FGHT Dallas: Seeking God

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what a mighty God we serve or angels bounty for him [Music] well why don't you lift your hands and praise the Lord hallelujah oh come on take a moment and praise Him oh thank you Jesus come on if you know he's worthy to be praised hallelujah thank you Jesus oh he's a great card and we praise him tonight come on clap those hands all over this place Amen hallelujah we bless the Lord I'm so glad to be here tonight aren't you even all day long this has been on my mind and on my heart I couldn't wait to get to the house of the Lord tonight just something about the house of the Lord Amen I get stripped just walking in this atmosphere he'd been I seem like I just get encouraged just being in this place and I know God's been good to you and everybody didn't get a chance to testify but listen you can tell somebody close to you that God's been good and if you can't reach them why don't you take some time get out of your seat amen get out of that bro go shake somebody's hand hug somebody tell of your leper with the love of the Lord well that's it hallelujah [Music] a then got flicker [Music] [Music] that [Music] come on say that she lives with me that's the cheese the Jesus loves the cheese come on him [Applause] Joshua come on leave it tell somebody else machee that's it meee that's the cheese the cheese laughs gee yeah sure Yuri is dead yeah [Music] when one time that she does it me yes the cheese's love sushi now sorry [Music] all right now come on pop your hands real good with me [Music] yes you are Yuri said yeah sure are you ready [Music] here's a true love one more pass come on clap your hands everybody [Music] stay right that puts your hands together come on and clap your hands everybody young brother Yama says that hey co-op you win a praying boy yes you are you ready there come on clap your hands yes you are hallelujah glory to yeah yeah sure come on put your hands I got the one more time everybody else about it is it to love [Music] and put y'all hands together give it praise would you hey man where do you see just tell somebody you're easy to love hey man hey man look at somebody else and just tell him I love you and I'm praying for you I love you and I'm praying for you talk about you look at in your direction you gotta be talking about you and I do I want you to know that tonight amen and I don't say it because I have to the truth is I don't have to man I don't waste words words have gotten precious to me at this point Amen if I say I love you I mean that and I want you to know it man I love you and I'm praying for you and I'm praying amen that this would be the year a man that you'll draw closer to God than you've ever done before amen this has got to be the time and increasingly as the date grows a later and later and as the hour becomes more and more evil amen somebody's got to take upon themselves to draw closer to God you know I used to hear people say stuff like let him use your son and I'm starting to understand the importance of that amen God has to be the activating force behind what we do we've got to allow God to take charge of our lives amen we've got to as Jesus said if you come after me you got to deny yourself there are a lot of things that you would want to do a man but you got to get back and let God use you let him have control you know I've always liked to argue a man a man I got some some good friends every time they come to my office a man we we say we come in for one thing and we get to that eventually but before we get to all that we got to take some time and we got to have some some heated debate a man we got to say who who can prove their point amen and I've always been that kind and you know there was a time I wanted to be a lawyer and the preacher a man you know I'm back in school now and it's been 20 years and 20 years ago I was sitting there and I just lost my passion for school I lost it all together I would be sitting in class and and and I would snap out of it and when I come back to myself I've been preaching a whole sermon whole class period and I wouldn't have heard anything that the teacher said and I I did that day after day just just go that sit down and I'd go and and I'd be in large auditoriums just preach it and then when I snap out of it it's time to leave and I don't know what in the world is man was talking about and and you know 20 years ago I just I just I left school and I said I'll just I'll be back in just a little while and you know it's been 20 years it was supposed to have been like a year two years something like that I looked up and it was 20 years but I think God they meant because in that time that I removed myself that's when I really started preaching and traveling and spending a lot of time with apostle Marie and I started being full-time in ministry and 20 years later I can look back on that and see now how God's hand was on it all the time orchestrating the moves and the events of my life cause because I would have probably been in Washington Amen somewhere running the country by now but God so fit a man to pull me away from that and I didn't understand it then but I understand it now when I thank God for where I am and I thank God you know I've matured to the place to I think got now but being a lawyer didn't materialize amen when I go places and I travel and people say apostle I watch you all the time and you keep me encouraged that's really what it's all about when when I travel and meet people that found the Lord by watching us on YouTube that's what it was all about and so you know we've got to learn how to sometimes put what we want to do on the back burner and just follow heart after the wheel of the Lord I can argue with anybody amen but I think God I'm a preach I'm a pastor and I get to declare the whole Council of God that's what it's really all