Solo International Flight over the Ocean to Australia in a Single Engine Small Airplane Flight Vlog

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good morning welcome back to the vlog and welcome back to papua new guinea we're here at port moresby international airport this morning heading down to australia to pick up a cargo run uh basically stuff that missionaries have ordered down in australia or the states had it shipped to australia i'm picking it up and bring you back here because really there's no other way to get stuff here very easily anyways let's go ahead and check our weather get our clearance and then be on our three hour flight across the ocean down to australia expect instrument approach runway one four wind one three zero degrees five knots maximum one zero knots visibility one zero kilometers or more cloud few one thousand five hundred feet broken four thousand feet temperature 2 6 2.24 qnh 1011 acknowledge information kilo [Applause] all right so we've got information kia let's go ahead and call up for our clearance now jackson ground papa to november tango zulu questing airways clearance cans november ground atc clearance five six capsule plant root cruise one eight thousand squawk seven four two six departure five six kapsa then flight plan route cruise one eight thousand code seven four two six papa two november tango papa tango zulu correction correct and november tango requesting start one pob international ramp day 3. november right i better put my code in now because i always forget to put my code in it's so embarrassing after you take off and they say uh not yet identified and you're like oh crap i forgot to put the stupid code in right 7426 confirmed i gotta put my stupid life vest on because we're going obviously out of gliding distance and we're in a single engine aircraft i do have my raft right here on the floor i'll show you guys later but anyways yeah it's a three hour flight i think it's like 400 some miles or so i'm not exactly sure remember but we got to wear these stupid life vests and we have a little air tank down here as well so my departure is supposed to be at 8 am i'm leaving just a tiny bit earlier hopefully maybe 5 minutes or so just because i do have a headwind on the way down there oh we've got 2 020 pounds of fuel on board today it's myself and everything else is empty so we're 66.80 6700 basically so 60 and 71. all right igniters on fuel pump on and uh [Applause] for 14 introduce my low idol all right so as the itt is just coming up nice rate today i just did shut down maybe about a half hour ago good morning mike cg all right generator on three zero two photo boom requested sinclair get our v2 on alternator and our oxbus 83 degrees in here this morning it's going to cool down really cool by the time we get up to 18 000 it should probably cool down in the 60s if i let the air keep going so check the ground property november tango request taxi remember one for left actually one four left cross one for right via charlie november tango [Music] zulu so they do not mark any of their taxiways here it's super annoying really cool right here's charlotte because there's delta tango zulu one for race available for departure uh yeah i'll take one more right thanks no papa two nova playing tower apology in november tanko zulu holding 0.14 right ready for departure all right field cap sense selectors are good our controls we've already done switches and instruments i got 1 8 000 that's we're going to be cruising out down to australia at um i'll leave our tiles enabled apps already set indicated and verified at 20. our radar i've already put on standby mode i don't have it turned on right now i think we'll have a little bit of cloud to go through maybe in the first maybe 30 miles or so but really not it's just another tango i'll make a right turn contact jackson straight on one to five decimal eight airborne runway one four right cleared for takeoff up for takeoff one four right right turn jackson radar airborne a pod tanker all right strobe on landing light back to pulse for those ignition inlet lights done takeoff clearance is done we're 27 degrees this morning 16.80 so 16 1630 for 16.80 ignition condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses this is complete all right all right 16 30 airspeed's alive and there's already rotate i have my itt right at the top of the green at 7 40. and once we're airborne we're going to switch over to jackson radar pretty much here in just a second all right we'll go 10 degrees of flaps we're going to pop back to 2000 rpms official left space running one for igt at 720. jackson radar 2 november tango zulu passing 900 on climb one eight thousand now on the right hand turn to intercept the 184 radio numbers basically i was just saying we're intercepting the 184 radio which is basically right on my course which is the departure five six which is basically just the straight flight down to cairns all right we'll take off our engineer back to normal our igniters are turned off i'll leave my landing light turned on still for the time being until we're outside of this initial airspace and reset our itt back to 720 just to get our best climb performance we're flying down to 18 000 it's a three hour flight i'm guessing it'll be just a few minutes extra today because i'll have a 20 knot headwind for the first third of the flight then the middle maybe third of the flight it'll