Attention-Seeking Friends' Made-up Stories Destroyed by Reality

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redditors we all have that one friend who always seeks attention using made-up stories what's the dumbest thing that he she came up to impress everybody but failed dramatically two stories stand out one he was a gulf war veteran except dude you were born in 1981 and the gulf war was 1991-1992 when we were in fifth grade congrats on being an eleven-year-old combat veteran two his uncle had taught him to fly an air force jet by his telling his uncle was a mechanic in the air force they had one jet that apparently nobody could fix but this uncle through sheer mechanical seventism fixed the jet the air force ignoring all fiscal law apparently was so grateful to this mechanic that they gifted him the jet he then flew the jet to our tiny local airport where he taught my acquaintance how to fly it please tell me an adult told you number two taekwondo a couple years back this guy had no friends had the wildest stories told me how he was lost in a field with nothing but a machete decided to throw it and it killed a cow or how he said that he was in taekwondo because his family was being hunted by spies in russia and that's why he moved to canada he's a second dan black belt while i'm a first down still don't get how he thought we'd believe his stories including he was 13 at the time the place i go to doesn't really care about your age for black belt but you do have to be over 12 to get second down for those wondering it isn't really a pay to get black belt it took me six years of training for mine and the guy seven eight years for second down second dan is actually quite nice for a 13 year old i became friends with one of my best buddies because he claimed to have rachel in super smash brothers melee the foundation of our friendship was built on a lie we're still friends though in retrospect this is so ridiculous but as a kid i had a friend who swore he had a twin brother it was pretty obvious that he didn't since he lived in the same neighborhood as the majority of our friend group and we all spent a lot of time out and about together on bikes etc not to mention that all of our parents were friendly and we had all of our birthday parties barbecue ztc together as kids but any time he was press about it he would say that his twin brother was living with his aunt in utah this lasted until we graduated from high school and now whenever one of us sees him in public we always make sure to ask if his brother is doing good and if he's been to utah lately hope he turned out all right him standing at the foothills of the himalayas gazing at the peaks of the andes it's me but you can't kim been there have you no well i think i know what i saw me k this was back when we were still in our teenage years but still a friend of mine had an elaborate lie that he was a professional motocross driver during when we were 12 years old all his friends knew he was pulling it out of his butt he never went to train or competitions he didn't even own a freaking motorcycle but still told us about it several times a week i'm prompted this went on for more than a year we still give him crap about it hey guys i just had an awesome weekend i play yeah my weekend was pretty sweet i did the materkra stuff again i don't want to bore you guys but i did a sweet 720 spin yes so i played smash land i remember when i had time to play games before my totally sweet meteor chris career got started you guys are lucky he's a senior employee where i work in ms i heard him give a verbatim account of his mother-in-law reading the exorcist and getting so freaked out that she threw the book in the river he claimed to have seen that happen bought a new copy soaked it in water and then replace the wet copy in her nightstand which led to her losing her crap the problem is that i read that same reddit thread like a week before i never confronted him but it makes me put all his epic tales of how he saved a life in perspective i truly wish you had confronted him that it was from reddit and that he would have pretended he wrote the post and that it was his username and then for the rest of your time working together he'd have to watch that person's reddit account on the daily to make sure he was up to date on his life or lies in case anything strange or cool happened in his life odd lies i had a friend in high school try to convince everyone that he came from a filthy rich family eventually after a multitude of demonstrations i became involved in one of his elaborate ploys he came up with a story of how he needed a ride home after school and i didn't have a reason not to so i obliged he directed me towards one of the most wealthy neighborhoods in my city and had me follow another car through the gates of a private community of mansions he told me to wait for a second after i dropped him off at one of the huge butt estates minutes later he came out of the house visually distressed and told me to drive away and leave him at a nearby park i don't remember the story i believed him telling me as an explanation but i later found out that he was actually from a family on welfare in the house that he brought me to belong to a person he briefly met and he was angrily kicked out after he entered their house spontaneously without mentioning anything to anyone that lived there afterwards i realized that his plan was for me to drop him off and validate his huge butthouse and wealth to everyone at school the stories he told everyone about his wealth fell through soonly afterwards this one was just kind of sad i told her i could not keep hearing her go on about her boyfriend who had starting using and selling drugs let me know when she cut ties with that crowd less than two hours later i get a breathless call from