Ferrari of the Sky IN ACTION! Nolinor Learjet 45 Training Flights ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE! [AirClips]

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hey good morning we're here in Montreal Mirabel Airport for a small flight with a Learjet 45 my name is Eve don't be captain for this flight with Antoine Camus here so we're preparing this flight for the three takeoff and landing keep currency on the aircraft and then we'll follow with another flight after that so I wish you have a good flight would ask that than any nation yeah about this flight maybe a short flight okay I think it's gonna be fun hey short been a while since I flew the the Learjet oh don't worry thank you we're gonna do it just free circuit yeah just two circuits and now do that it's gonna be fine gonna be ready for for a Rochester next week so that means you will do the next so Chester yeah step by we're gonna speak with the mogees Emily's good morning and in a second there's something special with the aircraft not the table okay a bit cheeky right in fact okay we'll check that yeah are you you taught the aircraft was too much hurry up yeah it was canceled yesterday and that's why did you did you see yesterday yeah with the Boeing where we went me the bank and that was nice yeah well there was good on everything a beautiful morning this morning yeah isn't it yeah that's perfect so that's one of our 737-200 and then key we brought that aircraft from hungaria in 2014 and that one NLM was where America we brought it from Casablanca in 2000 2007 so and those you can see out there the convair 580 hmm and in the back is ta p q HB so those are they're the workhorse where we started where I started flying what I will do the Corolla [Music] [Music] okay hello guys good morning my name is Antoine sorry I was a bit in a rush like this morning I was preparing all the flight plans for how the flight for today on like first like it will be training with Eva I'm also a captain but today I will act as a co-pilot for Yves will do some training flight we've like takeoff and landing to maintain the currency and everything but today on this morning especially I will act as a co-pilot on the first thing I have to do first thing it's like check the plane inside and then I will do the walk around so just follow me I will show you everything so once I check everything in the plane I have to remove all the covers all the plugs to protect the plane so first thing we have to check all the the wings the flaps and everything check everything is like in order all the lights all the everything is super Polly so first thing you'll do I will remove all the plug first and then we'll do all the work around so like falling so we have to we have to climb on the wing to check holder the fans and everything in the engine the intake everything looks good here so we have to take care and remove everything all the the covers and everything something here we have to check all the exhaustion check everything was good remove all the plagues same thing on the right engine and just after that we will do all the walk around and check all the parts of the plane everything looks good here okay no let's do the walk around so we have to check all the other rounds in the flaps all the wind the tires with the brakes on everything all the doors here the engine this is the cargo door I will leave it open is to put all the plugs on all the covers now hold up in all the antennas this is a holder battery compartments we have to check everything is properly plugged all the pressure this is for the APU both of you fire yes tank we sure all of shoot caps everything hydraulic system the fuel system check everything is properly closed all the run the flaps with the tire it's moved properly with the trim all the lights the navigation lights the leading edge everything is clean the tire with the brakes and the light same thing with the emergency exit ear all the fame holder the pitot heat on the ice system and everything on the door oxygen compartment with the tire pressure the high detector the angle of panic okay and love is good I check everything Simon no I have to put everything in the cargo compartment and that will be the end of the work around now the doors closed we're going to prepare the the cockpit for the flight so we're gonna do all the interior checks and after that the cockpit set up for the flight for the three takeoff and landing so our first of all we're gonna do that that system checks all you want to do with a trencher trim test yes or we'll do the trim check so first primary so primary check let's go in flight okay your your side flight now we're checking that we box get the trim parking brake is that trucks are remove yes get those in the work of position and the secondary trim now it's working and it's shutting down perfect look at trainers checking out they wanted to do the system test [Music] okay so page engine okay let's take the engine fire detection we have all the lights burning is functional nugget I'm the APU fire dictum is working to all the lights so if you see one light doesn't work so just tell me yep all lights on good egg your frigging skier on the wall flaps um it's boxed on yellow guess my sage and flaps AGC so the end check just [Music] do a quick check for the GPWS was good all everything is check inside [Music] radios already called the radio ok transporter called 6 625 for VFR flight so we're gonna do the instrument check yep so we're gonna put us to white needle check it so yeah and inches and now I'm gonna take the HS later on but [Music] Thomas [Applause] [Music] [Music] so it's gonna be the runway two-four for this flight yeah two four three zero zero six ok the performance what's gonna be the speed for it will be 110 115 and 124 115 and 124 yeah 5.3 father the team okay speed is 149 so did you copy the ages yeah I did copy this 149 and altitude will be outputted 1000 feet so here the circuit is a one one thousand two one thousand three hundred three hundred yeah all right so this circuit that's to this app for that hearing bug except for runway two-four we can set the ILS African see I think that's gonna be the ideal for the final reports yet might be doing a green noodle then okay a vacant corner where the course of so t1 748 EF one one seven zero one zero now we're gonna do an green needle course everything is set for the ILS to four okay hello didn't feel much affect the safety of the factory if we have a surprise to be one our car which I could continue if I call reject consummate unity throws the trusted or climax memory break lasers there can apply rivers just what condition you will I was referred by section called power extended election ATC on four units if I continue with no action below safe at should accept to silence a fire warning bill okay for the takeoff briefing give me your car keys I think everything is gonna be it's a VFR day it's beautiful in here it's sky clear I will get a temperature of 12 degrees 12 degrees great performance we've been checked for that trust will be a normal trust flaps aid for takeoff and she is off no I'm yellow relevant for this flight taxi route will be taxing out of the non ignore facility in Mirabelle Valley Golf Hotel yeah kilo Bravo and I'll take the Bravo 5 departure for the the first flight okay and after that it's all bare and dry there's no departure procedure for us will be a VFR flight noise abatement will be no noise abatement procedure then and the engine option will be maintained around waiting to 1500 and there's no natum applicable for this flight and call me any other action any mistake deviation and I told you that right that and after takeoff will be a right turn for right circuit and maintain 1300 will do the after takeoff and we will plan for another landing and runway two-four and will will try to stop at midfield of the runway okay and to do a another takeoff on runway 24 and like that three times well briefed the I did the brief that we're gonna do circuit to the ATC but they are unaware of we're gonna do a stop look on the runway so we will have to speak with them about the bingo okay good stop and go so taxi take our briefing is complete shall we do the pre-flight checklist yes pre-flight checklist oxygen oxygen tested understand left cyclic breaker circuit breaker is Sept D you innervation Pole the universal panel is all normal flight instruments flight instruments and we got an adding a 2 0 3 and 3:06 and just set to 50 feet take care son by Jeremy stung by Jabberjaw is uncaged break is set oxide oxide is off trim tested hello book logbook is verified in if on board right here check per flight check this is complete check okay we good 248 before start the first our checklist check yes yeah I'll put the beacon on yeah because you sit bit on that's it okay parking brake parking brake is set entry door close and lock to forward fuel fuel is 4900 good enough for this flight that's in your briefing is not required that's under saying it's on take a speed takeoff speed art checker 110 115 124 and 149 Oh left right jet set at 1,300 inches high it is exercise is set at two or three electrical volt yes electrical box is checked we got 20 drops left and right and in computer left and right into the computers is on thanks you take everything completed on situation like odd before start checklist complete ok I'll be starting at Geneva to start engine number 2 [Music] of pressure rating [Music] engine stable [Music] [Music] in general one star engage [Music] [Music] let's table set flaps ap for taxi flaps a river taxi what we do with this we were checking the anti-icing system if it's functional before we fly now we're checking the bleed for the night sir if the pack is working emergency press press press check my super position is working chicken