Is This Japanese Apartment Haunted...?

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hello guys and gals me mudahar as my channel name implies i am a gamer after all not amongst all the regular video games that i play i always like to buy stuff from steam i spend three dollars on a game called stigmatized property a game of a creepy japanese haunted apartment so sit back relax and wonder if i wasted three dollars oh god do i like this environment so the reason obviously that i bought it was because i'm a huge fan of these ps1 vcr games i'm a huge fan when it comes to this visual style he suddenly invited me to his house i wonder why i wonder why indeed but this game looks gorgeous dude god there's tons of i hate chromatic aberration but it just looks like vcr tapes man and it's it's smooth it's real that is a nice looking vent dude this is a very good looking gate all right god damn what is this uh 10 yen indeed wait can i spend it back at the uh at the apartment over here can i do that no i can't but there's something behind there that i can't get to god damn god damn i can spend some good old 10 10 yen i wonder if there's like a shot mechanic or some creepy dude selling flashlights in the corner is it the right way well i i would hope so because it's the only way this is kind of like what shinmu would look like if they actually used up-to-date graphics and stuff and that would be the apartment complex indeed but i kind of want to check the other areas around too [ __ ] no this is some dude's home is that like i don't know what that is they're like a dead oh it's a dead cat oh dude no i don't like seeing dead [ __ ] that's that's [ __ ] up let's go down this dark creepy alleyway okay yeah i was uh i was i was expecting to get a [ __ ] stabbing down here but i didn't all right let's get down to the apartment dude [ __ ] it oh there's more there's dead fishes so that's where the smell is coming from he just tosses out the dead fish like that that's [ __ ] that's messed up all right all right all right we'll go to apartment 104 don't worry about it all right this place definitely doesn't give off like serial killer vibes like it doesn't look like the place you're gonna get your body removed dude this game looks gorgeous dude isn't this his mother's car dude if her mom's car had rtx onto it i'd be coming in my pants right now like it for literally three dollars the developer deserves like a good [ __ ] [ __ ] rub i would suck the developer's [ __ ] with how good this games look i'm not even joking right now like you have this you you got me as a sucker for games with these ps1 style graphics like this is this is what i live and breathe for dude this is why i build gaming computers not not for that up-to-date [ __ ] ray trace world support for that ps1 support dude alright i got 60 yen uh can i buy anything i see a crumpled piece of paper it says it costs 100 yen i need to find some change well god damn better better start better start you know selling my little some old [ __ ] with the japanese glory holes right boys dude they've got everything down man it's like the pure japanese aesthetic like you've ever been to japan this is what these weird places look like at night dude knock door not yet not yet indeed i mean there's already somebody inside there which is already dead [ __ ] scary in my opinion but uh can i go to anywhere else nope not anywhere else sorry if i like take a little too long i do like exploring these worlds as much as i can yeah i'm not entering from there dude let's knock the door hello [Music] there's no one i just can't wait outside i need to get in all right [ __ ] let's get in through the through here didn't he say he has a spare key somewhere a spare key probably under the [ __ ] plants maybe maybe under the maybe out of the plants i don't know i mean that would be a really obvious place to put us oh i remember now it should be under a lemon tree pot don't [ __ ] do this i literally clicked there i hate that about these games dude it's like make sure you play it exactly the way we want all right here i got a key i'll stick the key in my my that's a [ __ ] pure nice looking apartment i mean she god damn this is gorgeous dude well close the door indeed um yeah i know this is a really nice apartment so apparently the description for the game said these are like cheap apartments i mean this is a cheap apartment it's pretty i mean again the game character agrees i was [ __ ] it's gorgeous dude i mean the reflections are definitely dlc but [ __ ] it's a gorgeous looking apartment dude we got some [ __ ] donuts there god damn little anal cushions i like that all right what's this the peak hole well we'll look at that in time they got a little thermostat 40 see that's abnormally [ __ ] warm by the way like you sorry when you want to sweat like a [ __ ] pig you can i'm trying to look for placeholder text but you know this game is really well made like i can't i can't deny it it's a very very well-crafted well-crafted experience so far i mean for three dollars i can't really [ __ ] complain dude i've had worse experience for three dollars let me tell you all right let's go look through the pickle [ __ ] what's in this i think i see something stuck in the hole oh no this is how every [ __ ] x videos thing starts what what i don't know how to remove [ __ ] from the hole god damn the last seven pages are torn do i have to like what oh here i got the king man you really gotta play this game in a very [ __ ] specific manner and i don't i'm not i'm not really liking that i rather have some [ __ ] slight freedom in here yeah use the hook i guess oh we're gonna look into the hole no we got a crumpled piece of paper okay so i guess we put the piece of paper in here i did i'm a genius april 4th moving is over at last and today marks the first day living alone and also the first day writing a journal i really look forward to the experience i always dreamed of it i decided to move here because the rent is very cheap i honestly can't believe that a broke student like me can afford such a nice room yeah i remember college plus it's really close to my school how amazing is that i ate out with my