M&B Bannerlord Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Infinite Money Glitch Is Broken

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Psychological_Toe_66 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2021 đź—«︎ replies
but hang on a second i can press this button again oh and i can press it again and again and ag and again oh and again and again and again oh my good lord it doesn't end ladies and gentlemen look at that money go up here we're up to 100k already mountain blade bannerlord is the premier medieval lord simulator on the market now normally players will spend some decades grinding their way from peasanthood to ruling over just a meager castle today however we will bypass the game by playing it in a way that the developers probably did not intend as i will be converting this game into a medieval prison industrial complex simulator that will generate us millions in revenue so without further ado make sure you sat back relaxed with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and you've saluted the picture of the queen that flies above your computer heck if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video now let's dive into this game as we start a brand new campaign now the aim of our campaign is very simple we want to be running effectively a raiding party that goes around trying to abduct as many people as possible our early game is going to be mostly us running around the forest as a battalion who moves exceedingly fast in trees trying to collect as many random peasant boys as we can find then ransoming them on the black market for profit whilst trying to grind our way up to a decent clan level where we can sign on with one of the empires because as soon as we've done that we'll become a multi-millionaire now of course we need to pick our new culture for a legendary new character of course we're gonna pick up the battanians for one very important reason these guys move insanely fast in forests and if you're trying to abduct prisoners the ability to move fast is incredible all we have to do is lure all of our enemies into a forest and then bam we've got them now when it comes to making our character i've got a crazy idea we're just going to go left on every single option we're just going to go as far left as possible and just create a man and slash being that is entirely left slider i have no idea what he's going to end up looking like but chances are he's going to be beautiful already he looks truly wonderful oh god oh i love him i suppose the biggest issue is we're also not allowed here because you got to go for the full left option and then we also have to go for white eyebrows and this is it oh my goodness a face only a mother could love he looks like a grown-up version of the boss baby like the boss baby from the film boss baby i think it is has just grown up with this gigantic megabind but has prematurely aged and maybe this is boss baby after like 70 years okay this makes canonical sense right let's throw ourselves into the game and get our lovely faction set up right well welcome into the lovely game ladies and gentlemen you'll notice a few things are slightly different for a start we have a large quantity of men we have some money and most importantly we have this amazing beautiful fish banner that i've created that's right welcome to our clan the pic clan or the prison industrial complex for short now you see i actually recorded the entire introduction to this game and also the grind to where we are today but sadly shadowplay decided to record my second monitor instead of the actual game itself meaning all of that footage has been lost into the void but nonetheless you didn't really miss much beyond me running around with a party of hooligans and peasants beating up a large quantity of looters until we gained enough renown to achieve clan tier level one now that we're clan tier level one we can actually start the exploit because now that we're of this renown all we have to do is sign on to the southern empire as a mercenary and then we effectively work for them every time they're at war with someone we're also at war with them and we can assist them in fighting and we actually get paid for it as well but the reason we really want to do this is because when we sign on with another faction we get to instead of trading in just garbage criminal prisoners we get to trade prisoners of war now the reason we want to do this is because prisoners of war are incredibly valuable that's right and also they can be exploited for fantastical profits so what i'm going to be doing is signing on with the lovely southern empire here and then what we'll be doing is we'll be running around because they're currently at war with the uh essary empire down here to the south and we'll be trying to find ourselves an asari lord who isn't that strong or powerful and all we have to do is try and abduct them in the meantime however we need to build up our party size it's only 28 i want to get it up to its maximum of 48 and that should put us in the strongest possible position so that we can actually you know properly put up a fight we do have some very decent troops but of course they can get better anyway i'll get back to you as soon as i've captured myself an enemy lord and we can start actually pulling off this exploit okay fantastic news ladies and gentlemen yes we've lost quite a few members of our party but it all paid off you see up