Abandoned 17th Century Fairy tale Castle ~ Everything Left Behind!

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good morning everybody welcome back to the Bros of decay as you can see i'm sort of sleeping in my car  because last night we drove 700 kilometers   to France to get an abandoned castle that has been  left behind for ages and is incredibly historical   the story behind it is even more incredible but  now i first gotta wake up I get myself ready   We slept in the car in the middle of these woods  as you can see it seemed like great place to   sleep i saw on the map that there's some sort of  lake here and I want to check it out before we go   over the fence like i always with exploring  let's see what this place has to behold   okay as you can see everybody we  came to a little fishing pond i think   some sort of a house here does somebody live here   i don't think so i'm not going to stay here  for too long but as you can see we have   This little fishing pond of why somebody  we slept yesterday or this night actually   now it's time to drive over to the castle i'm  super tired but this one is worth it believe me   it's again one of the best ones that  i'm ever gonna film on this channel   i've i said that many times everybody i  said many times like this is the best place ever   but i checked it out last night  and seemed like such a historical place   Incredibly beautiful inside and completely  locked in time, let's go over there Still very tired everybody but uh these  are the things you have to do to film these   Incredible places around France they  are mostly so far away from my home   and i only have the weekends as to  explore them so gotta go hard or go home i'm ready to explore this beauty and let's make it memorable This documentary will give you a glimpse behind  the walls of a dormant 17th century castle The family found its origin in the 14th century   when they first started to  occupy this region of France Nowadays not many people of the  Louis' family are left behind   the last person living in this place was Misses Anne Louis but Misses Anne Louis and her  son peter are still around   and i don't live that far from the castle both  of them never go inside this place anymore   They seem to have lost their  interest for the castle all the artifacts dating back more than 300  years into history and beautiful artifacts   that have history written all over them she now lives with her son peter and her  castle has been dormant for more than 10   years and it's able for us to explore let me take you inside of here and show you one   of the most incredible and historical  abandoned castles in the entire world Welcome back everybody to another documentary  brought to you by the bros of decay i'm Lesley and   Today we are exploring another memorable abandoned  castle in France this place used to be of Misses Anne Louis and her family history dates back to 1470  when the first Louis was born this place is   Just locked in time over the last 10 years and i'm  going to show you what's left behind in here let's go the first thing i want to show you in this place  is the grand frond entrance one of the most   Important parts of the castle the people that once  built it wanted to get this part of the castle   exactly right because this is the first  impression what people get when they come   into your place and in here they did a fantastic  job i was astonished when i first ventured through   the doors i didn't come through that door because  that one has not been opened in a very long time   let me show you first i will go back a little bit  and show you that grand entrance that they made   with the staircases on both sides it's very  fascinating oak wood stairway that's now been   Devouring by dust webs as well as woodworms  as you can see it's very unfortunate to see   places like these deteriorate in time but this  everybody was the grand entrance of the castle here you would go onto the lands   and has now been locked up for more than 10  years spider webs are covering the doorway   making it their own and what's very fascinating  about castle hallways not especially this one   because this one is very narrow but normally you  would have lots of benches in here when people   came to the castle and these people were not as  important as the people that lived in these places   the owners of the castle or the servants  would just seat them here and give them a   cup of coffee or something else and they were out  in a minute and only the very important people   would be allowed to go through over the stairway  to the top and inside of the castle but first   let's have a look inside of here lots of wood  okay i suppose back in the day but it closes up   i suppose back in the day all the jackets and  everything will be in here but later on it was   Converted into a wood bin let's venture up this  stairway to the top floor and inside of the castle what a fantastic sign to behold i feel like a  wealthy person back in the 17th 1800s venturing   into a French castle look at this  astonishing view a room that we end up in   with a mesmerizing crystalline chandelier above us  wow i have to show you this room in great detail   look at these tapestries on the wall these rugs  that they hang up this brown color i just adore it wow this was the grand room where i let  the wealthy guests inside of the castle   and these depict former times in  france napoleon times 16 1700s   people literature people sitting outside in  the garden probably from a castle as this one to