Playing A Game WIth No Players Online...

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hello guys and gals me muta har and you know ladies and gentlemen not everyday half-life comes back and not everyday do I come across a game that's an amazing creepypasta out there ladies and gentlemen a lot of these things are unrelated you know both the half-life and this game but I figured I might as well just get a little bit of my excitement in the way [ __ ] gotta get that VR first but that being said though you know it's been a while since I played a game like September 1999 if you remember that game very well it was an interesting found-footage type experience right like one that was created by 98 d'emic and won that one game that actually really hit me a lot you know it's a really really well made game that we're very well looking I mean ran on the Unity engine but just the aesthetic of it was brilliant well ladies and gentlemen there is a game just like it that's not terribly too long but it's one that will definitely leave some for of an impression this is called no players online a way to play a game without any players online whatsoever so basically any Call of Duty game after three months of release on the PC but it is made with unity I just wanted you to know that did it crash I don't think so but what we did get ladies and gentlemen was a is it frozen god damn dude every time play video game a computer dies okay a little bit of a little bit of cassette tape action out so I do say I like this VHS aesthetic a lot and I hope more game MS boss operating system 1.03 for loading cartridge capture-the-flag alright so let's look at this game it's got CTF official server I mean it's like super vintage oh my god okay 12 out of 15 online we've got no players connected to any of these servers some are offline some are online but they're all CTF so I guess let's connect to the official server number one literally it's any Call of Duty game after like three months on PC like this badass servers all right join that server please and oh my god I love the aesthetic of it already dude I love this I love the VHS design for these okay so we've got capture the flag looking for players okay let's grab this flag can i grab it I can't grab it oh wait no no no I'm not I'm an idiot do you haven't played CTF and forever then again like CTF is like my least played game mode in any competitive shooter out there okay so already we've got sort of that like full VHS aesthetic we've got the you know scan line going down the middle last time I played any form of capture the flag I [ __ ] you not was back when halo one was a halo in custom edition when I was way younger I used to do like GTF on Blood Gulch all the time whoo that's a wait can you make the drum no you can't even make the drop you can't make the drop [ __ ] all right but there is an actual like combat mechanic to it so alright ok fair enough the world looks very pious one light we gets a little darker okay all right it's getting way darker on that I don't like it I don't like it alright let's just go through that what the [ __ ] you know this is getting [ __ ] weird I shot the record as an instinctive thing back when we played like Rainbow six siege because you play Rainbow six siege and they would have like the records playing dude there's some that appeared in the [ __ ] corner what the [ __ ] all right I don't I don't know if I enjoy this as much as I thought I would [ __ ] me it's getting like abnormally dark okay I captured one okay fair enough the the audio is super [ __ ] ominous dude I don't like it I don't like this at all bro it's gonna go red and [ __ ] poof all right dude okay no players are on what Oh red area okay reddish in the corner there uh okay I think I can't even sprint anymore [ __ ] dude can't sprint okay the red seems to be gone I can sprint again get that get that flag fair enough yeah this sounds like a really weird weird vibe going on you have the flag okay wait somebody joined the game you can't even read it you % jhl ampersand has joined the game okay like I know the game can't attack me it's just I hate these weird oh my god I keep seeing I am NOT gonna play this game like this is it like the anxiety [ __ ] like this cause this to me is beyond it saying like the reason why I don't play a lot of these horror games man is it's [ __ ] weird dude it's [ __ ] the the atmosphere is [ __ ] weird dude it's just it's not for me sometimes but you know I still like it you know like it's just I get unnerved very easily oh [ __ ] [ __ ] dude it's like okay I'll tell you this much when you suffer from things like sleep paralysis like I do to the extent that I do that's that's the [ __ ] that you see okay I don't know I don't want to be like I don't know like joke about it but that's the [ __ ] that you see oh no [ __ ] that you can't even move I can't fire Wow okay that wasn't like so terribly bad [ __ ] bro like the atmospheres on point for this game the atmosphere is so on point for this game honestly though if I was in a server like this I'd alt