FGHT Dallas: Serving God

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what a mighty God we serve or angels bounty for him hallelujah we owe it to it thank you Jesus oh he is a great God tonight and we praise Him I don't know about you but I'm excited about the Lord amen I came here tonight looking for God to speak to my heart amen and to say to me the things that he wants me to hear and I think God for each and every one of you think God for the testimony tonight he mended when Jordi's testimonies a man thank God a man evangelistic all the way from Kentucky he meant forty years you say been singing it's all true and now that is ever been a fan thank God and didn't win Joey Vangelis Beasley oh come on put those hands together hey man let the redeemed of the Lord say something and the thing is if you've got been redeemed you got something to talk about hey man this ain't used to talk every well they went grocery store talking in the bank they were talking everywhere they went they were talking about the goodness of the Lord amen and God's been good to all of us maybe you didn't get a chance to testify tonight Amen but I want you to take a moment go and shake somebody's head hook somebody tell them you love them with the love of the Lord come on that's it [Music] [Music] oh that's it [Music] come on say the cheese's hit me love the cheese potatoes the cheap [Music] oh that's it cover your ears [Music] yes you [Music] yes come on say the tea that's it me that's the chief Kachinas babson feet sorry is [Music] yes sure are you really [Music] one more attempt the tree does it [Music] [Music] yeah all right couple for those hands together [Music] yes sure well that's it pop oh yeah ah one more time couple back the hands everything [Music] [Music] stay right that puts your hands together [Music] come on and clap your hands everybody yeah brother yah I love you when a prayer for you damn sure my Yuri [Music] yeah sure look at somebody tell us he is it come on crap the heads at different brains as glory in the house tonight what a great God we serve god bless you think you see that you can a man you're easy to know did somebody tell him I love you and I'm praying for you [Music] I'm so glad somebody prayed for me had me on their mind took out some time and prayed from me [Music] in a little prayer go a long way and most of us are here tonight because somebody was praying for us a man I believe I heard the other Judah Beck preach on one occasion and he said the power of God is so real that even promises that God made to mothers concerning their sons and that daughters still come in the pass and the mothers and dead and going in a grave but because somebody prayed and God heard it and made promise God will fulfill this promise to you even if you're dead these are covenant keeping God I don't know that about God hey man nothing can separate me from his love and I thank God I thank God for this Tuesday night a man I tell you I don't care where I am all day Tuesday I just so look forward a man to come in the church like I do every night but I tell you some about Tuesday night I love Tuesday night all day long I'm sitting in classroom singing the Jesus in me loves that Jesus it a man I love it a man and I love the opportunity a man to stand and to talk to you out of the pages of the Word of God a man a man I told somebody uh I was thinking about preaching I know who you are those of y'all that wasn't there last night Lord we heard some kind of preaching last night I told him I know if it any shame I had I almost want to preach that tonight a man cuz he preached and preached and preached and preached some more hey man my phone been ringing all day we've been talking about that all day long if you went there last night a man that that fella that the Lord saved and sanctified many years ago a man named Patrick Mary preached last night and I tell you I told him if if we hadn't been in a real sanctuary we probably would have still been there hey man shouting troubles over I enjoyed the word of the Lord but we're here tonight amen and God is such a good God and I tell you he gives us the Word of God that carries us from one day to the next and I don't know about you but I find my strength in the Word of God amen the courage to go on and face the day I find that in the Word of God I feel bad for people who have not yet come to a place of falling in love with the word they don't stand that that's the reason why amen they got so many troubles so many heavy burden they just weighed down some of them don't see no hope don't have no help amen the only thing they can think of is to hurry up and get out of this whole world I guess they think the whole world is trouble amen and the devil tell I'm just leaving all behind you got people that are take some and cut the wrist a man turn around and take a bunch of pills take a gun and pointed at their own head stick it in a mouth and pull the trigger because they don't see nothing in this world worth living for but listen when I read this word of God it tells me doesn't matter how bad the day is today he meant God is able to turn this thing around amen he shows us the trials of the saints lets us know he meant that everybody that live godly shall suffer persecution but I think don't just show us the suffering side he shows us that God is able to turn things around in your favor no I gotta do is crack this book open and I tell you I get courage hey man reading stuff like tomorrow before the Sun be hot y'all done got quiet yeah I read passages of Scripture a man that say many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivering them out of them all amen when people didn't have nothing to eat amen starving half to death a man of God stands up and say back this time tomorrow is gonna be plenty for everybody I'm tellin ya I can't stay the press reading this word amen and I don't care how what kind of problem you got how hard it is if you can get in this word ain't man it'll give you the faith to go on and face the day faith comes by hearing and hearing by what the Word of God well look at somebody and tell them day but there is a word from the Lord Amen and I'm a lover of the Word of God