I Love Arabic Ghost Hunting...

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ghost hunting is a lost art form ladies and gentlemen i've been all about this game called phasmophobia i've been playing with the friends it's fun when you got a stack it's more fun when you got just two people and then it's even more bonkers when you're solo it's a very poger's experience with ghost hunting and it taught me that the best mudahar who's living his best life is a paranormal researcher sure he's getting paid like 30 bucks every ghost hunt you know rent is not an option for him uh he's pretty much got to live with like 20 other ghost hunters to make ends meet it's not a fulfilling rewarding you know a career as far as finances are considered but it is a career that's fulfilling because boy do i love trying to dodge my neck being snapped now watching ghost hunting television shows i absolutely despise them like if we're going to talk about ghost hunters and stuff like that you know the one where they're like plumbers by day ghost hunters by night where it's like oh gee sam i have a warm wet sensation going down my right leg it could be ecto class with ectoplasm it's probably pee buddy but i found without a doubt the best ghost hunters in the world may i introduce you audience to abdullah okay who is one of the greatest ghost hunters from the arabian peninsula i have ever found i'm not even kidding if i sound sarcastic i'm not even joking with you he's like one of my new favorite content creators him and arabic ghost hunting in general arabic ghost hunters are like the most ballsy individuals you'll ever find you know how they say people have balls of steel we're talking about balls of obsidian ladies and gentlemen we're talking about the most chat explorers out there but don't take my word for it let's sit back watch abdullah snore the line of g fuel and just hunt some ghosts now before we begin i just have to say i'm very appreciative abdullah looks like he's dressed in full tactical gear like this is like a jackal main ready to attack he's kind of a mix between park ranger and special forces the only thing that he doesn't have on him is like a glock 17 with like silver bullets but you know what why does this man need silver bullets when you have balls of obsidian right ladies and gentlemen come on now anyways let's get into the fun part so this is his videos are titled very well you know this is not clickbait at all it's like the anger of the ghost in the palace of evil's most terrifying garden now let's watch what's most terrifying for abdullah ladies and gentlemen now abdullah basically uh screams out prayers uh muslim prayers and whatnot if you're not picking up on to it whether it be like the idol cursey or like you know bismillah and all that stuff but half the time he's like you know half the time he's just saying praise be to god god be with me so if you hear a lot of the arabic sometimes he is speaking like surahs and stuff so just be mindful of it but half the time he's just telling the ghost that god is with him and you know what that door that just shut off on him let's be real here 99 percent of ghost hunters i know would piss and run away let's see what abdullah doesn't it's like a mix of exorcism and like some rainbow six seed style almost room clearing jesus christ he is ready and ready to go there is clearly something still moving inside that room i'm just gonna say it's probably not a ghost might be a gin but it's probably crackhead energy let's check it he just goes inside he doesn't care he doesn't care okay this is times you run you run abdullah run [Music] he just [ __ ] rushes lord dude the rainbow six siege door open jesus now there are some cuts here and there i'm gonna chalk it up to the fact that youtube isn't actually like proper platform he's actually a snapchatter who has like a public snapchat he's fairly popular i mean he's got like 300 000 subscribers 299 000 can we get our boy above 300 000. i [ __ ] love this guy can we just get it above please abdullah al-anbari he is uh he is the man of obsidian nutsacks let's go forward and see other adventures he must have had now i can't tell if this is exactly abdullah's content uh again if the real content owner comes by i would love to credit you in the video please get in touch with me i would love to credit it do the best i can but this is a prime example of like ghost hunting etiquette brought to the hardcore so just just just watch how epic this is [Applause] he's in like the dingiest place you could ever imagine like this is full crack this is where you get raided by crackheads and if you're not believing it it is dusty as hell there's no way you're faking it watch what happens right here [Music] i'm half expecting chairs to fly at home [Applause] what's he about to do normally when a door slams on you like that yo get the [ __ ] up out of there because even if it's not a ghost because let's be real ghosts can go through walls they got that danny phantom [ __ ] but like if this is this is a crack head what's what do you do okay do you do a do you get the [ __ ] up on out of there like a regular person or do you have like solid steel obsidian nut sacks and you just rush into sight oh i almost [ __ ] myself that's a little cat dude there's a little kitty now when i was uh when i was a kid my uh grandma told me about the jannat you know like the jinns and stuff if you if you know anything about islamic culture you know that like uh the jinnath is like an actual like separate group of like uh uh the people they're not just apparitions or like other uh species on the planet and like this they can actually like shape-shift into like animals so like when i see this and i remember what grandma used to tell me that that could be the perpetrator right there i mean i'm just gonna say it right now your beliefs are your beliefs my beliefs are my beliefs but i'm just going to say that that to me that shit's a possibility right there what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god just get out of there get out of there all right you know what he actually got the [ __ ] up on out of there now remember by our tv show standards our shitty tv ghost shows we'd have pissed and [ __ ] ourselves if the parabolic microphone went off for us it's about hey guys my evp went up to five this dude's evp doesn't need