I Spent 100 DAYS in LEGENDARY POKÉMON Minecraft Against my Rival! (Duos Cobblemon)

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me and my friend are going to spend 100 days in Minecraft cobbleman to determine who is the best every 10 days we're going to fight and the winner gets the chance to catch a random legendary Pokemon all leading up to the battle on day 100 but first I have some goals to accomplish I want to catch some of the most powerful Pokemon in the game of all of them and get them to level 100. I want to get an ash Greninja and of course I want to beat my friend Mankey on the Battle of day 100 will I be able to accomplish these goals stick around until the end to find out soon enough it was time to pick our starters I feel like this would just be cool bro I don't know I think it's Froakie what did you choose oh Froakie started off with a massive advantage and now it was time to have our starter Battle the winner of this battle would get a chance to catch a random legendary oh boy you are actually you're going down the type advantage does not even matter Froakie is so let's go let's go let's go I'm gonna try this come on oh oh no oh no let's go what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do wait you're paralyzed this could be good wait this could be good wait come on Froakie no okay there we go there we go I think I'm gonna get revenge for Froakie the promise is a promise and in these next 100 days I would work my absolute hardest to fulfill it you can't catch that there's no way you can catch that okay all right and just my luck Makey started off with the opportunity to catch a Mewtwo there's no way it was catching I'm wasting my pokeballs I'm allowed to catch it because you won the battle that's so annoying away from you luckily for me minky wasn't able to catch Mewtwo this time meaning it would show up later in the challenge what wait what is that you're obsidian oh already yeah I need to focus I already have Cobblestone go for these next 10 days was to train my Pokemon up to where I could beat Mankey and catch a Legendary by day 10. I've planned it all out yeah the very best you weren't last time and as the challenge began so did the bickering between making everybody's rooting for me too like I'm like the good guy you're the bad guy you're like Team Rocket am I ash catcher you know what I mean like uh I'm like if Ash Ketchum and Batman were combined yes wait no I thought I killed you let's go yes yes well I didn't think Mankey stealing the Iron Golem for me was that big of a deal it would actually put him pretty far ahead in these next few days but what I needed to do now was go craft a healing station I've got a little bit of a plan going I got exactly enough for a healing machine got five oh no actually okay and I just found copper so it's going great for me I need I need to find iron I'm gonna have to step in I'm gonna beat up your Pokemon myself yeah are you this far ahead Maki had not only won the starter Battle he was getting resources and items way faster than me this wasn't a great start but I decided to collect some apricorns and go mining yeah they're all legendaries they're not pseudo Legend do you remember the Pokemon I had last time I forgot what it was called um Garchomp on these nuts are you serious wow I don't even care I just go to the level 15 masculine oh wait oh ready ready let's go let's go two and making it already evolved his rally I checked a mine shot let's go a gold duck yeah yeah you should definitely catch a Golduck let's go 33. and I want to catch him that'd be so good for me finally I had enough resources to build a healing machine wait what'd you guys hold up yes I got him I caught him 30 Golda no way no way what are you gonna do and manky's luck didn't even stop there I I need to start stepping my game up on slacks what how are you finding these boys controlling how are you finding all this stuff with sun stuff please please please killing machine okay done I need to go train my Pokemon oh the munchie despawns but now that it was day three and I was at the surface it was time to level up my Pokemon and make a combat I want to get a Pikachu uh immediately just because of the cool Pokemon this making geez that make you overpowered okay all right we're gonna heal up again we're gonna figure out something else to fight maybe I can take this Butterfree let's try let's try it broke you might be able to get it this is gonna be big XP yes okay okay sweet sweet all right whoa yes let's go hold up hold up what'd you get uh wait oh no oh yes sir no way I told you I'd catch up after taking out a couple Pokemon I finally evolved into Frogadier and he got some new moves but let's keep fighting Pokemon we could probably catch one of these right after this I caught a Pidgey to accompany my Frogadier first Pokemon finally I bet she's gonna catch for a try yes I take out These Guys these heat Wars that's gonna be good for the EVS EVS are basically like effort values a big part of my strategy for these hundred days was going to be Evie training my Pokemon essentially training against specific types of Pokemon will give your Pokemon a stat boost also evolved into Pidgeotto that is sick all right I'm back Mickey um this Forest is probably gonna be decent first off let's just go in this forest and try and catch something no way okay right when I thought minky had all the luck I literally found a level 30 Pikachu in my first few steps inside of this Forest it was literally the one Pokemon I was trying to find early game and like I immediately found it it was perfect fun bro come on please please oh no way oh dude and I was over the moon at the beginning of the video I was like I want a certain Pokemon like I was I was muted Mickey and I literally just found it immediately and it's so high level it's a level 30. crazy with Pikachu is the newest member of my team I walked over to the nearby Savannah Biome to see if there was anything else I could get and then you caught it pretty good let's go what'd you catch uh don't worry about it I will tell you what I caught if you tell me what you caught okay yeah sure all right you go first you get you go first you have to go first for this to work yeah oh you can okay fine I got Scyther oh what no way yeah oh I was gonna get one of those man that's sick that's sick did you get oh I didn't get anything um no I got a Pikachu wait actually yes I actually did away yeah I definitely got a Pikachu oh are you lying no I would never lie to you oh level 43 I'm fighting it I bet you I could take it out at least oh how in the world did I do that much damage to that I got one shot but that doesn't matter I could catch this I could actually catch this surprisingly I was able to get this level 43 ride on down in health so I decided I might as well try and catch him I'm actually making the comeback okay okay I didn't catch you that time come on please please catch please catch come on come on please please this would be game changing I don't want to waste too many pokeballs trying uh he took out that Pokemon I don't want to waste too many pokeballs trying to catch this but come on please please catch please catch Come On Come On We're not gonna catch it don't catch it please no way after my really slow start it felt as if I was finally back in the game against Maki when I caught this absolute Beast insane all right and in the level cap for day 10 is 45 correct yes we decided to do a level cap as one of the rules just to make sure it's decently fair this I don't bring you too much yeah yeah oh my gosh that's gonna be crazy XP these guys are probably gonna get crazy the ride-ons are insane right on right on right on these no no you got me I had actually fighting ride-ons um let's fight this Goldie one shot okay this is actually insane Pikachu is so good as day four came to a close I kept testing the water with my Pokemon and found that they were pretty strong I was feeling more and more confident in my preparation for the Battle of day 10. full seriousness when I said I had a Pikachu yes let's go what piss wait what uh I may have gotten something or I may have evolved something evolved something would you evolve please wait you had a Golduck and you wait did you evolve your starter all the way up already decided why well you better just did you wanna go ready yeah that is ridiculous what just as I thought I was getting ahead of Maki Maki had already gotten a decidueye going into day five you know how did you do that that fast I'm in bed I'm in bed what is that is that a oh wait it's a zero out of two players what no wait I could just do this right now do I wanna evolve them do I wanna do that no way wait I could just dude that's actually what what is that look I think it's just meant to be I think he wants to under the cover of Darkness we're gonna do I think we're gonna have to do it no way no way this has to be the best start ever that is crazy and I'll tell you right now it was meant to be Raichu would be a critical part of my team for the rest of the hundred days that is crazy okay I'm ready to sleep if you are making forget what'd you get I'm not telling you what I got this is my secret weapon hey I told you that I evolved my decidueye so I evolved one of my Pokemon I'll just say that I'll just say that I'm trying to be careful because every time we do one of these challenges I accidentally tell you what Pokemon I have so I'm trying to be careful not to slip up yeah and to switch out to this Beast this absolute Beast right here watch this watch this one shot okay he didn't watch oh you did watch you already have his decision why I need to get a Greninja no no I I'm actually gonna win I can't believe a Mewtwo spawn first thing and you didn't catch it it's impossible it one shot me you know I have yeah it's Froakie simply would have caught it at level 10 I wouldn't okay frokey would have hit it down to one HP precisely perfectly uh for yeah yeah and he would have taken it out he would have taken it out as I was leveling up my front so I could evolve into Greninja I found the snideran and decided to catch it cool Pokemon I I find this Pokemon to be cool it's Evolution to be cool so I'm gonna catch this guy up but I don't want to use too many of my pokeballs because I'm about to have to catch a Legendary because I'm gonna beat Mankey so it's just keep going let's just keep going I've got to be close I've got to be close so the reason I'm not catching all these ghastlys that I'm encountering guys is just because like I had a Gengar last time in the last uh 100 days so I don't I really don't want to repeat Pokemon uh too much if I don't have to I'm joking oh man you're in trouble oh it's just cut out like you're in so much trouble let's actually go that's perfect with my newly acquired Greninja on day six I decided to go out and find some Pokemon and items that would help me catch legendaries throughout the rest of the 100 days let's go okay things are actually going my way so well okay I have five Pokemon now um I have five Pokemon as well I have five Pokemon reach the limits I'm doing it I haven't reached the level limit yet I'm close though I'm close you're getting close probably closer than you yeah yeah yeah you evolved anything yet oh no no no guys I think my team is in a good position to actually beat Maki right now so what I might do is I might focus on getting stuff that will allow me to get Pokeballs and allow me to actually catch the legendaries that will spawn so I need a Pokemon with this leaping move and I need to get some pokeballs is what I need oh I want to catch this to put this on my shoulder that would actually be useful because um because it makes you faster I think hello of Vulpix oh man boom okay that's a good amount of pokeballs I think I need to go apricorn hunting one needs a whole montage of seismic this being a bully to I I don't think they'd be able to find anything I I think it would be oh really I think you're remembering wrong I'm not gaslighting you or anything come on please catch please catch oh no way let's go on day seven I had caught Butterfree who would help me put other Pokemon to sleep I needed to craft a PC though to get him out and on my team the fight Arena the battle arena oh yeah we need to build a battle arena no we'll build it together oh okay this teamwork teamwork as friends friendship ew like that friendship yeah I like friendship yo you don't like me uh uh you made it we're finally being friends with anyone else but you I don't know I I never said that we were friends so it's been I found the starter you found a chest pit yeah no way hopefully I don't kill it I killed it killed it yes that's hot you know what I'm gonna catch this because I don't want to have to level up my other guy guys I'm just really sorry we have to turn keep inventory on making all these thighs and these challenges like he can't even get one level without dying like I remember you died a lot those were those were tactical deaths like Mayfield just like randomly die and lose everything oh hi maybe maybe you want to have that keep inventory on Just for this uh how are you here Mickey and I had met up and then on the night of day eight we finally made it to the Village which would be our Central meeting point for the rest of the hundred days what if we do some trading throughout this hundred days like if you gather up all your Pokemon and I could give you like nothing that's a great yeah I feel like that's a good deal for the both of us during these battles we will have the type chart up guys so I'm just catching something real quick let's go let's go okay you're touching something okay fight it's time to fight oh oh yeah and you're right here okay this is perfect um wait we got we gotta build our battle arena before we actually fight you know just because we're working together to build the stadium does not change anything I agree it's not chicken hey if your mom wasn't paying me to hang out with you you know I we wouldn't we wouldn't do teamwork but like bro what is this lclc oh my gosh I don't think that think that's the issue I don't know you'll see you'll see you'll see no way I love it manky you got more Cobblestone it's it's no it's it's amazing to fix it I'm gonna fix it watch another what's red there's no red just put white tick on it yes that's so much better I'm telling you that looks so much better at the night of day nine the battle arena was coming along pretty good and we decided to sleep the night and battle in the morning on day 10. um let's uh do our Pokemon's moves really quickly I am ready to battle bro I I am all I'm all ready to battle I'm ready to win I'm ready to duel I'm ready to fight oh oh get combo get combo all right all right three two one the first battle uh the winner gets a random legendary gets a chance to catch it so let's fight a nose pass and the battle was off and who else would I lead with but Greninja oh one shot one shot yes what are the chances okay it's fine you're a rock type I'm a water type you should have known to switch out yeah that is ridiculous make these levels were far above mine but Greninja still gave it a go yes oh my gosh that's a lot of damage okay okay let's go for this guy let's go for this guy let's throw one of these out let's throw one of these out thank you for doing stuff I'm immune yes sleep powder I don't know why I didn't know this before but grass types are immune to all powder moves so sleep powder had no effect on decidua weird shackle Ghost type move I use a bad move I use the bad move all right yeah well tick joltix got this oh maybe he doesn't he does with the Tailwind that I set up from Butterfree Joel tick was able to get the first hit and paralyze the city let's do this oh did you miss wait wait no what okay um let's try this come on please one shot please one shot it's annoying that you're not a flying type I need to get some good