go down to about 10 knots and then i'll have another 20 knots once i get closer down to australia so i'm expecting an extra 15 minutes or so flight time maybe i don't think i'll have much more than that and then i'm just basically picking up cargo and immediately coming right back today because the borders are still closed down in australia i actually can't even go inside to use the bathroom i can't clear customs i can't do anything i'm just basically landing staying on the international ramp loading my plane back up getting some fuel if i need some and heading right back on another three hour flight back to papua new guinea oh here's my raft today seat belted in his name's george hopefully i never have to call on him but uh yeah so there's like a lanyard down in here that's about 30 feet long that you have to pull out the raft actually floats in the form like that so if i had to get if i had to use it for any case i'd take it outside the aircraft and if we had people on board i'd wait till everybody was together before i would inflate it because once it's inflated it likes to just float off with the current but anyways yeah hopefully i'll never have to use that [Applause] 109.3 papa [Music] [Music] i have this little cheat sheet right here and i made this up is because i don't we don't do tons of flights down here to cans so i tend to forget thing i want to be ahead of things i don't want to be behind the game and then sound like an idiot on the radio so basically i made up this cheat sheet here that tells me like hey what to expect on different legs of it or to remind you to like you know spray your whatever your spray i'll show you guys later anyways there's different things we have to do we have to call for you know our bay assignment just to verify at certain legs so anyways that's what this little thing is here so basically i will stay on with moresby radar all the way up to copso which is about a third of the way there so then i'll switch over to brisbane center and then they'll keep switching me over to different brisbane centers along the way until i get into basically approach and for cans and then they'll continue to work me on down from there so i've probably got another one two three four four or five more radio changes along the way one thing that is a little bit different here papua new guinea our flight levels don't start i think until 20 thousand feet so if you fly with starting at 20 000 and then in australia it starts at ten thousand so i'm saying i'm passing through one four thousand all the way up to one eight thousand once i get over and start talking to brisbane center then i'll be saying i'm at flight level one eight zero starting at flight level one zero zero so just a little bit different all right we're just approaching 18 000 feet now another 100 feet to go so once this thing levels off this does it really really slow then our airspeed is going to start going up once it gets up to around 118 119 up indicated then we'll go ahead and reduce our power lever which is going to do our torque right up here and also our itt bring our itt down to 700. all right it looks like it's just going to stay at around 117 today so i'm going to go ahead and reduce my power lever which is going to bring my itt from seven well i should bend 720 right down to 700 as close as i can get it and that's what the rest of the flight will be at is just an itt of 700. go ahead to partakers position one nine miles north of uh capsule greater services terminator contact we spend on uh one to one small three hf six six one zero capital today [Applause] one two one three brisbane center is six six one zero hf for part two november tanker zulu good day all right so he's just saying at copso contact brisbane center so this is like a dead zone for getting a hold of the brisbane center like it's really difficult to get a hold of them more so if you're at like 11 12 000 feet which would be 12 000 going this way but many times for like 10 to 15 minutes past copso i'm unable to get a hold of them and i actually have to go back to moresby for a little bit just let them know i can so we'll see how it actually goes once i get the cop so i've been up here at 18 000 for a while i'm gonna go ahead and check uh my oxygen levels with this little pulse ox meter usually i don't get much more than 90. i don't even get much more than 94 at like 4 000 feet so see 90. that's about as best i can do with oxygen put a mask on i can get a little bit higher i think around 95 at the highest but and it seems everybody else i fly with they're all like 97.98 i think my lungs just don't work very good but i never ever can get it that high we're approaching cop zone three minutes because we're now going into australians airspace we're switching over to them now it's gonna be considered a flight level so what i'm gonna do is i'll hit my pdf button down here hit my standard barrel because i was on one zero one zero four more speed that now changes now i changed my altitude by about 100 feet now i'm just going to hit my vertical speed head back down to 18 000 straighter one two five definitely they don't have radar out this far so they're not going to know exactly but at least beyond cue with everybody else that's flying on their flight levels all right well here is capsule let's go ahead and switch over to brisbane center brisbane center for pod to november tango zulu november tango present