People with jobs most people don’t know exist, what do you do? r/AskReddit

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asked /r screwed it redditors with jobs most people don't know exist what do you do I work at a company which will remain nameless that gets rid of commercials and sports bars and now in the home replacing it with endless amounts of media customisable by the consumer my job as quality control is to push a button on an iPad when Aspen for example switches to commercial from the program which triggers the change in all restaurants bars using the service bTW every Dave and Busters in the nation uses our program TL DR I get paid to watch Espen and push a button on an iPad not the only thing I did with a job the definitely the weirdest I worked at a grocery store last winter right around Christmastime I had to sprinkle dirt on the potatoes in the produce section to make them look freshly picked then the customers would get home and erase all my hard work edit Wow Platinum was my first award thank Onan I make virtual clothing and sell it for money on a dress-up chat game when my mom was in grad school she would drive around and collect dead babies and deliver them to the med school where she worked this isn't a funny one really but I used to work in clubs venues doing lighting and other tech work on club nights I'd be operating the lighting rig and people would come knock on my booth window and think I'm the DJ they and people I'd meet who asked what I do for work would usually saying I always thought it's just a computer or something I mean it is but I tell it what to do essentially I watch TV all day it's actually digital archiving of old video tape but it's for major networks who have massive tape libraries of stuff like beta VHS u-matic 1 inches and 2 inches tape and anything else in between all the old magnetic tape is starting to expire so they ship pallets of tapes to the company I work for and we record them in real time then send back the files it takes years to completely digitize a tape library some of our older big clients have been sending us pallets every month consists and Lee for the past five years and there's still roughly another five years left it's pretty interesting and I never knew about it before getting into the field so if anyone has any questions I'll be happy to answer I used to work at a lab in Memphis well he would preform surgical procedure s on cadavers and test new medical equipments that was being developed saw some crazy futuristic not recently but a few years ago my job was to timestamp Netflix videos for the skip intro button it was the single best job ever until they stopped allowing remote work for what I was doing I would wake up log in to a special page and have a list of videos series et Cie to timestamp I was paid for eight hours of work a day when most days I could breathe through my daily workload in two-three hours for about a year I was free to do whatever the hell I wanted just wake up do a few hours work then be done then they introduced this feature called work ahead basically I could do two days of work in about 5 - 6 sometimes 7 hours and have the next day off and still get paid was gravy in the best job ever on the plus side when I was let go my account I still use it's fully upgraded and I don't have a payment due until the 31st of December 3000 law I'll be leaving my Netflix account to my kids and their kids I'm a butler I work for machi in the West Midlands of England in a large estate I'm always surprised but a lot of people didn't know it was a real job especially Americans I'm also fairly young and break the stereotypes that Alfred Pennyworth has set about how a butler should be I'm a demand planner my job is to make sure when you walk into a store or order online we have that specific thing you want in stock most jobs I've worked required us to have 95% plus product in stock at all times usually when we have a stock out it's because some genius decided he needed 64 hammers or 500 gallons of milk at once screwing up the demand model my job is closest to being disability support but it's a little more specific I'm basically paid to be my clients best friend his disability makes him either the coolest person ever if he likes you or the most difficult person if he doesn't so keeping him in a good mood requires me to be like a constant hype man and getting him pumped for the next little part of everyday and his thing is he can sniff out in sincerity a mile away which is why none of the past caregivers have worked out so you have to genuinely enjoy hanging out with him which luckily I do not sure if this answer is on topic that it feels like a very unique job to me i caption telephone calls in real time for the deaf and hard-of-hearing as my part-time job edit you guys have had some awesome questions and I tried my best to answer most of them to those who are worried my job is in jeopardy because of automation etc this is my part-time job not my career I did this because as I learned more about the deaf community I wanted to do everything I could to help them they are a truly amazing community who do not get enough support from the government of a hearing community I want you all to think of the last phone call you made now imagine you can't hear the other person how much more difficult with your life be thanks for all the comments I'm involved with training people in how to survive in the event of being taken hostage the courses are designed for people who work in hostile environments I'm a pathologists assistant when somebody gets a