Exploitable Glitches In The System (r/AskReddit)

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what which in the system are you exploiting was told by gas company that my apartment doesn't exist according to their records and therefore couldn't set up an account despite this we've had gas in the apartment for the past three years just wanted to let you guys know I'm getting free gas sir our records show your apartment does not exist therefore we cannot charge you that is the most logical statement I've heard in my life and I will not question it mom have a great day I've been getting free internet for the last 10 years because my ispin ever cut me off after I stopped paying I don't question it fast noodles and company I regularly order online at work I get the Med salad normally it comes with chicken added I deselect the chicken saving like three dollars and so far I'm five stroke five for them still putting it on there there's a change dispenser near my house and when you put in $1 bills it dispenses five quarters instead of four Luther breaking economy getting the employee discount on my phone bill from an employer I left a year ago I got that for five years by the time my phone company wanted physical verification I was at another job that offered the same discount in Norway they legally can't put more than one parking ticket on your car so I have been using the same ticket Wynn parking since September I get 15% discounts at a particular grocery store by virtue of being a student however the chain doesn't apply the discounts on returns so I can buy something at a 15% discount and return it for full price I don't use it because I want the chain to stick around but I know it exists parking on a street that requires a permit every three months or so I get a fine of 150 bucks if I paid to park I would be paying ten bucks a day so it works out wait cheaper to just keep on getting fines congratulations now you know why corporations would rather pay so many fines rather than actually obey the law this was like seven or eight years ago when a lot of towns in the UK didn't have Domino's Pizza before Papa John's was a thing here and you were lucky if there was the Pizza Hut Delivery most people only had access to pizza from little dirty kebab shops and like their kebabs the pizzas were best eaten when drunk while a Domino's opened up in my hometown not long after I finished University and moved back home because it was so expensive compared to the cheap albeit crap Pizza you could already buy they did loads of really good coupon and online deals they had this one code piss 50 that was 50% off 50 pounds a large pizza with two sides was about 25 pounds anyway so you could basically get twice the amount of food it made it feel like you were getting totally ripped off that code didn't stay on the menus for long though and it was replaced with various other codes that would change every month the thing is though the piss 50 code still worked online and it stayed active until this year I was a little heartbroken when I entered it and got an invalid code error an ex-girlfriend hasn't changed her Netflix password and is still logged in on my blu-ray player it's been nearly two years one of the washing machines at my college only costs a quarter as opposed to the normal dollar I'm saving tens tens I tell you getting a mortgage and then getting a roomie to pay rent to me which I used to pay the mortgage living for free man my brother got discounts from other stores in the plaza of the grocery store he worked at big Susie workout said grocery store the pizza place got so used to seeing him they gave him the grocery store discount every time he came in even well after he quits that job I keep being offered signup bonuses for starting new bank accounts I've switched twice now in a year moving my direct deposit each time and have made $800 in incentives other than the hassle of switching my direct deposit I can't find the reason not to there are no penalties for closing a bank account and to me the hassle is worth the money you've dived into what we call shining it becomes super profitable once you learn what to do flipping failed recalled products when say Apple do a recall for a logic board failure find systems with those symptoms on eBay for cheap take them into the Apple store and they'll repair it for free under warranty also a cheap way to get a macbook every few years but usually better to get several two failed ones and swap for something that hasn't been recalled my dad is a recycling man for my town and man did he ever do this well so with McDonald's you know how you can get a stamp card and a sticker on every cap when you fill out the stamp card you get a free drink well whenever he goes to pick up someone's recycling sometimes a person left them at Donald's drink cup in there and the sticker is still on it so he takes the sticker and puts it on his stamp card let's say he has over 50 plus stamp cards for a free drink by doing this and Counting he is exploiting that one that is for sure free coffee for life the mobiles in my area did a scratch-off game via text you text a code and they send you a link to a scratch-off page get three out of the six and you won a free energy drink soda or water changed monthly I literally won every day then I discovered you could clear cookies and get as many tickets as you had email addresses was getting five energy drinks a day for free for a few months with the subway app you can get discounts on subs if you delete the app you can try again and get a different better discount it ain't much but it is still a 19 year old student if it's Android instead of deleting the app just clear the data cache and it will be like opening the app as if it was just installed the deluxe double at my local covers is like 4 bucks but a regular double cheeseburger with deluxe condiments is 2.80 can confirm I work at Culver's and all the burgers are the exact same size you'd actually get more value from a kid's meal in a basket but most adults are too stuck up to one of the kids meal I took a regular old stats class in high school my college saw it on my