I Invested Until I Became The Most Powerful Being In The Universe

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using this I think we could build something pretty broken items are 30 cheaper but the main thing all harvesting modifications are increased by 50 the downside is we lose all of our materials when we start a new wave so we need to spend all of our materials every single way but that harvesting is going to get so stupid by the end we're gonna make a fortune every single round the key to success here is basically stacking a bunch of harvesting really early on so we need to find harvesting like right now we already leveled up once so this is where we need to find harvesting right away if we don't find it here I gotta restart there it is five harvesting and it wouldn't hurt to stack a bunch of support weapons because they also give harvesting for now we'll take a laser gun because it's the only thing we can afford and I am going to reroll simply because we're gonna lose our money anyway I might as well spend it trying to find something here which I didn't but we're already up to seven harvesting so that means at the end of this round we get seven materials index B and then that adds up five percent every wave so this one is really about compound interest and the mighty power of it so pay attention kids I did get afraid I'm out of this hopefully it's something legendary and amazing we'll see how our luck is doing 42 dollars to spend too many materials when you pick up a crate absolutely I do want harvesting though there's another five harvesting I'll take an SMG for now because that's just a very good item for me to use there's another eight harvesting which is perfect I am gonna re-roll and then there's nothing here I'm gonna lock this I'm probably gonna lock this and maybe that but our harvesting is already 28. so at the end of this round we get 28 free materials and that's gonna go on for the next 18 rounds and that number is going to get really big so that's just tons of free stuff I could also uh use any items that boost my experience gain percent because the harvesting gets this extra experience so that'll just double up on that damage increases are cut in half though so we can have that extra extra damage to make that work damage is never a problem I never have a shortage of damage anywhere five luck is tempting I went harvesting if we can with this is gonna get expensive quickly we're gonna roll one more time and we're gonna roll one more time on top of that and I'm just gonna take five harvesting the earlier ring at harvesting going the better uh on this I'm probably gonna take three max HP because we're gonna need Max HP at some point so I'm also going to buy this this also adds harvesting and Dodge maybe I should take this now we're going to lose one range damage we'll make that up later I'm gonna lock these two because I still want them we'll re-roll because I also want this and probably that this is another one of those investment builds it's going to be a little bit tough to start so far it's fine but eventually it's going to be so stupidly overpowered that it runs away on itself like the kind that I wish it was an unlimited mode for because this would just get much stronger every single wave for now I think I'm gonna need to add another weapon maybe a little bit of damage because we're killing things but we need to kill them faster for their items we can't get by and harvesting alone yet we're gonna need their pickups which means adding a lot more damage but there's 150 materials already plus two range damage perfect okay there's a shredder mostly because 50 chance to cause an explosion 10 attack speed 5 attack speed 2 max HP and all that stuff I guess 35 materials materials I'm recycling because that's one of the things this character has so if and when I want to sell stuff I get extra money for it I also didn't really find any support items yet but I did get an extra weapon out of the deal so our damage should kill a few more things for a little bit more money and those explosions are gonna be nice too these guys are also week that the explosion should write most of them out within a group and that's free money like these guys didn't really need it there anyway but you get the idea this game really just is too addicting on so many levels here's a billion fun little builds to try and do and everything in between them as well okay we naturally made over a hundred dollars already and we're gonna get extra money 166. armor is tempting I'll get that later uh range damage tempting I'll get that later uh we'll take four percent HP regeneration for now and two range damage so that finally put us up to plus one SMG will take guys SMGs are going to be a big part of this this gives us Plastics harvesting we're gonna take that more tweezers more trees that's range damage uh nothing going on here there's a level two SMG we're gonna get trees driving one hit is probably cheap enough five percent item price things are just all the cheaper for us and there's an even better Shredder so there's the free guns we need hovers things up to 63. so even if that number stayed stagnant which it won't over the next 10 runs at 633 materials but that'll grow five percent each round by itself and we'll add to it as we go we will add luck as we can too because I want to be able to find some more items since we have of money being as if we can just buy level 4 weapons instead of building all the way up to them also I haven't seen a shotgun in quite a while I'm actually wondering if they removed them from the game like it's been that long we got one tree before we left 220 dollars to spend already five Max HP yes 15 luck is actually really big we'll take that okay I'm gonna combine my SMGs into level two into