here near the little village of ephemesa a single noble with just 30 men called sooner was trying to raid a village now sooner works for the assaila faction here now was the entire army of this area i was busy sieging down this castle she thought she'd wander off and try and pillage this village sadly for her we were in the neighborhood if our party have absolutely jacked up imperial infantry and consequently we captured her very easily and now that she's our prisoner we can engage in what i like to call creative prisoner management financials you see because we're signed on with this southern empire we can go to their keeps and go to their dungeons and donate prisoners to them that's right if you capped yourself a whole bunch of legendary lords donate them to the keep and you'll gain yourself influence isn't that amazing so what we're going to do is donate sooner to the keep but instead of pressing done just press cancel back on out of that menu leave go back to the town center then go to the tavern district and this is where things are going to get pretty whacky because ladies and gentlemen what if i told you there was a way to gain infinite money and all it required was a single noble that you'd abducted and now that we've abducted our noble we can ransom them off for money so we're going to press this button and sell all of our prisoners there we go 27 prisoners sold including sooner we've gained some points in roger fantastic but hang on a second i can press this button again oh and i can press it again and again and again oh and again and again and again oh my good lord it doesn't end ladies and gentlemen look at that money go up here we're up to 100k already now why is this happening well this is because sooner the lord that we've abducted is in a state of non-existence they are simultaneously kind of being held in the castle whilst also being in our inventory so when we go up to a prisoner trader and go hey i've got this prisoner who i'd like to ransom and they go oh my goodness it's a lord i'll give you 1 300 gold for them and we go fantastic that's brilliant we like the sound of that they go okay fantastic here's the money give me the prisoner and we say ah slight problem with that she's technically in the castle but not in the castle and then they just go okay that's fine and then for some reason they have the memory of a goldfish and then they immediately go oh i see you've got a high valley prisoner i'll give you 1 300 gold for them and this process can be repeated indefinitely it's like taking candy from a baby except the baby for some reason has an infinitely disposable quantity of income and just like this ladies and gentlemen we are power leveling our way through the rogue retreat as well as also making an incredible quantity of money look at that we're halfway to one million and as we've leveled up our road guru so much from selling prisoners look at this we're now level 50. this is fantastic now what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be sitting down here with my auto clicker and just simply smashing this button as much as possible until i gain a gigantic quantity of money so i'll be back in a moment oh here it is ladies and gentlemen we're making stunning progress towards 5 million gold this is just absolutely stupid with 5 million gold you can pretty much buy whatever the hell you like in the game do whatever you want it's ok you've got 5 million gold there we go fantastic look at that 5 million is it enough no we can do better ladies and gentlemen i know we can do better than five million gold we're going to the moon we're going to 10 million oh this is it ladies and gentlemen 10 million gold there we go i've been sat here for about half an hour now damning this button to my heart's content and there we go 10 million gold it's incredible now with 10 billion gold in the bank we need to actually start just buying our way to success the thing is we need renown and we need renown fast because i want to level up our clan tier as quickly as possible because that's going to allow us to get you know more soldiers which is genuinely all we need at the same time i'm going to be buying all of the most expensive equipment money can buy not just myself but also all of my companions so that i can kit them out to become effectively immortal anyway i'll be back after i've spent all of this money and gained myself a slightly more powerful army okay some decent progress has been made ladies and gentlemen my party is now much larger and much more powerful than ever before we have a little bit more renown uh not much more though just 109 however the southern empire has gone to peace with the asceri because you know they stole a castle so apparently we're just pacifists now however along the way i managed to actually abduct myself this lovely man here joran of the elepharoid he's um really incredible and very powerful it was actually a very difficult fight to try and defeat him but we managed it and so what we're going to do is just spam ransom him over and over again until we get back up and over the 1 million mark just because i like money oh wait this is the 10 million mark there we go okay it's up 10.1 million this is quite good i think probably 10.5 million is all we're ever going to need because in reality 500 000 gold is going to be more than enough to get me to where i want to go and where is that well it's to control a castle of our own or create