Breathtaking B737-200 2019 ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE - Still GOING STRONG in Canada!!! [AirClips]

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welcome everyone air clips calm cumin tree today we are at Mirabelle Airport Montreal Quebec Canada what you see here is the beautiful Boeing 737-200 quick change version of Nollan or evasion which is based at Mirabelle Airport today there is a super exciting cockpit flight waiting for you we will take this beautiful aircraft and have a one-stop flight into a mine with a gravel strip in the central region of Canada for operating into a gravel strip you cannot use any aircraft only very few aircraft types can do that at the 737-200 being equipped with a special gravel kit is one of those aircraft before our briefing starts we can have a look at some details of this aircraft and we start with this beautiful jth jet engine the very classic style on this classic or how some call them Jurassic 737 series while the more modern versions of the 737 half the engines in front of the wing this one is just mounted under it and it is famous for its beautiful noise and especially for its clamshell reverses which are clearly visible when the aircraft is reversing after landing right under the engine you can see one interesting detail of the gravel cut which is the vortex dissipator a bleed air based pipe that blows air below the engine to avoid vortex sucking up gravel and dust into the engine during taxi takeoff inland and here's the second detail most remarkable detail of the gravel kit which is this huge part added to the front gear that prevents gravel from being thrown against the lower belly actually this is the day before our flight beautiful weather and the aircraft is about to be prepared for our mission let's just go up and have a quick look inside and what you see here is a full passenger configuration beautiful classic cabin style this is the view from the rear to the front just a normal classic passenger cabin and what you are going to see in a moment is the conversion into a combi plane which only takes about one and a half or two hours enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's the next morning we have a look inside the converted aircraft and it looks amazing it's like a cargo plane in front it does carry a concrete block you will learn later why this is happening and we just used the time before the crew briefing to have a short walk through the changed cabin and through this door here we can have a look into the passenger Kevin let's also have a look from the rear of the cabin towards the front and there you will see the installed new cabin door separating passengers from cargo Nolan or also has an improved maintenance facility with the huge hangar and Mirabal Airport and the dedicated maintenance and engineering experts to the final checks to the aircraft while our crew is meeting for everything well welcome my name my rack stops again I'm the chief pilot of nearly not aviation I'm gonna be the captain today of nine or nine five zero there is a pleasure buiiet is my first officer today what is naughty naughty now we'll race first here right now at Mirabelle in Quebec Canada so it's just probably North Shore of Montreal and our company is specialized in charter mostly charter and last minute charter but today what we are doing is a flight for a company a mining company something we're doing four to five times a week just for this site where we're going and there's other side were also going so it makes around what 10 to 15 flights per week just for those mining companies so it's more like a schedule what we're doing today we know the departure time and everything but we got a lot of flight also last time a last-minute flight for either working for ACMI a cargo going lot of cargo up north to see we're landing a nice trip and we're also a base in some place like Winnipeg and Winnipeg Yellowknife we can base in Toronto in place like that today our flight is going from here to Val d'Or pick up some cargo and other passenger then we're going to go straight to the mine site it's gonna take about what's arm three hours to go from Val d'Or to Minute Maid obey no Bank is right in the centre of Canada so basically is from Meadowbank you're on the same side you're on the same distance from the Arctic Ocean the border with the US or the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean so it's pretty much in the middle of Canada so today we're gonna go there direct from Val d'Or on our way back we're gonna have to stop to Churchill to a do a fueling stop we're gonna show you where it is on the map a little bit later and we'll explain a little bit how the history of those area so what we're now doing is we're receiving the flight plan here all the crew there's another crew they're going in under ACA my flight they're also receiving their flight plan this time so we're if see with dispatches on the other side there so we receive everything our briefing weather briefing and whatever is available for the flight briefing and what we do is with a shell we are going to review the flight today so as we say 48 minutes to a val-d'or at 32,000 feet and after that going direct Meadowbank with passenger and cargo that's what we bring cargo passenger because employee they're on a two weeks rotation and they're going in and out so that's why there's so much business and that's why they need the aircraft because it's the only thing that they can receive the like only thing beyond early access to water about what eight months seven months per year maybe less than that depending on the the ice condition but the aircraft is the only link they got all year round so it's kind of if I told that they keep open air service for them can you explain the weather today yeah so wherever this morning is gonna be beautiful in Montreal might be a few clouds in in Valdo and then let me sky clear in at the mining site perfect so that's it go even better we're gonna have be able to see the whole area it's pretty nice especially at this time of the year just at the end of summer we can see a bit more vegetation all the the ice is gone but even during winter when it's minus 40 degrees Celsius it's beautiful that's why basically we're doing that because we love the Arctic we love the North it's one of the reason we're doing that and also it's always an adventure we're starting here but we don't know if weather condition or whatever gonna stop us somewhere and we need to