Conquering My Fear (Like A Champ)

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well looks like this is it falling down 75 feet out of the air dang it this sucks how did it all come to this you might ask well my story starts at like a couple days ago a very couple days ago don't let's first talk about fears everyone has a fear such as being afraid of clowns public speaking giant octopus aliens whose only purpose in life is to invade Kansas spiders doesn't matter who you are or how tough you think you are you'll be afraid of at least one thing in your lifetime I on the other hand have no fears oh you might ask okay I'm lying of course even I have my fears I had them from something else whitey have a secret fear that I have never told anyone in my entire life except for all my friends my family this random guy I met at Taco Bell and now the entire world you're so secret it's so scary that it will blow your freaking mind wait Adam you're actually afraid of something what could the amazing strong gorgeous and lustrous Adam be afraid of besides killer whales and everything in the ocean like sea cucumbers first off stoppage making me blush seconds not afraid of everything in the ocean just killer whales and like everything that could kill me like sea cucumbers thirdly I I realize killer whales have yet to actually kill a person out in the wild in their homelands but hear me out I'm not taking any chances of I being that one random person they see and they're like yo this guy lame thirdly again I forgot what I was talking about oh yeah Heights I'm afraid of heights yep I'm afraid of the most generic thing to be afraid of I mean to give myself some credit I'm not too afraid of heights just Heights that if I were to make one wrong move I'd plummet to my undeniable doom sigh tangent I had never been on an airplane before up until this point and I had to go on one for the first time to go to Boise to do a fan meetup with James Tim and Jaden what I didn't realize is that planes go freakin high also when they take off they go fastest boy what I also didn't realize is James the last person you want to be flying with when you're afraid of heights holy freaking Adam look how high we are oh man we are still going up the ground look at the ground it's getting further and further and further away if we were to fall out right now we would totally dust really cool James glad you're having a fun time I make it out of this alive I will destroy you I can't give him too much crap though cuz I would have totally done the same thing once we got the cruising altitude though it got less scary because the plane wasn't just going straight up in a vertical direction became more awesome looking outside the window went from okay so I'm going to die too well I'm not afraid of flying in planes anymore step one of my conquer complete okay back on track so a couple days ago Jaden invited Tim James and I to go to this thing up in the mountains three hours away from where I live it was like a rope jungle climbing thing I had no idea what it was to be honest but it sounded fun in armless so we went I mean how scary could this really be turns out this harmless rope climbing thing was five courses of obstacles basically testing your strengths and abilities to not fall to your death also there was talk that only thirty percent of people actually finished all five courses and that the highest part of the obstacles were like 75 feet in the air okay it's fine this is fine I'm fine I lift on the upside if you were part of the 30% of people that finished all five courses you would receive a massive award no one wants for certain what it may or may not be at least I didn't but I speculated that it could be of various things such as a giant metal made of pure gold a tiny statue built in our honor the magical skiers of a unicorn that could make anything taste of delicious croissants or a t-shirt god I hope it's a t-shirt so we begin the course after going through it tutorial and how not to die which thank you Sam and I'm not gonna lie the first three courses of obstacles we're boring his balls they were for beginners which I was but yeah you would have to wait like ten minutes before each obstacle for that one person in front of the line to finish just so the next person can take just as long wish I could have just you know give him a little incentive Adam but how high were you in the trees I don't do drugs stupid we were pretty high up but not enough for me to be scared because if I were to fall at least amount of damage that could happen would be a broken leg or whatever eventually we did get to the fourth obstacle course and people started taking the exits these are people getting off so far it's been a walk in the park or trees easy peasy I'm not even breaking a sweat I can literally do this with my eyes okay this is fine I'm fine okay Adam just breathe just breathe now I know I didn't realize this but the courses we're getting higher and higher the further we went the obstacles were getting way longer and way more muscle intensive - so I was getting tired on top of that we never ate lunch I was starving I need sustenance I was so close to quitting because of how high and hungry I was but I stopped myself you know what no I'm gonna finish this thing I'm not gonna let my fear win and control me I need to be strong I need to defeat it for myself I can do this I will do this ah plus