FGHT Dallas: Diverse Kinds & Interpretation of Tongues

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Oh [Applause] [Music] one more time [Music] come on put those hands in heaven bless the Lord hallelujah god bless you think just see them you can Lord I love Tuesday night I love the Fellowship of the Saints hey man I'd sing that song every time I stood up if I didn't think I'd burn it out but we'll just reserve it for Tuesday night and a man I love Tuesday night it has its own flavor and I'm always happy to come to the house of the Lord and share in this family night service cement mothers bring your daughter's fathers bring your sons and let's all worship the Lord together just look at somebody next to you and tell them I love you and I'm praying for you hey man hey man you know the Bible tells us to pray one for another yeah I love you and I'm praying for you and I hope your brand for me all right we are helpers one to another I certainly won't appreciate the Lord for our first lady tonight thank God for lady Danielle amen we thank God for dr. Shirley Murray amen to this wonderfully fine host of ministry that's here tonight and to all of you my father's children to each of you my guest amen and our friends tonight we celebrate the Lord for this opportunity to share in fellowship with you and I want to thank God for all of those that watch amen there those that watch and join us every single time we come on amen live on YouTube for gospel would you clap your hands and let's thank God for all of those that are members of the cyber church we thank God for you amen praying for you keep praying for us now look at somebody in telling me but there is a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the Word of God I got mine you brought yours come on hold that power up paint God because everything else it's going down but what but the word of coward car the book of first corinthians he-man the twelfth chapter hallelujah we've been talking for a couple weeks a man about the gifts that God has placed in the church and I want you to know a man that God still uses people in these gifts it's beautiful amen when you have people who understand that the gifts and that's the reason why it requires us I've said that way to take our time and come to a full understanding of what these gifts are all about because they're people who are claiming them but have no knowledge of what they are what God gave them for and the proper way to exercise the gill did you know you can have a pure intention but if you don't know what you're doing and you can still mess them up in spite the fact that you never intended to doing amen i was talking me and one of the brothers a day amen we are talking and that intentions came up and i told him you know intentions don't mean nothing unless you're trying to figure out punishment amen if you kill somebody why does it matter that you didn't intend to kill them they still the same candidate amen intentions is the difference between first-degree murder murder and manslaughter so so so when you talk about punishment intentions matter but the act itself still has the same effect whether you intended for it to have that effect or not and there are people a man y'all get cried already who even though they didn't intend to mess stuff up because they didn't understand how to operate amen that effect was still the same i told you there were years ago many years ago apostle i told you this story had this this fish tank that he used to love and I live with him and I'd seen him clean this fish tank many times and anybody knew apostle Marie knew he had a catch it for everything everything you can he had something that would solve the problem like a modern-day MacGyver and-and-and and one day I'd seen him clean this fish thinking he had this this this this hose that he would connect to the faucet in the garage and he would turn the water on and I guess that the suction effect of it would suck the water out of the fish tank and he didn't have to move the fish tank but he could clean it that way and I mean he had some everything and so one day I never forget he went to a funeral on a Saturday morning and Here I am with my well-intentioned self when I said you know I'm gonna clean this tank out for him and then he's gonna come home to clean fish tank you know I scored some points and come back and some goodies happened to him and I drained the water did everything I knew to do and and I remember going to the garage to put water back in the tank and flip the hose around and when I open it door and walk that in the garage all her hair was and when I look down the whole garage is flooded with water that's the y'all didn't reacted y'all must not have known apostle Mary I felt like the Lord could have took me home right there and I I'd rather saw the Lord in peace then the co-polymer II in anger I opened the drawers underneath the cabinet all of them had water in it like this looked up under the cabinet where his power tools were just water everywhere and I'm feeling like I have ruined everything in this man's garage but my intentions were good and you know sometimes that's the way we operate we see people do stuff we think we can but if we don't have a proper understanding we can say if you can do it I can do it better but that's not always the case in all of your getting get and understanding and the one simple thing I forgot to do was unclog the drain that's all I didn't intend for it to happen it just didn't even occur to me I needed to do that and look at what happened with my good intentions now let me give you the end of the story so you don't feel bad for me I pray and I said God please I took the drawers out set them out in the Sun open a garage I was sweeping water with grooms y'all know it's just doing crazy stuff I was trying to get it done but you know when he came home I watched him open to doing I was looking at his face if he recognized anything he never knew anything and I guess we can talk about it when I get to heaven but we ain't never had to talk about it down here God is a prayer hearing and a transer in God but what if I had to ruined everything under that cabinet what if I had