Glitches In The System That Went Unnoticed (r/AskReddit)

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what Lich in the system went unnoticed so you keep exploiting it I got moved to a team on the second floor my desk was on the fourth floor I stopped coming to work the fourth floor team thought I moved downstairs the second floor team thought I was still upstairs I just worked from home instead for over a year so there is a local convenience store called sheets a new store opened and they gave out sheets of five free coffee coupons after a while they just had them sitting out in a pile for you go grab I asked one day if I could grab two and she said you can take the whole stack for all I care we have a ton of those so I did I procured myself five hundred free coughers sheets also has a rewards program every ten coffees you buy you get a free one every time I use a coupon it still adds a coffee to my ten count I currently have thirty free coffees on my card and still a small stack of free coupons a certain popular pizza chain in the UK once royally freaked up my order and head office sent me a voucher for a free pizza any pizza any size I've had it for nearly a year now and the delivery guy has never asked for the voucher I've had a lot of free pizza once cardamom pods were for sale at the local grocery but instead of being $14.95 and ours the computer fricked it up and they were $1 and 49 cents in Oz I bought a lot of cardamom I made a lot of sweet buns thug life there was a snack machine next to a soda machine when you bought a snack the soda machine would spit out a mountain Dew another job had a soda machine where if you hit the button repeatedly after putting in your money you get multiple sodas a certain grocery store chain will offer you twice your money back if they sell you expired goods while shopping I specifically look for expired items buy them and then return them to the customer service will double my money sometimes they give me cash other times they give me gift cards to the store I'm fine with either I bet the company wouldn't even mind if they found out you were doing it intentionally they've essentially hired you to the store of expired Goods and probably from their perspective not paying you a ton of money to do it I downloaded Lim UI pro or Fogg Lim you are a global hotel chain ran a promo a few years ago where they sent a link to book a free nights stay there was nothing to stop you from using the link repeatedly I was stuck at Union Station in DC during hurricane sandy and used that glitch to house a lot of fellows stranded travelers they either figured it out or the promo ended but it went on for nine months years ago I was the cashier at a grocery store and there was the glitch where the really expensive fancy ice cream that cost about $8 scanned as two dollars all the cashiers knew about it and we'd regularly buy a ton of the stuff very few customers bought that kind of ice cream and if they noticed if scanning cheaper we just wink at them it went on for months until anyone noticed if you push the dart orange font a button on the drink machine on the second floor of my dorm building it instead gives you two bottles of water and sometimes lemonade vending machine at work had a mystery button after eyeing it for a few months I decided to give it a shot I got two big cans of peach tea decided to buy a chocolate orange at a local supermarket took it to the self-checkout and it scanned with a value of one piece so got friends to run back and clear the shelves of chocolate oranges and bring them back to the till got 30 chocolate oranges for 30 P a glorious day I used to work for a web host we had a referral program that tracked your customers by cookie I had set up a referral site for myself and showed a co-worker without thinking about it from then on whenever a customer would sign up over the phone with him it turned me about $50 there was a gumball machine at the grocery store that would spit out four plus pieces of candy if you turned the crank really slowly public transit in my area sells day passes for nine dollars I've used the same day pass for two years I've been gaming the free stuff for your birthday racket for several years most of the restaurants and businesses don't check for your actual date so I use different months with different businesses so the discounts meals are spread through the year worked at a popular pizza chain some years ago automated phone system had a glitch that told customers we were closed an hour before we did closed never corrected it because I can do tasks to close the store on time one vending machine at my school would give you four dollars and fifty cents and change when purchasing a two dollar and fifty cents bottle of pop with a $5 only 10:20 gave correct change $0.50 for a bottle of pop yes please if I type in three million eight hundred and twenty six thousand two hundred and five on the school vending machine as pours out dimes unfortunately not quarters or bills when I was thirteen fourteen I had a sweet tooth and no money for sating it luckily all the kids at the private school I went to did have money so my best friend and I devised a plan to separates them from that money every morning before school we'd go into the local co-op buy various snacks chocolate bars flapjacks crisps et Cie take them to school in our bags then run a small black market out of our lockers during breaks there were no vending machines in the school and very few snacks available from the refectory so we were completely in control of the market and made a lot of money one year this went into overdrive for Easter making us over 400% our usual profit due to a pricing error at the co-op six Cadbury's cream eggs were being sold for three pounds and 99 pence giving us a two-pound profit when we sold them for a pound each turn our ego peers but twelve cream eggs were only three pounds and 69 pence giving us over 8 pounds profit per pack and with cream eggs being a seasonal item they were immensely popular at school after a month or so regrettably someone picked up on the error and corrected it in their system when we walked up to the till with four twelve packs each we discovered they were now priced at six pounds and 99 pence as I assumed they should have been all along lochley when our faces fell and we explained it said there were only three pounds and 69 pence on the shell the cashier rang them up at their shelf price the next day they were back to their usual price though on the shelves and system so we went back to our old ways of scamming slightly less money out of our peers when I was a kid the soda machine at the pool didn't recognize when you would hit the coin return you could just cycle the same time through the machine enough times and then make your selection then even get your dime back when I was 7 on Halloween I dressed as Batman then hit all the houses on my neighborhood it was only 8 o'clock so I dressed up as spider-man and got all the houses again double the candy motherfrakkers not really a glitch but I found out I could fit my arm into the vending machine at college and pretty much clear out the bottom shelf fish and chips shop near house gumball machine inside put money in turn for 9 clicks hold dial in position flick a few times just underneath the dial turn for one more click and holding position gumballs will continue to be released for as long as you hold it there one dollar equals unlimited gumballs I had a Pepsi machine at college that ate people's change returns I figured out how to get it unstuck and usually