you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our our God Amen a few weeks ago we started talking to you about our relationship with God how it is that we handle the Lord and the things of the Lord how God expects for us to live what does he want our relationship to look like you know what if you're the type of person that never takes time for reflection never take evaluation or self assessment then you can think you okay but not understand that that God wants something so much deeper with you than just a shallow relationship that so many people are willing to give God you you've got to give him what he wants yeah I believe since the Owens preached many years ago a sermon entitled hello I take this and she was talking about Cain now that Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice but Cain simply gave him up the fruit of the ground just gave him something convenient here Lord it didn't take much effort didn't take much out of me just just take this and that's the attitude that so many people have when it comes to serving God we just say the daughter here Lord take this and just hope that God is satisfied with what it is that we're giving him but you don't have the knowledge enough to know how to satisfy a God like ours if you're going to satisfy him or if you're gonna please him at all then the only way that you can please God or satisfy God is to be obedient and to give God what he demands or commands of us we started out by talking about loving God because amen that's the foundation of everything that we do as the children of God we love him and our love for God amen pause at us amen then we went from loving God we talked about seeking God Amen find him seek Him and then seek him some more amen seek and find him and then seek him some more after we love God and seek God he meant last week we talked about throwing clothes to the Lord and that's what God really wants of us the Bible says even when he called disciples the first thing that he called them to do was to be with him and we feel like God calls us first to lay hands on the sick we think God calls us first to go out and preach the gospel we think that God calls us first amen to do all of the manifestations of power that we see manifested in the body amen but the first thing that God calls us to is a deeper walk with Him he calls us first that we would be with him and so many times when God calls us we just run and start getting busy but we don't realize that at the base of all that we do Amon has to be that relation ship with god we've got to come to a point where our relationship is strong it's built on a firm foundation amen and there is no question as to our motives or what it is that we're in this for with you trout close to the Lord but you can hear him more clearly and Satan is not so easy amen to dupe you want to hoodwink you amen what about booze are you when you have drawn close to the Lord amen the closeness of your relationship with God secures you and it protects you amen against the wiles of the devil people that don't know God or easily food that's why so many people say well I thought God told me to do this I was sure that I heard from God that's somebody that don't know the boys have gone and you cannot know the voice of God Amen if you're not close to God you've got to draw close to God amens so that you can understand God when God speaks however it is that God chooses to speak to us the Bible said that those that are far from you we read it last week amen they cannot survive and that's the way it is amen we cannot survive unless there is a closeness with the Lord as the people of God's sons and daughters of God our strength is in how a relationship amen the reason why we're able to stand is because of the strength of our relationship with God the reason why we are able to endure our trial is because of the strength of our relationship and as long as our relationship with God is intact amen no weapon formed against us shall prosper but with you're not close to God and the things that will be available to you that you still won't have any idea about you will run away from a challenge because you don't know that God has put power on the inside of you and instead of facing and knowing full well that God is going to back you up that God is going to secure you that part is always going to give you the victory you will find yourself backing back and shrinking from the challenge simply because there was a level of uncertainty that you have in your relationship with God and that's why the Bible said it's only they that know their God that shall be strong and shall and do x plus you got your Bible amen come on open that Bible and come with me tonight amen I want to talk to you kind of the pages of the word of the Lord amen get me first Corinthians but where's my I've got all kind of messages in here it is first Corinthians chapter number six and let's start at verse number twenty first Corinthians chapter number six can we walk a little bit tonight a man through the word then y'all stay with me I want to talk to you from the pages of his word first Corinthians six and twenty and then I want you to turn the page Amen to first Corinthians 7 and 23 and when you have its amen read what the Bible says for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit because they are God's they belong to him not just your spirit like so many people want you to believe that you can give God your heart but do what you won't do with your body know you glorify God in your body and in your spirit because they both belong to him he bought you with a price amen amen so holiness and sanctification still has its part in us there is a spiritual side undoubtedly to serving God but then also there's a natural side to serving God and God expects for us to take the natural payment just as serious as the things that he demands of us in the spirit and so he says in the natural Amen so he says for you but with the price therefore glorify God in your body on a natural level and in your spirit which are gods everything you are everything you have belongs to God 1st Corinthians 7 and 23 he says it again you bought with a price but then he says don't be the servants you bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which the gods but Billy comes back and says you're bought with a price but don't be the servants of men what is he trying to tell us he's trying to tell us that our lives should be live in the service of our God not about sales amen and certainly not for other people but our job is to serve the Lord and that's what I want to talk about we talked about loving God we talked about seeking God we pop the badge around closer to God now I want to talk about serving the Lord just look at some matters that I'm serving at the Lord amen that's what we want to deal with tonight what does it mean to serve the God of your salvation now brothers and sisters our Christian walk as everybody I'm sure knows by now has been defined as the act of serving gun and you know what what service means service means to cater to the needs of or to cater to the desires of and when it comes to God that's what we want to do and that's who we ought to be contrary to what people would love for you to think now Amen when God calls us he calls us all and servants now y'all done got quiet y'all y'all gonna let me walk by myself tonight huh he calls all of us to be servants as a matter of fact he tells us that if we would want to be great the only thing that we can be great at is great sermon that's it if your accolades and to make names for yourself if you're here for the awards and the rewards Amen then you're going to miss it our job is simply to be the servants of God amen we ought to serve God's desires and we ought to serve God's will we ought to serve God's commands everything that we are a man should be dedicated to the service of the kingdom of our God and it's called the idea of serving God literally means that we are resigned to do his will whatever the cost are y'all hearing me that means that it doesn't matter the consequence amen because we are bought with a price we are bound about our devotion to the lord our loyalty to God to ignore the consequences and to do what it is that God has called and commanded us to do now that does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that every day is going to be an easy day it doesn't mean that every day is gonna be Sunday it doesn't mean that every day man you're never going to have a tear fall out of your eye your heart is never gonna be broken amen that does not mean that everything is always going to go your way but they told me years ago that the safest place in the whole wide world was still in the wheeler of the law that's where we want to find ourselves amen we just want to know that everything that we have done was taught in the will of God and that old some level it benefitted the kingdom of our God that means that we've got to have a proper perspective understanding of what it is that we are doing what are the implications of this life that kind of cover us too near our obedience to the word and the will of God we advance the kingdom agenda brothers and sisters there comes a time when we've got to understand that God reserves the right to demand the command of our lives yes he does the paper said he pulled us with a price and when you have been paid for and you understand that you are not your own then you have a responsibility not to do your will but to do the will of the one that reserves the right to command your life he made me free indeed yeah but then he says take my yoke upon you so you've got to realize you got rid of the devil's York but oh that's another yoke the doc puts on your shoulders but he says don't worry my yoke is easy and my burdens are in other words God said this is not something that is desired amen to weaken you or to lessen your place but rather what God puts on us amen is something that will enable us not only to feel the weight of the call Amen but to know and to be constantly reminded that there was always something that God has for us to do this always amen Oh what yet to be done and so he says first Corinthians six and twenty you are part with the price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are the Lord's and so that means yes there is a spiritual context amen to serving God because God is in spirit but at the same time brothers and sisters amen we live in a physical world and if God is going to have a voice in this world he's not speaking out of the clouds amen because he said it's only my shape that know my voice hey man so he can't speak out of the clouds and the world understand that they can't even understand what they're seeing from the front page of the newspaper amen they can't even understand what they're looking at amen on the news every night if they are going to understand it if they're going to know what the love of God if they're going to feel God's leading and is pulling in this world it's going to come to those of us Amen that know God and the pardon of us here but those of us that are still material and in this world we are the ones that will carry the kingdom agenda that's a matter in tellement that going to know we've got to tell them now and that's what our service is amen our service is not simply about us but I was service to God it's so that somebody else see God through us and come to know God in a shaving away skill Sybil why did God save me out of all the people in your family all the people in your life why did God lay his hands on you why did God call you out why did God deliver you you wasn't the best one as a matter of fact some of us were the worst ones but God still had his hand on you because your life is over sometimes we were in do it for you that's what you for some people God just gave them a testimony about 33 of you look at some Adam God made me a testimony oh God Yahweh's testimony yeah yeah and so brothers and sisters he puts a yoke upon us but he said I don't want you to worry about it my yoke ain't like that yoke you had on you before you don't know what hat you getting up in the middle of the night going to the liquor store yeah that you had on you back then Lord didn't even have no gas trying to drive across the bridge don't you know to win but transgresses some of y'all will still be shouting that God saved you do you know what our God did