Week in the Life of a charter pilot

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well it's midnight been up since 5 30 this morning and we've done international flying we've done we've been to coast to coast battled weather mechanical issues all kinds of things the last 10 days oh wait you haven't watched it yet you know what we're talking about well it all starts right here well hello again i thought i'd have you come along for another adventure last time we did a day in the life of a corporate pilot and well some things have changed since we did that video and i want to thank everybody for watching this time it's week in the life of not just a corporate pilot but a charter pilot now the way our organization works is we're on from eight to ten days on the road so i am starting my time right now it's sunday and i'm starting a trip to go and fly now the way this works is we don't know where we're going for the most part i do know that i'm meeting the airplane i'm airlining from austin texas all the way down to grand rapids michigan and then we're going to reposition the plane from santa ana to bozeman montana and then do a flight from bozeman montana the next day up to white plains new york after that we really don't know what the schedule looks like but we're on the road myself and the crew so join along hope you have fun i don't know how this is gonna end or what's gonna happen but i hope you enjoy a week in the life of a charter pilot [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's up just meeting leslie the main flight attendant what's up in denver yay we're having fun there he looks sometimes i will never get covered again ever so leslie what are we doing waiting for what my bag why are we waiting for your bag because i checked it she checked the bag don't ever check a bag no no no [Music] to the sheraton please no just kidding sorry well just got to the hotel it's about 11 o'clock here in grand rapids michigan left the house about well got on the other airplane at the commercial flight about three o'clock is when it boarded quickly over in denver as you saw and now here we are find out this evening that we have a little bit later show tomorrow uh so normally i'd be doing all the flight planning and that sort of thing the night before so i'll probably just do it in the morning when everything else is a little bit more fresh and updated that's worth it uh doing some ironing behind me getting everything ready i figured i'd show you this quick tip i'm on the road always carry a rooku stick i love the ruku right so have a rooku stick plug it in the tv because the cable generally always sucks so that's just tonight's tip of the day we're gonna wind down watch a little little netflix and uh get ready have a fun day tomorrow all right talk to you soon all right so we're going to start the flying filing our flight plan um first thing we'll do is i'm just going to look at the all the latest like what we're going to uh where we're going and we have a program that just tells us where we're going so we're leaving out here grrr to sna and so um yeah that's where we're going to go leaving here at about 12 o'clock between 12 and 1 is really what they told us so i'll i'll set the flight plan for a little bit earlier than that just so i can get it and just make sure everything's good to go so we're not rushed grr all right so this is already telling us hey there's updated 3.0 alternate take a look at see what the weather is doing here obviously it's vfr staff conditions yep oh good grab smoke in the area turn two lane runway two seven localizer approaches in use already i do seven six for a mock look at the routes see what's up i've recommended we have atc cleared journalists go with the atc cleared routes select route it's gonna be three hours and 52 minutes of nothing fun this also gives us an overview of what the of the satellite and what the radars are doing all right so what they've told us is uh what dispatch has asked us to do is to tanker up on gas so use as much gas as possible so um what's kind of nice in this is i can just add in i can just say hey except for max fuel and we'll give you max fuel so there's three of us um and then so two crew members or two pilots and then we got leslie in the back and then uh we have one passenger so a total of four people [Music] alrighty [Music] all right so max fuel i can take it's 18 329. so this is gonna get us enough fuel what we're trying to do is uh to get where we're going and then uh and then get over to bozeman this evening so um we're getting gas really cheap here we have a good discount rate so we are going to take on as much fuel as we possibly can so i'm going to put on eighteen thousand pounds about eighteen three eighteen thousand pounds of fuel tax people's already in fuel destination is gonna be about ninety three hundred ninety about ninety four hundred pounds i'm gonna land about 8 600 pounds or so really need alternate fuel because we're not we're not needing it today sweeter extra fuel it's about 6 700 pounds or 70 at 60 800 pounds okay perfect easy and that's it that's how we follow the flight plan that looks good to me um i'm going to do a quick brief just take a look at everything i'm not gonna bore you during this part uh but i'll go ahead and take a look at the brief it's downloading right now and then we can take it from there and that's it next we just gotta wait and balance we'll show you that on another day that's it we're all filed ready to go breakfast is in a paper bag [Music] get anything less you know this is called the dream team it might be it might be a nightmare but the dream team this is where uh dreams we make dreams come true we don't make dreams come true dreams actually happen they don't happen at all they might happen yeah it's like it might happen they might have occasionally there's occasional