FGHT Dallas: Don't Go Back To It

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[Music] well if you love the lord tonight put those hands together let's praise it real good come on i said if you love him tonight put those hands together let's give him a great big round of applause let's thank him for being good thank him for being god for us hallelujah what a great god we serve while you're standing would you clap your hands for that testimony for brother quinton amen thank god for sister anik let the redeemed of the lord say so amen to our first lady tonight and to this wonderful host of ministry we thank god for each of you and to all of you my father's children god bless you take your seat in the presence of the lord what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on his everlasting arms what a blessedness what a peace is mine leaning on his everlasting arms i'm just grateful to the lord tonight that he allowed us to come together one more time and he met into his house and in fellowship with one another i was glad when they told me it was time to go to church man because this is where i get my good understanding you know there's enough going on in the world today that'll leave you with a bad understanding but this is where he he settles our hearts and our minds this is the place and this is the setting where he speaks words of encouragement to us and he calms us down and tells us let not your heart be troubled this is where we come amen amen to make sure that we are rooted and grounded in the work of the lord amen that's the only way to to know for sure that what we do amen our labor will not be in vain they sing the song years ago only what you do for christ is going you know you don't hear too many songs like that no more this stuff got too much thump on it amen give me something like only what you do for christ is going to last and i'm just grateful tonight to be back in the presence of the lord and to be amen in the same space as all of you my wonderful brothers and my sisters i see a lot of our great friends are here with us tonight and we certainly honor the lord for all of those that are joining us can't be here in the sanctuary amen but they're joining us full gospel in this house amen in the sanctuary would you clap your hands for all of those that are watching amen thank god for each and every one of you amen i don't plan on being before you tonight very long but look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord and tell them that i am a lover of the word of god i got mine you got yours don't you come on hold that power up tonight thank god because everything else is going down everything but what everything but the word of god do you really love the word do you believe the word now let me let me ask you a tricky question do you live by the word because a whole lot of folk got it in their mouth but it ain't in their heart amen amen the bible said that word i'll hide it right here in my heart because i don't want to sin against my god the book of galatians the second chapter and i want to begin at the 18th through the 20th verses that's galatians chapter number 2 [Music] verse number 18 verse 19 and verse 20. amen and i want to i want to talk to you tonight can i talk to you amen i i don't mean your neighbor look at somebody tell him he mean you you i want to talk to you tonight amen because i have intentions on going to heaven and when i get there and god asks me who you're bringing with you i want to be able to look around and say that one over there i got that one that one was hard-headed but i wrestled him down and got him to act right amen i want to be able to tell god i'm here but i didn't come by myself amen amen i'm telling i'm taking as many people with me as i can take amen amen yeah yeah because if if i don't present opportunity to others then why should god let me in amen you know we got so many selfish people they going to heaven and ain't presenting opportunity to nobody else amen no no no when when you know when when we find good food we tell people about it yeah you do yes you do amen you find good food you call people and talk to them about that hey man what y'all eat today on a sunday oh i went to buckets i went to buckets on a sunday until i went to buckets and now i get it amen amen you find amen good bargains good sales you tell people about that stuff amen but when it comes to the law and all of a sudden we found the best thing in the world we could find and we'll sit there and hold it amen and just i'm just ready for the lord to come hurry up come quickly lord jesus what you mean do you realize if he come quickly some of your family members are going to be lost amen listen we'll be ready whenever he gets here don't worry about it all you got to do is live right if you live right you ain't got nothing to worry about you'll be ready when he get here but while he's tarrying let's do the work of the lord amen let's go and tell somebody that jesus saves galatians 2 18 19 and 20 when you have it say amen now you said i could talk to you tonight read what the bible says for if i build again i built and he means you too if you build again the things which i destroyed the things that you tore down when you got saved the way of life that you abandoned because i i hope and i pray that when you got saved you you abandoned that old life that you used to live amen if if if i go back and i start to repair the stuff that i tore down uh-huh i make myself a transgression i make myself a transgressor and you know what a transgressor is it's a person that goes beyond the specified limitations it's a person that violates the confinements you go back into something you ain't got no business being in and he said if i go back and pick up that stuff that i that i put down well y'all quiet on that side let me come to go if i if i if i go back and start to dibble and and dabble and and fool around with that stuff that i used to do when the lord saved me those things he delivered me out of if i go back and pick up those old habits those old those old ways of living that that old way of thinking he says it's not the person that points out what i'm doing that that's a transgressor because you know we get mad when people when when people address the situation that amen you see people they haven't done all kind of crazy stuff you're not used to people doing crazy you're using them shouting and up speaking in tongues and running and you see them do crazy stuff and all you got to do is say are you all right haven't seen you know why i miss you and boy they'll blast you all over facebook stay out of my inbox you just self-righteous just because people don't do stuff like you do it don't mean oh lord listen it's not the person that pointed it out that's wrong it's the person that went back and built up the things that they tore down that the bible said is the person that has committed the transgression read what the bible says for i through the law am dead to the lost that i might live unto god that i might live unto god i am crucified with christ listen to what paul says i am crucified with christ and listen when christ went to the cross he didn't go up there to pass out you don't hang on a cross amen just to go unconscious when you hang on the cross you're there to die he said i'm crucified with christ that means there's a part of me amen that old me