damage off but was it very effective okay all right let's do this please hit yes oh no okay the situi was sweeping my team this was not good for me we're pulling out the big guy we're right about the big guy all right um we're gonna have to go for this come on please please no oh yes oh yes oh yes let's go let's go he's so oh right on right on so good I didn't know that I hit multiple times let's go paralyzed I couldn't move okay no I use synthesis okay let's go okay all right let's go with this oh my God you have Scyther come on I'm so stupid rock is rock is strong against it's four times effective because we're a flying and a bug type let's go let's go Golduck right when I thought ride on was making the comeback for me Makey pulled out his Golduck no let's go let's go okay oh dude dude all right nice everything let's go good game bro you get to catch a Legendary a random legendary let's see what will spawn uh I got Mew wait what I won't lie the loss on day 10 was tough for me to take now I was Owen two and making had a legendary Pokemon going into the next battle his base stats are 600 can you catch it though is the question well goats type is strong against it oh I'm just gonna use oh ghost type is strong against it one shot one shot one shot one shot oh did you oh oh no well makey's trying to catch this Mew I just wanted to tell you guys I finally have the server for everybody to play on after spending like literally three days looking through all the cobbleman servers making are gonna be spending the next 100 days on kabuland the IP and Discord server which will teach you how to join is in the description and it has so many models and features that aren't even in cobbleman yet so hopefully Mickey and I will see you there the IP is play.cobaland.com and if you guys build it 1 000 negative 500 making I will check it out in the next 100 days no no way you beat me two times and now you have a Mew as day 11 began I started to plan different ways that I could beat Mankey on day 20. if I could pull this off I would get the chance to catch a Legendary and if I did catch it it could flip the entire challenge in my favor because riper is like a super powerful Pokemon because Rhydon did really well I think I want to keep him on my team actually and then I want a fire type I need a good fire type Pokemon to deal with decidueye because decidueye was just ripping through my entire team like I couldn't do anything at all so that's the plan for these next few days and I also want to go mine and get some like good stuff and uh and yeah anyway Mickey are you are you excited to lose in this next battle I'm excited no no no no I was like walking I looked back and I see him like no way I just found him I was like oh it's your own yeah you're like no way I found another one let's go I don't even think I need to evolve my Mew anymore or upgrade them anymore yeah okay dude I've lost in the last two battles and you got like all your resources faster than me This Is War this is like all out like I'm taking you down nothing yay military you should catch one Wanna Know What You Remind Me of but Loki you remind me of miltank like weird way I explored this mountain taking all of its natural resources there are two rare Pokemon that I know spawn on this mountain which are raiolu and Gibble so I was kind of keeping an eye out for those they're like seismic equals insane Mankey equals Snorlax I was like everybody drop a quick seismic equals insane Nike equals Snorlax in the comment section imagine we get like 200 comments some people saying that oh guys I'm trying to bully Mankey and I really need your guys help so go and comment something insulting to him in the comments down below I think I'm gonna get a ripe here so I don't want to catch this but I'm gonna take him out for some easy XP ooh what is that is that a water stone what is that a dawn stone after mining all the oars on this mountain I went to the jungle biome and decided to change some of the Pokemon that were on my team on my team because it kind of stinks but I'm Gonna Keep joltec because it gives me haste other than that I think these other guys are the ones I'm gonna Mickey can you uh can you sing for me uh I I might if you pay me as I go can you sing it to me to like no you know I I don't sing but like someone told me you sing in the comments so you know yeah I gotta focus on getting my team more powerful throughout day 11 I did get a little bit distracted talking to minky but I got some good levels on my Pokemon oh it's that it's that one song um it goes like uh goes uh it goes one two buckle can you sing a one-two buckle my shoe for us making you know for the one time for the subscribers for the subscribers [Music] what's that is that good it was amazing it was amazing oh sick let's go I'm dying oh I'm lagging a lot I'm lagging back oh yeah yeah let's try my singing world just couldn't handle how everything it was yeah while I was singing I got a I got a really good Pokemon did you actually what'd you get I caught it right when I was singing honestly nothing really happened on day 12 I was just searching around the forest trying to find a good biome to go in to level up and get Eevees for my Pokemon on day 13 I found this Badlands and decided to explore a little bit the jungle and I'm in a badlands now which is pretty sick uh but there's I'm not gonna lie it's it's a cool bio but there's not really much hero that's of use to my current team should have caught a ponytail when I had the chance I don't really want to heat more just because I don't like them our box you give attack EVS so uh it should be good for for ride on too don't make the joke don't make the joke ride on bees so that was my new goal to find a Ponyta and evolve him into Rapidash so I would have a good fire type to deal with decidueye I also found the swabl which is a starter Pokemon and I decided to catch it even though I already have a water type Sweet let's go no I really should good oh no way what nothing nothing I just let me throw this at it let's go okay now the team is starting to come together oh another Ponyta wait what you found a Bonita oh no no oh I do that in like every single one I like accidentally tell you on the morning of day 14 I had caught a Ponyta they're pretty common so it wasn't that hard to find multiple of them and I accidentally told Maki that I was using a Pokemon just made it for Mickey once I get this like polish granite and stuff like this protector for my ride on I also want to look for a little bit of diamonds here because then I want to go explore the ocean find an ocean monument and if I do that then I would be able to make an XP share and I can make a ton of them for all my Pokemon because it was so early on in the challenge if I go got a bunch of XP shares now it would be a great investment for all the future battles my Pokemon simply would just be higher level than makies if I could get this quickly yeah you have a supreme advantage in this in this fight what is the um uh what the level Max limit maybe below I don't come uh so I don't completely destroy you in the next battle 55. hey yeah so I actually did when I when I just went mining there I did get the materials to make what I wanted to make I'm gonna mute for a Makey here on ice cream ice cream they have ice cream trucks where you live bro that's the first one I've ever seen that is crazy let's go okay so this thing uh I just made for making this item evolves this Pokemon so if I do this wait how does it work do I have to give it to him what I didn't know about evolving a ride on into a ripe here is that you actually need two different items to do you need a protector which I had just gotten but you also need a Link cable which you can only get by going to the end ride on would have to stay himself for a little while longer dude I love when you do that the good Pokemon just keep coming and coming yes let's go oh what'd you get what'd you get tell me tell me on day 15 I found an Abra just chilling in the wild so I caught it I didn't really try like you know yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah I just wanted you to get your first legendary because I know you'll never catch one again for the rest of the series because I'm gonna win everything so funny so like you know I was just out of the kindness of my heart no way let's keep doing that let's go let's actually go hold on okay what did you get yo that thing's massive that's sweet that's actually Sweet let's go well Makey was making fun of me for gasping every time something good happened Rapidash was finally here things are starting to come together guys do I want one of these I might catch one of these just to have I might catch one of these just in case I want to add it to my team because I don't have a fighting type right now catch I want to actually check out what rapidash's moves are you have Rapidash already not again you're so good at this that big mouth you just keep oh that's I think I've already done it once in this challenge alone yeah as this challenge goes on you'll see that it's a common theme that I constantly accidentally tell Mickey too much information anyways I saw this lava pool and decided that I would build another portal so I could start working towards going to the end then I could get a Link cable and then I could evolve my ride on into rhyperior I just completely messed that up but Hot Stuff guys just know I'm not a speedrunner are you trying to build a portal what no hot stuff and then you you suck at stuff so it's probably a portal no no no no that would be a really good idea though oh yeah yeah if I go like this We're not gonna talk about it we are not going to talk about that no way that's like what noobs do not the minds with an iron pickaxe let's go after lots of struggle I had finally fixed the nether portal and decided to go find a Bastion for the nether roof and I heard that on top of the nether roof um mag mortar spawn which give uh not only give me blaze rods to go get a Link cable gives me special attack and lots of levels ooh a MAG yeah like like these guys are good for EVS anime come back hey let's actually go let's actually go okay this is perfect by the start of day 17 I had finally found a Bastion my goal was to trade with the piglens to get ender pearls so I could glitch on top of the nether roof I'm gonna get some good stuff oh ancient debris that could be nice I could get a master ball maybe oh it's actually good it's I could get a master ball and just catch whatever I wanted yes perfect um let's go let's switch this out for yeah my inventory is so full it's like getting near impossible no let's actually go that's sick just happened I need to up these rates bro that's hilarious yeah it seems I'm like I need to up these raids I was gonna make like a a speed running joke but I mean let's go let's stream I was gonna say it drew I was gonna make a dream joke but that works out perfectly man I might catch this I might just catch this just to have this after looting the Bastion and trading with the piglens I found this fully evolved Gengar and decided I might as well catch it you know I said that I wasn't gonna catch him and that I didn't want him but I might end up actually using that we'll have to see I really like my current team though guys I just made it for making now that I got the four ender pearls even though it's not that much not enough to give me to the end uh which is kind of a bummer I'm gonna go up to the nether roof and try and see if I can actually fight those uh mag mortars that we were talking about that I was talking about while I didn't have enough ender pearls to go to the end I had to go get levels and what's a better thing to do than knock two birds out with one stone and also get blaze rods at the same time see if this actually works I don't know how to do this so yes yes I was right I was right this should be a good source of XP if I can actually take them out I don't know if I'm able to take them out because they're so powerful Nitto no let's go let's go come on come on oh my gosh wait let me grab my guy my Scyther I can use that move this is doing so well this is doing so well for me fun come on one on this guy that's sweet and go like this yes okay he is he's pretty good to to be able to battle I'm ready I'm actually gonna destroy you yeah are you ready though are you really oh yeah are you really yeah throughout the entirety of day 18 and into day 19 I just grinded on the nether roof there is no way all your Pokemon oh they are they are all right so where are you right now I'm I'm in the nether still obviously it's time oh let's go it's time to fight bro okay okay I'm so excited I'm so excited I am I'm excited too you're going down okay I had grinded so hard to get all the levels that I had and also get Rapidash and all the other Pokemon so now it was a test to see if it would really pay off oh that's a weird place for my portal to spawn let me do my moves really quick but I have I have I have a good Strat I think for this I have a really good Strat all right I am I'm ready to fight dude it's day 20. let's do it already I cannot believe that all right let's do it you're going down Let's do let's do I'm confident this time I'm oh a muck 55. yes sir and the Battle of day 20 had started and it was clear that my grinding did actually pay off my Pokemon were now higher level than pretty much all of mankey's decent damage too let's go there come on please please work okay if you're gonna switch off the switch too oh okay okay sweet sweet let's just go for one of these I knew you would switch I'm gonna switch I'm gonna switch let's go away yeah I got Gyarados right when I thought my Rapidash would be able to take out decidueye minky pulled out a Gyarados and ah that was smart of you come on come on Raichu everything's 55 what I know I have some good Pokemon I have some I have some really powerful guys I don't know oh shoot I told you I was grinding hard um legendary I'm gonna get the legendary oh Mew now the biggest threat I had to deal with was on the field the legendary Raichu had been a reliable Pokemon ever since I got him as a little peek you despite his disadvantage in base stats Raichu would continue to prove himself I knew what let's go right choose a beast right choose a beast I remember when you were just a little Pikachu oh Gyarados is back oh that's good light work light work one shot let's go let's go yes okay I'm getting the legendary oh how the tables have turned making how the tables have turned um let's do this I missed missed Miss missed oh okay okay what is he doing what is he doing what's going on in that tiny tiny Corona monkey brain um oh yes let's go it's fine it's fine come on please please take him out please take him out oh you're raising your evasiveness that's annoying come on please oh no even though Raichu couldn't take out ditto he still took out two and a half Pokemon now it was rapidash's turn to shine all right all right all right come on I think you copy my stats so Raichu is super fast so that's why you could do you could do that so easily oh muck okay let's try this let's try this oh that did nothing that's annoying what did you use use acid armor you're raising your defense that's cheeky that's cheeky let's go there that's good oh come on come on okay there we go there we go I didn't know that you can't you can only have one that I could add another learning things this is good all right we're gonna put out this guy do this just to be safe I had the shadow snake yeah I can do this oh I can do this what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do I'm fine with this I'm fine with it take it take it oh you did nothing oh Oh I thought you weren't gonna I think I was gonna switch ah ah nope I I don't switch I don't switch oh cause I could be in trouble if I win again imagine if I win again if you win again I would be so angry