I Mined Every Block In Existence And All I Got Was This Mountain Of Treasure

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last time we did this someone asked me is it possible to mine out the entire mind below and I thought that was just such a fun idea that I'm gonna give it a try myself we're on the large map I'm gonna try in my note every inch of dirt below so we're gonna need some drill upgrades we're actually gonna need a lot of drill upgrades but the first thing is the Hostile proximity meter we need to know how far away the idiots are and I do have them set to showing up a little bit later but they'll show up with twice the power found some easy digging over here but basically it's going to be all about drill upgrades today and whatever other powers we can hopefully find out here I did already find some more iron so that's not a bad find to start and it's already annoying me so much that I want to upgrade my drill already if I get my drill upgraded four or five six 17 times that'll be great probably also my carrying capacity so the drill only costs four so that's done so we can go a little faster for a little more iron there is also a triangle there I'm not interested in triangles yet and I'm still getting my note kind of broadly right now I just need some drill upgrades because it's too slow to mine out every little piece so far I think but I already did find some more iron so that's actually a really good start so I'm also just gonna increase my carrying capacity because since I I have the stronger drill I'm gonna just go straight down hopefully finding stuff like water but also hopefully some easier dirt to drill but more iron and this is really bad luck as this stuff is really exceptionally hard for what it has to be okay not a lot of iron straight down that's okay for now I also have a different Dome this one has like repellent on it uh mostly so that monsters take longer to show up I don't have a shield keeping safe though but I can delay their Wave by presumably uh 30 I can slow them down in battle and I can do whatever that is but let's face it we're here for iron which I just happened to find a rather nice to positive and since this dirt's easy to mine I will bump it a little bit on the way up probably grabbed a little bit more than I should have but that's just kind of the story of my life okay we'll take these up since they're right here and I already have enough for a stronger drill so we're gonna do just that that did cost eight dollars whatever they're called probably money well spent we're gonna go through some of this easier stuff for a sec hoping to get a smaller deposited buyer and that stuff is still stupidly hard bro early on we are I really shouldn't even be mining through this but we did find some more iron and we're tearing through it fairly quick quickly I am going to split this one into a few different loads just so I can get it to the surface quicker and since we're here we're just going to kind of bump our way down just to clear it all out if I keep my drill upgraded I should be able to actually just kind of bulldoze in my way through everything like when I want to go somewhere I just go in a straight line to get there and that should help clear things out maybe also bombs I do enjoy bombs so far this seems to be working pretty good but it's definitely going to get harder as time goes on idiots are on their way but they're so slow now I really don't care because we'll just uh oh we don't have the launching ability yet that's okay we can just hit him with the sword I'll buy the launching ability next because this Dome isn't going to take a lot of abuse so we'll display the dome's health meter it's still got 90 of its health so I don't care for now and we're gonna get more speed my repellent is apparently ready so okay that goes off so we have extra time before the next wave shows up which means we can do a little more mining I probably will actually buy the resource counter today too uh simply because it would be cool to actually see how many resources we get out of mining the entire thing of a large map I know there's softer dirt in here somewhere and we did find a power this could actually be good depending on what this is bulldozer our way to the top just because we can so we do actually have a lift already and the lift is really a good one for this because we don't have to bring materials up anymore we bring them to the lift and just keep on mining our mining way and that's great for times like this when I happen to find a single triangle so it can work its way up but we work our way probably a little bit deeper uh that's I've actually hit like a bottom already I've never seen that this shallow so that's odd our elevators still going to help but not nearly as much as I hoped it would that's actually going to make this whole thing quite a bit harder this Dome is a little bit technically this mine so we're gonna have to go into all sorts of fun directions to make this work that's fine I guess it wouldn't be one of my stupid ideas if we didn't run into many hiccups along the way and I guess I'll just carry all of this up past the elevator hostels are on the way they're stupid whoops accidentally dropped one okay I'm gonna buy the fast stab for now that should help with these idiots I don't know which ones to focus on here I kind of screwed that up so bad that um well whatever those guys can hit my Dome I don't care then again maybe we can get them both if I go up here oh this thing does not have much aim yet but I just realized how little damage