that's no longer alive he's no longer amen abel he's not he's not animated that always dead now because i have been crucified with christ reap nevertheless nevertheless i lived i lived i died but i lived how in the world the the that comfort i i got crucified i died but now now i live how does that work read yet not i yet not i but christ liveth in me but not that's how because now i'm dead to my own way i'm dead to my own ideas i'm dead amen to my own habits amen now it's christ that's living on the inside of me i died but i allowed him to rise on the inside and now i'm animated by christ that's why i don't do that stuff he don't do because he's the one that that animates my life i don't go places that he's not pleased with because he's the one that animates my life i died to my old way of doing life amen i died to my old way of thinking now i'm alive but the only reason why i'm alive is because christ is living in me and not only is he living in me but he's living through me and people want to ask you how can you do that how can you live right how can you i think that you're you're perfected how can you i'll tell you how it's because christ is living in me and if he didn't mess up his life while he was here he ain't gonna mess mine up either if he could live with power while he was here if i allow him to live through me that means the life that you see me live because he's animating my life it's also going to be a life of power the reason why people are struggling and having a hard time amen with living holy and walking up rightly it's because they're still trying to live their own life they're still trying to do it their own way amen but they that are in the flesh can't please god you got to get out of that that's why the bible said if any man be in christ he's a whole new creation all things are passed away that old person that you used to be that old person is dead now lord y'all don't get quiet that old person amen that used to cuss amen that used to shack up amen that person is bad now and they try to figure out after you smoke joints amen for the last 20 years how in the world can you just quit cold turkey you got to tell him i died amen and now the only life that i have in me is the light that he is living through me he's animating my life amen he's speaking through my mind i'm submitting myself to his will and now i can welcome right i can do those things that please god because it's no more i it's not my way it's not my preference it's the christ that's living in me that's the reason why you don't do that stuff you used to do no because now you've got power he's living his life through you and some of us just need to let him happy that's why the hopeful used to tell us that all the time just let the lord have his way you know what that means that means get back take your hands off of it and let god have his way read what the bible says and the life which i now live in the flesh and the life that i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved who loved me and gave himself for me gave himself for me i can live this life because the life that i'm living while i'm down here in this earthly frame i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me that means i don't have to go back and pick up those things i put down i don't have to go back and do that i don't i don't get joy now i don't know how y'all feel about it amen but when god delivers a person he now gives them joy in the new thing that he calls them to that oh we're living no longer brings you that kind of satisfaction you start to realize amen how insufficient that old life really was you know before you got saved you thought this was it you thought that was the life to live but now that you say have you ever seen amen that moment of clarity that god gives you some time when you're sitting by yourself in your quiet meditative moments and then you start to try to figure out what was i thinking what was going through my mind when i was out there living like that amen letting the devil make a fool out of me oh god when facebook trying to be petty amen and put up one of them old pictures you took seven years ago and you look at that drop now wait a minute what was i thinking back then oh our god that's that moment of clarity that god begins to give us when we take a moment and really realize the blessedness of being on the lord's side oh but what about the freedom that you have in christ jesus now amen that takes the joy out of worldliness takes the fun amen out of sin and now you realize that's short peace and righteousness but it ain't in the club now ain't no no no it's it's not in the crack house now but it's over here in the holy ghost i'm just trying to figure out if i got a few folks save enough to own up to the fact that you get joy oh god out of serving the lord i wish i could get somebody to look at your neighbor and tell them maybe i can joy out of serving the lord or you can keep clubbing but i'm going to church because i found out ain't nothing like being in the presence of god you can dance all night with your dancing machine self but when i come over in the house of the lord and i start thinking about the goodness of jesus oh i got a dance that you can't mimic on the floor out there oh there's a joy that comes over me because i'm free [Applause] i wish i could find somebody to praise him right now just because you're free go ahead give him a praise would you lord that's the sorriest praise i ever heard from some people who say they free i want you to give god a praise like you know what you're free from you're free from sin you're free from shame you're free from depression you're free from the will of the enemy i wish you'd give him account of praise he's worthy hallelujah oh yes and the reality is if the sun would therefore make you free you know what that means you're free truly you you're free to the to the greatest extent of freedom if if the sun will therefore make you free maybe you just got saved this past weekend and you really you really don't know amen oh there is to know about this freedom but i know if you've been delivered at all you know there's something new there's something different about you now that you didn't have to say about yourself before the lord came into your life but i come to tell you the bible says if he makes you free then you are free indeed and maybe you're worried about that because you've got some people that are saved but it's still in the back of their mind can i do this can i can i really live this life is is this is this life truly attainable you've got some people when they get saved they look and you know it can be quite intimidating to hear testimonies of people who have been saved for 40 years and 50 years and hey man you've got folks that been saved 60 years and hey man they ask you how long have you been a member of the church oh i've been here 35 years i've been here 50 years i have been here and then you've got people that are just coming and you know they're wondering is it is there enough in me amen for me to stick around that law do i have what it takes in order to be that kind of victorious event and they're wondering amen is there enough power to keep me 35 40 years and 50 years when i still be walking in victory and i come to tell you yes you will as long as you have a mind amen and you're willing to do what it takes in order to keep