depict a lavish lifestyle from back in the day we have this religious painting just  sitting here being devoured by time wow there's a lovely tea kettle and the  design leaves it so you cannot spill anything it's probably made from silver a half  little a candle the last one and we lit   up when she lived in this place it's always  very important to look through the cabinets   while you explore these places to see if you can  find any history or dates that might relate to   the passing of these people or why it has been  left behind this is from 1994 as you can see there's not much more except for newspapers  in this cabinet let's close that up   and then right next to it we have this  wonderful upholstery chair i can see a   noble person still sitting in here back in the day  just imagine this somebody sitting in this chair   wonderful red chair beautiful upholstery over it and then to this side except for my back excuse  me we have another little sitting area with a desk   and that leaves us with two options left into  the dining area right into the leisure area   i'm gonna choose left let's venture in there everybody just take it in this astonishing  dining area that we just ended up in and this   one has even more tapestries on the wall the rugs  that cover it are just fascinating in my opinion i always whenever i come into such  a dining area can see the people   that once used to live here sitting  around the table and having a meal   wow this is so different from a manor or house  because these people would be served by servants   have again this wonderful chandelier hanging  above the table this looks more like press to me beautiful crown molding on the ceiling but i would have expected like a bigger dining  table this looks like not very fancy dining table   these are just is all some of the  bell switches but still very nice   very nice cloth on there of course they are  antique now we have this cabinet here in the   room with the weapon shield of the people in the  crown of it that's just fascinating then you know   you're rich where you can let  people make your own furniture wow soup durine left here nothing in there anymore it's not  a soup green it's just for sweets cloths just always looking through these  cabinets to see if i can see anything   interesting especially in these places  have a look at the teapot that's left here   isn't that just a fascinating  piece wow i just adore it let's close this beauty up oh the squeaking then you know it's old i can't stop looking at the  racks that are on the wall of course they had some delft plates on  the wall here wow depicting chinese parks   as you can see there are three of the same  ones three identical ones then of course   we are in france and france always hosts their  built-in cabinets this one seemed to be locked   but these were the plates that  were used when people had dinner   all left here to gather dust but back in  the day they would serve for great memories   wow sauce dispensers and everything is  still here let's look for a logo on there this one seems to be circular stuck to each  other there's like a little ladder in the front   there's no logo on the bottom okay let's close this beauty up let's go further then we have this little sitting  area we could have a coffee   after your dinner probably chit chat a  little bit some water jugs underneath another tea kettle these people must have loved  tea i love the flower that's on the top of here   well do you see what i see you probably yeah maybe you  see it but there's a hidden door here everybody   wow leading to the servant's quarter this is very  typical for these places because servants would   sleep separately and would live separately from  the owners of these castles they sometimes didn't   even want to see these people because they were  not on the same level as them let's have a look   here must be the kitchen yes and this and of  course the basement where the owners of this place   also did not come back in the  day see some more newspapers   oh yes you see a date the 19th of august is 2010  one of the last newspapers one of the last dates   in this place here the servants would cook  up the food for the owners of the castle   wow there's a lot still left behind  pots and pans and everything i see   coffee grinders above there lots of  oil lamps as well at the top of it fascinating and a lot more food as well here  attention everybody the glasses there are   obstacles in front of the door it says over  here so please be careful when you open it even some sunflowers left over here but let's go  back to that part first because we will venture   into the basement later in the video this to my  opinion is one of the most beautiful wall carpets   in this entire house why do i say a house this  is a castle leslie mind your words and mind   your manners you will offend these people but  look at it it's just a wonderful king and queen   and then we have this warrior i think he's looking  towards the girl and the horse besides them   and just the quality on it is  fascinating wow this must be worth   an invaluable amount of money i'm not gonna  even bother to think how much is worth   we have this wonderful night depicted here on this  painting and many more things plates and stuff   wow these were the store liquors you could take  them out to the fields these people took them   out mostly hunting they had this little box and  they could bring it out after hunting they could   all have a drink as you can see but you would  also display it in your