a level three SMG so that's already doing six damage we're gonna make items cheaper right away and then we're gonna buy this Shredder and then the Lumberjack maybe we'll buy the wandering bot sponge a little bot that slows down nearby enemies it's purple so it's got to be good okay I'm gonna lock the pistol down we don't re-roll 69 harvesting wish that number is bigger so far but we'll see what we can find uh that SMG should be really starting to do some work though simply adding range to damage makes SMGs and miniguns really stupid because they fire so fast adding even one damage to that puts your DPS through the roof and that's really the secret to all of my strategies just add range damage and get a very fast weapon and you're pretty much Unstoppable just don't look at my last 10 runs or they failed horribly you guys can be better than me just don't be stupid got a creative out of that deal still money's starting to get pretty good I wish we could spawn some more enemies we make some more money and that would just make things much easier but already we're up to about 300 to spend plus 10 crit chance yes plus five harvesting yeah we'll just take that plus 15 oh there's so many good ones here I'm gonna take the 9 Max HP and then I don't really need to get HP anymore we'll take 10 lakh here we'll take minus five item price we'll take a level 2 pistol uh this one's interesting we'll lose a bit of harvesting but we'll gain enemies which will make us more for now I like the power generator too because plus one damage here every plus one speed you have that combines two things so we can add speed and add damage all at the same time well since there is an RPG here I'm going to go ahead and recycle that in place an RPG in its spot I'm gonna lock this because I want that next time we're going to re-roll then we're gonna take all of these uh not the medical gun though we we don't need a medical gun a big blue RPG is a lot of fun I'm hoping we can turn it into a purple and then a red RPG and we will eventually still want more harvesting though too it's only wave 8 but we need to be into the hundreds of harvesting gonna have to add a bit of armor on because I'm pretty sure armor solo we're taking yeah we take nine percent extra damage at this point so that's probably not a great sign so we'll just not get hit by anything I guess and uh well whatever when you're rich you can buy damage when you have damage you have to worry about things anyway 283 dollars there's plus eight harvesting I'm simply taking that we need to keep adding harvesting 10 attack speed one armor there's three armor and all that which means we do need to put speed back on oh we can get a hand level three actually so now we get nine harvesting out of that which isn't great but look if we had six support it we'll take an extra 25 harvesting okay I'll take an extra laser which boost to a better laser gun we'll take armor for Speed right now we'll put the speed back on fairly easily but there we go we have four armor now so we take 30 less damage instead of extra damage harvesting jumped up to 97 right now so we're getting 100 free materials and experience every round for the next 11 rounds that's 1100 materials plus five percent compounding interest the whole way so yeah this one's gonna get pretty stupid pretty quick we're just gonna keep stacking damage now HP is pretty good armor is fine like we can just stack damage from here on out and speed maybe or we can just buy whatever stupid things we happen to buy I don't think we're going to struggle with this one at all some luck wouldn't be bad we have 25 Vlog which actually isn't you know too bad at all but the more we add the more fun stuff we're gonna find if we get a range damage up to a bonus of like 10 and then add a minigun that would just absolutely obliterate things as it was all the way through but we'll see if we get there I do also make a lot of stupid choices along the way but there we go 520 dollars to spend already one free rewrote at the shop yes 30 pickup range yes okay we're gonna re-roll these uh nope uh nope again plus eight harvesting is exactly what I want another 9 HP probably I guess just to make this extra extra tough I'm gonna take one range damage here uh we do need to put speed back on 10 crit chance for -1 armor yes we'll take four percent speed and lose six range uh we'll take one armor for Max HP as well we'll take one range damage we'll take one range damage we'll not take those we'll take a laser gun level too because that's gonna evolve ours into a level three so it's doing 69 damage it's really trying to get us to build armor and HP we're gonna lose speed doing this but as soon as we put that back on it'll be fine lightning shift four okay I'm gonna lock this because that's gonna get us 10 crit chance I'm gonna lock this because that's gonna give us crit chance uh and range damage in a big way that's fun but we can't use it this build then it's back to work we're very slow now we've definitely got to add some speed back on Just for movement sake we're sitting duck like this and without a lot of damage on our SMGs or a shotgun I don't love this because yeah we could definitely start stacking up damage luckily we do have 47 HP so that's not gonna hurt anything but we're definitely gonna get hit a lot for sure no we sacrifice speed for armor and damage or whatever it was I don't know what we did but it was worth it probably I mean our health is getting pretty much full so we're obviously tough enough to get through this there's a lot of idiots but they're mostly basic ones basic idiots don't worry me at all I am staying around the perimeter though because as soon as I get into that center it's gonna hurt but since we're winding down I'll grab those materials anyway and then