maybe stay a day or something like that it's part of the arsh ironmen that we're flying into we never know a blizzard can start up like that in a few in a few minutes or a few hours so that's pretty interesting is there anything else special we got our manifest there we just file up a shell file up a little briefing sheet and we're gonna go down at the aircraft to brief our flight attendant today we're a 5 first officer captain we got also a mechanic is certifying the aircraft so you can do whatever maintenance and a pleasure on the walk around is going to show you also their fly wicked always parts that we bring on all flight so if something happens our mechanic can change the part in a few hours so that's why we're so really independent we can go pretty much everywhere with that also two flight attendant goes to flight attendant since we got a combi configuration most of our flight up nor our combi so you'll see there's one part cargo one part passenger what's our configuration today how many pallets with me I think it's yeah we don't have a witness balance yet but it's two pallets seventy maximum of 77 passenger up front and in the cockpit today we're going to be both and the engineer also he's gonna help us with the refueling monitoring the aircraft and things like that he's not a flight engineer but he's always part of a process so we're gonna brief him also and that's about it we'll talk a little bit more about what we're really doing here in the company a bit later when we're gonna have time perfect we're good well we'll go where we'll go down now Bobby mr. vanjani [Music] [Music] this is our anger and naughty/nice providing all the maintenance services except painting so here we've got an aircraft in c-check so a big check heavy maintenance check the loading and everything as we can see everything is stripped down and we got order to a to aircraft are getting a routine it's within routine maintenance sorry about that the the store we've got all our parts there because we have to be honest the 200 is not made anymore by Boeing so because of that we need a lot of parts leader keep all of our parts there's one mechanic there I've also got our sheet sheet sheet metal everything is done here all the sheet metal work is done here all the parts are overall but when it come back we mounting and the engine again we're constructing the agenda again and put it that there so as I said the only thing we're not doing here it's painting and all everything else every maintenance light means new light maintenance is done here now you know got 737-200 we got seven of them right now and other aircraft in waiting that we have parts or just so that could be put on the line pretty pretty quick we also have convair 580 basically it's their last year this year on the cover we can see them there and earlier 45 and also a Boeing 737-300 the 300 right now is in Toronto doing a cma flight for a another carrier with the 737 max problem that they had a lot of aircraft are needed and an aircraft and company like 90 now is really needed because we can always though they're crap available at the any moment and any contractor can do so everything here is done with fuelling everything is done by our company aneleanele and today as we said our aircraft there and the nln it's one of the can that say all this but it's one of first 200 that we got in the fleet and we're gonna see once we're in the cockpit the carpet was which will fit with screen to get a little bit more situational awareness yesterday we had beautiful day so we took some picture of the aircraft when it was in full configuration to lay those cloud they will probably stick around and soared in Quebec for all day but up now it's going to be beautiful and just after the flight since it was a full full passenger configuration they brought the aircraft back and they can do a configuration in a few hours either full cargo 2 3 or 4 6 pallets and that's why this morning you're gonna see it's a two pallet configuration so you can see the difference between a full passenger and a cumbia cumbia aircraft and in the back there or the convair 580 so as they may see it's probably their last year today though this year so it's a really really nice aircraft most of us actually almost all our pilots are mechanic or rated on two aircraft I'm personally fly the two hundred and the convair pleasure is flying the Boeing and also flying a pc-12 for one of our joint venture company so and the flight attendant are checked on all aircraft and also mechanics are rated on either the Carver a Learjet the boys haven't we so other things we've got nice is we got our own line them aren't personal and those guys know exactly our operation works so it's pretty efficient and they're always here in the morning the free fuel and they're gonna be here all day all night so that's why we're so it's easy for us to be available in a few time and noticed because we got our maintenance or own crew so as soon as we got the call everything is prepared we're good to go this aircraft was prepared this morning a few hours ago already and as we may see we got the cargo door right there and the gravel the vortex generator shuts gonna do the walk around it's going to show you while it's doing a work around now this morning we got two stairs it's just for the convenience of us pilot to do and their right to the cockpit but all they would only gonna use stairs in the back because all the passenger they're gonna go in the back and all the car who's going to go through up here in the cargo door up front and you can see and yet they're protecting us so it's just for convenience that this morning we had a stair there but for the rest of that it's always gonna be in the back and we're gonna go back also to do a workaround and things like that so we're gonna see it a bit later so we'll go in the aircraft now we're gonna briefly a flight attendant and the mechanic then after that Tasha is gonna do the walk around and it's going to show a little bit more about the gravel protect of this aircraft because that's the main thing that's why this aircraft can go on a gravel strip it's because is equipped for that and that's what makes the 737-200 even today I really go to craft for the can operation we're doing so we'll see that with the VHL bit later so this morning we're gonna take the cargo on lean valdore so what we got up front is the ballast it's a concrete block that's gonna keep the weight and balance in the proper configuration since we're