dining area i see them   a lot in dining areas in abandoned castles more of  the chairs and probably another built-in cabinet again completely filled with plates and cups  and all these things i love to see it oh guess what i just saw another hidden door  this one was quite invisible to me but it   seems to be completely locked up unfortunately we  will find out where it leads later on the video one more wall carpet i cannot stop looking at  these deepest trees that they hung up on the wall   here in this little entrance hall wow but that  takes us now to the leisure part of the house the   sitting area the living area however you want to  call it many people probably spend the most time   at first this little room looks like a big mess  but it's actually not when i go over to this side   you can see a magnificent piano area a  grand wing piano in the middle of the room   with another tapestry slash wall rock here on  the wall and this one depicts a lush landscape   somewhere in france or somewhere around the  world these trees look very foreign to me wow this one is just amazing  let's see if it's still place wow still plays after all these years  this one is from 1955 made in paris let's look at the inside of it how does it  look oh they have these papers with like   white powder on there probably isn't what  i thought i think it is but fascinating again lots of paintings all  scattered over the walls   i love this one of this lady just casually  relaxing but if you look down here there's   a little dog at her lap a royal lady and  this room is designed like the bedroom you   can see the paintings all above there and  everything just made tailored to this room look at the side table completely made out  of marvel with woodwork and gold plating   everything is designed on this one wow here we have another lady casually chilling with a fan in her hands a display cabinet  underneath let's see what's in here good day wow even upholstery on the back of here close this one gently there we go   to either side of it we have these  upholstery chairs flowers worked into them and then have a look at this side of the  room that's a complete mess everybody   everything has been just thrown around  and i don't know why there's a little   label on here that just says what it  is it's just a frame of a painting a chandelier hanging in the middle  of the room crystal here chandelier i had first thought that this was a bench but it's  not these are separate chairs that we see here in   front of us i thought it was like this corner  bench there's actually not lil estracion okay   this is very fascinating the illustration  this is a magazine from back in the day   it's not around anymore nowadays but i found a  castle of the people that used to produce these   friends i'm going to link the castle up here  in this castle that i filmed the people lived   that designed and made this magazine back in  the days it's just a magazine talking about   life and different things with advertisements  and you can even see the cost of the magazine   118 free francs for for a year abandoned  avenue so that's not much back in the day   um that that should be was a lot but  it's not much right now i should say   very fascinating to always see it going back  in these noble places we have this chassis no   it's not a chassis long it's just a sofa and  a pull street rat sofa with matching pillows let me show it in great detail wow love love love to see these things and that i think leads us  to the tower of the castle   first have a look up here we have  another one of those worked in paintings yes and here we wander into the library that's  in the tower of the castle a round library   like you see it in the movies wow this is just  amazing to see it's very surreal to be in here here the people used to come back in the day they  used to sit here at the desk have a book in front   of them study it learn about different things  there's still a book opened up here with thousands   and thousands of pages i'm halfway in the book  and it says 1827 on the page count a little inkjar   that you could close up like this you could  write with i see some gold books over here wow and here to the side you can see how  long this place has been abandoned   spider webs are completely taking  it over and making it their role and then from the living area you could  wander straight into what's most one of the   most enjoyable rooms of the house the pool  room oh this is like a man cave everybody   let me show you first this room in great detail wow here the men of the house like it used to  go would have enjoyed themselves all day long   just drinking whiskey having great talk i can see  them still here in this room it's just fascinating   okay let me show you what's left in here because  it's quite quite fascinating i need to turn up   the light a little bit because it's dark in here  just a bit more light we also have a fireplace   in this room okay this is oh you know we  saw already a lot of fireplaces excuse me   i did not cover them in great detail it's a very  small fireplace just enough for one block of wood   these two faces to either side of it wow then a  record player right in the middle where they could   play some dunes and just have a nice time here  around the pool table absolutely love it and we   have these newer chairs here in the corner of the  room it's a leather upholstery sofas but they are   probably maybe 40 50 years old not like the  other furniture that's inside of the house a painting above there   of a