we'll go down here through idiot street again right down Main Street we have 400 522 materials a text over 25 chance to apply burn nope one free re-roll again yes okay there's our speed we need that's going to add damage end speed plus three range damage yes plus another three range damage plus 10 crit chance so we're getting an extra six range damage now that takes our SMGs from two to eight damage and honestly since it's all about the attack speed on this one we're maybe gonna remove some of the slower weapons right now probably like the laser gun I think the SMG is going to be better than it well look who decided to show up it's a long lost shotgun but since it's level one we don't want it I will take a Hedgehog just for that range damage we have a lot of money to spend 20 damage plus one armor why would we not take that well yes I would like a level 3 rocket launcher piggy banks I normally love but they're completely useless to us here same with most of these that one's sort of tempting in a way two armor six percent Dodge yeah maybe it is we have so much HP anyway why wouldn't we another free re-roll in the shop is interesting we're actually gonna take that because the more times we can re-roll the more chance we have of finding those items we need that SMG is gonna help a lot because these uh musical idiots are getting strong so we're definitely gonna need to top up our damage a little bit but we got our harvesting nicely rolling now so we should be on Easy Street really plus we have 44 HP and tons of armor yeah like we're taking 47 less damage we just need to still put some of that speed back I didn't realize how much we took off mostly just because it's annoying it takes me a long time to walk anywhere and I feel very vulnerable which is kind of stressful although I'm sure we'll be perfectly fine where this is a really tough build already this way it wasn't really a money maker what's wrong with you guys what did you worth more or harvesting isn't worth it at this point luck is tempting we could probably get something better there is harvesting end speed we need that speed really bad a love of a sword is kind of funny plus five harvesting but minus five percent enemies uh we need the money from the enemies five harvesting at this point isn't gonna be worth that much don't really want any of those 15 XP gain is good I wish I found out way earlier on but that will still pay dividends level two pistol is going to turn this into a level three pistol that's tempting I don't really want to hurt the speed anymore but range damages range damage I will take this extra range and attack speed we lose life steal I don't think I have lifesteal if I do I don't know about it so I don't care maybe I'll take the leather vest again plus two armor plus six percent Dodge why not okay we don't want any of those probably want a shredder so that's going to turn to level three Shredder so it has an 80 chance to explode on hit then I'm gonna freeze this for its luck and I'm gonna freeze this for its attack speed and range probably gonna replace that hand pretty soon with an actual gun because the hand isn't really doing anything for me except adding nine harvesting now your harvesting doesn't mean much to us anymore damage is feeling pretty good again still need more but we still need to get our speed back up to replace that but that's the beauty of this game you can only work with what the game gives you so we're building our build around that and so far it's perfectly reasonable pretty consistent 500 a run eight harvesting I needed to find these earlier I want more of those there's more armor but like it such diminishing returns would be stupid to take that at this point nine percent Dodge if this was a better speed four percent lifestyle can we have one of the ones we actually need please 10 harvesting I guess is fine 10 luck 20 range 10 attack speed we don't need armor interesting sponsor that shoots explosive bullets doing 20 damage in an area yes uh plus 20 luck and then we're gonna have a level four Shredder so it's gonna do 33 damage it fires quickly but projectile simply explode on hip that's what they do 174 harvesting so for the next seven waves they're going to give us 174 materials and experience and that number is still gonna go up because they're going to be making almost 10 extra harvesting every round now even if I don't add any harvesting manually so this worked pretty good I think that Shredder is also uh paying dividends at this point because every projectile if virus explodes and it fires a lot so maybe we could get our crit chance going too our crit chance is probably getting up there so everything can do double damage other Vikings are here they're lasting a little bit longer than I would like them to so we're gonna have to find a better way to hurt them I really gotta remember to remove that stupid hand from my build uh because I don't think it's really doing much for us at this point I mean we'll replace uh its bonus every single round moving forward at least so I won't miss it took a lot of damage here so we need our speed and damage well there's another 20 luck I'm not sure what the luck is doing at this point maybe adding here 10 harvesting please Perfect 10 speed 30 range so our speed is back to balance but that puts our damage back in the plus plus when range damage we will take since I have a free re-roll I'm going to lock the pistol and roll okay the hand is going for 58 we're taking a pistol level 2 in its place for now wow look at this plus five range damage 10 damage 10 range yes well here's this thing again uh We're not gonna be dodging much of anything but we're gonna have pretty high chance and range damage we just added so much range damage like it's 12 bonus now so the SMG is doing 