Evolving The Ultimate Snake That Destroys Everything

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today i'm gonna try and make the biggest googly-eyed snake in the world it's even gonna be bigger than this one hey i doubt it the fun thing about this game is it's not just bigger things get to eat smaller things all you've got to do is get in the way of something big and they're going to die a horrible death uh i didn't end up killing this guy but someone did so i'll take that i already got lots of girth uh and i mistimed that so i lost my girth but that's the beauty of this game when you're a little snake like this you got nothing to lose you might as well be hyper aggressive so my strategy for now is to linger somewhere in the middle where the most snakes are either killing a very big one myself or waiting for one to die and then eating it sort of like this you gotta be an opportunist i mean i could also try and feast on little snakes but it would take too long to get to where we're going ones like that i'll take advantage of when i see them and even ones like that who just nonchalantly uh run into me you've also got to be really careful when you're eating someone's death trail because there's often someone coming the other way and everyone swarms in then eight snakes die all at the same time and it's a feeding frenzy of doom i didn't get a chance to see how big i got there but i actually got a pretty good size pretty quickly so we just gotta do more of the same and annoy people like that and go for this guy whoops nobody ever suspects the plain colored snakes everyone thinks you gotta have a skin to be good at this game well not me i can show anyone i can eat anyone eventually i got a pretty small size still so i'm gonna go for the middle because i can go for snakes like this i really don't have much to lose because if i have to restart no progress lost that's going to make everyone nervous what i would really like is to take out something as big as that yellow snake or bigger but that's not going to be super easy to do if i really wanted to play it safe i could basically just go like this and continually wrap up smaller creatures that does leave me somewhat vulnerable though and it's a really slow process of gaining any ground there might be an opportunity nope something big just died and what always happens everyone goes rushing and everyone dies really gotta show more patience there i was only size 250 there though we can make that back in no time and obviously eating these little balls can make you bigger first and you can use a speed boost but those do eject the points out the rear of you as you do it so you can't do it forever and you lose size as you do another big snake just died i did want some of these points so there we go i managed to take advantage of quite a bit of that without dying this time i am a size 584 actually so i did get pretty big pretty quickly so again i'm gonna hang out on the edge of the map where there's a little less density because then at least i'm always safe kind of to the right side when in danger i've probably gotten out that might be a bot he doesn't seem particularly smart there's a lot of little snakes lingering here i don't know if they're looking to get me or if they're just kind of hanging out god i think that was definitely a bot what about you are you a bot i mean that is pretty satisfying but i don't want to just kill little snakes endlessly too my size is about 900 now that means i am pretty zoomed out so i do get a broader view of what's going on around me so i could probably use that somewhat to my advantage against smaller snakes thought about going on orangey there he seems to be on to me but we've got our snake over 1 000 in length so far which puts us at 119th place so far we're almost in the top 100. it's only a matter of time before we get there that was definitely a bot i could recognize that one right away and we might be in a bit of trouble here okay i'm gonna do my best to stop him from getting too tight on me but he's also vulnerable there too if a big snake comes along they could also wrap him around yeah he's already leaving he knows he's in a bad spot well he could be in a bad spot never mind i'm really just here to cause a lot of chaos eventually i will find the right situation to make a giant snake but i'm gonna have to be patient but i've got nothing but time rainbow snake never mind there's a bit of an opportunity here because everyone got greedy and started charging in myself included so we're gonna eat whatever we can for a second they'll put us right back up to about a thousand in size i am a lot more in the middle of the map than i would like to be so we're just gonna roll with this and hopefully get another good opportunity like that this is still kind of a quieter corner of the map there's less people uh to the upper right so we're probably gonna hang out up sort of over here for a bit it's just really not that fun when you get cornered between two snakes you're pretty much screwed so we always want an open safe side plus if we linger on the edge something should eventually die nearby that we can swoop and at least get some points off of but i also need to show that i am here to you know play aggressive so that other snakes will either go for it for me or leave me alone entirely this rainbow snake seems to be harassing the bumblebee snake one of them is probably gonna die he might be encircled uh yup he's encircling that one if i was bigger i wouldn't circle the rainbow snake i didn't mean to turn that way that was close and this little uh weight and the candy cane snake almost got trapped too i'm not really sure what this guy's doing it just makes me nervous when they boost out of place like that 123rd on the leaderboard i can do this see the one of them did just die i'm kind of slowly going to move in on some of those points but not too much because someone else yeah is likely to die right here because everyone gets too greedy and that was a close call i'm probably actually just kind of