you actually do to the Dome so I'm not that worried about it and then the other resources are still making their way up that's fine by me I'll just keep overloading that elevator I just don't really know where to mine now because it's such an awkward dig so for a sec I'm basically just gonna take whatever little bit of easier digging I can find which apparently isn't much because the game hates me today then again we did just find another iron deposit already and this one's pretty big so I the game loves me plus these dots are good digging I'm so happy to see this I almost don't care about the iron drop the kids off at the elevator well they'll hopefully make their way to the surface for now I'm just gonna wander around through this looking for some bigger deposits and I'll clear all this out a little bit later with my super drill oh but here's more iron already so maybe this random wandering actually is a strategy I should normally utilize because this is working way too good and as I raise up the elevator here I pulled a few pieces closer we should have some money to spend I'm gonna buy slice Improvement and then we can still also still buy a stronger drill that way we can murder things and do good mining uh we'll give him a thwack too that should finish him up let's get rid of the bird they don't do a lot of damage but they do annoy the life out of me so he's dead in one shot uh whoops definitely double click there but we'll track this guy uh this upgraded drill is probably gonna work really well because I'm really chewing through this stuff in a hurry I'm just gonna keep bulldozing my way around sort of randomly because if we're one shotting dirt then iron's never far away because we can also drag stuff up pretty easily and yeah there's also a nice iron deposit right there basically beside the elevator so that works out well for us we're getting really rich really quickly like there's a lot of iron sitting on the lift already we've just deposited all this and there's also water here I guess we'll take that over I don't like water as much but it is good for upgrades and there's more iron right here so the mine is a strange shape which is annoying but I'm starting to find the outer edges and actually if I go like this I can probably drag some of this with me that iron is going to be a floater there for a while then I'll carry these two back the surface somewhat manual really but I'm going to clear out some of the mine on the way up because I'm not doing a lot of that yet but we're going to get rich enough to get the upgrades pretty quick uh so I think I'm gonna finally get the resource counter that's just important we're going to repair the Dome a little bit because it took some abuse pretty sure I can survive one more wave with this weapon easy enough so I'm gonna get extra carry strength and speed plus you've got more resources on the way up so by the time I've done this battle we can probably buy more upgrades anyway I'm not thinking this is going to be a super hard battle because well obviously all right and then it's back to work the elevator is still slowly chugging along there's still lots of resources there I did also find one of these guys I'm not really sure what to do with this thing at this point so we're just gonna set it maybe right here that way if it does find anything it will bring them to me I'm gonna carry this with me like a good luck charm and then we're gonna explore a little bit the outer edge of the mine so far and if we can find an iron deposit here in the pink stuff it would be massive so I just realized something really exploitable because the game crashed so it turns out that the game crashes after you've played for a while you tend to start right at this uh last wave of enemies ends so obviously that means I can go digging around as much as I want and and if I don't find something good I can just restart and dig in a different direction I can basically replay the day as many times as I need to until I find the iron I want that's not a strategy I'm likely to use right now but if I have a bad day in this I might just restart and do just that I'm used to games crashing and all but it's a rare that it actually works to my advantage somehow this new carry strength is fantastic too look at all the stuff I can carry with no slowdown I also found a new something or other here so we'll go ahead and bulldoze our way up to the surface we do have blast mining that might actually come in handy more so than the other thing well because well this is just straight up a bomb and I think we can all be honest with ourselves here bombs are good we're just gonna bring it down a little more so it clears out a nice area that I don't have to mine uh because this stuff is super hard and this is also a weird weird mind so instead I'm gonna set it somewhere right here because I need to get back to the surface there's also some iron there though I see you iron okay I'll take a little bit of you with me because I'm greedy this is kind of nice though because like it's clear when I get to the elevator it gives me a speed boost anyway definitely had some friends waiting for me at the top which is perfectly fine because the Dome can take some damage this early on I can repair it with all my many triangles whoops definitely missed that okay this movie was a little more intense than I thought it might be luckily we're getting rich so I'm not that worried about this we'll just keep tracking these guys and then we'll shoot the uh Airborne idiots okay let's do a little bit of repair so if we