses people that got your blood in their veins they'll misunderstand your walk with christ and can i tell you this world is lonely enough but you haven't seen lonely until the people that you're related to turn their backs on you because you chose to walk with christ oh we don't think that happens anymore you think everybody's going to be happy for you because you got saving because you spoke in tongues can i tell you when you really get it like the bible said even religious people are y'all trying to hear what i'm saying or not even folk that say they go to church won't appreciate your holiness they will not appreciate your doctrine and you haven't been persecuted until you've been persecuted by church folk and family members and folk that have known you all this time i'm trying to tell you it's more than just a cliche to say i go if i have to go by myself this world is lonely enough but then to have to walk this walk amen to the scowers to the ridicule of the people that know you're the best you have insane persecution the folk that should understand you are having interventions to try to figure out why you go to that hole in this church some of y'all ain't saying nothing but some of y'all don't walk through the room and there was ten of your family members in there come on in and sit down and have a seat we just want to talk to you because we love you oh you ain't seen persecution y'all don't get quiet can i talk to you amen until people walk off and turn their backs on you because you are saved can i tell your brothers and sisters you will think everybody would be happy for you because you don't smoke dope no more and because you don't steal anymore and because you don't engage in that lifestyle anymore but can i tell you sometimes folks love the sin of you but they can't stand to save you and because you are a child of god that's when they're coming for you but you've got to endure it knowing that god's going to rewatch if you can just hold on he said if you save your life you're going to lose it god my time is gone but if you lose your life for my sake he said you'll find it and you know i i laid this this false teaching at the feet of the teachers who for years have told people god wants you to have a bunch of stuff oh god i want you to have a bunch of stuff can i tell you god wants you to live a good life down here the bible said beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health but hear what he said even as your soul prospers you've got people that are trying to prosper but their soul is in jeopardy they can't afford another blessing because what they got already is challenging their love for god we want god to keep giving us more and more and more and here it is now before we had a car we were at church every night are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you we found a way to get there and now that we got a car that run real good we can't hardly make it to the house of god i'm trying to understand how is it that the blessings that god give us come back to challenge our love for god people have told us that's all god want god wants you to have stuff he wants you to have things he he just wants you he meant to be the richest person in your family you're going to be blessed above everybody else which means you're going to have more money you gonna make six figures and you got people that'll stand up and they tell us if you give a thousand dollars by next friday everybody gonna have ten thousand dollars in their mailbox and you got folk running to the altar laying money all you already said nothing because we want that ten thousand dollar blessing they promised us and when it don't happen we trying to figure out what happened to me what's wrong with me why am i not blessed i blame false teaching on false teachings who have led us to believe that god saved us to serve us boy y'all didn't get quiet now that's what they want you to believe that god saved you just so that he can bless you and make you a millionaire and it's so sad because when you look at years ago when people talked about faith they understood that faith was primarily necessary for salvation and endurance but what we have allowed now is the faith for things to overtake faith for salvation and endurance and all that proves is that while we're shouting and tithing and sowing we're still carnal i mean ain't nobody's saying nothing but you satria thank you we have allowed faith for cars and houses and money to overtake the faith that is intended to secure us in our endurance and in our salvation so it used to be when people talked about faith it was all about holding on to god it was about holding that testimony asking god for the strength to endure through persecution but now when we preach faith it's only about cars and houses and money and so if you talk about faith now people's mind automatically go to everything i can get instead of understanding that the just shall lit your whole life your existence is by faith if you're just at all you've got to understand the bible says you don't have to go after that other stuff you always say nothing you got for praying amen every day for cars and houses and money and husbands when the bible said all you've got to do is seek first the kingdom and the wrath shall be added unto what did he say in psalms 18 and 20 the lord rewards me according to my righteousness if you would just live holy you don't have to beg god every day amen for y'all to get quiet now if you live holy you don't have to beg god he meant for transportation you know what the bible said the uh brother patrick i quoted it this weekend i once was young but now i'm old i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread god's going to take care of you but you've got to seek the kingdom and not seek the stuff this is a suffering way and people don't believe it we need faith but we don't need faith for acquisition before y'all didn't get quiet we need faith because we live in a world that's hostile to our god and a world that is so cursed by sin that it challenges