FGHT Dallas: There Is Still A Difference

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the name of our God come on put those hands together let's thing God for those testimonies tonight a man certainly we thank God for the choir and everything that's going forth to the glory and the honor of the Lord God bless you you may be seated tonight in his presence we're so honored to be here glad to see you in the house of the Lord one more time amen I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord and having been here tonight amen my soul has already been made glad every time I get an opportunity to come he meant understanding this holy place when I'm preaching or when I'm listening hey man it's a good thing because I get to sit under his presence amen and I thank God for the word of God I keep telling you everything else is going down amen but the Word of God shouting is wonderful a man running around I'm telling you the Lord make you feel like running a man but now nothing takes the place of the word of our God and we want to thank God tonight for all of you amen that I here in the presence of the Lord and thank God for those that are watching amen are listening Amen I think God for him everywhere I go I meet people it doesn't matter what city I'm in amen there are people who say I watched Full Gospel all the time I was I was in Alabama that was a young lady that came and spoke to me she said I just need you to see this she opened up her phone and she had 506 sermons from Full Gospel Holy Temple amen in her phone a man just clips of sermons 506 different servants amen she said this is what I watch all day every day and you know I wonder sometime and I've said it to you publicly you know your one day you preach here and then you know all we do is have church it's it's not like we're trying to do anything else we just we're just having church this is what we do it's it's what's normal to us you know we're not trying to market ourselves and do all of that but you know it's wonderful that people get a chance to look in on our services and what we do here in purity of heart is blessing people around the world amen and I think that is absolutely phenomenal amen God is blessing us to be a blessing and I was out of town and I met a pastor who brought his congregation to the services while I was there and he said we we sent word to all of the members when you preach and and we tell them go to youtube and watch this sermon and they said that's what we do our Bible study based on what you preach and so we sent it to our members and tell them go watch it then we talk about it and that's our Bible study for the week with you and you know you wonder sometimes if what you do here matters and I've said that before you know you preach hard and you preach and it's not about money it's not about being famous a man you know I run from that kind of stuff you know it's not about going everybody's convention to get your name I tell ya that ain't what we do and I tell them I'd rather preach here to you all and preach anywhere but you wonder sometim is it is it really matter and you know and when I hear those testimonies on the road I can't help but think that God is actually using a man to even influence how other people preach in their churches in that something pastors are watching us and we're having an influence on how they preach to their congregations God is really using this ministry not because we better than anybody I'll tell you we ain't better than know about it a man i dont preach better than nobody a man but we're people who believe in a holy living and we allow God to have his way and so I want to appreciate all of those that are watching Amen those that say they don't have churches amen and this is their church we think are for all of those members that we have a man by way of YouTube life who gospel holy temple with you clap your hands for all of them that are watching a listing hey man now while you're clapping look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord amen and Telamon I am a lover of the Word of God I got mine you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of our God how many of you love living holy why I thought y'all go shout and do something it is the greatest honor of our lives to be able to live the way God would have us to live a man you could do anything he means you could go anywhere but you'll never live a higher life then the life that you live in for the Lord it's the reason why I tell you when you're talking to holy people you don't look down on holy people Amen the holy living is high class with him hey man hey man don't feel sorry for us cuz we hold it I feel sorry for you cuz you ain't the man what a fellowship what a joy divine the what of Leviticus a man the tenth chapter and let's consider the 8th a man through the eleventh verses this again one of those old familiar passages of scripture amen Leviticus chapter number 10 let's look at verse number 8 through verse number 11 that's Leviticus 10 verses 8 9 10 and 11 and you know sometimes in the world that we're living in whenever you start to preach about a standard of living you know you've got to be ready for the onslaught hey man I have always had a problem with people having problems with me amen because you know when you love everybody you just figure everybody on a return that love and kind but the reality is jesus said if they hate you just know you in good company because they they hated me and the prophets that were before you and no matter how good you preach the Word of God no matter if you're sticking with it line upon line precept upon precept they're going to be people that don't like you simply because of the standard that you preach it becomes an offense now Jana got quiet already I will preach anyway amen so many people Amen look at it and it is an offense to them because it runs contrary to how they desire to live their lives and they figure that you just infringing upon my freedom to live like I desired to live amen but you know