to ruin all of his tools would it have mattered that I didn't intend to do it and that's the way we've got to understand these gifts you can be as well intentioned as you want to be but if you don't know how to operate you can do more damage then you can do good and we'll talk about it tonight because power took the time to talk about this first Corinthians the twelfth chapter and I began reading at the fourth verse now the diversities of gifts but the same spirit read and there are differences of administration's aha but the same Lord but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations different ways God uses us but is the same guy it's the same God which worketh all in all he's the one behind it activating at all but the manifestation of the Spirit uh-huh it's given to every man to profit withal read for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom word I keep saying that he don't give you all wisdom he gives you a word of wisdom uh-huh to another the word of knowledge to another he gives you the word of knowledge he don't give you all knowledge you don't know everything and you know you got some people like that they act like they know listen I told you last week God don't talk that much nobody if we came to church and all we had to rely on was the preacher getting up telling us everything you gonna do this and you're gonna do that and when you leave out of your house you're gonna find five dollars in when you're on your way to work you're gonna you wouldn't even have to pray because you could just use the man of God and that then would become your safe is old all you would do is get in touch with the preacher like a whole lot of people do now they don't want to see God for themselves they don't want to pray they don't want to honor the Lord with their time but they want the preacher to tell them everything that's going to happen to him almost as if he's a soothsayer yeah it's almost like dial a psychic now just call the preacher and am I gonna get married how's this gonna turn out what's going to happen the mom listen that's not for the men of God to tell you a negative prophecy is that constant that means that after a while the read word for you won't have as much power as the spoken word from your preacher and there is still what is called the what the sufficiency of Scripture read by the same spirit to another to another faith by the same spirit to another uh-huh the gifts of healing by the gifts of healing but it's by the same spirit do you see this Amen he spreads it out he spreads the gifts out among the people of God he doesn't give one person everything and that's why the church runs so smoothly because it's not running all the efforts and the giftings of one person it takes all of us to do the work of the Lord fulfill the will of God in calling us together as a great August body of believers read to another the working of miracles to another the working of miracles to another prophecy prophecy we met with that last week uh-huh to another discerning of certain of spirits to another divers kinds of sound divers kinds of to another the interpretation of tongue the interpretation of Tom's read but all these worketh but all of these are working or huh that one and the self same spirit uh-huh dividing to every man severally as he will as he will and so you noticed last week we talked about prophecy what prophecy is and what prophecy is not do you remember Amen I told your prophecy is never something that you should ever use to advance your own agenda and you've got people like that now every every time you turn around people that have degrees of this and degrees of that and I am this I'm the most noted prophet I'm the greatest one if you can come and learn from me listen that's not why God gives gifts to the body it is never to elevate us it is always to edify the body at large it is never a meant to be used to propel you and your own personal agenda certainly never to be exchanged for money because you know now people to do that every time they prophesied you got to send this amount of money you got to do that and you got to do this that is not what prophecy is all about as a matter of fact prophecy a man is really not even telling you all the time about what is to come sometime prophecy is actually stating God's mind as it relates to the things that are going on right now amen everybody wants to know about tomorrow when real prophecy amen can also encompass what God is saying today what about what's happening today tell me what's going on right now what is God saying what do these signs mean we're seeing everywhere amen but now prophecy is simply about the blessings of the Lord it is simply about cars and houses and healing you got a tumor on the back of your left ear and all of that listen all of that might have its place after a while but in an hour where things are so scary now don't tell me that if God is doing all of that talkin that people sees to it that he ain't saying nothing about salvation you mean he ain't saying nothing about the Holy Ghost he's not telling nobody to live right and never hold it hey my dad is not real prophecy we're at a point now where people are using it and they are abusing it and I don't care what nobody tell you god I call everybody to be no prophet uh-huh amen he's just not calling everybody to the same thing amen the Bible said to another prophecy to another the gifts of healing to another the interpretation of tongues and to another divers kinds of tongues and so that means everybody is not going to do the absolute same thing you know you've gotta watch it and I said it last week hey man that's how it you don't start giving new stuff that people cannot validate through the Word of God do you know the reason why Amen prophets now have to speak in accordance with the Word of God amen and they're not giving in a new revelation anymore it's because Hebrews tells us that God who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke to us by the mouth of the prophets has in these last hours spoken unto us by his son and so that means that after Jesus has come and given us the full revelation of the mind of God God does not speak a foreign