The day I almost freaking died

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to missed fortune a game where are you I'm sorry a lot of people have been saying I look and sounds similar to markiplier which is honestly a pretty freaking cool compliment because he's a pretty freaking cool guy so yeah let's just get on with the video ok just played now this all started back when I used to live in apartments now these apartments were pretty pretty freakin decent they were they were nice just there were some pretty shady characters that lived in them too I mean we had all sorts of people we had crazy people we had sophisticated people we had just plain normal people we had hillbillies we had ghetto people we were just a diverse community of trash I'm just kidding please don't be offended by that joke now these apartments were pretty safe kind of not really but you know we used to love walking around them and one day my buddy and I were just walking around you know having a good time just being kids you know exploring the apartment complex and being awesome eventually we did get tired so we decided to do what any kid needed to do at that moment sat down in front of a bunch of random strangers apartments obviously shouldn't do that so don't mimic what I just said get an adult you need an adult seconds later this sort of trashy looking car pulls up into its driveway that we were sitting right next to and I kid you not the most annoying looking douche bag pops himself outside of that car with this trashy looking girlfriend I don't mean to call girls trash I respect women but these freakin salami sandwiches almost killed me and here's how now let me give you a little perspective on what type of person this dude was seemed like the type of guy who would probably smoke a cigarette as a kid and be like hey I'm Sookie you know the type of people that think doing bad things are cool or think they're the toughest person in the frickin world those people yeah that's basically this guy so these people start getting out of the car and the dude goes to the trunk opens it and I kid you not pulls out a freakin shotgun this idiot starts waving it around as if there isn't you know a weapon and the entire time he's just trying to impress his girlfriend and his girlfriend was actually into it yeah it's mine I'm totally badass I know yes what kind of voice resent this guy seriously thought he was the [ __ ] because he bought himself a new gun and his girlfriend was just eating it ah most likely boosting his ego past the point of cooker killer keemstar himself but yeah it was just annoying me and my buddy just start getting very uncomfortable with this random dude that we don't even know waving around his freakin gun so we decided to get up and start walking away keep in mind we are extremely close to these people and as we were walking away all we hear is now babe death and me and my friend were just scared out of our mind standing there probably with poopy pants we were so scared so shocked and when we turned around what we saw was a huge freaking hole in the ground shot right next to us because of that [ __ ] and his gun and you know what makes it worse this grown man instead of being an adult decides to grab his girlfriend and his gun and basically just dip they dipped those freaking turds left to kid petrified decided to run so that way did in and get in trouble because their a friendship frickin dramas it just made up a word and so angry I am right now it's like two normal human beings slash children we decided to call the freaking place hello please yeah some person just shot at me and my friend and we're scared and can you come okay but we actually ended up telling the cops on the phone was that there was a couple who were playing with this shotgun shot it almost hit two people made a huge hole in the ground and then told them their specific address and then we left we both went home actually like the thing never happened so yeah I probably maybe got two people sent to jail or a huge fine because they almost freaking murdered me and if the people who did this just so happen to be watching go suck an egg well I hope you guys enjoyed that video don't forget to
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 8,913,303
Rating: 4.952445 out of 5
Keywords: Almost died, Almost got shot, Shotgun, Scary, Scary story, funny story, Cops called, Animation, Animated story, Funny animation, Cartoon, I almost died, The day I almost Died, Dont play with guns, Shot gun, Stupid people, stupid people with guns, stupid, stupid funny story, funny, Fan art, somethingelseyt, markiplier impression, Story time, Story, Crazy, Crazy story, funny scary story, animations, animated
Id: izxM0Zc4Q24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2017
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