gonna have a passenger up in the back so just this morning we have that concrete block here and we're gonna remove it in val-d'or where we're gonna bring the cargo for the mine so we can see here the ball cab this thing can move up out there and we can remove seats and add tracks we saw the tracks a bit earlier we got a fire extinguisher things like that and the door there just behind the Gabrielle it's the door where the flight attendant can access the cockpit but mostly most important can access the cargo they got any far to fight and you're gonna see the car will be later got a far tarp something that's protect the cargo can any power we're gonna go brief the flight under right now we can see Abigail up front Gabriella's our mechanic or engineer as some people say and he's gonna be the one with us all day so today we got two flight attendant at Ellie is the CSM customer service manager so she is in charge and also we got Jessica Jessica also is trained to be a customer service manager so pretty lucky this morning we got to experience flight attendant that he's been with us or with naina for 14 years and just got four years Gabrielle is been for five years pleasure to a year thirteen years so we've got a bunch of experienced people today so basically we're gonna do the briefing which are to the briefing mostly together but sometimes kind of hard and we need to to also very quick but in many many important thing is we pass the information so today I tell you sorry as we say we get a but here it's gonna be with us on the jump see I'm just going to brief you to first leg because I'm not shown the way back yeah but middle Bank here sorry Mirabelle to Val doors 45 47 minutes at 32,000 feet we got 57 passenger it's pretty smooth this morning so I don't expect anything or see the sign off at 10,000 as usual and after that the direct Meadowbank three hours and route 32,000 feet and it's gonna be beautiful over dsm-v even middle bank and winner comp so don't worry about it 69 passenger there is no in the L and didn't Sonia yell for the a crap for the cabin everything is going in the back thing about middle bank is there's no not a lot of runaway a lot of airport on the way to middle bank so we need to plan carefully to choose the right Airport specially for that janitor aircraft there's a lot of small strip that would be okay for proper piston engine or for a jet it's kind of hard to get those runaway so any evacuation any emergency or any unruly passenger we really need to breathe and have a plan there's something set up but we always back up by The Dispatch who's gonna follow us through the day on the sky track it's like a tracker so something is pretty nice for that laughter nothing we have a cabin fire let's say took a fire in the again is available if we need that we try to not open the cockpit door to keep the smoke out of it and we're gonna go first place you as soon as we know that we're gonna divert to the first Airport it's it out of control we're gonna land on the first strip receiving it's a small street and we're going to talk about the evacuation will do all the the tests on all the other stuff that's pretty much it you're good good look for that so I'm gonna keep you advised and maydel back of the rest of the weather and as for for the rest of the day I mean we're gonna do our check up front I'll call you ready for the other body good Nancy so now we're gonna go and do the walk around I'm the aircraft so a few things we need to look at this morning just the aircraft is set to fly so when we come down the stair we're start by looking at the nose of the aircraft the 737-200 is is equipped with gravel kit so it allows us to land on gravel trips the kit comes with the vortex generator by the engines and the ski in front on the nose gear so when we come down here we just want to make sure that the ski is in good condition there is no debris on it anywhere it's not broken there's nothing dimension there we're also going to make sure that the equipment Bay is it's both tires are in good conditions there is no ID ralick fluid leaking from the from the gear and the strap we just want to make sure that there is no liquid leaking and everything is in good condition and we remove the first gear pin tires are in this condition the life is not broken [Music] then we're going to look at the nose of different crafts make sure that we have two engines two wings and everything since okay so first cargo bay just make sure that all the nets are correctly fastened all the belts are fastened and everything seems okay so unlike all other big turbo fans this one is a low bypass so it seems more like a jet engine and a fan engine we have the vortex generator there which is taking bleed air from the engine just to create some kind of a win or air barrier to make sure that there is no gravel or sand or anything coming in the engine when we plan on gravel strips [Music] once again looking at the back of the of the engine there unless all of those other big turbo fans this one is a clamshell pipe reverser so the this part and you're probably gonna send a video this part is going to close and the the thrust will be sending forward so that's what provides reverse thrust stars are in good condition [Music] and you get a second pin [Music] so here we have the hydraulic fluid reservoirs sort of cable from 40 L runs [Music] rather other stuff [Music] here in the back of the cargo compartment we have a flyaway clip which include couple of spare part like engine starters for valve we also have a couple of engine oil hydraulic oil in case we need to add some during the during the flight we also ask some hydraulic flexible line to do temporary repair if we have any problem with our normal normal our adrylek client some aircraft do have spare tires on board too this one doesn't so that's pretty much what we have in the fire work it as a mechanic I also bring my own tools on the flight because all the destination we don't have any support at the mine so we have to bring our two if we need to space the airplane during the flight something that's a bit different on this aircraft then another one would be that the the wheel retracts in the pit but there is no door coming down to close so the wheel and the cap that we have in the wheel acts as the the part that would close that Oh [Music] and there on getting the third pin so we have all three gear pins and the Garrett Henry track when we take up [Music] well I looked through the through the engine for the