lady looking very sad actually wow  more paintings around the walls of this room and you can see from the imprint of the wall that  there used to be something else here that has been   taken down that's also very interesting lamppost  the wall street chair right next to it and we have   another one right over here oh this one is very  fascinating the flower design again coming back   and over here as well oh this is cool here you  can see the curtains would be hung up like this   and that's just the imprint from the years  that it has hung there but now they are loose and then everybody the pool table to my  opinion one of the most beautiful ones   that i've ever encountered every single detail  after this pool table has been thought about   you can see it has faces in the side of it it  has this beautiful counter worked into here   you can like operate it like this keep your points now this is unfortunately completely decayed oh every corner of it has this design and it  seems like there are keyholes all around it   but it's actually not there not hollow on the  inside wow what a masterpiece and then behind   this we have the scoreboard with the queues  above it and these are many cues left here here they could count the points of the game table a beautiful clock on top of  there unfortunately i have not found   many artifacts of the people yet it seems  like they took a lot out of this place   when anne louis left it behind at our last day but  that's sometimes good we have to stamp over here what is this little box there i'm not sure but  this used to be a very small accountancy desk   where people would do their accountancy  of them of course what would you   otherwise do on account to see desk you can close  it up like this and lock it up it doesn't close   anymore there's this beautiful design on the  front of it and then we have this last corner   of this room again more beautiful paintings   this this crest that we see here on the side of  it looks like the crest that we also saw on the   cabinet and these people that are depicted  on it might be the owners of this place   wow and here we see an article of people  standing around a billiards table cool look at this face that we have over here and then a marvel clock face as well to this  side fascinating things in here everybody just   fascinating to my opinion i can wander through  this castle for hours i've now already been   here in here for four hours and i still haven't  covered the top floor and probably not all the   floors on the downstairs as well but it doesn't  matter i just love it before i go further to   the last room of the downstairs there are two more  things that i forgot to show you just a moment ago   but we have this stroller here in the corner of  the room let me turn on the light you can see it a   little bit better in detail because it's actually  a very fascinating one a very old one as well   this very big steel wheels on the  bottom of it and here they would   carry the children around the property and  town with it rocks around has upholstery   all over it and it's just a very fascinating  design wow look at the handle here in the front i can oh this must have been such a treasure  walking a children around in this one and   it has like this hole underneath here i'm not  going to open it up because i will rip it apart   but don't know what the hole is for and as  well in this room we have this rocking horse   from a child left here and  again a very vintage one wow and this one has these wooden wheels that  you would also see in horse carriages   and probably real horse hair in the tail of it i now find myself back in the hallway and this  room here to the left we have already seen this   was the pool area and the leisure area but  now it's time to see what's on this side i   myself have not been in here so i'm quite  excited to see what this one has to behold   oh everybody look over here this was the door that  leads to the dining area the other secret door   that we just filmed but it's  completely locked up now this is a welcome welcome oh my god   look at this we have a built-in bed probably  the last place where anne louie used to sleep   because she was very old when she last lived  in this place and she had to probably sleep   downstairs and this might have been her  bedroom because i don't see her walking   up that stairway every single day and  every single night look at this bed   beautiful crown molding it's not crown molding  it's it's like woodwork on this wooden walls wow upholstery bed all around i love the flower  design on it it's a very fascinating design   we have a picture frame of somebody here might  this have been her son peter he looks like a   very intellectual man and from the outside  behind him you can see that he probably   was standing in front of this castle because i  recognize the windows and the shutters from it these bombshells here on the floor don't know why  they are here in this bedroom but yeah why not and   then we have this wonderful painting hanging above  the bed i would be worried every single night   when i was sleeping in here that this thing  would fall on my face okay right next to the bed   we have doorways that probably lead to bathrooms  but above these doorways we also have paintings   worked into the wall you only see this in  castles never in manners never in villas   and also only in france oh what's this it seems  like we've ended up in some sort of an archive   wow many many documents stored in here from back  in the day maps from