How to Get Nanites Fast! No Man's Sky Best Nanite Farm 2021 | NMS Nanite Guide

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Nice video, WARNING, DO NOT DO THIS IN MULTIPLAYER WITH A FRIEND IN YOUR SYSTEM, Scrapping ships should only be done solo, as there is a glitch that swaps tech from ship to ship, or also called skinning. Which changes the look of your ship. You may have a nice ship you spent hour hunting for and it could end up looking like a shuttle.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would argue it isn’t the best nanite farming method because the best method is clearly farming animals and plants.

In the time it takes to scrap one ship you could gather enough milk and grind enough flour to produce far more nanites.

Plus, you inevitably loose cash with scrapping. Some seem to claim you break even but I have never found that to be true.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jkthemc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys survival Bob here and I've got a quick video for you on the best most fun way to make nanites that I've found so far in no man's sky now before I get started give a quick shout out to Alex one of the guys who plays with me on my multiplayer world for showing me this he kind of discovered it and explored it and I know there's some videos that touch on this but but we've got a little bit of a method that alex has put together and I've been working on so I started with just under 5,000 a nights I've made 70,000 a nights so far so and I started with 700 million I've got 786 now so this is definitely not a way that makes you lose money you're gonna be able to make a little bit of money you're not gonna go gangbusters on it but you're gonna make some money and you're gonna make a ton of nanites and you're gonna have fun while you're doing it so let's take note of where we're gonna start and I'm gonna do this for an hour so we'll cut in and out and show you kind of where we end up so first thing you need to do is you need to find the right spot that is crucial you're gonna do this in a space station and what we're gonna be doing is gonna be involved in scrapping ships but there's a method to it that I think you'll find useful and make sure you don't get carried away while you're working on it so the first thing you want to do is you want to find the right system now I've explored a lot of different systems I always hit the wrong button there so you want to go to your discoveries tab and you want to find a system that is going to be prosperous affluent wealthy something like that you want to tier 3 system you want one that's gonna be wealthy and you want the conflict level to be relatively low which is gonna make sure you're getting more ships in the station then go check that station out and see kind of what's the traffic flow look like how many ships are you getting in how frequent are the waves because this is important this station gets three or four ships coming in every few minutes which is really great and you want to make sure also that you don't have a high amount of haulers so I wouldn't necessarily go to a deck system haulers are not gonna be useful in this you want shuttles you want explorers you want fighters but haulers you're probably not going to touch so let me show you what we're doing we are looking at the ships that come in and we are looking very specifically for ships that are B Class or higher that are I'd say under two and a half three million okay you really want that's why haulers are gonna be out of it and these uh these higher tier front fighters are gonna be out of it but the lower tier fighters are definitely going to be in it we're gonna look for those ships we're going to buy them we're gonna scrap them and we're gonna do that rinse and repeat over and over again now there's a special thing we're going to do with some of the storage augmentation I'm going to show you as we go into it to help you make your money back because when you buy and sell a ship you're gonna lose thirty percent of your money right off the bat and I know I know that sucks right so that's why you got to have a little bit of cash to start I'd say 40 50 million would be good but from there you're gonna you're gonna make money if you do this the right way bingo right there that's what we're looking for b-class what is that nine hundred thirty five thousand so let's go buy this guy all right so we want to make an offer negotiate price and then we're gonna buy it immediately after you buy it go in and scrap whatever you can you cannot scrap these four items five items but you can scrap everything else so I throw that in my exosuit high-capacity because I'm going to end up with a lot of that and then I'm going to run up here and scrap it paying attention alright so there's another one alright we want that one too make sure you've got at least two available slots for ships that you can buy you can own six ships so you want to oh no more than four to do this I'm down to three right now so I want to make an offer put it in the go she a price on that one as well I'm gonna go ahead and buy it so we just bought two I'm gonna go ahead and scrap this scrap that throw that in there throw all this stuff in here and then so okay see they're coming in now that's a c-class though and that's a c-class we don't want the C classes because yeah what we're gonna do is we're gonna sell the upgrades we get four nanites that's how we're gonna make our nanites alright so we're gonna come here it's got our ship we're gonna claim the scrap we're gonna lose thirty percent of the money we just bought so claim the scrap and see we got those upgrade modules that just jumped in our inventory that's what we're gonna use to sell for nanites okay be careful so my my exotic popped in next and I do not want to scrap that one by accident all right what is that