Upgrading From Caveman To Space Soldier in 20 Minutes

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today we need to kill enough of their idiots to upgrade our civilization and kill even more idiots and they start we're simply going to build something that throws rocks at them because they're stupid and they will continually walk into my rocks every once in a while we'll send out our own caveman to kind of stall them right here every once in a while they're gonna get through and smack my base but we'll send out another idiot to deflect it costs one thousand dollars to build another turret spot and that's what we're gonna save up for because if they can't get to me we're gonna be okay I also have a volcano power should I get bored and that will rain things down on them from the sky that's obviously a pretty overpowering ability that would be well for any civilization their strategy is basically just keep sending things at us they do have a singular turret but they're sending all their money forward they're really descending them directly into a meat grinder now to level up to the next stage we need 4 000 experience we currently have 700. they'll stand no chance at all though with this strategy we'll even send out a slingshot man once in a while to kind of uh gets the range going the slingshot actually has quite a bit of range on it so I can't hit them quite a ways away but for now we can go just like this they'll throw all their idiots toward us we'll kill them quite easily each of these clubs and only cost fifteen dollars too so they're spending throwing all their money into nothing all we've got to do is stall them right about here then my slingshot will do the rest of the work my idiot is also pushing right into them they are they're sending their first dinosaur Riders all right well we'll send a guy out to kind of stall them okay we'll send a few guys out to stall them I need them to stall right here we're also going to throw the volcano power down that's hopefully gonna destroy their dinosaurs that was a very expensive mistake on their part okay it's a okay my caveman just got annihilated by a dinosaur man but that's okay we're gonna let them get just a little closer they're in range of my turret so I'm gonna send out two meat Shields and a slingshot though that way they can uh start deflecting some of their damage we also get a lot of money to kill their dinosaurs so this is good this is perfect we'll install them right there they're taking tons of damage on the back end and we'll just keep throwing people out to get destroyed we also have the thousand dollars we need for another turret spot so we're gonna go ahead and add that in and we need to send some more idiots out so that guy doesn't stab my base too many times a 200 egg automatic would be a great turret whoops they're getting close to my base we can take a few stabs so that's not the end of the world I was reading the menu they're not allowed to hit me when they're doing that okay here's a 200 automatic egg launcher oh that's much quicker but they're now sending Knights out to me because they evolved into a church but their armored Knights are no match for eggs that egg launcher actually is quite strong so we're gonna see if we can put another uh egg automatic right there now it's a bunch of nights against a bunch of eggs and the eggs are actually destroying them entirely I don't need anything more than egg launchers I can evolve my civilization to also churches though another turret spot is going to cost three thousand dollars and we have new turrets now we have a 500 catapult 750 fire catapult and thousand dollar oil but I've got to say this egg launcher is really doing work the crossbow guys will get close enough to hit me though so we need to make sure they stay way out here but we're making a lot of money by murdering Knights who knew that was such a lucrative business okay we're gonna sell uh the lower one and we're gonna replace that with a 750 fire catapult it says fire catapult so it's gotta be good we're gonna leave maybe an egg launcher there for now because it's nice to whittle them down the fire catapult also Reigns fire down on the ground and the Direct Hit hurts but leaving fire in the ground does damage over time for them and they're in armor so they basically boiled alive inside well also when the fire catapult hits something it throws he shards up that hit other people too so that's kind of a nice double effect so they really do a lot of damage and light the ground on fire so we just got a lot of range swordman only costs fifty dollars so they're gonna make a profit every time they kill someone okay they're getting desperate so they're sending in nights they have called it on a stick in their defense we're gonna send a few nights out just to slow down their night on a horse but I'm pretty sure my turrets are gonna destroy him before he gets a chance to get anywhere close to us he's already getting low on health he does do a lot of damage but that did cost him 500 we got 650 to kill him go egg lunch or go maybe I should have just stuck with egg launchers they're actually really powerful they're getting desperate now look at all the idiots they're sending in okay we're gonna have to send out one day to try and mitigate the crossbow damage so far so good my idiotic strategy is working I forgot about my special ability since