surgery for let's say colon cancer where do you think the leftover guts go I receive them in the lab and then examine and dissect them then the tissue gets made into microscope slides for further diagnosis Parks and Rec safety inspector I didn't realize how many people didn't know our department is real until my recent post about it we make sure the parks are free of safety hazards not my current job that I used to investigate distribution fraud do you want to know how a tech company sells and ships 100,000 laptops into a random developing country with limited infrastructure they hire a local distributor not surprisingly there is a ton of fraud bribery tax evasion that goes down in this business I was fresh out of college and I would have people 30 years older than me literally begging for their lives at the time I just thought it was a normal consulting job but sometimes when I'm telling stories at a bar and watching my friends jaws drop I realize just how crazy this was not anymore but for a while I was an ocular procurement technician I would harvest corneas or entire Globes from recently deceased people for transplant or research I used to work for a football team and my job was to watch matches and count stats such as passes shots time and attacking third and possession percentage I would also gather data from GPS systems that the team would wear and create graphs which show play a workload throughout the match I'm chief engineer on a large yacht owned by a very wealthy man not me but lots of people I know in the dog show world top winning dogs aren't usually handled by their regular owners but my pro handlers who travel the country to show they usually have regularly paid assistance but also are frequently accompanied by junior handlers kids under 18 who compete in junior showmanship these kids leave home for months at a time and do school on the road to travel with handlers as an assistant usually these kids are competing to be the top junior handler in their breed or group the kicker is that we can't be paid as an assistant since AKC will state that juniors have to maintain amateur status to compete although often the handler they work for will pay them by paying for their show entries and room and board are free work on trails get paid for backpack camp play with rocks and chainsaw my parents always said you can't play in the mud for a living but now I have health insurance so take that mom I do a lot of different things that my job but one of the big things is that I build GPS models for earthmoving construction equipment I think a lot of people are aware that bulldoze I can use GPS now but not a lot of people realize the effort that goes into determining exactly what those machines will grade it's a lot of fun I used to build hiking trails a lot of people assume they just are naturally formed or something but that's the goal of a good trail builder I'm a cartographer and yes there are lots of other maps required in the world besides Google I wiped down the loads in saunas among other things I tune organs with thousands of pipes ranging in size from 32 feet see example in link below both wood and metal to about the size of pencils HTTP colon slash slash 4 dot BP dot blog slash underscore 6kw lq m HR sk / s3 KJ underscore HEV VIII slash eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh o /u t ju t qhc success / s 1 6 0 0 - h / convention underscore underscore organ 5 dot jpg i correct video games the job title is l QA tester localization quality assessment it's called localization because I mostly test translated games and reference left some parts if they aren't translated correctly I'm quite literally a game tester but I only test the text and sometimes I'm a translator I go from mattress store to mattress store checking that they haven't removed those tags that say do not remove under penalty of law I'm called a federal mattress content regulation inspector I am a job developer I assist individuals with disabilities find jobs in the community sometimes I have to job cough which means I have to convince a business to create a customized position that fits the individuals skill to the businesses need without revealing gee too much info I get paid $30 hour to hang notices on people's doors I have other tasks but this task is about 25 - 35 % of my day so this also means I Drive around the city all day and I typically drive about 50 miles around the city per day full-time job with benefits I Drive motor homes all over the country fairly common job but I am surprised not many people realize how they get delivered from the factory or Custom Shop I work an IT distribution think the middleman most people think that your local mom-and-pop stores and even Best Buy get their products direct from vendors like Sony Cisco or even ruckus this isn't the case they get it from distributors I love my job I get to work directly with business owners to sell all sorts of IT products I even get to wheel and deal with pricing I work direct with the vendors as well often on behalf of the business title research any time someone buys real estate we research the history to make sure there aren't any liens that will affect new loans on the property if you've bought real estate our fees are just a line item figured into the closing costs that you never notice I work as a falconer using birds of prey to keep other birds away from train tracks airports farms you name it it's like being a bird bounty hunter I sell private murder-mystery events I learn about your event birthday party corporate event holiday party etc come and then