back I just want to make sure that there was no damage by fire or starts or anything like that so the the middle would show signs of burning or darker spots that will indicate that there might have been a odd start but our engine seems fine today I'm looking at the blades so the fan blades just to make sure that since we're operating a lot on gravel strip just to make sure that there was no rock or big earlier really but that came in near the the engine that Winchester's and that would have broken one of the one of the fan blades [Music] and then the cargo door just make sure that a visual indication that it's directly or properly closed will be those two lights so I've got one light there I've got the other one there will mean at the flow the door is properly closed and that's about that so we can go find so just going through the way it's a departure from you know Bevin is sick we're about to not 17 degrees and I ate eight flats one with an improved climb bleeds on limit with me 54 1204 and 57 6360 oh yeah 57 57 63 166 and reduce takeoff power would be 192 same temperature is 40 degrees protection is severe f4 139 it's about like that step term is 4.30 see more think of us as well okay don't look at the instrument here one whoops 157 163 166 181 166 FM s FM s never my god view are there the detection at 1071 tick a sweater stand by yep you put it on the nd to a nine eight to nine eight three thousand feet one honey - I already put 218 for a DND Viette join we're gonna look good luck here won't be long for the transponder or two and nine five zero so I want you to zero 1110 nine ten 4.3 is sixteen seven thirteen seven and with the right frequency there let's check the flight plan yeah I mean I belches go got two forty three six miles yep they've code three twenty eleven miles yep yep suck tune I need 21 miles yeah Omega 296 10 miles yeah Rayden 200 640 miles yeah Val d'Or award 345 153 miles yeah and the Val d'Or Airport 182 eight miles for a distance of 249 yep okay a lot any failure which affect the safety of this flight if we're proud to be one our coverage records new recovery jacket will seem to be close a trust leaver apply maximum break raise the speed brake and apply maximum reverse consistent with the condition you will I will verify briefed action call speed break up or speed break neither committed actions it is in sixty knots if a coach you know will be no action below flag reduction that stood except to silence a fouling they'll either here there or here oh and adding here for the year okay so weather here it's okay weather beautiful that well dog we're gonna probably do a straight it when we three six trust 192 flaps one bleeds on and she is off to attack at on for a taxi there's no Emil and the logbook taxi route will go Golf Hotel India kilo foreign we zero six back and why the texting on a condition as for the departure let's go to the Syd got in about nine yeah when he - three transition at the flight level pressure that's it 18,000 feet 700 the call - 7400 and they see what was 601 604 is released during a for departure communication failure will relate here and a van with 0-6 know right turn below 1800 climb endings that was example to 3000 feet that's what we got or as a sign maintain 3000 okay and it appear to know and you not passenger Noah requiring a time no nothing special call me any deviation any question no question is gonna be 80,000 feet from an English Rose 6-0 okay before get something now we're good perfect well before start start checklist please and before start checklist parking brake okay Sept fried egg door closer look check few few look at 11106 pump up that's your sign on on windows not left electro it HSI eddying 206 that's very still allow it's 3,000 feet take up speed 1 5 7 1 6 3 1 6 6 track pts pre-flight complete other country on the hook dikes take a briefing complete in Cajun light on aim before start checklist completed ecology number 2 starring the HR trouble bit pressurizing [Music] sorry start engine number one starting age start open what so we gonna [Music] next check the generator on it week on auntie is off as a general Otto engine start to choose Rico check but a break off and then start levers identified controls check calling equipment enough you're right before exit checklist computer yeah but you know in honor of Pfizer radio in order Pfizer you taxi golfo de aquila van Os or o66 one for the fines of a three all through 39 or eight of them another eight seven eight nine five five two nine eight seven three rights hey you're right a minute the PUF yes sir okay I'll set okay right so since we got the long taxi I'm gonna talk about Mirabelle I mean a better point it's one of the two big airport here at Montreal the main airport is on the island movie alt Widow and then we have an international here has been really busy back in 80's 90's all the international fight were coming here since about maybe 15 years it's a bit more slow but it's picking up right now it's mostly cargo charter company like us lots of training and also they got the Bombardier now / Airbus factor we are building the the old C series or the Airbus 220 and it's still expanding we got to long runway of about 12,000 feet each so let's make a deal base for us to take off and have a good payload out of here and also it's say not sure of Montreal so there's not a lot of there's still some town around but not as much as in Montreal so it's a less noise sensitive since our aircraft specially the 200 is kind of noisy if we can say so on the on the takeoff yeah exam you see Sophia just received the cabin secured from the fly attendant that means that they are ready for they take off we still got another five minutes of taxi here but for now we can do D before the before takeoff checklist before takeoff checklist flaps one we light stabilizer trim it's four point three units check before the checklist completed so this morning we're taking off at what's our take off wit yeah take effect is roughly 50,000 pounds kilos so fifty thousand kilos so with our iPad our electronic flight bag as we may say we did compute our speed and we got this morning every one of one five seven one six three of a VR and 162 v2 so v1 it's basically the go no-go speed so if we have an engine failure engine far or anything that make the aircraft unflyable before we want we don't have to reject on the ground if something happens after we want wallah continue and fly this aircraft was upgraded with the screen there you can see four