head of lis now a man with new revelation through the mouth of the Prophet a many you will not find anybody let's prophesied something that you cannot verify in the Word of God and if they do let that word be a curse throw your last week the Bible said that our Prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him even that prophet shall die this thing is serious and if people understood that if they realize that there wouldn't be so many people playing aloud amen and just picking and choosing how they wish God would use them but if you say God pull you something you better know for sure that God said it to you because if not the day when God is going to rip it with every listen but what I'm saying God said you will give an account of every idle word that comes out of your mouth that's why I tell you what people can sit up and prophesy amen and say some about everybody you got to be careful because if you do that much talking after a while you go in the blind a man Yahweh said and the Bible says we ought to be temperate in all things like y'all listen to me cuz I'm just sitting there lookin like I'm gonna stop preaching just because you ain't sayin we ought to be restrained and discipline Oh at the point where you become so loose with your mouth you go get off-track listen to what I'm saying yes our wonderful know-how so that was just one of the vocal gifts but now there are three vocal gifts and I want to talk about the other two tonight that and that is the Bible saying it to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation apart because this Amen this passage has been so misunderstood especially when you compare it Amen to the latter part of the twelfth chapter and then turn the 14th chapter amen you understand that people now amen just speak that they understand this but when you look at a close examination of the Word of God it really doesn't leave room for confusion at all that's why we're gonna seek to get an understanding tonight that the vocal gifts all the gifts that speak prophecy that's a gift that uses the boys and the vocal cords of the of the one that God has placed his hand on tongs also uses the mouth the voice the turn of the one that's speaking and interpretation is a gift amen but it is also one but the gifted person must use with their voice so these three constitute what we call the vocal gifts all the gifts that speak that when you talk about the divers kinds of tongues and the interpretation of pods he meant what he's saying now this is not the free gift of the Holy Ghost this is the gift of tongues there's a difference amen and we got to distinguish between the two if you remember on the day of Pentecost Peter Amen and the hundred and twenty that were in the upper room amen the Bible said that when the Holy Ghost came amen filled the whole house where they were sitting and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost amen the gift of the Holy Ghost amen was given for everybody everybody in the house amen was filled with the Holy Ghost and that's why amen when people say today that the Holy Ghost was only for the twelve that is an improper interpretation of the word because you will find that on the day of Pentecost more than 12 people were baptized with the Holy Ghost on that day and not only that amen but when Peter started preaching and he began to tell the people that this is indeed that that was spoken of by the Prophet sure well I just refuse to believe that on the day of Pentecost those people will only save but not feel to know I believe that through the preaching of the word of God amen as the Holy Ghost actuated the words I believe that when they were converted because this was the day of Pentecost that they got filled with the holy ghost just the same and you'll find that even in actually making captain ask them have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe which proves that the Holy Ghost was not simply for the twelve but it was for everybody y'all believe that tonight Amen everybody ought to experience the power of the Holy Ghost amen but just because everybody can be filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost does not mean that everybody will have the gift of pounds you're with me now listen I just need about 12 y'all gonna help me tonight everybody is not going to have to give the pumps because the Bible tells us right here that he gives it to some to us he gives different gifts but it is the same spirit so there's some that will experience the gift of tongues but not everybody and we've got to understand what the gift of tongues is it is a special honor of a man that God gives to sob but this is not for the personal edification when God gives the gift of tongues it is for the edification of the body at large or y'all hear it me the Bible says that when we speak in tongues personally Amen we speak as the Spirit of God gives us the other words we speak mysteries to God but then at the same time we actually edify ourselves and so when you have people that will argue Amen again I don't want that I told you I knew a man who was a teacher years ago and he stood up and he said about speaking in tongues I don't want it because anything that controls me and I can't control it but gonna leave an attitude about because you are going to need the power [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] if you don't speaking for nobody else you wanna speak in tongues ahead of you you gotta speak to build yourself up speaking God's language to God talk of the God through the words that he's giving you hitting that something gotta give you a language and then say talk to me through the language I gave you that goes straight up from your spirit to his spirit yeah that's what it does it it's a connection it is a flow between your spirit and the Spirit of God and that is given for the edification of the individual God God gives you that you know that tongues you got edifies you you know what it is it is an assurance yeah yeah yeah yeah it is an assurance then what I'm saying is not falling on deaf ears no and that's why I tell you when you pray you got to pray to you pray through Oh some of y'all ain't saying nothin