Exploring The "Alex From Tennessee" Thread...

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hello guys and gals me mood ahora and tonight we've got a lovely a little for chance story we've got an image bore tale ladies and gentlemen coming right at you from B now for those of you don't know B is random the most infamous born on fortune you know there's a bunch of them I'm usually a fan of ex you know paranormal VG videogames all that kind of good stuff B it's fun to watch here and there but usually B is just full of phallic object and you know what unless I'm in the mood for that maybe I'll dive into it but one of the more interesting things about it was something called Alex from Tennessee as a pretty infamous story and it's actually really easy to find but I figured I might as well share it with you kind of a little Bartok storytelling experience of a late night you know muda but ladies and gentlemen we have the Alex from Tennessee case and you know what we're gonna dive right into this one so just gonna let you know viewer discretion is kind of advised we've got some pretty heavy stuff at certain times to sort of show you Michael might kind of leave you a little uneasy but you know a sit back relax you know get a nice beverage or something and let's dive into Alex from Tennessee so the first thing to go over here this is from like April 29 2013 this is like archived at that moment in time so this is actually a lovely good ingor save of this but over here we've got a what appears to be the first actual post now this is by this rubble your prize awaits Tennessee Park nearby and walk to this point for the secret it's under plastic of this poem in a moment in time good luck and then you've got in before dead body you know I swear to God if it's a dragon dildo back then dragon dildos we're pretty popular I would say but whatever dude that actually led to this like in a list little map over here and that one I gotta say was pretty weird to look at the time as you can see they got like three warehouses over here and they've got this one point Moines point B that you can go to now if you look to the right over here it's pretty goddamn decrepit but let's go down over here no one shall claim the prize time to try other websites and of course when you read this kind of stuff you think it's probably just some troll out there trying to be an edge Lord or something of the sort and there has been cases of pretty edgy [ __ ] on 4chan that happens but at the same that stuff gets pretty infamous you have to kind of look at this okay for every like five percent of something good on 4chan ninety-five percent of it can be pretty asked here so at the same time you know this is one of those things where people think yeah it's just some troll trying to be edgy this little [ __ ] post over here this this hand or something now I can't exactly confirm if this is real or not but it definitely looks pretty weird at first glance I mean just just just the detail on it it's pretty damn good so it seems as though ladies and gentlemen it escalates the situation and you've got more postings over here all the stuff I am angry you are not here all that kind of good stuff and the more and more people don't respond the more and more creepy [ __ ] like this gets posted and people start taking note then you've got this photo posted which was the plastic prize I mean you look at that one it's just you know decrepit little weird like just dingy location and I'm never really comfortable with these kind of locations it's got it's given me that weird ting G smell feeling to it and I'm not really comfortable on that front but it's just a garbage bag you know whatever's in it after the last two things we've seen it's probably something dirty but hey you know what it even escalates further from here I've had my friend for a long time I've had my friend along for now not what matters today I need people to come and you've got more stuff posted so these dark dingy photos of this location and it is creepy to look at for sure but again it gets even deeper than this so let's go further please come and then I believe what's being given as a number so 24th April 2013 so yeah that they're posting the dates they're trying to be as thorough and they're trying to get some proof on please come to the location singing tonight someone come and then you've got what appears to be a dongle of sorts I believe that's like a pen like a flashlight you know posted note and then the same plastic bag prize so at this moment in time you've got everything posted Alex from Tennessee here writes I am add location of creepy guy come early darkest [ __ ] looks like he was growing something and here you can see Alex pointing in I found a bag I'm actually scared let's go through all of it actually inside of door haven't found friend think I beat him there found some plastic bundle what under plastic place is huge car from the dirt looks like no floor or walls smells like food going bad Plus cave is this a bed stolen scrap can't see in pic but little vines growing around it hurt a car but popped back up and saw nothing why all the wiring in a dirt basement heard a rustling I would say it could be a worker a cop or beat hard or creep standing ground it did any time you really need a weird 4chan terminology like beat art it takes you a little takes you out of the moment for a second found a bag I'm actually scared peeking inside seems to be some mummified pelvis and a folded paper plate mummified bat or rat and plate hard drive inside pocketed opening rest of bag and the more and more we go down over here the more and more decrepit stuff this individual seems to find and then you end up going over here do we explore further Alex or do we run back home what do you think Alex did well judging by the length of the video he probably explored a little bit more and this is where you've got more and more weird [ __ ] so he finds this little stairway leading down to the year and honestly if I was in the same situation I'd be back the [ __ ] out of here the problem is when you go to these crackhead attractive locations you're gonna get attacked so don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] stay away Alex from Tennessee wasn't exactly doing anything intelligent here so he decided to jump the [ __ ] down here it seems and the more and more depraved you go into here the more and more weird [ __ ] you find so these are some of the photos we saw just a little ahead and you can see that there are I would say it almost looks like his [ __ ] food boom of sorts it seems kind of like a kitchen it just seems like dishes of like something in there it's like yeah there was obviously something being grown but what it was will never really figure it out here we got like weird stuff in these jars and then the more and more you go to it's just it's a dark decrepit location it's like stuff is stuffed into plastic paper plate in half that says open prize hide eyes or something hide yes maybe I'm not sure and then you've got the hard drive that was pocketed all that good stuff and the more and more you go down you'll notice that these paper plates with notes are just spread around I've even got what appears to be soundproofing foam around over here and the more and more you open over here okay [ __ ] opening bag and it [ __ ] moved I almost shat bag contained tortured possum bound up and string bag inside bag inside bag when I got all the bags apart the [ __ ] darted across dirt prison possum was jammed in this foam in if plastic Walmart bag so now we actually have animal abuse tossed into the situation any normal person would probably run the [ __ ] out of here go home do something else but of course given that threat up earlier Alex not only does that but goes