when he saved you he didn't just save you from hell he saved you from brain drops in some of us spin I don't know how not listening to people talk about $1000 they have it do you get $1,000 every day just smoke dope I used to smoke cigarettes what cigarettes cause the devil was trying to ruin you spiritually and naturally but look at God saved you now you can save your money put your money in church and then send missionaries across the water God did a whole lot for you and now that he's done it all he's saying to you is now how to serve me ready used to sing that song I've learned how to live holy I've learned how to live right take my yoke upon you and learn of me and that's all God is asking us to do now so the Word of God tells us hey yes he has demands and yes he has commands it's an interesting dynamic to see people who say that they're so glad that God brought them out but they complain about everything when they come to serving God [Music] to obey His commandments and to do so without complaining I told you last week about drawing close to the Lord that's one of the tests of what a natural it close to the Lord because when you're close to somebody you can do whatever needs to be done for him and you do it it means to do it I'm asking you for the Bible was the mercy and His grace the Bible said he bought us with a price just for you and I tell you so often that if you were the only person in this world I believe Jesus would have still come and died just for you because he loved you enough y'all gettin quiet he was on the cross you're the one that was on his mind he loved you and he bout you back now look at what it cost him and look at what it's going to cost us to serve the Lord some of us complaining about what it is God commands us listen I'm not gonna be saved sanctified and sorry if I'm gonna be saved I'm gonna be saved and I'm gonna be happy a member the Lord chose me I'm gonna be happy that he rescued me I want you to serve the Lord 100 amen verse number 2 it's the devil that wants me to think of disadvantage you know what I thought about today what happens when we complain what does it look like to God when we mumble what he requires are the things that he may not require but then we know would be pleasing to God see when you really understand somebody when you got the revelation not just the recognition and complaining about what God requires of us but y'all gettin quiet ain't never seen the day now when folks say they want to go to heaven and then when you start preaching the Word of God I don't know why it is we got to do that I don't know why why they preach about it and why they listen you fighting over this world and getting up saying it ain't your home no way you act like it's your home yes we're just estranged and every time God gives you command to pull you away from this I wonder why he preached that tonight see that's the reason why I'll be honest with you I have a hard time staying at this church cuz every time I come if something else that we can't do if you're just a stranger passing through then why you fighting so hard to hold on to strange stuff if you're stranger to this world then what this world has to offer ought to be strange stuff to you that's why he says don't love the world well y'all done got cried now see see he says I don't want you to love the world because once you love something it gets in your heart and once it's in your heart you dealing with matters of the heart and matters are the harder some touchy stuff so God said what I want to do I want to keep this stuff from getting its roots tangled around in your heart and so I'm telling you don't love this stuff don't touch it don't taste it don't handle it don't put your hands on it remove it from the midst and some of us are fighting to hold on to stuff that God knows is going to present itself as a challenge to the life he's called us to live see the life of sanctification is just that you know it's sanctification means don't you it means a setting a part of something or someone for the use of God when you say I am sanctified what you're really saying is that God has set me apart from the world so that he can have all of me and he can use me until he use me I'm never going to ask you to walk away from you away from your father and mother this away from Jesus because he had a whole lot of stuff but he didn't come to Jesus and show me how to invest what I got and multiply my earnings Jesus he asked him that was the me invited this man into the law with the push away from them away go back home go to Jesus disciple what he had to do and the Bible said he walked away he didn't understand he didn't get it serving the Lord never puts you at a disadvantage you're worried about what you gotta walk away from in order to say God I would get saved but you know this old man of mine hi we've been together for about 15 years now and I tell you I don't work so if I believe him who gonna pay my car note who gonna get my who gonna back me listen you caught up with the cares of this life listen if you're gonna serve the Lord then you gotta come to Jesus and let him be your role in our order are you hearing what I'm trying to tell you we worried about what we got to give up when we need to consider what it is that we gain when we touch the matter - oh my god it only means to serve the Lord with his presence with singing and you know you love somebody when you aint got a gift to sing but you sing it in front of them not always you know what so Mary Hart [Music] one of the products come into church that's joy to me it's time to go to the shot serving the Lord it's a pouch or relationship time is going but it's so much more than just just come in the church that's important but it's and some of us feel like that I've been to church but that's they expect me to do that work better be glad I came Sunday night you don't get it you ain't doing me no favor by showing up cuz I was gonna be here anyway far as I'm concerned me and Jesus got a good thing going had Church on my way to church so don't act like you did the preacher favor about showing up to the house of the law no that's not what it's about it's more than just coming to church and so many