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I'm glad to see you a man in the house of the Lord Amen because this is where we find the strip that we need to make it from day to day I don't know about you but I'm going courage now to go all and to see what the end is going to be the devil is alive I believe my best days are still in front of me Amen look at some of y'all couldn't say Amen right there maybe it's over for you but touch somebody and just tell me I'm just crazy enough to believe that my best days are still in front of me I know I had it as good as I'm gonna have it look at y'all getting quiet here I still have some goodness for me so instead of dying like the devil want me to do why don't I just stick around here and see what else got the control get quiet here touch somebody next to you I'll go hang around here on the Cajal can quad that sheep [Music] in store for me I believe the best is still yet to come I believe the best is still yet to come I believe that the best is still yet to come I'm gonna say it again [Music] that's the Bosch it's still yet to come touch somebody just tell him never if you think I look good now you see me in the future [Music] [Music] that's my word naturally I believe that things are gonna get better don't believe we can be like it is now all wings everything gotta change if you hear what I said I said everything must change hey man things can't stay like this all the time there has to be a turning sooner or later and I told you they'd been ripped down we got a month left almost a month left in this year and if God made you some promises he told you he was going for Bill this year listen if I we I don't know how you sit down I don't know how you sit down because that means the devil just got a few more weeks to let it go I'm the kachori shattered here let me God just got a few more weeks to bring in the patch touch a matter tell about closer now than I ever been in my life I'm closer to it now then I am [Music] because I'm closer now than I've ever been [Music] double taste it god bless you made me see the Lord I [Music] just believe that things are going to get better for me amen God promised me and I know him to be a God of his world not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent but if God said it then it shall come to me you know that's why they say if God say you're blessed then you're just blessed [Music] I'm trying to figure out what they mean if God say I'm blessed touch them about it say he already told me I was Flynn it ain't no real pomp already I'm blessed in the city I'm blessed in the field blessed in my house I'm blessed going home bless company I'm blessed in my car West in my that's no bad shot here strengthen like [Music] god bless you you may be seated in the present [Music] bless you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maxie Tel Aviv I can't hit but I'm just blessed like that they have myself I'm just black light man all that friend all that secant God I'm just I'm just blessed like that man the devil don't like it but you can't do nothing about it I'll then lose it you're blessed and you know it put your hands together give God a praise god bless you you may be seated today hallelujah thank you Jesus [Applause] I believe this is the hour for the sinks this is it this is our power this is this is it's art I forgot to show himself strong in US and through us and even on our behalf god bless you thank God for all of our friends and visitors that are here with us visit us would you just wave your hand right where you are amen we thank God for you god bless you amen being with us amen all the way in the back god bless you amen if you sit next to him reach up and give them a good full gospel god bless you and let them know that they are among the people of God and certainly we love them with the love of God you could have chosen a worship in a number of places but you chose to worship here with us we don't take it lightly thank God for you being here we ain't showing out this just how the church around here Amen every time we come together we have a time in the Lord look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the Lord a I was wondering why let y'all shadow Wow there is a word from the Lord Amen I found out that it was never that God wasn't speaking somebody simply was not listening to the word of the Lord because the Bible says that faith cometh by hearing haha and hearing by the Word of God and so that means if God expects for me to live my faith that he's got to keep talking to me there has to always be a word from the Lord may not be the word I thought I should have heard but it was still a word from the Lord those of you that have your Bibles come on and hold that power up in the air hold it up amen don't want you to think I didn't come with mine cuz everything else is going down but the word of our God the book of Acts the Holy Ghost in action the fourth chapter and the 19th verse that's Acts chapter number four I will begin a reading at verse number nineteen living in a time now I'll see this as you hurry what it seems as if the church has been placed in the vice grips of the world seems like now everything and everybody who could possibly do the church harm is on their game now just seems like everybody is out to get the church seem like seem like we just walk around with a target on our back AHA and it seems as if they are bit old our destruction just seems as if the world and add at large is just amen it's so against us now until even enemies are coming together because they have a greater enemy which is us the church that it seems like now people who could not even get along