walking with god i hear the bible said once you're in the hands of the lord nobody can pluck you out can i tell you the devil can't snatch you out of here if you got a mind to stay you're gonna do what it take to stick it out amen that means denying yourself if that means you gotta change company amen if that means you gotta isolate yourself away from everything that's trying to make sin convenient in your life you do what you've got to do but i come to tell you you're gonna make it and you're gonna be justified oh god y'all ain't talking i wish you look at somebody and tell them hey i'll tell them the preacher said you're going to make it and you're going to be just fine because we're going to depend on the lord amen we're going to keep our eyes faster amen we're not turning to the left or the right we're going all the way with god and i don't care how the devil try to distract you i come to tell you tonight don't go back to it no he said if i if i build again if i start to erect that stuff that that i willingly and purposefully tore down he said i violated i have become a transgressor i've gone beyond the bounds of what was proper and what was righteous and so he says don't build again those things that you tore down and that's what i want to talk to you about look at somebody tell them don't go back to it now if it's torn down it it lies in ruins it's no good for you it's no good for anybody else and if you throw it down don't you know there's a reason why you came out of that stuff y'all get as quiet as you want to get i'm gonna preach that god get the glory hey man don't you know there's a reason why you walked away from sin that's a reason why you came out of that stuff amen there's a reason why god sanctified you and cleansed you and brought you up the way that he did there's a reason why god birthed you out in holiness he man isn't that wonderful i tell people listen i'm so glad i got saved when i did how i did amen that i don't know what to do because you've got a lot of people now amen they're living all they know how to live amen they're doing everything they can do and they still got people amen that don't present to them the fullness of the truth of god you've got people amen that have never been taught that the baptism of the holy ghost is for everybody they don't know anything about that amen so what they're doing they're trying to live right they're trying to go into heaven amen on their own terms they're failing they're messing up and then they're getting up thinking that that's what salvation is all about amen you're going to keep falling down you you're going to keep getting back up we're going to keep falling in the sin because somebody is telling them that god understands that you're just human you're just a man but the devil is alive the bible said you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and i'm so glad that i've been taught amen the truth of the word of god i'm so glad i know about the power of the holy ghost even because that keeping power is what we're going to need if we're going to get delivered and stay delivered don't you realize it is not god's will for you to keep going in and out of the world ain't meant for you to get saved and backslide get saved and backslide that's not god's will for you amen it's time now to get saved it's time to make up your mind that i'm going all the way with god and whatever it takes for me to get there is what i'm willing to do oh lord y'all got quiet again i said whatever it takes is what i'm willing to do if i have to keep my hands off of it lord empower me so that when my mouth says no my will says no my heart says no y'all don't get quiet i'm looking through the building tonight i'm trying to find somebody that got intentioned on going all the way with god are you glad that god cleans you up do you want to stay clean i'm telling you he's a keeper but you gotta you you well you got a what you gotta want a big cap and the thing about it is it's not easy all the time but you gotta know that it's something that you can do yes it is it's something you can do and the devil is trying to raise up a whole generation of church world people who vacillate and going in and out and nobody's stable this person is acting crazy but they're saying they're safe and folk are confused by that because their mouth and their life is not lining up and now you've got other people coming in and they're wondering what do i expect what can i expect out of salvation and what they're looking at is what appears to be a scene amen trying to convince you that salvation don't make you nothing amen but a more decent sinner but the devil is a liar can i tell you when you come out of sin when god brings you out he tears down that old life he passed down that old path amen that you used to have that is not who you are anymore i wish i could talk to somebody and tell you i don't care amen if everybody know what you did and they gave you a nickname because everybody knew the kind of stuff you used to get down to i come to tell you when god saves you and sanctifies you he tears out of that pound you did that stuff but that ain't who you are you are a child of god that's the reason why there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus i don't care if you used to lie you are not a liar he threw all of that down and he oh god you always say nothing here and you brown it you brought your own life to the lord and you said to him i don't want to be this person anymore i don't want to live like that anymore don't you know there's a reason you came to god and that's why i keep telling you don't you let the devil start to take your mind back to where god delivered you from cause you know what i found out people don't just backslide with their body overnight you backslide in your mind first lord they just seemed like it happened overnight preaching it didn't happen overnight i'm i'm i've been saved too long hey man for you to lie and tell me that folks just backslid overnight no you know what i found out i found out people can be singing in the cry and backslidden boy y'all didn't got quiet now i said i found out amen that folk can be up on the floor shouted and being a bachelor condition you backslide in your mind first before you go back he got to get you to start thinking back [Music] you don't you don't you don't have to do that no you you brought that to the lord you came to god and said god i need to be saved don't you know there's a reason why you said that i'll tell you why because you knew sin wasn't no good no no that's why you that's why you came to god because because you were sick of sin you were sick of you lord i'm just see y'all act like y'all went sick of y'all said yes you were yes you were hey man you were you were sick of sin you were sick of yourself amen that's the reason why you came to god you needed god to do for you what you could not do for yourself you placed your all on the altar of sacrifice you put it all up there you were willing to kill it all for the sake of walking with the lord god said all right you bring it to me bring it you put it up there you told god take it away and god did that and look at you started tearing down the structures of your old life tearing down those relationships you used to have that made sin convenient you started pulling that stuff down and didn't want it a part of your life anymore