Raichu would still put me in the lead but Maki was making a comeback the stakes of this battle are very high because if Makey wins he gets to catch another legendary essentially making it near impossible for me to win any of the future battles please Butterfree let's go no no this could be wrong come on joltick please hit please hit just go let's go oh wait what does that mean what do you have like no I have one more one more what is that no wait oh wait actually that's stuck gg gg I win I have to win there's there's no way you can take this out come on yes no did I just win that's okay I got another one I got another one so I get it I get a legendary now a random legendary that's fun it's fun oh it's an article that's so sick okay oh okay what do I what do I do to take this guy out uh this is gonna be hard to catch but I'm gonna try come on oh it one shot me let's go for this okay nice we got the paralysis off I think we're gonna have to go with this guy come on okay you know what it's 22 Health it's 22 health I don't want to take any risk any risks I'm gonna I'm gonna try and catch this I'm gonna try and catch this come on I'm not gonna catch it please because I have to catch this there's no way one two come on Articuno Loves Me three yes finally I got my first win of the series and also caught my first legendary I was on top of the world but I needed to make sure that I would stay there by planning out these next 10 days very carefully you want to sleep with me yeah this is this is not weird at all totally normal as day 21 started the good things just kept coming I found this Growlithe chilling around the village and he's an amazing fire type maybe even better than Rapidash wait that's actually sick I think that might I might replace my Rapidash with that hey that's crazy that that just happened bro this is this is sick let's go okay okay I don't know which is gonna be better between them but that works dude please don't okay I'm Gonna Catch You I'm Gonna Catch You now come on please catch please catch please catch dude it's mine let's go let's go oh okay I'm gonna look at him his face stats should I should I put Rapidash in the PC I don't know I think I might have to Arcanine the evolved form of growless base stats is a lot higher than Rapidash so I pretty much had to use I want to know I wanna know it's the win I guess well I don't know if that's no I lost it last the last one I'm kind of sad but it's all right I'll win at chirisu for Articuno you know what deal oh oh no I'm just kidding psych psychic rolled get trolled all right guys I just muted from Mickey I'm I think I might be able to actually make a piece of netherite which if you use netherite I think you can make a master ball I'm gonna work towards that uh in these next 10 days and I also don't really know what I want to do in these next 10 days I did really well against minky I think I might go mining and try get an XP share and go exploring into the ocean to try and find an ocean Monument to get a materials to make an XP share and I might just try and make a ton of them so that was the plan because I was a little bit further ahead than making I could spend time right now investing in items that would help me in the future sorry I interrupted I interrupted um yeah you're right I'll stop no no no no no no no I need to know this Insight I need to know this that's insulting to me um make the video by yourself I'm done I I guess I'll come back oh I suppose I'll pay you I'll pay you it's time to teach you pre-evolution of Pikachu no way that's crazy you might have I not catch it um he looks like me pretty big so I'm Snorlax maybe no different let's go what'd you get I just got the best it's got Snorlax you want a Snorlax no I'll skill I'll skill oh skill yeah yeah really skillful player Maggie had gotten really lucky by finding a Snorlax but I got even luckier by finding this ocean Monument right away okay is it these that give it does that break it oh wait it gives you it gives you it that's all I need that's what I need and then I need diamonds right that is sick okay sweet I just have to break all these that actually happened a lot faster than I thought it would this is perfect okay getting these prismarine scale things would help me to make XP shares well my goal is to get some good items for my Pokemon making the biggest joke in my video will always be your skills in Pokemon I don't need to go mining to get the uh special item I was talking about earlier the I just read it for making the XP share so yeah okay now you can look in chat there we go diamonds no what wait you got diamonds there we go um yeah I'm gonna go down here guys on the night of day 22 I had finally made it back to land and found this cave it had plenty of diamonds which was absolutely awesome let's go let's go how many how many are we getting how many we get all right I will take two diamonds I will take two diamonds let's go wait is that more dude this is actually insane dude the amount of dime that I'm finding in such a quick amount of time that's only one though dude I can already make one you can already make one of what I need this is done so if I do this you're gonna hit a nine tails manky had gotten a fire stone to evolve his Vulpix into a nine tails when he did this this reminded me that I had to also get a fire stone to evolve my Growlithe into Arcanine I know I have a clear hey guys so I just realized these netherite scraps I need four of them to make a another Ingot and then I don't know what the master ball recipe is it's not showing up here not only did Maki evolve his Scyther into clebour I didn't have enough netherright to get a master ball anyway I was able to make another portal here and go get Glowstone so I could finally start building the XP shares so I need to find the glowstone oh perfect that actually could not have been better Mankey you're gonna be in trouble here soon okay I don't know about that I'm actually like I'm getting so high level stuff uh you're leveling you're power leveling your stuff I figured out yeah yeah I got so level for this battle is 65. so I'm gonna be trying to get all the Pokemon up to even levels nice and even so I can beat you evenly fairly fairly fairly yeah yeah yeah yeah and then if I go XP boom one ah boom boom I have two XP shares so I think I'm gonna put one on Growlithe for sure because he's low level and then probably Butterfree I'm contemplating whether I want to use this mending helmet for it I feel like I should because I'm not gonna really need to protect myself from damage so I might as well just make another XP share if I can boom let S three of them all right Mickey I'm back what's up oh what's up I'm I'm doing so good right now bro I'm not gonna even lie I'm so ready on the morning of day 25 I finally left the cave and went to the surface and realized that I really needed to level up my Pokemon if I wanted to have a chance in the next battle nine tails how'd you do that in Firestone I was actually a water stone yeah yeah did you found it like underground or something oh Butterfree it was just in like a random cave uh yeah yeah what are you trying to find one no no oh no why why dude why would you why would you think that oh no I just made it for Makey I think he's on to us I'm gonna catch em all Pokemon should we should we do a series where we catch like all the Pokemon it's like whoever can catch the most that would be fun but I like battling better my favorite is Mew it is Mew is it actually you're growing like a bond with your Mew we are we are you guys I think I know hey there we go there's a miraculous I spent most of day 25 traveling through the ocean to get back to the Badlands when I was back here I decided to farm miracus with my Articuno to get special attack EVS so he was more powerful in battle um progress from the last two minutes when I asked you how you were doing yeah you say that a lot you know I do I do you know I want to hear from you like you know I've attachment issues look at how cool that is I can see Articuno Shadow hello I I have attachment issues if you're enjoying the video so far I would really really appreciate it if you would subscribe it helps me in the channel out a ton and it helps me keep making videos like this you know so if you're enjoying that'd be awesome yes yes I think miracus only spawn on Sand though Midway through Day 26 I realized that miraculous don't really spawn that well in the Badlands compared to the desert I decided to go find a real desert because it would help me get my Pokemon more powerful faster I cannot even see what level my Articuno is because I have so much XP in the chat that's still level 60 and terrible only level 60. I think it may have leveled up yeah I leveled up uh boom parkour and now we're getting levels fast let's go yeah the desert is so much better for the miracle spawns it's ridiculous yes sir yeah it's so much easier to train at my guys with with this mirac this killing Strat especially because Articuno is super effective against him it just it's instant one shots I need to stay out of the Badlands Badlands is terrible it's bad lands it's a bad it's bad literally I told you it and you still went in I still wouldn't listen guys I just needed for making I really want to get my Articuno up to level 65. my riots you up to level 65 and probably Greninja up there just because um and I want to bring all my other Pokemon up to at least level 50. uh just because uh I know Mankey is gonna be really close to the level cap of 65 so I need to be there as well on day 27 I decided that I would save getting the Firestone for Growlithe for the next 10 days and that I would just level my Pokemon for my remaining time big guy riots you could take care of yeah about it I've been looking at just the stats more trying to understand those and then like you know type chart trying to understand that but you know it's it's nothing nothing big yeah so I've actually been looking at Pokemon Showdown which is like a like it's like where all the professionals like are all the like tryhard Pokemon players they build like Pokemon teams out of like they don't have to like grind for them and then they fight each other with like whatever Pokemon they want so I've been looking at that to see which Pokemons are actually good though originally Butterfree I didn't want really to be a part of my team but I think I might keep them for a little bit just because he's he's uh he's grown in levels he's he's doing pretty well I'm gonna get him to level 50 or so and then I'm gonna change the XP share to Greninja because Greninja needs to get some levels but um I really like him Articuno is doing so well actually I don't remember you destroying me in the last battles at all I just have no no no no oh you have like memory loss okay no no I don't think I do it no you know no I I just think I just think I want everyone oh okay okay by the end of day 27 Articuno is now at the level limit for the next fight so I had to level up some of my other guys to level them up so I'm going to go with I'm gonna start using some different Pokemon let me take this off of him let me take this off and let me Chuck this guy out like this and let me let me do this let me do this let me do this let me do this all right and Knight is almost falling okay I need to I need to act fast I need to act fast here yes good damage yes okay we're getting levels I just need to keep keep going right on just learned a move that is absolutely amazing just learned earthquake let's go okay that that's that's like a reliable and nice ground type move that does a lot of damage that I can use against all these guys so it's actually kind of oh well I mean reliable if he doesn't immediately die the daytime of day 28 passed pretty swiftly and now it was the morning of day 29. like you know it's we both we both really won one if you don't count the start of battle which was great on it completely rigged you know if we don't if we don't count rigged battles you know it was me but you know we've we've like had an argument yeah argument yeah there's drama there's beef you're no longer like feeding spoons of ice cream here comes the airplane style I was doing it I was doing it and then like one day he just like didn't want to do it I was like what are you doing it just didn't work it was just like he got bored of it I was like serious his feelings changed we're still we're still good but you know it's it's taking a little hit on a relationship you guys are liking you got friend zoned yeah that's right you gotta right choose level six five anyway continue no yeah why are you trying to you're trying to um interrupt my therapy session no I got two seconds left on timer two seconds left two seconds left one all right yeah it's time day 30 was approaching quickly so by the time we got back to base it would be time to battle because Mickey and I are currently tied with one legendary each whoever could catch a Legendary after this battle would have a big Advantage because that does crazy damage I think this is amazing I think that's good his moveset nope it looks pretty good and then it looks pretty good I think oh this guy's moves could probably use uh some help he's a physical attacker so after organizing all of my Pokemon's moves it was finally time to battle once again hopefully the Eevee training and the levels that I did in the past 10 days would really pay off okay oh nope that's awkward okay yeah let's duel let's do it let's do it oh oh oh and Pokemon yeah oh yeah and Pokemon obviously all right let's wait let's do it let's do it I'm winning oh my gosh I forgot you brought that that thing's that's crazy Health probably yeah that's okay make you let off with a Max Level Snorlax and I let off with my usual Greninja um come on please let's go like come on like this I use spikes with Greninja and then Snorlax use Gian on me so I had to switch out so my Greninja wouldn't fall asleep one of these come on again yeah okay yeah you like that damage okay it's fine that's fine let's go to if you switch out it doesn't count that's why I keep switching oh what was that move body slam yikes okay uh let's let's use this okay sweet now I'll start using this yes okay uh let's hit one more of these no okay I tried my very hard just to set up with Butterfree but it didn't end up working out at this point in the battle I felt that if all of minky's Pokemon were just as strong as Snorlax I could lose this very easily yes okay that's good come on please yes okay okay I took him down I took him down that Snorlax was annoying oh it's making me angry let's go there let's go that decidueye okay oh boy oh boy oh you're so annoying this works oh you tickle you absolutely just tickle let's let's throw one of these let's see how this one does let's see how this one now it was finally time to test out my legendary Pokemon Articuno but I don't know if he really got a fair Shake because I made some pretty poor decisions they're spectating oh man okay with this one I bet you it's me I bet you it's me oh it's not oh that was a small move that was a smart move I hate to break it to you you confuse me come on no oh yeah what are you gonna do why are you faster than me let's go no what come on come on how are you that powerful Articuno is dead please oh yes no let's go what that thing's actually powerful even though Articuno was taken out by a bad type matchup I could still come back in this battle using my other strong Pokemon damage yes I did a ton of damage all right that works yeah yeah I knew it yes oh hang in there okay oh that's not good what happens oh man you know it's fine it's fine it's fine Riot you oh yes sir Let's uh let's throw one of these up throughout this 100 days I have to say Raichu was most definitely the MVP his combination of powerful moves status moves and speed was just something that no Pokemon could mess with alone yes go okay okay