anybody that wants to live in a moral way that's why we need faith you know i was reading let me hasten i'm not gonna finish this tonight i was reading we call it the faith hall of fame hebrews the 11th chapter i went through and reread that today because i wanted to understand what did the patriarchs no faith to be see we look at it and we talk about faith but we've been led to believe that it's only what god wants to give us only what he wants to deposit in our bank accounts but when you go back and you understand that now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen when you start to read through the 11th chapter of the book of hebrews you'll start to see why they needed faith some of their children died and they needed their children restored to life some of them needed faith because god had already given them promise but what they saw was contrary to what god said and so they needed faith in order to persist in believing god you had others who were in danger their lives were threatened but they needed faith to hold on to god in the face of persecution but we don't see that kind of faith anymore we don't see that so now people are walking away people are leaving as if this is not what they signed up for but you know what what what jesus said in acts one and eight he said and ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and then what did he say and ye shall be witnesses said unto me in judea and samaria and unto the latter most parts of the world and you shall be witnesses i look that word witness up today that word witness doesn't only mean a person who testifies to an event but that word witness also means one who is willing to be martyred for the testimony when he said and ye shall be witnesses unto me he's telling us you've got to be willing because of what you live because of what you believe because of what you hold to you've got to be willing to stick with it even to the point of laying down your life does that sound like god expects your life to be flowery beds of ease who told us this is this why people are so quick to backslide is this why they are getting so disenchanted with god because he's not fulfilling their expectations and they expect that god is only supposed to do them good and not allow for anything else to happen in their lives and that's not what the bible says they didn't see faith as the way to get stuff they believed faith was the key to enduring the persecution it was that ability to stay committed to god in the face of adversity yet believing his promises do we honestly think sons and daughters had a world that hated jesus so much that they killed the christ to be lovingly tolerant to his followers do you realize the world hated him so much that they killed your lord and mine they destroyed his body they beat him they spit on him god shows you how much they revealed the christ they killed him and we honestly think that a world that killed our christ it's supposed to treat us like we're the children of a king we don't understand this is a suffering way and that same world that hated him is going to hate you that same world that sought to put an end to him he's going to seek to put an end to you you can expect it because he said they hated the prophets before you don't think it's strange if they hate you too you think they're supposed to just get back because you one of them tongue talkers they can't stand you the devil hates you he's going to try to destroy you and you've got to expect it and don't think that it's weird or something strange when you start to go through these fiery trials no it ain't nothing strange that's what you can expect from a world that did the same thing to your lord look at us now get me ii timothy 3 and 12. yay yay and all that will live godly and everybody that lives godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution every one of us gonna suffer persecution oh we can expect it to happen every one of us when i'm not trying to be a preacher i'm just trying to be saying i'm not asking for all of that can i tell you just because you're associated with god because you don't have to be a preacher to have power with god and what satan is looking to do he's looking to get you out of that place of power he's going to try to persecute you until you walk away and say it's not worth it but god says i'm counting on you to buckle yourself in put your seatbelt on and get ready for the ride of your life the devil's going to turn you upside down he's going to flip you sideways he's going to take you faster and further than you want it to go but god said i'm expecting you to make it you gotta endure this read but evil men now read that again yay yay and all that will live godly in christ jesus the musician the choir member the preacher the conductor everybody that lives godly shall suffer persecution can i tell you there are some people that are going to treat you like they did daniel the bible said when they tried to find something on daniel because daniel was such a good man they couldn't find nothing except when it came to his god the world would try to back you into a corner and try to get you to compromise when it comes to your god and i'm trying to figure out is there anybody that loves god enough to say i lose my job before i backslide y'all ain't saying nothing here i'm trying to figure out how there's still people of conviction and character that said before i violate my doctrine before i do what god tell me not to do i let him fire me from that job i'm not trying to hold on to benefits and let go of my god y'all don't got quiet here i'm looking for somebody that'll say they can try it but my hope is built on nothing less in jesus blood and righteousness if they can't get you nowhere else they'll try to get you when it comes to your savior and your walk with christ but you've got to have enough conviction you've got to realize there's a covenant that i've got to embrace and i've got to go on with god even if it means i walk away from jobs if it means people walk away from me what