Has This YouTuber Been Kidnapped?

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gentle other jeeps a youtube channel dignity I won where a kidnapping could be held now ladies and gentlemen it's not every day where I start a video off so bilingually but it's not every day I get something like this now ladies and gentlemen one of the interesting things about this YouTube channel and everything about you know the stuff we do is a lot of this stuff comes from you guys and gals you know you guys and gals provide me some of the funnest stuff to look at but sometimes you provide me some stuff that genuinely really concerns me a day ago actually received a youtube comment and I'm gonna read this one out to you real quick this one comes from Warren black please look into a mukbang YouTube channel called Kati up there are theories regarding why she eats the way she does in her worsening condition looking over the videos the single community post on the channel if the Facebook group account for her and the strange resemblance she has to a kidnapped woman it's clear that there is some sort of foul play she may not be kidnapped or forced to eat but there is definitely something wrong going on behind the scenes whether it be the fact she is in an abusive relationship or she has some kind of eating disorder who knows it's just downright creepy when you watch our videos and see how she eagerly scarfs down as much food as she can as though she is starved the cuts in the video and the subtitles are equally as a nerve as the actual content and said videos despite the conspiracy the videos are constantly receiving praise and positive comments which may be fueling this woman's degrading health note that her last video was three weeks ago and it included two of her teeth falling out of her mouth she picked them up off the table and held them out with a silent look of horror but not pain on her blindfolded face as if she knew something terrible is about to happen it's extremely worrying that a woman might be locked away in horrid conditions only to be fed recorded and used for views and likes on YouTube you know this sounds like to me ladies and gentlemen back when marina Joyce happened you remember that [ __ ] you know back when you thought that there was some like weird terror plot there involving this individual to garner YouTube views and therefore make revenue for like some weird like shenanigan outside of the system this this stands up on that same caliber now I can't exactly read that [ __ ] without letting it be taken down so there's YouTube channel called Katie up I mean who is Katie up Katie up is currently one of the most trending youtubers out there she has in my opinion one of the most poppin channels right now how do i how can I tell well about a month ago she had about a hunt 500 and 2,000 subscribers she's up to 572 that's a pretty massive sub increase okay and if you look at her the channel date when it was created March 11 2018 so it's not exactly the oldest Channel it's a pretty [ __ ] virgin channel on YouTube it's already got about 60 million views it's not some old it's it's no old Channel and now it's location is in the United States if you go to the video section a real quick you can actually see that every single video she makes really gets popular you know considering the amount of subscribers she has and the fact that she's baiting pretty much you know quadruples on average each video that she uploads it's it's a little sketchy to be honest with you you know I don't know if mukbangs is popular this is the one category of youtubing that I never intended to be basically if you don't know what a mukbang is alright it's a in concept very similar to the term gangbang except there's one person you put up a [ __ ] ton of food in front of them sometimes it's themed right like hey here's the here's the Chinese mukbang and they're just scarfing down chow mein and then sometimes you get the you get the weird mukbangs like here's the super spicy Indian mukbang and then sometimes you get like a special vlog afterwards about how their butt cheeks split in half because they see kind of in the middle of it but that being said though going back to it this is all about that ASMR mukbang lifestyle and at the front of it you know it's a very popular set of content you wouldn't believe our popular [ __ ] like mukbangs are when you've completely forgot about what kind of content you want to make for the day just [ __ ] eat [ __ ] and upload it and somehow it'll it'll get viewed but basically when you take mukbangs and you combine them with that Safi ASMR life then you then you just got like a view magnet okay like [ __ ] you just roll it in in honey and milk and honey but all of that said alright it just seems like your average girl you know you see you've seen that bottom that that bottom mouth you know going across and surprising it seems like in most thumbnails some form from [ __ ] blindfold on but we'll get to that real quickly now in her most recent video about three weeks ago I lose my tooth during this meal exclamation mark exclamation mark aw you know that when you got that double exclamation mark you know [ __ ] [ __ ] gettin real she actually she does have she does have the she has the little blindfold stuff onto the top of the face okay so here she's eating the cake yep sauce squids and I'm not I'm not here to look at the food she is definitely eating hardcore now you got these subtitles which you have to watch out for I'm so hungry I guess the the capital also you have to really watch for right like I oh there's supposed to be SOS somewhere but we'll try to find that so this is where the teeth fall out by the way I could never eat all this food on my own that's a lot of food but here's where the tooth actually falls out so there's two teeth right here and so you know grab them to show them up Jesus Christ those are in fact real [ __ ] teeth holy crap that's a big one dude a whole tooth was removed yesterday so she had like chipped teeth and like a whole tree that's like a sign like if you got chipped teeth that's kind of bad dental hygiene and like if you look at it over here she's got like bandages and she's got like bruises up there like this is kind of heavy but I mean we'll get all into that too like you can even sees like