come on please damage yes you're paralyzed nothing you can't move if I keep double teaming you're not gonna be able to hit me all right you know I'm just gonna finish you off because I'm so confident Oh no you're switching ditto let's go one shot before you what before you could switch types I one shot you because you switched in let's go um what do I do here here what do I do here let's just hit him with one of these come on please please please right she was immune to use an attack that I'm immune to let's go let's go oh my gosh I'm actually gonna win I'm actually gonna win this is insane as long as I held Raichu away from Bad tight matchups he could not be stopped choose this yes okay okay come on please Cleaver's paralyzed yes yes let's go what that was good damage that was good that was good oh decidueye um this one shots this has to one shot come on oh my gosh you healed did I miss I missed oh no okay please please please no wait I might have lost oh right on um please please ride on there's no way there's no way I win wait oh yes wait can I win this no oh but you have more you have a wait don't you have a Gyarados oh you have a nine tails wait I'm fat wait you're Faster come on please please hang in there hang in there right on please write on oh no I missed Miss no no oh no oh my gosh and just like that I learned a valuable lesson don't use inaccurate moves when you don't need to that Miss cost me the entire game nine tails was maki's last Pokemon let's go dude oh that was so close I can't believe it oh I shouldn't have used an inaccurate move oh that was so stupid of me I should just use the earthquake come on let's see what you get I hope it's nothing good you gotta zap those all right now it's now it's a test if you can actually catch it I don't think you can catch that as far as Pokemon battling goes it's a wide consensus the Zapdos is the best of the three legendary birds and of course Mankey just got that Mewtwo that we didn't catch at the start it's gonna show up later so it's it gets put right back into the pool so when Makey fails to catch this no okay please don't catch please don't catch please don't catch I'm breaking the Pokeball I'm breaking the Pokeball yes don't catch it don't catch I'm breaking it yeah I'm breaking it again break break don't catch don't catch no no no no no no no no no no good game bro I can't believe we got a Zapdos that it was day 30 done right yeah day 31 I cannot believe you just beat me bro after that totally unfair loss I was pretty motivated to come back in the next 10 days and completely destroy makey's team I realized that one of my weak points was that growlith wasn't even evolved into Arcanine so I decided that I would work on that first they'll need the Link cable for which means that we have to go to the end for and I think we'll do that in the next 10 days or the next 10 days after that making out probably go together hey Mickey do you want to go to the end together like in the next yeah 10 days okay all right for the last five days of today we are gonna build houses uh next to each other right right now it's Grind Time so we're trying to figure stuff out and I went in like the worst possible direction for anything good I don't know why yeah I want to go to the nether because you know you went but I I haven't gone yet oh yeah yeah you should go to the nether take out some mag mortars because we're definitely gonna have to fight them or try try and find a Bastion and get some ender pearls because we're going to use the last few days of these 10 days to build our houses it was going to be even harder for me to make a comeback in the next battle as I had very little time to do so and also I'm gonna start collecting apricorns because I need to be able to catch the next Pokemon I didn't think they were that hard to catch Mickey had like a really hard time catching it didn't you make it didn't you have a hard time catching the Zapped up it was it was so easy it was Flawless it was Flawless it's super easy I messed up the hot stuff oh you are you are going to the nether okay all right I see how it is oh yeah I see how it is let's go yes that was the quickest I've ever made a portal what was it such a speedrunner that dream no way hey yep I'm secretly dream I sound like him yeah yeah you're just terrible at PVP in it Minecraft so as Maki was heading off into the nether I went down in the caves to look for the fire stone I was kind of confused on where to look but eventually I still humbled upon one I think I got pretty lucky when fighting the Firestone because I found that pretty early on oh I found a fortress I found a magme I would get blaze rods we we do need those oh yeah use your looting three sword and take stuff out maybe that I don't know if it oh yeah you do have a looting through sword I forgot about that you found yours underground right Mickey I found it in the sky yeah yeah yeah yeah are you ready ready ready ready oh my gosh you did actually find a fortress oh more diamonds more diamonds I feel like you're just completely misleading me yeah I'm no never ask you anything about it you're just like yeah it's over there it's over there I was asking Mankey how to find the Firestone but I soon became to realize that he wasn't really trustable for this he was my rival after all on the bright side I was able to find a bunch of diamonds down here but I wouldn't find the Firestone until I went closer to the surface diamonds there I guess I'll I'll grab them so I can make more XP shares this is that's gold again he shares oh that's smart oh no oh I need to keep looking for this maybe I read it wrong I said I thought it was negative 162 or 192. maybe it's up to positive 192 and that could be like the spawns I don't even what's this yeah I don't know wait found it finally okay okay all right that was that happened a lot faster than I thought it would um I thought that was gold it looks so much like gold on the morning of day 33 I had found the item that I was looking for sweet okay I got one oh I have I got nine pearls I have like a stack of gold for them I got nine pearls guys I just made it from Mickey first things first what I want to do is I want to evolve Growlithe into Arcanine so I might just do that right now so you'll hear and then like this and then got the Firestone yes sir oh let's get together I got something good I got something good learned a new moon as well if you you tell me what you got uh I'm I'm not gonna tell you I can't tell you okay that's sweet that is one that is one down what I'm gonna do I wanna put it on Arcanine now because um Arcanine is a physical attacker and by killing like heatmores and uh miracus he will get special attack EVs and those won't really be good for him so I need to fight Pokemon or I need to fight with like Greninja or a Pokemon who needs these special attacking EVS to make them more powerful as day 33 bled into day 34 I was sure to be careful about the EVS that I put on my Pokemon if I were to get the wrong stat Buffs on the wrong Pokemon I couldn't trade them out for the correct one we gotta we gotta get a move on it don't we yeah I'm already getting the move on it you already getting to move on it how's your progress good progress yeah while I'm getting I have nine pearls and then I'm gonna try to farm some mag mortars we'll see how to get and then I don't even need to like go back I'll just go to the end without you okay you want to go to the end I'll be nice I'll be nice I'll wait uh how many pearls did you get though when you were in the nether I currently have three oh okay that's perfect how many do you have I have nine yeah and I always know your plan is in full know that I have XP shares you craft them I had them last time I forgot how I crafted them I can't tell you I can't tell you isn't it like you need um to go to the ocean Monument like a shark something like that and you have it I just do I just do it what's up what's up I saw some comments about how you can go on the the nether Roof oh did you get on the nether roof I was on there I didn't tell you I was muting but I was on there I've already been on the nether oh really yeah I've already knew about it too you knew it yeah yeah I just got a I just got a blaze powder oh yeah so I I got oh I I guess I do have two blaze powder actually so I should have mentioned that Maki was actually starting to get smarter and how he played the game and I had a feeling that he was studying pretty hard in between recording session I did exactly the same I came from I really came from that direction but I was just circling around looking at stuff I just needed for making these uh miraculous are giving me some good uh special attack EVS for Articuno I kind of want to work on articuno's EVS leading up to these next days just because Articuno is just a beast I also want to invest in Greninja a little bit because I he's my starter and I haven't used him during Day 36 I went back to the desert biome and started to grind pretty hard but not without trolling Maki a little bit while they're getting overpowered oh not as much as me no that dumped Mew I dumped Mew for Zapdos you dumped Mew really actually did you put it in your PC are you keeping it with you oh he's in my my uh my layout but you know we're not in your party but buds anymore you guys broke anymore yeah oh man guess who cares nobody yeah no no okay nobody cares nobody asked okay that's bullying completion I'm gonna sleep powder and catch that actually it's actually cool fun as the sun rose on day 37 I found a happening which evolves into Chansey and blissy which is a really tanky Pokemon I decided to catch it even though I didn't have too many players what was that my Pokemon are going to sleep that works yeah I can't I can't believe you started to use yawn again like you used to like you did in the last time hey it works 100 days if you guys didn't see it you guys should definitely watch after this video uh Mankey at the final battle well I shouldn't spoil it but he he's yawned and it was it was really annoying for me Greninja is now level 70 so I gotta throw him out and I gotta take this XP share off and I don't really have anybody else to put it on because everything else is getting close to that level 70 Mark as all of my Pokemon were getting really close to the level 70 Mark I was feeling super confident so I decided to try and bring Arcanine up in some levels all right making it back yeah Mickey what are you gonna build your house out of when we go build houses here in a minute uh out of my victories oh really you're gonna have like a shack have like a yep so so what you're saying you're gonna be homeless you're gonna be homeless if you do that well you can you can probably build like a giant mansion of your losses I had my losses oh oh so I just found up here what Charmander you found the Charmander yeah no way catch it why not I mean it's like you're definitely getting a Charizard that's not good for me all right that's time that's time we have to go back and build our face you have to go back and build our base now I'm actually super excited for this alrighty so yeah we are back now just as I promised on day 38 Mickey and I started to build our houses I don't know what make you scratch me like that I want to build here I I call dibs on over here Mickey you should build over here so the battle Arena's in the middle of both of our houses like you could build on this hill and I could build an aisle what about that okay all right I need to actually make some decent tools here guys I just made it for manky you know even though this is a Pokemon competition I I still want my house to look better than Mickey's come on like those are like Polar Opposites there's our very light colored as the day went on making nice houses were starting to come together but they looked a lot different from each other it's gonna be hard to get materials too thick yeah like Snorlax thick just copying my build I see how it is oh what we have the exactly no this is you copied my Cobblestone copy my Cobblestone what no my coffee my Cobblestone you said before you were like oh that Cobblestone is a good idea [Music] I never said that they're ass sliding me you are turning gas money what you're gaslighting me oh yeah what go like this what yeah what in the world oh yours actually looking good now manky's house was kind of terrible before but now it was starting to look really good because of the roof so I was kind of getting a little bit concerned I really only had like one more day max until we would be fighting so I kind of had to go quick but when I saw this Eevee I was sure to prioritize Pokemon over the houses cool Pokemon if I found a uh on Eevee just sitting in the wild while I was building the house no way yeah so I pretty much finished my house check out each other's houses and then battle okay yes all right let me all right let me let me add this you try hard all right I think oh wait oh you have no floor inside of your house there's no foreign who cares who cares oh I think I win I think I win your house isn't even like look at the outside look at the outside your house isn't even furnished on the inside I can so much better I don't know look from the outside just like look at it okay it does look good I I think you did win I think you did win that compared to this you don't even have an entrance come on in yeah see what is this it's a cram it's so crams I have a nice bed I I have a friend oh no get out of here get out of here after we finished our builds I made some Pokeballs and it was time to battle I changed a matte block out for spikes I think he has a good move set honestly Raichu same thing you did get this I'm gonna switch that in for that I think I'm gonna switch that for that and let's fight Let's do let's do it come on Snorlax okay all right okay gonna be another free win for me we're gonna do this all right okay okay what happened did I miss yeah yeah you missed I protected to see what moves Snorlax would use then I decided what I wanted to switch in you have to remember that making now has two legendaries and I only have one meaning that it's more critical that all my decisions are perfect oh yes okay I did decent damage you did like half oh no come on oh no you slept oh I did crazy damage though come on come on let's go ride on please ride on yes let's go let's go let's go take the L take the L come on right On's better than Snorlax and rhydon's not even fully evolved yet by the way oh boy oh shoot oh we didn't mean to do that that actually works out well for me I like the other way around manky had made a mistake which I was able to capitalize on by getting some good damage on decidueye Get Wrecked uh what do I do here decidueye level 70. yeah that's crazy what are you gonna do all right I'm gonna throw out this guy you recovered okay that's smart that was smart oh um let's just throw one of these out how will this do how will this do come on articuna of course you would switch to oh Cleaver oh again again let's go I'm gonna set the time today because oh yeah she died I'm setting the time today just just so so we can see better even though Articuno didn't do that great when I first got him he would get his Redemption this is actually perfect yeah I saw the Kudo yeah yeah Legendary Bird versus legendary bird this is going to be interesting what are you going to do huh and do I I don't know I'm you got me you got me in a pickle I won't lie do have me in a pickle yeah he's immune watch him be mean yeah no oh you guys use the status move okay all right yeah all right let's go for this what are you gonna throw out oh Mew I missed I miss I started to realize that each battle against Maki he would make better and better decisions making it harder to defeat him he was definitely learning from his mistakes so I had to be sure to do the same thing survive oh no yes no let's go okay yes are there free the big