about and 20 years later I can lift my hands and thank God and you know I God could release me to go back to school 20 years later cuz he know being a lawyer is completely out the picture right now I'm too busy with all of y'all he meant to go in that now and so I see the timing of God it wasn't a God didn't want me to get my degree he just had to put me in a place where I could understand my priorities and I thank God amen and you know you gotta get back and let the Lord you touch somebody tell him let him use you ain't man usually do what you should to accomplish his plan and his will for your life amen you might want to be this but God might have greater things in store for you look at somebody and tell me but there is a word from the Lord amen and I'm a lover of the Word of God I love it and I'll prove it I got mine did you bring yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God thank some of you ain't holding nothing up a man ain't where's your Bible I see to me the hands ain't ain't they move that your lap listen if you're a soldier you ought to have a sword amen amen if you're gonna fight you gotta have something to fight with your opinion is insufficient to get the devil over your back the devil is not concerned about psychology and philosophy all of that you better have an anointing that comes through knowing God and obeying the word of the Lord man shall not live by bread alone but you gotta live by whatever the Lord has declared every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord Jeremiah the 29th chapter tonight amen Jeremiah 29 and I want to be getting reading at the eleventh verse amen if you'll come with me tonight amen and let's dig into the scriptures a man hallelujah Jeremiah chapter number 29 and I want to begin reading at verse number 11 and let's read Amen down to verse number 13 Amen that Saint Jeremiah 29:11 12 and 13 when you have it's a man read what the Bible says for I know the thoughts that I think toward you the Lord sayeth the Lord this is God talking now God said my thoughts of you are peaceful thoughts because God wants you to live a peaceful life you believe that the bomber didn't say blessed are the peace keepers he said blessed are the peacemakers God wants you to live a peaceful life and even when people are not trying to make peace with you he said I value the fact that you want to make peace with people some of us when I didn't do nothing wrong ain't got nothing to apologize for blessed are the peace makers uh-huh which means sometimes you are apologized even if you haven't done anything I'm sorry not for what I did cuz I ain't did nothing but I'm sorry that there was a misunderstanding in the first place some of y'all want me to move on because you hadn't matured to the point of apologizing yet amen but he says my thoughts concerning you or peaceful thoughts breathe and not of evil not of evil I don't I don't think evil to watch you that is not God's idea for your life calamity no distress no that's not God's ideal for you he said my thoughts of you are peaceful and they are not evil read to give you an to give to you and the expected end read then he says you can call me and ye shall go and pray unto me and you will go and pray unto me and I will hearken unto you uh-huh and you shall seek me and find me wait a minute here read when you just search for me when you shall stress from me with all your heart with all of your heart read that verse again and ye shall seek me uh-huh and find me when you search for me when you would have searched for me with all your with all of your heart not get me st. Matthew the fifth chapter and the sixth verse amen and then let's dig it to the word of the Lord amen Saint Matthew chapter number five verse number six amen when you have it read it blessed are they which do hunger which do hunger they shall be for they shall the Bible says be feel blessed obey which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled he said you will seek me and find me when you would have searched for me with all of your heart blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled look at somebody and just tell them seeking God amen if you noticed last week we talked about loving God Amen tonight let's talk about seeking God amen because amen this is what God desires of all of us Amen not just that we have one encounter with God but that our lives or live in the pursuit of God and of his righteousness can I preface this tonight by simply saying to you that God is the kind of God that wants to be found of us that's the reason why I mean I can say emphatically that God is not trying to hide from any of us as a matter of fact he lays himself out there amen and even people whose eyes are blinded their sin can be a testament to the fact that I'm here all my help but I got a reasonable portion of good help it could have been a whole lot of worse than what it is amen I've had some setbacks but then - amen I've had some good days I've had some reasons to smile and hold my head up I've had days when I cried but then there were days when it seemed like things were just going my way amen I come to the red light and it just turned green amen I always said you ain't you ain't had none of them days with every time you turn your signal I told it was just enough room for you to slide up in now amen thought you were gonna be late but some kinda way you found a parking space right at the front and everything just worked outside you know you might not be saved and your eyes may not be trained to see the spiritual Amen but now all of us can attest to the fact that we have had great things to happen in our lives and somebody simply has to point it out to us a member that the reason why we enjoy what we enjoy is because of the goodness and the grace of our God what somebody opens our understanding to the fat amen that we are where we are because