Fame is Lame

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TinyTitsTracey 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I'm uh yeah yeah man no problem just like you that's awesome man why [Music] yeah would you like a picture oh hi I'm getting recognized a lot today getting recognized is actually rare for youtubers also I bought a new mic and it sounds amazing I wanna be just like you you probably have like an excited life all the time doing what you love every day time to get up my words are true about quote-unquote famous youtubers blah blah being famous what does it mean having millions of people adore you making lots of money being the cool kid everywhere you go getting lots of potential job opportunities what does it mean I mean by definition sure some of those things but what's it all about it seems like everyone nowadays wants to have some sort of fame for whatever reason whether it's for popularity money happiness or go just wanna well to give you a bit of insight allow me to explain how I yes hello it's me something else whitey start my everyday life as a quote unquote famous person this guy call them so famous okay I know I know let me just uh create a loophole so I don't seem as pretentious throughout the rest of this mate excuse me are you able to call me famous so people don't get mad at me no [ __ ] anyways I for one think it's freaking awesome I like most I the celebrity aunt wake up every day to the sweet and loving sound of my beautiful elegant and oh so gorgeous alarm clock after that I get my beloved by many ass up walk over to the kitchen and make myself a meal unlike those have ever seen before Quaker Oats oatmeal sometimes when I start my day I decided to do a little tidying up around the old Casa de love my house cuz yup this old mansion can get pretty messy sometimes only Esmeralda was available today and finally I take a shower get dressed brush my teeth and go to work for like longer than I should yep from my desk job oh sorry the famous lifestyle is oh man as my generation likes to say boppin yo irony I smell irony nah but for real being famous has its perks right having your own sizeable army of adolescent preteens that worship you can score you some major opportunities like movie deals sponsorships and even TV roles that's that's crazy for those trying to get into the mainstream that's a freaking steal like seriously only thing you have to do is sign here and here and here also here initials here blood sample here firstborn sacrifice your honor for Cthulhu and one little initial at the bottom okay cool you owe nothing now he'll Satan as you can see I'm having a blast letting off a bit of steam because that's what being a creator is all about expressing yourself having fun and making something you're proud of none of this lackluster way we've sort of directed creativity to go which is wealth to become famous right I hear you asking to that I say yeah I mean are you friends like hundreds of friends of course look at this community yeah pinger celebrity really has its ups I mean the only downs you really got her nothing big sure having no idea whether people want to be your friend for you or just because you're famous sucks but why should I give an effing eff nothing better than meeting potential friends and them treating you like a god every time you speak or constantly asking about analytics and asking how they can get famous too or tell you about their problems expect help all the time and talk [ __ ] behind your back and never ask you hey Adam how's your day going or having no one to turn to cuz you pushed them all away yep the famous lifestyle is a pretty bopping yo as for meeting your favorite creators you do get to meet them that's definitely true but it shouldn't be the ultimate goal also if you worried vomit like I did when you first meet your favorite creators well better to meet them when you were a little more figured out in life this won't give their names cuz it's embarrassing and I know for a fact they don't remember but I [ __ ] you not the first time when I met one of my favorite creators I was I called them daddy it was 2017 at a con backstage and I had noticed them from a distance I said my friends sitting next to me and said holy [ __ ] that's so-and-so and they were like go say I being the confident Joe Schmo that likes talking to crazy people that I am I decided you write what's the worst that can happen and walked over now what I failed to mention is that this person resembles me very much or at least according to my fan base and within my little fan community there's a running gag going that they like to push that I'm their son and a clone or whatever I get asked that question a lot of course you didn't know this just a weird thing my fans created in my comments section but I walked up to him said Harry Sean so and when he turned around that's when I realized that oh wow I can get nervous like a deer in front of headlights I froze he looks at me and says hi yes nice to meet you meanwhile my brain is trying to register this complex riddle of words he just threw at me and for some reason I couldn't register anything except for the hundreds of comments flooding my mind so I looked at him dead in the eyes shook his hand and said pleasure's mine daddy the confusion on his face was so so freakin real I then finished shaking his hand say was ice to meet you and left I needed to get to prick ya there ASAP cuz oh man you're not allowed to be a fan in this industry cuz I'll [ __ ] it up hey you do learn a lot being famous though not gonna lie for example you get to attend meetings and important phone calls on just that how to become famous yep sometimes you get to sit down with professionals as they explain these ten quick and easy steps on how to YouTube no need to ask some questions like how come your channels not successful no siree they know your audience more than you do you see just kind of let yourself sir come to the brainwash and allow your morals to seep away so you can proudly create the perfect content to manipulate your audience into clicking your videos and buying your merch yep yeah what's that it would probably be better if you focused on more stuff you are proud of making bu and try to be as creative as you can be verses following fake rules that everyone thinks you need to follow that hinder your creative flow causing you to make complete garbage you aren't proud of stop it they're watching anyways yeah I'm being this whatever yeah look last thing I want to do is crush people's dreams or express an opinion people don't like especially since I'm 22 and clearly know everything my opinion never changes every five seconds I love what I do and I appreciate the hell out of the audience that watches my content aka the people who make my dream of being able to create stuff I'm passionate about and even express myself possible but if you try to make it big for the sole purpose of becoming famous then I hate to break it to you you can do better
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 6,743,217
Rating: 4.9591517 out of 5
Keywords: Fame is Lame, Being Famous, Living the dream, Stand up, Comedy, Stand up comedy, humor, funny, haha, lol, SomeThingElseYT, Something, else, yt, Some, thing, Animation, Animated, Animated stand up
Id: VamFXt7WZuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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