discoloration on knuckles and stuff like that it's crazy yeah you can see the bandage really heavily there [ __ ] I can't watch any more of this it is so like I'll say this much and genuinely has like the sign of unnerving nuts to it like she's just scarfing down food really fast but it but I guess when you look at those tiny tells it kind of does scream out first of all for all the food she's eating I know that a lot of people have like crazy hyper metabolisms but she's just like she's got like no meat on the bones like she is she is a skinny skinny person and I'm just saying that because you know if she's constantly doing these mukbangs I would like to believe you know yeah sure you can workout all you want but I mean if you're eating that volume of food it's got a show somewhat on the body right like that's what I'm saying again people could have really crazy metabolisms but it's uh it's kind of its kind of there man it's uh it's a little weird so apparently at 5:36 here she actually taps on this bowl using Morse code which I guess is supposed to signify to us that she's trying to seek for help like apparently this is gonna be Morse code for please help me so you have to look at basically the ball in this video which is two whole fish whole giant squid locked for king crab salmon whatever she's just giving us the ingredient list Oh what the [ __ ] oh that's weird okay that's that's that's uh if this is a fake that I think that had to have been intentionally put into look at that so she's got one tap this is basically like she's got a system right I assume middle I I can't do Morse code but like I assume like middle would be short one would be long you would decipher that look at that look at that it's like it's like it's like you know how they had the Telegraph's back in the old day right you know when they go this is kind of like on par with that so she's like basically telegraphing something through the bowl now again I don't know that looked way too intentional you don't I mean look that looked kind of real true please hold like even if you're like chewing [ __ ] like I've tapped on stuff before I don't think I've tapped like that but now even later on in the video seventeen like something around here she one of the weird subtitles comes up that people have that people have pointed out this is like where one of her subtitles to see yeah right here so this meat is so delicious soft and tender so when I was saying that she had an SOS earlier in the video if you look at that the capital s capital o capital S now she's also got a capital T but that's because you start sentences with the capital so you got SOS right so you know it's like [ __ ] please save our soul sir that is I don't know I mean I've seen that like editing before like where she capitalizes the ooo successively one after the other so like maybe maybe that could be it but again it's another coincidence in a video that already had a pretty weird coincidence to begin with so I'm gonna chalk it up to one of those like a little weird like it's it makes me feel a little weird so she's got that going for her now if you scrolled down alright this is a really interesting thing Kait herself apparently like commented on the same video right like first of all if you look around over here she's got a she's got she's got a description saying I am a girl okay with like blue girl emoji I eat fastening of the wrists but I always seat this way I have I have any health problem I my metabolic system is adapted you don't have to worry about this I love you all even you haters no worries don't forget you Kate yup and then you've got the ellipses so it's like one of the weirder way to write the write the descriptions out I'm especially coming from like you know I don't know I wasn't gonna go that route but here she's got like a comment right where it's like it's not Morse code this isn't even how Morse code works it's a series of short and long pulses even thinking outside of the box by assuming she's using one finger for long pulses and one for short purses she taps three fingers on the bowl which is true it's just random tapping so let's go read it so here she writes every other claim of sites from the bruises is just silly why would a captor let her edit the videos that doesn't make sense and if Jo youtuber could spot the SOS also would they and if she knew enough to use SOS as a call for help why on earth wouldn't if she have tapped that on the bowl it is the own so it's like you know dude dude it's the only Morse code I have memorized also the ball moves so what because the other hand is resting on it it moves perfectly with the rest of the body finally her lip does not look busted it's either a cold sore or a bad blemish so she actually has like a little sore right over here or a bruise that some people have called it as but like I said we also had an bandages we had like weird bruises on the arm things like that that it kicked up so first of all reading that reading that one comment over there the weird thing about it is is the is the use of punctuation like key keywords if you look at it like if she had wrote it it would be why would she use the words like wouldn't she have tapped that on the bowl like wouldn't I have tapped that on the bowl is one thing it is the only Morse code I have memorized so you've got like this thing where it's like she does it like she she like speaks third-person about ourselves and then she switches back to first-person like I don't know I don't know it's it's it's really and then she goes back to third person like rest of her body so it's just weird to me like that though the way that things are written like the the the English is weird in this in this situation but that being said though I guess the only thing that could explain that is if this were like a business YouTube channel for those of you who don't know like most youtubers like larger YouTube channels are done in a group right like you have the talent you have you know people who do back and stuff editors stuff like that I'm I'm different I'm a one-man show I do all the recording editing checking uploading all that BS youtubers do that but the only way that I can foresee this this kind of context and this writing is that if it's like you knows like the person in charge of doing the uploads and social