you just gotta sell this thing in your heart in your mind and know that even if people talk about you for your standard its holiness and the holiness is still right Amen listen you can talk all day about a holy people and their standard of holiness but the problem with that is that God is holy and if you go into heaven amen you've got to get to a holy city Amen occupied by a holy God by living a holy life that's why the Bible said we follow peace with all men and holiness without which nobody shall see the Lord in an eighth when you have it say Amen read what the Bible says he did it read do not drink wine don't drink wine nor strong tree nor strong drink thou aha who are thy sons with thee when you go into the tabernacle of the congregation read this lest ye die it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations the work that he calls you to do has got to be done seriously and soberly and so he says to those that have the highest order he says I don't want you to drink wine you were your son's with you cold into the congregation unless you die it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations read what the Bible says and then he may put a difference and that he may put difference between wholly between holy and unholy between unclean between unclean and clean that you may teach the children and that you may teach the children of Israel read it all the statutes which the Lord had spoken unto them uh-huh by the hand of mother hand of Moses you gotta teach the children of Israel the statutes out of them he meant that God commanded you and handed down to you Amen that what talk to you by but Moses and that she may put a difference the Bible says between a holy and unholy between unclean and between clean look at somebody closely and just kind of neighbor there is still a difference that other neighbor there is still a difference now y'all got quiet as you told me you love holy living amen I come to declare to you tonight that there is still a difference brothers sisters sons and daughters we've got to notice that when we read the Word of God when we look into the written record a man of God's Word we will find and we will notice that the commandments and the standards in the Old Testament amen are given to bring about a distinction between those that belong to God and those that were around him during a quiet already hey man you got to notice that when God gives them the word when he gives them when he says thou shalt not do this land around him the reason why is that God had always desired a people that will come out Amen from among those that were surrounding them and they would be special people who were hand-picked by God carry the standard that God called holiness or y'all are you hearing what I'm trying to tell you what God desired in hand for his people is that they would be separate and apart from the rest of the world amen god never wanted his people look like everybody and Pope like everybody hey always wanted people because they chose the sisters I want you to know today I don't want you to do I don't want you to practice I don't even want you to your life that's going to challenge the standard of your car he mentions what he says to him now he says I command you amen to come apart from there I'm always God's people are set apart the other guy cried I'm Oh preach to somebody here tonight Amen God's people are still those set apart people do you know the Bible still declares that evil communications corrupt good manners glad you got people now he meant they don't appreciate the apartness that he requires of the believers of the sense and they figure they can intermingle remember can hang out with everybody and you know even realize everybody else the Lord because our ways are not geared towards their salvation themselves you've got to know it's not just for the Old Testament church amen all the Old Testament Saints and believers I come to declare to you that God look at the way God was and they say that's not who he is anymore because we are under grace we're not under the law the Bible says he is the Lord my god requires [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the image of this world you can swab yourself and serve the Lord - and that is not even possible that's not something you can do and you got people that want to join churches and still believe that God has no record I was in a church in Fort Worth Texas and a young lady came up after the service she said I need to talk to you I [Music] say yes ma'am a long time she said and stop you said to name got to me she said that's the first time I have ever heard anybody saying that God has requirements of you I've been going to church and I know if I call on him he'll answer me she said nobody ever told me he requires some things of me that I got to live a certain way to please it Yaron got quite a you know just fake it just come in a church and care in your Bible and reading and learning Bible verses that should have been all of my responsibility to the Lord then you come and you tell me that God has requirements of me this country is required for what God has called us to do we can do it like everybody around us we want to be like everybody else and that's where they started [Applause] [Music] holding this matchstick deference [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't want to shame you look at what the Bible says it says that no man can serve two masters people think that just means God in the devil you got the church and the house of God in the house [Music] something that separates you say we think in this hour erroneously that all God wants from us is a confession so people who come to the altar and lift their hands and say God the stuff I did really wasn't that bad but if you just want to take it go ahead and take it I'm just asking to be your friend desiring things about your life [Applause] if your price you a new creature why is it that people are bragging about weakness and then they they sit up and and it's like they don't