oh okay so there's a fighter we want to get that one to someone jump in this one to make it my primary all right so we're on a hot cake place now so let's go ahead and buy this one real quick as well we got a good group coming in right now if you find the right station you'll definitely be able to do this but definitely gonna have to spend some time to do it all right so we're gonna buy that got an a-class which is excellent go ahead and get rid of this stuff and I saw another one come in which is usually one of my money ships I recognized I got to see class s I'm not I'm not gonna mess with it gonna be disciplined Bob be disciplined all right so let's come over here we got our shuttle not shuttle whatever it was this thing called fighter that's what it is we're gonna scrap it I don't know if I said this at the beginning but you definitely want to make sure your exit is cleaned out cuz you're gonna fill it up with a ton of junk all right so we got some more stuff I quit pulling that one back up but I want us I don't want that one I want this one all right switch primary ships oh what's that one I gotta get that one I'm never gonna scratch that first one because I keep seeing ones I want but that's okay that's what you want to do this is part of the game the more you can grab the quicker this will go let's get it all right so I don't wait around there I might go look all right looks like we got another one that's a beat class let's go get it so they are moving and fast right now guys that's why the system is extremely important that you find the right station I'll show you the the station I'm in if you want to come here I am on PC I'll show you the glyph coordinates for it as well so you can see where this is if you want to come to the station and do what I'm doing no I am in normal mode so I don't know the difference it's gonna make in other modes but this is where I'm at so far the birth of gravity goodbye birth of gravity you were a great ship while I had you but did I forget to scrap the components I forgot to scrap the components didn't I CS what happens when I'm talking and doing too many things at once okay see that's my Explorer but it's a c-class I don't want it so I'm going to take a second now that I got a moment to breathe I'm gonna go to my exosuit I'm like every one of these I'm gonna throw into cargo because these are gonna fill up quick so I want all this stuff over here stacking on itself because I can get more of it in there before I have to stop and sell stuff make sure I'm gonna leave that there alright so storage augmentation is what we're after I think I started with one so I've gotten to so far and that's really what we want to get to because that's going to help us make our money back all right B Class B Class all right you come here well I lost that one you made me lose that one dude what are you thinking man it's alright I'll take yours negotiate I love house doesn't negotiate like you have any choice in what you pay for it right all right let's go here this I don't want that one probably want that one yet be class I'll take it all right so we got to be classes but they're over our price break so we're not gonna we're not gonna get them definitely over our price remember you want to stay under three million when you're buying these two and a half really is your sweet spot now if I see an s-class I'm going to buy it pretty much no matter what because I want the s-class units and well I'll show you why as well now that exotic over there I got in this station so if you want that one come over here and get it I've seen three of those come in on waves and it's not the first wave so while I'm waiting and I don't have anything I'm gonna go back to my exosuit I'm gonna start throwing this stuff in high-capacity so I can keep it moving I'm gonna just do a little organization all right I've seen a couple ships come in you can kind of see them through the through the faded part all right here we go big money all right a class fighter you get to recognize the ships after a while and kind of know what what's a good one and this one comes in a through S Class and if I find an S Class when I'm definitely going to buy it because it's it's one of my moneymakers all right I'm always terrified I'm gonna hit the wrong button and accidentally swap my ship out so make sure the ship that you bring is not one you really care about a whole lot all right so my backpack is getting full let me sell some stuff to this guy before I buy his ship and this will hold him here so he doesn't fly off I'm not running up to the terminal to do it so I'm gonna go sell items it's important that you do not sell these that's bad so I'm only gonna sell stuff that I'm positive or not really negative on so and I'm really just getting space I'm not gonna sell that I'll sell that sell that sell that so keep watching that storage augmentation because I have sold eight of those by accident and Bob might have cried a little bit all right so everything out no see I keep seeing as plus six and I want to sell it don't do that all right so I'm DAC I'm down ten million now after selling what I wanted to sell let's see let's uh oh yeah I was gonna buy your ship wouldn't let me buy this okay so let's check we're at five storage augmentation kind of wanted more but it's only been about 15 or 20 minutes but look at all this alright let's go ahead and sell these components purchase upgrade modules but we're actually going to sell them so I'm just gonna sell all of these so we're was on like seventy four five I think when I started so 81 eight so what is that four five six six or seven thousand nanites Bob's not great at math alright so those two are stuck I keep seeing them but I can't buy them and I can't get in them that's a see that's a be nothing looking good here so let's go ahead and jump into my ship to create a save hit