Butters that's what I like to call them not really I just made that up yes okay I put you to sleep at least I put you to sleep at least all right let's do this all right um Now Let's do let's do this come on Butterfree no you're switching probably gonna be faster than me it's not very effective okay sweet let's go for this come on come on right you on um go back to this all right that's fine yeah oh wait oh no I missed um no okay that's annoying come on let's do this let's do this come on oh yes no let's hit him with this please come on oh that's good damage oh that hurts come on come on right you just have to keep going yes oh you're recovering you're recovering yes come on oh yes hang in there Raichu come on Raichu no right when I needed to write you Good Old Reliable Raichu was able to take out Mew leaving one legendary alive on maki's team uh let's be annoying and go for one of these you missed you missed no way the longevity I'm getting out of variety right now is insane oh oh you confused me you know it's fine all right you oh let's go come on decidue okay all right I can take it out um let's go for a quick one of these I got the paralysis off because I'm faster no way and you couldn't move I'm getting so lucky alright that did nothing you were still paralyzed though Thunderbolt doesn't do anything to this guy uh let me go for this come on oh you hit yourself in confusion oh my gosh yes yes I'm actually gonna win this one wait how are you getting that unlucky okay there you go I was gonna say it's kind of I'm not hitting I can't you can't hit me let's go come on ride you yes what the monkey still didn't even have one counter that could reliably take out my Raichu it was amazing Raichu once again was hard carrying my team every single time it says I'm paralyzed really let's go I got so lucky there Raichu was actually like such okay all right his Reign just ended his rain just ended um what do we do here let's go with this let's go with this okay um alrighty oh nice I hung in there no what no I didn't get to hit wait I'm dead uh I guess if the luck is swinging in my direction it kind of has to swing back towards Maki so my Articuno is easily taken out here by Zapdos I hang in there hang in there yes okay okay yes yes I burned you okay that's good let's do one of these do one of these come on yes yes let's go I took him down okay all right let's go let's go okay good game bro good game hey I'm gonna be real with you you may have won you definitely did win in the house War but I think I won the Pokemon battle let's go okay let's see what legendary I get to catch let's go oh yes finally I was so lucky to get a Rayquaza as my second legendary but now I had to be able to catch it I'm gonna I'm gonna try and Whittle him down this is Sweet let's go the way I got a Rayquaza okay Rayquaza just woke up and slapped my butter face this could this could be bad I could not be able to catch him come on ooh that's he's low now he's low now I I need to catch him I need to catch him um yes yes I I'm gonna go like this I'm gonna go like this now it's time to start trying to catch it dude I can't believe I'm getting Rayquaza I don't know who I'm gonna switch it out for let's go let's go no way let's try to let's go baby and at the end of day 40 Rayquaza was my second first try legendary because butterfree's base stat total is super low I might I might have to switch him out for Butterfree I I think I will have to you know Butterfree he's done me well but you know just like ash did it's time to let him go and I think I'm gonna have to use Rayquaza that's crazy Mickey I can't believe I got that dude you're gonna have a such a tough time in the next battles because of that that's gonna be crazy yeah all right I'll come back let's go let's wait till morning and then uh day 41 will start all right sweet you have pretty much all the stuff to go to the end I have the missing materials that you need actually we just said hey we're gonna go to the end together for these next few days we're still gonna fight at the end of these next ten days oh no here is that now you have enough right Mickey and I decided that it would be fun to go to the end together and beat the ender dragon as acquaintances see where it goes oh This Way backwards okay all right all right uh you're stealing the Pokemon from it oh there's just a a random healing stage oh wow wow see how it is didn't even let me heal didn't even let me heal my party I'd like to stay as far away from you as possible at all times right so this way bro hopefully not too much for that it was taking a while to find the stronghold so Mickey and I decided that we wouldn't fight any Pokemon on the way no no wow wow didn't even let me catch I can't get a Snorlax not allowed I've destroyed your Snorlax like every single battle did you throw it yeah that go down wait that one's back it's here wait it went back probably down there awesome it's right here yeah I have a shovel oh you do too okay all right you see that the chunks didn't load for me and I just like yeah same same oh wait I can see through the world oh wait no you broke it you broke it you ruined it you ruined it I don't ruin anything except for Everything You Touch hey dude we're having a moment there then you just shot me for bonding are we close oh let's go yes sir wait I can get the advancement yeah so the level cap for the next fight is 75. oh library at the start of day 42 Mickey and I were in the stronghold and decided that we would explore a little bit wow Bieber wow what is this gone maybe no way I'll Escape guess what I'm just gonna catch one right now Makey knew that gallark was one of the Pokemon that I was thinking about adding to my team before we started recording this Challenge and he immediately took it from me oh yeah you can go ahead and find the stronghold I'm catching the skull it I might get a Galler I just have to try and catch it at this point come on please catch please catch let's go I caught it and guess what well yes sir yeah I I don't really want to tell you where I'm at now that you snake that Pokemon from underneath me but I did find I did find the stronghold if you want to come to me okay I can't believe you tried to steal that from me that was so cringe that was so cringe of you it was pretty empty I just crashed I think I just crashed wait I just got I Spy I just got I spy again so that yeah guys the server was glitching that's why I didn't get I spy immediately I guess um all right are you ready to go through here all right what I have 10 I have 10 eyes really is it a glitch yeah 10 eyes we like put these eyes in before it glitched but it is what it is go ahead go ahead no I'm going okay try and shoot him down I'm gonna pile up after whatever that server lag was it was the night of day 43 and Mickey and I were finally in the end and working together really need a bow don't die don't die 360. he's mad at you for being mean to me thank you yeah I did all the work nice like always while we're fighting this Ender Dragon I thought I'd explain what item I need to evolve ride on into rhyperior I told you guys I need the Link cable but the way you craft It Is by smelting chorus fruit and getting popped chorus fruit this would be super easy to do by fighting the Pokemons that are around the Ender Dragon hey you're messing up my shots on the Ender Dragon ow that's a hit that's it that's it that's something more hits off it should be like a a counter for who did more damage until this thing perches I'm just gonna fight these and try and get some EVS on Greninja the course would I need to make the Link cable uh so now all there's left to do is oh wow is is defeat this uh Ender Dragon oh I don't know where are you taking all the XP [Music] let's go once Mickey and I had finished off the Ender Dragon Makey took all the XP so I pushed him through the portal this allowed me to get the dragon egg not that it was of any benefit to me it was just it was just fun to be the guy with the dragon egg that's all are you salty that I push you through should I have not done I'm a little salty yeah I'm angry I was gonna steal that uh dragon egg hey you're back all right yes I'm finally back I accidentally overshot the bass by a little bit um anyway yeah let's sleep let's sleep I get scared sometimes in the dark so it scared in the dark come here come here come here bring him it's like a sleepover wait you didn't you didn't give me my good night kiss manky what's up with that and now it was the morning of day 46. one of these and put this in here yeah now now let's go level up our Pokemon I want to make the Link cable so to do that I have to smelt some coarse fruit make popped coarse fruit and this will allow me to evolve ride on into rhyperior who is like super who's this it's just a super powerful Pokemon like this guy who's been doing good in all the battles he literally evolves which is it's just crazy oh let's go even though it took like 40 days of having him I had finally gotten my ride on into a rhyperior it was well worth the wait let's test them out oh even though I lost the last two I have a plan for this one I have a plan do you now do you you had some pretty strong Pokemon but I'm gonna get some stronger ones you have a plan all right let's see the plan let's see the plan I just made it for Mickey so for these next few days I really just want to level up my guide I like didn't react much at all because I didn't want to make you to know but this is like I was hoping so bad that I would get Rayquaza um anyhow uh XP share up on uh because the level cap was really low this time it was the perfect opportunity to make sure all of my Pokemon were pretty even in levels for Ninja up in a lot of levels and EVS I'm gonna get my girl ninja to be the most powerful Pokemon ever yeah guys so I am going to actually have a server that I'm gonna play on for the next 100 days which you guys will be able to join probably partner with the server that I find out is like really cool that I really like so if I have not already while editing this like put in a a plug for that server if you go onto my Discord server or if you go in the link in the description there probably will be a server to join that I will be playing on for my next 100 days you guys make like a town I'll visit in the next 100 days you guys can be in the video what what a makey's like they like bananas do you like bananas yeah it is I love bananas what's yours I had like eight in a row one like one day pretty unhealthy but it was good yeah probably like 20 actually probably like 20. uh you should enter you know the hot dog eating contest it was like a hot dog eating contest like professional yeah some people actually some people actually say I could do it yeah you probably could like like but with bananas do you like do you like green bananas or yellow bananas oh no I like in the Middle where it's not too ripe but dude I like them kind of green I don't know why is that weird yeah I feel like that's a bit weird yeah guys it's kind of hard to use greninja's move set so I'm gonna switch out I'm gonna put water shirkin back on him I think after making my Pokemon faster with speed EVS from taking out caterpies and weedles I finally made it over to the desert on day 47. the desert is really one of the best places to get XP so you'll probably see me here a lot and also guys the max amount of legendaries you can have on your team we made a rule is two just so we like don't have all legendary overpowered teams in this it's not unfair if someone keeps winning right I choose EV training is going well greninja's is going really well oh Articuno has crazy oh what is that thing cigarette on day 48 I caught the sigolith which I would never take out of the PC it's cool oh this is so good not only am I like gaining levels but I'm also like oh figuring out which attacks are the best to use against you oh that's smart yeah I don't want to use Rife carrier a little bit and get him Evie trained up in his attack might as well we might as well train him up a little bit like a good amount you know I just don't want to lose again it's it's embarrassing losing a you out of all like come on hey I mean losing to you is like I don't know it it it it never really happens that much so and yet I've won three out of the five that we fought I I I I don't know what you're talking about I don't know you're talking about oh yeah yeah you know it's kind of embarrassing everyone's gonna flame you in the comments when I make the comeback at the end of like uh of like winning everything than they won't when I win the at the last day what'd you find on the a scissor you got a scissor out in the open the open yeah what actually I can use a clever and a scissor in the same way what I didn't even know that was possible I could use a scissor right now so I could have false swipe and get the Pokemon I'm trying to catch down low or I just killed it you killed it yes let's go Mickey did you ever watch the Pokemon like anime stuff like the the TV show okay the only one I've ever seen I saw like I think 20 episodes of sun and moon and my mom gave me so much crap for watching that and my brain cells were dying or something but you know it was a good it was a good show so it's a good show there you go you know oh wait what we were bad I was about to have a really serious moment I was gonna tell you you know how much I love to play with you like yeah yeah yeah you know I I was gonna be like you know man we have our differences you know we battled but you know I'm I I have fun playing with you but no you have to ruin it by Dying by being nude yeah how high level did you get oh you know you know pretty pretty Mickey and I joked back and forth until the morning of day 49 and then it was time to go home to battle anything else oh no that's gonna be annoying for me to deal with yeah fully maxed out team yeah is there any anything else that would be nice to fight against oh 10 10 seconds give me another thing fight this fight this fight this and that is time all right all right yeah we are gonna we're gonna make our way back to base and we are going to battle each other the Battle of day 50. let's go okay this is like the halfway point this is a big deal this is like yeah this is a big big this is like the second most second most important fight Mankey was right this was the second most important fight this was the halfway point of the entire challenge it would be a really good indicator of who would win on day 100. this was a battle that I kind of needed to win you first we both switched which Pokemon were put out first okay um let's do this ooh this oh oh you got destroyed oh these again oh [Music] this is when I first discovered that ripe here could be an absolute monster against psychic types which would show up later in the hundred days I've been with one of these oh no but right period dang all right let's go with this guy let's go with the big guns canine okay yeah let's throw one of these at him what about Snorlax okay oh I did half your HP oh you did some some damage somehow I don't know let's throw another one at him come on wait I got I got this in the bag okay come on yes let's go let's go Arcanine oh deciduey's back again oh boy let's throw one of these at him come on you switched out again that did crazy damage to you I'm gonna do the skin Oh you keep healing you just keep hurting yourself I do I do I do wait should I come on oh no using the recoil to make me die oh you're annoying even though I got some good longevity out of Arcanine the battle was still neck and neck let's go this should probably do some good damage oh I told you I froze you no way dang oh yes let's go Articuno got his revenge on Zapdos and was finally looking to be one of my better Pokemon I got this in the back oh that did a lot you burned me no wait let me see here I'm gonna I'm gonna go for the KO come on come on please please please