tonight I guess this ain't your kind of sermon when you pray you want to pray until you pray you pray to your sweet pray pray to your knees or pray unto the Holy Ghost take over pray unto your drunk in the spirit and when you come to yourself instead of nailing your land down on your face still talking to God it's a connection but being filled with the Holy Ghost tell us for the individual it gives us power but it also gives us an assurance now as I said gifts a wonderful we settled it everybody can have the free gift of the Holy Ghost is for your sons your son sons and to as many as the LORD thy God shall call Joel said in the last days I'm going to pour out of my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and so he's pouring out the spirit on everybody but there are those that will experience a special gifting of the Spirit and the special gifting of the Spirit one of those special giftings is the gift of tongue divers kind of talks about tongues of Mia that mean languages yea earthly languages the difference is when you get the Holy Ghost and you get the free gift of the Holy Ghost amen it's not going to be your native language it's going to be a language that you've never spoke before and it's going to be holy ghost' inspired that's why the bible said as the spirit gives the utterance yeah if you know French as a second language when the Holy Ghost come upon you you know your Holy Ghost language and you'll be French yeah because you can do that but when the Holy Ghost comes it will be a supernatural utterance in a language that you don't have control of and we've seen that happen and in the midst of that God can give to those a special instances what that is a gift of tongues in the midst and we've seen that here where people have come from other countries and when some have spoken in tongues they would say understood everything she said but she didn't have control this was God giving a supernatural utterance and somebody understood because that utterance was obviously a tongue of men uh-huh sometimes if if you don't know Germans you don't know no it might have you speaking Amen in another tongue of me but then the Bible says there are tongues of angels though I speak with tongues of men or angels there's a language that the angels enjoy we don't know because we don't control that he says divers kinds of tongues that is a gift divers kinds of tongues and then the interpretation of tongues let me at this point it's all beautiful as long as it is controlled it's like lightning and electricity it's kind of the same nature but the lightning with Territorian has but controlled electricity have some beneficial effects ain't nobody ever when I tend well and just try to plug in the lightning now you like me to pick you about your shoes they had a video of a man getting struck by lightning and when it struck him his shoes were still down and his body contracted and sent him somewhere else lightning is destructive like that but electricity if it is controlled has great benefit and that's the way the gifts are but gifts if everybody's just running loose it makes for a chaotic and they distracted that must fear but when the gifts are used in a controlled way then there is benefit and the edification of the body of Christ and so what happened obviously Paul recognized that there are people who are operating in these gifts but they're doing so in a manner that is not right or proper and you even see that toward what is it the 2nd and 3rd century AD of the Common Era you see that obviously there was a issue with the gifts being used in the church because that was reading today they talked about how the church in the 2nd and 3rd centuries they sought to kind of control it but they went too far in the opposite direction and stop people from using the gifts because they can use them right and that could be the reason why for so long that seemed like there had been a cessation of the gifts in the body and people start saying God is not moving that way anymore the devil is a liar yes he is and I believe that just as you can go too far in one direction you can go too far in the other you got people who want to be so out of control with the gifts but then you got some folk who feel like since y'all you go back right we just don't cut it all out altogether you can't do that God put him in the church for the edification of the body of Christ so we made them and rather than action amount and Twitter why don't we sit down and get an understanding so that we can use the gifts in a way that is pleasing to God and this wasn't lost on Paul because if you notice Paul goes through a lot of trouble in the 14th chapter to tell people how to operate and how to regulate the gifts as a matter of fact let's go there now the 14th chapter and let you enclose your Bibles did you can we read a little tonight read what the Bible says first verse follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts spiritual gifts but rather but rather that ye may prophesy that we don't get an understanding of why he says this read for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue if a person speaks in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men he don't speak to men and that ain't for you you hear somebody speak that's obviously not for you read but unto God but bear speak unto God for no man for no man understand that the end uh-huh howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mystery he speaks mysteries in the spirit read but he they prophesy but the one that prophesized speaking unto me and Jos speak unto men to edification true what edification edification and exhortation and exhortation and comfort and comfort the purpose of prophecy is to speak edification exhortation and the comfort when you prophesy you speak to me in are y'all hearing what I'm saying when you speak in tongues you speak to God but when prophecy goes forth it goes forth for the edification the exhortation and the comfort of men Reid he that speaketh in an unknown tongue AHA hit a fire to himself I told you that a minute ago he edifies himself uh-huh but he that prophesy but he that prophesy identified the church edifies the whole church