some of you changed friends you didn't change jobs to get away from people you just start pulling that stuff down you don't move because you were too close to the liquor store and now you're on the other side of town you were just ready to get rid of everything you taught all of that and now the devil is telling you go back to it you can't help yourself he's a liar can i tell you you can stay free yes you can if you've been delivered by the hand of the lord you can stay free don't you let the devil tell you you gotta go back to that stuff oh it's just a matter of time he's a liar don't you know god can keep you from earth all the way to glory yes he can you got folk in this place right now you you used to be drug addicts and you looking around trying to figure out who they are hitting that wonderful you you you can sit up here and can't even tell who used to who who used to be a crackhead look at y'all done got quiet sitting up in church you can't tell hey man who used to smoke dope you can't look around and tell amen who used to walk the streets at night guard god you know what that is that's the power of deliberate and i'm trying to tell you that same god can keep you delivered too don't you let the devil tell you it's just a matter of time you're stronger than that through the power of the holy ghost look at somebody tell them don't go back to it the bible told us that in the latter times that people would fall away they they'd go back into that that type of apostasy man they go back to that to that that wasted mindset they would go back to that place of violating the the terms amen of their commitment to god he said it would happen and and that's why i'm not fool enough hey man to mistake church membership and compare that to the falling away because there were people who he never said would leave church he said they would fall away they would leave their first love and you have a lot of people now and what gets me amen it takes god his hand his strong his high hand to deliver all of us and he got enough power to do it but now when you know that you used to try to unhook yourself from all of these habits and all of these these vices and after you don't spend your money trying to get treatment and they don't put you on medication trying to get you loose from this stuff and after you don't waste your time and your money then you come to god and god cleanse you up and deliver you just like that you know that's some real strong deliverance [Applause] what go back after god brought you out with such a strong hand why would you go back on god after he did what treatment sinners couldn't do after you've been hypnotized and laid on somebody's couch and looking at the pendulum swing and they trying to when you wake up you're not gonna have a craving for cigarettes then you wake up and smoke cigars and they when when god delivers you and he does it in such a convincing fashion you would think people's minds would be set to go all the way but the bible said in a lot of times people would start to fall away they're not leaving church they're just leaving god and we're seeing that now we're saying boy now y'all said i could talk to you we're seeing that now we're seeing amen the poor of the world and all of this worldly amen influence trying to creep in and trying to get those that are supposed to be separated amen and sanctified to the master's use the world is pulling at them now and telling us we got to be like everybody else people are falling for that now they want to be sanctified but they don't want to go overboard they want to be clean but not too clean because for you to be too clean it puts a greater divide between you and the rest of the church world and you and the rest of the that worldly crew and so now you want to be clean but you still want to be relatable to people so now it's so sad that you've got people that don't value the freedom that we have in christ we don't value the cleanness and the apartness that comes from serving god in sincerity and in truth and now what you have you have another group of people that are coming up now that are trying to walk hand in hand amen with the world that god brought him out of and now he's saying you don't even realize when you go back and i don't care what it is because you got people now they think this ain't nothing major but the bible tells us we've got to be careful of even those small you know what the bible said about them small foxes those are the ones that destroy the vine well that's a cute little puppet first of all it's not a puppy that's a fox and i don't care how cute some of this stuff is when you're looking at it and it's so small that's a monster and it's just waiting to grow and you don't even realize after a while it's going to get so big until it's going to start to threaten your life and that's the way some of this little stuff we're trying to pick up now lord he doesn't turn the corner well step we're picking up now amen this stuff that god brought us out of this stuff that holiness amen and that stuff could walk hand in hand now it seems like people are trying to go back and pick that same stuff back up can i tell you amen god wants a holy people i figured they would go god said god wants a holy people he wants somebody that's willing to walk away from the world he wants somebody that's willing to stay true and i don't care he made up the rest of the world it's going back to their old ways that's them but those of us that have been blood washed and blood those of us that have really been sanctified truly amen we have a chance to keep we've got to stay clean i wish i could get somebody to look at your neighbor and tell them stay clean that that was trying to dirty you up with that old sin that god delivered you out of i don't care times may change people may change and fashions may change but if god delivered you from it don't go back to it [Applause] because honestly it don't take much it don't take a whole lot of stuff really don't you know and you know it's this deceitful when you're looking around and you're saying well apostle you you teach this and you you preach that but i don't hear i don't hear nobody else preaching and teaching that stuff well that makes them wrong because if i'm preaching out of the word of god i don't care who ain't preaching it if you can open this bible and you can follow me through the word of god amen then don't tell me what they preaching and what they're not preaching amen our position is not that we should be like everybody else you know what god needs in this hour god needs some folk that ain't ashamed to stand out oh god i wish i could get somebody to look at your neighbor and tell them stand up and stand out hey man everybody else has taken a knee i ain't never been want to take a knee somebody got to stand up but you always say nothing somebody got to stand out and if it means being different i'm willing to be different if it means being talked about i'm willing to do that too if it means they misunderstand me that's not my problem you always say nothing here i'm trying to tell you that what god is looking for now is somebody that's not ashamed to be named among his children somebody oh god i heard him declare it he said if you're ashamed of me before this wicked and this perverse generation then i'll be ashamed of you and i don't know about you but when i get there and i