even take regard to what they say even when you told me to go right and I win them you know what that means Oh God Oh Oh I don't care if you smoke the thousand dollars a day what the dopa y'all here and what I'm trying to tell you with you dad you quit smoking dope you ain't never seen no bad in the casket [Applause] but the devil is trying to do is trying to kill your witness by convincing people that there is no difference between the people of God and the people of the world and I'm telling you now the preacher says Friday night somebody left the gate open a whole lot of blowing in holiness y'all got to listen to what I'm trying to tell you holiness is not just a testimony because everybody's using that word holy and the using that to justify stuff that sometimes don't even have nothing to do with God holy hip-hop that's just an oxymoron that's like a virgin prostitute y'all getting drunk me come on now you can't just call something holy and think you go sanctified just because you gave it a name if it's holy it's gotta be holding through and through if it's a holy tree its own as such because it's holy at the root and some of this stuff we bringing in it's corrupt at the roots had we counted it home ain't nothing yelling at quite again we called in this holy but if it's not bringing glory to God okay what you calling for casting so so yeah I'm telling me how ain't gonna never had somebody come to be one night to serve is hadn't preached hey come never now let me get this straight are you telling me you will never allow well first of all we don't come here that's what you do [Applause] [Applause] on this stage you will know that I died a long time ago and somebody else in this church [Applause] that's still a difference and the devil's trying to convince you but there's no difference between the people of the church and the people of the world so now what you got you got gospel choir members who want to go st. background for all secular artists and they backed up with the smoke [Applause] difference [Music] [Applause] do whatever you wanna do you got to do what God requires let me hasten my time is almost gone when you when you look at Leviticus 2:10 chapter you will notice from the very beginning that God establishes himself as a no-nonsense kind of God the Bible says need to happen to by Hugh he offered unto God what the Bible calls strange instead of bringing fire from the altar web deliverance originated it didn't even tell us what he got this bad it don't tell us what they were thinking but they decided to offer unto God some strange and I don't know that there are a lot of people who are trying to offer god something only problem is what they're giving to God it's strange for some weird about that fire it didn't originate at the altar what y'all done got quiet but but it but it's fire it's just strange and now what we're seeing we're seeing the mass offering to God strange but it's true because it did not originate from the holy place and now even in our services we gotta watch this stuff because we can do a whole bunch of things and get busy in the service of the Lord and I found out that as long as they got a good beat people shouting anything I mean folk now will shout to anything fast music slow music in between music they'll just shout to anything and you have to try to figure out that this fire originated so weird about this stuff because there was a time when people showed it even their shop was holy and dedicated to God people didn't shout into the spirit moved on I've seen people do something everything under the anointing then I haven't seen some people do some things and they flesh and it cost them pretty heavy that was a time when yo shout what's a holy shout now somebody's forgot seductive shouts and I mean they strike across the floor like I dream of gee it's fire but it's not I want me to be glad this this is some some strange stuff and the problem is when they try to offer it to God he killed and it was the fire of the law that devoured him and they had something the fire that they should have been offering God is the fire that ended up consuming them and look at Moses said unto Aaron this it's what the Lord spake unto me saying I will be sanctified in them that kanata me before all the people I will be glorified and Aaron held his peace then Moses says Aaron you see it in verse 6 he said Dornan cover your head don't wring your clothes unless you die in other words even though these were your son's that just got murdered by God God said don't you more y'all gettin quiet God said this is a holy work don't wring your clothes don't uncover your head don't give them the morning rituals that you would give to just anybody because this was the hand of the Lord look at what he says he says now I want you to go Moses and tell Aaron but there has to be a difference between the Holy what we are offering to God it's really what God requires of us well you just can't go to church and just give him anything Cain try that and we learn from his example that God does not accept everything and what God has hallowed cannot be used for carnal purposes and that which is carnal cannot be used in the service of the Lord I preached from that I guess it was garland a few weeks ago a couple weeks ago from Daniel the fifth chapter when Bell she'sa had a party to a thousand of his lords and you remember the story God gave him a pass until he said go and get those golden vessels that were in the temple and the Bible says he brings them into the party and when he brings them in he drinks wine out of the sacred vessels and watch he desecrated the sacred vessels God said that's enough you gotta be careful because there's a difference between a sacred vessel and a vessel of dishonor as long as he was just drinking vessels God said this is the night that your world comes crashing down you cannot defile that which is sacred y'all don't believe me get me X with us 2:30 you didn't close your Bibles digit Exodus chapter number 30 begin at verse number 23 