are y'all getting the picture when you stand and God moves on you and the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you and you speak in tongues that is my everybody pass for you but then when God sends a word of prophecy it is for the edification of the body at large we I would that ye all spake with tongue uh-huh but rather that you prophesied I would rather hear were you talking about the gifts now I would rather that you all spoke but I would rather more so that you prophesied why for Grady is he their prophesy because prophesy as far as understanding uh-huh then he then speak it with tongue is a greater benefit to the church than the one that speaks in tongues he's talking about gifts read except he interpret except now remember two one divers kinds of tongues and to another the interpretation of tongues let's get an understanding read that the church may receive edifying if you are going to sit up in church and your tongue goes beyond your personal edification if you sitting at your seat and your hands are lifted and you are in your zone and you are talking to God tantalize you but you heard you've heard it women seem like there's a shift in the atmosphere and it doesn't matter how many people are here how many people are present you start to hear this deep sound and you know that that's different than just personal edification you hear some people speak they got a beautiful tone they got them to do with me just beautiful it's personal edification but then there are times when gives that supernatural utterance and at that moment you ain't got to knock anything everybody who's that can hear that there's something different about that time now that tongue has not just been given for personal edification but now it has the attention of the whole church and have you noticed that whenever God begins to move on somebody through the gift of tongues then you start to see everybody else's tongue come subject when God moves that this here this is not proportional edification God is about to say something that's about the build up this entire house and anybody that got in a gut sense will know that when God starts speaking everything else takes a backseat you're seeing everybody else's tongue just just come subject and he said that one that speaks in tongues when they speak when it is a tongue that has been put forth as the gift and not personal edification it's not good unless you can tell me what you're talking about reads we don't get it now brethren now brethren if I come unto you speaking with tongue if I came up to you and you barely understand English what shall i profit you and all I'm speaking it's tongues and I'm looking you in your face you would look just like you're looking now great except I shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge AHA or by prophesying AHA or by doctrine read and even things without life giving sound whether pipe or even a pipe or ha got the sound right read except they give a distinction in the sounds uh-huh how shall it be known what is piped for our shuttle B what are you going to fake the mating s if it's out if they set on that organ and just start playing a bunch of random notes and the directors in that prayer 1 2 3 what is the croco sing if it's not a distinct sound how will the quando with songs sing if they just playing random notes and that's no order to it then when he says sing what are they gonna say because there is no understanding if you sing you've seen people stand up in trying to sing the solo and the press there or they're just playing some and they look over there trying to pick up the window I come in they have no clue give me a distinct sound if you went to another country and we've been there what we walked up to people speaking English there who didn't obviously speak English and they just looked at us and heard us talking English and then started conversing with themselves and then started trying to find somebody who could help us because they could not understand the sounds that were coming out of our mouths and when you speak in tongues if you go to somebody and all you got is a tongue what they don't think is wrong with you you are your job speaking in tongues what I see say this about the whole ago since I love him so much he's quite intelligent yes he is they reprimanded you got your all in the office and there you go print as you go up in tongues on Human Resources Rock a shame in that ah now you gonna lose your job [Applause] they don't understand that I remember one night when we were somewhere and they had one of the cops you remember cops bad boys what you don't do when they come for you and that was a woman that they called the police older and the police came and she had her Bible some of you might have shouted she had a Bible in the head they don't know nothing about this and this woman starts picking on the shop and doing all this stuff and they grab her put her hands behind her back but some handcuffs on her the Holy Ghost is intelligent he won't have you outside speaking in tongues at three o'clock in the morning to the top of your arms why your neighbors are trying to go to sleep at a hotel the walls already thin and the spirit of Pratt hit you at three o'clock in the morning and you just in that to the top of your on you are water because the Holy Ghost is intelligent and they even y'all better hear me tonight even if you are one of those who was read for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle if the man playing a trumpet don't know how to play the charged sound then arm is said now waiting on a cue when do I go when do i when do I move what do I do he's got to play a sound that says they ever got in the horn me it's time to charge whether these sitting on the front line and everybody got that girl than hitting it coming you start playing Jones theme song that's another look at trying to figure out what are we supposed to do if it's going to be effective it has to be understood or y'all hearing me now when you go to another country what they speak a language different from yours you know what you have to have if those people are going to hear you you gotta have what an interpreter now