going to move out of the area pretty quick because there's just a lot of danger here but once a big snake like that dies just too many things rush in and it gets very chaotic i like to kind of take a bite and then move i think that's a problem i just get too greedy a lot i go for a snake that's like that size and um obviously there's no need for me to take that risk but i do it anyway because i'm stupid oh we almost had him well i can least a little chaos into this mix um well something died it wasn't very big but just me being here annoying this guy can kind of steer him into maybe the other snake yeah i see he's running out of room to work with he is also a lot bigger than me so i need to be careful not to get wrapped around by him here he comes again he's just gonna pull to the inside and that's fine oh this guy's wrapping up the little snake i might be able to help the little snake somewhat though if i kind of no he's playing that pretty smart oh the other snake saw him though he might wrap around the other big snake so we're gonna have double snakes dying and i'll eat this guy in the meantime i've slowly crept up to 93rd place with 1600 uh health that was probably a bot i can't imagine that was a natural player doing that although i could probably do that uh the bumblebee snake is still bigger than us i'm not really gonna go that way because there's a lot of bigger snakes over there it's just gonna be too messy i'm gonna let one of them die on their own terms uh see he's trapped between two snakes so he's getting nervous now and he knows he's in a bad spot so if the other snake happens to notice my head here we might be able to both go for him come on oh he's gonna get away uh there's a reverse bumblebee snake who's also in the area and there's way too many big snakes around suddenly for me to try and wrap anything because if i get around someone and smaller someone bigger is going to wrap around me and i've got a almost two thousand size going so i don't really want to sacrifice that oh we might be able to get oh what i was totally in front of him can we get a replay on that that one well we'll be back okay i just killed a monster snake as a little snake so now we're just trying to not die everywhere we go but i did just manage to kill a very big snake just by being aggressive uh so we only ended up getting 600 size out of that but was still collecting his parts and it's he died quite a few minutes ago but to be fair that did also cause a feeding frenzy that uh led a bunch of other people dying i did just get another little kill though everyone's getting really greedy again so evan wants to go for the snake but i got him now this blue guy also wants to go for me but he's not going to get me with that attitude but thanks to a few uh lucky strikes i'm back up to about 1800 already it didn't take me long at all to get here which means i'm in 85th place so i have a very aggressive little green snake trying to get the better of me i want to kind of lock this guy in between the snakes and put him in a nervous spot i feel like someone's about to die here there's a lot of uh yeah complicated maneuvers going on oh he's on the wrong side uh i don't love this area i'm going to stay on the edge of it because i feel like someone else is about to die i just don't really want to dive into the middle of all that because i feel like someone else is about to die and i can take a bite of that safely then i'm maybe going to get some room again because i'm not involving myself in that mess but that put us up to 2500 sides we'll take another little bite oh another big one died see you just kind of wait on the outside of these and people are going to continually die a patient snake is a big snake which is also why i never managed to get very big i could make a play on him nope close though no he's on to me that's a big yellow snake considering how big we are at this point that one's a lot bigger like look how small the background patterns are compared to us now that purple snake was eyeballing us he wanted to fight maybe i actually get really nervous and there's a lot of little snakes around because i know they'll just be really aggressive kind of like i am and they can really throw you off because you got to dodge them while staring yourself probably into bigger snakes uh this guy just kamikazed into me for some reason so that was nice of him with 3 000 size now our rank is 48 so we're in the top 50 for now we don't make a few kills in the next few minutes we'll probably drop a bit but i gotta play it a little bit patient but there is a bit of a cluster of snakes up above me according to the mini map so we're gonna explore to see how they're doing and if there's something that i can uh take opportunity of uh that's a big snake he's kind of up here by himself okay there's okay they're gonna be on a team based on their names which isn't great for us so if they're in a team i'm not gonna try and fight both of them because they'll just outmaneuver me of his too i'm just staying away from this area for a while everything here is super aggressive so i can't really maneuver here but we're up to about 3 400 in size and i'm okay to just eat some dots for a little while while i wait for my opportunity i want to get colossal and the biggest snake currently on the map is about 10 times my size so it's gonna be a little while before we get there i also really need to start paying like attention uh because i keep accidentally hitting or almost hitting snakes someone did just die there there's another snake there i'm a little too in the mix right now i don't like this area there's too much risk on both sides that snake's bigger than us by a little bit if we managed to kill him though that would be some great experience or this red snake no well i don't want to encircle them really because i'm going to get circled by someone else if i do i'll just annoy him like that for a second i sent a message uh and yasbi here seems to want to uh annoy me but i'm going to let him go on his way the red snake is back got