transcript thought it was AP and checked it off for my degree requirements my graduate school saw it on my undergrad transcript and checked it off on my requirements I haven't taken a math class since I was 17 and I'm not saying a word live in a rural town no degree but I'm excellent at math I got a job teaching get math classes which requires a degree it was supposed to be temporary and I was supposed to give my boss a refresher on math so they could eventually let me go my boss knows I have a daughter to support by myself as a dad and have really turned my life around and my boss already knows how to do math boss still always tells her supervisor she just can't get the hang of the ledger bruh so I can keep my job my boss is cool I know how to read the screen at PC Richard and son appliances and electronics I can tell how low a price can go when haggling before it needs a manager's code in the commission the salesman will get I tell the salesman I'll tip him the difference in Commission they'd make had they sold it at retail if he gets a manager to drop the price this is usually over 100 400 in savings on large appliances and 20 50 on smaller things their code is don't give up 1 2 3 4 5678 90 usually just dropping knowledge of the code will get you a great deal I use the Starbucks mobile ordering system to order a grande drink but then select the option to have it put in a venti Cup 4 stroke 5 times I get a full venti drink I never actually did this and I'm told it doesn't work anymore but I saw people do it years ago at a certain major university the administration decided to put all your services on one card everything from the library to photocopies to exams to food services a fine idea there was just one tiny problem the code somehow presumed that everyone would at some point put a balance on the card but they did not account for the possibility of someone showing up inserting places with a zero balance at one set of such places involved anywhere that sir the university issue food in short as long as you kept a zero balance on your card you ate for free you'll get rung in at the cash and present your card it would scan but not show the cashier the balance because of privacy regulations it would only say okay or not okay if you had a balance that was not sufficient or negative for example in the case of library fines it would compare X to Y and it wouldn't go through if your balance with zero it went through every time so somebody didn't set up that binary properly this went on for years in certain faculties and departments and it's easy to imagine which ones it was legendary it got to the point I'm told that they were actually holding meetings and disciplining people who abused it too much because they were so concerned about keeping it going as far as I know it only ended because the university tore out all of their old cafeterias and put new ones in presumably because the old ones were losing staggering amounts of money complete with a new payment system that did not apparently have this issue I found out towards the end of my time there but I didn't feel too upset because I lived off campus and only ate within the University inside my college which was on a different system and had way way better food someone literally said how would you like a free lunch showed me his zero point zero zero balance on a nearby machine and then bought me lunch at my work we have to pay thirty year month of parking which get deducted from our salary but I've never paid a cent since when I started there I used to go to work by train but after a month I've started to use my car and just never informed anyone so far I have saved around three car I have an employee discount at a grocery store that automatically gives me five ten percent off any groceries I buy from that store I haven't worked for that store in more than a year this is probably the same in other cities but if you get a parking ticket from a private company you don't have to pay it I've been getting parking tickets fears in this privately owned parking lot and I just throw them out my great student card heist I live in South Australia so why mnv elsewhere basically the cost to apply for a uni degree here is about $60 so you apply for a degree enroll in topics get your full time student ID card then Arn eneral in all your topics if you want to enroll before the census date which is usually a month or so off to uni starts you don't get charged for the course but they don't ask for your student card back that means that you get to claim all the sweet-sweet student discounts the best of which being on public transport if like me you get public transport twice a day five days a week it costs you almost forty dollars having a student card haves the cost so you basically make up for the $60 you pay to apply for uni in three weeks of catching the train not currently but a year ago when I was in college the meal plan in addition to letting you into the cafeteria is a certain number of times per week included something called Dining Dollars which are just regular dollars except you can only use them at College approved restaurants or fast food chains on campus the meal plan comes with a fixed number of Dining Dollars per semester $200 or $300 or something depending on your plan but you can add extra if you want to go to the college restaurants more they have a promotion where if you spend $20.00 or more of real money on Dining Dollars you get 10% extra so for example if you pay $100 you'll get 110 dollars to spend on food the college actually earns a profit on this because items at their convenience stores are marked up by more than 10% of market value so it increases their revenue by more than the cost of giving out that 10% bonus except I broke this I was the treasurer of a club and noticed in some obscure bylaw that if you filled out some form at the Student Affairs Office it would authorize your organization to hold fundraisers where people can spend their Dining Dollars on your club's merchandise such as soccer team t-shirts or a bake sale or whatever usually when you have a fundraiser you want people outside of your club to buy