people think that I'm faithful house a little well that's good but more than being faithful to the house of the Lord if you want to be faithful to the Lord of the house and that means that so service to him that's the extend beyond the four walls of his sanctuary a whole lot of people feel like churches all there is serve in the Lord I get to church I bring my Bible I give my offering I stand up shot if I feel like it hey man what more can they ask me to do but did you know that's a whole lot more to serving God amen you gotta take time in the Word of God amen I don't understand how people want to claim the know God but don't even want to read the Word of God listen he said I hid this thing in my heart that I because this is going to this is going to show you you can try to fool the preacher but you can't fool God and you can't fool the devil and can I tell you whoever can fool you can't fool life because life is gonna judge you every day Oh y'all hearing what I'm what I should just make a bad choice and see won't life punish you for it you know we would have to be the devil life is judging us every day with the spirit and the wheel of the law I can go ahead and tell you next week we're going on our consecration your mind gonna be on this for the next seven days but when we go on our consecration we-we-we [Music] everything with a conversation about the Lord nice weather we have yeah but the Lord Lord is responsible you should have saw me a few years ago what happened a few years ago I was messed up and seeing God clean me up we look we're looking for excuses not to say anything I heard a man touched the fan the other day he said he used to be one of them doing not cos you know the can come out Saturday mornings why you in there relaxing and knock on your doing and don't want you to close the screen door for the next hour and a half every time you try to leave and one more thing one more thing but what about whether was one more thing he said that's what he used to be he said and they told him to pray before they went out every time they would go out and start out for the day they would gather and they would pray and he said he would do it before they knocked on every door they would stand on the porch and pray before they knocked he said and he followed suit he prayed every time he went to knock on the door he said but even in that Kotick denomination he said my prayer was Lord don't let nobody answer to do and you got a whole lot of people just like that God been good to you and you're looking for a reason not to share this gospel with somebody why does God have you here what good have you been to the kingdom of the Lord if I would have asked everybody tonight to be real and if you have never won a soul and I'm not asking you I said if you never worn a suit nobody never got anybody to accept Christ as your personal Savior what is your reasoning what do you think serving the Lord is for you got a mixed up you God with you I want a man with broad shoulders so you thought God saved you to serve you and you want him to give you everything on your little Christmas list but what have you done what have you done the hell'd you share good news so that's it we just come to church and that's the full spectrum of our service not shipping people to make sure they don't trip playing the drums that's a whole put known the choir room and singing even though you didn't come to rehearsal that's your whole surface why does God have a church in this world if my whole job is simply to shop play the tambourine speak in tongues and do all that we're gonna do that in heaven why does he have a church in this world because the church is here to serve the kingdom agenda and the kingdom agenda can be defined in one sentence go ahead and make disciples Oh serving the God means serving God means involving ourselves in the work of the Lord the Bible says whatever you'll get me ecclesiastical I want you to see this now y'all said we could walk tonight Ecclesiastes 9 and 10 I hope some of y'all writing this down whatsoever whatsoever I can't find it to do your hand finds to do do it with thy might give it everything you got you know I used to hear possum every say that God will never hinder you from doing a good thing God's never go hidden to you from doing a good thing whatever your hands fine to do that's so much that needs to be done you know the reason why some people are still searching for their place and they have involved themselves I don't have to be involved in the Lord and show some matter they sit if you save and sanctified then so is your attitude so get up and help somebody if they ask you your life if it's a good thing and you can do it in the service of the Lord then they not tell you that's where God's go you you for the rest of your life they need somebody to go you can go out that if God sees you being faithful over the few he will cause y'all getting quiet again cause you to rule over the minute and can I tell you what the Bible that Jesus said who will trust you with your own if you have not been faithful in that which is another man's if you can't walk with some channel may not know God got a minister for me and I'm just we know him too revealing if you can't work with somebody else's ministry then God ain't gonna power you wish your own because in order to lead you gotta first know how to follow I'm talking about serving Lord my time running I'm talking about serving God get me to Luke 9 and 23 quickly he shot every one of them if any man will come after me let him deny himself ah ha and take up his cross daily and follow me this is an everyday thing this means that we've got to understand that our life in Christ is not gonna be paved with comforts serving the Lord is not about being comfortable it's about being in his will and sometimes serving the Lord is gonna cause you to have to deny yourself some of the things you're used to but should get out there because you know there is an agenda there's a purpose there's a reason what God has called you to this we've gone places other a few places I've gone and we've talked about amen all of the things that people over here would really take for granted and sometimes when God calls