Just my luck...

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before this video begins i just want to quickly shout out the merch story is the best way to support the channel besides just watching and it's essentially like my version of patreon except you don't have to pay monthly and you actually get stuff from it that's good anyways find the link in the description uh that was a heavy thing to come back from inter-dimensional time hell thing you know what it's not important what is important is i want to let you all know that i am indeed doing [Music] meh that's not no i'm doing i'm doing fine i'm okay i definitely seem to have worried my comments section a bit but i want to let you all know that i'm i'm doing i'm doing good i'm a-okay all right and i appreciate i appreciate the worry i get it i get i get it i wrote the help oh well a while ago in a completely different mindset and be real with you i have no regrets i freaking love that song and in the the music video is beautiful everybody who worked on it did an amazing job yeah i only pushed you guys to go go watch it go listen to it interpret it how you want to interpret as long as it isn't adam hates his fans because that's wrong don't do don't do that a good friend of mine zlinky shout out to my boy once put in a cool way that kind of stuck with me when talking about a song he created that the work of art was this cool little time capsule of how he was feeling in that moment that's how i feel about my song as well i like to create things when i'm feeling things such as anger happiness anxiety or even lack of chalky milk it not only helps me cope but i'm also just a strong believer that the best of content is that of substance created from momentary truth unless it's racist racists can go themselves i think a lot of my videos are time capsules of some sort and it's always interesting looking back at my videos and just sort of seeing how my mindset has changed or if it stayed exactly the same which either or isn't bad uh kind of like how i still believe that i have the worst freaking luck on the face of the planet for example the time i had decided to get donuts at three in the morning have you ever tried falling asleep but then can't that's me like once every two weeks and whenever that happens i decide to treat myself before i beat myself to my local 24 hour donut shop run by this really sweet old dude i like to call big d d as in like donuts and his massive dick the other week i was experiencing one of those days so i decided to hop in my car and start heading over to see the homie d unfortunately for me on the way thee absolutely nothing happened and i arrived safely thankfully the universe decided to give me some content because as soon as i got there i walked up to the window where you order and was met with nothing but complete disappointment the donut shop was closed oh was that not as exciting as you hoped okay hold up give it a moment because you see that wasn't the bad luck part my bad luck isn't just that of closing stores when i hope they are open no siree this curse of mine derives from a much deeper hatred from whatever horrible and probably racist deity that is in charge of the fate of our planet because after i had come to the realization that my favorite donut shop was closed i got punched in the face i straight up got clocked by some random dude out of nowhere most likely due to the unruly fate deity being bored and thought it would be funny and it was but that doesn't that doesn't make it okay freaking immediately after the dude booked it the opposite way and disappeared into the void of darkness that is the la alleyways yeah i have no idea what happened look here's a picture i'm not making this up look at my mouth it's all it's all freaked up there's blood and a bruise my theory is the dude was probably homeless because his punch felt as if it lacked nutrition and he was most likely trying to sneak attack me for my uh donuts but then quickly realized there were no donuts and ran away that's my theory okay adam i once had this dog i found on the street a couple months ago no name tag no address no nothing just was there so i took them home and called them shorby he was this incredibly well behaved beautiful siberian husky mix that was so smart that instead of eating your homework he'd not only finish it for you but then eat it while not breaking eye contact as to teach you the valuable life lesson that not everything is handed to you so easily very intelligent dog one day my buddy dave from boyinaband hit me up and was like hello tom it's me dave from boyinaband i'm in town can i come and visit you jolly good show i was like bruh come over winky face i had approximately two hours to clean my tiny ass apartment before he arrives so i sat down and played luigi's mansion 3 on the nintendo switch an hour goes by and i'm like oh my god holy i still have time and continue to play luigi's mansion three on the nintendo switch 25 minutes goes by and charby looks at me with this hey maybe you should clean your apartment type look on his face and i was like you know what shorby no and continue to play luigi's mansion 3 on the nintendo switch 10 minutes goes by and i get a text message from dave saying i'll be there in 25 minutes oh no eh i still have i jumped off my couch and immediately started cleaning up i washed the dishes wiped down my tables and grabbed all my dirty laundry only to throw that in my closet i had approximately 10 minutes now before dave got here and i only had one thing left to do empty the trash bin i looked sorby dead in his luscious baby blue butter boy eyes and muttered to him you're the man of the house now son and left to go take the trash out before i left i turned on the roomba to vacuum up the joint because oh boy the shore be like the shed completing the task of trash throwing i look at my watch and see that i have finished with seven minutes to spare so i rush back inside to continue playing luigi's mansion three on the nintendo they're everywhere why is there everywhere turns out shorby wanted to teach me a different valuable life lesson that lesson being don't leave your dog alone for three minutes next to an ongoing rumor because he might and the roomba might pick it up causing it to smear literally everywhere in your house i get a text message from dave five minutes until i'm there have you ever broken the speed force no get wrecked i guess neither am i for what seemed like the longest four minutes of my life i in complete panic picked up as much poop as i could using nothing but toilet paper water a sponge and probably sprayed enough febreze into the air to melt the polar ice caps with one minute to spare dave arrives and i pretend like nothing happened ah bloody nice place you got here smells nice you got any crumpets if you see dave tell him nothing happened a couple days later i found shorby's owners and he got his little happily ever after after making mine a little living hell anyways he was a good dog i like him now you might be thinking to yourself man adam you're right you have crappy luck that's not even the worst story a couple months ago i was invited by my buddy jameson to go hang out with our friends jordan aka the pivx xxd and kelsey akante darkheart aka my wonderful background artist i replied i what we doing and he replied back we want to go watch depressed animals doing depressed animal things so we went to the zoo there is one thing on this planet that i enjoy looking at the most and that is overly sized lizards that can devour me in one second if they wanted to the komodo dragon komodo dragons are like just so freaking cool like they have the word dragon in their name if that doesn't get you hot and bothered i don't know what will anyways it was the only thing i wanted to see but of course jameson jordan and kelsey all wanted to see everything else before it we spent more time trying to find the bathroom than we did trying to see my wonderful dragons of komodo took us about an hour into the zoo until we finally stumbled upon a sign that told us where they were and oh man my heart was skipping a beat the anticipation was growing and i couldn't help but feel so much joy as i was going to feast my eyes upon such beautiful wondrous and majestic [Music] it creatures it was closed it was the only exhibit closed the one the one thing i wanted to see just my luck gotta love this incredible curse of mine with such comedic timing yeah but to be honest i had a fun time regardless also i didn't write an end to this set
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 5,695,859
Rating: 4.9635201 out of 5
Keywords: Just my luck, Unlucky, Not the luckiest, Funny, Animation, Animated, Animated stand up, Stand up comedian, Comedy, haha, Somethingelseyt, something, else, yt, oh no, its whatever, uhhh, tags, donuts, zoo, komodo dragon, Adam
Id: GejRRmGaZV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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