ended up with a soda and four dollars every time I went to it there was a soda machine outside a Safeway if you only put and dimes it would count it and spit them back out my sprint phone gave me a Wi-Fi hotspot without me paying for it for about a year I updated the firmware and lost the functionality so I called sprint to ask what was wrong I was supposed to be paying for the Wi-Fi ability $30 a month and the lady asked if I had been using it for the past year I hung up saved myself three hundred and sixty dollars without even knowing not proud of it but when I was 12 I noticed that some foreign coins worth about a cent would pass four quarters in arcade machines I have a lot of traffic lights on the first mile or two of my drive to work so I leave at 655 I get to work 15 minutes early because I catch blinking yellows I used to leave at 7 o'clock and get there just on time and any extra traffic made me late my old job had a pretty high turnover in terms of managers so none of them really had time to learn the intricacies of our building nor the abundance of legacy and experimental job titles that people had been assigned as the lone stockroom attendant I used my knowledge of the basement in the fact that no one including me knew what the heck I was supposed to be doing to go have naps or generally hide and do nothing for most of the day I bought a monthly bus passes out a year and a half ago and because the drivers don't even check it I've been using the expired pass and haven't had to pay anything for around 14 months this has saved me about 1,800 pounds so it ain't too shabby purchased a three-day trial for a website canceled it on the third day access to the site remained active for the next seven years my college gave out ten free condoms if you show school aid but they don't scan it or anything so sometimes on the weekends I would come in every twenty minutes getting more and more cognizant ill I had a stockpile then at night I would go around to parties selling them a buck each winner or is it supposed to be free a while back a company had a promotion to join their free club mailing list if you submitted content you will get points if you referred someone you would also get points once you got a rather stupidly large amount of points you could redeem them for company merchandise or Amazon gift cards well back then I also had a handful of domains at my disposal so I set up a catch-all email address if the domains and made a script to make and activate accounts with me as the main referral this was before CAPTCHAs really became widespread I ran the script simultaneously in the two computers I hired a week later I had accumulated enough for $2,000 in Amazon gift cards and cashed out good thing I cashed out then because my account was banned the next day and they no longer gave points for referrals I think I single-handedly destroyed that promotion sorry guys not attending school anymore but when I was 10 we had a vending machine for goods with a warning that said do not tilt the vending you may hurt yourself we did tilted once only to realize if you tilted it and bought something you would receive more goods while only paying for one using our new knowledge we eventually took all the good stuff from the machine only to sell it to our friends at lower price than the original and earning money that way I can't do it anymore but there was the cool website to buy clothing from that used to allow us to stack promo codes and we would get they're very very very overpriced goods for little money when they would have sales I knew a guy in college went from 88 to 92 who had perfected the method of inserting a dollar bill into a pop machine and then quickly yanking it out without tearing it when it was about 3/4 of the way in the machine would register being paid allow him to choose a soda and give him 50 cents in change he'd do this multiple times and collect about two 12-packs and then pay for a delivered pizza in quarters yes he was poor in high school I would go to the attendance office and say I needed to go home the attendance lady would give me the phone to call my dad so she could talk to him to verify I would instead call my deep voice friend and he would excuse me then he would go in about 30 minutes later and call me worked over 20 times and we were never caught best part it didn't count as a missed class because it was excused nice you got out of a free education back in the day there was an awesome mud called dragon's gate on AOL that was something like 2 bucks an hour to play it had a great community and was a lot of fun this was in dial-up days so if you purposely slowed your connection down by downloading something and logging into the game you could hit the spacebar on the sign-in screen a crapload of times and it would open up to screams just close the first one and it signs you out while still being connected and you can play through the second screen for free the best part was all the hate from the other people on the forums when the glitch finally got outed my first job in high school I'm a habitually early person so I found out that the time clock system would let me clock in 5 minutes early I later found out that I could then clock out 10 minutes early and I'd be paid for all five hours another guy older man worked eight-hour shifts and would save his two 15-minute breaks Union job and half hour lunch and do his shopping for the week in his last hour I think this is a glitch the company may know about as so many local people talk about it okay the shop is Waitrose in the UK big chain supermarket they do various deals where a product is five pounds but if you buy three then you get it all for ten pounds now the glitch works when they reduce the product as its expiry date is near so now the product is down to one pound regularly less the thing is if you still buy three at the reduced price the offer still kicks in and it takes five pounds off your bill the last time I did this I noticed that a bag of potatoes was reduced to 0.3 0p but it was by three four five pounds I ended up buying nine bags of potatoes and got the rest of my shopping for free wine B Pizza all free you just have to make sure your builders have a positive balance in the end even if it is only pennies I go down near closing time three stroked four nights a week and get this deal it doesn't always get you extra free stuff but you do usually get the three products for free the products can be fresh meats veg fruit and pre-made meals like spagbol and pizza there was the glitch on the Morris himself checkout where if you scan two items too close to each other it would add the weight off both but not the price you could then place both items down on the weighing scale and only one would show on the screen if a machine would ask for help if you didn't put both items down I found this out by accident and used it whenever I could which was not very often in counter-strike source you can get outside the map in deeper on AC and CT spawn I sometimes just push outside of it and kill people from spawn it freaks a lot of people out you monster you have been visited by the rare garlic dojo if you subscribe to up do friend it you will have good luck for 69 years I hope you enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't by the way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 118,393
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, glitch in the matrix, scary stories, glitch in the system
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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