you you know we gotta get out of this mode I'm just going to people like us you need to be delivered sometimes we sit up down we go to every crackhead we can find and then here goes some lawyers next to us at the pump pumping gas and won't even tell them that the Lord loves them we act like the only people that need to be delivered are smoking dope amen and sniffing coke naw we've got to go into all the world and preach this gospel and got quiet and we've been places and sometimes we are in the rough areas and we sit up a minute we just start talking about well you know they can't come over here they all now pay we never make it over here because some people can only operate when they're in the comforts hate men and have all the niceties of life hate men but when you start going places Yahweh stand up it because there's a slow down not because they can afford to pay you because there's a soul needs to be I do it because that's what God called me to do some of you I never worried about that will we have that problem what is that what is that Hebrew said you have not resisted yet unto block you don't tell nobody when you're going to the train station to pass our tracks if I don't make it back some happen to me while I'm downtown passing out tracks in front of the Riverside if anything happened to me but you got people like this where the time they leave got a call and say if I don't make it back this is what I want you to do I don't I don't get back they get me over there if I if I don't leave to make it back home that's what I want you to do we don't even think about stuff like that but we call what we do serving God when much of what we do is really serving ourselves but yaadon got quiet again your honor got quieter and and and and and and and having the go places where you can't wear shoes and and some of the situations and circumstances I wouldn't tell you about just just just malaria eight times and he'd keep going back eight times malaria and some of us warning walked my own neighborhood people are not on the corner but to us serving God is what we do in the hash tag get my usher uniform I have to clean this cuz I gotta go to New Haven make sure that that's serving God to us but serving God means putting yourself in the way to be used let him deny himself and then he says let me hasten because time is going Matthew 6:24 says no man can serve two masters if you gonna serve God that means the one person you can't serve is yourself and then according to first Corinthians 7 and 23 you can't serve me you can't serve people because it too busy serving God serving God means risking being branded as one of them holding his folk y'all crazy over there y'all in a code you know that's that's what they learn to say about us anytime God really saved us sanctify you and he saved you too that people can see that salvation because I still believe in a holiness you can see hey when they can see your holiness the first thing you know when I then got a hold to come look at you girl you too young not to show them hips and you don't without and then got you wearing them dresses down - oh please God what's wrong with you but you can't serve two masters you can't serve you and God and you can't serve me and God you've got the make up in your mind what am I going to do Who am I going to please cuz I can't please service to God if What did he say seek first the kingdom some of us got this thing all backwards you don't have to be in the prayer line every night back again cuz I sure want that car back again a posture just lay hands one more time right over here you got me down last night over here I'm gonna be covered you got this mixed up we know he would have to do all of that if you seek the kingdom and all of his righteousness first he said everything else would be added unto you I told you I was minding my business almost two years ago I was in a hotel in Marshall Texas I got up and somebody sent me some pictures of this car I don't even know who it was you know how it is when when you're trying to figure out you start asking questions cuz you don't want people to know you didn't say big number and so I started asking questions now where is this car located and so the reply came back inside the dealership here and so I knew who it was texting me there and I said all that's beautiful they said we thought about you me they said we saw this car he's only one like it in the country and when we got it on our Lots we thought about you I said what time does the dealership closed today I got in the car on him know if we ate that day we just drove straight from out of town went to the dealership looked at the car test drove it and I went home and I told her the Mary about us she said why not show car and I told you my sister Marie say something you can put you but your foot on that she said why in the world would somebody call you out of town about a car you ain't never seen never talked to him about didn't tell them to look for no car they just called you at the blue and said we thought about you that's God telling you that if you take care of his business he'll take care of yours two days later the papers were signed and I was driving off the lot on the third day don't tell me if you don't take care of God's business god I take it I'm telling you some of us got this thing mixed up we're all in the prayer line about everything we need God to do for us and God said I'm telling you what I want you to do for me and you can't even do that but you want a big house a big car a big raise and I got a big guard they can do big listen you're big God wants you to get your self up and go out into the world and win somebody to the Lord we've got serving God mixed up with God serving us but he's not here to serve us and the one way that we can serve God is to obey what he told us to do you know what get get me real quick let's run through Romans two twelve chapters started the 10 verse well now you can close your Bibles did you Romans 12 and and 10 let's start real quickly be kindly affectioned one to another with sectioned one to another with brotherly love let me tell you what serving God is all about aha in honour preferring one another when you serve God