screen because it used to be a steam gauge like that the older gauge all the other aircraft got it but two of our aircraft on our fleet got this screen and as the next few years gonna pass we're gonna have all our aircraft equipped with those screen was much better for the situational awareness or take off so this morning around the Montreal we still got some thunderstorm I was reading a little bit this morning as soon as we're gonna clear up we're going northbound and as we get near valdore we're gonna be someone of your valid until is on the government thanks and you're right yes another nine five zero you can change my frequency one I'm your radially no another 5 0 1 1 - short answer section or advisor [Music] okay clear thing I love surfing runways little six active runways there are six winned zero five zero at three output or two nine or eight 737 at the old thing be runways it'll fix they're all being short for now working great except so we're holding here two four a seven five seven who's lending one of the cargo a flight that's coming in every morning at Mirabelle as we wait we can see we all set up for the take I forgot to FMS here with this aircraft is equipped ad SB and also our all our setting are are here on the screen also we're taking off flaps one maybe a shark and explain why we're taking off with flaps one yeah so we're trying to take off it less flap possible to for another addiction and also for fuel saving fuel seven or addiction is the name of the game specially with those aircraft are still a little bit older so they burn more fuel and as I say little bit earlier they are noisy so that's why we're taking off as much as possible as less flap so we're going to go up north specially out of metal banks gonna be a little bit more restricted but we're gonna also be a be an area or a little bit less noise sensitive so we probably don't have to take off flaps ten or fifteen depending on the of the of the weather temperature and the weight so real quick here we've got the speed break it's pretty much the same thing for all Boeing's aircraft got the trust with the reverser trust you're gonna see later when we're gonna learn we're gonna put it some flaps one here and the ester delivers or the far end all here to extinguish a far easier for number two number one RDP you the autopilot we're gonna explain it all to pal a little bit later it's pretty much basic and all the avionic there with all the electronics the electric ECT hydraulics and things the on the overhead here oh wait the question we say all the hotels on call the template setting on that I've probably got at reform recent German captain speaking we're just waiting here for traffic on final as soon as the underground will be taxing the departure and will be off for val-d'or thank you for your patience resume silica man equivalent at a civil traffic the National Wallabies to stoke it that you know what was actually a de Cordova darkness II so this morning we are going val d'aran and meadow usually we exchange each leg but this morning I'm gonna fly all the way to a very vague and after that pleasure is gonna fly back down here in Mirabel a first destination Val d'Or it's a thousand ten thousand feet run away and a bit sweetie miss coming it's on the north west sector of Quebec just before the outside Bay this trip was built in a sixty 70s back in the sixties and even assuming it was a outpost or one of the strip that the the Royal Canadian Air Force the Canadian our first fighter were base for the during the Cold War especially I think the Voodoo and BC f100 connect and also it's kind of a focus focal point for all the traffic going in and out of northern Quebec and when they're going coming in from a northern Quebec they stopped involved or for passenger or fuel in our cargo and also it's an area where is a lot of mine so they got a lot of people working in mind there it's one of the main reason why are we gonna take off take off so many passenger in the Val d'Or to bring to Meadowbank because there's a lot of people here are used to work in mine and they got the they got the speciality is mining so that's what val-d'or and this area this region is really well known for their miners and people in mine protect off yes but I thought chef so what he basically said it's the switch off and on we see the switch there it's just to put the vortex generator on or off so when they are at on the pressure air is going out of those the vortex and it's gonna keep all the dust they send away from the engine we're gonna use that the grandmas trip a little bit later but we're still using it to a taxi and but for takeoff we're gonna remove it here is since it's an asphalt run away it's pretty clear and we don't want more power to the engine no nine five zero you may line up anyway as it'll fix and wait for your validation all right Tony Soto six ain't no notify so always it was six so six clear enough and you're right transponder D cast radar follow my 0-6 confess were civil six almost example the most example six zero composition egg working breaks up nine five zero the 757 just admitting on Bravo five your clearance is now that is runways little six-pack Montreal departure one two four six five one airborne let's show marchers on two four six five airborne current value is or sixteen or nine five zero big day so I think of trust just said maybe that sec [Music] do you want rotate that's right up Europe Charlotte marchers reporting they know 5:06 ago at 66,000 6,000 [Music] [Music] excellent [Music] you know 952 3300 laughing fees or that Pfizer [Music] giggling would know what [Music] - 657 dating or advisor Oh sir according to 5:06 thousand one six thousand 22 so we're good check [Music] [Music] okay a ding ding BA Pilates engaging select manual check heading in pitch mode yes sir 10,000 feet let's put speed to a gentle speed back just wait for the signal Sanka so as we passed 10,000 feet when accelerating on a speed up to 80 that's the computed speed for the climb and as you may see when I engage here - palette that choose the mode and this one is a heading we unpacked to paddle one for the other odd one for the elevator heading select and manual so right now the horizontal mode is controlled by the heading here I got the heading here and because it's in heading and the touch mode is controlled by the CWS direct to the belt or you are inclined compatible you ate during the battle over York v lo2 8:09 on the visor W our number seven confirm thank you now since