our very own empire i'm not too sure this guy is the limit with the boss baby he just wants to become the boss of just about everything in the wise words of todd howard it just works generally in order to pull this off in the real world you need to be some kind of incredible charismatic being you know just like myself oozing with charisma beauty and immense knowledge speaking of which if you want to be like myself heck you can like this video and improve your christmas stats by two or just drink yorkshire tea from one of my majestic mugs everyone knows that improves your intelligence stat by 700. okay so we've made some good progress i've increased our army up to the size of 74 and i've met with regia who's the leader of the southern empire and what we're going to do is swear our allegiance and try and become a vassal and so there we go now we're signing on with her and the empire there we go we're banned there we go we've just become a vassal lovely stuff there we go we've now actually become a vassal of the southern empire this is of course just a temporary thing we're waiting for them to go to war and then as soon as they're ready for war we'll lead them off on a merry adventure and try and gain as much renown as possible until we achieve a clan level of free at which point we'll just simply leave the empire and start out our own kingdom well it finally happened ladies and gentlemen because i joined the empire decided to form an army and this is going to allow me to grind the leadership skill which we need to lead more men but also we finally declared war on the western empire this is fantastic as it means i now get to march my army of 220 men over and we're going to start capturing a couple of these castles just because you know we can oh but before we do that let's gain some experience by raiding these caravans come here little horsey i know you're laden with goods yes oh we found one of the lords he's only got 81 men oh this is perfect can we chase him down in the forest yes we catch up to him in the forest go go go go go yes come on grab him grab him grab him boys oh yes it's perfect we've got him oh yes right now we shall run him down 81 men what has he got decent quantity of troops perfect well we'll do this one manually oh yes look at all of these men this is incredible oh my goodness and i get to command all of it oh this is brilliant well everyone delegated i want no say in this uh yes we're going to do fantastic here they've just got a single horse archer it's that they're ruler yeah i think they their general is just charging into us at full speed let me kill his horse with javelins there you go horsley dead now you are dead and he dead good stuff let me get out of the way here into the melee lovely stuff oh yes it's imperial recruits versus incredibly strong dudes and there we go glorious success i think we might have lost one or two men here which is okay you know it's not the best but it will do all right there we go we win how much renown is that 3.5 renown very nice we get 56 percent of them and we only lost one man okay that's okay we'll steal some of these nice high level sergeant crossbowmen as well as cavalry this is all very lovely but the rest we can just free because we don't really need prisoners we can actually improve our men because of course lots of experience was had and fantastic stuff that was a glorious battle okay ladies and gentlemen it is now many many many hours later in fact it's been entire days since we started this run and the incredible boss baby is basically unstoppable we've achieved the maximum clan tier of level 6 meaning we can now field an independent army of about 190 troops which is incredible we can also have like four parties of companions running around the map with us and so what we've decided to do is we've temporarily sworn allegiance to the northern empire what we're going to do is grab up a huge bunch of men including maybe some of theirs march our way over to one of these cities take control of it and then be granted control of the city and then as soon as we have control of a city and a few castles we will cede independence from the northern empire and create a kingdom of our own one that will be more powerful than ever before i've basically spent the best part of 10 hours just building up gigantic armies of mercenaries charging them into unwinnable battles just to farm enough influence and renown in order to actually achieve this it has been an arduous process to say the least but we've managed to pull it off and that's all that matters now all i have to do is wait for my lovely independent parties to gain enough strength so that i can then recruit them and use them for my own means and it seems that we're now also at war with the southern empire fantastic both the western and the southern empire this is a lovely civil war effectively now whilst this is frustrating it is also a good sign as it means more opportunities for us to decide which settlements we'd like to eventually invade plus it means when we do eventually seed independence chances are they'll be too busy they won't really be bothered to deal with us right so far we've brought two of our parties together bring us up to a fantastic total of 300 men this is absolutely glorious but yes so far this is going very very well now we need to do is decide where we're going to attack with our 300 men preferably a city or so if we can farm up enough influence