they're sending out a few nights we might have to unleash that oh we're gonna make thirteen hundred dollars from killing those Knights okay what does disability even do oh it rains arrows down from the sky that's pretty handy oh they evolved again uh I guess we could probably also evolve too though so we have even better turrets suddenly cannons large Cannon oh we were gonna add a turret spot for 3000 first then we'll add a cannon we can't afford a cannon yet but we will soon okay we're gonna send our own swordmen to stab them in his stomach killing these guys will be nice and cheap so we'll stab them away and we'll make wow tons of money okay we can already uh basically add another Cannon and that's gonna start destroying them entirely we still have an egg launcher we're launching eggs at these guys come on Kill Em you can do it okay there's our next cannon that's gonna add a lot of Firepower to us okay we're gonna need to add a few swords men of our own though because they're getting to our base and that's not good but we are now launching all sorts of things from our turrets now and we can add another turret spot for 7 500 so it's gonna be a few minutes but we're making so much money now so we're gonna replace our egg launcher we get money back from that too so we can add another small cannon where the egg launcher used to be that's a lot more damage again look they can't even get close to us now they're getting destroyed way out there uh even their Riflemen won't get close to us because they get absolutely destroyed 100 feet out there is what's called a large Cannon for three thousand dollars but our defenses are so good like even these basic cannons and a catapult are enough to stop them dead they're literally destroying money away they've added to their own defenses a little bit but I'm not feeling very offensive right now okay we're gonna sell one of our turrets and we're gonna add in our uh that one for three thousand so now we've got even more defense they're not gonna get anywhere close to us at this point they're starting to bring in their Cannon ears these cost a thousand dollars each for them though okay we're gonna send out a few of ours just to make sure because those probably hurt pretty bad if they do hit us we'll let this guy absorb the voice of a cannon here he just died he gave us thirteen hundred dollars so this guy's also gonna get melted super quick and that was two thousand dollars out of their war machine so basically right now all I've got to do is watch out for those guys and kill them when I see them but I'm pretty sure I can smell this sell this small cannon and get a six thousand dollar explosive Cannon up top so nowhere one of every Cannon there's another uh one of these guys so I'm gonna send my Doula out not quite yet but pretty soon because I don't want him to get any damage on our base your sacrifice will be well we didn't even need the this guy sorry your sacrifices for nothing then you'll always be remembered but not really I do want to force turret spot though I guess I could uh sell my little baby Cannon and put in a larger one for now though we are almost at a new one well we gotta send something out because we got a Canon here right in our face oh we can actually evolve to the next stage already they already did because they're like in a modern military outfits but I'm pretty sure even modern military outfits are not enough for a 40 pound Cannonball launched at high speeds toward you those guys give me two thousand dollars each so we could definitely add a turret spot so now we have a single turret a 9 000 rocket to our fourteen thousand dollar double turret but we can just add a little turret for now just to help make sure they don't get anywhere close to us but with the amount of money they're throwing toward us we're gonna take so much away they're never gonna get through our defenses look we have a guy with a knife this guy is like a fully automatic rifle we're sending out a guy with a knife to stab him go my friend go I forgot about special ability so much but I don't need them because my turrets are so strong we do have a max amount of turrets but I do kind of want to see this 14 000 double turret so let's remove this baby Cannon and put in a big boy Cannon have they have they given up they stopped doing anything toward us at all okay maybe they're just running out of money or reevaluating their strategy oh watch me be super Petty I'm gonna launch an entire airstrike on this one guy just to show them how Superior I am and it's also going to hit that guy look how much money we're making we're so rich now because we can already build uh just about build another max level double turret in fact we now can we still need to make 50 more entire experience to get to the next age but I think as it is we're okay they're probably sitting here trying to save up some money for tanks or something okay well just to annoy them hey there we go now they're sending out some tanks I'm just gonna start sending out a knife man every once in a while uh they're actually fairly expensive but just to make sure they have to spawn stuff in in Revenge if we get a nightmare against a tank wow my turrets absolutely destroyed that tank or it was the knife man okay this will be a proper one-on-one no it won't be we're getting turreted by their base but he took out five percent of the Tank's Health