FGHT Dallas: Drawing Close to God

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what a mighty God we serve or angels bow before him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] justkeep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] keep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and clap your hands and bless the Lord tonight everybody oh come on I said clap your hands and bless the Lord I see your hands but I don't hear no voices the psalmist said I'll bless them at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth I'm so grateful to be here tonight anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord Amen I'm so grateful to God that God loaned us to life he been it allowed us to come together one more time and we're here to praise Him amen we're here to hear what thus said the Lord and to give God praise with the fruit of our lips one more time just lift your hands and tell the Lord thank you for the opportunity to be in his house tonight and did we enjoy those testimonies did win joy here man hands in his hands hey come on put your hands together let's thing God for him maybe you didn't get a chance to testify Amen formally tonight but everybody got something they can see why don't you take a moment go hook somebody tell him you love them with the love of the Lord and if the Lord's been good to you tell them about it [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh come on that's it [Music] bless you god bless you come on say the Jesus in me blessed the cheese's loves the cheese yeah yes sure - ooh-ah well come on that's it help somebody that's here that's in me loves the Jesus accept Jesus loves the cheese yeah sure yeah sure is it true love one more time said but see that's at me the mechina steed not the cheese yes you are [Music] yeshuaa jeez it now come on it clap your hands real good tonight mo [Music] ah [Music] yeah sure how you really see Hey yeah sure are you really years it to LA or one more time come on clap your hands real good [Music] ah [Music] snare and that puts your hands together [Applause] come on and clap your hands everybody hey you're my brother you're my sister hey I love you when I'm prayin for you yes your honor it is it yeah sure tell somebody is it to LA that come on and put those hands together give God some praise tonight hallelujah thank you Jesus amen god bless you you may be seated in the presence of our God I'm just so grateful a man to be here tonight glad that the Lord has brought us together one more time I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord and I tell you all day I've been looking forward to this you know I've really really enjoyed Tuesday night a man Tuesday nights a man is in my top five services for the week a man just seemed like every time we come together God is doing something for us here amen and garland I tell you just the way God is moving you know he's doing just what he said he would do amen he said in the last days I pour out of my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters would prophesy old men will dream dreams and young men would see visions and we're literally seeing God do exactly what God said he would do a man and you know what I just believe that I'm looking at people tonight they love God a man that love God they love the Word of God that want to know beyond a reasonable doubt a man that your hand is planted firmly in the hands of the Lord and I tell you we know that through the Word of God so look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the Word of God amen I got mine you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God and I see it every time we come together just about amen every soldier needs his own sewing it's wonderful to reach a Bible while you at church but that's not the measure of a child of God anybody can read the Bible while you're in church a man I want to know are you living this Bible when you leave the house of the Lord amen because we don't live by bread alone but we live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord the Bible says ye shall know the truth and the truth shall do what shall make you free but you can't be free if you don't know the truth hey man you know a little while ago those people that were held in in what we call involuntary servitude a man in America they freedom and you know the word didn't get to us down here until uh-huh what do that hey man a couple of years later people down here didn't even know that slavery was over gave two and a half more years of involuntary servitude and word had to come find us later on and say what y'all doing so y'all didn't know they Authority they freed y'all you know and you know it's the sad reality is there are people who don't even have to be bound they just haven't heard the word get him believe the news that Jesus came to set of free still out there in that alley with a needle in their arm and have no idea that the price has already been paid but I'm so grateful a man that I know the truth and the truth is responsible amen for the life that I live now in Christ Jesus the Book of Psalms the 73rd chapter a man a man Psalms the 73rd chapter and I want to call him attention to the 23rd through the 28th verses that Psalms chapter number 73 amen let's begin reading at verse number 23 amen psalm 73 and 23 through 28 amen and when you have it's a man read what the Bible says continually with V is holding me by my right hand you guide me with your counsel you show me Amen the right way to go the right thing to do Amen the right decision to make and you know that's why it's so important like the Bible tells us Amen that we should honor the Lord a man and ask of God Amen which direction it is that we should take Amen if you ask God and inquire of God God will always give your proper instruction the Bible said acknowledge him in all of our ways and he will do what he'll do what direct that path y'all better wake up amen he'll direct your path if you would only acknowledge the Lord and there are so many people that are fumbling through life simply because they have