stand before god and i look him in the face i don't want him to be ashamed of me i want him to look at me and say come on in you've been good and faithful they talked about you you're by yourself you have to be lonely sometime but you were true to your commitment to christ that's what it's all about we got to be true to our commitment to christ we're not trying to be like everybody else we're trying to be what he's called us to be [Applause] when i hear folk talking or they'll talk about you and if you if you listen to that trash but have you feeling bad and have you second guessing yourself and now they don't convince the church that we should be so tolerant until they don't backfired on us now we're scared to be hated well y'all don't got quiet now they they done told us we supposed to be so tolerant and now now we're afraid hey man to stand out because we we we really don't we don't we don't like the idea of people hating us we don't want to be we don't want to be opposite of public opinion but listen the only opinion that matters is that what up pal oh god if they look at me and they call me foolish but he looks at me and he says i'm faithful oh god you've been able to walk around with low self-esteem just because they're too ignorant to know foolish from faith for the devil is alive his opinion is the only one that matters man shall not live by bread alone but he's got to live by everyone that proceeds out of the mouth of god and if he shall be holy then we gotta be alive [Applause] look at somebody tell them don't go back to it times are changing now you got you got people changing the whole doctrine of the church you got whole churches going back to the drawing board just throw everything out we got to get some that that don't alienate us and some that don't separate us from everybody else you know the bible says two can't walk together except they be agree we're supposed to be separated from some folk because we don't walk like they walk how can we walk like they walk we're not even going in the same direction you're always saying nothing here and the devil is trying to tell us to go back and reinvent ourselves and you know what that means that means go back and pick up that stuff god brought you out of and but but but we can't we can't go back to it young man we can't go back young ladies we can't go back saints of god we cannot go back we have been called to represent christ why y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you we have been called to represent christ and it doesn't matter what the popular opinion is you know because pop culture popular culture he may look like his influence in the church now more than the word of god but the devil is alive even god needs somebody that's going to root themselves and ground themselves in the word of god because every word of god is still right it's still right when he says come out from among them and be separate said the lord i know some of y'all don't want to hear it but look at somebody tell them there's a difference between us and them he said us got to come out from among them and if it's going to go to heaven us gonna have to line up with the word of god i wish i could talk to you up into here amen we're not trying to be like everybody else we're not trying to be the biggest church we're not trying to rub shoulders with the rich and the famous i'm just trying to make it in i'm trying to get to heaven and i'm trying to take as many people with me as i can if you want to go come on oh god but if you gonna go you're gonna have to leave that other stuff behind you you got to leave that stuff back to israel israel had a problem they started looking around so they got a king and they got a king over there and oh look they got they got a big palace and they look how they king is reading robes and that country that nation they got a king and and all we got is a voice in the sky all we then had was a pillar of cloud by day pillow fire by night and a voice that shook the ground and burned the side of the mountain that's all we got we want to be like everybody else give us a king like everybody else you know what they wanted they wanted a fig your head but they didn't want god god was their king but they didn't want god they wanted a figurehead and it's the same way the church world is doing god right now they really don't want god they want some popular preacher to stand up and rub shoulders with all the billionaires in the country and rub shoulders with all the media moguls oh god that's what people but they don't want god god because when they have god they got to stand up for him they got to own up to him they got to be associated with him i know he's saying nothing here you can have a figurehead oh god and he can still be friends and support the lgbtq community amen but when you've got a man of god and when god is at the head look at y'all and god cried some of y'all i can't believe he said that i said it get over it amen you've got to realize that when god is our head we don't rub shoulders amen with abomination the devil is alive i'm trying to tell you the time has come when we got to stand up and take a stand and make a choice and stick by the choice that we made either we gonna rub shoulders with folk that are going to hell or we gonna stand apart from them and show them how to get it right before it's absolutely too late the church is trying to be associated with everybody we're trying to wrap shoulders with everybody oh god you always say nothing here and the problem is we can't be the church he called us to be if that's the way we conduct in business and it's so sad that a lot of those folks are dying and going to hell because instead of bringing the word of conviction we hold in their hand and acting like they already saved the devil is a liar it's time for the church to be the church and then we get up and they feel the rules and talk about what a great person they was and i'm saying with your saved self while you validating them in their sin you didn't realize god had you that close to him so you could tell him the truth of the word but you can preach to him because you were too busy being like from the devil is a lie i don't like you that much that i'm gonna lie to you and send you to hell i love you so much i'll tell you the truth even if it make you hate my guts [Applause] we can't go back to that stuff the church got to stay separate but look at y'all don't got quiet now we got to stay separate we got to stay independent so that we can carry the gospel of jesus christ he said if i go back build again that stuff i tore down we've been walking up right we've been living holy all this time and now in just the last few years now everything got to change everything got to change now in order for us to stay relevant we got to change too i'm so tired of sinners trying to tell me how to be a child of god i i i i i i get on your nerves folks that ain't living no kind of relationship with god spewing all that verbal bowel i wish i could talk to somebody trying to tell us what makes a successful christian you can't be this way christians ought to not be that way or you say no but then shut up you can't do this you can't say that you just i mean y'all it's just people offended that's why nobody wants to come to your churches have you even been to our churches we don't have a problem with people coming to church