well here comes their tanks our turrets are more than up to the task but I might as well air strike them just to assert dominance properly okay that gave us so much experience I think we can actually evolve again yup we sure can we know a white alien race with hundred thousand dollar ion Ray turret forty thousand dollar Laser cannon twenty four thousand all right well what we could do is take care of the explosive cannon that's going to go away and then we're going to put in a 40 000 Laser cannon I don't think their tanks are going to be able to stand up to a laser cannon uh there it goes it's firing away and yep that's absolutely melting things that's absolutely melting them too I can't evolve anymore I can't build any more turrets so this is the max level okay they're starting to send out their max level inventory one last tank for an easy 10 grand for us and then we're gonna sit here melting these guys as much as we can and so far our turrets are more than up to the task of that these aren't even these are like weak turrets these are level three turrets and we're melting them but I want my hundred thousand dollar uh eye on Ray also I'm not really sure what the special ability okay that's good to know they're starting to get desperate they're sending out a wave of those guys but those guys themselves cost a lot that's five thousand dollars each for those okay we're gonna sell our top turret because now we're gonna put the hundred thousand dollar ion Ray so those blue bullets wow we can shoot them all the way across the map like actually we're hitting them way over here so they're gonna get no chance to get close to us uh they've got one uh previous tier turret in their defense but to be fair I've sent no one towards them it seems almost mean to do that now like if I send out one of these sword guys like he's gonna walk all the way to the base because he's got turret support behind him my turret's even hitting them here it was hitting the guy way over here that's so unfair okay so that's gonna finish that guy off uh they're getting a little bit of damage from that turret in return but like I think I actually hit their base with my turret something did damage there and it wasn't me the turrets yeah once a guy dies the turrets actually keep going yeah we're hitting them with their own turrets that would be the ultimate humiliation for them but we actually straight up just killed him with our own turrets instead of actual soldiers okay so the high end goal shoots the bullets downwards so they tend to go into the ground so the next one needs to be the bottom one so we're gonna sell that there's a hundred thousand dollar one of those and that angle is going to be a little better I bet those shots are gonna go through further and hit the base a lot more yeah it works look at their health go down like I don't even I've got two max level turrets and that's all I need to do to finish this they even stop sending units oh they sent to tankin they're getting desperate and look at how fast their health goes down though hundred thousand dollar I enter it's absolutely destroy everything there was 26 000 just for that and we hit their base a little bit well could probably sell this turret because it's not hitting anything anymore nothing gets in its range and then we're gonna put down a hundred thousand dollar ion Ray right here three max level turrets and one semi-max level turret and that's gonna be enough to finish them off I think because half of our shots Miss and hit their base and they're really high damage so it absolutely destroys them they told me this game was a balance between defense and offense but if I just put a bunch of Defense down it's actually enough to destroy their base like it is one accidentally I wasn't even trying to win so let's do it all again starting with very Ugly cavemen but I can't help but wonder if the turret thing is going to work again we can make all sorts of different things let's try an egg Rifle right away because we know the value of turrets at this point and we can even upgrade it for a thousand dollars if we want to I don't know how necessary that's gonna be yet but we can upgrade all sorts of things I think including the turrets yeah turret damage is only 300 to upgrade and turret range too so we'll give that a little extra space and then yeah so far it's absolutely gonna destroy everyone we'll do what to sacrifice out every once in a while just to make sure they don't actually make it to our base but you know what I don't think they're going to I don't think they've got it in them and that wasn't me does that this automatically go off I don't think that was me we could also summon dinosaur riders for 200 I don't think that's necessary we're just gonna keep throwing out our egg launcher is gonna work well uh a thousand dollars and we can get another Tower up there so we can get one of these a rock slang shot is 2300. we'll get another egg rifle but now because we know these are good just kidding we can't afford that yet we'll just get a mammoth catapult for now as long as we have more things attacking we'll be fine uh upgrades are pretty expensive moving forward uh dino Hut income get more gold from all sources I should have got this one right away that's just a good investment in our future we should always invest in our future that's why I drink a lot of coffee I gotta remember