The "Imaginedom" Channel...

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hello guys and gals me Moo - horn welcome to a lovely little chill video now this chill video actually is coming to you with another creepy YouTube channel now YouTube channels are interesting you know some of them are so some of them are in their own niche so a there's a YouTube channel for almost everything but the ones that we're looking at today are YouTube channels that are created by individuals that I you know I feel like there's a grand master plan behind it but hey sometimes there may not need to be a plan sometimes it can just be whatever it is I don't know but ladies and gentlemen let's take a look at a channel simply known as imagined Dom now this channel comes at you with four thousand eight hundred and seventy five subscribers and the last known upload of it was about I would say one year ago now this comes at you with a full-on update but I figured I might as well show you the entire extent of this channel now if you go to things like the About section real quick you'll notice that it was created in November 11 2016 so it's a pretty fresh channel but two hundred and ten thousand views is nothing to scoff at congratulations for that anything else like related feature channels don't exist community is never posted to it it's got no playlists but it has a set of videos videos that were created and named simply as happy torture reproduction save them Jesus the purpose of imagine DOM and if I kind of get rid of some of these uh some of this real quick just to refresh it and let me activate the dark mode just from my eyeballs sakes this actually is a set of video so six twelve you know three fifteen videos which are all really weird-looking in them in their in their thumbnail Department now for a channel that actually has 4800 subscribers it actually has a fair amount of views attached to it's a ten thousand fourteen thousand twenty-three thousand forty six thousand views being the absolute peak for something called a child families drawing now how legitimate is some of this well we'll check it out I mean obviously with something like this you have to know that it is primarily another YouTube channel or sort of aggregates attention to it which is why these things get so popular so let's take a look at some of these videos to begin with so this is one known as reproduction which is two hundred and seventy two likes twenty six dislikes child abuse everywhere Jesus and it's in the pets and animals category now you'll actually have comments real quick by a lot of individuals you know somebody else subscribes there is six six six sobs hello imagine them anyway to contact you you're talking about very deep topics on your channel I would like to talk to you about topics and hear more about your opinions on them why did you send me that link on omegle alright well let's go look at this video real quick okay so let's it play [Music] that is this what it's gonna be for the next 34 seconds okay what is this oh my lord all right so this is a set of texts now it's incredibly oversaturated but it's got the pentagram behind it let's go read it those who are violent and malicious those who are those who are mentally mentally uh it's not something written over there it's way too saturator for me I can read things in reverse but I can't read incredibly oversaturated stuff those who are in is that money I think that's the word money okay stop all right let's actually scroll down I think somebody said yeah right over here those who are violent and malicious those are mentally unstable those aren't poor poor and health and money stop be producing you'll only cause unnecessary suffering don't be selfish consider the bleak feature of your office ring number two so there's another set of instructions right over here so that is child abuse child abuse everywhere the pain the trauma it causes this test will determine whether a couple is fit to be a parent or not to help reduce suffering into this bloody world for a better society natural selection must take place the earth is infested with way too many humans anyways so actually no somebody like this in real life I mean it's not you know anything near grim but there's just some of those people that says not everyone should be reproducing it it's actually a really complicated issue when you ask people who are really concerned about you know things like overpopulation so it's a pretty heavy heavy heavy topic but that's one of the videos over here and it's a topic of reproduction so it's this person's thoughts on it and you know all the power to them for expressing it but let's go check out any other video that they've gone holy hell what in the [ __ ] are we looking at oh I'm like what we've got over here is something called happy torture and okay I'm just gonna pause that right word is an apparently what's happened over here is that audio we just heard is from an actual 9-1-1 call where some elderly woman was reporting some prowler and they break in and kill her while she was on the phone so that's apparently real I guess allegedly real I haven't heard it myself but that's what it is there's a lot of people reconfirming that to be honest with you so it might actually be real I'm not entirely sure but it is it is certainly freaky and chilling to here alright so here we have a video of good old Jesus you know turning from a normal normal individual right over here you know that that lovely wholesome lad from the bible' all the way into this and then the more and more we go Jesus starts like turning his head around Exorcist style so interesting stuff but with all these I always find a message at the end and and the message it says do you love helping others do you love praying for others then what about helping and praying for those suffering in Hell they need it the most do they were deserve such unimaginable eternal pain but if you want to end their suffering you'll have to oppose God you want to raise hell no matter how much we ask all right so it's it's a little it's a little fight against Christ at first I thought Jesus was wearing sunglasses I thought this listen it milchie his two years ago it was way past the prime of MLG montage parodies but you know maybe so oh here we got scare theater I think we found the youtuber responsible for the aggregation and views urgent and video all right so let's see the urgent video it has come to my attention that my videos are being masked flagged by some people and as a result one of my videos has been taken down fortunately the joy of murderer video is mostly experimental in containing little meaning but it wasn't a very good video anyways and now I have risk to believe that my channel and my other YouTube videos are at risk of being deleted by YouTube so it seems as though what has happened over here is somewhat people over here have actually done some false Community Guidelines strikes which apparently there might have been something bad in here that got you over here something none of these videos typically typically introduce none of the none of the videos over here actually worthy of being removed so if anybody's filing any false strikes I would definitely ensure if imagine Dom wants to talk like those get in touch with