not taken the time out to acknowledge the Lord and to ask of God which way it is that I should go now people that are making some of the most important decisions they have ever made and they are doing it outside of the wisdom and the counsel of the Lord but listen you can afford to guess it life amen because by the time you think you got it figured out amen life has a way of cutting a corner on you and turning in a direction that you did not expect that you would ever find yourself going in and some of y'all said there look at a man like life is never turned on to you but if you will learn how to follow but counsel the instruction the leading of God amen he will carry you all the way safely through life and some of us are too old to be making those Ricky mistakes amen and having to go back and start all over again listen I told somebody I'll be 41 this coming Saturday way to over this stuff now amen making mistakes and having to go back amen and repeat this stuff listen I got too much time behind me that means that what I do now I've got to make this stuff count so I'm gonna acknowledge the Lord amen touch somebody and tell the neighbor check with the law check check with God don't just jump up and do something amen ask God about it take your place but God is the strength of my heart and he is my portion polls that are far from the Shall Perish you understand he is your life what did Jesus say you've got to abide in me because those that are far from you lord they're going to perish you cannot survive unless you abide in the bag Jesus said stick close to me amen and this is what the psalmist said but those that don't understand the closeness to you will we destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee my lord but but it's good to draw near to God I put my trust in the Lord God that I may declare that I may declare all of thy works it's good for me to draw near to God oh yeah are you hearing this those that are far from thee shall perish but it's good for me to draw near to God and that's what I want to talk about tonight somebody say drawing close to God amen we talked about loving God amen love it with all your heart with all your soul which you might and with all of your strength then we talked about seeking go seek me early you're fine when I'm the first thing on your mind that's when you're going to find me it's more than just coming and getting saved you're seeking then you find him then you're seeking some more that's the matter tell him seek and find him and then seek him some more amen you never stop because there's always a higher height always a deeper depth in God there's always something that God can reveal to us his servants amen that we did not know on yesterday now when it comes to God he's already as good as he will ever get God does not learn things that he does not in and of himself become better with the passing of time amen but God is already as good as he's ever gonna get he is perfect in his godness it is simply that we learn things about God but we had not known before Amen God has a way of revealing things to us today that we did not have the capacity to know him amen as on yesterday but as we grow with God God can reveal the more to us amen that's the reason why we'll always be in the process of seeking Him and finding him and then once we find him we seek him some more Amen but now we come to a man a place of drawing close to the Lord and I want to talk about this eight men because you know I was sitting in class daydreaming don't tell nobody hey man but I thought about this the more this morning the one thing that God Awards most for us as many times the last thing that people ask him for now I wonder Amen how it is that it God's highest goal for us is that we would come and draw nigh unto Him why is it that we waste our time praying for so many other things rather than asking God for a closer walk with Him Yaron got quiet already I mean why is it that we're all about the houses at the cars amen and the raises on the job rather than asking God to draw us closer to his side amen that's really work I aim ought to be a meant just a closer walk with thee granted Jesus if you please how are you always saying of it that's where Amen we ought to focus our prayers on God bringing us closer to him because there is a blessedness that only comes from a close relationship with the Lord and if that's what God wants for us a minute God wants us to come close to him then why is it that our prayers and our petitions are for so many other things when God has already said if we would seek first the kingdom of heaven and all of its righteousness but everything else said we're asking for its simple addition and I don't care a matter what it is that you feel like God a poacher to the Bible said that when he sent out they met the disciples those and he had called it said that he called them and the first thing he called them to a man is to be with him and that's what you've got to know amen the first thing that God calls you to a man is not pastoring it's not prophesied the first thing that God calls you to amen is not passing our walk with him understand that this is going to come as we draw closer to the Lord so many people do what it is they can get out of God in the Lord isn't that Satan can point us finger at us and say about us the thing that is sure that if you stop blessing them if you stop giving them money if you stop blessing the work of their hair then they are so selfish that they will turn around and walk away and cash it to your face and how many people have done just that the circumstances they got to go through and to push them away from God what were they here for in the first place what does that say to God amen when you're trying and with your suffering and you turn around and turn your back on God because things are not going the way that you expected them to glue you know what that doctors say the God that has to say the god that you were here for the stuff he could give you but you really were not here for God but brothers and sisters that should never be said