of God the Bible said it's the bluntness of the Lord Amen that will lead us to rip all y'all hearing what I'm saying Amen when you understand how good god has been to you Amen when you realize that even when you were yet without strength God loved you enough to send his only begotten Son to die in your place Amen applause o to you and if nothing else causes you don't wanna know card you wanna want to get close to him because he loves you and loving you so they did you a favor it is nothing but the goodness and the grace of God that causes him to make himself available a man to us those of us that really want to know who he is and you know what I love about God God doesn't just leave us out there hate men but God will place look clues in our lives that will lead us back to him like Hansel and Gretel hey men the bread crumbs in the spirit are all over the place good that happened to you it was nobody because you decide to come to the Lord through you to his side oh I know it what the fact that you were just so good Amen you decided to give God a try now what it was hey man God was so good to you that God put his hands on your heart you realize that there's a part of me that was growing you what I'm trying to tell you that's why you are safe tonight it was because the drawing and I want you to know maybe that's somebody here and you're not saving I'll tell you why you got the trouble that you have it's because there's a part of you that is missing in your heart that's a void in your soul disappoint me just threw me it was all about isaiah 55:6 and seven now you can close your bibles did you write Isaiah 55 verse 6 and verse are you hearing me maybe that's somebody here tonight Wow when you wanna shake him if you will hear my voice your friend always tell us blow your nose where you caught your cold you don't just say the god I want you today but I have some news for you tomorrow no he says me with me so he said seek me for those of you that are not saying shake me Wow I may be found call upon him while he is near if you wicked what a sickie god it's forsaken your ways oh let the unrighteous man forsake his culture to the Lord do you know this great big Oh God hey metal wants you to find him that's the reason why he's been so good and so glad and so loving so compassionate so merciful towards you what he says if you return to the Lord he said if you seek me forsake your ways then he will have mercy upon you compassion read do you hear this promise guilty as sin and guilty of sin but the Bible says he will abundantly pardon you know what that means that you haven't done anything that's so bad that God can't forgive you for the Bible tells us there's only once in a meant that unpardonable sin that God won't forgive your poor Amen but the Bible tells us that if you come to God he that cometh to God he will in no wise cast him the beginning god it is the foundation of everything that we do we heard that Jesus said listen I want you to love the Lord your God with all of your heart he starts with the heart amen with everything I want you to love God but now God is saying I want you to seek me with all of your heart amen that's the reason why the Bible always stresses to us that we've got to guard our heart amen because your heart is vital and in the natural without your going on with your heart trouble so it is for 27:31 for them somebody is under the judgment of God streak now you have no bad luck and you ain't going through a bad streak some people are literally under the judgment of God and when you're under judgment you can't expect things to go right the way of a transgress are supposed to be hard but Deuteronomy says even if you've been under the judgment of God God said have you turn to me and seek me I'll deliver you do you hear what God is saying even if his hand is against you God said if you're from the judgment God will set you free and sometimes God only has that judgment hanging over your head to bring you to a place of repentance anyway sometimes God's got to rake you over the coals y'all get quiet and somebody you're sitting up in here amen you can testify with me tonight Amen that if God had to put the squeeze on you and whatnot some of us wouldn't even be sane now if God had not taken everything away from you and take the props from under here some of us would have never come to the Lord unless we came through some kind of a hardship some kind of judgment almost died ended up on the on a hospital gurney laying on your back before you realize this ain't the life for me almost dying and going to hell before you realize this ain't the life for me but he said if you come I'll deliver you Jeremiah 29:13 we just read it ye shall seek me and find me when you would have searched for me God says with all of your heart family if you repented at all that's the nature of true repentance the nature of real repentance is that it is a sorrowful response to the sins that we have committed against our God if you were not sorry for what you did words might have come out your mouth but that wasn't repentance that's the reason why a man is more than people just saying stuff and just repeating what you say a whole lot of people can repeat that don't make in repentance because the real nature of repentance is response to the sins that you have committed against always always food it's true [Applause] you can't turn towards God unless you're willing to turn your back on everything see some of us have gotten in trouble because we thought it was permissible to serve God on our terms we go serve God and seek Him with condition I'll do this but don't ask me to walk away from that I'll give you this this this but don't ask me for anything beyond that how come to church Sunday morning [Applause] such a matter that I'm seeking God means I gotta turn turn away from that and it's not until you want God worse than you