to exist we know his dvp is hitting like levels that evps have never captured before he's getting straight ghosts to murk him right now boys but anyways that's uh that that's that's another simple ghost adventure let's go forward now i don't know if this is uh late at night or anything but i'm kind of losing my mind a little bit we're about to see something that our boy abdullah did not pick up on so i'm gonna see if you guys pick up on it [Music] forever bro do you see that do you see that maybe i'm maybe i'm losing it but let's go five seconds back now i want you to look up over here i almost want to believe that's the shelf but maybe it's the framing of the video but that [ __ ] almost looks like a head moving its way look at that the head like it's just like maybe it's the shelf i don't know but he's got a nervous laugh he's got a nervous laugh all right abdullah is kind of losing it right now he's got that nervous laugh i don't know i don't i i think he's trying to cope i don't know i feel like i saw something i feel like the locations he goes to i would already say i'm pretty sure abdullah says this anyways like don't do what he does like don't try this [ __ ] uh because i'm getting mad crackhead vibes from here okay like i feel like some dude on like on on that on that good math is gonna bum rush him or something that scares me the most and considering the fact that he does a lot of this stuff live on like snapchat it scares me even further if we're gonna catch like some crazy ghost attack on him you find in toys oh my god dog you can't even say that he plants anything do you see how [ __ ] dusty that toy is holy [ __ ] now to prove that these aren't exactly like full of [ __ ] or anything abdullah does like a lot of these videos it's not like there's something happening every two minutes or whatever and a lot of it is just simple urban exploration into these really dingy locations in like saudi arabia i think dubai he goes to and he goes like multiple places in like arab locations um and and i guess in a lot a lot of these arabic places a lot of these just abandoned locations out there uh which i guess for the most part is the same over here but it's like it just seems like when i watched the arabic ghost hunters there's just like a [ __ ] city of a there's like abandoned ghost cities at some point sometimes he does do translations on his videos like english translations but it's not like a guaranteed which kind of [ __ ] sucks uh i'm almost like i'm not even joking with you almost want to like learn arabic just so i can like i know a bit of it but i want to learn it fluently just so i can understand his videos because he does actually when he's not praying when he's scared or like facing a demon or a gin he's actually giving some insight into the location like this dude's a proper exploration dude come on now this is another channel known as three amr and if you thought abdullah's big these guys are [ __ ] huge 2.8 2.28 million subscribers to the point where these guys are actually growing pretty hard and they're also another channel that i [ __ ] enjoy as well they're growing pretty big they i i think they do more than just ghost hunting but like you know they they they they're just they look like they're just a bunch of like super rich dudes from like dude by in saudi arabia and it's like come on now they got they got they got they got that good life energy going on and i want to be a part of it so this is like a ghost hunt that they have right so i'm like six minutes 27 seconds in we're about to play the game again all right what would you do all right there's two scenarios let's watch let's watch it first for context it's like first off it's like a small area look at that [ __ ] it's like a little [ __ ] it's like a little girl that they dressed up it's a little it's like a little like old lady just walking across in like a burqa okay we're gonna do the game all right hey would you i mean you kind of already saw it would you run the [ __ ] up out of here okay now that you saw that in your ghost ton or would you just chase it all the way through like a [ __ ] ash mane rushing onto sight within the first 10 seconds of a round well you know the answer it's [ __ ] b see look at that look at that dude they got that big dick energy running into sight i love these guys like you can say this is fake all you want but at least it's goddamn entertaining compared to our ghost tons it's like some blair witch [ __ ] if you weren't trying to look for a map all the time she's gone she disappeared she walked it like she walked at like point five miles per hour she's gone dude she ran away dog he's about to lose his voice right now he isn't [ __ ] around he's actually goddamn scared like i'm sitting over here on the other side of the [ __ ] world and i'm also scared too god damn these people have big dick big dick obsidian energy and i love it now uh this is another video this is like sometimes the camera work isn't right and sometimes you come across some serious crackhead energy and i feel like i want to give that to you a little bit uh i don't know what this exactly says but i'm gonna assume with the color scheme that it says please don't [ __ ] do this it's a really dumb [ __ ] idea but let's go let's go let's go see what this idea is all about when you hear your buddy screaming like that i'll be real with you if we were ghost hunting together and you were screaming like that i get the [ __ ] up out of there now this is the ghost adventures i know terrible camera work and your buddy sounds like he's getting [ __ ] rectally pierced i don't know if he's getting his [ __ ] goat seed by a goddamn [ __ ] demon right now but that should teach you alone ladies and gentlemen ghost hunting in arabic countries can in fact be a [ __ ] dangerous endeavor but that being said though ladies and gentlemen this is one of my is one of my favorite new pieces of content to find and i figured i should probably share it with you because it's the month of halloween like let's be real here okay what better time to get down with another country's ghost hunting endeavors than now that being said the ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 640,404
Rating: 4.9681659 out of 5
Id: A43b82-xmtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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