you don't need an interpreter view in the store and you just picking stuff up and you talking to the person with you you don't need one but when you are there to be heard by other people in your personal conversation that's you you don't have to have an interpreter but if you're gonna stand up to the intent that somebody else hears what you're talking about you need an interpreter and if you don't have one and you want to be heard that means when you get to speaking your native language interpret your self but don't sit up that in a setting like that what people are looking to receive something and then you give them an uncertain sound read so likewise ye so likewise ye except ye utter by the tongue ah hard words easy to be understood it to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken who's gonna know what you're saying talk about the gifts wait for ye shall speak into the air for ye shall speak means for no reason at all you just send in your words into the air you just wasted breath speaking and nobody understood what you were saying you wasted energy and nobody is better forward you weaker because you wasted energy and they know better because you didn't give them no strength we there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world ha ha and none of them is without significance none of them is without sick application that's a maiden behind him you just don't know it ring therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me yeah did y'all hear that if they don't know the meaning of the boss now this is not your personal edification manchild I can't speak in tongues answers cuz I ain't got nobody to interpret it that ain't for you that's for you but when the gift of tongues come and have everybody else's looking for message looking for you to tell me what it is you're talking about then I need you to help me out if not you just took upset and you know that was a sister that came to church applause used to talk about her and she stood up and she just rattle off in tongues she just going and just kept going and kept going and everybody's standing there looking waiting on something and she just kept on just speaking the dogs after why he walked at the pulpit with laid hands over and said sister bring it for you go hold the whole service up talking about Toby and shine and sky listen know if you gonna hold up the service and if you gonna do all the path then if you get my attention it'll be that God is telling you to tell me something if not you have just wasted the church's time you seen it and that's why the Bible tells us even when people speak let the other one sit then judge yeah y'all ready say that the Bible said when they speak it let the other one sit back and if this era find me because everybody is speaking and speaking behind the voice of the law and I told you last week when you interpreted and you got people that are prophesied sometimes people who prophesy from the whole mind but they're not purpose and through the Spirit of God they just talk and stuff ain't no they don't read show Facebook page and find out what you did then they get up acting like they got a channel to heaven I see somebody you go into bed don't do that because the Prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name that I have not given him even that prophet shall die you don't speak prophecy that's not flow from your mind prophecy flows through your spirit breathe that's very even so ye for as much as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts seek that ye may Excel to the edifying of the church I know you want to do stuff I know and that's the thing not everybody want to be used by God and that's wonderful but now you just can't make stuff up everybody now has this that business this desire to be important and Tomatoes even when it come to church you can't be satisfied just doing what God help you to do you got to do it so that everybody know God got you doing that but he says that's not what it's fought for as much as he are salvias of spiritual gives shake that she may Excel to the edifying of the church breeze we got along with it all were form aha let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret let him pray that he meant if you have that gift if the gift of tongues is on you then pray that God will also give you an interpretation because it ain't nobody else to interpret and if it's a gift from God it is for the edification of the body and that's how you know when some people are just operating in flesh if you did all of that and the body is confused God is not the author of confusion so you have some people it goes beyond that listen I thank God for the power of the Holy Ghost God for speaking in tongues but now if you go sit up why the preachers preaching and just go up in tongues and you're challenged I'll compete with the message coming over you out of order and I'm gonna sit you down boy I remember that was run somebody at church on you and seemed like every time a posture got to call out to call while we were live on the radio from 11:30 to 12 mm the morning why don't KH be and it seemed like every time for about a month of month and a half every time he called the altar call Lord he go to this one sister she just started her and we live on the radio and she just go to rattling off I remember once when she got the line you know apostle he's talking and trying to get people I see and she went under he stopped looking and it's almost like everything start going in slow motion you saw this train wreck getting ready to happen and you just I said low and one morning she went off and we we were sitting out on the pulpit and we looked at each other she starts speaking of Township Oh mommy I said ah no no and that one fateful Sunday morning soon as he said everybody's stand to your feet here she go rattling of live on the broadcast she's stop Scott right skies he said touch until I said be quiet I'm talking how is that edifying and not confusing if God is speaking through the word the preached word why would he have to interrupt the preach word to give you a word to give to the people if he could just use the man that his hand is on already that is not