dreamage that might happen so where do you have a problem well this is what happens when your pilots forget that there's um cold storage that needs to be taken in the refrigerator but instead it gets left in the luggage compartment so we've got days of egg salad um fruit oh yummy it has bubbles in it oh that's that's good wine yogurt feta soup but yeah but the best part is when your fruit starts to bubble next up it's fermenting seriously next up is it'll turn green so if we just leave it in the luggage compartment a few more days success so thanks thanks guys okay well plane's all set up ready to go it is 11 33 and uh we're just waiting on passengers so we could wait anywhere from uh 30 minutes from now or it could be an hour and a half for now so we don't know but we're all ready to go everything's good let's just make their cleaning dorado's finishing up feeling good [Music] [Laughter] all right that was leg one we're in uh sna and now we're headed to bozeman montana about a two hour flight or something like that so we are doing what's called a quick turn we are hurrying up getting out of here dropping off the passenger and then we're out so there you go [Music] so one thing we have to be doing as we're doing this we're putting in our new flight plan our new aircraft speeds getting a new clearance and then getting out of here crazy what's up so you have a uh a gulf stream right there it's under armour yeah and then the one in front of us right here that yeah the golden blue that's uh what used to be san diego chargers but it's la chargers now no way man that's actually really cool oh yeah it's sitting right there yeah hey how'd they say they're going to get us out of here really but they do know that we're late complete complete i'll go out there too i'm going to use them it's hot up here take off his t.o pressurization what's up post your head in there and you can put your pins in if you guys are busy oh yeah uh no our pins in oh yeah yeah yeah we're just gonna put you on the head there for departure yeah that's fine yeah um we can do it give us like two seconds just give us two seconds all right full elevation set 4 500 feet all right sweet dude all right give me the signage [Music] how fast does that turn not that we were moving fast we were just moving with purpose moving with purpose [Music] one successful day first we started off in grand rapids and uh orange county or john wayne going going and then uh now we're here in bozeman montana montana a little smoky well smoking a little tough to see the field at first but we got here successfully no issues no problems and uh so another another another good day another good day so the way this works we're both captains today was my leg to fly tomorrow disguise i'm scared what he says to me every time i fly it's all good now check out the hotel yeah get invited have we eaten today yet no we have not we have not eaten today what time is it right now gerardo good question montana montana time 5 30 5 45 something like that we really don't know what time it is but we're hungry so we're going to eat yeah one of the best things about corporate aviation the cars we get to drive airlines are in the back of a bus sometimes but us no most the time you're in the back of a bus corporate though you get some pretty nice cars in the right lamb this is lamb we love her i'm in the back seat she's in place hey it's not she it's just we're driving miss daisy it's all it is we're just driving miss daisy okay today's pro tip i know everyone's thinking jerry how is your tie always perfect i mean it's perfect it's it the knot everything is perfect all right today's pro tip it's called the zipper tie all right yes the zipper tie it's not a clip-on it's the zipper tie and the zipper tie is the key to the perfect tie this is the secret life of the pilot and now you know yeah coffee paper ice catering nothing in the corner that's rotting [Music] this is way this is what we have to this is this is our live this is what and this is only like day two you like my chin strap this is sexy happening this is captain herodia going out to his man his steed of an airplane oh no oh oh no no no no [Music] crew bags loaded all right so the gerardo's up front i'm the pilot not flying today uh inside i'm gonna do all this stuff on the outside which is fuel the airplane in the pins do a pre-flight the whole nine yards [Music] [Music] um [Music] so one of the other things that we do is help fly attended out who's doing all this stuff getting everything ready get the coffee do the fbo get new coffee paper gas millionaires the fuel around fuel so uh he's gonna go get a new truck all right all right so we're you know we're holding five so that was fun first truck first time ran out of gas then the other truck broke and then anyway it took forever to go get gasses now it normally doesn't take that long but today it does that's why we show up an hour and a half early just in case and today's quick trip from leslie if you spray the fruit with water gives it a nice glistening glow right here folks spread the fruit of water glistening glow who doesn't like a good glistening glow that's what she said oh maybe i should do it on my face a little bit of lunch but it's gonna feel like that from minnesota all the way to new york do you want me sitting down you're not gonna no no not the entire time shop like i said right now it's just a forecast okay as it's moving you see this hill spot it kind of dissipates a little bit so as we get closer to minnesota i'll give you a heads up but we'll build it the only thing that i'm concerned about is that in new york that's almost like the last part of the flight exactly and that's pretty much it okay cool thank you no problem okay all right so as i mentioned three hours 45 minutes of flying they're pretty much as filed there's no nothing that's changed uh it's a