Amen for those of us that are the true children of God our highest priority is to gain the more of God and to grow in his knowledge you yourself will always walking this because of who he is me he's everything to me let's talk about this drawing that's something again to fellowship with the of the universe into existence and calling us to a closer relationship with God but I want you to know that it's not automatic amen and you're never growing God you're never draw close to God on accident I say it all the time and I said because somebody's got to get it where it is you're trying to grow in God you will never get there accidentally it's going to be so amen my good friend pastor Burleson always says it hey man if it's gonna be so you gotta make it so hey man if you want to draw closer to God that means you've got to be willing to do everything that it takes in order to get to that place of closeness with the Lord and that means that you gotta look at your life and determine the things that are holding you back what's more important to you you know the problem with so many people is that they hate been put to the place but they actually make a choice they would rather somebody else make it far up hey men are they but Robert keep things the way that they are you will never have we were living in a sacrificial way we Oh attitudes and habits you have to be willing to sacrifice that stuff and shake the guard up if it means I can have the more you I'm winning the part ways with everything else this means that I get more of God let me ask you what's your argument against it because God is saying I'm not hiding from you it's because throwing clothes means [Music] let's see the first thing can I talk to you for a while the first thing that happens when you come to this new and living way is that God calls you out of some things he's got to literally call you out of it because as long as you're in that atmosphere it's going to present a challenge everything the Lord says is right and necessary for you to get more shrimp and to grow in God and so the thing that God has to do he has to pull you away from those influences he has to pull you back because if he leaves you there then you will never hey men have that moment of pretty well you bless you he's got to call you away he's gotta bring you out of that atmosphere where he can talk to you because where you are especially when you first come to the heart is a place of sin and sin will always be a separator between you and your God the Bible said the head of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save cannot hear it is separated between you he's got away from that's the reason why brothers and sisters so sin means they ain't no good and it will never do anything for you you can expect it to have any other result and to keep you from reaching not only the place that you desire to go but the place that God desires to take you if the Lord could force you to any place I mean spiritually now what do you think he would want you to be what do you want you to just hang out in mediocrity where you just the average child of God just glad to be in church glad that you were there gave your tithe and went home and disconnected from all things God is that the kind of spiritual life you think God wants you to live now God wants you to be the kind of child of God that when you leave out of the house of God the work of the Lord goes with you and you're able to engage a man in the kingdom agenda outside of the four walls of the sanctuary if that's what God wants then why are you is it that God wants our wills for you something or is it that God has a desire for you that you have not yet come to a place well you can have that same desire for yourself that means you say that you could do the question is if it's what God wants for you then why are we not that's got to mean it's not God it's us what are we what are we not willing to if you want to go hard after God you've got to be willing to let go of anything that's gonna hold you back the Bible said no man can serve two masters that means he's requiring us to make some decisions and if anything's gonna hold you back you have a responsibility to let it go and some of it you always say enough it may not be dangerous in and of itself but the situation it puts you in is what constitutes the danger and you've got to be willing to let go of some things in and of themselves and not harmful but they put you in a place to be harmed well y'all done got quiet in a minute I'm gonna find a man section after what I heard a story a few years ago over of a situation where poachers were trying to capture monkeys and you we know monkeys generally hang out the top of the trees but they know that's no way that a man can compete with a monkey in the top of the trees if you can't I'm scared of you don't even come around me but what they would do is put a cage right outside the tree line and they put something shiny and big inside the cage that was too big to fit through the bars and because monkeys love shiny stuff oh that's the message there the monkey would see this big shiny object breeze would take him over he would leave the safety of the trees that come down stick his hands through the bars and grab that shiny object and no matter how poor he just couldn't get it through the bars it didn't matter if he turned it this way in twisted it that way he just couldn't get it through because it wasn't designed to survive outside of the cage and so so now he's dead he's holding on to the only thing that's holding him back is his unwillingness just over the head so I gotta come away from some things I've gotta be willing to let this step go there's gonna hold me back get me James foreign aid draw nigh to God this is his promise to you if you draw ninety to God God will draw nigh to you those of you that were caught up and said you gotta come out of God how to do God and if you're gonna close to God cleanse your hands purify your hearts and if you do that intro not to God God will turn around and draw nigh to you but this is a decision that you make