you pass in the WR it's a direct way point we're gonna put here in FMS and I'll do two parts gonna control through the FMS and we're going on the right turn the record of you are fed of all to aid zero but the only thing I'm doing now it's just controlling my speed with my CW s so any importantly living here he's going to giving it back to their to pallet and the elevator and I'm always keeping the maximum eeper for the client that we use with this chart that josh has been putting all the way on the client there so our T or T or 15 and we shall see let's make how much one lane 1 1 91 so I'm gonna put one another so as you may see there is no trust everything is manual so even in the what are we gonna be in the cruise we're gonna have to play a lot so find out your spin with the trust but for now I'm just following this value here that thou shalt have found here in the chart and I'm keeping 280 knots until we gonna get a transition of a speed of Mach this small 7 F 0 this is a short flight short leg about 45 minutes were pretty busy we're so talking with the Montreal Center they're gonna switch us pretty soon to the higher level and hasn't they simulated up there there's a beautiful weather beautiful sky up front there so we're probably gonna be in a clear in a few minutes and up yeah sure when you take it's okay you can put the Sangha so sings very smooth seatbelt signs off ten degrees so one on a a we always have to keep the e / correct here so it's pretty much staying there but if we put the engine incisor probably gonna have to modify the modify the eeper so take off the time was 1152 pretty much on time but that wait for the aircraft there that took us all time and 18 val-d'or is 12 38 put the 21:5 on number into place yep one five so as we saw some cloud there every time we enter incline we have to look at our ta t at TI t and from 10 degrees dosis and less so from 10 meters down we need to put the agencia as soon as we enter an area of visible moisture so we're gonna have to put that Jersey ice as we entered the cloud here and John's ice up and as you may see what you gotta do is but I put the orange finish the adjust our switches on then he put the agency ice so if anything happen in the eyes were shed and back in the engine at least with the engine start switches could out every light when everything is stable is going to put back the engine starts which were that off so any visit or insurance eyes are staying on there you go then your Gray's okay go so it's gonna be a 185 and trench answers when reset to $902 - you want me to know the RF 3 6 approach where nerfs 2036 do you want to put it right away 12 - - it's a visual background a 36 12 - to the attitude to the inch transition level 501 is ill say that's to go to the hundred - Cole miles its 3900 as require shall climb the or the point 3 and the 4 doesn't apply to us and they say 3500 better go up make what had stood up met 4000 and make it four thousand feet up Mitch who got us dissing on the profile there so a cognate doesn't feet touchdowns on that 1099 1099 I'll call you Rodney approach a rapidly thousand physically stable landing and step around now can I go around it's gotta be a visual if we can cancel our far let's do this so it's going to be a right hand circuit 236 yeah we'll do it at about 2000 2500 okay so that's it we're gonna study Sam - it Edwin 32:28 c12 78727 87 1 2 7 8 7 8 on our 5-0 with Montreal let's try saying the morning they know another FISA 502 to 0 clear 400 to 800 good morning Doubletree to you I'm 503 to zone and owner of Pfizer I hope three to zero also a pipe it's gotta be - red - a white seda will follow what he said that flap sturdy blades on and say something I got is no minimum please I actually wrote well backpack on Vega echo no one taught me alleviation question no question I'll call you a thousand feet so letting wait is a 47 let's say 47 500 kilos your F is a 135 with flaps 30 35 35 135 a notorious myth is 1 5 0 150 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well Austin possibly for the radars - my super Sangha far from a peg do you want to begin this end up neck 90 90 months well about 3 1 0 time-travel t20 check some checklists and they send checklist crystallization so well no it's a 910 many it's to the 1100 at them I'll protect ya it's nice no Rico check at the break minimum lending that there are 435 and Vinny ma20 9 9 check a approach briefing public they send checklist completed and now night journey and I never gave you a Niner theorem the central two letters earlier advisor I wrote two nine zero they give at the top of the center before that let's turn all this engage seven one two five one language another 5-0 birthday so per type of distance that that want to want to and we run few men shouting good morning then on RFI so final t10 careful tonight roman shells in a good day and when they're ready to send a 1085 another 8500 es + 1 0 thousand and on a fiber requesting direct ethnic the iron approach for a three-set MacLean order FISA judge look up back there 8 5 direct kept make understand the double T sub C please answer through 21 they should know that somewhere about the valdarno every son was in the very end a minute is interesting just beyond this entire ocean about the 20 minutes that determines please prepare game environment so now we're starting our descent we're starting at Mach 7 0 this Muslims are all sorry antenna transition is 250 not that's what are we doing at this time as we may see the weather is clearing up pretty good here and it's MC at that door we should be on I got about 12 minutes we're going for 6000 feet 6000 feet so we're gonna keep 250 all the way to just a little bit before the the final approach fix they're not that far but the intermediary initial fix the internal fix Aria the approach then I'm gonna slow down and we're gonna do our final approach speed will be around the 1 4 0 140 knots and we're ending at what that's a leading wait yeah letting wait is roughly forty seven thousand five hundred kills so we burn around 2,500 3,000 kilos on that 45 minutes like [Music] so now we're going with the ffs once again the FMS is a couple with the autopilot that's the original mode and I'm controlling the pitch with these CWS what I want to have it's 2:15 nuts so I'm just controlling it does the best dissents the one when we can cut and close at receiver so there's a almost no fuel burn so right now at DIA trust their clothes at 250 knots we're descending about 2,000 feet per