or finally able now to get along with one another and I wonder why and the answer has to be because they have found somebody or something that they don't like more than they don't like each other a man and it seems like now the church the church the call that group of baptized believers those who have been chosen to suffer sees like now the church let me said like this the church world is still playing around acting as if the enemy is not trying to destroy us and to wipe us out but this is not a time for us as the people of God and I'm not just talking to pull the gospel hold it there boy I'm talking to people around the world this is not a time for us to God God to just be caught up with what we call casual Christianity now it's no more church as usual because you know there are some times and some instances when people have just been so used to coming to church until everything is so programmed now they know how long they're gonna sing they know how long they need to clap their hands they know when the setup went to sit down they can tell you within two minutes about what time church is going to be over but I am I'm going from place to place hey man and all you see now it's church as usual you know what we need we don't need another conference gone like a child I felt like Full Gospel with a said Amen that's why I preached it here amen you know we don't need another conference we don't we don't need another set of seminars you know what we need now in the body of Christ we need a move of God that's what we need now we need God to move to this place like he did hey man when the church first came in that's what we need we need God to show up and to shake some stuff up I'm not seeing bodies heal seeing so see sin folk repenting and coming to the Lord I'm tired of simply a prosperity message I've got the control get quiet here and prosperity has its place it has its place but now listen if you have not been born again then why would God bless you with more money if you are not living right but you're not living holy then oh why what God prosper you who's willing to go all the way with God touch your neighbor and just tell him neighbor all the way look at somebody else and tell them all the way that's the fourth chapter and the nineteenth verse and when you have it please say Amen and the Bible gives us this intelligence but Peter and John answered and said unto them whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God Church now stay with me for we cannot but Speak the things which we have seen her so when they had further threatened them they let them go finding nothing how they might punish them because of the people for all me and glorified God but that which was done for the man was above forty years old on whom this miracle of healing was so now let's get down to verse number 29 where the Bible says and now this is Peter and John of the disciples break now and now Lord behold their threatenings and cried unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak that word by stretching forth thine hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of the Holy Child Jesus and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with boldness now stay with me child of God what we're saying now is the after-effects of a miracle of healing that was wrought on the man and the third chapter of the book of Acts the third chapter we see a man who sat at the gate of beautiful and he sat there for years now the Bible says this man was above forty years old and now we see Peter and John going into the temple at the hour of pass now if the bible said this man sat down he began to ask of arms of all those who would pass by should if anybody was benevolent it would have been those who were going into the house of the lord and now you have to understand what's going on here Pentacles have just empowered the disciples with the Holy Ghost it mattered would you look at Acts chapter number two with all that the Lord began to do in their lives and all the power that he had just given them Acts chapter number two huh God it demanded chapter number three because after the power had been applied to the light there had to be some showing forth of what it is that they had just received and so now as they were going into the temple the Bible says Peter and John look at this man and said silver and go I don't have but I'll give it unto you and the Bible says they caught him by the hand and sit in the name of Jesus the Christ rise ah but can I share with you that those who are not happy because you are delivered look at y'all getting quiet here and anytime you see people rising up and the power of God then it causes those on the outside to look at God and they don't like the fact that you're walking in power and the Bible said they begin to pull these disciples to the side and according to the book of Acts they threaten them because of the miracle that had been her own and now look at Peter and John and the other disciples the Bible said rather than go home and cry and this is where we are children of God this is no time for the church to cower down y'all get quiet I'm a bridge in here don't care who say man this is not a time for the people of God to cower down and to accept the threats of the atmosphere but now more than ever it's time to rise up in the power that God has ordained yeah but look at what happened here in the twenty ninth verse Peter disciples began to talk to God about it now because of what they were going through another touch of his power and they said go home and sit down and see what the end is going to be and so today that's what I want to talk to you about that I want to talk to