a strange number she has packed up and got out of his place was staying in a motel i asked how she got the money and she mumbled something about a friend who met her and gave her money but was out of town and she couldn't stay at their actual place huh i figured it was crap but decided to play along and make her give herself away i said oh my sister-in-law is nearby i'm gonna send her over with some groceries which motel is it immediately she starts going on no no i don't need that don't send anyone that would not tell me the motel name said oh i don't know i asked how you check into a motel and not know the name of it go look outside read me the sign she just kept dodging around and saying not to worry about it she said she would call me back the next day and we rang off on a hunch i called the number back and her roommate at the boyfriend's place picked up she hadn't gone anywhere just called me from a different number the roommate put her on the phone and she started yelling at me for calling her back i told her when she quit lying and really got help let me know that was the last time i heard from mom for a while that twist ending though i no longer have this friend but i used to he used to claim that one his dad was in green day two green day taught him how to walk and talk three he lived in hollywood for one day of his life and met several hundred celebrities during that day before he was the fastest runner on the planet but his mom told him to disguise his actual speed because people would make fun of him five he was in a rock band at age nine six his dad was also a video game developer and made special games for him as presents seven his parents got him a bazooka for christmas eight he had a pokemon called mew39 he was hitler's great grandson i'll let you take a guess how many of these claims were actually true but at least he was a kid and not a full-grown adult my friend in high school tried to tell us that a lady from the old people's home next door had climbed over her fence and died on her lawn we checked with her mum absolute rubbish what a morbid thing to lie about i remember my first year at uni the hall i was living in was pretty good friends with the hall below us one of the guys in the hall below us let's call him craig was very socially awkward he lived quite close to the university and went home every weekend he liked to talk about how much he drank with his family over the weekend and i'll try to list off what he claims he drank on a single night three bottles of wine one bottle of oozo two bottles of vodka 12 pints of lager mysteriously though when he drinks with us he's sick after one pint oh and one time he randomly picked up with a story about how when he was out back home some guy kept staring at him so he beat the crap out of him that's the whole story completely unprompted everyone just sort of said well that was probably an overreaction craig guy was called sean and i went to high school with him he didn't seem to have any awareness of how ludicrous and totally unbelievable his stories were and when he told stories he conflated the tepid reactions of embarrassment and disbelief for expressions of disinterest so he'd make the stories more unbelievable the stupidest one he ever told was basically this so i was at the beach on the weekend surfing and as i was catching a wave into shore this great white shark came right up beside my board so i hopped off my board onto the shark's back and then rode him into the shallows really i mean who in the world would ever believe something like that i actually laughed at the imagery of him jumping on the shark's back as if it were a dolphin i had an online friend who said he was secretly in the marines and then got kicked out for being too good he was 14 at the time he would tell me all sorts about how he is now classed as a dangerous weapon and half the government wanted to protect him whilst the other half wanted him dead there were lots of fables about skills and training he had and how he'd seen his best mate explode etc the funny thing is i was friends with his cousin who went to my school and i would always ask about his weird cousin and his lies he was never in the marines he was in the cadets for a while though and whenever i would confront marine boy he would tell me that his family can't know the truth about him and that's why his cousin wasn't aware i ended up talking to him years later on facebook and brought up how funny it was that he used to pretend to be a marine unfortunately he was apparently with his girlfriend during that conversation and i had revealed a part of his past he definitely wanted to keep secret i found his embarrassment to be a relief though i was happy to know he'd at least come to his senses well you know how it goes the marines don't like to have anyone too good it makes things unfair for other countries i worked with a woman at a grocery store in bum frick wyoming who claimed she used to party with khloe kardashian she used to be a stripper all kinds of crazy stories i was 15 at the time and i remember it being the first time i wondered what people gained from telling these outrageous and false stories math teacher from high school dude was late 60s or early 70s and he was in butthole and terrible at teaching anyway he'd go on and give the class a 15-minute speech on dedication hardwood perseverance etc and relating it to the nfl football to you non-americans class would ask wtf he's talking about and he'd be like oh you didn't know i was the starting running back for the green bay packers back in some year students would look online and see there's nothing on the guy and call him out on it the next day of class stitcher's explanation was totally fake like the internet wouldn't have his info because the packers moved to a different city later so all