sunday good morning good morning from cartoon network tango zulu cops are this time maintaining one eight thousand estimating pup time five three next hour part two goes squawk seven four two all right we have a whole another hour before my next reporting point so which is pup and uh man i always thought it'd be fun just to say poophead on the radio i know i'm a child but i just wonder what they would if they would catch or not anyways yeah let's catch back at poophead right we're just approaching pup uh just a couple more minutes to go where they'll i think i'll be expecting my onwards clearance onto cans from there and another seven or so minutes before then level 180 standing by for clearance prior to november tango zulu i direct to cody for the kodi seven alpha arrival maintained for level one eight zero with no reported ifr traffic or include via direct cody cody seven alpha arrival flight level one eight zero papad two november tickets of them all right so he decided to go direct to cody for the standard arrival so i'm gonna hit the procedures here come down to arrivals kodi seven alpha arrival yeah direct cody give me the option to do direct cody so we'll just use zany we'll load it then we'll come down here and head direct to kodi activate that now we'll make a slight turn here what that has done is basically just let me come over here so that i can get lined up for runway one five getting all the airplanes coming in from the same way let me just open this up for you so you guys can see it this is the cody 7 alpha rival so i'm coming in from this direction up here so rather than coming all over to zany he's having me go direct to cody and then i'll come in basically on the ils into cans all right we've got 32 more minutes to go let's go ahead and get our 8s cans terminal intonation hotel expect instrument approach runway one five wind one zero zero degrees one five knots maximum crosswind one four knots visibility greater than one vehicular meters cloud fuel two thousand four hundred feet scattered three thousand feet temperature two eight qnh one zero one eight from first contact with cam all right area q h one zero one eight four three four eight that will change we're gonna switch that over when we get through our transition level of eleven thousand that was on our star chart already got one zero one eight into here we've got hotel um i didn't have it on camera but he's already cleared me down to seven thousand when i'm ready to go down so i might as well just start on my way down really not in any hurry but we'll get down to five thousand feet by gun row um that's basically where we turn to basically intercept our um runway heading and ios or whatever they're going to have me do probably i'll just set up the ils because it's directly on it and yeah it's good practice all right because i'm also a half hour out i'm gonna go ahead and call up uh cans airport or port authority and just to verify that my bay has not changed since this morning the 29.99 just confirming i still have may 3 bravo this morning uh amendment to that we've now got chipotle bravo see on the ground bravo thank you and that's why it's a good thing to call up i wasn't going to because they've never killed them but today they did so we're just now approaching 1 1000 so turn our altimeter setting one zero one eight i already got that on the standby as well i've also already set up my next three different radio frequencies that's the one thing nice about because we don't think i only last time i came here was like almost 10 months ago so rather than having to go look it all up i can find all the information that's why i have this cheat sheet just so i can plot 430 quickly look exactly what frequencies and i don't have to go look it up anywhere else so i've got my approach next time when ready one zero thousand also just quickly look at the taxiway i have an idea which one i'm gonna be pulling off on probably come off here bravo three i'll probably land a little bit long um in case there's anybody any traffic or anything like that i'll probably have my approach in also a little bit faster than normal just because i don't want to be the douche that comes in really really slow and has everybody else holding up so i'm going to come in faster and land long and probably go off at bravo 3 and then i'll taxi up here on uh charlie 2 a little angled one and then over here to delta and then that's the international parking bay over there part 2 november tango zulu contact approach one two six states one two six that's one one for part two number one can't approach report to november tango zulu passing 9500 under 7 000 information hotel [Applause] room thing is all we can approach goods after the index picked off three one five decent to five thousand direct ios one five percent five thousand for part two number one all right we'll select our approach some reason it didn't put it in there properly we'll do gun row [Applause] there we go now it's in there i'm back here it looks like we've already got another plane already up by gun rope so we'll descend down to 5 000 we got to be 5 000 by gun row that way we can basically just enter so i'm going to actually get down a little bit faster so that i'm a level passing gun row and then i can start all my descent a little bit easier all right we'll throw our landing light on uniform golf ball sight on pito heat's off [Applause] for spacing maintain