take thou aha also unto the principal spices we appear this is what he's saying this is when they were making oil of the anointing he tells them the recipe for making anointing oil read what he says appear more pure myrrh 500 shekels 500 shekels and of sweet cinnamon sweet sentiment have so much have so much even 250 shares even two hundred and fifty shekels read and of sweet calamus AHA two hundred and fifty shekels free and of cassia 500 shekel look at God giving a recipe go ahead after the shekel of the sanctuary aha and of oil olive and him read and thou shalt make it in all of holy oil make an io of how their appointment anointment haha compound compound after the art of the apothecary read it shall be an holy anointing this is going to be a holy and an anointing oil hmm read and thou shalt thou shalt anoint the tabernacle anointed is going to be used for the anointing of the house of God read of the congregation there were people in the congregation and the ark of the testimony the testimony table read and all his vessels councils and the candlestick and O space vessels pencil and the altar of incense and the altar of burnt-offering with all this vessel AHA and the lever and the novice and his foot room and thou shalt sanctify them sanctified that they may be most holy when you put this oil on them they will be most holy read whatsoever whatsoever touch it them yeah shall behold what happens them it's going to be read and thou shalt anoint Aaron and his son I know the man of God annoys his sons those that walk with Him and consecrate them and this oil will consecrate them read that they may minister unto me in the priest's off come on and read it and thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel and I want you to tell the children of Israel this shall be an holy anointing oil is holy and for the purpose of the anointing unto me throughout your generation and it's not going to change bring upon man's flesh shall it not be poured Oh breathe neither share you make any other like it after the composition of it ah it is holy and it shall be holy unto you unto you did you hear what God just said he tells them how to make this holy anointing pointment this oil of the anointing he says that when you make it I won't shoot her put it on everything that's to be hallowed to the name of the Lord but he says once you make this anointing oil that's all I want you to use it for you can't use this for your purposes if you take a bath and you get out in your arms a she you don't just reach over grab this all cuz that ain't the purpose of this this oil is not for the purpose of lotion in your legs with boy out and get quiet now you don't you don't use this oil for anything ninety God commands I don't want you to make nothing like so know that that's the law that's the one they use over never Aaron but I don't want that word but give me the recipe I'm gonna make something for my no he said I don't you you can't even make none like this so why do we get this from that what God has hallowed for himself can be used in other places I believe from reading the Word of God that what God has given must be used only for his glory and for his honor a God gave them that voice and one today when I then sold 500 million albums with that voice and oh what a gift and you got people now who honestly believe that but you can take whatever God has given you and use it for whatever purpose you desire you can't do that mai-chan so you think I want to thank the president seeing is have you tried Jesus nominate what I'm saying he can saying I'm a soldier too in the army of the Lord I can saying Jesus is real they got a charge they just gotta saying that but don't tell me you're going to take something that God gave you for his glory and for his honor and you gonna go out there and sing about sex and fornication and hold his other stuff and think that God is glorified just because people clap for your guilt he said don't make nothing like it don't use it for anything else because what he has followed you cannot define when you look at it he tells us that our bodies have been hallowed 1st Corinthians 6 and 19 says what know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you [Music] your body is the place of the indwelling of the Spirit of God and he said if any man defile his temple him were God destroy brothers and sisters there there is still a difference people now preaching to us that we're judgmental because we live separate and separated they think our apartment is us being judgmental and overly religious and just crazy but I know that God is a God that cannot stand sin cannot look upon sin and anything that would dare to approach to such a holy God has got to be a holy or he cannot approach the Bible says the only ones that can ascend to the hill of the Lord of those that have clean hands and a pure has got to be a difference and look at what he says as I closed my Bible he says and that you may put a difference do you hear that sons and daughters you think God don't do everything for you he's not doing everything for you he says you put a difference between a holy and on the holy listen if God save you and sanctify you don't tell God if you don't want me to smoke them cigarettes make them disappear you put a dip Nancy white didn't get quite over here now let me if you get saved tonight and you just wouldn't vote you a carton of cigarettes don't tell God if you don't want me to smoke them make them disappear you know he don't want you to smoke you make them disappear you put a deal y'all don't got quite now see when you get the Holy Ghost you get powerful power over your habits I will over your addiction and if you're serious I'm living holy you'll go home and look down the drain you put a difference between holy and unholy well a lot if it's your will let the pastor calm I listen ain't gotta call your name like you don't know your own name if that's you talking to me let him come out the pulpit and let it point at me and lay his hands on me and tell me exactly