your stuff because otherwise it would just be like charging ridiculous club dues but I figured out we could charge $10 per cookie have all the club members buy 20 cookies from ourselves using Dining Dollars take the six thousand dollar check out of the club account then Rhea distribute the money to everyone so that they could buy more Dining Dollars but you get 10% extra each time you repeat this so basically it was like being given six hundred dollars for free by the Dining Services Department for doing absolutely nothing productive also we got to eat a lot of cookies not me but someone at my school a few years ago found a SQL injection exploit in a part of the school's computer system and just straight-up deleted every student's file who attended the school top bands when I was in university we had a machine that gave you a little slip for the windshield to show you paid to park there so I used Excel to make duplicates and put them in my windshield every morning without having to pay the $8 data park I got caught though after about six months when the machine was broken one day but I still had a slip on my dash not anymore but for about two weeks at my school I could get 600 milliliters chalk show for free because the online ordering glitched went out drinking a couple of year ago and woke up with broken phone when Tong over to her place to buy our new one Samsung s5 was broke so bought it with 12 month part financed through having to change phone company they told me the phone company would take care of the switch and I would start receiving bills in a couple of weeks well it's been two years and I still haven't received one and still with the old phone company basically got a free phone we've lost a few people in the past year and now the office is critically understaffed management keeps dropping I need this ASAP I need it by noon I need it by close of business requests the rest of my coworkers B and moan and tell them how far behind they are I just drop whatever I'm doing and sort out that problem I am or was functionally three months behind but I say yes mom smile and put out whatever fire happens to catch the fancy of Management on that particular hour last week they took my backlog and divided up to my co-workers to free me up to handle the day-to-day critical issues GameStop allows you to get a full refund on any prio and game if you bring it back within seven days it's good for shorter games or breaks vacations when you have lots of time to play get a Gotti edition download DLC return then get the standard thought about upping my gamers Club unlocked membership at Best Buy when I realized when I initially bought the membership two years ago Best Buy quite literally had a glitch in their system and accidentally gave me an additional two years for free it's not super fancy or anything the tide means 20% off games without paying another 30 bucks so that's a win in my book if you're listening to Pandora on Android and an ad comes up press your recent screens button either the left or right button and close out and Ray launch it it's quicker than sitting through the ad and with extended use Pandora is now permanently glitched and every ad is now six seconds of black screen and back to my music that if I'm nice to people I tend to get what I want it's a lost art I know but boy does it work I come into work way later than everyone then just leave ten minutes after the last person leaves I don't feel guilty about it because I get all of my work done and most people are just wasting time there anyways Jamba Juice give members of their club a free small smoothie during their birthday month they recently redid the app for mobile ordering so you could use discounts and stuff in the app you can use the free small smoothie to get a large smoothie I use ten minute and a random phone number to make a new account whenever I want a smoothie standard sized ice cream was 1.30 while big ice cream double the standard size was 3.30 the standard was really small so every could have bought a big one but I did the mouth so I'd ask for two standard ones receive an extra waffle and save zero point seven zero I was 11 as I watched the line of adults all buying big ice-cream I realized that not all that ult's were smart but nobody repeated my trick Walmart will match any price of their competitors so I usually get a tremendous deal on sodas two dollars and fifty cents per 12 pack because if you just show them the deal on a newspaper they will honor it doesn't matter if the deal is from the friggin 4th of July but they never check the date this can work on other items as well I've just found the biggest savings to be on twelve packs I'm not allowed to browse any non-work-related websites at work so I set up a dart RSS feed for add it in my outlook inbox a while back they got new keypad at my job that wouldn't let you punch in if you showed up late for work it would just say too late see a manager and then you'd have to go through the awkward process of telling your manager having them follow you up the stairs and they had to sign a late slip for you one day I figured out that if I put a nine at the end of my four-digit key because it doesn't override the last key I could punch in late without being penalized naturally I abuse this loophole whenever I was too late for work eventually they caught on to what I was doing and had a manager talk to me and tell me that if I showed up late three more times three strikes I'd be fired I think the only reason they didn't fire me then and there was because they didn't want to admit there was a loophole in the system I don't know how I did it but I went three years without getting fined for not having health insurance you have been visited by the science dojo upvote now and you will get high grades and good results within the next week if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 501,796
Rating: 4.8807807 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, glitch in the system, exploit, Exploitable, Exploitable Glitches, glitch, glitches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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