we're going to be able to actually summon additional forces to aid us that's right even more men all right i'm going to be bringing all of the forces together and i think combined we should be able to defeat just about anything that gets thrown our direction we can link up with our army here and we should be able to actually even defeat the gigantic army of apostates not that we want to of course because we want to actually go on and seizure castle preferably maybe a city now what city is overextended and ripe for the taking and because apparently we're about to make peace with the western empire that's a real shame i was about to just invade and try and take one of their castles but if we're going to make peace with them i guess we just have to peace out so to speak so that leaves us just a war of the southern empire so which region of the southern empire is nice and overextended hang on a second when did the southern empire take the city of vampirella up here oh my goodness now that is what i call an overextended city if we can grab that bad boy we are in the money well it sounds like we have our target so it's up to that northern city well in we go 680 men let's besiege the town okay now this is going to be a challenge but we can do it the garrison isn't anything too fancy the militia force is of course going to be mostly just peasants with spears so this is a great and glorious opportunity to show what we have got men charge into the city take control of it and then once it's ours we'll seed for independence yes glorious freedom all right the battering ram is approaching the gate the two siege towers are making decent progress as well oh the excitement it's truly palpable already we've killed a good 10 or so over the defending garrison just by using an incredibly large quantity of hired crossbowmen these bad boys will penetrate just about anything all right now i want to be on the front line so i'm going to try and climb up this siege tower that's right i'll be the first one let's go let it never be said that i wouldn't actually fight now this is where the fun begins i'm fantastic there's basically no one here to defend against us as well well let me just yeet some javelins over into the people who were meant to greet us well there we go we've taken the wall on one side that's a very nice sign indeed hello there random archer just still standing here oh i just love the javelin it's amazing it's just like aim and as soon as they lower their shield you just throw and then they just fall down on the ground oh it's so much fun oh and it looks like they're starting to retreat fantastic well this seems like glorious victory to me and there we go we've done it we've taken the entire city oh fantastic that was glorious i mean i don't even think we particularly lost any men that was fantastic so we've grabbed control of the city this is now ours and hopefully a vote will soon take place where we get to take control of it so just wait here for some time until you know the vote comes up and we get to nudge our name forwards and be like hey do you remember what we did it was great oh now it's the time to decide who gets to control it oh yes everyone votes for me yes of course i deserve it i've won it the city is mine okay fantastic we've gained land now we need to do is gain more land in the local vicinity and then we're in a fantastic position oh ladies and gentlemen welcome back we have actually finally reached the point where i'm ready to declare independence you see you'll probably remember we've really fought over the city of amparilla here but we also just took over the city of macabre which comes with these three lovely villages now because we hold two major cities i'm in a pretty comfortable position where i think it's about time we declare complete and utter independence so i'm going to disband my army of my four lovely party followers leave my kingdom and keep all of my holdings because i want my lovely castles and this now puts me to war with the entirety of the northern empire but just before i left the northern empire i convinced the northern empire to declare war on the western empire so the northern empire is at war with both the kuzats as well as the western empire meaning their forces are pretty well split now of course most of the northern empire now hates me but who cares as if i go into the clan menu i can now create a brand new clan that's right it's going to be an empire ladies and gentlemen what policies are we going to have oh we've got the best policies policy number one we're going to forgive all debts that's right all of your previous debt has now been forgiven the reason we do this is simple whilst it lowers our tax income we don't care about tax what we do care about is the fact that this massively increases the loyalty of all of our settlements making conquering very easy we're also going to want royal guard because i just love having additional men we also want imperial towns so that all towns held by the ruler gain increased loyalty and prosperity guess what i'm going to hold all of the towns and then finally we're going to pick up the incredible charter of liberties this makes our militia quantity and quality increased at the cost of a decrease in taxes but remember we don't care about taxes we care about strong lovely men and with that the empire of britannia is ready to rock and roll so let's unleash this bad boy ah perfect well our empire