france i can see you can see   a pocket knife laying here lots of booklets even a  little bit of wine to sneak in some night drinking wonderful i did not notice it yet  but i was literally walking on   a rock made from a polar bear or something  like that as this white fur oh my god   if this is really from a polar bear this is quite  sad but back in the day people you didn't used to   care about animals that much look at this enormous  bouquets that we have here on the side of the room wonderful books in there wow very literature people also very big books  then we have this artwork a drawing of a statue fascinating drawing and also a little desk in  this room and here the people used to do work and   yeah we have this telephone over  here an old school vintage telephone   probably some people on my channel have used  it before i really like to see them i now   learned that this third horn is used to list if  somebody wants to listen in on the conversation   or all wants to participate in the conversation  like we have a third caller right nowadays the watches of on the wii are even still here wow a sitting corner where she  could read a book at night   she even had this little poof underneath her chair  that you could pillow pull out but it's pretty   stuck underneath there you could put our feet  up read a book underneath this light fascinating and to this side of the room we have  the mirror with the fireplace underneath   and everything in this room has been  thought of it has been completely designed   for this room only wow a marble fireplace  underneath you can see the smoke has built up   over the years on the marble and the stone and  it's just a wood fireplace maybe she used the   wood that we saw in the hallway earlier to  fire up this fireplace that's a possibility   i also really like the vases that have been  worked into the side of the fireplace here   okay let's head back but first let me show you  these gardens on the painting in a castle above it   let's now venture up the stairway to the top  floor and show you the most private part of the   house i just adore the design of the stairway  where you can walk up on two sides literally   something you would see in the movie wow this  blue carpet on stairway it's also very fascinating   and it takes us up to the top floor i  noticed something here i love these things   it's like a calendar and every day you turn  it over it flips a day you just go a little   closer there's like a mechanism in here that does  that when you flip it back it goes one day back i would love to see the inside of it  we have here we have the ark of triom   from paris and the eiffel tower and  here you would have the months wow and that takes us to the top floor everybody  over here the stairway joins together   and makes a big one again and we are greeted by this cabinet over here and the jackets of anui are still in here  wow you can see our bond her jackets and even here   to the side of the cabinet we have a red raincoat  wow look at the keys that are hidden inside of it   somebody hit some keys in the jacket okay let's  close that up let's go further on the top floor   here to the left first let's  see where these people slept   and where they spent actually most of their lives this one seems to be locked up unfortunately a painting here to the side we have one little bedroom that we venture into at  first this looks like child bath child's bedroom   where maybe peter used to sleep back in  his day the son of the family or another   child of the family who knows still made  after all these years of abandonment   a vanity to the side of it with a water  jack on top of there and a marble top   oh look at this everybody i really  adore it we have this vintage car   over here it says six on the front and then a  steam a toy steam powered machine wow and even   the plushie bears the teddy bears of the child are  still lying here after all these years that isn't   if that isn't fascinating i don't know what is you  even had a little accountancy desk in his room wow flower wallpaper that reveal his  little area where he kept his puzzles   his wallpapers his posters  everything still in there ah and then we have some  sort of an adult's bedroom   look at this one wow here the noble people would  sleep right next to the child actually but there   is a teddy bear on the middle of the bed but i  think it has been placed there still made after   all those years again very fascinating design  oh i love these nightstands round nightstands okay and on top of it we can see a picture  of the same boy that we saw in the other   bedroom downstairs coming back so this might  have been our only child peter that that   yeah that she adored and she  kept all throughout the house   this might be the last room where on the we  used to sleep lots of religious depictions again   above the bed and over here we can see drawings  of the town i think and we see people sailing   ships and probably peter made this so  many artifacts to look at this place wow this fireplace with the mirror  above it is just totally amazing look at the clock on top of  here a gold clock blue accents what a piece everybody what a piece   and then the fireplace underneath with a  bellow on top it says arcgus on the front of it the bellow doesn't seem to function anymore wow then it seems like we have one last bedroom  oh my god another bedroom built into the wall   beautiful wallpaper on it again probably a  child's bed because it's very tiny still made   after those years and typically