bobcat four to fillings transition yes bob fine to be instead top out to 16 000. that's an rnav departure so i have 500 feet out of class coming on i just have to be at uh outer club jabber at above 8 000 and bobcats okay uh you know probably 10 speed coming out okay uh i got takeoff settings of the ceo since we've got some people okay yeah hi elevation okay okay uh apparently they're landing around six but it's gonna change okay also new for today's team uh jump away from uh white flames all we see right now coming out here got is all right exterior uh safety and safety exterior inspection plate complete manuals uh check fire detection test cpr cluster downshift buses fuel panel set admission auto stop selector stop hydraulic panel uh checked on uh which you'll eat oh auto pilot checked coach master goggles check membership check check check check my side iris alive aligned empty system pages checked and checked uh somebody else indicator check i cast version remote set or amused one two three four five on board five on board okay so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] collectors shouldn't just bleep how's it going i got a pierce shut up let's go peepee so after flight three hours how was our how's our passengers unless who's not real happy about the passengers because um when they trash the airplane pretty good little kids on airplanes you gotta watch out for that you know yeah watch this little bless their hearts bless their hearts so she's cleaning dryers in the paperwork today i'm gonna pin and then help her out and do whatever and then that's the day you're a big help by the way we are in uh westchester county new york we're done we're here for at least a whole day off yay we're happy that's a good thing and then we're out staying alive okay end of day tubes or day three whatever back to their hotel here we are safety sticker that means it's clean it doesn't mean it's clean but yeah here we are so we are here for at least a day so this is our kind of mid-way break point um on the trip so we're gonna chill out relax do whatever catch up on whatever world that we've missed out on in the last couple days and uh after that we will head over to aspen aspen colorado is where we're gonna go after that also you know at some point in time on this trip we're gonna be in um uh we're gonna be in florida so that much we do know but there it is so we're in change go eat as a crew go hang out and then relax all right we're all done look we're out of our little monkey suits out of our super suits all right look at this look at this huh what's the best part of the day crew finally getting a chance to eat food food an actual meal it's the biggest decision we ever made it's the only decision that actually matters where that's where things get intense people fight for these yeah it's best part of the day today's kind of an off day sometimes we just don't have the trips lined up um that we fly every day um so sometimes we actually fly multiple times a day we'll do two or three or four or five or six legs a day some days we just do one um as you've seen some days we do two um and some days like this we just don't do any so we're in um we're in new york today um in westchester new york i would like to say west chester new york and um we're in the middle of covid so there's not a whole lot of things to do so we don't go outside seeing all that kind of stuff we might go for a jog or a run or something but it's pretty much kind of hang out in the hotel go get a bite to eat maybe catch up on some emails which is what i'm about to start doing and just relaxing so this is kind of what it looks like i like to think of these as like kind of a mid uh trip break where you can just kind of regather things recoup and get on with life a lot of times we'll do laundry on these days which i still might i might do that today i don't know but um yeah it's just kind of sit back relax and enjoy having a day off on the road one thing we are we're uh working on right now is um so the last passengers have as you remember they they kind of trashed the airplane and there was we had some blueberries back there and there were some oreo cookies and the passengers the tiny tots of the passengers decided it would be fun just to smear it all over where so we tried cleaning it up even cleaning up during flight didn't really work that well leslie did so we have opted to get it professionally clean so it's something we worked on uh yesterday and then today the cleaners are coming out to detail the aircraft to get it all and span and ready to go for our trip on uh for tomorrow and tomorrow's trip is gonna be a little bit interesting um we are transporting a uh a casket supposedly with someone in it and uh so we're starting to kind of make arrangements for that and see what that looks like and how do we get the how do we coordinate with the funeral home um and all that so we're taking um a deceased person and at least one live person at least one live person uh over to aspen and um right now we're working on the trip because so it's been told we're taking 10 people plus a casket uh now it's one person plus a casket so everything can change between now and then we really don't know we're just trying to figure it all out so here we are day in the life okay it's about six o'clock in the morning east coast time not bad for me feel sorry for the other crew because it's like four o'clock in the morning airtime or three o'clock in the morning their time but uh here we go another day okay so today's tip take your lunch bag you take your shoes put them in your laundry bag now they don't get everywhere you're welcome this time you got it you press the button this is what i have to put up with this guy this guy [Music] just know underneath this mask it might look like i'm smiling but i'm crying on the inside exactly that cut deeper [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we just landed in aspen and we are standing by because we don't we're not sure where we're going so we might go do a trip or might not not quite sure yet so we're eating munch [Music] okay so um this is a little bit different so we ended up in aspen tonight um because well for some reason the charter is going to go either tomorrow or the next day we really don't know so when up in aspen everything's in aspen it's very expensive they asked us hey we're going to stay we tried the same place someplace local but it's really really expensive so they said hey they meaning dispatch sold us hey head down to glenwood springs which is like an hour and some change away we're like well let's just look up for something else local because we want to be close to the airplane stay up in the mountains etc so we found a place for 90 a night which we normally never do but it beats the alternative of two or three or four hundred dollars a night of places here so yes welcome this place is great doesn't even have air conditioning of course we're in aspen so you don't need air conditioning but you know if you have the air conditioning in colorado mountains that's what you get right there it's awesome it's really nice and you have ceiling fan it's really nice but hey it's close it's quiet so walking distance everything we don't normally stay in a motel but tonight we are well so i'd wake up go to a little village called the outdoor mall find some coffee and we're trying to figure out what we're doing today because we still don't know we stand here another two days or we're gonna fly out today and do another pickup trip so we have a meeting a little bit find out what's going on once we get that we'll know all right so we are staying here for another day at least um we're trying to work on a trip to to go to van nuys california and then on over to um uh cabo and then up to tucson but we're going to figure out what's going on with that and then the next day or so we would go from back up here to ocala florida so right now we're doing all the logistics everyone's doing logistics back in flight control because of code it makes everything really really tough so we've just been told just to kind of stand out and wait so i'm gonna do a little exploring and chill out and enjoy the uh enjoy the scenery [Music] hey so wanted to give you the tip of the day here's our tip for the day it's now closed change day all right this is the sad part about the whole thing is generally bring like two sets of uniforms and call it done you can't have a uniform for every every day so you know get to the point that on a trip we're gonna do laundry which we do sometimes um but we also have to switch out the clothes so what do you do switch out the clothes first thing is hold the clothes inside out inside out is the key inside out is awesome uh because when it's in the suitcase and someone spills on a suitcase or you get something dirty in there it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because it can dirty up the inside and the outside is still good to go all right so then but what we have is going to be kind of hard to see but what we have is wrinkle close wrinkle closed now the scary part about wrinkle clothes is the hotel iron the hotel iron is the scariest thing when you're on the road because you never know what it's going to do but black streaks on places overheat the whole nine yards so this is what you do iron your clothes inside out that way if something kind of gets all messed up it just messes up the inside not the outside see aren't you glad that you've made it this far on this video yeah me too all right so tomorrow here's what we're gonna do tomorrow wake up we're gonna go out to the airplane we are going to fly deadhead which means nobody's in the airplane all the way up to uh van nuys we're going to van is out of aspen we're going to pick up some passengers out of aspen and we're going to take them to cabo saint lucas we're going to go down to cabo we're going to drop them off in cabo and then as of right now we're going to then deadhead the airplane back to the states and we're going to tucson which we should stay in tucson uh overnight and then we're back here in aspen to take a group to opelaca florida and that should pretty much wrap up the trip for me but we'll see um we'll see what happens so i'll see you in the morning bright and early as we take the plane from aspen colorado on over to van nuys california have fun let me tell you about one of the bad things about being on the road all the time and that's when you don't sleep all night long up and down up and down up and down couldn't sleep got just a few hours of sleep now we have a day in front of us and it kind of sucks but oh well so here we go set the field panel beautiful day in uh aspen head on over to van nuys california afrovan ice we're going to cabo after cabo going to tucson and that should be the day there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] seven i'm sorry [Music] [Music] coming up on it looking good november delta runway 1 6 left clear to [Music] land [Music] so [Music] three five twenty five uh [Music] [Music] turn [Music] [Music] [Music] california and now we're gonna do a post flight fuel it up get some passengers got 11 of them and we're gonna head out like an hour we've got like an hour and a half to kill [Music] so how many passengers do you have next um i have 11. 