this is you knowing just like we said last week that he that hungers and thirst after righteousness shall be filled if this is a goal that you have if you really want to draw closer to God you're going to do that own it through the determination of your wheel it will never be an accident you've got to decide right now that I'm not satisfied with just coming to church I'm not satisfied with just playing an instrument I'm not I'm not satisfied with conducting a service or singing in the choir I'm gonna draw closer though do you know what kind of relationship walking do you will have the kind of closeness Adam had with God to just say God and God says yeah you talk about a closeness with God I'm talking about a closeness with God where stuff pop off and you ain't got time to go about this what are we substituting closeness for God with and I figured out there are a few things that people are substituting for a close walk with God and they think it's okay faithfulness to some sort of church work we talked about it hey man a couple weeks ago some people love church but they haven't come to the place where they love God and that's the way some people are they're substituting a close walk with God for being busy with church work and an angle kitchen away what sense does it make to be a choir member shouting and to sing the power down and oh he would have enough anointing to cast the devil out of your home team that's your house I'm talking about a closeness with God what can I say this some people are substituting and closeness with God for closeness with the print shop it's sad I've seen people get carnal hanging around the preach you know why because sometimes if I'm close to the man of God this is your relationship with God running with God this is because God wants a closer walk with every one of us and we've got to make sure that we don't allow the devil to take that away from us I've seen so many people come to church and God is moving on them and he's trying to show them a better way and they just refused see how to look at this now people will shout and keep on shouting and shout some more and shouted till they get on your nerves and then shout some more after that and then leave right up out of the house of God you wonder what kind of relationship is it that they got kind of all of that shooting your life it's still bad raggedy how do I wonder that speaking in tongues and your hand trembling in the air and your life is still that raggedy you can hear from God when he talking to you about everybody else but you ain't close enough yet to him talk about you well I had a dream about you the other day I had a dream oh listen I'm so tired of they dreams y'all don't understand Oh possum I saw this I haven't seen me dead and me that you're gonna die everybody in your family y'all gettin quiet freeze for a minute here it's appointed unto man once to die so did the Lord showed me this the other night died some bad was gonna happen to you listen tell a dream as a dream every dream ain't got significance Amen sometimes you just ain't the wrong thing before you went to sleep and that all spark a hey man that came back and start talking to you and you listen and trying to prophesy obey everybody else nah I wonder my preacher friend somebody came up to me and said listen oh I see a spirit in your house that's a demon that said he's answered he said but here y'all God clean out the front seat come on you're going home with me they said my god show that to you if God showed it to you that means he won't you to do something about it so you come go to my house and whatever spirit and now you look at Joey's saying that's it here we gotta stop being foolish everybody here from God and I'm trying to figure out why God telling you everything about me I hate it for you to talk he told you for you to pray get it now you for you to come to me hey man if he said it he meant for you to pray about that you ain't tell everybody every time you have a dream shut up and keep your dream to yourself everybody in the house of the Lord with big and with giants we got the church rather at the church windows out of when we leave and so many times we don't even understand that if we're not a watchful it doesn't matter what happens in the church if we cannot sustain our relationship when we walk back at those doors then just because we showed up to church tonight don't mean is going to draw us closer to God so many times that try to figure out what's on people's mind and God is doing everything I mean God is literally doing everything to bring us to a right place in Him and we're just so easily tricked and Duke and hoodwinked and bamboozled by the devil out of what God is desiring to do with us eyelid sometimes how God is pouring his anointing out and sometimes service is over and the Spirit of God is still moving and some forget gone home and some of us still in here it don't have to be that was shouted but sometimes there's still a heavy presence in the house of the Lord and you got some folk who say they saved can sit right in the mid and be laughing out loud holding conversations and hold a better time trying to figure out how did you so quickly become desensitized to the moving of the Spirit of God you mean God just be and all of that you couldn't even sit down you roll it all in the floor how are you going to draw close to God when you can't even keep your mind stayed on him you're gonna leave Church and God just moved like he moved in Portus power you saw it you felt it you said he touched you but you'll go right through the house and turn on the TV and they cussing and doing all that kind of stuff and you just gonna sit up in there and look at all that you don't even realize the devil just robbed you of everything that God might have done for you in the service you got to be able to sustain what God has done in your life and you do that by nurturing that when God speaks a word you had think in your heart hit what the Bible said that word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against me that's what I want to do because