14 instead of like the two that it would be doing otherwise level 4 Knife is funny we can't use it though so we'll re-roll again and there we go level three pistol is nice maybe this is what Lucky's doing because there is two level threes and a level four I don't know we'll take our extra damage and move on that thing didn't last long Yep this feels a little better yeah this is much better it kind of sucks that turrets in the corner but if we get into trouble but go sit near it but now it's just gonna kill stuff without our supervision now we should find a lot more crates luck equals crates everybody knows that I wonder if our turret gets extra damage from our range damage over that simply explosives I suppose it doesn't really matter much wave 14 is sort of laughably easy 31 HP and tons of armor damage is getting pretty high too so pretty much a cakewalk at this point and all that extra luck and money moving forward is going to be a lot of fun to work with 524 dollars wow plus two range damage 25 range I don't really want any of those harvesting was tempting but we can do better we can still do better come on we're rich give us good stuff we deserve it uh I guess Max I don't I don't want to revolve for fifty dollars we'll take damage all right so we're going to take a level two pistol away oh we could have just combine those into level four that was really dumb well whatever you know what you expect when you're here with me uh we're gonna buy another alloy I don't know it keeps giving these to me but I'll keep taking them there's another rocket launcher oh this I want plus eight range damage uh your HP is Max or it's capped at where it is but that's fine we don't need any more HP I don't know if I want another rocket launcher because it's not really gonna do much for me uh that item that locks my HP by the way is good because if there's an item that would remove HP it doesn't anymore but I definitely want one of these 10 attack speed 8 chance 15 ranged like that's so stupid I would never say no to that then since I gotta do something with the money I might as well just keep going until I either find something I want or run out of money looks like I'm running out of money so here goes way 15. our little turds doing damage all of our guns are definitely doing damage I know we will find another level 4 weapon to replace our level threes and a special level two before long it's all part of the process yeah damage feels very good now we added a ton of damage these last few runs so nobody's melting everything in front of us and we have tons of toughness plus our harvesting is up to 204 so we're getting 204 materials and experience every Run for the next five runs so that's an extra thousand materials right there 15 seconds left and wave 15. uh we did get hit by something because I wasn't paying attention I'm literally just walking straight towards everything uh it's the red projectiles I'm hitting I could make some effort to dodge those but I'm not going to 725 to spend see this plus seven percent damage our HP is locked so we don't lose any this is great 10 speed 30 range that's also 10 damage for our Swatch it any whatever it gets halved but you get the idea do we need more harvesting at this point not really that would give us an extra 50 40 materials by the end no we want speed we need to put our speed back and that's damage anyway what's our attack speed 28 we'll take more attack speed oh I forgot about this 10 attack speed 8 crit chance Soaker chance is 44. I didn't realize that was that high this is kind of funny one bullet dealing 25 damage is fired from the enemy corpse when they die that's gonna be chaos okay here we go we're gonna combine these two into a level four pistol which has 97 damage fires every half a second then we're gonna replace that with a double barrel shotgun doing 33 times 4 damage then enemies are gonna have a 10 chance to explode for 20 damage when they die we're gonna lose 12 harvesting there that's okay and we're still on free re-rolls uh do we want to lose an armor for No 10 crit chance we don't really need that like we're getting to the point where it's almost stupid what we have already we will lock this because we'll turn that into a level 4 rocket launcher then I guess I'll just keep re-rolling until we get something fun which didn't happen but that's not to say that we don't of fun stuff like our damage is absolutely bananas now we're starting to move very quick too like when enemies spawn in I can already see what these are now before they die this is definitely one of those builds it's kind of a slow build it starts rather slow but by the end you wish you just had more waves because it gets so stupidly strong every single wave like I can hear the musical things I just can't really see them because they die right away so my SMG is up to 22 and 20 damage that's so stupid for SMGs considering how fast they fire the Vikings yeah they're lasting just like half a second but I think that's perfectly reasonable especially because we're pretty much just gonna stack damage for the rest of this anyway what I need is a Minigun a minigun is the ultimate addition to this build every time because it fires so stupidly quick that plus one range damage is like a billion times DPS for it money's gonna be getting good 636 to spend 20 range 10 attack speed yes one free re-roll in the shop two range damage 25 range yes four percent lifesteal no good four percent HP regeneration no good you think with all the luck we have we'd actually get decent choices here but we don't so I'll take 12 damage which isn't a bad show is eight harvesting 20 lakh Level 4 HP uh rocket launcher sorry I got an achievement did uh RHP with generation is so bad that it's actually got an achievement for it oh there's a