Cold Case Murder Abandoned Mansion

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allen lucy was adopted in 1978 by philip and margaret lucy out of uniontown alabama but in the spring of 1985 allen suddenly disappeared philip and margaret reported that alan had left for school that day but never returned they mentioned recent trouble with allen's behavior and they speculated he had run away to find his parents in florida but philip and margaret's biological son jason lucy had a very different story about what had happened to alan on the day of his disappearance he described in great detail of an argument that had broken out between allen and philip in the kitchen that morning he recounted seeing his brother lying still on the kitchen floor lifeless after philip had lost his temper and punched him in the temple he claimed he then watched his father take the body away later emerging from beneath the crawl space of the front porch covered in dirt carrying a shovel [Music] even though he told everyone he could including the local perry county police his bizarre claims of what happened to his brother were ignored by the community that adored his father after a brief investigation he was determined allen had run away to florida to be with his biological parents and the case went cold but in october of 1993 there was a mysterious fire in the lucy home luckily phillips insurance policy afforded him a check for the damage and he quickly sold the antebellum mansion to a collector of historical residences with the new owner the house began extensive renovation to restore the home to its original state but during the renovation process two workers were called to the property to inspect for termites underneath the porch when they noticed a soft spot in the dirt beneath the crawl space just underneath a shallow layer of soil they unearth a pile of red bricks beneath the bricks they found a plastic bag with the skeletal remains of alan lucy wrapped in his favorite disney blanket ironically philip and margaret were arrested just a week prior on charges of arson after it was determined they had set fire to the mansion to collect insurance money while they were in custody investigators questioned jason the now key witness to the murder almost immediately philip was indicted on the murder of allen lucy margaret was eventually allowed to return home to care for her children but she soon after was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and died in the winter of 1998 it wasn't until 2001 after a series of appeals when philip was finally found guilty for the murder of alan lucy he was sentenced to life in prison but on the day after his sentencing philip hung himself in his jail cell with his own bedsheets as for the mansion renovation was abruptly halted after the discovery of allen's death and has long since been abandoned here she is it's definitely greek revival style architecture it's like the entire front of the house is being held up by those columns that are barely hanging on it's a pretty busy street so i'm going to get out of this yard and get on inside i don't want to be seen so we made it inside i love this stairway when you first walk in the house it looks like they got pretty far into the renovation process of the house from what i can tell so far this little library area there's still books on the shelf so a lot of this stuff is about home renovation physics painting it's time to see what's in the rest of this house yeah they even like painted all the crown molding redid all the ceilings they did a lot of work to this house so you can tell there used to be a a crack here well there still is a lot of these old houses just settle and they crack i love the woodwork on the walls and the shelving that goes around the entire room from what i can tell i bet this was a dining room and back in the day they used to have like maybe vases glassware different types of uh decoration all on these shelves going around the entire room there's so many windows in this place too this place was definitely built before there was electricity in the house this is where all the china would be [Music] there's an earring makes you wonder how long that's been there a pearl earring i wish you guys could just like smell this place it has like the classic abandoned musty smell but also something else i can't put a name on it okay so here's the kitchen this is where alan was murdered in this very room man if these walls could talk they would have quite a story to tell it makes you question so much like we're at in this room did he do it which way did he carry the body out of the room where was his biological son when he witnessed the murder just wondering maybe he dragged the body in here into the pantry area to buy him some time to figure out what he was going to do with the body before he finally decided to bury it under the porch looks like there's stuff still in the drawers sponges all the sheetrock buckets are still here from the renovation that they were doing almost 30 years ago man this house is beautiful i love how the sun comes in like that from above storage closet this is an interesting bathroom you know i feel like this bathroom was an addition onto the house i feel like maybe this used to be a window that looked outside and they replaced it with this pink stained glass window a lot of these old houses are like that a lot of old mansions were built like that they weren't originally mansions they were just small humble homes and then they just kept adding on and over the years they evolved into i mansions these double doors and these old doorknobs so this is a room very similar to the one across the hall when you first walk in again with shelving for reading all right let's see what's upstairs so these stairs are very solid they don't make any kind of creaking noises at all it's a very well-built home it's definitely stood the test of time and withstood a lot of water damage too wow this is amazing this place is very well ventilated i mean this is the dead of summer and it's not even that hot up here so here's a good amount of water damage that hole is causing this green spot and the floor this is sinking in yeah it's very soggy it's crazy how like this one spot will happen and then it spreads throughout the entire house once like water starts to infiltrate the place that's pretty bad water damage wow old ceramic tile around the fireplace so this is access to the balcony but um i don't trust walking out there to be honest this house is really falling apart judging from what it looks like out out front so i see this in old houses quite a bit between the rooms rather than in the rooms there's a wardrobe so this is the most run down room of the house so far there's another balcony out to the side of the house a little corridor that leads from room to room [Music] i wonder what these science is all about is that for me [Music] nope that's for a funeral that's happening so there's a funeral right across the street at first i thought that siren was for me another bathroom off of this room also deb wherever you are you are loved all right i know i said i wasn't going to step out on the balcony but it's too much to resist i gotta do it guys look how it's just sagging god this house is so it's so gone it's really sad love this ornate woodwork on the rails with these huge columns very cool stuff okay i think we've pretty much covered this entire house okay before i leave i have got to see where he buried allen oh my god the red they're still there some of them seem like they were from the wall on the porch but some of these are the original red bricks alan was buried underneath my god could you imagine this is insanity just being able to get up every day and knowing he's buried underneath the porch of your home knowing that you murdered him out of sight out of mind it's just insanity seventeen years after his murder allen was finally put to rest at rosemont cemetery in uniontown alabama jason lucy still resides in alabama to this day [Music] you
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 148,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alabama, Cold case files, Paranormal, South, abandoned, abandoned building, abandoned church, abandoned house, abandoned photography, abandoned places, cold case solved, crime documentary, decay, detective, documentary, exploring abandoned, full documentary, investigator, real crime, travel, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime stories, urban exploration, urbex
Id: _w9UdUZv1O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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