french as you can  see just take it in everybody take this beauty in this court here next to the bat they used to turn  on and off the light it does not function anymore   nowadays then they have this little doorway right  next to it that reveals a little washing area   you could put some water in here with  a water jack wash your face at night   shiniest calendar in here as well 1968 it  says on that one let's close this beauty up wow and a fireplace with a mirror  above it gold plated and even   this painting on top of it a few girls  sitting at the lake feeding a swan we also see some african art  in this place a face mosque of course france had great influence on the  colonies in africa and so they probably also   had something to do with with it back in the  day a bellow down there and a walking cane what a room everybody what a room and  here on the wall we have another wall   carpet this one is less fancy but it  seems to be less arabic inscripts on it   as you can see on the sides of it  i don't know exactly if it's arabic   or if it's egyptian but it's somewhere from that  part of the world the same telephone as well   left here so many things to look at look at  these glasses i truly love them wow you can   see it held it in front of your face like this  and that's how you would read with these glasses let's place them back nicely and there's still  time for this side of the upstairs floors let's   see what's what this side has to reveal everybody  oh a little bit less fancy than the other side   but definitely not yet for the workers still  i think these would be guests bedrooms uh   when guests came over there you had  some place to sleep them what's this   it seems like some sort of a hat but it's now  completely devoured a statue underneath here oh i love this we have like this built-in cabinet   and then they have like this little  washing area with a chamber pot   underneath the predecessor of the bidet  this is wow beautiful jack on top of there another enormous bedroom on this side  probably again also a guest bedroom still   looks very fancy for this place upholstery  bed still made everything still in it wow very fancy and then we have the screen divider   here they definitely also loved their  chinese and asian antiques as you can see they must have been pretty  expensive back in that day because   you only see them in castles not in normal houses a painting of a lush landscape  alpine mountains in the back wow an accountancy desk to this side very very beautiful the wallpaper is just letting  loose in this room giving up saying take me   and then we come into another oh this is another  bathroom but it's again in the tower of the castle   the paws a bottle with paws  underneath park claws wow fancy bathtub but again a very  old-school bathroom to my opinion the decay in this place is truly happening   let's open this one up everything  is still in there look at this look at these balls up here this flask  with some sort of an elixir in there   just close that up nicely again and even the furniture in this room is shaped  to the curvature of the the tower as you can see   it's shaped to the curvature wow i want to  point out one more thing in this room and   that's the electricity that's added  on later when this castle was built   this place of course did not have any electricity  and it's just added on at a later time the light is shining down from the  stairway wow oh i forgot a room over here   let's quickly look at it and yes we have  another bedroom so many bedrooms in this place   where people used to sleep it must have  been a very big family back in the day   back then everybody lived together in one house  now we're all divided over the whole world we   only see each other at christmas here they had  again a bathroom in the tower of the castle fascinating okay let's set up this stairway winding staircase to the top floor  you can unfortunately already see   that the building is cracking up over here coming here to some sort of a top floor looks very unstable to me oh my god here  you can truly see the decay of the castle   it needs a lot of renovation  work to be ever used again   that's such an unfortunate thing with  these french castles nobody seems to care   about them or have the money to restore them  anymore and then they are just left like this this breaks my heart seeing this   a child used to slide asleep up here in  this room but now nobody does anymore okay i have to go into this room over these  wooden beams because this one is still very nice look at it seems again like a guest  bedroom or a child's bedroom up here a little studying desk with a clock  face right on it from when is this paper   six stars of the seventh of 66. wow  this one is 60 years old everybody   60 years old again wonderful  wallpaper in this room oh my god then we got another bedroom down here look at this very old steel bed that we have here a doctor's suitcase of some sort and then  this little upholstery chair in the corner   of it with this little stove right next  to it this setup is so incredibly cute   it's like one two one one yeah half the scale as  it normally used to be child's toys from back in   the day they are just fascinating and then the  stroller as well what a piece to behold i see   that there is one last flight of stairs okay  i'm curious to see where that's gonna take me let's go up here what seems like  the highest floor of the castle one door again locked then oh no way that i'm  gonna walk on here this is the top that i just   showed you