11 and they're all in their twenties and they all wanna know if we have beer and shot glasses on board so yay me okay everybody always thinks they're big and bad you know in their airplane until you go to the ramp and you got one of these right there boeing business jet that's it's big time that that's big not so big big one more time not so big big got it cool all right live check all the way through echo champion will be westbound ready once again uh it's gonna be seven six and we've got uh thirteen thousand twelve eight on board cool uh transporter verified [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] gary there we go all right l.a to cabo how about a tucson tomorrow morning it's back to ashton and then to miami oklahoma florida i'm tired i need a beer made it to the hotel it's six o'clock local time i gotta be downstairs in 13 hours time to get something to eat because really hadn't eaten today although i had a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the airplane because leslie made it for me and a piece of nice cake so yeah you know wasn't too bad but i'm done i am done so tonight i need to check out the flight plan need to do everything weight balance all that kind of stuff and then um yeah um probably do that while i eat or right afterwards or something so i mean that's all i know tomorrow tomorrow should be the last leg should be the last leg so again we're going from tucson and then up to uh just deadheading no one's on the airplane up to aspen and then aspen to opalaca which is basically miami florida and uh i think we're done for the day or for the for this trip i think so one more day and we're out but anyway today was a good day not too bad dodged a couple thunderstorms had some nice people really good we were all kind of nervous about the group a bunch of young people but they were all really really pleasant really really nice and uh gave us a nice tip which is awesome so anyway flight crew's happy we're all just a little tired so that's all i know all right we'll see you tomorrow so one of the other things that we have to worry about though is getting out of aspen and i'm gonna have 12 people i think tomorrow um out of aspen like 12. 12 people plus three crew members so i'm gonna have a pretty full boat we're leaving in the afternoon it's not gonna be real real hot because there's a cold front that just came through but so one of the things i have to do is just double check to make sure that i don't take off with too much fuel here land and then we're gonna be weight restricted because we can't take off there so it's one thing i'm going to worry about but i'm not going to guide you through all that kind of stuff but that's some of the things we have to check out and worry about when we're especially when we're taking off in the afternoon taking up a lot of people and then going a decent um a decent distance so anyway things we do all right well today is saturday the 29th going over to aspen and then oba-laca um it's gonna be one of those days i think today um we are we're right at the verge um we can make it out of aspen but everything's gotta be very very tight because it's gonna be pretty warm we're in high elevation we're going a decent amount of uh distance and we're heavy so put all that into consideration um we're going to we're going to push this airplane a little bit so anyway hand of course there's thunderstorms everywhere um so i'll be glad when today's over all right anyway let's get after it okay so we tried to take off we got to the end of the runway we did an ice test or we did test and uh we had a system not past that test so because we couldn't pass the test came back to the gate well the ramp and now we sit so we don't know if this is it for the for this trip or what's going to happen right now a bunch of people behind the scenes are working very hard to figure out what's going to happen but uh we don't think this airplane is going anywhere today that's true our fate really necessary anyways uh yeah um yeah right now we're just in a holding pattern right now just waiting to see what happens if we go home or if we just sit for the next couple days and find the territory part of territory [Music] all right we just got to um uh grand junction enter everything in the box and uh waiting on these passengers not quite sure whether to show up so everybody's getting everything ready and then we're gonna go off for a four hour flight to um down florida and we'll see what happens after that get this airplane fixed and then move on about ourselves later on there you go just landed with um about a 30 gust factor in there a little bit a lot and right at the max crossman landing that's good times it's a lot of good times like i said let's get this day over with and we'll be good i think it's a longer route of life we have some serious not serious weather but we've got some good weather to contend with we've been looking at and uh it's about to mess with that as well so i think we're gonna be over most of it so everything's showing but we'll see so okay just got to the hotel it's kind of late it's pretty late east coast time we're all tired um yeah so we got a bunch of thunderstorms uh we had some issues today it was a long day um but we're done as soon as i can find my hotel room uh 5 35 there it is right there and look you know it's safe because that's on it yeah anyway tomorrow's a maintenance day and uh so we're going to work with maintenance to get the airplane fixed all up hey it's dark in here it's great so there you go we're having fun this was hey when you go to florida do you guys stay do you have all this fun and what do you do and not really because it's uh 10 o'clock at night in florida we've been up we had 11 hour day today and um yeah we're tired last thing i'm gonna do is go try to sightsee or something like that so uh no sometimes we do fun things like that but not this week so hey there you go we're having fun okay well today is day uh seven and uh we're all kind of feeling like we're kind of getting done for the trip um we're in opa-locka florida and we're about to take the airplane uh we brought a maintenance person in flew him in one of our maintenance guys uh he's gonna take a look at the airplane we're gonna start troubleshooting some things um we