records got erased another time he was going off on how he was a marine in the vietnam war and all of his stories about it didn't really add up some kid in the class was from a big military family and asked what platoon brigade ranked etc he was in and teacher gave an answer that didn't even exist he wouldn't even make up that he met a famous person but that they were our really good friends he didn't just meet president bush senior they were roommates in college not only did he hang out with some famous author a lot bigly teacher was the main character in one of his books and teacher was a big inspiration to the author just a bunch of crap like that i think there was a story about him being in charge of some covert operations secret spy stuff but i missed that day of class and no he wasn't just teasing us and messing around he was totally serious kids would call him out on his stories of grandeur and he'd double down trying to prove his case even though no one was buying his stories or being all that impressed by them the packers moved to a different city later the packers are publicly owned and have never moved lol he was saying that he used to live in america big came back to the uk after his american wife was killed decapitated in fact in a car accident then he told us all about this amazing green card that he had that was permanent so he could go back any time in fact he offered to lend it to anyone who wanted to work in the us well what he didn't know was that i was just about to go over there myself on a contract so i knew a bit about green cards so i called him on it in front of the whole room yes i'm going to the u.s in a couple of weeks look here's my ticket and u.s currency i happen to have them in my wallet right now so the card would be really useful when can i come and get it oh he backpedaled so fast that he left burn marks on the carpet naturally the wife also turned out to be a complete fantasy i doubt he's ever been closer to the states than watching csi this is a very odd way of referring to csi i'm in panama city right now and i sat by an old vietnam veteran a mcdonald's and he began to tell me and my friend how the government direct deposits 50 million dollars in his bank every morning at 9 00 am and that he personally bailed out gm and wells fargo he kept spurring odd numbers and dates not a friend but this was told to me when i started working at a new location had a guy that used to work for the company i work at went around and told people a fake name even make a fake fb for his alias he then proceeded to tell everyone he couldn't do set in work duties because he had developed cancer this went on for many months and a lot of people believed him this person even had a gf at the workplace using his fake name he eventually got caught when an employee found his real fb he ended up quitting a month or so when he had been discovered i'm from germany and there is this dude in our friend group that does that all the time one time he was showing us a sketch he made and said this right here was never built before it is a device that can turn off gravity i am the kind of guy that likes to see those guys explain themselves deeper so everyone else realizes how dumb they are so i asked him everything about it and it turns out he doesn't know crap about gravity two weeks later he was telling us a story about a ketamine trip he had and everyone was enjoying the storytelling the problem is that he thought that no one of us was watching english youtube videos but he was wrong i instantly knew that he was telling a story from a youtuber that i watch i was cringing a lot during that 15 minutes because he was telling it word for word seeing the look in his face that says heck yeah they buy it and knowing that he's lying was just way too entertaining he is 23 btw one time he was telling us all of this crazy and stuff that clearly is out of a creepy pasta or something stupid like that i freaking hate that and called him out but he won't back down i don't know how everyone else can just let them make things up and don't be bothered by it i really freaking can't was in medical school and i had this junior from my home state who recently got admitted to my school barely a week we'd known each other and he starts flexing on me about how he's been a player his whole life and how many chicks he'd boned with really vivid descriptions of how it all went down every day he had a story of how crazy he used to be when drinking with his friends back home how much weed he used to do etc he also proudly described every time his engineer father escaped being arrested for embezzlement and corruption washing that off with a story of how his family had been providing for less fortunate kids in his area he also had a lot of stories about how much money he spent on a whim how many flights he missed on purpose because he was hungover and yet again how many random chicks he had slept with he more than often contradicted himself with his own stories but that was okay because he apparently had mild amnesia due to a biking accident while being drunk from a litaf party i've since then left the school to reapply in a new cycle due to me being critically sick and missing most of my classes and exams there i don't consider him a friend nor an acquaintance in fact i wish i never met the guy i wouldn't like to be associated with such a douchebag pile of crap considering the career path i've chosen dude med school is filled with weird butt people that make it endlessly entertaining a hostess at a restaurant where i worked during college was always talking about her band she came back after a weekend and said her band finally recorded a demo everyone was talking about it and played it in the back while doing food prep she talked to me about it and i said that her singing voice sounded