you know trusted flaggers and discuss about getting a strike removed because that's some nonsense but this is not all the videos are here unfortunately that's that's not cool that's not cool at all so this is a child's family drawing and it's shifts and that's got Nursery Rhyme playings over there and parents are getting erased all right from the picture they're corrupted and they're back all right and that's apparently I think the same face that the baby had and the more and more we go into it the more and more we realize that oh wow the kids actually go really sad to Jesus and then oh my god oh my lord this is crazy this is messed up they've got God over here God has turned his back on the children the corruption is taking hold and oh my god now there's Jesus Christ this this escalated like crazy these are like minute 44 second videos very simplistic but my god it is messed up these little ones innocent blank slates unfortunately all life forms are destined to suffer in this world soon such smile will be stained with blood can't we change this so there's obviously add vacations shouldn't there be a parenting license or permit this will alleviate a lot of suffering in the world I mean clearly there's a positive message being involved or I mean definitely do I think that if you're a parent when you have a kid right should you should you should you have some form of what is it should you have some form of I guess it also should you have a test you know should you be fit to be an adult I definitely think you should have some form of some test you know I in my life I've seen crappy parents for sure I've seen I've seen unfortunately in my life I've seen people walk out on kids do all that kind of stuff you know not to get really power Level II but the thing it is is that I can't believe I use that worked but to get into it I mean I definitely find that there's an agreement to it the the videos themselves are a little heavy-handed I would find you know I don't know if there's a target of religion specifically I think you know it's a it's a religion specific it's a totally separate issue from that I mean you know you there there are fucked-up parents no matter what should you should you be able to test and get rid of or prohibit at least some people you know you shouldn't be able to prohibit but there definitely should be some form of a [ __ ] check you know I don't know but this is where there was a lot of comments being put into it so four-month-old just watch this she appears to neither approve nor disapprove I mean your four month old probably can't process what's going on there was a there was a cool sound to it but I don't I hopefully they weren't processing you know this video looks like a 2007 video I mean it's just it's just MS pain I mean MS pain is timeless it could come from 2001 all the way to 2019 why did Jesus run away I mean have you have you checked half of the cringy shell on the Internet Jesus left a while ago buddy here's one set of videos and I think this is where they got that [ __ ] Camtasia a license ready to go the last few weeks it has been quite the experience I wanted to believe that the doctor was mistaken so I decided to do the biopsies and went overseas to have a check by a better doctor who specializes in throat cut oh oh no is that the case we have over here oh no no no I live in a poor corrupt third-world country I don't trust the doctors there so I booked a flight and went to a better country for treatment but when this new doctor said that there's a chance of cancer and also asked for a biopsy to make sure I've lost hope so I finally did the biopsy waited for the result on whether I live or die if I like my days are numbered but in those moments I've never felt so alive before it's strange uh uh okay the results came and it turns out the cells are not malignant oh my foot thank you dude I mean I kind of had the gear spinning in for a second like the videos like the last upload was like a year ago and then this [ __ ] happens and I was like Jesus Christ I mean I really hope there wasn't anything to be honest I was secretly hoping that cancer would give me the push to work suicide but I've been given another chance of life okay for me life has been a terrible experience childhood abuse school bullies trying to cut my neck living in a corrupt polluted country filled with thugs and mob lynches why not a depression and schizo it as a bonus but after my trip to a developed civilized country life may not be so bad after all better healthcare better environment wonderful communities compared to where I live it's only Hyman Lee out here I feel like my life's not complete yet I want to experience life out there obviously I'll need a huge sum of money to do so but I'll make it work somehow I know I'm mentally and physically impaired but I'll at least try Wow this is [ __ ] wholesome for now I'm going to start on a little personal project everyone that helps me in the comments on Twitter thanks a lot for the overwhelming support it really helped Wow dude that is so [ __ ] wholesome oh my god Wow oh my lord that I need to any I need to step away for a second [ __ ] that was anything I need to get some water Jesus Oh all right ladies and gentlemen that was an episode that was just really really out there I mean usually I want to look at some of these weird YouTube channels it's like I watch it I dive into it I dip my pinkie but sometimes I walk away with more questions than I ever had so obviously ask somebody over here has a lot of stuff on their mind to say and they say it in such a grotesque way that I guess it kind of forces you to think or something of the sort but you know by the end of it when I started putting the pieces in my head that there was something going on behind the scenes to this person they were obviously depressed and gone beyond for no reason that last video was just really it was it was kind of a rollercoaster to watch you know I mean it's just pictures and text but you start hearing the words of how this dude might lose his life or something and it's just like shifts you from you know point to point whatever I'm glad ultimately though that this person is alive and safe I mean that's kind of what we all want out of the situation you could [ __ ] dude he kicked cancers ass congratulations for that buddy but that was imagined DOM and it was an interesting YouTube channel you know one person that went from the absolute low I would feel to giving chance giving life one more chance actually and all the power to person this has actually been like one of the most wholesome videos that I probably made in a while but definitely [ __ ] made me feel really good inside so ladies and gentleman that was the imagined Dom YouTube channel one that I think you should check out it will give you I mean it's not active anymore but it wouldn't hurt checking it out right so ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like we dislike it a high
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 422,348
Rating: 4.9619074 out of 5
Keywords: imaginedom, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, youtube, channel, exploration
Id: MhuEWBiv24M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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