Just Be Yourself

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okay Adam let's try to fit in yeah and then I spat on him you guys see the game last night which one you're doing all the time yeah what do you hit yeah I can show me just be yourself I can't stress this enough you know how many times I've been told by people that they wish they could be less awkward less annoying or less weird too many it's art breaking as if then being themselves is a bad thing or something here's what I want to say about that just be yourself who gives a crap about what other people think you know and yeah yeah everybody wants to be liked and be happy and have lots of friends and junk but listen you shouldn't let the worry of what other people think stop you from doing stuff you like doing high school was one hell of an experience for me I walked in shy as a cucumber if you cumbers were sentient and also shy and walked out without a care in the world I didn't give up yeah rock down not caring what people thought about me freshman year like any kid or teen starting school I had this mindset of I need to act a certain way to fit in or I need to like what everyone else likes to be cool in whatever an exhausting and annoying mindset to have because I could never express myself properly without feeling as if I was doing something wrong I found myself in a rut not knowing what to do or say to fit in so I decided it was best to force myself to act like those I thought were cool and achieved the same interests operation low self-esteem years ago now let me first say these are just kids I thought were cool not necessarily the quote unquote popular kids but kids I wanted to hang out with there was actually two groups I tried to fit into first group being kids I met the wrestling and second group being kids I meant to my neighborhood now one thing I've learned in life is that being cool doesn't automatically make you a jerk or a bad person like in the movies I mean some cool kids can be really kind but uh these kids you know these kids were just complete jacket donkeys donkey dog now you think that since Group one were teammates in mind they'd be like basically family right now there were just super judgmental druggies who were always rivaling some other group or getting into drama never know what I saw in these kids to be honest everyone was so toxic and mean but since there were kids I thought were cool and me wanting to fit in with them I adapted the same mentality I found myself being really rude to other kids and being on the defensive 24/7 because that's just how this group was I never had fun I only ever got made fun of whenever I would say something considered stupid what Somali or uh yeah I know where as for group two I mentioned in the past vid that I lived in an apartment complex at one point well this apartment complex consisted mostly of Mexican and black kids and you might be wondering as to why I brought up something as trivial as a race well I was the only half white kid now they're half being Mexican and that being the case you can imagine sometimes kids could be a little cruel yeah I know it wasn't the same kids that played hide-and-seek with group twos eyes I was now cast and because of that I was ready to do anything to fit in hand did I almost every time I hung out with them I would be doing stuff like going to parties getting in fights and even flirting with girls obnoxiously hey yo sup girl you're looking good that's F okay makes me cringe and at one point they even got me stealing for them a couple times which the Frick passed me but this isn't who I was I was putting on an act just to try to fit in with people who in my eyes were cool it wasn't until the end of junior year when I came to the realization that explose I wasn't happy and I wanted to do things I liked doing honestly I was just annoyed that I was too afraid to speak about my favorite animes slash TV shows the fact I loved drawing the fact that I had a youtube channel and the fact that I love making music without feeling I was gonna be judged Mary so in this realization I thought to myself wait why do I care if these my friends they want to give a heck about what I like and will actually be supportive right after that I began to be more open with what I like to do and more open with what I did it now of course doing so and being surrounded by groups of very toxic people set off a chain reaction of non-stop [ __ ] arre are we good did did it here e hmm okay well Group one found out I had a YouTube channel and start going after me because of that telling me I'd never amount to anything and that I'm essentially nothing in blah blah blah you've heard it before and group two did it like that I want to partake in the crap and doing so causes them to start attacking me more based on my race which tangent it's honestly the dumbest thing ever why does the color of a person's skin have to matter if a person's a dick that should be the indicator not to like them not something they can't control like skin color you just you know what anyways they say stuff like white boy thinks he's gonna rap cuz I like music and was a little more open with it or going as far as to making fun of my skin color comparing it to that of bird poop because I both brown and white you could have called me something like hot fudge sundae would have been nicer now I'm not telling you this to discourage you from opening up more or to make you feel sorry for me because God knows we have too many of those on this platform no I want to let you know that this is the outcome of what happens when you surround yourself with toxic and immature people just to try to fit in one of probably many results of not being yourself there will always be people around to try to put you down but no matter how horrible people can be you should never lose sight of what your goals are or what you like to do unless you murder people and stuff if you do that you suck since I found myself in a pickle of being picked on what I did was instead of falling Sue and agreeing that yeah hi pathetic I instead used the negative words as fuel to my positive fire they pissed me off and I was gonna prove them wrong I was gonna succeed no matter what and do whatever the Frick I wanted plus I mean super Godzilla won't let it get some who cares what these kids think do I really need those people as friends no I didn't and I didn't need it my foots falling asleep and I didn't need to engage with them whenever they continued to be wing bags because what would that solve ask allow me to retort with a long novel as to why you're wrong and should like me even though you've made up your mind and should come to that realization on your own without me undermining you because you clearly respect me so you know what I decided it was best to start distancing myself from them and just let them do them and me do me and man being myself was way more beneficial in the end run it's in the long run in the end run is even expression shut up I pay myself sucks it took me until the end of junior year to figure it out but come senior year I found myself more open to talk to people and people more open to talk to me I was able to make better friends who actually liked me for me surrounding myself with way better people essentially I had more friends that year than the previous years combined they were genuine people those who aren't afraid to be themselves not care what people think and just be more lively it's easy to feel sorry for yourself and take the words of some Rando jerks to heart but we can't just be defeated so easily we got to stay strong so what I'm trying to say is just be yourself I mean of course if you want to change for the sake of improvement freaking go for it figuring out ways to live a healthy lifestyle because the one you've chosen isn't working for you it's great all I mean is you don't have to give up the things you care about because out of the seven billion people in this world a few jerks won't like what you do I mean come on that's a lot of people there's bound to be people out there who like you for you that's for the kids who picked on me for doing what I liked that how fudge sundae is gonna be releasing a song real soon lyrics written 100% by me so look after that mother Fricker's ooh how about Sunday sound actually pretty good right now well hope you guys enjoyed that video don't forget to Like comment subscribe I am tired dying right now so sorry it took me so long to get another video out I've been healing from jaw surgery and just been out of it trying to heal and trying to do this at the same time it's very exhausting but I'm all healed up I think you got two months two months ago we're like one more month to go I don't know whoever but anyways I'm back I'm ready to make more content I'm ready to post a lot more frequently and two months to go for healing stuff noodles I said what I want to say I'm just letting the the the fan art move and stuff people stand inside the video once again don't forget to Like comment subscribe hope you enjoy ok stay hydrated
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 6,457,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Just, Be, Yourself, Just be yourself, Be yourself, Animation, Animated story, Somethingelseyt, Something else yt, something, else, yt, Animated, lol, funny, comedy, story
Id: tb1MThp2qj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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