speed maintain 5000. turn left 150 maintain speed five thousand papa [Applause] looks like yeah there's another plane right here coming in he's probably a little bit faster than me and so he's coming in first i'm just heading over this way and then he'll reconnect me into it over there here shortly basically when i intercept past gun row now he might actually have me go direct gun row once this guy goes past i'll get to gun wrote 5000 then descend down to 3700 and then that's where i'll intercept into my glide slope 10 to 4 100 7100 november november tango zulu turn right heading four zero for base right two four to zero november tango all right let's do this activate our approach though we're still on heading mode on here it's gonna throw it all in we hit our cdi over to our localizer number one once we get over there if we actually uh i'll be all right we're gonna be below or oh yeah i think it should work just fine even to shoot it even though it's like a perfectly clear day turn left heading one eight zero would shoot the localizer cleared our list from a112 approach turn left one eight zero join the localizer cleared for the ils one five no approach on our gps now it's gonna connect into there we're cleared on the approach so now we can head on down to thirty seven hundred feet never tango speeding at one point or less one five zero knots or less november [Music] my glide slope is up here it's basically on standby when it turns green that means it's actually connecting to it so here we are 3700 do i power back in a little bit one two four spin on one two four definitely never make it a good day tower but two november tango zillow established on the ios one four one five two in november all right there's glide slope should start going down now as long as i keep my speed under 150 he said all right now it's connecting to the glideslope even though it's a really nice day out just because there's a lot of planes in the area i'm i'm going to keep my speed up at least around 140 live in texas this was an actual approach if it was a instrument conditions and whatnot i'd be coming in at 110 knots everything forward 10 degrees of flaps that's what our standard opera operating procedures is for shooting this but because that's not the case i'm just coming in no flaps and just coming in at 142 right now all right at casana which is the next one that's where we do our glide slope check 2 900 feet if i'm above and i'm below don't do anything a little bit more so we're below so we're not going to do anything what i mean by that is make an adjustment to our minimum descent altitude all right let's start up this selectors and brakes taws and yaws good vref it's already set up at 67. we're not going to come in that slow already got our lights on we'll do our inlet now if we do need to go around power up 20 degrees flaps pitch for 73 and straight ahead or maneuvers required we'll do harness and we just did harness we'll do pop here in a minute ups and landing clearance harness done autopilot is off somebody's sitting there ready to take off so i'm just gonna hold off on my flaps for a little bit longer through november thank goodness apologize a little bit of wind shear over top of these trees here as it hits 500 it swirls all the air around all right we've been cleared to land it's going to land with 20 degrees of flaps minimums minimums first degrees of flaps and we'll land with the left wing down into the wind lots of lunch here there's 20 degrees is frequency next left and charlie two to pay to bravo they actually have signs here so you know where to go let's throw blanding light off and then landing layer taxi light just a regular all right guys this is cairns international airport and we're taking here charlie 2 to delta and then on to bay to bravo so if you want to try this exact same flight into cans on your flight simulator i'll leave a a flight plan and everything from port moresby down to here and whatnot you can do it on a microsoft flight time i'm sure this is on here anyways i hope you guys did enjoy that flight along with me today i always enjoy coming down here all right we're looking for eight bravo our corrections method bravo we're looking for two bravo like i said i'm just picking up some cargo here be on the ground for about an hour and then straight back for another three hour flight back to papua new guinea all right here's my taxiway to bravo we have two alpha two bravo two bravo's just basically straight in all right anyways guys thank you so much for taking the time to watch i do appreciate it give this video a like if you did enjoy this if you really enjoyed it hit that applause button down below be sure to come back on saturdays and wednesdays for more videos
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 711,163
Rating: 4.9539661 out of 5
Keywords: international flight, solo flight, over water flight, bush pilot, bush flying, bush pilot training, learn how to fly, plane landing, takeoff, Kodiak, bush pilots Papua, missionary bush pilot, flight vlog, single engine ifr, cockpit view, cockpit view landing, Australia, Papua New Guinea, flight, Quest Kodiak, international, landing, airplane, pilot vlog, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, fly with me, flying, kodiak, learn to fly, vlog, pilot, aircraft
Id: PF6SkKAcEgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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