want everything else that you're going to find he said when you seek me you got to do it with all of your heart not half of your heart you can't give God a half-hearted service cuz God said you ain't gonna find it but when you're ho think your Lord used to sing that song with my I'll serve you because God don't want half of your devotion he don't want 50% of your loyalty God said if you're gonna love me to love me with your whole heart if you go serve me serve me with your whole heart and if you're gonna sing me the only way you gonna find me is that you've got to put your whole heart into what it he is that should do and get me proverbs 8 and 17 God said I love them they love me I love them that love me I told you it's all in your approach the Bible said to the froward he will show himself through it he said now I love them that love me there's a special love that God has for those that truly truly truly love him and lately I've had to go and make a distinction between just loving Church and loving God because some of us love church but do you know there some people church is just in them they go everywhere the church go if the bus is leaving at 5:00 they'll get hit 3 they love it all they'll sing and and require they can sing in if you let them they'll build every auxilary every time they get an opportunity to volunteer they will do that paint job Shh but it's not just about loving Church he said I love them and love me more than anything else I'm sure without a quaver so and never miss one but then go three days without getting on your knees to pray you love quiet it's about loving God and when you love God you'll do everything you can in the service to his kingdom he said I love those that love me love me I seek those that seek me early now when they say seek me early I used to hear folks saying well that's why I get up at 3 a.m. because he was referring to now I do believe that you ought to talk to God the first thing in the morning Amen I believe that he ought to be what starts your day y'all getting quiet here first thing we think about is a cup of coffee to wake us up now listen ain't none gonna wake you up like an encounter with God if you want to get up and you're always saying nothing if you want to get up and pack up parla then you want to get on your knees and pray until that prayer language come out you always saying if you want to know how to get up amens you want something to give you a Shh amen to go through your day god I believe you ought to seek him talk to him acknowledge him at the first part of your day but now he wasn't just talking about early according to the hour when he says her Alec he also means before anything else those that seek me first those that will seek me early not just when stuff is happening but those that are make me their priority those that consult me before they do anything else those that talk to me before they have a problem those are the ones that will find me tonight I'm talking about seeking God so he said I love those that love me and everyone that will seek me early shall find me when you want God more than you want anything else you're gonna find him but God is not going to submit himself to a competition in your heart are you hearing me sons and daughters God is not going to compete with anything for your loyalty for your love and your affection they told me here to go first in affection should be first in thought yeah first in affection what you love the most should be the first thing on your mind if somebody come in here and start screaming out and you grab the woman on the other side of you instead of covering your wife I'm gonna know something right why was she the first thing on your mind y'all get quiet they don't understand that the first in your affection is the first thing in your thought when you love God more when you love him first then he's always what you go to you don't that oh that's right let me go talk to the DA because that means he's not first in your fiction but if he's really the first thing in your heart then he's the first place you're gonna go when trouble comes he's going to be the answer and not one of your options and so he says you got to love me more and you love anything else and finding me has got to take precedent over everything else a word from the Lord it's got to take priority over everything else seeking God spending time but God has to be what a job say I've esteemed the words of his mouth even more than the food that I eat to sustain my natural body his word is to my soul what water and bread and meat and vegetables are to my natural body his word is what sustains me and that's what I want more than anything else and if you haven't come to the place where you're seeking him on that level then it's time to really evaluate what it is when you come to the house of God what are you really do you just want to do better do you want a better position in life are you here because this is where you know you're gonna hear a word that draws you even closer to the God you love somebody decided to get married and now you're meeting the old friends that knew your husband or your wife before you met him and you just want to hear all the service tell me some more what did he do how did he do it what happened or just him oh you because you love you want to know it all but then you come to know God and and you know every time you come through these doors somebody's gonna get up and talk to you about the God that you love but you can get me Saint Matthew 13 and 44 st. Matthew 13 and 44 I want you to see this read again again the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid among is like treasure that what you're seeking God and the kingdom of God is like a treasure he did in the field and we're treating it like it's a pawnshop full of everything that we might already have and things that if it didn't mean nothing