is now ready to go and we aren't war with the northern kingdom so all i have to do is hunt myself down a local lord and make peace it shouldn't be too difficult because we have 9 million gold in the bank we should literally be able to bribe them for about 5 000 gold maybe even less and we should be able to get peace it is incredibly easy to secure peace in this game and here we have it ladies and gentlemen finally peace has been secured all we had to do was track down the lord around epinosa castle and we have secured ourselves peace the biggest issue we do face however is that generally speaking we only control two major cities which is great that's a decent amount of income however the big issue we will run into is the fact that we don't actually have any ai lords helping us our parties are literally just our followers running around with a bunch of random men they find which isn't the worst thing in the universe but it's equally not the best so we're going to need to find local lords to marry our family members off to so that we can then hopefully have children and then later down the line convince the children to control vast slaves of land under the names of their own clans oh my goodness and a rebel lord has risen up on the map now that's something you don't get to see very often now i found this person here who i reckon i can probably bribe with just a bit of money so i'm going to offer to give him just 10 000 gold and let's see if that improves his relations with us yes by four perfect now we don't really know this guy we have a pretty neutral relationship to him but let's say that we should have an alliance between our houses so i'm going to marry off my sister for this random 25 year old bloke and sure that would be fantastic apparently have to sweeten the deal so i will also throw in some money around about 50 000 gold is what they want for this political marriage so we're bam it's happened and that's not really improved our relationship so bam i think it is time that we go into an agreement together that's right if i can take archon proto and his entire family with me that'll be brilliant let me quickly drop down to save file because what i'll do is i'll just repeat this over and over again until i ace the uh the challenge right this is my lovely trees and save file let us convince this man see he really likes us now so bam uh what do you think of him bam i'm the rifle ruler support me 81 chance critical success baby oh yes only two more attempts needed you know gareth asked you to do dishonorable things and noah binds you to doing evil that's right bam you should vote for me yes 58 charles oh we're gonna do it first time you might be correct lovely stuff okay it's well known that you and gyrus love each other yes and it's successful oh we've done it we've done it yes oh very well you convinced me that there is something i can consider this is a dangerous step however and i'm putting my life and the lives of my people at risk i need some sort of support from you before i can change my allegiance join empire britannia take a metric ton of money my friend take 816 000 gold and go do whatever the hell you like with it welcome to the empire uh arch and krotor is now ours and this has given us a lot of charm as well lots and lots of charm has now been had but that's fantastic that means we now have a brand new vassal of our kingdom the clan of dionycus which comes with all of these lovely members that will now run around and fight for us this is fantastic and guess what they all absolutely love us right it's now come to my attention that we have a large quantity of men around about 1 000 and um also the northern empire which you know we originally ran away from only has four thousand men because they're war with both the seven empire and also apparently the pick look i'm not too sure how it works but we're gonna go to war with them once they're busy with the southern empire and uh even though some people are gonna vote no we're gonna say yes let's go to war this is gonna be fantastic i mean i'm the only person who gets to vote but you know we're bam it's time for war with the northern empire we're gonna use this opportunity to jump on the castle which is right next to us called tepes castle because it only has 75 men defending it which as you can imagine makes our lives a little bit easier and you know despite the fact that they have 76 men defending and i haven't even built a single siege engine i think this is worth even assault just because we can probably climb up the ladders and murder them so it's time to begin the assault of our lovely future castle oh we've got all of the clans out here today mostly my clan of course but you know the other nobles that we managed to seduce to our cause are also lent some aid which is fantastic right and here it comes the scaling of the walls the ladders are going up ladies and gentlemen there's only 80 people defending here so i think our highly trained warriors should stand a decent chance of doing some good work here especially if i can eat javelins like that yee right here it comes the ladder ascension is now happening uh quite a few of the troops up at the top aren't exactly our best warriors but eventually we'll filter into the legendary legionaries who are going to start really clearing out these walls you know what i'm going to see if i can actually climb my way up the walls and do this one manually i'm going to see