it ceases to be about you you will put yourself on the back burner for other people serving God is about seeing other people become what God has called for them to be that's what it is it's about helping people the reason why preachers and pastors do what they do it's because in their service to God part of that Duty is to help elevate people from well they were to what God would have them doing be and so we've got to search this scripture we've got to give you truth because that's the kind of truth that's gonna liberate you to be all that you can be in God so he says you've got to prefer others sometimes you got to give up your comforts so other people can be what they need to be and that's why I tell you when you come to church will argue over sit up and argue it's your favorite somebody else understand you just against the kingdom is wise people through to the Holy Ghost you want to have your mind on the Lord you want to be prayed you want to understand what God called you to do if you go lead the choir if you go down if you don't teach salt then I expect for you to notice hope don't get up we just don't go up there today and whatever happened happen now we ain't doing that in the house of the Lord don't be slothful in business if you're gonna be a Russia get here before the servant in spirit that should be something burning on the inside if you're greeting got the door people lot of feel then they gotta walk all the way down the aisle in the middle of service everybody said I'm looking good down there ain't no seat down there know what you do you ought to be passionate about it if you're gonna play what you playing on a sound like the real song all right not have to sit then guess what they sang it onto the quad start saying it then I get it no be passionate about what it is you do if you're gonna dismiss their service and saying don't be up to dry [Music] shop in the law rejoicing in Hope rejoicing in Hope the possibilities ha ha tribulation tribulation continuing instant continuing in prayer that means that all plans and everything you do you got people won't even pray at night just get into bed and just dude I mean don't even talk to God and then pray over your food and ask God not to let what's in the bowl kill you that's all the time you praise when you get married and then God bless you didn't have no accidents you didn't die today I won't even tell God thank you for what he's done read district distributing to the necessity of saints helping law did you know serving God is also about serving the needs of other people you say you love God and God is love what other people that don't know God need to feel the love of God too but they can only feel it coming through you it's about what you do to help meet the needs of the people don't just say before and be warm do something to help them out [Music] people get new cars and ask God for it how you use it for your glory not get that new car warning pick nobody up for church she got three kids attend them putting a feet on the back of my seat the devil isn't that's a soul that need to be saved we given to hospitality given to hospitality you know I was out the other day and a man came up he said you know when I came to your church that was the best atmosphere the best experience I have ever had he said when I walked through I honestly felt like the people were happy to see me he said that's just greeted me and the greenness greeted me when I walked in the door he said they made me feel like they were happy I was there I said that's what it's all about given to hospitality wait bless them which persecute you oh part of serving the Lord is understanding that you gonna have to endure some things our service includes endurance read bless and curse not he said bless kirsta not in your service to the Lord sometimes you're gonna have to bite that bullet because serving the Lord means that you act in a godly way at all times you don't let nobody pull you out of character you better be glad the Lord called my tongue because I was show now see you need to be delivered because we don't act out of y'all and got quiet again y'all want me to hurry up and shut up I'm trying to help somebody hit enough that means you don't act out a let me hurry up go ahead read read that's it that's it review us with them they do rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep weep with them that we be of the same mind one toward another you have the same mind one toward the other read my not - mind not having but can just kinda see into men of low estate don't just worry about doing the things that bring you honor sometimes you got to put your own reputation on the line and do things that you would never do I've done things for people I will never tell nobody about not that it would embarrass me it may embarrass some of you to have had to do it but I don't want to embarrass nobody else some things in the service I thought you gonna find yourself doing for people and it's going to cause you almost to feel bad because you even had to do it he said don't mind happening anybody can listen I keep telling you when you got money you could always borrow money if I came up into one of y'all and say let me borrow ten dollars because y'all just believe but if somebody that you know ain't got no money come up to you and ask everything I wouldn't lie oh you would be hoping somebody got up and testified I thank God for brother so-and-so he loaned me my name pour me out the hole but what about the person that couldn't pay you back see we love doing stuff and I know pastors and I know people who gotta call the TV cameras out every time they do anything for anybody but that's not what it's about we be not wise in your own conceits don't be wise in your own conceits recompense to no man evil for evil part of serving God is understanding that I cannot get out of my character read provide things honest in the sight of all men uh-huh if it be possible as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men if it be possible if it's possible live peaceably Brahmin sometime it ain't possible because some people refuse to be peaceable with you and there's no way you can live peaceably with somebody who's