you from the subject of church under fire the church I'm adding tell neighbor we still have an adversary yes we do we still have any enemy who is out to destroy us well it's nothing then your total demise don't you understand that the devil wants to wipe you out he wants to steal your life he wants to kill you if you want to destroy your chances yeah but I'm so glad that Jesus made the statement upon this rock what the power that he gave ya thank God for the power that he gave us in the news in the news about the church and so much but now walking by the liquor store [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] got his money [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh God somebody live it hold it did you hear what I said I said God you got some holy oh uh ain't trying to go out there and squeeze in the heaven you still have some people that's willing to go all the way with call that's what God is looking for the people of God willing to give up whatever you got to give us don't walk away for a minute type of life snack Oh God could I praise and so now what we've got to see we've got to see the devil for who he really is he is not a friend off the charts I said again the devil is not a friend of the church you don't play right you said all the time but you went through fine stay too long but now that's a new face on this enemy used to be you could spot the enemy that devilish Sam he just ha but now that's a new face on this enemy Church we got a new enemy or a new face on it he look just like us he got our mannerisms he shops just like us look at y'all getting quiet now he he speaking some kind of tongue he he do all of the above hey man but when it come to living holy when it come to preaching right huh that's what the dividing line comes in that's what the division is really shown now the enemy has crept into the body haven't you noticed seem like there's a church fighting the church they not the real people of God these are buddy imposters yeah yeah a bunch of businessmen who are posing as men of God ah y'all ain't said nothing here making merchandise out of the Saints head that's a new enemy not [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] they're pretty early they'll even preach salvation they just won't preach us standard and I'm trying to figure out now how can you preach salvation without preaching a standard of holiness well y'all Shogun quiet on this Sunday morning happen to save it and that you can be saved you can be blast but now that other step that's just that's to holy they just going too far you ain't got to you away from [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and some of the stuff sound just like sounds like holiness but when you look you don't see nothing you don't see a thing you got reaches harm in it and they token and then reason for three hours and look at the Prima they don't look like they're no glow they do it everything in the house of God now what look at you're getting quiet now I said they doing everything in the house of God and get mad at you when you preach against it you know why cuz that's a patsy that's something that they know is wrong and stare don't want to give up but listen I'm Natalia if you gonna be holy you've got to walk away from some stuff if you beyond the lodge god the wall most of you God what I love you look at him now looking but I'm trying to go here but look at what we got in the church now we got some of the craziest stuff going on right in the church stead of now we can't get into the service unless a lie you tell us some jokes oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now when you look at him some of the craziest looking people are right up in the church now some of you don't even work with people that look as crazy as the people that you go to church with go to the job they got a standard they got rules and regulations oh look at you and Shannon here you can't come on a job look at it it cut away some of your working got a word pie every day oh you don't say nothing but then when it come down to the church you don't want them to say nothing to you I don't talk to me a battle what I can wear what I can't listen today what you can and can't well it's what you are not even aware I wish I'd agree stay over there I remember the day when people would cross the street and walk on the other side of the street just to keep from walking past the church looking crazy [Applause] not at all up in the corporate looking crazy they prefer looking crazy what some of y'all getting mad at me [Applause] [Applause] and I can't be set free if I don't see Jesus who wanna preach what they need that one little child and quiet now listen doll be my main pickles look around look around look around at they can man take their names hey man is hanging out all from under the skirt and they want to come and stand right on the heads of the pulpit what the brothers standing down here at the altar everybody ain't tryna be same some that is just trying to speak and be like a freak [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what happened to the standard what happened to it and God had the choir god help the question now everybody getting mad because the government trying to pass laws that say you can't preach against homosexuality what half the churches ain't gotta worry about that cuz they got him right up in the Christ and only half but a church ought to be getting mad y'all ain't seven here but Oh God cuz the other half got them on they all hit him and got him in the choir and got him on the piano well look at joking mad at me don't get mad cuz I'm preacher hole and it ain't scared of you man