the right button Bob go to options and reload the autosave there alright fellas this is what we've been waiting for let's take a look and see if it's the one I've got an s-class fighter come in let's see what one two three four five six slots yeah let's see all right this one's a bit expensive it's 18 million I'm gonna go ahead and buy it all right can i buy that one already yeah I did nights let me scrap that other one it's gonna leave me with one free slot to buy a ship oh we got the other exotic oh my gosh alright this is crazy but this is the system you should come here it works so I'm about to be full one too this one's perfect this one is the is the one so let's a buy it alright so now I'm Paul I can't buy I want to buy that one but I can't so let's see what do we buy that one for 12 million this one needs 5 storage augmentation and I think I'd have eight now I've nine alright so we're gonna throw five in this thing it was worth 12 million we can scrap it for eight for we're going to upgrade the starship now you can buy storage augmentation but you'd have to be really really rich and not care to do it I wouldn't do it it's eight million per slot that's just not worth it so let's apply augmentation alright so we're going to do one two three four and then we're gonna stop here okay no well let me put one there but I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna go and leave okay what was worth twelve million let's see what it's worth now now it's worth 41 million okay so this is where we make our money back I'm gonna go ahead and scrap it I put five storage augmentation in the night so I should have four left I'm gonna claim scrap worth twenty eight seven let's get it see ya and I didn't get any storage augmentation that sucks but we may most of our money back after we sell everything all right so we just got our six storage augmentation and it has been an hour right out an hour since we started this process we've scrapped the 1s class I've got the other one and not buying that so this one needs one two three four five six I bought it for eighteen yeah let's see if we can get the price to increase on this and make some more of our money back now yeah you don't have to use a store augmentation on these if you don't buy these you can use them for yourself but I'm doing this as a way to make money and show you guys kind of how to do it so you want to upgrade the ship again we're going to apply augmentation I am not paying sixteen million a piece for it Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam the inventory size has increased and it opened up a whole nother row which should increase the price of this to 71 million so we went from 18 to 71 million alright so we're gonna go ahead and scrap this one now I'm gonna disassemble my components Bob wants all the money he can get and remember what we say it was worth 71 million so we're gonna get 70% of that when we scrap it we'll lose 30% that'll give us 50 million we paid 18 so we'll make a quick 32 mil and we'll get those S Class modules and hopefully we'll get some storage augmentation back to now I just got rid of all of my other pieces I got to quit quit Bob we're doing this for an hour all right so I just got rid of all my other nanite stuff so let's see where am i oh I got three storage augmentation back so that's awesome I spent five and I got three back that was great luck so let's go ahead and get rid of this and do the final tally and see where we're at all right guys let's do a quick check and see where we're at after an hour so I ran to another system I sold everything off that had better prices it's good to do that I just jumped through a portal we started with one storage augmentation I ended with three so I've got two up there that I didn't sell I'm gonna save for next time we made just over 30 million units in an hour and we made over 16,000 a nights in an hour now the longer you do this the better average you're gonna have actually because you're gonna come across more S Class ships you're gonna come across more upgrades I think when I did it before I went from I made about 70,000 nanites in about three hours so I was averaging well over 20,000 per hour when I did it the time will fly by guys it is so much fun running back and forth but the key remember you've got you yeah you've got to follow the rules keep it under two and a half million don't buy lower than a beat class and be in a system that has a lot of traffic all right guys that's gonna do it for this episode if you enjoyed it make sure you hit that thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already if you want to come play with me and Alex the guy who put this together a group of other folks who are kind of going through know me and Scott together and learning and sharing tips and trick check the description down below I've got a great group of guys in my discord that are playing and helping each other out noobs and guys who've been doing this for a while all come together at survival Bob's place ok guys I hope you enjoyed it again remember if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it we'll see you next time
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 293,132
Rating: 4.9130101 out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky nanite farm, how to get nanites no mans sky, how to get nanites fast no mans sky, how to get nanites, nms nanite guide, no man's sky best nanite farm, best way to get nanites no man's sky, no man's sky nanite farm 2021, best way to get nanites 2021, best way to get nanites no man's sky 2021, no man's sky best nanite farm 2021, how to get nanites 2021, no mans sky nanite farming guide, best way to get nanites in no man's sky, how to get nanites no man's sky, nms, nanite
Id: LglCkm8Mruw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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