it doesn't seem worth risking my  life for because just falling apart over here   falling apart the last part of the house  venturing down the stairs to the basement   let's check that out because in castles basements  are mostly very very interesting and hold   lots of historical pieces i'm not sure about  this one i can already see some plastic chairs   that's not a good sign but we will see oh let's  go first here to the right we have this bicycle   laying here on its top this was  the electricity of the house wow   look at that that were switches  to turn off and on the electricity   of course later added on i don't know where these  jaws up there would be used for look at those oh the wine cellar of course you  gotta have a wine cellar in the castle   very important my my friends my dear viewers  and still some bottles of wine left here   and they're all still filled with  wine that's just totally amazing   ah attributes for the horses you put  your shoes in when you're riding a horse   all the different things to hook up the  horse wow i'm very curious what's in this bag oh it seems like there are some coats in here very  wonderful i need to take this out give me a moment   i just opened it up but they are not coats  maybe these are rocks or something like   that yeah they seem like goats but i'm  not sure they are indeed very very big   um if anybody knows what these are let me know  of course at the end of the video i will clean   this up and i'll close the bag again but  let's now go further to the basement okay   a stroller some bowling pins we have laying  here on the floor oh these are fascinating   these you would throw like this and then you knock  down these pins in the game of old-school bowling one last room here that's a food storage area of  course you would keep the food in the basement   because it's very cool in here wow   this one has been standing here for a very  long time the mold is growing on there i love the design of this basement it's just  fascinating it says may of 1923 on there   and then on the other side of the stairway  we come to this part of the castle   and we were here earlier in the  video if you can still remember   this was the kitchen area and downstairs  here the workers would work as you can see   these are very empty these rooms but these  were storage areas for the food and everything then to this side we have the grand kitchen of  the place where all the food was prepared wow   an enormous stove underneath an exhauster very  beautiful french wood stove underneath there irons as well up here look at those very hefty very heavy and then  middle of the room we as well had this enormous   stove where probably a few workers simultaneously  would cook food for the owners of the castle   very rusted up not able to open that anymore an oil lantern above here   lining up this room probably workers servants  have not been in here for a very very long time this cabinet has completely collapsed we have another little area preparation area oh  when these were the food elevators and yes they   would come out in the kitchen upstairs these don't  function anymore the cables are completely broken wow what a find see a stairway over here and i think this is what  leads us to probably the servants area where the   servants would sleep and work this one's locked  up but we still have this staircase going up here   building cabinets again in the  walls everywhere in this place this one seems to be locked up as well okay yes these were definitely the workers  quarters very bland they didn't spend a lot   of money on these yeah they've spent a little  bit on it but as you can see here the workers   of the castle used to sleep with the stove here  that is simple stove with a small mirror above it lots of books in here as well and  then a little bed two beds actually   over here this side with two workers used to sleep  whoa there's like a bees nest in here lots of bees   flying around okay i'm gonna leave this room  behind no need for me to be in there oh i just   noticed something let me get this rock in front  of the door okay there is literally a wall rack   or a door rug as you can call it over here wow  but also i want to give you a little closer look   at what the bats of the servants used to look like  very bland in comparison to the luxurious beds   the owners of the castle used to sleep in  i can see there's one more flight of stairs   let's of course take that oh i almost fell  there excuse me this oh this one leads back   into the castle this is the room that we just  filmed okay let's go back to the servants area it seems to go all the way at the tower oh  my god the key in this room is very present look at this all these pictures of these people  left here i love the setup that we have here   in front of us this enormous  bookcase is on the side of it there's yorune joining me we have this  train car this train railroad track   for the children that used to sleep that  used to live and the workers quarters as well   a miniature tour castle here on the floor as well  a doll sitting over there i just have to point out   the little furniture that's in this room as you  can see this they have this little washing table   with even an emblem in the front of it with  this tiny chair next to it this used to be   the the toys where the children of the castle  used to play with you can see even the inside   of the sink is designed and it's made from  porcelain these i call real toys last for ages tiny doorway that's unfortunately locked but i can see