God got some dust and [Applause] not just twisting and turning you can't tell this from that the women cutting they're helping the men growing alone [Applause] I knew y'all was gonna get mad then you stand with the guatrau ball you don't know which one it is they turn around shot the women shot masculine in all this kind of stuff and her on me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now we don't even hear nothing receiving the power of the holy do you know here that normal whatever happened to receive either Holy Ghost whatever happened the preaching that ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you whatever happened did that look at y'all gondwana hey man y'all better say manner they don't think I'm talking about you hey man whatever happened to preach it real power you know what happened to it somebody listen to the people because you got some folk better say preacher I come to your church but now you just preach against it I can't come unless you let me do this and let me do that but listen let me tell you something well gospel don't go in nobody's closed it and throw nobody's junk away whatever you wanna do but you don't have to tell you I know some people ain't got the Holy Ghost UK had a hold ago since they ignorant when it comes to spiritual things the Bible said the Holy Ghost will lead you and guide you in our truth have you been say 15 years huh car did you steal huh happened like you use that you used to God the Holy Ghost so now because nobody was preaching it nobody live and the church tried to get just like the world they tried to act like the world everything that was going on in the world the church world adopted it the church were pulling everything near because we wanted to be just like what y'all want to be just like the world didn't hook line and sinker every trend that came out in the world came out in the church world every style that came out in the wild you saw it in the church world and the church tried to connect with the world not the world was your free start bringing liars in and start bringing secular artist in because because I'm cause you preach it against one world government but you trying to have a church they got everything Oh y'all he sayin he had everything everything in the club was still in church hey man the same musicians that were playing in the club what plans shot muted this Sunday morning look at y'all getting quiet he didn't even change their coaches went home took a nap back up and said on somebody's organ ha ha everything that we don't the church world tried to put it in and we tried to form alliances and allegiances with the world and the world pretended for a little while that it was your friend made you feel comfortable at first wanted to mix with them trying to threaten those that preach holiness try to threaten us I'll preach too hard don't nobody want to hear that don't nobody wanna go nowhere like that ha no matter what wanna hear nothing critical and that's how they deceive the people they said it was critical when God said it's a standard ha ha look at y'all gain quietness and they thought that they had it good for a while but he later led the world and showed you their true colors they done show the church were here recently that they are not now they want to put in jail cuz you're making too much money oh look at you now they want to prosecute you huh because you're doing the same thing that they helped you to do but now that I've got you into a place where they could put a big action and show the while your nakedness and now you see it let you cater just some friends that really wasn't your friend at all down what everything was good until here recently now the same was that they put up and promoted the same ones that they tearing down that's why I tell you ain't trying to get in good with nobody and you ain't trying too hard God Yahweh Shannon here you don't have to bend your arm back all the way to the kilometer Thank You Holy Ghost hey man just to get along with folk and just to get people on your side cuz listen if the world puts you up the world can take you down that's why famous somebody to get say to get delivered and not a turned honest the world is showing the church is true colors now everything was all about money just a little while ago that might have been what they were saying when you thought they were speaking [Music] and now they showing you their true colors but I'll say this and I hope you get it the world and the church were never intended to get along it was never in God's plan that the church and the world would merge into one no no God said you still got to come out you still got to be holy and it was never God's intention the world is showing its true colors now they're trying to take the rights away from the people of God now they want to tell the church what they can and cannot preach you know why because the world is scared of True Religion they're scared of True Religion or just has too much power over the people now - oh God Thank You Holy Ghost even down to politics you if you tell the people who to vote for you out of your place because you've got too much influence as a pastor but the president who's known all over the world can come right in your church and tell you to vote for his candidate but they get mad at you as the preacher for telling your little congregation they're scared of you they don't care how small your church is they're scared of you scared that if the people finally rise up in power that they could turn this place around that's God that if you really start teaching the people to be empowered them they won't lean on them so heavily they're scared are you