whatever food I put into my face hole it's gonna taste freakin amazing I scream again and run off-camera obstacle after obstacle all four of us prevailing winning dominating at every corner every turn beating this thing at its own game but then we hit a roadblock monkey bars freaking monkey bars literally the only thing standing in our way were these damn monkey bars I know that did it work for you anyways don't get me wrong monkey bars would be easy if each bar wasn't like a bajillion feet away from each other I'm exaggerating of course but there were space pretty far apart one by one we all took our turns to pass it first Jaden made it across next was Tim also made it across then James made it across with himself finally I was up I was ready for this okay I used to love monkey bars as a kid so I got this I'm prepared for this come on buddy don't fail me now okay ready one two again you think I learned the first time but apparently not good guy Jameson sees me struggling so he decided to try to help me by pushing one of the monkey bars closer to make it easier to reach which oh how sweet of him such a great human being a shining role model we need more people like him in this society is what I would have said if he didn't leave me after two seconds of waiting I waited like ten minutes who could've waited longer thank you well that sucks at him sorry to hear that you didn't finish the last cone oh I said I was gonna finish this thing and frappe dab it I'm gonna finish it I psyched myself up one more time prepared myself to be dangling 75 feet from the ground and finally lifted off the ground like a majestic person who was trying not to fall to his doom I grabbed onto the monkey bars and hold on for dear life but being completely exhausted dying of thirst knees weak palms are sweaty and not eating mom's spaghetti I slipped and now here we are be falling to my undeniable doom freakin dang it it's so much I wanted to do in life like make something of myself keep the girl of my dreams grow as a person eat pizza bagels make a song with that cheering eat more pizza bagels so many great things that could have done but you're I am Olli I'll shoot I leave the stove on hope not that'd be embarrassing but as I was falling the most extraordinary unexpected unbelievable thing occurred the line calm me and I only felt like two inches from the top did I not mention we were always attached to something with these safety belts we had on like no matter what we did we would not fall yes so those are things you had safety belts on the entire time okay I know I know but listen we were still 75 feet up in the air and that in itself is unnerving when I slipped I legit was just like well today's the day I accepted so fast that this was how I was gonna die falling to my doom that and then I totally forgot about these [Music] and that freaked my jacket so i shimmied my way across finished the last two obstacles went down the zipline climbed down the giant tree touch ground and upon my victory shouted today I Adam have become a man I had dominated my fear Adam won Heights zero yep that's how I conquered my fear will I do more things like this in the future probably throughout it all hanging out with my friends being outdoors and swinging across bridges I had a really fun time that and I truly feel like I conquered my fear of heights that day and most likely won't let it hinder me from doing anything else in the days to come like going on elevators on the top for crowded metal catechol boxes of death wait Adam didn't you say if you were part of the 30% of people who finished you get some sort of massive award oh yeah the award so apparently after finishing you don't get a giant metal made of pure gold or a tiny stats you building your honor or even magical croissant tasting unicorn tears no no you want to know what we got after doing all five courses that take an average person nearly 5 to 6 hours to do a wristband 6 hours of me risking my life for a freaking wristband look here it is not even a freaking t-shirt they were passing out t-shirts for the people finished but you had to be over 70 years old to receive it 50 years just wait that t-shirt will be mine or I could just pay for it I'm not gonna lie I really want that t-shirt I know only old people can get it but I'm old not really I'm only 20 but you I'm old at heart well right now I feel like an old man cuz I stuff stayed up until like 4 o'clock in the morning to finish this video I'm dying right now currently as we speak well hope you guys enjoy that video don't forget to Like comment and subscribe comment down below if you've had you know any similar stories I love reading you guys's stories and stuff like that so through-and-through I'm actually really glad I ended up conquering my fear is freakin awesome would I do it again I think I said in the video I would so yeah I would yeah well that does it for that that's that does it for this video hope you enjoyed it and it's a boy it's me stay hydrated
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 11,905,935
Rating: 4.9502864 out of 5
Keywords: conquering my fears like a champ, Conquering my fears, Beating fears, Animation, Not afraid, Somethingelseyt, Some thing else yt, Something, else, yt, Fears, theodd1sout, Conquering my fear like a cha
Id: zMYvcoTc-Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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