what you want me to do now you just ain't ready to give this stuff up I haven't come to none of your houses and threw nothing away I haven't gone through nobody's refrigerator y'all ain't saying it ain't lifted up nobody's mattress I haven't went through nobody's closet y'all ain't saying of it hey man it ain't my job to throw nothing away if you don't believe that it's right then you put that difference between the Holy Hand I'm not holding God's not gonna do everything for you he gave you the power to do some of this yourself you can say God deliver you if you shacking up and living with somebody lot I tell you what when I get home can you please give him a mind to go somewhere else oh no God I got to give him a mind when he gave you power go home and wake him up y'all done got quiet tell them get your suitcase put it on the bed throw your t-shirts your shirt you put a difference [Applause] between the holy and unholy and that's the reason why I say all the time we gotta be people of a standard why y'all gettin quiet and this is y'all might as well say man cuz I got a little more wind than me I can preach a while longer we gotta be people of a standard we came brother line can you imagine if there were no people that would throw the line what would this church world look like if there was nobody still crying holiness is right what this church world look like if everybody was taken down if nobody had a standard because now you know people don't focus in the movies cussing and in the bed having sex and doing all this stuff they come right to church and get up with a mic up on their hand on the watch so I want to thank God thank him for what so you telling me you telling me that God gave you the ability to lay in the bed and act like you having sex Oh screaming and cows but he gave you this great acting ability and when you win an award in spite of the fact that you just portrayed everything that God said to get you sent to hell I want to thank God where is the difference so you honestly want me to believe that God was pleased with that sing and then when you preach that God want you to be holy then you got church folk how does a Saints you got Church people come out on a pastor Mary did John here what a passer Mary said they probably didn't but because you're talking about me they're gonna look me up now that's ridiculous that's the reason the wife focal Eve in the church even who church and then they say dumb stuff like that's why don't nobody want to be saved that's why don't nobody want to go to upsetting myself they came here and tried to count how many people come to church and got the narrative time I don't nobody want to go really no you know what I found out God will always have somebody that will inhibit truth of the word of God even if everybody else want to go the opposite way I'm so glad we are not the only thing right I'm glad to know we are among the ones when he split those clouds when he show up how go up and I know it he's coming back for church without a spot wrinkle or any such blemish there's still a difference and I don't want you to be tricked I don't want you to be bamboozled hoodwinked or duped into thinking that God has no longer requirements for his people he's the same God he's a holy God and he said I want you to be holy because I am holy there's still a difference between what pleases God and what pleases you everything that brings you joy don't necessarily bring joy to him so you gotta put the difference don't let people fool your child at churches the church just go find you a church and just listen I don't care what listen it ain't that's a lie a church just ain't a church you got churches there to tell you the Holy Ghost was only for the 12 you got churches that are tell you that you don't need the power of God you got churches that I tell you God don't care how you live just come and give him your heart and your hand and your body can go to the devil you got churches that will tell you you don't even have to come to church so no you don't just go and pick a church and go to anything no there's a difference he said deceivers were coming to last days there's a difference between the church that God wants you to go to and the church that you may be comfortable with say some of you may want to pick your pastor but God did it for you cuz he knew the kind of pastor you would be you would pick some little weak pastor that told you to just do the best you can and God understands that you just flesh mm-hmm you would have ran that pastor you descend him yo tithe here to lift that envelope and change this whole sermon based on what you wrote on that envelope no I said no I can't give you that kind I've got to give you a hard-headed pastor that's gonna stand on the Word of God that's gonna look you in your eye in spite of the fact that he saw you giving offering and tell you that holiness is still right I'm not gonna be swayed by offerings I'm not gonna be swayed by deacons I'm not gonna be swayed by the looks people give me I'm not gonna be swayed by the controversies folks try to create about me I am going to preach to you what's in this book and if you want to go to heaven you go line up with it if you don't want to go to heaven you're gonna find someone because you don't get sick of me saying holiness is right of holding this ain't in your heart but every time you come to church I'm gonna tell you what God loved and what God requires of you it does me no good to see you shouting and know that you sharpening your iniquity you don't do me no good to see you pay your big tithes and give your big operands and knowing if you fell dead when you won't got that dough you going to hell I gotta tell you what God loves God said you got to put a difference and I'm telling you now and I tell you all the time if you think I'm offering don't change my message keep your offering because there's still it deep y'all hearing what I'm trying for gospel Holy Temple we're going to live holy we gonna live right we gonna stand on the Word