y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you i don't care if you're engaged to be married and something comes up that violates your standard with god could i preach up in here it's better for you to walk by yourself than for you to end up sleeping with the enemy that's trying to tie your hand out of god's unchanging hand this is a suffering way get me philippians 1 27 through 30. only let your conversation only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of christ not just the conversation of words but the conversation of conduct uh-huh that whether i come and see you yes or else be absent i may hear of your affairs that ye stand fast in one spirit that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind with one mind striving together for the faith striving for the faith of the gospel of the gospel that you stand fast that you stand securely that you stand strongly stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel read and in nothing terrified and nothing terrified by your adversary by your adversary let me say this to you you've got to realize that the greater than is still on the inside of you it doesn't matter who it is because sometimes we have big enemies but the greater than is still in you don't be terrified by your adversary but you don't understand that's the ceo of the company don't you be terrified by your adversary the bible said has the rivers of water so are the king's hearts in the hands of god god can turn them whichever way he wants to don't you be terrified because you're a david up against goliath because with god on your sides giants still come down read which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation but to you of salvation the reason why they act like they act towards you is because they're lost they're ruined read and that of god and that of god for unto you it is given in the behalf of this don't worry about it because to you it is given in the behalf of christ read not only to believe on him oh i thank god that he brought me to the place of believing on him well that ain't all he did for you but also to suffer for his sake wait a minute so to you it is given in the behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer oh i know somebody said night i didn't sign up for no suffering now but it was given unto you in the behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for what his sake for his sake you're a child of god it was given to you to suffer for his sake it is a privilege he's saying for us to suffer for his sake but brother herman you don't understand how hard it's getting i didn't feel this level of persecution until i got saved but it is given unto you in the behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake read having the same conflict having that same conflict which he saw in me which you saw in me and now here to be in me and now you hear it to being me you've got to see that suffering is a common condition of the child of god and when you see it like that you won't be so easily dissuaded people now just never expected to go through on that level i didn't know it's going to be this bad but when you understand that to you it's not just given to you to be saved but it's given to you to suffer for his sake that is how you separate yourself as a child of god when you're suffering for his sake it distinguishes you from everybody else in the world it now sets the line between us and them you suffer for his sake and it sets the line between us and them so why would you walk away when you know that the reason he has you here the great god of the universe has you here not only to be saved but also so that you might suffer for his sake you've got to realize i read that in luke get that get that luke six i want you to hear me thank you lord get me luke six and twenty through twenty three i'm almost done i want you i want you to hear this and he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said what did he say bless be ye poor wait a minute wait a minute blessed be ye poor and matthew talks about the poor in spirit but here luke records blessed be ye poor why for yours is the kingdom of god whatever you don't get down here he says blessed be poor not just the poor in spirit blessed be ye poor don't you ever hold your head down i don't care if you're living under a bridge and you just faint for the church some of you may be sleeping in your car because you've lost everything you got saved your husband left you he divorced you and took everything your mother put you out now you have nothing in this world blessed be poor for yours it's the whole kingdom of heaven oh god you may never get worldly preference down here but you're blessed so hold your head up yours is the kingdom of heaven read blessed are ye that hunger now you that hunger now for ye shall be filled for ye shall be filled you mean bishop murray i can be saved and sometimes scrape in the bottom of the barrel and that don't mean that i'm not saved that's exactly what i'm telling you everybody won't eat steak every day sometimes you'll have no meat at all you'll eat rice and beans and and god is saying don't you worry don't you hold your head down you lost your job y'all and got cried and now you're suffering he said blessed are you that hunger now for what for ye shall be filled you shall be filled read blessed are ye that weep now oh for ye shall laugh those of you that are in such deep despair because of the pressure that they're putting on you you've got all of these obligations and now it looks like everything in your life is being threatened and now you're crying and you can't see your way forward he said blessed are you that weep for what for ye shall laugh you're going oh god oh god can i tell you he said while you're having tribulation jesus said you're going to weep but the world is going to laugh oh god and i'm trying to tell you that's the way it is sometimes we're going through and the world is sitting there and we're crying and they're laughing but i come to tell you god said the last laugh is always going to be yours