parents today to celebrate the move and they were both laughing and just having a great time living alone is great and all but man i'm gonna miss those faces they told me that they're gonna be here for only a couple days they keep telling me how that worried they are but they're just overthinking they don't have to worry about a thing i'm doing just fine all right all right brother take care let's can we keep reading it no like i said that's it you know i need to i need to scrounge up like 40 more yen to get the crumpled piece of paper downstairs let me tell you whoa what the [ __ ] i don't know man so weird dude can we open it yeah hello sir are you okay i mean dude some dude stares at a corner like that we're we're not we're not i'm not [ __ ] around with him dude he's um that seems like a danger nah dude [ __ ] that's not how it works that's not how mafia works bro this apartment cannot be demolished i try to contact i tried to call a contract today to destroy it but for some reason the phone line stops working my mother suddenly becomes ill i hope it isn't related the local priests will not come i tried asking other people to ask the priest the priest got into an accident and died talismans are useless i brought a box of talismans and stuck them on the wall they were all burned the next day whenever i put the talisman on the wall the word curse will continue to appear in my head the apartment does not catch fire the building repels fire wow that seems like a [ __ ] seems like amazing design actually the apartment must continue to sell a resident will be chosen every month the chosen one will be possessed in a week and after the possession the person completely disappears in the world and no one remembers the thing about the person i keep having nightmares and a strange voice keeps telling me to bring human i can't sell the apartment i can't let them hurt my family someone please help me bro he's asking for a [ __ ] lot sure what is this a crumpled piece of paper sure why not so i'm already i'm already kind of [ __ ] pissed scared that something's gonna just assault me at this point but i mean [ __ ] i'm already balls deep into the scenario might as well figure out the story right okay back into my house indeed let's close the [ __ ] door all right let's let's read this page oh no i'm not not finished reading april 5th today i took the whole day just setting everything up in my room what used to be a room with small luggage and a simple bed now became a room with a bunch of furniture and a whopping queen-sized bed the previous tenant left everything and the owner was too lazy to get rid of them dad seemed to like this house so badly he said he'd like to stay a little longer but as much as i appreciate their company i'd like to live i'd like to live life already the owner came to say hello today he looked like he could use a little sleep though what was wrong with him he shook my hand with a big smile on his face told me how grateful he was for someone to finally rent the room but how he stopped smiling right when he let my hand go that was way too weird anyways new semester starts tomorrow gotta get ready yeah bro gotta get ready for the possession i expect some some [ __ ] to show up behind me though that that's how these games usually operate right oh dude i do have a whole bathroom my dude but the bathroom is [ __ ] nice dude let me tell you for a haunted bathroom this this kind of this kind of steps up it's already furnished and everything oh there's something in the bathtub the paper's wet so you got to dry it just stick it in the [ __ ] dryer dude use the hairdryer [Applause] okay let's let's read this no don't skip it april 6th today was the first day of the semester it's good to see my boys again they want to come to my new apartment but i don't know they better not [ __ ] anything up mashima sensei is my homeroom teacher i wonder kind of teacher he is i hope she's not mean like the previous one that guy was an [ __ ] another weird thing happened today when i got out of the room this morning some middle-aged ladies across the street gathered and talked bad about this apartment women of that age like to gossip a lot it's probably whatever let me tell you when you got some middle age when you got some middle-aged women talking about ghosts in an apartment that means they know there's some [ __ ] ghosts in the apartment i take that [ __ ] you know to heart oh what there's a raven with a piece of paper how do i get it from the raven though give me give me the [ __ ] piece of just grab it from the raven's mouth oh dude if it's going to make me do one it's probably one of those things i have to like [ __ ] swap can you drop it aw dude it's not gonna do it is it it's gonna [ __ ] with me it is gonna [ __ ] jesus christ what am i missing game what am i missing tell me i'm gonna [ __ ] get the goddamn rifle dude i'm gonna put it in this raven's [ __ ] mouth pick up the fish god i'm gonna have to feed this to the crow aren't i god damn what the [ __ ] oh dude no it's uh what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] it was i'm screaming i got 10 yendo at least that's something right at least it was worth the [ __ ] mental scarring god damn dude all right i am i'm a little [ __ ] uneasy after that [ __ ] let me tell you pray in front of the shine oh hell yeah dude let's pray let's pray the japanese blood gods to help me out here [ __ ] hmm i wonder what that actually did like did that bring me to that look i guess it kind of brightened up the world a little bit i guess praying helps you know it keeps away those [ __ ] evil ass spirits dude get away from me man i'm not getting possessed dude i got the power of japanese jesus on my side [ __ ] out of here all right so i guess i gotta give this oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay man all right man that's a little oh no dude had like his window out like he had like full meth energy like oh not indeed brother not today all right maybe i give this to you oh he did take the fish what a [ __ ] ass and i got a steam achievement too that's pretty cute uh i said hello to my fellow neighbors today that's a polite thing to do right