Talking To Crazy People

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people are weird I honestly find people to be extremely fascinating from the very stupid to the extremely brilliant I find it to be really entertaining and very interesting when somebody starts a conversation with me and now that I say that out loud that sounds really really pretentious because most of the time I'll just sit and listen to whatever they have to say on whatever it is they're talking about I just like hearing other stories and perspective on things that and it helps me learn more about people in general I definitely love talking to people who know exactly what they're talking about because it helps me learn more about whatever it is they know about whatever we are talking about I know how to words but weird freaking people like people who are just off the wall crazy I love talking to those people they always have the most random and absurd stuff to say and I find their stories and concepts to be really interesting that and I'm very easily entertained so to give you a perspective on the weird stuff crazy people can think of think about the weirdest thing you can ever think of that was poorly worded think about the weirdest thing you can think of okay dude you have it you got it okay cool okay now take whatever it is that you're thinking of then multiply it by a factor of six crazy right yeah yeah it's great okay so I don't think I've ever come across to anything or anyone that weird but I've come across a couple crazy peeps in my day like this one time I was at the beach just chilling with the hashtag squad fam and on the distance I see this dude just walking up to people and politely letting them know don't eat the sand look at me look at me don't put the sand don't whatever you do don't put these tiny rock particles in your mouth all for consumption otherwise it's game over for a solid 20 minutes I watched this guy just screaming at people telling them not to eat sand or it's and I'm paraphrasing here game over and throughout that time I was just sitting there thinking please talk to me I know what you're thinking Adam what what do you what is wrong with you what why would you want to talk to him do you not know how entertaining of a conversation I can have with this man I just really wanted to understand why eating sand equaled game over and this guy's most likely drugged up head so I walked up oh wait disclaimer I don't recommend walking up to strangers you don't know without an adult don't do that if you are an adult then bring a friend or something I don't know you're in it you're old enough to not be dumb just be safe people so I walked up to this guy I am an adult with my sandals awkwardly wedged against my toes they were not cooperating that day so I'm sure it's held high to show dominance duh looked him dead in the eyes never break eye contact and said stuff he looks at me looks down at my fricked up sandal feetsies I'm standing in the sand of death looks back up at me and the look on this guy's face just went from panic to pur petrified horror oh don't eat the sand it's game over so it's uh what's wrong what's wrong with the sand it's game over not even a little nibble it's looks like some pretty good sand so delicious Santos don't do it and my stomach's pretty boobies the game mama imma do it don't do it he's game over sand tastes not good it done did it it's game over let's go more it's game over thank to this day I never did know what game I was playing and why eating the sand made it come to a an abrupt end but I did meet the most random person I have ever met danged I never got his name his name is now AB I'll miss you Elba talking to crazy people it's just so random funny and fascinating or just talking to people in general I remember this other time I was walking around my city one late night and out of nowhere this lady jumped out from the corner talking about how she lost her thumb holy what she needs to go to the hospital the thing is she had both of her thumbs no missing fingers or limbs didn't look like she had been stabbed shot or hit with a fist lady seemed perfectly healthy she might have been on crack which isn't it's not help that's not healthy but she seemed fine fine me being me I of course had to ask how'd you lose your thumb immediately this lady starts going on about how she was being chased by the Pope after Obama himself had stolen her middle finger because she had flipped off Daniel Radcliffe in Japanese I have so many questions so like any normal person I of course asked her what her thoughts on life were you know did the huge don't talk don't talk to strangers kids especially not crack strangers it was the most baduk Bedar it was the most bizarre talk I have ever had she kept rambling on about how she knew the Cherokee were coming back to scoop up angel dust which I think that's like more crack also something about how dinosaurs never existed and that Jesus made them up now do you see why I like talking to people a simple discussion can help you learn a lot and be very interesting or they can be weird as balls and make no sense I was lucky this lady was able to teach me dinosaurs are myth created by Jesus they don't teach you that in school I mean there is also the possibility of being mugged so yeah eventually the lady did just randomly take off the other way in a panic thinking I was Daniel Radcliffe probably to seek revenge the lady was right to fear me well I hope you guys enjoyed that video don't forget to Like comment subscribe and comment down below comment comment down below I always say to fast and at the end of sounding stupid comment down below if you guys had similar stories I love reading you guys's stories I love hearing itself do it I wanted to get more in depth on why I love talking to people and how it's like beneficial to humanity to just talk and stuff but I didn't have time also I was really stressed out so die you got this there's possibly gonna be a part two so look look for dad look for that you know so that's uh that's all like that's all I gotta say stay hydrated
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 5,861,690
Rating: 4.9626093 out of 5
Keywords: Crazy people, Crazy, People, Insane stories, animation, animated, Talking to crazy people, Somethingelseyt, Somethingelse, Something else yt, Somethingelseyt animations, animations, Talking, to, its game over
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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