they may not want to come but god got folk all over this country that'll buy our line ticket and say i want to go to that church the devil is alive i come to tell you even if god ain't got everybody he's still got somebody that's willing to stand [Applause] we can't go back can't go back to that stuff what god has done god have crafted us and not just us in general you god god has molded you crafted you for himself he's making us a people that still know the importance of showing the world the holiness of god he's bringing us out of the shadows because this is the hour when the world needs to see that even though a lot of folks don't bowed down and took the knee got some people that's not a shame to be holy oh no i'm telling you i i'm making living holy the in crowd i ain't trying to be a part of that crowd i just started a whole new in crowd they can't feel sorry for me because i ain't the part of their crowd i feel sorry for them because they ain't a part of mine see at some point in your life you gotta mature enough the way you stop trying to dance to the devil's music no i don't care what the devil plays i said i really know what he doing there's music in my head honey thank you lord thank you you think i'm gonna dance to the devil's bit the devil is alive i don't compromise who i am just because everybody's doing it and everybody is going this way and then they say well you all beat no i ain't i didn't listen to your music got my own music going home in my head i am on beat and i'm right where god needs me to be and in this hour god needs some folk that's going to stand up and move to their own beat the enemy's trying to pull us back now trying to change us trying to change the way we operate change the way we look change the way we dress change the way we represent god but look at somebody tell them don't go back to that can i tell you something what would we look like right if we started doing everything everybody else is doing what would full gospel holy temple look like if we start wearing everything what would we look like can i tell you what what makes us significant it ain't nothing we did it's just that we believe every word that he's saying and we wanted to put that into practice a friend of mine told me he said i was i was with some preachers across the street over at cheddars and he said we were there and somebody was looking at our guests he said the subject came up and they start saying man you haven't been the full gospel temple i wanted to say yeah i've been there and they asked another they said what you think about that church he said when i say like this i went there they start high and they go higher and [Applause] he said one of the preachers asked him what's the difference he caught and told me he asked him what's the difference between full gospel holy temple and a lot of the churches he said i'll say it like this those people believe what they've preached so much you can tell it wherever they go you can look at them when they're not at church they still look like they're at church this ain't nothing that they just come here to talk about this is the life he said they are convinced and they live the same way out of church that they do when they're in church i can tell you now that somebody that god's got his hand on because whatever you're going to be you got to be it at all times if you're going to be holy be holy if you're gonna walk up right walk up right before god if you're gonna be sanctified at church be sanctified on the job be sanctified in your house be sanctified on your wedding day lord you're always saying that be sanctified on your honeymoon but y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you if you're holy be holy [Applause] what would we look like if we start doing all the stuff that the people around us and i ain't talking about nobody i'm talking about us what would we look like we have a standard of holiness i ain't compromising that he said if if all these years you've been tearing down worldliness all of these years we've been preaching and tearing down carnality and all of a sudden now to gain popularity we go back and start building that stuff back up oh you can be carnal you you you can be whatever you want to be you you can be fleshly if you want you you don't have to be that sanctified what would we look like what with the people around us and see that's what people don't realize the devil to sit there and tell you oh you can't keep doing that you got no don't nobody wants to be like that you got to change and the moment you change that same devil to turn around and start talking about you again look at you i can't believe you did that after you just told them to but that's the way the devil is he'll sit there and coax you to compromise and the moment you compromise people will point a finger at you you think getting worldly is gonna make the devil stop talking about you [Music] come on now surely we're smarter than that look at somebody tell them don't go back to it look at what he says he says galatians 2 and 18 if i build again the things i've destroyed make myself a transgressor the problem is not that god didn't save you he did save you but he didn't save you to go back to the door we're living when god brings you out come all the way out when are y'all hearing what i see see because you got some people still trying to hold on to some stuff and i'm here to tell you you got to let that stuff go you got to let that go you just you just shy of being sanctified because you're still trying to hold on to that stuff you don't gotta say and you're trying to convince yourself that you're not convicted by it well if you wasn't you wouldn't be having them conversations in your head about it see the devil's trying to get you to hold on to that because it's that little fox that's going to destroy your vine anything i don't care i told you if the lord said i couldn't wear a gray with black stripes and red ties and burgundy shoes if he said i couldn't wear that dude you think i won't have a problem i'm gonna argue back with god over that because the benefits of obeying god far outweigh whatever benefit you can get from walking hand in hand with the world it's time for us now to come to the place where that stuff is behind us and we have no interest in going back and picking that stuff back up again but people now are not satisfied with holiness no they want to be trendy they want to be sexy they want to be fashionable but they don't want to be holy give me second peter too second peter 2 and 20. yeah for if after four headless brothers and sisters for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world you have escaped the pollutions of the world wait a minute hold it i want to see this after you have escaped the pollutions of the world pollutions the stuff that defiles that that stuff that'll make you sick that stuff that acts against your better interests if after you have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ through the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ they are again entangled therein if you go back after you have escaped and go back and get tangled up again you you you got out and got tangled up again tangle up i saw a deer caught in a fence struggling to get out man worked with that dirt and got that deer out of that fence and that did turned around and went and tried to run through