minute and I'm always computing manually what altitude I need to be at this point and what altitude I am so I need to get 4000 feet for the approach and we're about got 20,000 feet to lose 20 per 360 miles and we're 65 miles I need a few months to retune so we're pretty much on our descent glide path there everything we've done is doing manually we don't have the FMS or the autopilot doing it for us we just compute it and after that we only fly the aircraft and control the pitch with the control wheel steering so if the wind change or we were to wear a V or we got a head win I got a tailwind sometimes we end up too low so we need to put more trust so for sure we gotta bring a little bit more fuel or sometimes with too high at this point we got either started this a little bit faster and below 10,000 feet since we want to respect our 250 knots 250 knots speed restriction here in Canada we're gonna use the speed brake to have a good will of descent and still keep our 250 knots [Music] like most of the reported Canada when we're gonna get to a little bit lower their shadow is in charge of all the frequencies the pilot monitoring he gonna do a traffic report on one two six seven they here in Canada we use that a lot because a lot of a place are not a door equipped and after certain altitude the ATC montreal won't be able to see us with the radar and around val-d'or there's a lot of bush plane and the firefighting aircraft small twin piston also engine twin and a single-engine and saw aircraft sub commuter charter so that's why even if we're still with Montreal Center pleasures gonna have to do a one two six seven report traffic report around the airport at val-d'or and up north we're gonna have to do that before we enter the uncontrolled airspace it's got to be our only mean of communication between other aircraft when we gonna go we're gonna be up north because the ATS you won't be able to talk to us when we're going to be in the Arctic traffic advisory the valdore Ariana in another five zero bonus and the reason is I one one eight five sixty miles 600 miles to the southeast of the airport inbound expecting me on of approach on a three six myapnic ten miles phenomenal increase exact one two three so eight [Music] five eight five inches so in Canada 18,000 feet is the altitude we change between our standard pressure altimeter 29.92 or the local altimeter and this case val-d'or it's two nine eight five so we below 18,000 feet and now putting to diner at five on the ultimate hurts the one abroad or put the agora deeper right now I'm sure she's looking at its chart again is they're gonna look depending of the temperature and the pressure altitude what's gonna be our go around eeper that's a fixed setting for the eeper he's gonna put it there so if we have to go around I can know what's gonna be the maximum eeper and generating I can put two girl the girl of me to tell when we talk about the eeper we talk about the ratio difference between the pressure entering and getting out of the engine that's our main reference for the cotton with the GT 8d - 15 in this case and we also always gonna crush check with our n1 or n2 it's your flow but everything is talked in terms of e / that's our main reference all our our chart are made with the e / now it's super fun aircraft I think it's mostly and one day everything is that one without the turbofan but on this aircraft you're gonna hear a lot of about deeper and that's the way it is it's the reference for the engine engine trust so as we go down at 10,000 people that I do another prochik and as since we left the Sigma sang on because of the turbulence there yeah Sean's gonna qualify it and then tell her that we're passing 10,000 feet for her it's our cue to prepare the cabin and she's gonna call us back to tell us the cabin is secure then she know that we're gonna be landing soon [Music] so we see around our yard the abbot's victim is coming is a beautiful area with a lot of lakes a lot of forest it's uh it's an area as I said earlier with a lot of mines also part of the Canadian Shield antennas in shield now lugia again I want to be at 4,000 feet up atmega just passing 11 11 minus 4 it says 7,000 feet for a 321 miles oh I'm eight miles early well that's pretty good because I'm gonna be able to slow down slowly and be able to be at that make at around 180 knots 190 knots and as we go we can see the edwin are decreasing a little bit and we have to remember this craft with the groundhog protect were restricted with the gear so we cannot put gear down above 180 knots so that kind of change a little bit our profile our descent profile our approach profile 5:05 next clear mm report for the on Avenue A to Z then the father appeared yarn of three six protein Lazar a quick transition the radio one on in this one five in on verify sir every day 2100 nautical miles 10,000 feet up or checklist doesn't read the feet is set approach checklist ultimately and similar is the two Niner eight five like a peasant notes on pros checklist completed on a colorist [Music] and as we get near the airport we can see here a small lpv symbol just appeared and that takes it means that the approaches is now armed as many Mara within 30 miles of the valar Airport so I'm switching the video we are up just to make sure that we don't confuse the distance shown well the distance shown by the FMS with the DME from the be exactly and also as we know it's an LP VI approach we know that our minima for the LP v are good so this will bring us if weather was bad to 250 feet above the airfield so it's pretty low minima at this point but since it's beautiful supposed to be beautiful to death there where it told us so we won't need to descend all the way to the minimums we're gonna see the runway 1 we're going to turn follow [Music] they're eight five we check your mark pretty seemingly no never so in this report waiter a little bit the down so we're gonna change the minimum gonna put the minimum of the plate 1349 so shock I'll be approaching minimum minimum and I'll call you or miss grown or lending our Goa and I'll call you five one hundred feet broken was probably gonna be higher than that but still we don't want to take any chance that's why we're now going back on the full Arnav approach and we've changed the minimum here to be sure that they were gonna have the approach plate minimum so 4950 sending three thousand and I repeat two one zero checks we look to 1 0 and the lpv approach brings us to 250 250 feet above ground so I'm a