to upgrade this as soon as possible because the sooner we get that going the better uh we're also going to take our infantry damage and armor that means our little uh sacrificial can do just a little bit more for us so no when we send this guy out he'll be all the better he's got a big Club he's gonna give this guy a bonk and we'll see the damage 50 I think uh maybe that was a critical hit something did 50 it might have been one of my catapults uh he's actually getting pretty strong there he's able to knock a few out on his own but nothing's getting to our turrets yet so we're in pretty good shape we can just sit back and relax for a little while we're gonna rain down in these idiots one more time that one might actually be able to get a single hit on us but didn't look like they did okay income's going up another 1100 next one's 2 000 but that will pay for itself before long okay they're sending out the dinosaur Riders now so we're gonna send it one single idiot that we can afford right now because they actually have ranged from the dinosaur too that's a little scary but I think we'll take this one out pretty easily they might get one hit on our base I can live with that but we need to watch out for them we're also gonna send some of our sacrifices out uh they're also sending in the Spartans suddenly they've upgraded to the Roman era that's how Humanity evolves it goes from uh caveman to Romans oh I think I can actually upgrade too my button was smashing for I don't know how long uh same thing they're throwing the pillars pilems whatever they are they're throwing sticks at me they're sticking into my head but I'm a caveman so I don't care we'll send out a few of Our Own Little Spartans to hopefully slow them down and so far that's working wonders we could build another turret hyper 3000 I don't think we're there yet uh someone someone summoned lightning they're pretty mad about stuff so we're destroying everyone with that my towers are still working very very well but for now I want the income boost two thousand dollars there we go we now have a 30 boost and we did it pretty early on so we're definitely gonna get a lot more money moving forward they're getting desperate so they're throwing a lot of uh Spartans at us we'll just respond in kind by doing a view of our own out there to hopefully deflect them a little bit I wish you're in range of our Towers that's when we're at our best but since they're really stacking up the idiots we're gonna send some lightning down on them then we're also gonna increase our turret damage another 30 which is actually huge it would be nice to get more turrets but we might have actually be able to replace one if we sell that one for 750 we can get a guard for two thousand uh also I realized there weren't any units coming at me because I threw them over there I'm down to one turret right now so this might not be a wise choice yet but I'm pretty sure the egg launcher combined with like 300 of these guys will make us a pretty Hardy profit yeah so that's actually pretty good and each time we kill one of them I'm not sure how much money we're getting but it seems ample and they're just waiting to line up the step into range of my Towers because these only cost 2 000 so there we go we have a spirit throwing idiot up top and as soon as I can I'll increase the range on them so they can attack a little bit further out for now it's not that bad the new guy does 38 26 something like that and we're definitely going to send out a few meet Shields they're just simply going to stop them right there I can't risk that guy's running I think he might be a morally unit but he got destroyed by Towers most upgrades are getting pretty expensive already but turret uh range is coming up pretty quick that's going to give us an extra 10 range depending on the tower that's probably going to be a lot oh they got right to our doorstep I didn't realize okay well you know you guys can have some lightning for a second then I can focus on the menu okay turrets have lots of extra range they've upgraded to Egyptians can I be an Egyptian yet no we're not quite there yet I did Panic spawned a bunch of guys so far that they'll actually make it pretty close to their base that's it stab them idiot actually our units are pretty strong I'm pretty sure those are their basic units but because ours have basic upgrades we're still stronger than them at least I think so I'm not really sure we do other three thousand dollars we need for a new turret and for two thousand dollars we could build one they have a bird shooting Fireballs at us though so we're not gonna have trouble making it to their base but that's not the point right now I need all these guys to get close enough to our base to get destroyed by Towers so once it is a little bit more in range we'll send a few of ours out and that way they're just going to be supported fully by the towers and they hardly have to do any work themselves they're also sending the question mark men and dogs at us but this little guy costs a hundred dollars and he's done so much money for us he would get salesmen of the month if I could give it to him for now we're just gonna go like this and send some of these meat Shields into the way we'll even throw a spirit thrower behind to help because I'm worried about whatever that dog thing is just to get a little damage on it okay he died fairly