always be nice to your neighbors right mom but you know what mom i don't think that works here because i just got the cold shoulder from them because you're cause you're a [ __ ] sacrifice dude they don't want to get attached they don't want to get attached to the sacrifice when i said good morning to the neighbor on the right he just stared at me with his big eyes and without a word from his mouth and he shut the door on me even now his big cat-like eyes won't leave my head ha i shouldn't be too rude i probably give it another ghost sometime anyways today i saw a girl who looked just like the girl in chicabarra 89 in my class um shibakibara 89 that's a is that one is a hentai or something her name's mira and i'd like to get to know her and from what i heard she's single ready to mingle oh man you know when you're writing that in the [ __ ] diary this dude this dude's a virgin forever okay so we get the stool and maybe with this we can climb into that little uh window that we had up there okay fair enough let's go do that uh sorry if like the some of the frame rate stuff was weird earlier i actually had to like fix that up uh in the later on i noticed that as i was working through so i'm using like three different capture solutions hopefully it works sometimes these older games cause some headaches all right we are in the bathroom and we got dude this dude's house is [ __ ] balling bro like he's got a nice apartment right now he's got like a little washing drying like shower room then he's got like a little [ __ ] he's got like two [ __ ] he's got like a split bathroom set up going on dude this is kind of [ __ ] epic all right so i'm inside my house i'm probably going to close the door i don't trust it dude there's crack there's dude this place has some serious crackhead energy going around no don't finish mom came over to my room again i told her she doesn't have to come anymore i think she had a fight with dad again her passive aggressiveness attitude got to me so i asked her how dad is doing she refused to talk about it instead just sat there quietly i never seen her like this before she would usually put a fake smile on her face after a fight i would notice that but it just wasn't like that this time an hour or so later she regained her usual positivity when she asked me if i can invite my old time friend sayaka she had asked the biggest smile when i agree to it mom must be worried for me to live alone still i only have mirachon in my mind right now though oh man he's yeah i'll get with mirachon let me tell you mere chad is uh nothing but a dream at this point brother all right i've got 80 yen i got to do something man i've got literally [ __ ] there's still that dude living inside here it's kind of oh 10 yen did he toss out money for me bro he thought it was homeless as hell he gave me literally like you gave me like 10 cents what a man i hate when you get those [ __ ] sneezes and you can't sneeze what is this a key all right this is probably for the car i assume all right it doesn't look like a car key at all but [ __ ] let's do it let's open up the entire door here and uh there's a piece of paper all right let's get the let's get the story beat from this one right all right so that was uh that was interesting the guy literally opened his door to toss out like 10 yen add me like bro first off i don't even think a vending machine is going to just take 10 mo [ __ ] yen alright what am i going to goddamn get like fake banana juice get out of here oh that wasn't there before uh okay okay buddy uh i was able to talk to meera chan today what a great what a great day except for one thing mom was gone when i woke up this morning her car was still parked here and it's oh that was a mom there [ __ ] and it's odd for her to leave without notice i hope dad picked her up or something because the car is still here i invited sayaka today and said she'd come tomorrow i hope this makes her happy again i'll be real with you dog i think i think mom is dead i think i think mom has [ __ ] passed whoa i thought i thought that was like a doggy door and you could see somebody okay [Music] [ __ ] it bring it on [ __ ] okay whatever dude lights went on and off cool i got 100 yen that's all what it is dude [ __ ] that i um dude everyone's just giving me 10 yen i feel like everyone just thinks i'm like a homeless [ __ ] vagrant so they just chuck [ __ ] times at me all right let's go get my uh 10 [ __ ] yen right let's go get that money there it is okay so that's a crumpled up piece of paper i wish i got a [ __ ] you know real banana juice with that though that's the one thing i missed from japan if you ever go there the vending machines have like [ __ ] banana flavored like milkshakes dude in the vending machines dude i swear man the homeless population of [ __ ] japan is like blessed sometimes let me tell you there is no escape i can't read the rest i'll call him later i need to get home i need to get home too bro i need to [ __ ] book it what look through what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that dude well i think the end result possessed [ __ ] it dude actually thought i did a pretty goddamn good job what do you mean i have to like i thought i did i prayed to the shrine and everything [ __ ] man that actually kind of tilts me a little bit i think i got like i think that's the one end though but i did read it had like multiple [ __ ] endings see there's the one dude back there in the hall that i didn't experience but there's the crack dealer that gave me 10 yen and there's the [ __ ] crazy chick all right dude that's it i'm possessed i'm gonna i'm gonna back out of here ladies and gentlemen that was a gay about a creepy apartment japanese a creepy japanese apartment and before my allergies take me in and completely drive me away i'm gonna end this video off if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it thank god pacific guy didn't show up rev his car at [ __ ] four in the morning this is me mudahar and i am out oh god oh god [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 338,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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