Family Vanished From ABANDONED Time Capsule

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it's hard to measure the distance between the presence of life and what lies forgotten before us now how can a place that once held so many memories become lost over time and what exactly happened to the family who once called the structure home [Music] built in the early 1900s it feels as though each room holds its own well-preserved secret each item each photo gives us a glimpse into not only the minds but of the hearts of those who called this structure home deep in the rural south united states this house is surrounded on all sides by other signs of decaying life a town deteriorating from lack of funding and care families struggling to maintain what they've left call their own a sure sign of the times we've now entered that so many are all too familiar with and although this house seems still there's a pulse that lingers within its walls culture history and family values are still here even if now covered in dust so let's step inside of this place and discover the glue that held this family together and hear the secrets this home has to tell us so [Music] what's up guys i'm currently hiding in the bushes outside this house about to go inside this window right here let's go [Applause] all right that wasn't too bad wow look at this place look at this yellow carpet it's so 70s look at all these family photos just still on the mantel wow this is really sad it's a beautiful fireplace mantle look at this old wood look at all the cracks in it from all the years of it expanding and contracting with the heat this porcelain tile it's gorgeous and this clock look at this living room with all this green algae that means water's coming in from above it's never a good thing for a house yeah all these family photos just still left behind i wonder what happened here this is an absolute time capsule look at this gaudy artwork black panther baby more family photos oh oh yes yes to this guy so i'm having to be very quiet because the neighbor is right out here on his porch doing work and this is an open broken window so he can definitely hear me but i'm going to keep exploring this place super incognito style [Music] in such a peculiar way it dawned on me this place is like a tomb so many beautiful memories on display so much indication of life is still here as if the people who once lived here are going to walk through the door at any moment hang their hat on the rack cool off from the hot summer day in the living room and simply exist in their home being here is eerie but strangely welcoming at the same time this place now has my full attention i need to see more this is absolutely incredible malcolm x [Music] and again an amazing fireplace it's kind of a grayish purple hue really cool color check it out that's an ethiopian jesus oh my god i just started to fall through the floor right here i'm kind of glad that happened because now i'm definitely have my guard up it's a neat looking bulb on the chandelier definitely not original still cool and funky though i really like a lot of the colors in this house and just the details and the woodwork i'm a sucker for wood detail let's keep moving along shall we so i imagine this was put here in front of the window to barricade the window at one point but uh more than likely a looter came in and knocked that thing down so much family photos i think whoever lived here had a a deep appreciation for family it's so sad to like come into a place like this and just see all this like family photos laying around knowing that you know all these photos are people that they that they loved makes you wonder why a lot of this stuff is still sitting here and the family didn't come back for it you know all right this looks like a dining room okay so i just got hit with like a very strong scent of mold and i didn't bring my mask oh my god look at this it's a china cabinet completely full it hasn't even been touched [Music] this is very rare to come into an abandoned house and see things like this usually like this is the first to go things like china and plates any glassware any cookware [Music] this is absolutely incredible oh once again i started to fall through the floor it makes me wonder if i'm even going to be able to go upstairs this is a bedroom wow [Music] all this furniture just still left behind this was definitely a girl's bedroom her clothes still in the dresser wow [Music] there's a watch in here wow that's crazy by the way i'm i'm whispering because yet again this window is broken on the top half and the neighbors are right outside the window so i'm trying to be as quiet as possible put this back where i found it look at this some kind of metal these are school photos this is crazy there's such a story just in this one room a lot of vhs tapes bob marley i would rummage throughout this closet but i feel like it's gonna make too much noise i feel like that neighbor right outside this window is gonna hear me it's a really cool looking purple bathroom man this is wild it's like they just up and left i never understand when i come across places like this look how this happens some perfume maybe they left and thought they were coming back i'm not sure do i like the light switch plate i like little little details like that man this is so crazy all these clothes are still left behind check this out there's even huge pile of shoes down there some reeboks nikes converse this is crazy why was it all just left behind like this so many family photos man this kitchen is definitely seen better days see all the water water damage coming in i have to be extremely careful where i step i need to get out of this section of this house i didn't bring my uh respirator and there is so much mold as you can see but of course as always i need to check the fridge oh kind of a letdown man i can't get over this i cannot get over how all this stuff is just still sitting here like this completely untouched okay i think it's about time to go upstairs i'm not really sure how risky this is gonna be look at this floor [Music] yeah i definitely don't think it's i'm gonna be walking across there ah but what's in that room to the left ah it's so tempting well we'll walk on the floor that holds up for now whoa my god look at this bathroom man the colors in here are so cool oh i love the pink with the uh seafoam green scrubber's still hanging on the door the toothbrush is still in the in the toothbrush holder like they absolutely left everything [Music] imagine this this is the green bedroom [Music] [Music] look at this color in this room [Music] and the bed's still made i don't understand what happened here check it out there's the neighbor outside walking around working that's how close he is to me because i'm just like up here in this building exploring and he has no idea lots of space heaters up here imagine it got cold in the wintertime in this house a lot of these old houses are very poorly insulated whoa something just happened in that room next door i imagine it was a either a bird or some kind of animal i can't get this door open it's jammed oh got it wow [Applause] there's no way of knowing how long it's been since anyone has laid eyes on this room stepping inside of a place so sacred so quiet and untouched ghostly with the bed still made curtains blowing in the wind i realized i had found treasure in the form of uncovering yet another secret this house has been hiding for many years oh my god i feel like no one's been in this room for years oh my god look at this room this door has not been open in a very long time i can see the living room downstairs from up here so the windows up here are knocked out so i have to be extremely quiet while i'm up here i'm also very careful where i step because i'm at high risk of falling through this floor oh i love this color it's like a pastel like purple man all this furniture just left behind just going to ruin this bed's just fully made i don't understand it i don't understand what happened here okay i'm going to try to get down the hall to the right but i'm going to go around this way so the floor is just falling in too bad right there ooh i wonder what's behind this door real quick [Music] another bedroom that's as far as the door will open it's all this stuff it's just this place just keeps going and going there's so much to it so check it out so this might seem obvious to some of you guys when you are on a floor that's falling in hug the walls like this this is the most supported part of that floor check it out here's a beam obviously that's going to be the most supported part as well and just squeeze on over into this room yet again another room just full of stuff oh my god and a tv tired a dresser man i bet this tv still works too i don't understand it i don't understand how this happens how homes just like with so many people that definitely lived inside this place i don't understand how they're all gone i want to know the story of this place again the bed is completely made there's clothes on the bed how does this happen okay so pretty sure we've seen all of this house now i'm about ready to wrap this one up and get out of here once again thank you guys so much for watching this video i'm glad i was able to get in here and document it before it's collapsed in on itself at any rate if you guys enjoyed this video like subscribe let me know what you thought of it in the comments below and until next time stay off the beaten path you
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 113,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned bridge, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, Real estate tour, Abandoned mystery
Id: ZdwnNK3UP1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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