him that was kind of mean after encircling him for just a second yes b didn't want to go for the rest of the red dots i don't know what happens in a head-on collision i think maybe the bigger snake wins i'm not gonna find that out the hard way not when i have a 4 000 boy i don't know if dots just spontaneously show up or not uh because you could in theory just circle the edge of the map endlessly collecting dots probably fairly safely but i don't know if they have to get spelled out of a snake or not that pink boy was trying to make a play on me i wasn't having any of that though i just got way out of the way a really big snake just died here so i'm going to be greedy and take a little bite and we're going to see who else happens to die along the way which is probably going to be a few of them yup there's another pretty big one though yeah this is going to set up a chain of events i'm not going to get too greedy on that but i did get a pretty good bite so we might be able to uh oh i thought i was actually going to lose that again i'm actually going to back out of here for a sec there's just too much grade going on it's too chaotic but i'm up to six thousand size replace 26 so we're definitely officially a pretty big snake at this point someone of pretty good size just died here i'm not sure where the rest of them is uh down here maybe so we'll go ahead and scoop up some of this because this is just free food really and it's in a quiet enough part of the map that there's not a huge storm going on around it this guy doesn't want to get wrapped up but he did thank you he really didn't have to die there so great this little guy's getting in on that will let him have a bite we're up to 8 000 size we're 13th place we're almost on the leaderboard we are getting the attention of a bunch of little snakes right now though too and again those are bad because they've got nothing to lose so i'm just gonna take a second to kind of see what's going on around me i do have a pretty good view because i'm so big wow i think i just got away with it oh that's a bad spot to be i thought i was dead there again that was stressful any time a smaller snake can see your head it's very dangerous because that's your vulnerable vulnerable point and that's when they're certainly gonna go for it same way i would but we're so big now too i can hoover up a lot of dots all at once that guy's getting wrapped i could wrap the purple snake double wrap would that make him nervous yeah he's he's getting out of that right away he know exactly what i was thinking there's four big snakes medium big snakes to my left so i'm just gonna hang out on the edge one or two of them are eventually gonna die that means another one's probably gonna die i'm gonna be there to cash in without doing any of the work i just don't want to get wedged in between two other snakes that's a really vulnerable spot to be in might have a big oh if i had a corner that tighter he would have died he wouldn't have been able to get out of that i think that purple one plays kind of like me usually on the edge and will only take an opportunity if it's really good because if not he'll back right out and i wasn't paying attention and ran straight into that guy okay i've applied myself back up to 4200 size and things are going good i'm also on the nice quiet edge of the map so i kind of have a safe spot to my right side which i can definitely appreciate because there's been a lot of danger in this one everyone's gathered around just to my left in a bad way i've also got the attention of a lot of little snakes right now um i think they see me as an easy target for some reason i don't blame them but they're stressing me out i do get to eat them quite often though so that's kind of nice but i don't know why everyone keeps gravitating like over to this corner oh there's a nice yellow strip i'm not going to take to pick a bite out of that i'm going to wait for a secondary snake to die or maybe even a third i realize that rushing in right away doesn't get you anywhere you're just going to run into a bad situation wait for the next two or three snakes to die that usually clears a little more room like this is better i'm still not diving into that mess i'm gonna go for eyeballs here nope he's smarter than me so i'll just bide my time on this little cluster of snakes eventually one two or three of these is gonna die just like that then we can scoop up a whole bunch of that kind of worry-free we'll even take a little more now we're over 5000 and we're actually in 18th place because the leaderboard dropped quite a bit too there's been a lot of chaos that may or may not have had something to do with me i was kind of being a little terror for a few minutes this white snake over here has been pretty good we had a few close calls but neither of us could quite defeat each other so i'm going to let them be on the way but i am going to keep an eye on them because they are quite good someone of somewhat decent size died over here so i'm wondering if someone else is about to die these little ones they're the ones you gotta watch out for they sneak up on you and there can be three of them at once and you don't really know what to do about it danger noodle here is slightly bigger than me we almost had a collision i'm in 17th place so we're getting up there closer to 6 000 in size i'm just kind of migrating upwards because i see there's a pretty big cluster of snakes up here and i was just wondering if i might take advantage of some of that i don't know what they're doing up here they're circling each other cool i'll hang out over here until one of you dies i'm glad i'm not trapped in that that would not be pleasant that's funny those are both bigger than me there's about top 20 snakes and one circling the other oh oh i almost had that one i'm going to step away from that situation there is a lot of little snakes getting interested in that there's just too much risk i did find the orange snake again and he's getting really big yeah that's actually the number three snake