because they know if you can catch somebody and get their mind transform that they see and start baking for them sound they can revolutionize the thinking of the people they scared of you but that's the worst thing you could do to the body of Christ because whenever the church gets in a body the church begins to pray and nothing brings the power out of us like persecution and it's gonna get right back to that point the Bible said is going to get worse and it's gonna get worse but God's got a plan in it all because whenever the church faces its toughest persecution that's when it preys it's hardest and I wonder if that's what it's gonna take a preacher to get up off of their seats of do nothing and start preaching true holiness again is it gonna take the government threatening us to take all of our rights away before we get up and stop playing with people and stop trying to make merchandise out of Fokin stop trying to get rid time we [Applause] [Applause] believing God that God would send another shaking shake this place until corruption gets loose make us unto preachers who just playing around really good feel with the Holy Ghost make us so we go back to land hands on the sick shake us but the people start speaking in tongues as the spirit give the utterance a cup so when we sing that song is holding shake when we shout our shot at holiness [Applause] can we stop playing around shake us until people are gettting save on the bus shake us so we can witness while we riding on the train shake us our lives are the testimony of the life-changing power of God shake us and give us another tax of your pal the church is under fire what are we gonna do what are we going to do how do we go right how are we gonna go crawl in a hole and hide how are we gonna accept what the enemy is doing we just gonna let him snatch people right out of the pews and just say Lord willing I'm glad it wasn't me this time it might be me next what are we going to do are we gonna pray and seek God until deliverance floors what are we gonna do how are we gonna finally be faithful to God I wonder about people who speak in tongues longer than anybody else and can't come to church but once a week listen keep your tongue to yourself cuz if you gonna speak that light you want to have a life behind it but look at y'all getting quiet now if you go shot that hard and shot that long you want to have a light behind that shot listen it's time for us just having a shelter you know what it's time for it's time for us to bring back the power wha how we should shake about two hands to the left in the back how what everybody's standing on your feet right now stand everybody in the presence of the Lord I don't want you to walk some people just walk at the wrong time just got a bad habit and if you don't have to welcome we're asking not to the church is under attack from the outside and from within the devil's planet people to try to wipe out the influence people who really wasn't with us and giving us a man named Tom at the church now giving us a bad name I'm tired of this they grouping us all together saying ain't nobody worth nothin see that you've been doing this and you've been doing that you've been doing that you can contribute to anything you want to but the church they're getting mad some little old lady gave five dollars and that was all she had they wouldn't say that about nobody but the church they wouldn't say nothing as a matter of fact they won't that little old lady to give up five dollars to somebody they don't put this lottery stuff on us now you talk about false hope [Music] you talk about false hope why you got to pick six numbers why not pick two cuz it's too easy it really wanted you to win just tell them pick two numbers picking on between one and a hundred [Music] just spend your hundred dollars you're guaranteed to win you know why because they want to make money but if somebody give the church five dollars she sent five dollars to the preacher and even if two hundred thousand people send five dollars to the preacher they mad at that one related as if her five dollars made him a millionaire Church we under fire it's time for us to fight back and rise up in the strength of God Peter said Lord you see how they're threatening me I'm not gonna stop preaching your message just because they're threatening me I'm not gonna stop preaching just because they're saying this and that he said but what I want is another touch of your power that's what I won't maybe there's somebody here that's not safe if that's you I want you to step out of your seat and I want you to walk down this aisle I want to pray with you and I know it takes courage to make a decision like this but I'm gonna ask you to have that courage today if you're here and you need to be changed I want you to walk down that aisle [Music] if you're freed I want you to grab somebody by the hand and ask him if they'll walk you this way somebody will bring you come on I know somebody's here I know somebody needs to be changed young lady young man this is your day this is your opportunity to be saved Church as far as the enemy is concerned it's not gonna get any better not as far as the enemy is concerned and if we run now we'll have to run for the rest of our life it's time to take a stand it's time to pray and seek the Lord somebody's here that needs to be filled with the Holy Ghost and that's you I want you to come get out of your seat now and come on people have gone would you clap your hands
Channel: 214mrobjy
Views: 11,460
Rating: 4.8745098 out of 5
Id: 1CCFngIEoVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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