have a really quick flight up to um stuart florida and uh we're gonna position the airplane and be ready to go for the morning and um so that's kind of what we're gonna do today and um and then we have a flight we're leaving at eight o'clock tomorrow morning go up to new jersey and then over to someplace else um but um yeah that's kind of what's going on for today um we thought we're gonna do laundry and all that stuff today but um now since we end up just gonna stay here or uh move the airplane no one's doing laundry anymore but luckily i have two more days of clothes and there's about two more days left on this trip so should be good to go anyway so kind of a maintenance day flying the airplane dressed like this easy sneezy quick flight how about the maintenance guys where we when we can where we can um so yeah that's what we're doing today kind of a kind of a different day again with this type of operation we're a small operation is that um everyone you know we don't just fly like it is good for us to help the mechanics out to help out everything um to ying and yang with the schedule and what's going on so that's part of the job all right so we're down here at the airplane about to take off we got one of our mechanics over here he's looking everything he's going with us for the next few days uh quick flight we're gonna do a couple maintenance test flights while we're going around for a short flight and uh so we know hopefully everything's past okay [Music] a lot of fun a lot of fun hope you can hear me are you scared [Music] [Music] [Music] the road with us right now and uh look what art's driving this is how they hook him up our mechanic gets the wonderful cadillac it's pretty fun nice yeah now now if we look if we look up and around we just brought art through all that as you remember seeing that was a lot of fun art needs a beer now yes i need a beer life on the road checked into the air hotel and yeah that's all we know came in hanging out got an early morning tomorrow and that's all we know you notice hey wait where's gerardo he's not here [Music] he left something at the fbo so now he gets to drive the hour and a half back to go get the said thing that he forgot good night y'all 6 30 in the morning just got to the airplane mechanic already has uh it going it's early but it's the last day that's all that matters woohoo we're headed to jersey and then it's that's why that's leslie here's leslie she doesn't like her coffee you can tell crazy all right let's get ready [Music] wait where are we at we're in uh jersey shore all right hang out jersey shore get some breakfast with the crew one of us is not here decided to be a lame person and not join the crew for breakfast you know who you are gerardo but um yeah we're breaking the day and then let's go home day and we're going to make it to our fights he's not he gets to stay on the road for a while yay live on the road last leg [Music] [Music] uh it's done done [Music] so so we're traveling with art and art our art's been with us now for uh two days art tell everyone what what did you just say i said i don't know where i'm at or what what time is it do you know what time you're it is well my phone says it's it's 1706. so i know that much do you know what that means to you or your body no no he's on the road for two days he's already completely messed up my circadian codes man this is two days i'm on my last thread of clean my hair this is day 10. edit a pretty [Music] [Music] all right just got off the plane it's 11 40 at night 11 45 walking over to my car and we're done it's a 30 minute drive for me to get home and um yeah been at home started the day at about 5 30 this morning east coast time and uh and so that is a 10-day trip long 10-day trip it's still 12 o'clock right where this video started still driving home i'm thankful to have a job i think we'll have good management good crew with me and uh good support that's what it looks like is this job for everybody no not at all as you can see things change all the time in fact what we say is the one constant is change so i'm looking to get on this side of the fence on the charter side or the private side one thing that you got to know is change is going to happen it's going to be a lot of change and it's just part of the job there's also a lot of responsibility on your shoulders and is there a lot of responsibility on any pilot's shoulders but in this job there's a different type of responsibility it's not just about the flying there's so much in this video that was happening behind the scenes is i just couldn't film and couldn't show one um because we kind of keep things somewhat secret for our passengers but two things just get so busy that we just can't have a camera out and rolling all the time and man i kind of wish you could truly feel some of the things that we felt while this trip and again this is just very typical of a typical trip so if you've lasted this long thanks for watching make sure to subscribe to the channel appreciate it hope you have fun if you have any questions ask below we'd love to respond to you and educate you give us an idea of the next video we should do if you want if you want to see another one we loved i'd love to do another one it takes a lot of work but hey it's worth it if it helps people live their dream or understand what we do here so at that i'm going to pay attention to the road i'm going to sign off and uh hey go ahead tell me tell me what you think talk to you later you
Channel: Jerry White
Views: 293,271
Rating: 4.9454722 out of 5
Keywords: charter pilot, week in the life, private aviation, day in the life of a corporate pilot, charter aircraft, how to fly, pilot career, pilotllife7, pilot life, charter aviation, legacy 600, flight crews, how to become a pilot, life on the road
Id: T1hPVhNumik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.