a proper use of the gift if God's got something to say he knows how to fit it in so that everything moves smoothly you've seen it in people sit up now and they just want to go out and that's not proper it's not orderly he said seek that she may excel in the edifying of the church or let me hurry up sister only give me verse 18 let's try to move quick I think my god I thank my god I speak with tongues more than ye all more than he Oh which means according to Paul all of them spoke in tongues but he said I speak in tongues more than all of y'all all my knees talking it off and this is not him bragging this is him being an example unto them break yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding but when I get up to preach I want to speak with my understanding what about a better night and all this time I've been staying up here I'm just sitting here just speaking in tongues in the microphone happy hour would I already put that thing up that you think makes you invisible and walked up out of here what did that do for you if I set up here and got a microphone and you got dressed and came all the way to trench just to hear me speak in tongues what did you get out of that I can tell you you got nothing but some video footage you gonna go home and upload the facebook to show how crazy that man was tonight speaking in tongues in that microphone what sense would it make he said yes I speak in tongues and I was doing a whole lot but when I come together with you I would rather speak five words that you can understand better sit up and speak for 50 minutes and tongues and you're not even ever bad back read that by my voice ah ha I might teach others also that I might teach others also than ten thousand words in an unknown to man to speak ten thousand words in an unknown tongue uh-huh brethren be not children in understanding mmm howbeit in malice be ye children but an understanding beginning all understanding be much sure be men really quickly in the law it is written I have men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto these people and yet for all that will they not hear me but all that will they not hear me saith the Lord said the law were formed tongues are for a son hear this now tongues are for a sign not to them that believe not for them that believe but to them that believe not to them that believe not but prophesying what prophesy serve it not for them serve it back for them that believe not that believe not but for them which believe but prophecy serves for them that believe read if therefore a whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues huh and they're coming those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that ye are mad if they came in here everybody got a word everybody got a the gift of tongues everybody's speaking through the gift of tongues they would say y'all crazy if everybody got up and everybody started going up through the gittin I'm not talking about personal edification because you can speak in tongues and and be personally edified and people not gonna say they all crazy and someone will but you know they just got a better understanding but if everybody is standing up and what we're doing we're doing it for the attention and doing it for the entire congregation and everybody is speaking everybody got a prophetic utterance now confusing is that who is God using this one over here promise and this one speaking listen you mean God is trying to save three different things through three different people see sometimes we don't even understand how it looks because we sitting in the forest and can't see the trees that's not proper it's not orderly free but if all prophesy uh-huh and they're coming one day believe it not but if everybody probably if everybody's given the interpretation a one unlearned he is convinced of all that's judged of all he's judged of all and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship God but if everybody is giving an understanding if he's prophesying that means he's giving understanding he's interpreting he is revealing if everybody had it in him to reveal then that means this man don't have he can't help but to be edified he can't help but to be a benefit of revelation instead of giving him confusion and some he cannot understand why don't everybody seemed to give him an understanding so we cannot operate like that and then when it comes down to it if a person is speaking through the gift of tongues and it is for the body that means somebody needs to tell the body don't just hold me hostage to your tongue if it's fog about it reveal it to the body tell the body with it and you've seen God use people and you hear that gift of tongue go in the operation and then you have seen where one starts speaking through the gift of tongues and then somebody on the other side of the church come and interpret it and see what God is saying that is how the church is in fact it's not because somebody wants you to hear how expensive they turns up you know you got some people happy messages just just speaking in tongues just pointed you like you understand confusing is that let us all seek to give those who come and understanding in that right since all that get me get me the 29 verse I'm trying to hurry let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge let the other judge if anything be revealed to another that sitted by let the first hold his peace do you see how orderly the whole it goes in if somebody has the revelation if God is moving on somebody else you can't set up ten argue now this is my tongue that's it now listen if God is speaking of somebody else then the Bible says you hold your peace and let them give edification if you sit now you just speaking of speaking and you can't seem to get it and God give it to somebody else then you calm down and come subject so that the body of Christ can be edified this thing is not about are you magnifying your personality you can't get jealous because all God did was give you the tongue but not the interpretation you madan going home I don't know why I couldn't go ahead and bring it on home because your spirit is wrong you you need complete deliverance remember he uses us