f4 right there I wouldn't even play it anymore like Oh oh my god the amount of hours that must have spent playing on servers that had zero out of 64 like back in the days of battlefield 3 like there was a lot of those empty servers I would practice shots on this is taking you back to all of that dude okay one more one more one more flag one more thing I can do one more flag I can do one more [ __ ] flag dude okay I'm out of ammo I've got the flag can I win the game this is when something's like some real shit's gonna happen dude some like OG real [ __ ] oh my god there you go this way I'll tell you what the map design for capture the flag is kind of crap like for sure 100% faster play this multiplayer game I would not be I would not be rating at 5 out of 5 I think I think truth be told even [ __ ] new hair effort from Rainbow six siege is a lot better map designed in this pile of [ __ ] I love how I'm not even sprinting anymore like I'm just gonna go take it nice and tactical dude I'm not looking behind me dude I got a look behind me won't let me move oh hell nah dude get away from me dude get away from me stop it joined a spectator stop what you're doing don't move it whatever you do do not deliver that flag how do you even get access to this game I don't know dude I downloaded it off the internet man can you hear me yeah I can if you can read press y and say something hello wait never mind I don't think you have chat permission on the server all come on dude don't do that then just shoot twice if you can read this I did I did bro I'm out of ammo oh wait no gotta reload okay there we go you get that okay I can't read this perfect so let me explain if you deliver that last flag the server's will shut down I absolutely cannot let that happen it's an affected game that's gonna scare people it's like the ring bro I've been working on this project for more than eleven years I can't let you jeopardize all of my work this may look like a simple FPS game to you but the game has the power to raise the dead okay dude at least that's what it's supposed to do you're up there with Hideo Kojima for the weirdest game designs it's still a work in progress as you can probably tell I'm making this I can saw John wants to see his wife again but she seems to be stuck in a sort of limbo yeah with that thing Gennady here Brooke you've probably already met her that's your wife yikes bro she might come over a bit aggressive but she's just scared and confused can you blame her you destroyed the record player with her face it was shitty music okay it wasn't good your wife s crappy taste I use that music to keep her calm if you deliver that last flag her soul will be set free but I know I can save her and bring her back please escape [ __ ] that I'm gonna save your wife dude your wife does not deserve this [ __ ] please nah bro I'm gonna stop you how dare you how dare you do some weird necro no damn what did I say I saved his wife dude I saved John's wife is that him that can't be it No so one of the things that I found reading into the game is that there's a lot of Secrets to uncover and one of the things that I'm gonna do is sort of look through as many as I can so if you do up up down down left right left right B a start [ __ ] I connect it to the server not meant to basically if you do that if you do the Konami code right there you can actually get another playthrough of the game actually just screwed it up right there and went into game cut it out so there's a lot of stuff you can do in this game to get into it but one of the big key things about this and will actually look into it real quick is wow this game actually just hijacks my display like crazy so that we can get through another play throughout the title by simply going into the Konami code but there is something that they provided in the game files itself that is 100% saved data complete so we actually have the entire server right over here and if I type in a word like hot for instance I can get access to this thing called the sound file and I believe one of the things that we can do over here its eyes from listening to the hunt 1389 songs that are out over there if you type in like two five four six seven you're gonna hear like you're gonna hear like a [ __ ] ah some some like terribly loud screen but uh one of the things that you'll see is removed mesh 3:45 collisions so basically what that means is that they remove the collision detection in the game and so if we reboot which by the way it's really weird how this game hijacks everything we can actually go and I think play the game so if we go into like any of these servers right so let's go to like mods free scans clan let's go to like premium CTF no BOTS bucket if I can connect to a premium server why not and then if you go to like the middle of the map something like weirds about to happen I haven't looked further than that but I know that some stuff is about to happen so we're keeping it relatively spoiler reno-free I think it's somewhere in the middle of the map yeah right here see you can fall through