buy uh this one it will repair 50 of total HP and give my Dome more health and we just use one of these and we saw 27 left over I didn't realize how rich we were stronger drill piece and seven dollars left over on top of that I'm gonna buy reflection one that way we can reflect projectiles back so an even stronger drill means we can really really make a mess of things even this stuff is one shot and this stuff used to really be tough to mine through Sony's gonna clear up an area like a highway and then we'll dig back down here to take a bunch of this iron back to the elevator and then get back to strip mining I do need to kind of see what the edges over here I don't know if there's anything of value up here I just want to kind of get how big I need to mine this thing I might leave some dark spots like that lying around because I can just drop a bomb there later pretty easily but our drill is already so stupidly strong that like it's really quick even through this stuff and because this iron deposit is in the brown stuff uh it'll definitely be a big deposit then we can just bulldozer way back to the surface because we need to clear this out eventually anyway that stuff's still a little bit tough but whatever and since I have a few minutes uh basically waiting for the next wave to start I'm just gonna mine randomly around for a sec to see if there's any iron but we got to clear all this out anyway and I did find another iron deposit rather close to the elevator so that's fine by me not sure how much I only have at this point but it's definitely enough for some better stuff we can do a faster stab that's the ejection into the sky and that'll be good enough for us to start uh we got more on the way up so I can afford another upgrade with that but it's very nice to launch this quickly takes care of these little popcorns super quick especially when the game's only throwing these at us this is a nice wave because they don't have to shoot the stupid birds in the sky just these guys and we're done wish that was just a little bit quicker because I had to sit here waiting for a second to get that extra iron but now that we got it more speed I think more speed also makes me more of a battering ram so if I'm trying to choose through something it's that much quicker don't know if this is really worth it but we're gonna put next to the surface to see if there's anything to their views plus we got a bomb I guess we did get drill bird I've never used drill bird so we're gonna try drill bird I'm not really sure how he works okay we're gonna take Joe bird and the bomb but I'm pretty sure drill bit just works along binding through the ground without uh me having to do anything so that's just gonna be good for me so we're just gonna go down to the digging gets a little hard again which is coming up anytime now wow this is a bigger mind than I thought on large oh this is gonna take a while oh okay but there's also okay you guys go there you guys do your thing enjoy probably gonna need to upgrade drill bird a little bit I'm just gonna leave all that stuff down there uh there's easy digging here so I'm gonna look for iron amongst this layer I did find some plus another Power this will be another big deposit but I'm really deep so it's gonna be hard to get this stuff out that power might also be a resource scan so I'm gonna grab it and uh I don't know a handful of stuff for now because it's heavy okay this was a stunnazer I guess I won't say no to that then I'm gonna get more carry strength in anticipation for uh what I need next I got a little bit of time so I'm probably just gonna use this crap for a sec at least sort of the edges so I'm pretty sure not to miss anything it does go pretty quick with my super drill and speed but we can go even quicker than this also I don't really know uh what real birds upgrades are okay we're starting to get these big guys already too so I'm definitely gonna need some more damage at some point uh because those are gonna do lots of damage I forgot I have this too to reflect those back and then this side pretty sure I can block and then we'll hit him oh there's actually two big guys I didn't realize that so that's annoying then back to my big Iron deposit hiding way down here it definitely is is going to take a while to hollow all of this out so we definitely need more speed so I'm not going to worry about mining for a sec I'm going to worry about carrying all this look at our carrying capacity now though I should probably check on drillboard I think I got to wake him up once in a while let's see what the little guy is done very little really okay come with me you're demoted to doing stuff down here actually you go there for a sec I gotta take these good luck got a little bit more value so I'm just going to mine straight up towards the surface somewhat here and see what we get we found some harder digging and a very solid wall this would be so much easier if my elevator actually went further down it goes nowhere but we do have a few big dark spots here that hopefully have some iron somewhere in them so I'm gonna go basically right down the middle hoping to find whatever might be hiding which apparently isn't a lot I think I've been actually getting really lucky with where I've been finding the iron and how much I'm also going to buy Long Blade one just to get myself a little more damage for this next wave uh that way when idiots come in I cannot do exactly what I'm doing and actually hurt them okay that thing's Gotta Die for sure we're gonna block all of this for a sec uh that