you'll go ahead and cry now i heard him say it in psalms that he catches ideas in a bottle and for every tear you god said the last laugh is yours let them persecute you now let them talk about you now but let them talk about you while you're going up to get your reward oh god y'all ain't saying nothing blessed are you that hunger now you shall be filled blessed are you that weep now for ye shall laugh read blessed are ye hear this blessed are you when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake wait a minute blessed are you when they hate you they're people that don't like you they're people that are seeking a way to drag you down there are people that are trying to overturn you and are trying to place a recall on everything they see as a blessing in your life but the bible said you're blessed lord you always but brother herman you don't understand everywhere i look there's enemy everywhere i go there is trouble but can i tell you god said you're blessed you're not blessed because they speak well of you you're blessed because you live the kind of life that unnerves people who don't like your christ he said you're blessed and look at what else he says he says when they take your name and they set your name forth as evil you know what that says to me god said i'm going to preserve your reputation can i tell you there are some people in here the devil is trying to assassinate your character he's trying to spread falsehoods about you but god said you're blessed and i come to declare to you that for everybody that's trying to drag your name to the blood god said no weapon formed against you shall prosper they're going to try it they'll say mount of evil against you you may lose your job behind it but you're blessed you've got to learn how to put your reputation in the hands of the lord oh they can't stand you you got a business they'll go on and write about kind of bad reviews try to keep people from prospering your work but god said you're blessed y'all don't get cried look at what he said when they cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake what is he saying verse 23 rejoice ye in that day rejoice in that day don't wait but while they're persecuting you rejoice in that pain and leap for joy oh god he said y'all didn't get quiet here huh that's what the bible said the bible said you ought to leap for joy you got some folk been doubted in the valley for a long time drag your name amen through the mud and you're trying to figure out how am i gonna make this work if i lose my job then my kids gotta transfer school if i lose this house i gotta go on the other side of town and i can't afford it back oh god but jesus said when this stuff happens to you when you feel like you can't get about the bed he said muster up enough strength to stand up on your feet and just leak for joy got something good it's going to i wish i could get somebody to jump up to your feet and take one leap and sit back down [Applause] i wish i could get forgot thirteen i'm gonna leave for john i wish i could get you to look at somebody and tell them i'm still blessed while they're lying while they're connected while they're digging dirt out from under my feet i'm still blessed [Music] sit down for about two minutes [Music] next time you feel like crying because of what people said [Music] they gonna thank you crazy standing up next to your desk and not saying nothing to nobody so [Music] look at somebody tell them neighbor the next time you feel like crying in front of people tell them go catch you a corner and just leap for job [Music] stand to your feet i can't finish this tonight [Music] i this is a suffering way i was i was reading and i was reading second corinthians the fourth chapter and i tried to figure out how do we rejoice in tribulation first of all it's the cause we rejoice because we're suffering for his sake he said you ought to rejoice that you were worthy to partake of his suffering paul said that i may know him oh god i just want to know him i just want to know him i want to partake in this suffering oh god i want to have fellowship with him so it's the cause that we're suffering for but it's also the fact that we don't deserve what the world is giving us that's a testimony that we're suffering for doing a good thing and i read let me let me let me let you hear what i read verse 16 first second corinthians 4 verse 16 says for which cause we think not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man thank you lord is renewed day by day lord after all that we suffered yesterday we woke up this morning and that was a brand new mercy somebody said i can't take no more but then you got up with enough strength to take some more look at what verse 17 says for our light affliction which is brought for a moment work it for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory i had to look at that real close today elder he says i weigh him in the scale let me weigh the affliction let me weigh the glory he said when i weigh affliction against the glory [Music] the affliction no matter how hard it is seems kind of light i would light a flick y'all done got quiet on me he said i don't care if it made you cry when you're weighing against the glory it's just a light affliction but the glory is a far more exceeding and eternal weight the glory got more weight than the affliction does so we endure the affliction knowing that he that endureth to the end same shall be saved this is a suffering way ain't nothing wrong with you there's nothing wrong with your salvation paul said but i believe that the suffering of this present world is not worthy to be compared to the glory he always contrasts the suffering with the glory the sufferings of this present world what we go through in this world is nothing compared to the glory that shall be revealed in you oh no things are just not supposed to go right for you there's a purpose to all of this said if you suffer with me you'll reign with me and i'm trying to tell you there's coming a time when holding on is going to be understood