arm for me I'm gonna check the engine computer we got a name trees and I DT and then I'm gonna put some power go back see if the i PDS coming back now so the computer working now except one ready for the judges beaver taxi before taxi item first place of the day and chase system is tested leader system tested a mere press tested man mud governor is tested and on spoilers and spluttering zone I would check that one so I'll check the spoiler on check or everything is 14 and then I'll do a full control chair continue with the trailers before texting on our checklist APU external power disconnected window it on veto it our own choice of emergency exit light arm thank you practice on spoilers spoilers is arm s flops flaps is set to eight EPU is off a PR arm slide control check and nose was tearing those were steering is on and grown equipment is clear left we are really protective [Music] Mirabel area good morning no you know one one you know one one we already taxi Golf Hotel India bravo Bravo five for VFR departure and [Applause] [Music] three there was a loss 7 and 6 d LD 6 6 to 5 on the affirmative a feel free and just to confirm with you it will be a stop and go with the remaining distance available offer no no one so check indeed for us it was a spring all jerk clear ate your left and stop trip will be five point four units need four so now I'm sitting in golf Oh them now from hotel you that's a perfect day for ditching goes on stepping goes I just hope there won't be like a lot of fun sis no yeah I just feel like it's early enough that the rush hour yeah go ahead nothing bad too far for the texting for the limit to for the fashion you know so the purpose of this slide is to maintain currency on the aircraft I've been flying near the near 45 for a year now however I'm also qualified on the captain on the 737 and has been I've been nursing for the 737 for a while and since one of my colleague is going back is doing a vacation I'll have to to fly the delusion for a few flights in order to stay current on the aircraft even if my TTC is still current I'm still October 1st I have to maintain currency but with the takeoffs and landings so that's the reason why we are doing 3 takeoff and landings today and after that we'll leave the aircraft to mount one which is another captain and it's gonna fly the aircraft for the strike to a century of after that so it's a it's a perfect condition for a beautiful flight this morning it's just before 8 o'clock not not so busy with the VFR aircraft so we're gonna do just perfect flight for this morning can we do the before take off check this be for takeoff checklist I guess because it's a mere page this trim the trim set the 5.4 hi flu I flew up hey exciting exciton before takeoff checklist complete purely food she series without engine can see the brand new Airbus to 2-0 Airbus to 20 out of the engine the factory they're ready to fly not yet so far now that poverty is you seriously thought buyer Airbus she doesn't fly for a while so I mean she doesn't fight for a while sir suggests that aircraft is so a powerful aircraft the beautiful beauty to fly it's a sport car like a Ferrari it's like when you fly that after having flew the the cemetry is like a little toy as no energy at all everything is are you get the power on your 90 running the holding bin in Old English after an hour you know no one when the link shot one way to foreign so it's 52 we have to weigh around five minutes no I think he is gonna leave us at part it's gonna okay I don't think it's gonna be a problem that I do a security will be a writer and after departure now there's a cyst nurse Jesus ticking off from my runway two-four and there will be us whoever is it'll six year not too fun you know you're sticking up front way to for okay can we ask if we have to wait until the cargo jet or we can leave right after the system yep yeah well we generally know one one just to know like we'll wait the landing of the cargo jet plane or who can the depart before we're ready for the pathway to for immediate departure if right turn right turn after departure landing upon waiting on me to finally know what erotic a son mother for thinking of taking up into fernery no I [Music] check you want birthday [Music] the gunship this you don't as far as retract APR of engine sink or palate preservation is check I don't start the static of check is complete I'm downwind yep so decent checklist restoration is already checking that very you haven't been to the right now 1 1 traffic 2 o'clock two miles for seeing northeast about 4 so 1 5 2 1006 inside no no no we're gonna extend the Donnellan yep there's another profit yeah it's on the right side like two o'clock yeah certainly above it all right so these are checked this diesel check needs to persuasion crystallization is learning that a virus in severe 119 and 129 and they're progressing so it's gonna be just so our