actually hit me whatever okay I think we're gonna be okay this way business bad as I thought I thought I had more agility than that so we'll stab him there this dead Nature's got him got him all right I'm gonna take my bomb go find Gilbert and get back to work I think I'm actually gonna drop my bomb somewhere in the middle of this because this is just a big Dark Void in the middle of No Man's Land and that's hard digging I know there's a wall right there but whatever I did actually find some iron so that's huge now it's actually a really big deposit and I just missed that before I think I can carry all this at my super capacities the hardest part of this is probably going to be remembering where I left drilbert I did find a nice iron deposit though okay drill bit doesn't go very far without some upgrades so uh we're gonna let them go there I'm gonna have to give him some upgrades if he's actually going to be useful for me for now we got a ton of iron to move to the surface get back to the surface for a sec we need to understand the drill strength the drill bit for only three dollars sure that's gonna help him a bit that one's only three and two maybe one more time chill room work work for much longer before getting tired yep that's a good one I do sell 23 dollars so I'm gonna maybe get extra carry strength and then hopefully drill bit can actually make a little more progress in what he does he tries very hard he's just very useless that's the kind of slave I like to see you work hard our drill bird okay I also found another iron deposit just right here beside what the other one was with my extra carry strength I could probably get most of this out I can actually carry this entire deposit plus water this feels right this feels good we're gonna be rich pretty sure we were already reasonably Rich before this we filled the Dome with iron so with 27 I'm gonna get more speed and I've got 11 left over for hopefully more damagey upgrades no new damage upgrades but I think we're doing okay with what we got for now anyway we're not exactly feeling the pain of uh damage uh like this wave is actually going uh really really easy okay we gotta swipe this got him I like the wings without all the birds it's much easier this way this is just just a bunch of weak idiots okay I found another iron deposit sort of randomly in a dark spot I'm not necessarily near the edge of the map but that's a lot of iron drill bird still seems like he's going pretty strong we're just gonna I don't know do that and you can go down layer while I mine directly into a new Iron deposit this is working out very strangely nicely so far this is also a pretty big one so we'll see if I can carry all of this at once might actually be able to yeah I think we we got it still need a stronger drill because even then the red stuff we're still like double hitting it to kill it which isn't good enough for me okay we once again build the Dome with garbage I'm gonna get more drill power I just realized I'm actually like really topped up in upgrades already I didn't realize how quickly we did that I'm gonna repair the Dome a little bit and I'm gonna increase my uh thing to uh Long Blade too which basically just gives us more damage I kind of forgot about the whole Mist thing too so I'm gonna do that so the next wave gets delayed a little bit and I'm gonna add a small amount of damage to the stun laser too just to help me out with the battle aspect and that's pretty crazy too because I found all that stuff and I've still got more time for mining so in Iron Dead I probably should have brought the bomb with me because I could have done a lot of this for me but here we are being stupid stupidly lucky maybe look at all this iron again this is a shallower deposit so it's not as big but it's still pretty big oh it's a modder too why not uh with all this money since it's not really going to be enough for a ton of stuff I'm maybe just gonna make my bomb a little bigger that way when I bring it down well who doesn't like bigger bombs especially when you get into that hard digging there we go you know I have a super stabber as well so this thing had lunch pretty often and recharge pretty quickly so it's going to be lots of good damage for us it's going to hurt that we're going to reflect back at you and you missed that one that's fine whoops still didn't have a lot of agility but I do think it hits hard yeah so far like now that I know how the reflector thing works it really makes a big difference we need to get rid of that guy when you get a chance but even so like this we're fine we're not really taking any damage we're just getting annoyed by everything okay I'm gonna hit the repellent so we're gonna wait longer for that we're gonna take our bigger bomb down and I'm gonna try and leave it somewhere where it's going to do big damage to things which is hard to find these days because I don't know where the edges are we're clearly getting pretty deep okay Gilbert's into some hard stuff good job Gilbert you enjoy a bomb for a sec I don't know what that what's gonna happen now perfect and there's some iron good job drilbert yeah mine wherever you want don't care drill bird has fallen asleep but I've got a lot of iron I need to get to this surface look at the next wave though like hasn't even it's like 95 of the way still to go and we're one shouting so much of the dirt it's great I took a really weird way to get up this was really dumb so I'm actually is going to leave this stuff with the elevator because it's going to take a few minutes to absorb anyway