of God and I don't care who preached a different sermon holiness is still right I remember I told you and when one report asks the possible are you are you nervous that somebody else is holding up a church there's a pastor starting a new church are you nervous about it cause we're that nervous for what cause it's a lot of excitement around them why are you nervous I'll let you go that you don't lose members first Merced lose members he said the stuff I'm preaching he ain't preaching over there and when he preaching over there I ain't preaching over here so the people that love when I preach ain't going over there and the people who love what he preached ain't coming over here and you got people see that if y'all stop preaching out at hold of this stuff you have Momentis tell em they lying I know people ain't got no standard ain't preaching nothing they still ain't got nobody we ain't looking for members we're looking for sons and daughters we want people that are gonna stand before God and lift their clean hands up and when they get there I want you to hear God say well done stand to your feet I tell you all the time I think about this sometimes it keeps me up and I think about it late at night when I'm reflecting over ministry I often wonder I was talking to the chaplain and you know we're a rather large church and we have a lot of members with a lot of family members and between the funerals we have here in the funerals were connected with that's a hundred and fifty five funerals a year that's 155 filos are you yeah that's a lot of people going in and I hope for the wonder if I don't want them to come back I'll see someone when I get over the other side the ones that didn't make it I don't worry about them but I often wonder if they could come back and say something what would they say I think about this sometimes after they have stood in the face of God if they could come back and talk what would they say to me I think about this doesn't even and I wonder what they say I came now you made me angry I listened to what you said and sometimes your words sounded a little harsh but I knew you only preaching it for my good and I'm glad I listened to what you're saying because you told me what God would have you to tell me and when I got before the Lord I heard him say well done I wondered it is what they say to me you told me what I needed to know you didn't promise me new cars and new houses and another husband but you told me that God had a standard the standard of God was called holy living and I'm glad I listened to what you said because when I got there he looked at me and said come on in or what they say to me you a good preacher I had a good sound to your voice you told me a whole bunch of stuff but when I got before God he looked at me and told me he'd never knew me depart from me I don't ever want to believe that I have stood and wasted God's by preaching to you as if you were going to live in this world forever to only have you die and stand before God and find out you have lived an insufficient life and the danger in that is I got to come stand before him one day and I got to give an account of the stuff I preached behind this pulpit see that's kind of stuff a lot of preachers don't take into account that what you are preaching in this pulpit he's going to record this stuff at your hands you're gonna have to answer to him for reading jokes and all that stuff in the pulpit you gonna have to answer for giving people business plans but not giving them a plan of salvation you are going to have to answer for causing people to believe that living for God was no different than life in the world there is still a difference and in spite of the fact that people want a god that makes excuses and accepts excuses he still requires holiness nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal knows them below that litter everyone that names the name of Lord let him depart from iniquity there is still a difference every head bowed and every eye closed if there be one here tonight not saved not sanctified you don't know God in the pardon of your sins it's more than just joining a church more to this than just singing in the choir there's a difference he requires of us because we are the children of God we can't live like everybody else can't do what they do can't go away everybody else will go we've been blessed and privileged to call him our Father that carries a responsibility if you're here tonight and you're not saying I want you to come if you don't know the Lord and the pardon of your sins I want you to come if you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come if you're a backslider I want you to come come on if you're here this is your time hallelujah or if there's one this is it this is your time come on if you have a need tonight maybe you're sick in your body I want you to come hallelujah thank you Jesus or come on that's it come on they're coming [Music] my Jesus no no turning back no turning back would you pray if there's another come on yeah I've decided oh yes I have what come on lipstick oh I see everybody oh my god [Music] yes ha [Music] I have this shot oh yes [Music] Oh [Music] man or door chime in oh yes long [Music] come on that's it just give me [Music] oh yes you can [Music] oh you can have the whole world [Music] no no turn no turning back lift those hands everybody and give God the praise and the glory hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Lord hallelujah god bless you take your seat if you can I certainly hope I encourage you there's still a difference between right and wrong the Bible said there would come a time when they would call good evil and evil good but there's still a difference a man and I'm gonna live by the standard of God amen tonight hanging there people of God Jesus is coming soon amen and he's coming back for people that
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 33,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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