quickly our turrets are doing their job our turrets are really doing their job so we get to sit here and relax okay as soon as that guy dies I'm pretty sure we have the 2000 we need for one of these so now we have three turrets I'm pretty sure we can just sit way back here and not do anything our turrets are absolutely gonna destroy them so we get to sit here and make money without any real risk to us uh that wasn't me by the way that was the enemy I think they just spawned that down on basically nothing I have no units on the board so now's a good time to just sit back and relax and uh see what our next investment should be I guess we could get more infantry damage and armor oh what is this guy okay we're gonna send Rondo bars out because I don't know what that is he just blocked that shot perfect okay we're going to frame infantry damage just because infantry is really all we've been using so far and he's just gonna go out there like a glass Cannon and hopefully destroy everyone there's also going to be a bit of a meat Shield too because I need them to absorb range damage or we can upgrade again that also moved us to the desert so we're Egyptian like our counterparts so we can know someone Egyptian uh knife wielders who are gonna do a lot of damage because they are quite upgraded that should also mean more Towers too so maybe we could sell this and to create a tower and then we're gonna summon big bird I don't know what big bird is but I want one there's also donkeys get out there donkey let's see what you can do four hundred dollars gotta be worth it oh it's a chariot I get it well that's fine these guys aren't upgraded at all but I think they're pretty strong by default so we're gonna have a chariot versus Chariot bite they've probably upgraded theirs at least once because they're not stupid yeah actually maybe they haven't uh well they're doing a little bit more damage sometimes but then sometimes we are and watch the question mark man get close he's gonna get absolutely destroyed same with the Chariot Rider I think but we're gonna send one of ours out just to be sure because he's gonna fire one off and we don't want it to hit our base in britisher that guy's probably going to die to the giant wolf that's fine he actually did a lot of damage there it wasn't a straight 1v1 he might have won that and after killing a few of them we're gonna sell one of our old towers and get another big bird we're pretty much gonna win using the power of Big Bird like look at this they're descending all of these guys at us now that's super expensive for them and such money for us okay uh that guy actually managed to take a lot of them out and now the Fireballs are gonna destroy them we need one little meat Shield there to absorb that Spear and we're good to get three thousand dollars uh they're sending bows and arrows out because they hit the like Medieval Era I don't know what to call it they have castles and stuff they got very legged Warriors we're gonna turn our turret damage up and up to 50 just because we can and that's really mean because we already have like an Unstoppable Fortress I don't think anything's gonna get through to us for a little while I didn't realize these big dog guy is only 200 but still 100 is a much better investment for us hundred dollars this guy's gonna make us like four grand he took a shot from here look at all the damage going out oh they have wizards that are also in question mark form uh these guys won't be winning a wizard and he's like a basic idiot with a knife and he actually won that yeah each one of these guys is such a good investment right now can we evolve soon I also forgot we have our God power uh we're just raining Fireballs from the pyramids they just reskinned the volcano because those look vaguely like volcanoes look at this guy I bet he also loves big birds so this is 25 to 35 damage okay that's fine by me we got three big birds that's gonna cost seven thousand to get a bigger Tower but these guys don't have a ton of range but they do a ton of damage so nothing will get close okay we're gonna turn our turret range up another 10 as soon as we can that shouldn't take too long to get because some of these towers obviously don't have a ton of range they have massive amounts of damage but their range is really important anything that gets close gets triple fireballed they don't penetrate but they don't have to because they fire so quickly and there's max level turret range so the turns we are gonna get an extra 10 which will make a bit of a difference we can hit them way out there now we've still gotta kill a fair few of them to upgrade to our next level so we're not really advancing very quickly but our turrets are sure strong maybe turrets give less experience just for this reason because you're not really risking anything by doing this you're just sort of sitting here so we can send out a few of our Infantry man but it's going to take a second for them to actually make it to where they can hit someone okay we're gonna 1v1 this guy and they're actually I think gonna win even though this guy's a more advanced development even getting fired on also by an Archer he won that fight okay let's give the Infantry another 10 armor that's got to help them out we've somehow turned this into like a business we're just looking for the maximum return on investment oh we can evolve again