I love you I don't want to offend you so I'm gonna hide that word in my heart drawing closer to God is more than just coming to church and sitting down front it's the steps that you wouldn't take when you leave church to nurture and to sustain your relationship with God do you read your Bible when you're not in church do you why do you read it oh I didn't he has many explanation that I heard a man's a minute ago because a lot of people just know it's right to read the Bible it's just right to read it but it's got to be improper to handle the Word of God without expecting God to speak to you through his word do you know what this is this is his word this is what he wants you to know he didn't tell us a whole bunch of other stuff but he did tell us everything we have right here this is the god of the universe communicating with you and you would just open this read your few scriptures and then close it and put it up is that not miss handling the word of the Lord when you read your Bible it's more than just an exercise in reading you read to hear what God is saying to you you read so that you can find out what pleases God and when you get through reading pray and ask God to allow what you just read to become a part of your spirit so that you can use His Word to apply it to your life with the will of God you don't just read this just to be rated but chapter night you read it because you want to draw closer to the Lord and the only way you can do that is to know he's saying to you do you pray why see because if you've been saved any length of time even your prize got to have a certain depth to it Lord have you been saying all this time and you still only now I lay me down to sleep that means there is no growth because as you grow and draw closer to the Lord it's not about the rehearsed words that you have come to associate with bran when you draw closer to God it's about knowing that you got his ear and he has your heart and when you get down to pray it's more than just a multiplicity of words it's more than you saying the right things and using the right tenses and subject verb conjugation it's more than all about it's you talking to God and there's a closeness that you can have with God so that even when it's time for you to pray and you don't know the right words to say that's something about the relationship that says even if there's no words being exchanged as long as we're together that's doing y'all get quiet as long as we can be with each other that's what I'm really looking for if you have not gotten to that place well you can get down there and talk to God the words just flow from your heart did you ask yourself because when I'm close ain't got to be formal but y'all hearing what I'm saying when I really get close to you hey gotta worry about spread no verb when I get close for you hurt me what made me cry Oh y'all get Dwight here I need a little strength that's what happens with your clothes sometimes our plan life lets us know where we are in relations to God no can go ahead again and the enemy is taking advantage of the fact that we've had opportunity but have not yet taken the steps to realize a closer walk with the Lord you know how you'll know that you're growing close to God it's because the things that you see in him you start to see those same characteristics in yourself Paul said to the church get me first Corinthians the 3rd chapter and and and look at the first verse start with the first verse I couldn't really give you strong spiritual things I had to talk to you on a natural level even as unto babes in Christ and I had to treat you like he was still a baby there was no maturity in you now I'm not talking about you unless I'm talking about you but he said I recognize but couldn't give you a whole lot of spiritual truth I had to deal with you on a carnal level just like I would have babe in Christ and after a while you should have matured beyond the level of just being a baby sometimes that's the problem we're still trying to preach who has this stage in your spiritual walk you ought to be the example somebody else but instead we still got a nurse you with a mouthful of teeth you know what they call that don't you they call that an Arrested Development something is hindering you from maturing and growing and you got to figure out what it is why after all the time you've been saved you ain't licensed ordained and Gotha calling you elder just cuz you've been a long time after all this time you still not mature enough to be able to have the correction so we gotta treat you with kid gloves like a baby we gotta feed you and drop you so you don't explode on yourself when at some point you should have developed the ability to hold a spoon and feed yourself to take care of your own naturally you should have developed that ability but here we are now kind of deal with you as bad and Christ showing your meat up yeah and putting it on your tongue you're too old for that oh y'all hearing me I'm talking about drawing close to God some of us we've done everything else all right we got the position we over auxiliaries you been here a long time you know the ladder but you're not close to God yet and the problem is afterward you're gonna start making excuses for you being where you are you rolling around in a stroller and your feet hitting the ground and you got asked how old is he oh he 39 months you make an excuse I couldn't treat you the way I wanted to I couldn't give you what I wanted to give you I know how to get you across this finish line I know the stuff I need to tell you to do but I can't give it to you because I'm too busy treating you like a baby ring I have to feed you with them and you're too bad to sustain on nothing but milk the wire you need some protein in your diet you need something to sustain you and here it is all I can get to go down your throat is milk and wondering why you don't have no strength because all you can handle it's God's gonna bless you and God's gonna give you another car and name it and claim it happen and grab it but when you get to talking about how to live holy