in a little bit deeper so you go down even further and then you find like these you find you find like medical what is it like drug containers if anything like drug bottles pill bottles and if I can try going into it the problem is you've got flash photography which almost ruins any form of legibility reading into it you've got I just believe like what is this all the table tablespoon something like that five mg of Valium okay so that's a valium yeah you know this is not the kind of stuff that you should normally be sitting around having I believe valium is prescription based so you in order to get that you actually have to get you know some form of doctor referrals out of it and you go down further you've got these weird like body pillows tossed around and then inside over here I hear somebody outside driving really slow over the gravel I think it's time for my date I'm gonna see if there's a second door darkest [ __ ] phone flashlight is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this and honestly what the [ __ ] is that it's like a mailbox that contains just like it look that looks like that looks like dried [ __ ] like jellyfish almost like it's weird I don't know like you got the head you've got like tentacles going around over here I don't know if that's like a log of crap but it's it's just it's really dingy to go into and you've got a mailbox with more dead animal pieces inside it no other doors but a crawlspace and a window thing gonna exit that way I hear the [ __ ] so this moment in time what's happening is alex is like life posting this to 4chan and the issue with this is that at this moment in time during these postings whoever is there is arriving like whoever is doing all this stuff and at this moment in time he's delved himself so far into this situation that trying to escape it's it's not an easy thing to do like this this is what is the definition of like one of the perfect args right now like this is exactly what some of those awesome Twitter args are really all about so this point alex has to make a rushing escape window thing is in a window it's some other event shoot turning around and leaving through [ __ ] wood door Jesus and this photo was the last photo we got because the last thing ever posted was this and it's an a it's a quick summary full story alex meets weird guy at walmart weird guy asks alex if he goes on 4chan tells alex to meet him and the exact poster so that was the that was the address they had up there at 11 p.m. local Elizabethton Tennessee and that's of course midnight goes on be an ins convinced him to go bring switchblade and baton the same weird guys theorized to be the guy who a week ago tried to lure a nonce to the same exact spot saying there is a prize waiting for them posted pics of what looked like a dead body in a plastic bag which by the way is a little bit of a hyperbole I mean it was never given a shape of something in the weird bag I mean at the same time people will do crazy [ __ ] for attention and it is what it is but that was a little bit hyperbolic just from my end you've got part 2 which is an archive of that 4chan thread alex goes there and finds dug out hole with tortured possums jars filled with random weird [ __ ] which we just saw dead animal bits paper display we'll play it with plates a date a very important mate you shouldn't have come I lied on it as well as the HDD with unidentified content and some pills Alex goes quiet The Watcher who was watching the area from a safe distance disappeared as far as I know Alex is killed someone claimed to be there one cop car present and headed towards warehouse and that vent photo that we just saw earlier that was the last last known correspondence from Alex on that so as you can imagine being on the thread it is weird now me being skeptical reading that at first glance I'm wondering oh it's just it's the original poster trying to again continue their edgy argh now does this go anywhere further from this well let's try checking no this is the original thread on reddit that was linking to this classic fortune where you can read a lot of these famous classic 4chan posts one of the individuals over here actually posted something called UT Knoxville body farm which actually takes you to a situation where you can actually read a bit about what a body farm it a body farm is a research facility where decomposition can be studied in a variety of settings they were invented by anthropologist dr. William bass in 1987 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville Tennessee where dr. bass was interested in studying the decomposition of human corpses from time of death to the time of decay so even with that said what it could be kind of theorized as all of this could have just been an individual it could have actually been one of these body forms of so to speak but again given the context of what we've seen it was way too dark it was way too out there it has that aura of being incredibly real which is why this is more impressive than any creepypasta for me because there is an aspect that this is very real was Alex ever found no there are no police records that I can dig up of Alex being found you know the more and more you look into it the more and more you begin to realize yes he disappeared off of the face of the earth whoever was there with him was missing this location that we're seeing right now this is all we've got you can head over there if you want but I would I recommend it hell naw Alex could have easily been a the original Opie again trying to heighten their argh but at the same time a dude went missing and that was it and that was the cop car ever really sent I tried looking into that but I can't exactly get a confirmation I don't believe that event was significant enough to a make it into the news or even if you can find some evidence of that cop car being sent that's usually internal stuff on a police database so I really wouldn't have any access to that but at the same time dudes went missing is that confirmed even not really but at the same time that last post you saw was it so - somebody break in capture the dude take him on a little date that's what we have to go on at this moment in time ladies and gentlemen that's all that's left so yeah it's one of those creepy original 4chan posts where you have one dude attracting people around taking you out in the middle of nowhere and hey you know ladies and jobs why I tell you a life is precious if anybody baits you to do weird [ __ ] like this don't be doing it don't don't encourage anyone to do it because you just saw the kind of stuff that's happened now the reason why I'm making a video on this specifically is that this is kind of an early primer case there are other several cases where things get even more weirder scarier and downright depraved when it comes to these weird postings on 4chan about this kind of stuff so you know what ladies and gentlemen this is just a quick little foray into that Alex thread so what do you think happened to Alex from Tennessee was there ever an Alex from Tennessee or is this just an actual really awesome org that happened and of course this kind of stuff happens all the time on be paranormal whatever you want to call it not just for chain a chain any kind of chain you can find imageboard culture is perfect for this kind of stuff the ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you disliked it this is me mood of heart and I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 2,080,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exploring, the, alex, from, tennessee, thread, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, browsing
Id: nfTok_rYsHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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