on the entire map i would love to be able to take him out but i don't think we're gonna get an opportunity to not easily there we are kind of near the edge of the map and i can actually use that to my advantage you can trap people really nicely against that edge i think he realized what was happening though so he's curving inwards and he's so big that he can just constantly coil in on himself like that and it's very hard to do anything about it i might be big enough to get a wrap on him though yeah in a way god that little one that was close oh he might get out of my wrap yeah i don't think we're quite big enough to wrap him he's too big we could steer him up here and annoy him though we're so much quicker than him really keep going there we go we'll start getting the wrap tighter and tighter no we're not big enough i did burn a lot of size doing that so you know there's always that but can you blame me how often do you get to fight the number three snake on the entire map he's just lingering over here which is maybe a good strategy and then right up here somewhere there's a big cluster of snakes or at least was they might have cleared out actually the map cleared up so i think they kind of died uh but there was a lot of them for a minute so that probably made someone absolutely enormous uh this purple snake seems to want to i don't really know what he was doing there maybe just trying to intimidate me it didn't work i think i found the number three snake again he's slowly drifting upwards but he's always staying on the edge so i think he understands the same thing i do it's just safer out here okay that was a weird little potential collision i'm gonna kind of steer them back around oh i wanted to kind of oh i didn't mean to steer in like that i almost killed myself uh and interestingly another orange snake with the same tag came by i wonder if they're on a team because they were kind of wedging me in there and it's a little known secret that i don't need any help dying in this game you guys don't have to team up you can probably just kill me with a little effort yeah this one's just drifting around and around kind of aimlessly probably just waiting for good opportunities he's playing very like defensively so it's very hard to get any opportunity to get close to his head the only way that i can see me getting him is if another snake comes in and interferes and gets him all screwed up because for now he just circles in on himself and i can't get anywhere close to him i do suspect he's going to circle back inwards though because there's another snake arrest harassing him currently so if i sit right here somewhere i might be able to trap him in between though he got a little bit further up than i thought okay i found his head again he's probably seen me by now so yeah he just circled away because the other snake also gave up well not quite actually the other snake oh almost had him trapped and we're getting big enough now that we can trap other snakes in really uh pretty big areas like this pewdiepie brofist snake whatever that is we probably actually surround him yeah if we wanted to and then he's gonna panic and freak out and then we got him so we're up to 8 300. 10th place we're on the leaderboard and i've never been so proud of my blind luck in all of my life 8 400 so the biggest snake is about three times the size of me not quite so we got a lot of uh mass to uh get if we want to get there but we'll see if we do that's still a long ways to go but i'm going to go down the edge of all the snakes i see on the map and the snake that was number three earlier is now number one so clearly whatever they were doing works i'm definitely at that size though where everyone likes to target me just because they know if they can manage to kill me it's a big gain for them did manage to kill a little one uh on an internal rap i didn't need to take that risk at all things get really noi uh what what happened there this is getting so stressful but i'm up to 9000 feet i did drop down to 14th place that's not the end of the world i'll get it back i just gotta keep growing my girth i don't want to be between two snakes okay this guy we're just going to have to kind of if we go like this and then cross in on ourselves uh we should be just fine then we go up here and he's got a circle all the way around if he still wants us i think there's a big snake battle going on over here so if the orange and white snake wanted to die i would not complain i would feast on that thing for a while they're having some kind of battle i can see them on the map there was a big cluster here a second ago they're getting closer to the edge of the map i don't really want to go any further though or i'm going to get pinched so i'm going to wait patiently over here actually if i go downwards i might be able to chop the two i could trap the orange and white one i don't know if he's running for the edge or not but we're pretty close to it now so i think if i go like that i don't know if i'm allowed to touch the edge i don't actually want to touch it i just want to make sure they can't escape through that okay i don't know where the other one went he might have just aborted because he didn't like what was happening yeah i don't know if these two are on a team they might be actually uh on a team so i'm gonna leave them alone or they're gonna trap me oh it's big boy again he's back to number four he was number one for a while oh one of the big ones died interesting okay so i'm gonna eat whatever this is left probably not a ton but i'll take what i can get 9 500 we're getting close to 10 000. we're in 11th place a yellow snake just died there so i'm going to very carefully try and get some of that careful being the word i got away with one there no need to get that greedy about things now he's all confident because he almost got me there we're just gonna circle around and we're pretty well safe here a few other snakes just died in the area i think they kind of see me and then they start to kind of freak out because they realize