I send out trained actors to perform an interactive murder mystery it's literally such a colored job I make recommendations to the people who make decisions on their behalf of the people looking after your pension fund I look at pieces of tissue under the microscope to provide diagnosis on biopsies and surgical specimen few people know that practically all cancer diagnoses are done this way by someone looking at the cells and going yeah this looks like cancer I make movie reels with a fiber optic laser I also make the hardware for barn doors I'm a luthier I build and repair stringed instruments I work in a hospital lab most people assume I just draw blood while I'm trained to draw blood I haven't done it in over a year I run the tests that are done in the lab and make sure the results are accurate which requires education reasoning skills and knowing how to work on maintain very expensive instruments since a lot of tests are moving towards automation the lab is also who gets called whenever a nurse has questions about what results mean and what the criteria is for specimens I ride horses professionally you think horses are born knowing how to carry a human and do fancy tricks haha think again idiots like me teach them how making CPR dummies of animals for vet schools how else do you teach people how to do CPR on a goat without really pissing off a goat wildlife control at a major airport I drive around with a shotgun and shoot birds all day watchmaker as in actually making no I don't change batteries or sell the bracelets I assemble mechanical watches and do the setup on complications like dates or turbulence I'm a commercial diver I do underwater construction salvage inspection people don't think about it but pretty much any job that requires something be done underwater we get a call it's loads of fun and the pay is great I input electrical facilities information into a gist system that supports a real-time working model of the portion of the power grid owned by the company breakdown mapping the stuff that turns the lights on I am hired by my local council to check if the trees in the nearby forest are healthy my dad is what's called a process server otherwise known as a constable basically he goes around the city giving court papers to defendants telling them that they have to appear in court on a certain date for a certain thing for safety reasons it's never about a crime the police handles that but it's usually that they're getting evicted or they're getting a divorce or getting sued civil things like that maybe people do know about this but what I know is that everyone I tell this to has no idea what it is edit holy this is the most up votes I've ever had on anything thanks it's not my job but it's my mom's she works for this company called Nielsen which is this company who collects data for other companies and media if you ever hear about how many people watch a certain show that's Nielsen's data my mom's job is to recruit people for Nielsen to gain data from all participants are randomly selected aware and consenting to the fact that their information is being recorded and are awarded most people don't know that Nielsen exists despite the fact that it's a multi billion company in that there is a Family Guy episode centered around it when my mom's out recruiting people she gets a lot of wait they're actually real I though it was just some family guy joke first comment ever I'm a police analyst I basically ordered police officers and those that work in Police Department I also perform various other statistics on crimes demographics etc I'm a flavour East we basically create or duplicate flavors using chemicals extracts oils etc food processing destroys a lot of natural flavors so it's our job to make sure the food tastes the way it should that says products that say made with real cheese tastes so good because of cheese flavoring not because there's a small amount of cheese in there you think you know how something tastes until someone asks you to duplicate it for them I used to answer calls from people stuck in an elevator all over the US you would push the button thinking you were calling someone in the building nope you were getting some person in a Texas call center edit when it wasn't stuck elevator patrons it was service calls here is a phone call I just remembered about the guy on the phone was one of my supervisors HTTP colon slash slash W W slash watched question mark vet cause dv7 TX DDP 1 X 8 my mom is a horse grader not a breeder bit of breda she Braves horses Mane's and Tails so horse shows it's quite lucrative as people who own horses know everything to do with horses is expensive I paint corporate scenery corporate scenery is everywhere but it's designed to be unobtrusive whenever there's a stage at a conference or a trade show or product release or an ad shoot they hire a scene shop to build and paint their specific design for a high-profile example my shop built and I stained the wood for the Ubisoft stage at e3 2019 pretty much anyone can slap a coat of paint on a wall my specific skill is needed to mix exact brand colour matches paint logos onto things and when the work is going to be seen right up close I can do really high finish work to make it totally clean and perfect and give them the exact Sheen surface quality the designer specifies if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 96,844
Rating: 4.6146178 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: zerItWsoNdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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