and the stuff you got go up you start choking you're up to me I can't go to a dimple ain't gonna run my life you just a baby Grug out getting quiet it's time for you to grow up you got a mouth full of teeth and still can't do nothing but drink milk God then give you people because you needed him to drink milk y'all get quite up in here it's time for you to get to the place where you can digest something stronger because that's what it's gonna take to get you to the place where you can fight the good side of paper where you can stay safe without no church people around you that's what it's going to take to get you to a place of strength you gonna be can you be like that with me and I couldn't get meat for hitherto and the sad thing is you're older but you still can't oh that is a meat sovereignty this is Paul Reed for ye are yet carnal oh oh oh he said you can't be close to God and the way I know you're not close to God your carnal how do I know your carnal for where is there is among you indeed because god is love you are mean therefore you cannot be close to God I know that's your carnal because you still operate it nd can't stand that somebody else got an opportunity to conduct the service you're rolling your eyes at people that don't even know your name immature in beings at wat and strife no then it's a strife is that what it said because there was ending and if there's one thing that tells everybody that's around me all you have to do is keep your eyes open after wild stuff will start to become a better if you just watch and stop talking so much keep your eyes open you'll start to recognize a certain pattern and people to think you prophesied it ain't that you prophesied you're just seeing this movie before hang on state ain't gonna beat it then ain't less la God must walk now we just done seen this a million times before and when you see people that can't get along divisions and strive and anything it's the proof that somebody can close to God cuz God ain't the author of confusion so what has to happen when you draw close to God you got to pull yourself away from from that mess that characterizes you if every time does a situation come up and your name always attached to it then the one thing I don't want you to do is try to lay hands on me you're only saying that you try to lay everybody down at all - doing like this no no no because if they don't have confidence y'all see now y'all maybe if nobody has confidence in your ability to minister if every time we turn around your name is always in some you can't tell me you close to God and every time some come up your name I always attach to it you're doing too much talk you know what you need to pray more just get it out of your system instead of talking everybody else get on your knees and have a little talk with Jesus and read what he says are you not carnal or you're not carnal and walk as men and walk as men I know that I know your carnal because carnal people do this but when you draw close to God give me Galatians 5 in 23:22 excuse me when you really draw close to God certain things start dropping off of you Oh y'all hear what I'm telling you when you really get close to God people around you would know that because there'll be certain things that just start dropping off for you stop don't bother you you don't get involved on that level when you really get close to God you think I'd you don't have to respond to every criticism that people have made about you when you get close to God when you get close to God you can just pray for people and keep it moving knowing that the Lord will fight you about it the reason why you still gotta fight it is because you don't trust him to do it for you Galatians 5:22 the fruit of the Spirit now listen to this when you get filled with the Holy Ghost it ought to be more than a tongue that you get when the Spirit comes you should daily be conforming to the image of his son you want to see more Christ in your life every day stuff you used to do a year ago you ought to be past that stuff now things that made you cry last year are not even make you cry now because you're moving forward and your past you've got to learn how to grow beyond so when you get the hold it goes yeah I heard you speaking in tongues but I heard you but after you get through speaking I'm gonna do whether you really close to God because anybody can shun - under shun - on the shyness on the shoulder tttt anybody can do all of that but when you get through cold ayah and all of that stuff I'm going to look because I don't know if you're close to God there are certain things that the Spirit will deposit in your life and it will come in a greater way as you draw closer to God read what the Bible says the fruit of the Spirit is love listen if you're really drawn closer to God the Bible says if we love him that begat shouldn't we love him also that is begotten if you love God you gotta love the Brethren if you don't like people don't tell me you close to God because God is love people now I want you to believe that they always in the face of God who I please just sweet fellowship what and literally can't stand people if you see somebody and your eyes automatically start rolling something is wrong something's not y'all getting quiet because the closer you get to God you see everybody as a show y'all want me to shut up I'm trying to get somebody delivered here tonight and if easy Jesus said to love people that love you but he said you got to go to the level of loving people that act like they hate your guts you gotta do good to people that despitefully use you that's the love of God that you can love people that don't deserve your love it's easier to love folk that loans you money and told you you ain't got a paid back but now can you love people that stole your stuff when you draw close to the Lord you will well y'all I got cry love love will cause you to see the good side of the situation a friend of mine goes to church and she said her pastor kept buying a sound equipment and somebody kept breaking into this feeling it bad new equipment somebody break