so good luck there's even one in here that I can leave and then I'm just going to chew my way through whatever I can on the way down with one shot in the dirt might as well just go for it also because you never know where little iron deposit is hiding though down here they're pretty big so they would be hard to miss I do think I'm getting down to some of the very lowest stuff at this point like this might be the lowest point on the entire map yeah we're definitely getting low because there's the cables we need to find those things here's one of them we'll just chew that over now so we have a rough idea where it is but we still got some mining to do I know there's a ton of iron hiding out here somewhere I've been pretty lucky but I know there's definitely also going to be a few cases where I just missed the Iron by like one tile like this is not one tile but we were reasonably close to this stuff and we're pretty close to the surface again whoops hopefully I don't knock those out but whatever falls down hopefully goes back into the elevator where did those go yeah we're okay so while we're waiting for the next wave I'm just going to chew through some of this real quick and then we're gonna buy some fun upgrades we can do an electrified blade how could I resist that because I think that's going to do pretty much massive damage to anything it touches and it's going to touch a lot of things there's a little hit for you you guys can die we are taking some damage but I'm doing this kind of lazily yeah that's gonna work out real nice and we're starting to get these guys so we're definitely gonna need that extra bit of damage because they're not weak at all they are very slow and stupid though so there's always that okay after that strange little battle we're gonna need a few repairs we'll maybe upgrade drilbert some more because I think he's gonna do some good work for us down there without us having to supervise them this one's good too when drilbert hits a wall he'll turn around instead of taking a nap that sounds important just gotta remember where I left the little guy okay I see he's gotten himself into a bit of trouble so we're gonna put him somewhere low down where he's going through the hardest dirt possible because that way I don't have to do it so you go yeah actually if he goes there you should walk back and forth for a while and I did find another iron deposit which is really deep so this will be colossal and take a really really long time to dig through but as I'm going up and down I will take a few more bites here and there to try and clear this out a little more and my bum might be ready by now also my bomb sure is ready the resources all the way to the top so they're slowly getting mulched this stuff over here is kind of unreasonably hard to dig through like the brown brick looking tile so I'm just gonna leave the bomb there for now we'll see what's kind of in the area okay we found the edge here there's some kind of Cavern down here I think that's the like teleport one you can grab and use sometimes so I definitely wish I found that earlier this blue stuff is also unreasonably hard to go through I did put a teleporter down here I found the end thing as well where obviously got some mining to do before we play with that but that certainly will save me a trip next time but we got to get back to the surface to defend our Dome from idiots so I think I'm gonna go for Javelin for now just to make this part a little easier that when I'm in a stabby mood I can oh that's that one this one's good though actually because I can launch these rapid fire this would be easier and then we gotta whoop the whack him he's dead we're gonna block that uh we also need to thwack and then we're gonna charge up and shoot him the Doom took some damage there but we're gonna be okay it's definitely gonna get harder and harder to find iron at this point but we're definitely doing better and better I do need to upgrade my drill maybe one more time we can shoot through stuff but it gets harder by the time you get deep but now I think I want to kind of explore the edges of this little trying to see exactly what we have left to do I also forgot I left the teleporter down here but that's because I'm not used to having it this round because I found it like okay Gilbert is kindly worked his way into a corner we're gonna find some hard digging form elsewhere that he can work on while I'm away probably like over here we're gonna let him go somewhere here do we'll break it off my thing so I'm actually below the end teleporter thing so I'm just hoping for a massive iron deposit hiding here I did also find this egg I've done this a few times I still don't know what it does I'm sure someone in the comments has been yelling at me for a while uh every time I found the egg to be fair I haven't really held on to it for very long usually it's about the end of the game because it's found so deep so this time we're probably gonna have it sit in our dome for a little while so we'll bring that to the surface it's starting to get pretty cleared out up top is this thing ready to go oh it is we can actually slow that down a little bit then I'm gonna go explore this edge of the mine to see what resources we left behind we've probably got most of the resources that are down here I think I hope there's more deposit hiding but I kind of don't at the same time these would have been more efficient to find jilbert earlier and also find an elevator uh that worked more better than mine did but I think I've got the entire edges of this