to the person who put it here might not mean nothing to me either Bible said it's not a pawnshop this is a treasure the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure that's here in the field we the which when a man had found that when a man finds a treasure in the field he hide it what he do he hides it you know why because he don't want nobody else to find the treasure he just found really and for joy thereof goeth going le sell it all that he has he sells everything he got and buyeth that field do y'all hear this this man finds a treasure in a field he discovers it kicks him dirt back over it and he goes home gets everything he has all of his his watches his rings the car the furniture goes and empties his bank account all of those fine clothes and shoes he's willing to give everything and he takes what he has earned from selling everything and he goes and buys the whole field because he knows there's a treasure he's willing to give up everything he has because he's found real treasure and tonight are you willing to give up everything you got because you found something better it's a shame to hold on to the real stuff you got when God is saying I can give you so much I think about people that argue over the standard of holiness as if they don't realize what God is offering you in return so I'm going to be whole buncha brews you don't understand it's not about rules it's about discipline because in order to walk in the anointing of God you're looking at what I'm focusing on what we gotta give up and you're missing the point that is really trying to give you more seek me which a whole heart 1st chronicles 16 minute leaven seek the Lord seek the Lord and his strength and his strength seek God and seek his strength his enabling power his ability if you seek God you gonna find his strength - I'm getting weak apostle seeking if you find yourself growing cold and colder and colder then seek God because if you're really seeking him that's some strength that he's gonna add to your life read it seek his face continually seek his face the Bible says continually I preached a message in garland about a couple months ago entitled seek him find him and then seek him some more we sowed and we found salvation we were looking for something better than what we had we found him and now that were saved we don't stop seeking him it's time to seek Him some more but you know what we're looking at we're looking at a time when people have seemingly lost their passion for the Lord now the service that God has no passion used to be a time when they struck out with one of them all congregation of songs I know God is a good God you know what church folk the Saints would replay in their mind have good God bended and they would jump up clap their hands - they almost bled and just yes he is but now you can say God is a good God and the quality was thinner and sing in his day job boy y'all getting quiet now ain't never seen a day when quiet like they don't like singing certainly not nobody else's and being get up why y'all sitting there looking y'all act like got it done for you y'all call y'all here hello see my people have just lost that passion listen to some people talk and they talk about how God healed the bodies of cancer did you hear that testimony she said God healed up cancer and that don't mean nothing to you people come down thank God he delivered me this morning from a 23-year drug addiction and fill me with the Holy Ghost praise the Lord so his works so did we lose our passion so what this stuff doesn't even merit put my hand you mean you used to sell dope but God didn't live with him and nothing in you says at least your hand we said they got valuables gotten marks and tabs out in him but then when you see the word and action happens you read that he was a healer and when you're saying heals about it he don't even move you to respond aw Tozer said on one occasion that scientist has lost God among the wonders of his world he says but many Christians have lost God among the wonders of his word we love the word love the way it flows love the poet a poetic nature of it we love reading it but apart from that we can't even see God even when he's moving right among people in the congregation sometimes people are sitting out there and fall over home they seem to speak in tongues and get filled with the Holy Ghost and we stand there like this ain't nothing big how did we lose that passion is that not what we've been asking God for we've been seeking up or have we been saying we've been seeking because if you've really been seeking God I found out there's an expectation and when you see the thing you've been seeking him for it registers in your spirit some of us have just been praying the prayer but it hasn't been a seek because there's no expectation how do you know it's no expectations because when he does it if you can act like he didn't do anything then you really didn't expect that he would where is our passion it's not about just coming to church it's not about just reading a Bible it's about seeking God and can I tell you finally what seeking God will do my time is up seeking God will cause there to be a change in your life and your lifestyle the Bible says that we would daily be conformed to the image of his son when you really seek God you'll notice a change in your own life the people around you will know that you are drawing closer to God because you will take on more and more godlike characteristics when your temple used to be so short if you're really seeking God then every little thing will stop causing you to go off on people when you really seeking God you're not so great to give people a piece of your mind seek Him find him and then seeking some more find out more about him then seek him some more find out more and then seek him some more you will never get to the point to where you don't have