to be the best thing that you've ever done i used to hear my apostles say all the time that living right is not as important now as it will be when you get to where you're going you're going to see why you're going to understand it better that's what they used to tell us that we often tossed and driven on this restless sea of time summer skies and howl and tempest all succeed the bright sunshine but in that land of faithless day when our midst has rolled away we'll understand it better bang bang what a fellowship [Music] what a joy divine leaning on [Music] the everlasting arms what a blessing what a peace is mine [Music] still yes i'm leaning oh i'm i'm leading [Music] save and secure thank you lord from allah yes i'm leaning oh lord i'm leaning oh my i'm leaning on [Music] the everlasting lasting on somebody else every hit bout somebody here needs to be saved [Music] somebody needs deliverance tonight i'm asking you to come there's somebody here tonight needs the strength to hold on [Music] he'll say brother herman burdens are getting heavy the battle is waging hot if that's you i want you to come somebody just needs the strength to endure would you come tonight if you say brother herman i i'm in it pretty thick right now it's pretty heavy for me i'm just asking god to give me the strength to endure it come on come on come on come on that's it oh you think it's too heavy for you no it's not it's not it's not he wouldn't give you more than you could bear sometimes we don't understand that there's a strength on the inside of us that we just haven't tapped into yet it's there those of us that have been filled with this power the power and the strength to go forward is there [Music] all we need to do is access it put on that power come on there's somebody else here tonight for all of my trying brother herman i haven't figured it out yet but tonight i understand i've been called to suffer oh it's hard but it's not gonna make me quit i gave god my word if there's another would you come would you come hallelujah thank you lord come on come on i need somebody to pray for these that are standing at this altar would you would you start praying now hallelujah come on jesus i to follow [Music] oh [Music] turn it [Music] what a great decision to make that's still coming come on hallelujah god bless you i know burdens can get heavy i understand the enemy can fight sometimes the battle is so hot it takes you to the edge of your mind and you feel like i just don't have the strength to go beyond where i am right now yes you do and sometimes even though you know what god has said to you [Music] you go through so many challenges that are so great you start to question it is this real was that real did i make a mistake but god's gonna give you the strength to make it the strength to hold on and if you'll let him he'll carry you clean across the finish line i pray every day [Music] every day i pray and i ask god to give us all the strength to go all the way with him to make it to the finish line [Music] holding on to our testimony those of you that need to be saved lift your hands come on that's it you need the holy ghost lift your hands i want you to talk to god and mean it from the bottom of your heart open your mouth and say lord i'm sorry for everything that i've done that wasn't pleasing to you everything god that was done according to my will but not yours tell them lord i'm so sorry for doing it my own way take me and mow me and shake me lord clean me up forgive me tell them lord i want to be right i want to be saved tell them lord i need power to be what you're calling me to be baptize me with the holy ghost tell the lord when you do it tonight i'll serve you for the rest of my life come on and lift those hands begin to praise him now in the name of jesus those of you that need strength in god lift those hands now father in the name of jesus oh god as i pray for thee standing at this altar now i pray god that you will send your power send your anointing now to destroy the yoke father every plan and every plot of the enemy we curse it we cancel every assignment to pour your people out of your will tonight in the name of jesus let your holy ghost fall on them god and those that need strength tonight let it fall on them afresh give them a fresh touch of your power new strength in the holy ghost the strength to believe you the strength to go out of the way oh god and we praise you for it tonight we praise you we give you glory we give your honor we give you the thanks god in the name of jesus for the great things that you're doing right now come on those of you at this hotel begin to praise him for what he's doing come on come on come on come on that's it receive it tonight [Music] hallelujah [Applause] oh thank you lord [Music] while you're standing maybe you stand in need tonight father would you lift your hands if there's a need in the name of jesus i ask that you would walk up and down every aisle that you would move across every road stop at every seat meet your people at the point of need father i thank you that tonight we will find our sufficiency in you i thank you for the power that you give us to endure father i pray that the faith that you give us by which we live god that we would use it and find you sufficient oh god to strengthen us against every challenge against persecution against suffering father give us a healthy understanding give us a new mind let us arm ourselves with the mind of christ and submit to your will even in the face of the heaviest trial thank you for the strength that you give us to go all the way with you and father we praise and glorify you for it now the name of jesus the christ somebody lift those hands and give god great praise tonight hallelujah while you're standing let us get this announcement [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 16,558
Rating: 4.9229536 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 20sec (6380 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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