little bit slow here a little bit not slow but low on the approach here I still got nine months to do for APNIC and I'm almost at my speed for my flaps so what I'm gonna do probably gonna do a small level off with a little bit of speed we're gonna keep it minimum trust to save few but as I get about four months from that make I'm gonna start to get the flaps out basically they came in secured perfect so we're gonna do it a little bit further just to explain what we're doing that's the maximum speed for the flaps so max fee for is flaps one is a hundred and thirty not already so we always a weight around 220 to put the flaps at one so then I wait 4,000 feet there I'm gonna put pseudo engage and let's go - can you put 3,500 for the MSA yeah and he's gonna put flaps one let's check traps on so as the speed or go their flaps are going down one some flaps what I'm gonna be able to put the minimum speed where's one nine zero okay and the only fry director on for the approach uh yeah good idea I'm gonna put it so I'm gonna put it back here that's it over there okay and now we're gonna slow down I'm about three four miles I can go right away with flaps five that's right maximum speed of flap five is while minimum speed will be 170 knots yeah and max speed is 225 225 so we're on at 210 so we're good here and as it go flap five what's gonna be flaps five and stable there we're gonna go at speed 170 and when I fly a little bit higher than that but at least I got my speed back there to show me the minimum speed for my flap setting or slap fight everything is not too loose so as soon as we're gonna turn up make the course gonna turn right away on the next we point they're protective protective I'm going to approach of your to palette and to approach on the pad director so what happen is we're gonna have be able to capture the localizer electrolyzer check and I realize I want to be below 180 knots for the gear but I'm just gonna put the gear about two miles from the radio no prize zeros over at Machpelah so three six flights out captured check I stopped with scale capture and the aircraft want to accelerate so I'm gonna pull on the truss there and our profile for the nav approach I'm gonna wait two miles from the faff to put gear down and flap fifty as we see here both lateral and that scale mode our capture they're in green and it's over 10 degrees so even though we go through the clouds we want only pungent yes perfect now I'm getting at two miles I got the education here and here so here down flat 15 he's gonna look at me though 180 not so you can good year-round lab facility once I got 515 I'm gonna be able to put minimums overshoot is two thousand and nine hundred feet we show please thank you now my next flap setting is gonna be on the Pharaoh approach fix it's going to be my final landing slab we're gonna be flaps turning today and then we can see here the odds odds mirror is alive alive just getting to the FAFSA flap sturdy planning checklists and every must tell you the faff 2700 were right on profiling feedback 1 4 0 1 4 0 that's the final speed go ahead engine starts to change ocean speed brake arm landing gear down flaps is Algren light playing check this computer in the 1,000 feet still all ending so it doesn't feed all our perimeter stable and we are configured first things at home and profiles at vu at 1600 feet and run away inside 12 o'clock about disengage confirmed approaching minimums drag minimum living speed breakup fever sir normal maybe not sixty nuts master goshen fuel up cancel that and I'll already doing on our five zeros done on entry 6 backtracking and we're gonna exit on nickel and then their food bombs off so as we taxi back to the terminal we can see there's some traffic already waiting for us here we have the option with this aircraft to put the epu but today since it's station is a one of the location we're coming here everyday they already got the GPU for us waiting so we won't need to put DP once again we're saving fuel at this point when we're using a GPU so we may see on the landing we start a speed wake up - are called mini speed wake up so I assume that there's weight on we'll all the spoiler flies photographs polar is going to go up that a little handles gonna raise by itself and it's gonna cut off any any gonna disturb the flow so the aircraft won't fly it's one of the ammonia main important thing and that's why we need a call-out that's why you call speed wake up if the lever will have not go up on the landing you wanna probably pull it out myself okay right check and as we saw I put also reverser once we're on the ground we are unable to open up in the air because we need the weight on will the option without also it's the auto break and as soon as the main wheels spoil up the crumbs gonna apply brake pressure by itself it's a much smoother braking and it's so much faster braking that if I was doing myself to breaking those churros he gets on standby whether reunion or nine five zero is done in here how many treat six it's been about two minutes yeah today so we got the GPU Marshall inside a engine - okay market breaks up seems like they're having trouble with the GPU today start with you is he connected yet or yeah he's still working on that okay so we'll start the EP you know as if he was gonna be online - I was gonna put the generator on and then I'm gonna be able to close the engine so we see here the temperature is rising as soon as this little lights gonna eliminate blue we're gonna know that the if you can take the power use available so we got a power and there's a line you online shut up shut down checklist fuel pumps yeah on the does that icky off ethylic panel set flaps up parking brake set engine start ever cut off then weather radar say standby so uncheck this completed yeah you know pin the door please a fuel load Y if you know few loads confirm it's a direct so so so so so 12,000 12,000 mister eight point six five eight six so 3.4 value right three point four full wing three point four in the center what not only going to go to a security agus hey boss sorry oh no you're right now they're gonna yeah they're gonna remain open the door and get the cargo in so passenger will leave [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 439,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, view
Id: lDWokqUvJfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 46sec (5506 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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