checklist altimeter I flew I flew is off the engine sync sync is complete mess description the total rate there's no no white on the inside flaps eight all right he's in Bravo for you put the adding bug flap 20 stops 20 effed up shorty flips 40 gear down dear them give up wladim check exciton gear down landing checklist are you planning changes and injure the gears down flaps 40 indicate it looks like excited [Music] the name gyroscope it 100 quickly [Music] don't have the life and I left yes [Music] Sparra extended sixty notes we couldn't no one was gonna set the speed back same speed then it was same weight so it was a the partial speed for takeoff was one fifteen ten fifteen twenty four twenty four so before the we are set the trim yes still trim is set okay before I go I guess summary extreme set that fire five point four I flew I flew is 5.5 I flew is off oxide is completed all right ready for the gun [Music] right second put a speed bag at 180 knots please 180 and after that one 1300 1513 after Nina k13 and Edinburgh please 3-0 after the object is after takeoff checklist playing Europe flaps up your dumb group engaged boy those retract yours ever st. landings I'm Roger editor yep season checklist is completely brushed checklist 30 meters altimeter is 3-0 SEC seatbelt it's on I flew I flow is up and in sync all right the pressure is complete flaps a website yeah well you know what one can you switch the ILS in then to form thank you flaps 20 flaps 20 get around say them go down laughter 40 plus 40 landing ship landing checklist they know one my name chip is lending year I think you're down three green flips abscess forty indicated oxide arcsine on butter's our Akos Jack connector [Music] good regarding their stuffing do the same thing that [Music] or extended oops [Music] all right change the see if flaps a set the speed yes so what the before takeoff checklist we can we see the trim it guess from this field set five point four I flew my clothes off oxide oxide on people take off check is complete in a row yep your dollar you know no one won the road [Music] all right they're right to go check this [Music] letting give everything up take your lender so let's just I've been doing that's the folks up on this one Roger so you can't find rubble for doing this eternally very no this is a super sir dysentery special edition reservation is set running data it's the tooth nut box check the app everything the same progress thing is the same learning the checklist is complete appreciative centimetres automated original 6l seatbelts 12 is on I flew I flow as up everything sink object is complete let's say let's say we are way to begin at your discretion let's descrition their no.11 that's funny gear down and collapse boy after that I didn't check this sorry here hoodie hooks it oxide on sweaters it's uh because because yes personally we don't have any choice for the existing a travel for [Music] Barrington restaurant employee [Music] you know one one change from anyone I've ever fun let me know [Music] okay the thing a problem for be taxing on Bravo kilo Juliet Fox Hotel and Golf so much fun yeah one for me yeah busy for me right so like I said it's a beautiful aircraft is 40 it's 40 it moved like a fighter jet it's been very nice flight this morning now we gonna close that up it's gonna take over like a 1 yeah to go for another taking a first-century another flight beautiful 7 467 coming out of the cargo apron it's a college let's we say calling car for my sabor they say hello he said hello layoff taxi no.11 texting to the to the D company yeah they've been working on the runway for a while now I don't know what they are doing I wish we can like get the runway for the winter yeah it will be perfect the part of this runway to nine is closer from our facility yeah are you flying again today or misses you the last place for you today yeah well I hope gonna do something back with my kids [Music] we have already no.11 on golf living the frequency and thanks for the help [Music] Oh marshal er is coming too [Music] [Music] yeah buddy I got one too fine okay it's clear right [Music] [Music] parking brake set Sinatra's [Music] parking brake backing breakers set window it off - it off Oh chase off nose wheel steering off back up off claps laptop just average cut off emergency exit light of what occasion light off with the other half a fish swim stop which children check is complete track no like it was like the first one so okay captain good job so secure yeah well like just started the beaut [Music] you
Views: 74,860
Rating: 4.8523879 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, JustPlanes, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, TV, view, Samchui, Sam, Chui
Id: VEiM3ehOUGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 13sec (3853 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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