media management maybe but I don't know see that that's another that's another weird sign so here's another video where she posts I am Alive August 15 2019 and he or she capitalizes in bold certain words so you can even kind of see and I'll bring you to it real quick in this video right now you can see how like in certain aspects if you start from the very beginning hey I'm still alive my friends you can see my spouse mile the H is capital and bolded alright so one of the weird thing about this video or two things right so if you look at the title I am alive it chronologically like if you look at the first letters right and you have to put them on a chart the letter I would correspond to the ninth letter of the alphabet a and a would correspond to one nine one one I think the phone to 911 is conspiracy theory you know what I mean where people do all the crazy math but one of the weird things about it is is the words help encoded in this video now if you look around over here in the first couple seconds right you're gonna get these subtitles now hey I'm still alive my friends you can see to my smile weird subtitle by the way really [ __ ] weird but they've got the letter H capitalized and bolded cool fast forward a couple more seconds everything is ok for me again he is capitalized and bolded and if you go to like 7 minutes or something of the sort right here you can find another another tag tossed right at you and hopefully it'll come up pretty soon yeah look at me are you really thinking I'm forced to eat again thay matically a weird tag it has all been like about her being kidnapped but the L is capitalized and bolded and then you get down to like 11 all right and then this is like another weird situation right around here pron just smaller than giant shrimps and easy because I remove the skin P capital and bolded so again h ELP this YouTube channel is certainly really weird not only is it growing really fast but it's it's it's growing really fast because of all this BS associated with it too you know it's it's I don't want to say like it's an Arg it's not this marine enjoy situation but it's been going on for a fair bit you know people are just starting to look into it now ladies and gentlemen I hope this is just some random mukbang channel and all of this could be coincidental but things are so not when you have so many series of coincidences like this it's not coincidental anymore so there's two to two things about it right like either it's completely fake and I'm gonna lean on the fact that it's completely fake because hey if it's a kidnapped individual trust me they're not gonna edit their own videos they're gonna be filming their videos they're gonna be locked up in whatever cage if they were kidnapped and you would have somebody editing the videos for them okay that's just how kidnapping works alright have you can you understand the logistics of having somebody you know at gunpoint saying hey edit the video upload it whatever you want and they just embed this kind of [ __ ] into them they let them get away with Morse code they let them get away with those obvious subtitles where they wrote help I mean there's a lot of red flags over here as to not being kidnapped but at the same time if the off chance this is true and this could be a missing person that might have been on like you know unleashed off of some mukbang channel on YouTube you know that would be really weird that would just certainly be that would be putting somebody in a situation where it's like you wouldn't find them that like they're placed in such an obvious location but you never knew you'd never guess it to me this situation screams a marina joyce right and that kind of ended in a situation where it's like it wasn't a week we were kind of hypochondriac about it like we were we were really into the whole situation too much and ultimately it became something where marina joyce was a tad unhinged herself in this situation I really hope Kate is just a mukbang youtuber and this is like some weird you know archetype deal going on you know because even as [ __ ] weird as that would be it would still somewhat be a tad bearable you know it in comparison to the to the absolute extreme end of it it being borderline messed up illegal but assuming the fact that if Kate was actually a kidnapped individual I really hope the feds get involved I really hope you know authorities get involved and sorted out but at the same time guys I'm gonna lean on the fact that this isn't real you know I've seen a lot of real and fake [ __ ] in my life and to be honest with you if this was real if this had any validity to it I don't think a kidnapper would let the kid nappy edit a video upload videos post on comments I mean as weird as all of it is there's also red flags that you have to consider from from from from a criminal perspective you know what I mean all in all though and I'm just gonna say this much out there okay that's really all I have to look at with Katie up the YouTuber lots of weird weird red flags all over the place but you can't definitively say that this is a kidnapping or it's not but it does give elements of that that being said though ladies and gentlemen I'll be real with you I hope the authorities get some glimpse into this I mean if this is cloud chasing if this is you know just just some like goofy stuff that's happening behind the scenes in post-production I hope they understand the severity of such a situation right and honestly if these kind of rumors are passed around it's one of those situations where Kate should definitely make a video instead of subtitling it where she actually genuinely talks about it because this is a potentially serious situation and needs to be treated a little bit seriously but ultimately I can't really look further than I can I'm not a federal officer I can only look at it from the glimpse of another another another concerned viewer but that being said the ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,879,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marina joyce, kate yup mukbang, kate yup, some ordinary gamers, kate yup missing, analysis, youtube channel, sog, this, youtuber, been, kate yup update
Id: Wz2Cm5kKMOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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