to seek the more of God to be like Jesus they used the same oh how I want to be like him so meek and lowly humble and holy oh how I want to be like him you know you get like him I join closer to him and you know how you get close to him you gotta shake him and the thing about it is that the Bible says he's really not far from us when we seek Him Hebrews 11 and 6 but without faith it is impossible to please God for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and then he's got to believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently this is one more mandate we heard last Tuesday we gotta love God with all of our heart and tonight God says I want you to seek me with all of your heart years ago people long there was a burning passion for God and the things of God they mourned for him that wasn't called where those tell the well and women to come those morning well are they that used to get down in travail now even I pray as a program and orderly every night we know who the first president O'Neill is we know who the last person after we pray for them we're gonna pray by job how can we pray for that we're gonna pray my church I passed and I have no their so ordered but are they passionate prayers it was the last time you got down on your knees and you said everything you knew to say and when you didn't have anything else to say you stayed that made anyway and just well before God just mourn before God just longed passionately for the Marable of when was that last when shaking God is all about pray then sodam day and night faithful to God in His Word Psalms says that as the deer panted after the water so my soul that Psalms the fourteenth chapter for the second chapter first in second verse my soul longeth after thee O Lord I sought you with a dryness thirsty land where no water is but my soul just desired the more of your soil seek you like I would in your sanctuary because I found you it's a wonderful privilege for God to say to us seek me and then seek me simple we read in the scriptures about God talking to men and women and leading them we read about God speaking to a child Samuel giving him instruction you know I found that God still speaks he speaks to those that are seeking Him and you can't lay those stipulations that I want you to talk to me like you did Moses on the mouth and then split the mountain in half so everybody knows you talking God is speaking us to his word he speaks to us through the sermon he speaks to us through our life circumstances people ask all the time how do I know the voice of God there's so much in my head how can I determine and distinguish God from every other voice in my head and I tell him it's because his voice sounds just like his word when you know his word when he speaks it registers there's a witness sound like some read that before my sheep know my voice this time they're seeking the more every head bowed and every eye closed there's somebody here tonight the Lord is calling you maybe you're not saved or maybe you are saved and you need the baptism of the Holy Ghost I want you to know the Lord will do it for you tonight if you can look at your life and see where you're getting more and more like the old you and less and less like Christ then that's him seeking we got to do we got to seek and knowing that he's going to do what is best for us he's going to do what we need done the most and just like a surgical release we'll say to dr. Jesus when you search me whatever you find and I'm looking for you to take care of that - you have my permission if it's my attitude you got my permission to fix that if it's my lack of devotion you have my permission Lord fix it purge me with that I may be clean wash me and I'll be white us know somebody tonight need to ask God to create in me a clean heart give me a heart that seeks after your wheel give me a heart that desires the more of you give me a heart to serve you with everything I have give me the strength to deny myself and to no longer see you as an option I want to seek you early I want you to be the first thing I go after I want you to be the first one I talk to I want to honor you even when everything is going good I want to seek you is there another that's coming come on somebody here tonight you're trying your best to start this year off right and that's one area where you weak if that's you I want you to be brave enough to come it takes courage but I want you to be brave enough to come with everything in there with my whole heart I'm gonna follow after you come on that's it they're coming forget about who's looking it's not about that it's not about what they're saying their opinion of me is not more important than knowing that I'm in his wheel come on that's it they're coming somebody has to have the courage tonight come on that's it it takes courage to walk that out but tonight in the name of Jesus you can do this that's it that's it they'll walk in that out tonight come on it takes courage but you can do it you can do it you can come come on my response hasn't been what I desire it to be that's it he's moving that's the Lord drawing you to a closer walk seek him find it and then seek him some more there's a higher height and a deeper depth in car is there anybody at this altar want to be saved you desire to give cultural life but that's you hold your hand up right where you're standing everybody's well tonight hallelujah elders would you pray hallelujah or is our will oh how we oh yes I will ah I will I'm gonna follow all my heart Thomas Cole ah we [Music] okay I will follow I will
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 30,225
Rating: 4.9265094 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: -W5amlMpdv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 56sec (4496 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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