yes let's go let's go come on oh no I burned to death um oh you put out the city okay um what do I do here I want to save him for last I'm gonna I I have to be faster so I'm going to do this I bet you I think I could probably take him out with this come on oh no let's go that was so stupid I oh I missed oh that hurts that hurt I I can't wait can I switch I can't switch out I can no longer Escape one wrong move with Greninja and some bad luck and the battle was closer than I wanted it to be that was oh Cleaver oh I got a crit I got a crit um let me go should I just do it again luckily the newest member of my team Rayquaza was more than able to pull his own weight go let's go bro oh my gosh I cannot believe I beat you there dude that's day 50. we're tied now we're tied three and three yeah that's that's day 50. I cannot believe I beat you there that's two in a row Eevee training I feel like it's really paying off oh no way okay I got an iron leaps that is interesting that is that's cool that's cool now I have to catch this yeah let's let's battle this uh I'm gonna go for he should be able to hang on from this no no while I was super excited about winning the day 50 Battle I wasn't very careful in Catching iron leaves and yeah probably wasn't gonna put him on my team anyway but it's kind of a bummer no that's all your fault me so now it is day 51. I thought iron leaves was like a part Steel type so I thought that the bug type move wouldn't do that much it literally one shot it that's so annoying it's time to go I'm winning again I'm gonna get a I'm not a three win streak so as day 51 began that was the goal to get a three in a row win streak against make and for today for these next 10 days I have something really special that I added to the mod that's really cool and I also want to Eevee train my Pokemon in speed and the best way to do that just on faster than Mikey's Pokemon and the best way to do that is by going to a forest and fighting caterpies and weedles I believe so I'm gonna I'm gonna go find a forest even though I won't get that much levels my Pokemon will get a lot faster um and because I won so easily last game I feel like I can like take a a little bit off power leveling yeah the special thing that I uh that I added for this challenge is that um eventually I can evolve my Greninja into Ash Greninja um because he has battle bond in the Pokemon anime Ash has his Greninja and they have like a really like strong bond so he basically like mega evolves yeah so Ash Greninja is not in the base cobbleman mod but I added it just because I thought it would be really cool yeah wait wait I can already oh no no way wait Makey Makey yeah what's up oh my gosh wait yo that is sick that is sick wait okay I got it uh today uh or for these next few days I was gonna do something uh it was gonna take like a long while but I actually ended up just doing it like right away I didn't know I could actually just do that oh okay that's crazy I remember when Greninja was just a little baby Froakie now he's an ash Greninja let's go uh one of my Pokemon evolved again oh oh it was probably that I have no idea all right yeah that's fine I'll win I'll still win no no I'm I'm gonna Clean Sweep you for the rest of the challenge it's not gonna even it's not gonna even be a an issue I'm gonna Farm your team for XP but what's your plan for today do you gotta do you gotta oh it's it's a win it's a win oh geez you might have to change plans because that was my plan we can't have the same plan oh okay okay okay also pidgeys give speed EVS so I'm gonna be taking out Pages as well also guys Mickey and I alluded some end cities in between the last two sets of 10 days just because it would be really boring for the video that's why I have electras and that's why Maki has a bunch of diamonds to make XP shares that's what happens when you're just better at Minecraft maybe you may be better at like the game Pokemon but I'm better at Minecraft I I feel like I'm better at both like nope we should uh we should 1v1 in Minecraft after this battle to solve this okay I'm gonna tell you to win let me try to win no no no no oh for most of the daytime of day 51 I just joked around with minky once again and farm those weedles caterpies pidgeys and all that for Speed EVS I'm just gonna tell you my whole game plan I'm getting speed EVS right now uh to make my Pokemon faster so I can hit before you do okay oh that's nothing I kind of I studied too I uh I am killing uh pidgey's speed movies where are you actually yeah unfortunately Maki had the exact same plan as me so I was gonna have to do what he's doing but better you know I I don't know how possible it is for you to win go guys I just moved from Mankey because Greninja is already so fast like if you look at his go to Stats look at the speed stat it's 253 that's pretty fast um I might get up okay Articuno seems like the lost cause that's pretty low you know what I might I might get rayquazas a special or attack EVS up so I kind of want to use Rayquaza now for a little bit I want to get his speed up just so he can like Sweep All of mankey's Pokemon and same with Raichu I want to get their both of their speeds up a little bit on day 52 I finally decided that I would make Rayquaza more powerful I hadn't really been using him much since I caught him on day 40 so this was long overdue level eight level 80. geez oh you're moving fast yeah I'm trying to grind them out trying to grind him out okay okay dude Rayquaza is just so sick I I haven't even used him to fight anything and since I've got him this is a funny thing I haven't even like leveled them at all but he's just so sick I've only had him on the XP share I think or I guess I really haven't been able to use them because of the level cap so oh I should add ditto ditto then I could copy your moves you copy my moves oh that's smart I would hit you with a dragon type move before you could even do anything and then one shot your ditto Dragon super effective against Dragon so like varieties you transformed like when you use transform I just use like dragon or outrage or something in one shy big dragon I I wanna I wanna see this Gyarados versus Rayquaza look at Gyarados he's like oh my gosh what is that one shot yeah yeah Rayquaza is a beast wait oh Dragon oh like uh Rayquaza's Dragon yeah so uh because he's Dragon uh he has Dragon moves so like if you did try and these nuts oh [Music] [Music] uh yours is better than mine I tried I tried to make a comeback as day 52 started to come to an end I decided to craft a magnet which is an item that boosts electric type attacks by 20 one of these boom Oh a magnet okay so basically I think if I I think if I put that on Raichu watch this be like the complete wrong thing for it I think if I put this on Raichu the the magnet will do like more damage for it like his electric type moves will do more damage hopefully that's true you know I'm actually just look it up just so I'm not making a fool out of myself let's go that's what I have what do you have what do you have 85 on Baptist you're level 85 on Zapdos you're already at max level all I've been doing yeah oh I need I need to step my game up manky's highest level Pokemon was 10 levels higher than mine at this point I needed to stop EV training speed and go get some serious levels I actually feel bad for you like it's so unfair yeah yeah yeah I'm sure I'm sure I just killed a level 17 Whooper oh you're going down no no way I can't compete with that once I get to College hopefully my Wi-Fi will be better um and I can continue to make these videos faster than at the rate we're going because I keep crashing constantly I'll cut I probably cut every single crash out until mentioning this one trying to work on my other Pokemon I I also got some XP shares so it's going to make it a little quicker oh you did oh because we went to the uh we looted the end cities uh I didn't really loot them that much I I literally just got the elyters and kind of headed out but uh I guess you did get a lot of uh diamonds from that so I I guess you're you're able to craft a few XP shares yeah smart yeah XP Shares are like critical in this oh there's my nether portal again on the morning of day 53 I spotted my nether portal off in the distance since it led directly to the nether roof I thought that I might as well get some special attack EVS on my Rayquaza let's go yeah my Pokemon are taking a while so so as the levels go up guys um Pokemon actually take a lot longer to level up but like as the levels get higher so Mickey and I are like we're struggling to get high level well at least I am I don't know I'm not struggling no no you you would never struggle you're you're too good at it you know that's actually the reason I play with Makey is to like learn how to how to play because he's so good not really no I'm insane talking about I'm actually I've let you win the last few that's okay you're just letting me win okay it wasn't I said like I If you see it looks like I'm bad but that's just because I was I was ending the eBay you know you were trying to see what it was like to be me is that what you're saying yeah yeah yes yeah it is I see how it is day 53 turned into day 54 and the progress on my levels was pretty decent let's actually start using Raichu I want to test out this magnet on Raichu that that Raichu has see oh he won shots now yes sir that item does actually help him a lot raichu's looking good that's powerful right there that Ash Greninja and then this an ash Greninja no no I did it again no wow that's a good Pokemon or like oh that's the Pokemon you evolved yeah I I evolved into Ash Greninja my regular you need anything or did it just evolve let's um so it's a post I think it's supposed to need a water stone but like it just let me evolve it because our bond my bond with uh Greninja is so strong so much stronger seismic a seismic Greninja yeah it's a seismic Greninja so much stronger than your bond with like Mew or Zapdos or any other Pokemon uh-uh our friendship level is a hundred how does it how does it feel to not only get roasted yourself but your Pokemon are also getting arrested while it was kind of a bad thing that I told manky the Pokemon I had this day was really important because I figured out that the magnet actually helped a lot this gave me the idea to use other items like this later on in the hundred days which would be critical to my success um give me one second Mickey [Music] Danger what were you even singing don't worry about it you're like you're like that's a banger song yeah dude I didn't even think I was around here to like listen and it just like sing to me I were away [Music] I'm gonna leave that in the video oh make it make you expose guys he's singing everyone clown on him make fun of everyone make fun of his voice everyone I got a good singing voice you want me to sing actually yeah yeah that's right oh man come on I need you to sing for me man yeah that's getting pretty close to Holy special attack I think I think I'm gonna go back and train speed because if I go to Evie's all on my Pokemon five speed two speed 50 speed at least 49 speed seven speed halfway through day 57 I decided that my levels were good enough for me to go back to the Overworld and train Speedy vs no one ever was all right seismic is singing make fun of him it's terrible remember when you were using a patcharisu [Music] yeah it's based that total is like it's like I think it's under 400 which is like really bad like uh like and I still beat you did you beat me that game with with a with that's just embarrassing even more embarrassing than being your friend geez yeah sorry sorry that that one was kind of mean I'll I'll give you that I'll give you that you know yeah that was that was but you can't lie it was a little bit funny a little bit unexpected oh not funny not funny my feelings yep that's kind of why it's funny yo your your feelings are like my commutative committed canvas okay I understand on day 58 I was feeling so confident that I decided that I wanted to use a gimmick in the game that allows you to take out any Pokemon with a low-level Rattata then I came to find out that the one item that is critical for doing this is not in the game so I wasted a little bit of time give up my my dreams of using Rattata which is a bummer Makey Makey yeah you know what I was gonna do to you uh what I was gonna do to you is I was gonna use a Rattata I was gonna give it a focus sash so like no matter what you hit it yo that's sweet okay no no matter I just found something good uh no matter what you hit it with I would still be at one HP then I was gonna use the move Endeavor which puts your HP equal to mine so you would have one HP then I was going to use Quick attack the next turn so I could just knock out like your highest level with like a level 30 or 10. oh it's gonna do that to you to troll you but I can't because the focus sash isn't in the game yet which is a bummer wait is that a dude what I'm actually I'm finding so many of these as the sun started to set on day 58 I found both a water stone and a Thunderstone so I guess I was pretty like crazy like right next to each other it's actually a nice River to go down oh dude okay I was EV training all day today and I I I'm gonna be severely under leveled here I might be in trouble don't worry about it um [Music] I'm killing you but yeah this is our battle this is our battle foreign [Music] it was finally the end of day 59 and in the morning Mickey and I would battle to be honest I was not feeling really confident going to this battle because of my level disadvantage in hindsight it was a really bad move to go out of the nether to get speed EVS but I wouldn't have found the water stone in the Thunderstone and then obviously the Rattata thing didn't work so that kind of put me back but I didn't really set any new moves on Rayquaza because I wasn't really using him too much so he is a he's both a physical and special attacker better uh outrage Works outrage works okay all right we got Rayquaza's moves good I slash even though it's a physical move because it's stab I might just Chuck night slash on here because if you look at the stats that attack stat isn't too bad so I might as well and finally after doing all the moves the Battle of day 60 commenced house there he is alrighty are you ready to battle dude 60 already all right let's fight let's fight we're already battle the matchup started pretty good because I had a type advantage against maki's opposing Pokemon little did I know he had one too whoa yes oh I'm dark oh um oh that was terrible that's a terrible start for me okay um what is even super effective against clever Rock steel and water I don't have any steel moves I do okay I do have a rock guy here we go what are you gonna put out ooh decidueye oh damage shoe that did good damage yes um uh let's do this let's do this oh no let's go dude I I keep I'm making bad decisions in this game what is going on I don't even know what I was doing at the beginning of this battle I got one shot two times in a row canine okay Arcanine yeah I'm gonna go with this come on Mew oh that was oh kind of smart kind of smart I think I may have gotten a crit oh that'll do big damage this could work this could work come on over let's go okay all right uh I thought that that move that I just used would do a lot more than I actually did uh that's annoying um oh let's go oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I'm sweating now my greninja's dead so I can't even uh I was three Pokemon down and I was completely on my heels yo what did you use wait oh what why are you faster than me wait I should be what you're faster than a Raichu who's Evie train Raichu would have normally made light work with Mew but because the level difference was so great I just got completely crushed into the ground I'm gonna make sure that this never happens again okay that's