and got caught up again now he got to spend another 30 minutes trying to free up a deer he just got free a second ago if after god sets you free you go back and get entangled therein and overcome and overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning after you escaped if you go back and get tangled up again your ladder in is worse you thought it was something getting to god the first time you let the devil have another chance to stop you you thought it was hard to pray hannah i had to go through all kind of stuff that you gonna give the devil a second chance to do what he didn't get to do the first time around and he's already sitting in the corner licking his chops saying if i just get one more chance just just just one more chance if if i can just get him out there one more chain outside of that safety zone if i catch him outside of that one more time and you're gonna turn around and give him another chance if after you've escaped the pollutions of this world you are entangled again therein then the the end of that man the louder end is worse than the beginning you've got people now now they that that conscience is seared now they don't fool around with this stuff so long now and at first they were convicted by it and now they just like the bible say they push past feeling now they can do it and don't have no conviction and you sit up there looking at them and they still shouting and you don't even realize they like samson there's just a bunch of shaking going on that's all ain't no power in it and they don't even know that the spirit has departed from them and you just sitting there looking at a shout when they do it they wear it they got it out they got this they can go there and they do this and they still shout let me tell you something stop comparing yourself to people who don't have what you have and to people who don't know what you know because after you have been delivered from the pollutions of this world through the knowledge of christ jesus you know more you know better and to know better is to do better and you're going to turn around and go back the bible said the latter end is is worse than the beginning read for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness wait a minute god said it's better if you had never known the right way uh-huh then after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them wait a minute god said if you if you know the truth you turned from it it would have been better for you to have never known it you can't sit up in in church especially not a church that preaches the full gospel and then try to act ignorant god said it would be better if you didn't know because once somebody tells you the truth now you make a decision whether you know it or not you just made a decision what am i going to do with it see you can't sit up on the word like that and then well i don't go to it don't matter you heard it you heard it you you exposed to it and now that you've been exposed to it it forces you to make a choice what am i going to do with this word that i got and he said if you don't do the right thing it would have been better for you to have never been better for you not to have even been saved than for you to be saved and then turn around and go back on god i got to get through read but it has happened unto them according to the true proverb it happened to them according to the true proverb he he said i can tell you exactly what happened to him through a true proverb and and what is that that true proverb the dog is turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire hmm the dog is turned to his own vomit again now that ain't nothing to be desired about that statement you you you've seen a dog i told you he's outside playing that hot sun all day and he doesn't ate that spaghetti that you fed him because you were too lazy to go get dog food and he out there in the corner of the yard and all of a sudden that stomach started going in and out like this and that dog's mouth get about that big and he got to get that stuff out of him he gotta get he sit there and he brings that stuff up because it makes him sick it's it's not good for him in that moment and he's got to get it out and he gets it ah he gets it out and just as soon as he run around a couple of times in the yard and feeling better you go what is that over there and he'll go back and eat that same food that made him sick the first time and i come to tell you sin ain't changed since god saved you the same sin that was deadly before you got delivered is the same sin that'll kill you if you go back to it like a dog that's making a buffet out of food that's already been used look at some of y'all the thought of a dog going back over in the corner hurry up hurry up move off you making me sick talking like that and i can't i can't think about that that's how you feel about a dog return to this vomit that's how god feel about you returning to your sins how can that make you sick but going back don't cause you to flinch he said it's the same thing if that makes you sick then going back and picking up those old habits that that that ought to make you that ought to make you flinch too well y'all don't get quiet yeah he said it's like a sow a pig that's been cleaned up you let a pig go outside peter gonna find some mud to get in because it's it's just in it's nature it's just in this nature you you better keep that pig in the house because if that pig you ever get a hold of some dirt all your cleansing all of you he said that's how it is when people go back to that old way to that old life those old habits that old standard of living when you do that he says you are no better you can look at dogs and say that's disgusting and god is looking at your sins saying that's disgusting i don't know nobody got a front row seat to see a dog eat his own vomit and god said he can't stand and look at sin he he the same way he got to turn his head he can't even look upon that stuff and you mean to tell me we're comfortable with that now how if we build again the things we turn down look at you said no it's wrong you know that's the devil he got a name tag on his chest the devil and you sitting up there listening to calling that ain't nobody but devil i guess i check on his mama how your mama doing look at somebody tell me don't go back to it don't don't don't go back to that amen don't don't go back to that leave them old habits leave that old stuff alone hey man you can't go out if you used to be an alcoholic before god delivered you you can't go sit up out of the at lunch with these folk and everybody order stuff what you want oh nothing i'm good i'm good you sitting there and they look like every time they take that drink that adam's apple go all the way up and come all the way back down you just and you just sitting there looking and the devil is telling you remember how that tastes you remember what that feels like you remember and you sitting there and don't even realize a seed under planted in your heart you can't have certain conversations with people you ain't got no business having certain conversations with people that seed is getting planted in your heart and after a while you'll start to find out you got an appetite for this stuff oh it didn't start with the appetite it started with the taste i had a taste for a hot karma sunday that's one thing but when you get an