level for SMG I definitely want next time but also we're gonna buy this we're gonna get more range damage we're gonna lose HP regen three percent damage at the end of each wave isn't worth it at this point if I found it at the beginning of the game great but I didn't I'm not complaining you know I found lots of good stuff we're still on free rerolls that's so dumb plus four percent speed is also four percent damage for us okay so there's also going to be a double barrel shotgun that's going to go into level four for us uh SD's couch is interesting but that would give us a minus 46 problem and I've got enough problems without adding stupid ones like that that's when I could have used a long time ago and spawn more trees but we're up to three level four weapons now so that's good and they all should be doing pretty stupid damage at this point nothing is going to stop them now nothing gigs or trees is gonna be nice too because they'll need to give us healing which you don't really need or items which you always need so wave 17 so far pretty laughably easy it's not the biggest money earner strangely but I guess it doesn't really have to be we'll be just fine with this that way it's just mostly big enemies we still got 600 this would have been fun earlier on five percent enemies five percent damage I would just be a lot of extra money through the extra enemies nine percent Dodge is tempting would take the range damage instead then there's our level for SMG which is going to replace the level two then we're gonna get the extra 16 harvesting in a double barrel shotgun so harvesting is 273 so we get 300 free materials and experience at the end of every round but we're resisting all along 15 luck and 18 harvesting those are like my favorite things ever so we have officially 300 harvesting in 102 luck plus a bunch of rerolls we're gonna lock the attack speed yeah we'll lock those in and off we go well this is kind of going to be stupid damage the five level four weapons by themselves would be ridiculous everything else on top of that is kind of absurd yeah this is wave 18 and we're just we're flying around destroying everything I don't think anything's got even close to hurting us here like it literally March straight towards anything and not get hurt I like like this build this is definitely maybe my favorite I finally got hit by one of the red projectiles you're always the thing that hit me because they can't die they just always March forward so I just carelessly walk into them but I really don't care at this point we're so rich now that um yeah there's another 700 to spend gonna recycle that uh we're not gonna take any of that the range is interesting HP regeneration well there's no saving that anyway that's fun but nope put the gate harvesting it just doesn't matter at this point 10 attack speed 10 attack speed 10 luck there's another level 4 pistol I don't really want to replace the SMG just because it fires so quick if we had 10 damage is that really no I don't think I want to do that this I do one because look at all this stuff it gives us 25 exposure size is kind of nice because we have a pretty big RPG hey there's our thing again I don't think they mean much at this point but I mean they're just fun to stack all right on to the next wave with our SMG that does 36 damage and fire is really quick the only way this would be better is if we had like a minigun or more mini guns the more satisfying weapons we had right now the better this build would be but as it is it's really really strong as indicated by the way this is wave 19 and things can't get anywhere near us I guess our range is 211 I had no idea it was so ridiculous that's why we're just constantly shooting things we're just constantly outputting a ton of damage in all directions might as well just be a melting Aura as things spawn they just get melted doesn't matter where they are it doesn't matter who they are I don't discriminate everything gets genocided final 15 seconds I don't know if we're gonna make it pretty close build I thought we'd be making more money by now but that's why we need like more rounds because that money would go up so stupidly quick we do have 900 to spend but we're getting an extra 400 every round and like the next round that's gonna be an extra 20 and that's going to keep growing and growing anyways here's plus four range damage it's very rare to find and we're gonna take some free projectiles pass through one additional Target yes 10 speed is 10 damage yes make items cheaper doesn't really matter at this point plus one range damage yeah why not I would like one more uh level four weapon but we're gonna take seven percent damage uh We're Gonna Roll for I don't really want any of that that one's kind of tempting and not going to bother 40 harvesting you take one damage per second that's really dangerous I don't even know how to you could build something to encounter that but I don't know how to do it because I'm stupid projectiles past you one additional Target is tempting I don't lose any more damage at this point though that's really worth it but we're about to fight the boss anyway so it's no big deal to me and we definitely didn't find another level 4 weapon so we're good to go but here's the boss he's not gonna live very long he's lasting longer than I thought he would but we have so much movement speed that it's not hard to stay away from his uh danger earlier on that would have been a nightmare but he also can't hide but my second our range is so big that we can hit him anywhere and uh he's dead thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 659,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xE-AIu3IGjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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