ridiculous Mew was what you one shot like three of my Pokemon yes come on oh how did I not one shot you all right what come on Rayquaza tank oh oh that hurt what I better be faster what if I'm not wait okay I'm fine I'm fine fine okay we're fine oh we're fine sweet okay extreme speed for the W I was down to my two legendaries and it looked like Rayquaza was my only hope for this battle come on please please please yes let's go okay let's go it's okay that's okay I'm hanging on I'm hanging on oh Cleaver okay okay that's not very effective that's not very effective this is gonna have to work this is gonna have to work come on please no let's go Rayquaza Rayquaza sweep because it's insane all right um okay I can only outrage come on oh yes okay I did 50 of your health that's insane jeez oh all right let's do it let's go for this come on come on oracuno it was gonna take a miracle for me to win this game but I think I'll save my miracles for the battles on day 100. oh good game you actually crushed me that game how many Pokemon did you left I had three left all right let's see what random legendary you get oh yeah yeah all right please please please don't go be something good what are you gonna get what is he gonna get what is he gonna get what is he gonna get what it is it is me too yes wait level 90 Oak is a level cap went up to level 90. nice now it's whether you can catch it or not uh I want to catch him so bad oh that's so just as I thought Rayquaza was the most powerful legendary on our teams right now Mewtwo came into the picture my entire team would not only have to deal with a Mewtwo but Rayquaza would have to prove himself as the best don't catch don't catch don't catch break the ball break the ball no no okay no yes let's go he's on catch break open break yes how many do you have I hope it despawns yes no let's go okay oh my God I cannot believe you gotta mean too I was about to run away and then uh get my Cleburn back so I can use false swipe oh my gosh that's crazy changing it from you changing it from you yeah we're only allowed two legendaries now it's day 61. now it's time to go Adventure again I gotta go grind I gotta go level up my Pokemon I'm I'm leaving now oh man yeah you're going down no you're going down I'm I'm winning these next 10 days no no you have no chance no chance at all hey I'm the one with the Mewtwo yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna search up all the counters to Mewtwo and literally craft my team around like countering it while it was kind of joking when I said this right here this was something that I uh I may have ended up doing later on in the challenge there's like very many legendaries as good as Mewtwo though so uh I know Rayquaza is pretty good though so YouTube's better me too is better yeah we'll see we'll see all guys I just made it from manky even though I am kind of like uh EV training speed right now in the forest the plan for like these next 10 days is actually I think that I was gonna I think that I want to go and I've EV trained my Greninja for example uh if you look at this EVC has a ton of special attack Rayquaza even has a bit of special attack Pikachu or raichudas Articuno special attack but Arcanine right here are both visible attackers and they don't have very many physical attacking uh EVS so I was going to actually go over to the ice biome go over and find an ice biome and then when I find an ice biome uh the Pokemon Stantler gives attack EVs and also gives good levels so I need good levels to counter make use like level 90 Mewtwo right but then I also need the attack EVS just because I haven't trained those other guys so I think I'm gonna go do that in these next 10 days and also I might make some more different types of pokeballs as we go and that was a solid plan to get me and my team back into the game there's no way I just found something what'd you find rhyperior you found a ripe period in the lot yeah level 53 please take it I am uh what's your plan for today Mickey or for this these next 10 days I don't know I think I'm gonna get this right beer right here on a win yeah he's he's right here a while you use my own Pokemon against me I see how it is I see how it is I mean right pure has done pretty well for me so that's the thing like my team right now I don't know if I'm ever gonna like if I'm gonna be changing it in these next hundred days I might definitely if I get like a really good legendary but like then I'd have to replace one of my current legendaries so I I don't know like it's just like my team's so good I I I can't like uh I can't I can't change it you know what I mean yeah yeah I just and then I don't really care after Mickey and I reviewed our plant and roasted each other a little bit day 61 was coming to an end and they told me at all I'm giving you like insight into my game plan you're like nah yeah I didn't care less so I caught it dang it I have no idea where an ice biome would be guys so I'm just gonna keep heading this way I hope I find one I'll probably have to travel for a little while but I think I think it's pretty easy to find ice bombs they're pretty comic come on behind me oh wait oh my lights are broke oh hey yes my electric broke but I had a ton of backups which would last me the entire 100 days try only shulker right here I have one no you can't okay okay playing with these Villages for some mending books oh yeah actually oh you're gonna get an ending on your elytra oh that's smart I should have done that you know I don't have time for that I I only have time to train my Pokemon be the very best yeah but you lost the last fight let's go okay I finally found snow bomb I don't know if they'll be like the ice lakes here that I need by the end of day 62 I had finally found the ice bomb that I was looking for the stantlers here give physical attacking EVs and levels they're almost on par with the deserts I haven't found that many you're finding so many gyaradas it's like crazy I I found like two or three you know what I mean yeah not looking well enough I'm not looking hard enough yeah the Gyarados are just attracted to you for some reason that's what happens when you're as attractive as me oh yeah they like you oh Arcanine level 74 let's go for a little 76. you'll you always say like you're like you're dead this time and then you lose what happened last time okay okay last time that was that one was a fluke that one does not okay I destroyed you I had three Pokemon left okay okay we're getting some good EVS on this guy which is nice that's a cool Pokemon I like that Pokemon it's like a seal with day 64 on the horizon everything was starting to fall into place I caught this cool Pokemon and the levels and EVS of all of my team was doing really well I want to switch out for Articuno which I doubt that I will I I would like to put this guy in place with my ice type like like if I need nice type that would actually be beneficial like if Mickey gets like a really good dragon type yeah let's go I got it let's go right here is level 80 now that's crazy it is pretty low pretty low what do you mean pretty low I hate to say it but makey's statement there was actually kind of right Mickey's Pokemon in the last battle were level 85. five levels higher than one of my highest level Pokemon I needed to grind as hard as possible before our next battle if I wanted any chance of winning from the Arcanine to get him some attack Evie's menu I'll let you know that I was playing uh Pokemon Showdown with one of my friends from school the other night and uh yeah I literally beat him like every single time so I've I've been practicing he was actually raging and he he knows he knows I do YouTube and he's like he's like how am I supposed to win against you when you play Pokemon for hours a day yes okay um I think I might actually throw out Arcanine here guys and there we go and go like this and like this and like this and take the XP share off of him and put it onto put on ash Greninja should I put on rhyperior I feel like I should put on ash Greninja just because Ash Greninja is just so cool oh what is that is that an ice stone I guess I'd guess or a water stone I don't know what's this ice stone I didn't even know there were ice stones in the game I found an ice stone which I thought was pretty rare and cool but it's essentially useless because I do have Articuno dude oh avalog yeah that thing yeah I could get one of those but like I do have an articune already so I don't really need an ice type let's go I got a Mr mime Junior oh you did you should trade out for your Mewtwo I feel like it's better I'll do that yeah I should it's fairy wait what is he Barry and psychic my favorite types that's interesting that's interesting I'm traveling far and wide I think that's a line from like the Pokemon song but I don't know I'm gonna upgrade my mime Junior where are you are you actually leveling them up yeah that's crazy on the night of day 64 Mickey was telling me all about how he was leveling up another Pokemon this kind have distracted me which I think was his entire purpose of even mentioning it kill the wulu so that must mean he's good it must mean he's a good dude he might be he might be better than YouTube already switched him out yeah he's switching me chat you're like I don't need that so just me just for making um I am fighting these bunaries for Speed EVS with Arcanine just cause and and getting his attack EVS Pokemon are not very high level Mickey has level 90s I could be in some serious trouble so I'm gonna try and grind these levels as fast as possible and then also what I wanted to do uh in these in these 10 days uh like probably near the end here is I want to make sure that I have that I have a lot of pokeballs to catch catch the Pokemon I want so I'm gonna try and make the best like most fancy pokeballs possible once I get back to base a little bit early you know let's go why'd you say let's go I gotta Meowth if you caught it no yes boo see this is proof that you're the bad guy that's Team Rocket's signature Pokemon oh no no this is the mouth he wants to like leave right right he doesn't like them no no he likes them no that that's like the whole the whole uh plot of the story he's like he's like the the one Pokemon that stays around at will from Team Rocket like they capture the rest he's the one Pokemon that's a part of the evil plan and you have a well I force them with me so you're forced him to come with you nah he did it by choice he's the other half to your like Evil Shenanigans black and yellow apricorns actually make Ultra Balls which are really good things to catch uh catch Pokemon with oh little pics on day 66 I found this a lowland Vulpix and thought hey I might as well throw a Pokeball at it I'm keeping it no way yeah I could use it I mean I I don't really want to use it just because I already have Articuno but like that that's a cool ice type okay now orcanine is level 85. what levels are your Pokemon making uh what level of becoming your choice I will tell you my that's your highest my highest all right my highest is level let me actually check here highest is level 86. huh all right what's your what's your average what's your average would you say 88 oh my gosh okay I guess you got a Pokemon to 84. it was day 67 and while Mickey was still ahead in levels I was slowly catching up I knew it would be a grind to get back up in levels but I didn't think it would take this long craft as many different types of pokeballs as I can I think I'll make this shulker my Pokeball shulker so I need to craft these Pokeballs and I'm I'm going to I don't want him to like know that I'm doing it I don't want him to like kind of see me so I'm going to kind of go a little bit far away on the morning of day 68 I had made it back to base with some good materials to craft some poke people give quick balls at least let's make two batches of quick balls for eight so eight first turn types types to catch or times to catch Pokemon then definitely fastball is definitely going to be important I might I might Chuck some of those most of our battles actually end during the day I might just make a set of Dusk Balls just because I used all the black uh apricorns that's kind of a bummer great ball maybe we just make a ton of Great Balls you can only make one batch of Great Balls that's fine fastball is probably our best bet of balls to catch legendaries out of what we have left so let's just empty out with fastballs uh that's as much we can do with fastballs and the rest I might just do like some basic balls like this so I might just make these white ones and call it good I got a full palette thank you seriously oh I got that the the finale yeah the accomplishment the achievement that you got before I just got it took a while maybe I should just get Speedy these is probably gonna be the smartest move after messing with balls for a little while I decided that I'd use a remaining time before day 69 to do some speed EV training now while you're trying to like what you're trying to make pokeballs or something yeah yeah I'm literally just like evolving my guys even better uh upgrade my guys you're leveling up even more than you already have them yeah all right all right we're wasting time so I'm gonna win I'm wasting time well when I win I'm actually gonna be able to catch the Pokemon and not One-Shot it with riper like I did before or I can't believe I one shot that iron lease that's so annoying I thought he was like a Steel type so it wouldn't really do that much but I don't think I have anything that can be faster than Mewtwo maybe Greninja could maybe Greninja so I I might actually actually try and get your ninja speed up a little bit more than it already is I came to realize that Ash greninja's base stats are really close to Mewtwo's base stats and speed meaning that if I got a few EVS on him I would be able to out speed a level 90 mute yeah I'm content that works okay all right all right we just slept the night dude it's time to battle it's time to fight all right let's do it it's time for you to lose you ready to are you ready to fight are you ready to lose I'm trying to yeah yeah yeah you're opening like all the different pages on like what stats are good and what hey I'm ready to battle you know let's let's uh let's let's I'm just kidding all right all right uh let's fight let's fight Let's Do It come on all right yes yes okay manky expected me to lead with Greninja like I usually do do so I threw out rhyperior first it's time go for one of these come on oh you switched a nude switch come on oh oh look at that damage because I EV trained riperia in the snow he was able to do a massive amount of damage to decidua I think Evie training physical attack was the missing piece that my team needed am I faster than you I know Articuno was that fast I thought Articuno was kind of slow take the owl oh nine tails okay all right let's throw one of these out honestly I I will take this engagement oh I should have roosted oh I should have roasted that would have been yeah let's go lion Golem you happy no it's fine oh oh it's fine I gotta let's do one of these let's do one of these Weaver oh oh I'm super effective oh that was a terrible move let's go after Makey made a bad switch I was able to take the lead in this battle what do I even do against that this is probably my best option this is probably my best option come on yes right here is special attackers let's throw let's throw a Zapdos level 88 that's insane you have such high level Pokemon compared to me but you know my strategy is just so much better than yours but Snorlax oh I did good damage on your attack today I worked on your attack today for a reason for this guy for this this did nothing let's go no way let's go you could tell Makey was super duper focused here because he wasn't talking at all he had no clue how to deal with my super powered riperior and things were starting