on  this side we have another one let's go into here   oh my god the whole wall is collapsing  look at this and this tells us the story   of the rich versus the poor they  didn't spend any time on this one   or as little money as possible because you can see  the castle itself is still in a very good shape   but over here everything is  just literally falling apart building cabinets lots of things still in  there oh these are army pictures as you can see   because the man of the of louis was probably  yeah he was a colonel in the army you can see   them sitting outside of the castle having a great  time here we can see another portrait of them wow many more army pictures down here oh are these protesters yes yes they are but they  are not i found other protesters no these are not   producers i think these are to straighten boots  or something like that okay i found bertis in an   abandoned house of a lady that lost her legs back  in the 1900s i will link that one up there but wow we have another room behind here that's completely  falling apart that i'm not gonna go into   look at this little oh this is like a baby grip  but a very tiny one for girls and boys to play   with wonderful i'm not gonna go underneath  there because this is gonna fall on my head   okay let's venture into  the last part of the castle let's have a look let's take the  winding staircase to the top floor we're coming into the tower  of the castle right now okay there's a water tank up here of  course for water pressure you have to   put it as high as possible or this doesn't  seem like something that i want to walk on   the floor is just falling apart no way i'm gonna  walk on this one okay let me now take you outside   show you the outside of the castle and the horse  carriages as well that have the carriage house   i don't know if there are any horse carriages  unfortunately but let me take you there right now finally everybody some fresh air i've  been how long have we been inside   eight o'clock in the morning until now it's  two one or two yeah so around five hours   you've been inside of this enormous castle what  a place oh i truly enjoyed this exploration   a walk back into time but i want to point out some  things about the outside of the castle as well as   you can see this is the workers quarter that we  were just inside that we were just where inside   but you can see the stone on this one is exposed  and that's because they built it very cheaply   and the stone on the part where the rich  people the high class people used to live   it's very smooth and that's how you can  see the difference between the workers side   and the rich owner side and of course as well when  we go closer to the back door you can see all the   design on there all the beautiful design worked  into the castle it's very neat and very beautiful   wow but let's now work to the front i want  to check out the horse garage houses and   probably also some workers houses hopefully we  find some horse carriages but i'm doubting it   but what i've also found very particular about  this place is that the whole backyard as you   just saw there's nothing not a single statue not  a single bush not a single beautifully cut bush   nothing just the castle that's  everything that's here look at this place it's one of the most beautiful castles  from the outside that i've ever seen   those two towers here in the  front they are quite amazing wow and this was the front entrance of  the place here the people came in   and they were greeted by this facade 17th  century left behind and forgotten just   a total shame over there are the horse garage  houses and let me show you those as well   there's a long walk here i definitely  won't get a belly while exploring it seems like we have some sort of a  tower over here very high grass where   we have to venture through i want to have  a look in the tower what its purpose was see if we can open it up give  it to me i will take a look very easily closed ah it seems like just  a very bland tower not much to see in here   okay let's close this beauty back up what is  it oh yes the grinding wheel we have over here a grinding wheel a wine barrel  and here you see a plow and   some animals would have been housed in here okay i think i'm going to end  it off here by the tractor   let me give it to you yurin oh there's some  house of course i totally forgot about it this seems like a real house see if it's open it's locked it's sort of close what's in there junk oh i see a little pond here this is cool  everybody look at this bridge you don't want to   cross it anymore no freaking way over here on the  bridge everybody i'm going to end off this week's   video i'm going to thank you all for watching  this magnificent castle that was locked in time   wow what a place if you liked it please like the  video subscribe to the channel if you're new and   you want to see more of these epic explorations  write me a nice comment in the comment section   there is also a link in the description for  patreon that you can support us and help us out   going these adventures around the  world i want to thank you all and   i will see you next week in another epic  exploration bye bye i love you very much you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 1,165,527
Rating: 4.9119778 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: cubdlB3v2Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 50sec (4370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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