different that her talking voice but if that's really her then it's really good in a month or two bring me to life by evanescence got really popular and started playing on the radio it was exactly this girl's demo no one ever confronted her about it as far as i know but i get a good laugh ever so often when i think about it a few years ago i dated a guy for about six months he clearly was on the spectrum for something and lied about many many things obvious lies liza was so absurd i couldn't figure out why he would think anyone would believe it one of my my favs was the nicolas cage story apparently they met and conversed for several minutes outside of a fancy vegas club he claimed he didn't even realized who he was talking to until a driver showed up with a care that red cage on the plate he also invented this whatever that is and was best friends with e40 that cage story doesn't sound that unbelievable that dude pretty much lives in vegas he was on my last flight from nola to vegas and one of my co-workers has a pic with him outside the spearmint rhino during his bachelor party he's also a total weirdo so i could see not realizing who he is at first i'm friends with this one guy i met in my senior year of high school and he was a huge bullshitter he said we was working with this exclusive dev team based out of europe we live in the u.s west coast on an action game that he claimed was in alpha he said the game was fully functioning and that he would play it regularly when we he was a part of a larger group of friends i had asked him about it he would avoid the subject or divert a topic altogether he would not tell us how to get to it no store page website etc and refused to show us screenshots of the game he told us that the game was part of a larger facebook group that was region locked to europe only and had like 10 people total including him my other friends and i knew something seemed often called him out on it naturally he brushed everything off and to this day he still hasn't provided proof that this game actually exists tl dr friend said he was making this game without any proof of it existing and we called him out on it but was too full of it to admit he was lying to be fair it could be a dev team group if it's in alpha and he is avoiding ruining his career by withholding screenshots so he should stop telling you about it this didn't sound entirely different to me apart from the telling people thing but yes he is probably certainly telling porcupines at most it's a fan game or group hobby project he contributed a little too was in high school theater with a guy who was always talking about how he was a black belt in some kind of martial art idea which one but i think it was j.i yujitsu or murai tai welcome c c was about six feet and probably 275 pounds one day a new kid who we shall call s joins our cast s is about five feet seven and 135 pounds s overhears c talk about his black belt in whichever style and is like oh wow that's awesome so am i we should sparsi agrees to this i should clarify that this is all in the boys dressing room during a rehearsal i should also add that i knew s before he joined our cast and i was aware that he was actually a black belt in whichever martial art so they get into their stances and begin to spar at like half speed i don't remember the full play by players this was several years ago but i specifically remember c trying to hit tosses and failing horrifically just to have s roll off his back and hip toss him with ease at the end c was sweating profusely and s looks like he took a leisurely stroll through the park that's gonna be j.i jujitsu muahaitai doesn't have throws trust me i know this crap i have a black belt in every martial art my uncle is the ceo of karate so i had this friend in high school and she constantly had these outrageous stories that often ended up contradicting each other you could never believe anything she said i think she just wanted attention or something or perhaps it had to do with her autism with which she had been diagnosed but she didn't want to accept the diagnosis and work on it anyway the thing i remember most was the time she came to school with a cat bell on a ribbon around her neck she had claimed her japanese korean friends she was very much into anime and k-pop and such which is not wrong but gives you more of an idea on the type of person she was had come to visit her and surprised her by waiting for her on the road with bikes and cycled with her to school and gave her that cat bell because they thought it was funny and she thought it was embarrassing but she kept wearing it the whole day anyway and also that time i got a boyfriend and was happy and telling the rest of our friend group about it and then we mentioned that i was the first of our group to get a boyfriend unless someone was hiding a boyfriend for some time well guess what apparently she had a boyfriend now who was korean and had purple hair and lived close to her and she didn't tell us because her parents didn't approve of the relationship and she didn't want to tell us the name of her boyfriend so we had to guess and we never guessed it and stuff so yay i was very curious to see that boyfriend and also she had had a boyfriend before but he had died in a car crash later it turned out to be a best friend though so yay it was very unclear but deep down she was a sweet girl though she probably just wanted attention i really hope she's doing well in life now if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 91,885
Rating: 4.8939958 out of 5
Keywords: that one friend, that one friend who makes everything awkward, attention seeker, attention, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: xwXIfmf9OCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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