instead it again even though there's these praying and the Lord showed him that they were coming through the ceiling so he got up and he set some traps and put some things across the ceiling and he came in one night there was a man stuck and he told him and he said listen you got two choices he's I'm gonna call the police and they can come get you oh I'll get you down and you accept Christ as your personal Savior tonight he lifted his hands and got say I believe she said he became a deacon at the church oh it's easy to love people that are lovable what about people that talked about you talking about your kids talked about your momma reads as though they join ja listen when you draw close to the Lord I don't believe you can live with your head hung down the spirit brings showing some people you look at them they're miserable every day can I say this to you sons and daughters it is not God's desire for you bet your life be so miserable that you hate God's desire for your life that you sit and hate everything hate your job hate the drive home so angry I keep telling you if you blow your horn three times every day then you have a problem but you got some people and calling even came over your origin listen you have an issue if you got the Holy Ghost you don't listen you can't be saved and close it up and angry all day every day god bless you brother hi you don't I'm alright not leave me alone no you need to be saved three peace peace longsuffering Oh God not to preach another eye on his long suffering thing okay I see I don't want me to preach now on his lungs longsuffering means to suffer long when you really draw close to God then you'll find yourself operating in a spirit of long-suffering I tell people it took you 30 years to get saved you got saved and want to divorce your husband because he didn't get saved within a month it took you 30 years and you want to walk out because God ain't either for you in a month long-suffering give it time live the life before suffer no because sometimes this life is a suffering way anyway and if you cannot operate in long-suffering you may not be alone read gentleness gentleness goodness faith faith meekness temperance these are the things that the Spirit will sees in your life with as you draw closer to the rod this is what you're going to see in your life you're gonna see the love the joy the peace the long-suffering the meekness the temperance you're going to see these things in your life if you have not recognized your life being seasoned with these elements and you still need to draw close to the Lord don't let the enemy rob you of an opportunity to draw close to God I gotta I gotta close to name but if God's highest goal for you is that you drop close to him then why is it that for so many that's not your reality if real power comes through relationship then could it be that the reason why we don't see a lot of power is because there's not a real closeness in relationship some people just have the form of godliness they look saved they look real saved they sound real saved not even a preacher but people hear you are you a preacher you just got that saved tone to your voice but is that just that form or do you have the power to back that up the only way you're going to get it is that you've got to draw closer to the Lord I want everybody to stand tonight I'm not finished but I'll quit the psalmist said I need to be near you because everybody far from you is going to perish that includes people that just come to church you can come the church but if you are far from him the enemy is going to wipe you out if you don't have a closeness with God then you'll be easily confused by a devil that masters in deception if you're not close to God you won't recognize the voice of God and the devil will speak to you and you are erroneously take the word of the devil to be the word of God I think that's what's happening to a whole lot of people got a large show me where nothing wrong with this the Lord showed me this you were listening to doctrines of devils but because you were not close to God you thought it was God talking but she wasn't close enough to really recognize that it wasn't him there is a safety in drawing close to God some of us are closer to people than we are to God we think because they're real strong prayer partner being close to them is all you need oh they got nothing to worry about if I'm having trouble all I got to do is call my prayer partner and I'm telling you that woman dad know the words a prayer well what happens when she doesn't answer the phone what happens when you got it by yourself are you close enough to God to pull on the heavens and to know that God is going to answer you I believe that God wants us to live at such a level but there is absolutely no doubt that if I call him he's going to answer me how many of us have that assurance that God will back me up because I'm close to him there is a safety in being close to the Lord and the closer you get the more like him you become every head bowed every eye closed if there's somebody here tonight first of all if you're not saved you don't know the Lord in the pardon of your sin I want you to come step out of that arose step into that aisle and make your way to this altar I'll pray with you tonight if you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come I'll come on maybe the courts got his hand on your heart maybe he has his hand on your heart and he's pulling you come on draw me come on let me hear drop me low or and are we hour after you try oh come on lip your hands and your boys drive ela or I promise I will run after you come on ask him try me oh come on try me long [Music] I'll come running after you Wow hallelujah but Ramallah oh I promise how we are all right after you [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 69,094
Rating: 4.8044996 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: Tl4_fR7TmZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 56sec (5516 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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