perfect we're now in this snowy wilds and there's castles oh we can't summon our room for two men yet I think we need to uh 900 yeah we need that for the footmen but now we can summon 100 foot men that are actually going to be quite strong because they have lots of upgrades so let's see their damage go yeah they're really strong they're almost one shot in The Archers already and they can absorb a lot of arrows uh they do have some pretty fancy looking defenses but ours are better because those are fully upgraded we're hitting for like at least 50 more damage than them I'm not gonna worry to send out any more footmen right now our Towers would take care of this we don't need to spend a hundred dollars to make money we can just make money just like that okay we're gonna sell one of our Towers over a thousand dollars and then we get a three thousand dollar metal catapult 50 to 70 damage its fire rate isn't that quick so it might also add a crossbow but there's also a giant bird coming toward us I'm going to send out an in-free demand just to make sure okay we can even destroy those uh so I might actually delete this 25 to 35 because the crossbow is 25 to 45 with a really big fire rate and then we have a nice variety of arrows Fireballs the works and we're just stacking money up oh they're on to the next uh they've got guns I think with sticks on them because they're back to the churches but they still can't get anywhere near us plus killing these guys gets us a lot of money so we can sit here and save up for a new turret they are sending in some bomb things so I'm gonna put a guy out just in case we have to absorb a hitter too that's your job absorb cannonballs for me that hardly even hurt this guy their arm is too strong this one guy is actually like an Unstoppable cyborg he's probably gonna March pretty much all the way through though that's an armored Knight so he might have something to say about that but he did Kill the cannon and he's out damaging this guy by a lot pretty sure our towers are more than updated defense they've used their ultimate ability for reasons unbeknownst to myself but we get another other upgraded Tower okay they did manage this with a singular Cannonball just because my Towers don't have the range yeah I'm gonna every time there's a cannon I need to send out 180 per 100 to absorb that damage but then this guy's gonna go into Killing Spree himself they use some fancy black and gold cannons on their side but our defenses are likely a lot better because we've got four different towers and are all very upgraded they're starting to send out uh Knights on horses oh I'm a lot of money now okay bad timing oh we destroyed them anyway okay so this is like their super unit right now and as soon as they cannons hit them they're absolutely dead but we can evolve again good timing so our 100 infantrymen are even stronger again they themselves are probably actually going to do a lot of damage to them we're definitely doing more damage but we also need to find out what our new towers are so 3500 for a large Cannon 65 to 85 damage and a really quick fire rate so that's gonna help us out not that we needed to help because we're gonna destroy their entire horse army they saved up for like four years to do that we just destroyed them oh there's a man with a minigun coming our way well they're also getting destroyed instantly but they're like a full thing ahead of us that's okay we'll make more money up these guys anyway they're more valuable to kill so we'll get way ahead with this we're gonna get another large Cannon here and then we're gonna sell this one and get another large Cannon here and we're gonna sell this one and get another large Cannon here in just a minute then we can just rely on our very large cannons that have lots of range to destroy their modern Warriors these things are hitting for 140 damage there's also a dog with a knife and a man with a also modern gun but we're killing absolutely everyone when they get anywhere close to our base okay these guys can actually hit me with something he throws a grenade or something but we're up to the task of repelling it naturally we're fighting modern Soldiers with uh Pokey swords but that's actually working pretty well because these guys are actually quite strong they're also brought in a gunship which is going to kill 100 worth of my unit so I think we can make that sacrifice okay they're bringing in the first tank so we're just gonna drop bombs on it and kill it right away there's a giant insult to them I didn't realize there was a fast forward button so we could actually be grinding up some money nice and quick I just want to send a unit out to make sure that doesn't shoot our base not sure if it would or not but let's not risk it there's another three thousand dollars just like that the turrets actually do go through like if they shoot someone the bullet does travel through them and hit the tank behind them or whatever happens to be behind them we're making so much money by just killing their tanks like this yeah that's it walk into the cannonballs good dummies okay we're gonna turn our infantry damage up again that's gonna add an extra 50 to them which is kind of absurd eventually like I'm just gonna have one guy like this who's just gonna walk out and stab their base with one hit and they're gonna die he's already taken off almost half their