get that like Gleeks theory that bethesda experience and then you can like drop into the center so like what the [ __ ] what is this why in the end okay hand prints behind you who don't do that don't freak me out like that you have like code that's being written okay like this this is just like you know cook code and everything set you've got weird like some dingy location would like just a computer right in the middle and if we go up to the computer it says to confirm Ruvo file CRS RHCs please enter passcode so file and then flag okay so folder file flag then you get like a giant code key right here okay fair enough and you've got like what the [ __ ] you got like a white flag type option okay so capture that flag if anything can we shoot out the stuff can we I get if I shoot everything man it's actually having they'll cross there one of the interesting things is every time I reload and switch guns in the game like reload my clip I feel like I get extra ammunition or like an inconsistent amount of ammo Pro reload like this it's it's really weird that can I go up here and like shoot stuff no I can't is there gonna be like an enemy that shows up here probably not okay so apparently this game did the discord community for it actually had uploaded the answer and one of the things is after looking around you're not actually really supposed to gather it you have to go into like the actual discord for this for this particular game and they provided a code that you can access so I think it's some like one you have to like shoot it one god I hate that you have to throw one nine and then I think it's like one four so one for 21 I got 21 in here thank you replacement soul required sure brother go for it [Music] what the hell and it just like boots me back out okay all right all right a little little a little weird stuff going on and then the surface are all full okay so six and a sixteenth actually plated people oh it's the credits okay game by Adam pipe all right so we're the full-on credits screen for it okay okay all right I like it so far so far interesting experience got me on edge so one of the extra things that the game does it it gives you the hundred percent save file dot save would you think would give you like all secrets and access to the game but in reality what it actually provides you is an actual photo that one can analyze one that is this so 11:15 nineteen is the actual code which is how you apparently will get the actual finale for the game I think it actually leads to the idea so 11:15 nineteen is the actual is I believe this when this came out if I'm not mistaken so November 15 nineteen and you see this image of like a lamp very low resolution almost stylistically in the game and you've got sort of this like scratchy tinge on top of it I believe there's actually a face or something hidden amongst it it's very smudgy but yeah this is actually one of the files that was embedded like I don't know if that's necessarily a face over there but yeah weird stuff ladies and gentlemen so far and so forth it definitely has evolved from just playing a video game to becoming a full-on argh you know on this channel I play a lot of Mimi horror games or like you know really stupid games sometimes and I very very much enjoy it when I play a video game like this no players online at the core it was basically just me capturing a flag and delivering it but it had some of the best atmosphere that I could get into stuff that I'm actually glad I was able to record edit and post online for you guys to see because honestly it's of games like this that you leave me genuinely unnerved you know it's kind of like the same vein as PT one of my favorite little horror games that ever showed up because I don't know it just nails atmosphere so well the VHS stuff is really really perfect now is there a lot of extra stuff to this game absolutely stuff that I've went out of my way to show you stuff that wouldn't be so necessarily available had you not been part of a big Arg community so big thanks to the discord groups involved in figuring out one of the tricky puzzles at the end a lot of the sound puzzles I'm pretty sure that there's a lot more to it this is 2.0 of the game so as the more this game actually updates the more I'm going to be covering it so when 3.0 or 2.5 or whatever update hits for this I'll different making video to show up it's one of the most unique little Arg horror games that I've played it's up there with September 1999 and I honestly can't wait to get more of it so ladies and gentlemen what happens when you join a game with no players online well it can lead to a pretty weird necro experiment for all I know but ladies and gentlemen than me muta har and I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,574,939
Rating: 4.9572749 out of 5
Keywords: playing, game, with, no, players, online, sog, some ordinary gamer, no players online game, no players online gameplay, gaming, gameplay, pc
Id: bgVxSJ_oOZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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