dead set against living peaceable with you so if you came there peacefully with them live peacefully without him stay away from people that always make you want to be your worst self let me hurry up read dearly beloved Billy beloved V&G not yourselves don't avenge yourself but rather give place unto wrath but just let it happen for it is written uh-huh vengeance is mine God said it's mine I will repay however the Lord read therefore thine enemy hunger feed him Lord Lord serving the Lord will you hear that if your who if he what that's what he get for messing with a child of God he just deserve it no he didn't say that he said if your enemies hungers part of serving God is to be kind to people that are not kind of you it's all about representing God it's not about representing your gripes and your complaints and all your issues it's about representing God and your enemy is hungry he said what he said feed him that's what he said he said if your enemy's robbing don't them and glory in the pack that he's suffered and you know you got some people that say they save and then make them feel good happy time they see somebody going through child I remember they did me dirty about 12 years ago they just kidding it back huh God got him you see that you see that now listen our job is not to help people reap what they sow know you don't have no battery he said don't recompense evil for evil now but give patients get plays for wrath let God do whatever God don't do because everything you do is a sowing y'all hurry up get your hands off of it show them that's what I would do and what did he say what for in so doing if you do this thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head if you do that you ain't gonna try to make nobody feel bad he said but if they talking about you and doing you crazy and you turn around and do good for them you will heap coals of on their head do you know you can act so godly until you can make your enemies sorry they ever mess with you make him ashamed of themselves for the way they treated you jesus said on the cross Father forgive him they even know what they're doing and I was reading history the other day and history says that the soldier that stood at the foot of the cross history says when he heard the words of Jesus it pricked his heart and he later became a missionary and carried the gospel he didn't call us to serve ourselves and he certainly didn't save you just to serve you he called us to serve the kingdom agenda we got a job to do stand to your feet everybody hallelujah serving the Lord I'm bought with a price his love constrains us it puts demands on our actions Paul made a statement one day he said I Paul the prison of Christ and I don't think that Paul was saying I'm here confined against my will what Paul was saying is that I'm here because I've been convicted I'm convicted you can't be a prisoner without a conviction Paul says my conviction is rooted in what he did for me now my meat is to do the will of my father some of us in chirchi we got this thing down we got Church real good we sing we shot we play the tambourine and I split skirt down to your ankles and you still got a lap scar that's good but serving God is so much more there are people all around us hurt him don't know him don't know that there's any hope serving God is about taking hope to them showing the love of Christ not only the people that deserve it Jesus tells us that if you do good to people that do good that ain't nothing but when you can do good to people that say they hope you die and I can't stand your guts I saw a man yesterday stand up in court looking at the man that killed his son and everybody else stood up and saying he's gonna burn in hell and that's what he deserved I'm glad he's off the street lock him up don't ever let him out everybody just stood up just angry and this older gentleman with a white beard white hair stood up and he said sir there are a lot of angry people in this room he said but I'm not one of them he said you've added pain to my life but my teachings through the Word of God says that I have to forgive you he said and I want you to know today that I do that I forgive you and everybody else was talking about what he deserved that he just sat there and looked at him but when this man said the words I forgive you that man turned around hung his head and tears started flowing down his face you can be angry with anybody but when you act through the life and the character that God would have you then you present Christ and God to a world that would otherwise not be able to see him that's the kingdom agenda God's not trying to send people to hell he's long-suffering not willing that any should perish he's trying to get people to repent our job is not to send people to hell is to know that that's where they're going if they don't repent but our job is to give them a raise and come over here whether table is spread and the Feast of the Lord is going on that's what serving God is all about if there's somebody here tonight I want you to come if you're not saved I'm calling you out of that scene I want you to make you a to this altar come on I tell people all the time it takes courage to change if there's anybody here tonight maybe you don't know I'm in the partner of your sin it's time to know him you can't just be churchy you got to be saved it can't be religious you got to be delivered and he that cometh to God he will in no wise cast him out if you're here tonight while every head is bowed and every eye is closed I want you to come you can whomp those Islands come on have the courage to change come on you can do this if there's somebody here that's sick in your body or you have a need I want you to come if you're here hey I can't take up a whole lot of time tonight but if you're here I want you to come thank you lord come on that's it that's hallelujah is there another is there another they're coming yes Lord you can come that's it come on [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 16,879
Rating: 4.9113083 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 7sec (6067 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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