i can do that to them uh i can't circle for too long though there's too many other big snakes nearby so i'm gonna do this so that skye can't get me then i trapped the purple one there gonna carefully get out in front of that so i can get some good size and then eat some of that on the way out i'm officially over 10 000 long so this is actually really dangerous spot to be when i've got someone chasing me along because we're getting into that kind of zone where a lot of these little ones spawn but when you're this big you can also just do this where you go this way because he knows if he goes too far down i can encircle him because i'm so long hey look it's my annoying friend wolf again he knows exactly what we're going for here all right we'll let you go this time or will i can i get around him here this would be really fun if i could get him here he kind of walked back into himself so he knows again it does cost me a lot of points in size to move like that so i shouldn't do that often because i actually dropped a 10 300 but i'm going to make an aggressive play and a small snake for some reason yeah it's hard when you're that big to get a sneak attack like that i think something of considerable size just died up here not really sure what it was i remember this guy used to be really big i think he's on the team with the number two guy judging by their names which would probably be this because they have similar skins so that means i'm leaving i think that one just circles basically where this other one kind of waits for an opportunity kind of like me to move in so this is a dangerous spot for me to hang out i'm just kind of curious what's happening with these two that one's maybe gonna get kind of trapped nobody's fine which means that i'm definitely leaving the area those two are on a team okay so i just ran headfirst into a little guy sprinting at full speed he was the one that died so i'm pretty sure head-on collision favors the bigger player which is great that's usually going to be me i'm not going to test that though not really but i'm back in that annoying zone where there's lots of little snakes that just always want to annoy me in the big way i don't want to go any further in too because it's too cluttered in there with other idiots so i'm just going to kind of wait out here like a good giant snake and uh take the safe approach i'm not going for luna there too much risk involved i will take that blue one though which actually had me a little scared i can't really make a play on that i could but this is just going to be a stalemate in the end i just wanted to remove from the little guys too and i wasn't paying attention and i died at 10 185 i did hit the leaderboard though strangely enough i've been playing for quite a while and i think the leaderboard was that because i'm suddenly in fifth place with 1700 size but i'm not going to complain with that that means i got the size to kind of bully others when i want to because there's not a lot of big ones out there the biggest on the map's only at 10 000 right now whoops never mind okay i've just realized i've somehow moved into like a bot lobby because look at these names those are mostly bots so i guess the guy the game finally felt bad enough for me to put me against competition i could maybe actually compete with i built myself up to about 9 000 uh units of whatever again so i'm going to do my best to encircle this other large guy he's one of the few non-bots on the map nope he knew what i was doing so he got out so i'm gonna get out before he circles me then it's a race not sure where we're going and i'm slightly in the lead so if he's gonna go for me he's gonna have to try it's close he's in third place i'm in second i think he's slightly ahead of me now i don't want to touch him he didn't want to touch me either he doesn't know what to do because i am bigger than him by a third but i figure if i just chase him this way he's on the inside if we stay kind of this trajectory there's going to be snakes on his inside so he's going to get trapped well there's no one else really too big big to chase on the map there's only one player bigger than me currently and i don't know where he is so i don't know how it works when you collide at an angle like that i don't know if i'd win i don't know if he'd win i'm bigger so that much i know this is really stupid we're both gonna end up dying i got him i got him he inched into me and turns out i won that battle so we're gonna go ahead and plow through that was really close okay whatever the case big boy did die and we just got up to ten thousand uh correction about twelve thousand now so the next player is eleven hundred so it's probably like this guy right here and then there's one bigger somewhere we'll see if we can find him out there i'm so much bigger than all these stupid bots and the best part about them is they don't really go for the dots lying on the ground so i can do that kind of stress free for once i've circled the map several times i cannot find the other big guy i don't know where he's hiding but speeding around like this i'm maintaining about 12 000 size so that's not too bad at all and when i do want a little size i can just uh enclose a few snakes and it's that easy those two put me up to about 13 000. i've got myself up to about 15 000 size which is definitely pretty big and i found someone who's about 3 000 in size so we're going to kind of see if we can bully them out of existence but they're pretty good so they're not that easy to take out uh we are getting ahead of them though my tail's not quite there but we almost had a wrap we definitely have a lot more mass though so we can uh do this for a lot longer than they can i'm just hoping they get a lucky uh unlucky snake coming their direction damn it well it was fun while it lasted
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,378,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mTesg1nJUSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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