appetite for it that thing will get you about the bed and have you driving across town to get a hot caramel sundae you got to be careful because the devil wants you to start out with a taste you just got a taste for this after a while you have appetite for it and he says i don't want you to go back into that page number two we'll we'll get to that at another time y'all stand to your feet we can't go back to those things that he brought us out uh in the latter times some are going to return to that same old style he said a lot of times it's going to happen people are going to they're going to look at the life of holiness and the life that they're living and say well i don't know if i can do this you've been doing it 20 years and the devil tells you you can't do it no i want you stronger than that is your mind made up because when you have a made up mind i don't care if you have to cry you're crying but you ain't going back to that stuff if if your mind is made up [Applause] if you got to shake from the withdrawal you'll shake but you ain't going back to that stuff [Music] your mind is truly made up it doesn't matter what everybody else got going on i'm not going back to it you know this really is an individual affair that's the good part about it you don't have to do nothing just because somebody else is doing it too a lot of people that are going backwards because everybody else is doing it aren't you strong enough to stand by yourself [Music] and for yourself aren't you strong enough to make a decision and stick with it don't you have enough strength in your conviction to see that gold that's ahead of you and remain able to ignore all of those distractions that are trying to get your attention the enemy's trying to pull you back you don't start when your foot hit the carpet and walk you about the church it starts in your mind quiet as it's kept there's some people in here your body's at church but the enemy's working on your mind he's building a case and this stuff is starting to make sense to you and it won't be until you get on the other side of the fence that you find that it wasn't even grass look at all the green grass over there and going over there you'll find out that's not grass he's a liar he's lied from the beginning [Music] and he's still lying right now he's telling you a little bit won't hurt a little bit is enough to kill you oh you ain't doing all the stuff you could do but you're doing enough to die [Music] and we're taking that chance [Music] i heard a man said today he said if he gave you a bowl of skittles and told you only three of them were really poisonous would you stick your hand in that bowl and take any out how many would you eat there's only three of them hobo only three of my poisonous take your chance we ain't crazy when it comes to nothing but living holy then we act like we don't really understand yes we do satan is a deceiver if there's another come come if there's another come on come on if you're coming are you coming come on [Music] if there's another come on come on [Music] well god bless you if there's another you've got time you can make this make this altar call tonight why don't you come on i'm not going just look at somebody tell them i'm not going back don't tell them i'm not going back i don't i don't care how hard it gets i've already made up my i'm not going back i'll go sideways before i go back i'll sit down and fold my legs before i go back come too far to turn around now made too much progress i've seen him do too much not going back it's so easy to start picking up little things just you know [Music] you got to be diligent you got to be watchful [Music] because sometimes they're so small you got it in your hand and you forgot some of this stuff these kids just walk out right out of the store don't even realize they got stuff in there it's so small they just played around with it so long didn't feel abnormal anymore and just walk right out with candy in their hand didn't try to steal it just forgot they had it sometimes when we play around with that little stuff it's not easy to hold on to it and forget it's there until it's too late we've been found in violation that's why we got to be watchful we got to be discerning that's the reason why the old church told us to stay as far away from sin as we could this new church they got that now is trying to tell us to get as close to it as we can get when they went so over boy back in the day you know why because they wanted you to get as far away from sin as you could get this new church world got you standing right on the line you can't make no mistake before you go right over that's going to get you in trouble holiness is about shining the very appearance of evil some things ain't even wrong but it look wrong and we stay away from it and if tonight if there's somebody else you need to hold us i want you to come maybe you're fighting you're fighting with yourself the enemy is trying to get you to go and pick some stuff up again or maybe you can already put your hands on it and you realize i made a mistake now sin has become so convenient for you if you're here i want you to come i'll pray with you tonight if you're here amen if you're going the wrong way things won't get better until you stop turn around and come back to where you need to be somebody tonight you just need to stop [Music] turn around and come on back he's faithful and just those of you at this hometown if you need to be saved are you ready tonight to make a new commitment to the lord i want you to lift your hand god bless you while your hands are lifted i want you to talk to god and i want you to mean this from the bottom of your because he's listening to you open your mouth and ask him say lord come into my life deliver me and set me free lord baptize me with the holy ghost ask him to change me and transform my heart tell him i'm sorry for everything that i've done that wasn't like you but i need you tonight to do for me what i cannot do for myself and tell him lord i'll serve you for the rest of my life come on that's it that's the power of god let you fill on you now father lay your hands on them tonight i claim these souls for your kingdom send deliverance now in the name of jesus baptize up with the holy ghost and we thank you for it hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah i [Music] it used to be [Music] oh [Music] thank you for it tonight come on somebody lift your hands and say hi hello oh i jesus [Music] hallelujah lift your hands with you hallelujah that's it while your hands are lifted just talk to him [Music] talk to him and thank god for the privilege of being his child hallelujah come on somebody just need to make a new commitment to the lord tonight if it's your every intention to go all the way just tell him lord i'm going all the way with you i'm going all the way with you hallelujah oh i'm going all the way hallelujah clap your hands and give him glory [Music] i will never be bound again [Music] i've gotten my liberty [Music] [Music] one more time i'll never be [Music] [Music] oh [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 14,706
Rating: 4.9387441 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: er7id4pk-7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 49sec (5149 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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