if i can run past all of the defenders get round behind the castle gates and open up the gates for my men i have no idea if i can do it but i think it'll be worth an attempt look at you angry men with swords thinking you can fight me i have javelins yeah there we go okay now i am being chased along the walls here but it's okay to oh wait there was men behind me well it's fine we'll just speed our way through the battle and the air will probably win it'll just take a while there we go we've made it up onto the walls now fantastic glorious victory it's just that little first bottleneck of getting all of the men up the ladders when the ai's having a bit of a moment but we did it glorious stuff only three casualties to our party that was very good okay now we will show mercy here and that's fantastic and then i'll need to make a kingdom-based decision to see who should actually get this castle but you know i can actually just do that deliberately already i'll just give it to the faction of dynacus here there we go so they now actually have themselves their own little castle to work out of fantastic stuff right now off to take the next castle epinosa castle which is going to take a little bit of extra effort but i think it'll be well worth it all right so we now have a roaming army of 931 men which i reckon is going to be more than enough to take over whatever armies we run into usually the ai fields army's about 1000 men and so if we face them in the open fields of battle we are 100 going to win right now let's see who's actually defending epinosa castle 96 defenders oh yes it's going to be another absolute walk in the park ladies and gentlemen besiege the castle oh they've marched up an army of 361 men here to try and you know dissuade us from taking this castle but uh it should be an absolute walk in the park and we'll manage it anyway it's going to take a lot more than 366 men to stop us taking this castle now we'll just finish up building a battering ram and then wander straight on up to the main gates and perfect time to lead the assault 99 men versus 962 10 to 1 odds and i think we've got the advantage right let the fun begin now this castle actually looks pretty darn fun let me see if we can quickly get some of the javelin yeet oh that's perfect oh and it was an imperial palette guard as well and another yeet oh yes that one was good i love javelins they they're just so weighty meanwhile it looks like our battering gram has just about made it up to the gate meanwhile we're scaling the wall on the left side here so their attention should be nice and split between all of these different choke points and as soon as we've captured these two castles i think it's probably been a good point to actually consider piecing out oh look at this oh we're probably getting down that door oh my goodness they did just eat the battering gram in the side of a catapult but it should be okay let me stand out the way of that bad boy and there we go the gate has been opened all you have to do is now crack the gate on the other side oh my god no no oh that's a that's a lot of kills with a cat's bolt let me get out of the horse and get through this front gate this is it the castle is now perfectly open oh and someone opened it up on the other side fantastic yay we made it fantastic oh it's wonderful oh it's truly wonderful and glorious ah the castle is ours that's what you get for not defending your castles guys but you know what ladies and gentlemen all good things must sadly come to an end and i think i've spent approximately about two days in bannerlord over the last week recording this video so it's probably time that we call an end to it i know if you want to see more of the legendary boss babies adventure because i'm really enjoying this plot line and i'm really excited to see where this empire can go then make sure to hop on down to the comment section and give me a shout and also if this video gets i don't know let's say an arbitrary number of 40 000 likes or something like that then yeah we'll return to this and we'll continue our adventure and potentially turn it into a glorious world conquest but as always ladies and gentlemen i've been the spiffing brit this has been a lovely cheesy bannerlord exploit and of course if you enjoyed the video feel free to give it a like a huge thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons who make all of these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much each and every one of you you are amazing and hey if you sat there wondering what video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway thank you very much for watching and i'll see each and every one of you in the next one and i'm afraid that's goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 820,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, M&B, M&B Bannerlord, bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord exploit, infinite gold glitch, money glitch, money exploit, infinite money, bannerlord glitch, mount and blade exploit, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, rpg game, rpg exploit, mount, and, blade, mount and blades, bannerlord gameplay, mount and blade 2, M&B exploit, bannerlord overpowered, overpowered, infinite money glitch, bannerlord trade, bannerlord workshop, bannerlord guide, the spiffing brit
Id: spurGX2XMVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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