health and he's got a sword the machine guns behind are kind of a problem for them obviously because they just take a bunch of damage from all that so we can add another 10 to their armor now they're Max upgraded and for three units so we could probably just Spam these for the next 10 minutes and probably overrun them really oh they're on to the next area already though they have spider robots alright well that's intimidating for me luckily for us I don't think they're gonna be able to do anything about that because if they get in range of our Towers they're dead the funny thing is they are having trouble getting in range because my lone musketeer is able to stop them so far he's actually out damaging them by a lot all right well they're they're fast enough they are able to get to my base so I'm gonna have to counter them with some hundred dollar idiots oh look at all these things all right well we're going to turn the speed up so we can save up some money and get to our next era okay there we go we've unlocked the next era they just send some laser waves at us but we've now got basic Riflemen that are gonna probably destroy them nope they're gonna get destroyed by whatever that thing is well actually two of them was almost enough to defeat it and our turrets will surely take him out okay so even against his very advanced stuff we're able to destroy it we're gonna find out what the next wave of Cannon is 4500 double rocket launcher deal you know we'll put an order in for two of those you know what let's make it three then they're surely not getting anywhere close to us 170 damage per shot and then there's all four of them already because we're just really rich well I'm assuming armored is the most expensive for a reason it's probably the best so we're gonna upgrade our armored capabilities by quite a lot and then we'll just let these guys walk into the meat grinder endlessly but I guess at this point they're probably just kind of saving up for upgrades because I don't think they can evolve anymore so if they're making money which they're probably actually not really because they're not killing any of my units okay armor damage is going up so my armored as soon as I can afford a single one oh we can actually evolve again already I don't know why we're able to evolve so quickly that time but I'll take it ten thousand dollars for our next armored thing builds a power coil all right well we'll unlock that as soon as we can for now I think our defenses are up to the task of repelling these idiots they are getting quicker but we're making so much money that it's almost a joke okay let's sell one of these it's five thousand dollars for a heavy plasma cannon wow what a range of uh but they're very quick and probably attack very far away yep that's gonna work well all right there's another plasma cannon we're gonna sell that there's three plasma cannons and four plasma cannons because we're able to sell the old ones for a lot of money okay we're gonna send in a few armored combat suits because these guys are fully upgraded on our side and I mean they're armored so they're going to be super strong yeah so far they're absorbing a lot of damage and uh really putting the hurt on these guys in a big way this might actually be enough that this overpower them depending on how good their turrets are uh yeah I think they might be in trouble here because we can just send these in right now because we just made all the Investments early on they're sending out armored in response but I bet they're not as strong as ours and they're probably running low on money because they they've had less money to work with this entire time go my idiots go don't stop for anyone I should probably be diversifying here a little bit we'll get a few more of these and a few more armor going out we're just gonna have a Non-Stop assault on them though it would be nice to unlock the power coil five thousand dollars can you guys kill it there we go we have unlocked God's Wrath now we'll see if we can actually uh get to the point where we can get though as well the defenses are actually really strong so we're gonna save up a little bit of money now to buy some of God's rats I forgot to I also have the powers so we can just laser them not that we really need that but just for funsies so this one does an incredible amount of damage he's gonna one shot everything uh not really sure if he's upgradable or not okay we're gonna send him out we're going to send them lots of support with these little guys maybe should have put them behind but I'm pretty sure he's yeah he's just gonna walk right through everyone yeah that's a strong unit and then there's a row of spider Walkers behind him I think we're yeah maximum units on screen he takes up the spot of two so there's eight spider Walkers behind him uh but as soon as he touches their base I think he's going to destroy uh yeah this is gonna be good for me and that's probably already getting their base yeah but sure is so we just need a few these big guys uh maybe even just this one actually he's absorbing all their turrets and he's destroyed an entire Civilization by himself it's just that easy [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 663,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wvGsfaSCov8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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