as he wills as he wills so if he uses you to bring the awareness that there is a message but then uses somebody else to bring the message itself come on now you get the assist we for ye may all prophesy one by one nah that all may learn and all may be comforted and everybody we learn everybody may be comforted really and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets oh there we go because obviously there was some people who felt like what his gift is too heavy I can't control this yes you can yes you can you got some folk now unless the Lord is whooping you I get it I didn't seen people shot they bump it into people and knocking stuff over and all that and I'm saying now even a lot is whooping you because I don't seen the Lord whoop some people or even you just a drama queen and doing too much but the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet don't tell me you can hold yourself I know apostle I was sitting at my desk and I didn't even mean to do it but I went off in tongues and they fired me and I'm filing a lawsuit against them no the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet you driving down the street the Holy Ghost gonna take you over so much your hands lift off the wheel and you don't ran into a pole and you blaming God the spirit of the Prophet it's subject to the Prophet y'all know what that means don't you that means don't tell me that I had no control over what I was doing you don't just jump up in church especially not why the word is going on and go off into something and then say I couldn't help myself yes you could yes you could because the Spirit of the Prophet is regulated by the Prophet touch somebody and tell them control yourself we know that that's it no no read verse 33 for God is not the author of confusion but of peace I will read that again for God is not God is not the author of confusion but he's the author of peace peace read as in all churches of this as in all churches of the saints if it's God's church it ought to be a more than a church yeah because God is not the author of confusion and if you leave that after somebody has exercised their gifts and you are more confused it was not God because they are given for the edification of the body what does Paul have to say all of this stuff it's because obviously somebody was doing the wrong thing you know people were ruined anything because they go too far that's just the nature of people that's why the Bible said be temperate or disciplined or restrained in all things because people will go too far they were speaking in tongues and they had to be there I told no he show me that stuff a woman now I guess she's so skilled in tongues she was singing happy birthday to somebody in tongues happy birthday in tongues how ludicrous is this that just shows you how far people have gotten away from a real understanding of the moving of God diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation this is the gift and listen when you look at the 12th chapter what is that around in the 27 verse when he says do all speak in tongues he's not talking about the gift of the Holy Ghost he's talking about the special gift of tongues do everybody have that special gift are all apostles no everybody is not qualified or called to be an apostle and just like that everybody will not have the gift of tongues but everybody can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost or y'all hearing me does that make sense then clap your hands and praise God stand to your feet everybody the gifts that speak wonderful if people learn how to properly use the gifts that God had placed in the church oh I'm excited because now we come to the power gifts and I believe that God is about to manifest in a greater way those gifts of power tonight whatever head is bowed and every eye is closed thank God for this time together but if there's somebody here tonight I don't know why you came but maybe there's somebody here that'll say for the Herman I'm not saying I need God to come in and deliver me and set me free I need my life put back on the right track I need my life to come back into divine order if that's you I want you to come you need God to do something for you you're ready to surrender try to run it this is your opportunity come on that's it that's it hallelujah they're coming young lady come young man come the free gift of the hole that goes awaits on you come on that's it they're coming come on hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Jesus hallelujah if you need somebody to grab them by the hand and ask him if they'll walk you this way they'll do it hallelujah we need this power come on come on that's it they're coming would you clap your hands and pray that God will touch somebody thank you Lord just got to get some things together kind of get my life together this is a wonderfully blessed opportunity for you to turn it over to the Lord cuz he's gonna make something great out of you hallelujah come on that's it thank you they're coming hallelujah hallelujah - they're all hallelujah I'll give you another second to make your mind up somebody else needs to be here ah-ha somebody else needs to come [Music] Wow I surrender all come on everybody lift your voice said have this said to the Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to be oh that's it [Applause] come on that's the power of the Holy Ghost Bhuvan let him have his way let it do it for you today a surrender pants it receive it in the name of Jesus [Music] Hey Oh [Applause] [Music] come on with your hands everybody [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] I surrender [Music] all two people [Applause] [Music] I'm sure is now come on I need everybody to help them save surrender our hands at the boys and talk to the Lord ha Oh [Applause] for high surrender oh god bless you take your suit if you can thank you Jesus you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 15,783
Rating: 4.8631792 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: vKRGO50N5iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 52sec (4492 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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