thing worked out with the exception of like this spot mostly because these spots are just really obnoxiously hard to dig through so I'm a bit drill bird or the bomb on that drill bird it's also a little lost again so we're gonna put him somewhere he goes back and forth so I should probably put him somewhere higher up where you can just work his way through stuff a lot I don't really know what that's going to mean so drill bit can you just go here somewhere I'll probably have to move him around quite a bit just to make sure he stays going but for now he's drilling stuff that's all that matters he's helping it feels weird to start seeing these big empty Pockets now like I'm really starting to understand just how big this map is finally gonna take care of some of this uh surface brick stuff too because it's been sitting here forever because I didn't want to mine it because it's slow but with my super drill not slow anymore still got some time before the next wave's gonna show up but there's just these random floating pieces of uh dirt everywhere all right well I'm gonna start making my way back to the surface because we got the next wave coming soon but we got a little bit of time we got lots of resources though we're a little bit low on iron these days but we got lots of other stuff so I'm gonna buy the autonomy because that only costs water I've got lots of water to spare then it's time for another battle I think we're probably gonna survive this one these guys are going to be a little bit hard to hit right now I'm gonna deflect oh the Sundays are actually helped a lot with that got him as long as you're using your deflector thing it's actually pretty easy to kind of sort this out this try to deflect everything you can hit whatever closed captioning not available probably going to be the hardest spot this is the last Edge piece because look how tough it is I think it dies in four hits from uh fresh though so that's okay but we'll take a trip upwards after this the map is pretty big so it's easy to forget and Mister along the way like here's a big chunk but down to the lower right there's nothing left down below there's nothing left I didn't actually find more resources though I didn't think there's any of this stuff left this stuff is a little bit harder to dig through again but really not that bad for my super drill but of course we gotta get interrupted by idiots because they want to fight again they're still not putting up much of a fight they will eventually especially if I'm shooting like that but we're doing so much damage it's really hard for them to be able to fight us like you really probably just go like this until it's over like I was very lazy this entire battle and they did take off some help but I've got so many triangles like it's not hard to prepare this it costs one two of them really to repair that damage oh and this thing actually grew some more iron there we go we're rich again okay I'm getting really close to done I didn't realize how close I was there's still a little bit here but we're definitely running out of stuff to mine oh look who fell asleep again I just got an achievement that says thorough so I think that fiends have officially done it so we're going to take drilbert here for a little Victory lap to show you how big this place is and how much I've managed to mine but when you fly around like this it really puts it into perspective how big it is so the elevator went down about that bar which seemed okay in the beginning it did help a lot but considering how big and deep this place actually is I could have used a deeper elevator I would have finished it sooner it wasn't really a particular struggle though I thought this would actually be a lot harder but I am playing on easy mode too to be fair I don't know if it'd even be possible in harder modes maybe someone better than me could answer that but yep that's it I've mine literally this entire thing so drilbert has enjoyed his ride we'll bring him to the surface with us we'll also uh pull on whatever one of these have not been pulled on yet is it you I think they're all ready to go now so we'll give this a pull or bring it to the surface I should say normally we're tunneling like through all sorts of little mine shafts to get all the way up and it's a bit of a maze here we don't have to do that we just carry it basically straight up I also don't remember what happened with that egg I think I brought it to the surface and then forgot about it like I always do these things work here drill can you well Joe bear might go for a spin okay the drill birds back down to the bottom where he belongs that's why I found him anyway but released to his natural habitat okay I brought that to the surface I'm gonna send the bomb down anyway just for fun drobo should enjoy that and then we'll pretend like we're actually gonna struggle with this gonna rock that out of the air gonna crack that out of the air it is a pretty intense wave at this point considering how far in we are I could have kept going for quite a while but what's the point we're getting a windshield wiper away to Victory uh yeah about time you showed up the end we mined the whole thing oh so in case you're wondering we mined 400 resources so that's as much as is in the map we unlocked a new pet for some reason and we destroyed 3 000 blocks foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,100,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C2N_B65pAxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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