to go really really good okay come on come on this ships they should do decent bro what it missed wait oh no wait rhyperior would have been able to one shot Mewtwo with that Mega horn but he is really low special defense and so he died this concept would actually be critical for the battle on day 100 so be sure to remember it and I have a chance that he's faster if he's not faster I'm dead I have to be faster come on please please please yes I'm faster oh let's go dude I I was literally EV training speed like the entire last day and I think I'm just barely faster than your Mewtwo and finally after 70 days I really started to see the benefit of all the Ed training that I had been doing damage I'll take the free damage let's do this let's do this come on oh buddies all right let's do this come on please be confused yes okay you're confused let's do one of these come on oh my gosh that did crazy damage to me oh you're switching Mewtwo oh oh get thunderbolted let's go let's do this come on oh no okay yeah you have to be fast Raichu had really done his job there and contributed massively to taking Mewtwo off the field oh wait I'm still faster let's go nice speed with Greninja is just killing everything oh boy yeah yo I'm faster than this I feel like I could take this out I'm gonna try I'm gonna try it oh no bro okay uh all right this is my best option to be honest come on oh yes paralyzed no okay um jeez that's that's that's that of course make you would get a lucky Paralysis on arguably my most powerful Pokemon yes yes extreme speed extreme speed speed coming in clutch ah okay okay let's try and get a little bit of damage off come on oh okay all right that's okay that's okay let's go with this guy let's go with this guy come on yes yes let's go GG was that everything yes let's go let's go I can't believe that what I guess dude all right uh I'm so excited oh Moltres a Moltres level 90 Moltres all right um I don't know how I'm gonna get this thing down in in attack let's let's try with Arcanine here first okay yeah that does decent okay okay oh that did too much that did too much for my liking I was so happy to rebound from my previous loss and win on day 70. and in addition to that I got to catch this level 90 Moltres I'm just gonna go I should use my quick ball fastball I feel like that'll be good because Moltres is pretty fast Pokemon come on first try first try all right now we're gonna go we're gonna go with Raichu this small Tres took way longer than I care to admit to catch but I finally got it heard of the battle I can use a quick ball and it has a good chance of catching so I'm gonna try that come on please catch please catch come on please oh let's go babe um I don't know should I use him over like Articuno or something I don't know day 71 oh look at you coming out out of your terrible house what are you talking about mine's just so much better you know I was just thinking about that before the video started or before that everyone's gonna make fun of you go all right it's day 71 now and in between recording sessions I put out a community post asking everybody if they'd rather me use Moltres or articuna basically everybody said Articuno so of course I'm gonna use him Kamal Tres or Articuno and every but like 70 of people said Articuno so I'm gonna use Articuno and not switch in Moltres for it but as we're only allowed two legendaries I do have some other really cool Pokemon like Gola Eevee Abra like this guy this guy uh this guy this guy like I have some cool Pokemon that I could use I was thinking maybe gollette for rhyperior but I do I I've already EV trained ripe here and I really like him so I don't think I'm Gonna Change Pokemon in these 10 days because like you know why fix it why fix it if it's not broke like I I destroyed make you last game little did I know that would change very soon when I found a really cool Pokemon up on a mountain basically I feel like he did have the level advantage on me kind of so maybe if I just get some levels the level cap is now removed so we can go as high as we want I don't know if I do Place Rayquaza because I mean it's a Rayquaza come on I I just can't see anything that I'd replace Articuno with I just like Articuno you know what I mean mountain is sick I should build a house up there that's good destroy your house destroy your house yeah so you're so jealous of my beautiful house oh I'm saying it's hurting my eyes my masterpiece my masterpiece that you want me to destroy it no no no you should pay me to actually build your house for you like similar to mine so it wouldn't look so trash you know if I'm confident what is that what is that thing wait dude no freaking way I gotta catch this I don't know if I want to use it Gibble evolves into Garchomp who is a pseudo legendary meaning he has super high stats even though I had him in the last 100 days I at least had to try him on my team that's crazy you know should I should I have him make a return who would I I could switch it out for rhyperior I could switch it out for ripe carrier that's crazy brown type what'd you get what'd you get I found a I think maybe I need to be in battle for this uh quick ball to work I found a Pokemon come on please catch no okay yes um let me do that come on we get him a little bit confused or something by the way guys because Garchomp is a pseudo legendary that means that I can have two legendaries and Garchomp on my team all at once look at that it matches the color scheme the great ball does I I might you know I use this Pokemon in the last hundred days and he was an absolute animal so let's go so I I think I'm gonna have to I think I'm gonna make him have a return honestly dude that's so sick I'm gonna check out your videos it's one of my most powerful Pokemon on my team even though Garchomp is a really great Pokemon I wouldn't count out ryperior for some of the battles to come that's sick dude I can't believe I found that destroyo no no no I can't tell you I could tell you but I'd have to kill you I mean I'm gonna kill your Pokemon anyway I feel like the other guy would be better honestly I know Garchomp has 50 base stats higher he's he's 600 base that's right here is 550 higher they're both ground type Garchomp can make a comeback that would be a pseudo legendary two legendaries an ash Greninja an Arcanine and a Raichu that would be cool I don't know I really like rhyperior I have Evie trained him a good amount though I think I might have to I feel like you guys want me to do Garchomp even though even though I love rhyperior he might make a comeback later but I think I'm gonna try and get this Gibble up to a Garchomp that's crazy that I just found that chill in there he's ready to evolve already that's a w is that a thunderstorm dude no way I keep finding red blue Garcon no no no I just found a Shiny Stone no way dude that would be sick I need to get one of those bro what else is a great ball color after lying about Garchomp tameki day 71 was coming to a close it might be one of those it could be so guys I just needed for Makey Garchomp is a physical attacker instead of a special attacker okay because he's a physical attacker I need to go to the ice biome to get him the Eva easy I just EV train them up I'm gonna travel this way that's where I would get special attack EVS over in the nether roof I might go this way try and get to the ice biome that I found and once I do I will be back finally on the morning of Day 72 I had finally made it over to the ice bio levels on the sky first I think before I can actually start taking stuff out to be able to Evie train Garchomp I needed to get him leveled up and evolved so I just decided to use the XP share I'm doing better than you at least you're doing better than me I dude I got a new Pokemon I actually replaced one of my Pokemon for a new guy which I I didn't think that I would do well I kind of know it it's either Lucario or Garchomp no no no no dude come on come on you really think I would touch with the party or Garchomp come on I mean you did a pretty big gasp you never make that you're like usually you're just like a you know but that one like you you lost air did I I like dude I inhaled my microphone when I saw that thing I was like um you like cut out every time you do it every time I do I cut out because it's so loud dude when you just did that bro I thought it sounded like dude you could voice act for like Pokemon that could be like the you know one of the Pokemon that could be the guard chomp his call like his his uh his Pokemon sound you know excuse you Garchomp I don't even know how funny that sounds on my end I gotta watch the video ah darn I gotta watch the video dang it dang it you gotta watch you gotta watch us play dang I feel so bad for everybody who has to watch this video right now you know they're probably getting forced to yeah yeah that's actually how I get viewers I actually just force everybody to watch the videos anyways Gabite was gaining levels fast and would evolve into Garchomp at level 48. yeah what would you switch would you switch in I I will tell you what I do if you tell me first okay I I got a ride on the only year don't even don't even oh no all right period right here not right on go back this way to get those EVS I I got sidetracked in our our long conversation about what we're even talking about I don't even remember during the night of Day 72 I had got lost conversation with minky and somehow wandered out of the ice bio I almost accidentally leaked the Pokemon that I had just a second ago uh but I don't think he caught it I cannot believe I just said goodbye out loud he's level 41 now though he has seven more levels until he's evolved that's good you said what'd you say enough I actually I accidentally leaked what Pokemon I had I gotta I always break out I didn't even hear it so you see you don't even listen to me what a terrible you talk too much I talk too much what do you need yeah I used to go in Rants and then I guess like it's going around somewhere in there you said something that I didn't hear yeah you didn't hear you just blocked me out I see how it is if you ask everyone all the viewers all the viewers just don't even listen to me they're here for me they're here for me they actually watch without the audio on like they can't even hear what's going on right now I was finally back in the ice biome on day 74 and Maki had caught a Hypno you have a sassy Hypno it kind of fits you're kind of sassy like you know I'm not oh let's go Zapdos is naughty oh wait what do they call it it's not wait what do they call it where you like make a fake version of a song uh let me search up mine diamonds no wait I mind that no no no what's it called like uh like where you make a fake version It's like a parody oh I was like okay we're fetched oh I haven't seen one of those yet yeah you winning would be a little bit far-fetched for me one of the most fun YouTubers ever hey you're very funny no I'm funny yeah you're not you're not oh my gosh goodbye is so close all right bro it was I was right finally oh my gosh how did I slip it twice that's crazy oh you said it before is that what you said I did I did say it before I did it again okay guys this will be the last time that I leaked my Pokemon at least in this hundred days oh that was kind of smooth did you see that I just like did a drive-by on this wild ear with my Arcanine oh yeah I saw that that was crazy yeah yeah you're watching me right now you're like yeah yeah I'm stalking you I'm streaming welcome to the stream oh I should stream that's a good idea you know yeah guys if you want us to stream then you know yeah well yes sir what oh no you probably you got a guard challenge come on no no I would never no I would dude I don't even like Dart Chomp bro come on I would do I have it then I'll take it you can have it you can have it you think we could start using him or do you think he's gonna get one shot here I don't know dude I wish there was Mega Pokemon in this so I could make Garchomp going into day 75 I had gotten my gar chomp and guard chomp you can change this name too that's Garchomp's name all right all right um you ready to fight oh dude I don't know why dude I voice cracked so much bro hey you probably voice crack like 30 times in this video actually hey guys just so you know I'm Pauline seismic so are you taller than me no wait no you're like five seven you told me oh no no I'm I'm six six four all right I'm six I'm six five I'm six sick I agree with it I did I like okay I mean on a good day on a good day I'm like seven foot tall like if you if you round up I'll be like seven two you know how there's like chess boxing where like the YouTubers like they play chess and then they go box okay think about it if you did Pokemon boxing like we had a Pokemon oh oh and then you fight your brain's messed up your brain's all messed up you're like completely rattled and then you gotta fight your Pokemon most of my Pokemon are sweepers so it's like I'm just gonna sweep your sweepers come on Garchomp all right that is the timer I know that moved a little bit fast but now it is just the very start of day 79 I was really just grinding for most of that time so it wasn't really that entertaining time what do you mean what do you mean I I uh do it I got something to do really quick you know this is it guys it's time you can't catch any more Pokemon this is a time you know if you catch any more then you you cheat and you're gonna lose the battle don't worry don't worry I'm not I'm not catching any more Pokemon at all right now come on catch no [Music] hey Bill oh thanks let's go I need my bell back all right well let's fight let's fight for the Bell let's fight for the Bell okay the winner gets to keep the Bell those are the stakes all right let me look at my moves here I know you're scared Oh no you're scared no either that or you're just getting the type chart up right now oh okay we're in the oh the whole night yeah let's go I have been using Gyarados because he's been low level and to kick off day 80 or the battle for the Bell minky threw out a level 92 Gyarados I think no matter what if make his Pokemon are this high level Garchomp's Gonna Get Wrecked anyway so I might as well just steal for one of these come on easy good ice thing that's that's quadruple effective all right all right this is fine we're gonna go with one of these oh of course you would switch what is that Mewtwo okay okay that's good oh let's go and that right there is exactly why Raichu is the MVP even though Garchomp has fainted he immediately picked up the slack it's your Mewtwo that's right you righteous dude ah I'm so glad I got a ride to you man dude Raichu is my man dude he's like my day one my day one homie oh I just realized I'm on the ground type to switch to now that's annoying let's go with this come on take it Rayquaza take it oh okay we're good we're good we're good all right let's go let's go for one of these come on look at Rayquaza looking down on your Zapdos little little guy look at this Beast this animal I love how he's so big and I can just bump him yeah yeah that that tells you how strong I am come on let's go for this come on I knew that Gyarados was going to use icefang against my dragon type Rayquaza so I switched in Arcanine right now you're probably thinking seismic come on come on bro like that's a terrible idea Gyarados is a water type and organize a fire type well actually because Arcanine is faster than Gyarados and he has thunderfang it's easily enough to take Gyarados out destroyed your Mewtwo yo let's go accept us uh all right okay it's fine it's fine that hurt I don't know if that switch in was worth it let's go with go with this oh oh that that did such good damage to you oh I died okay it's fine it's fine uh what do I switch in this guy's faster I can finish you off I I should be able to finish you off come on oh you're switching the Sid UI come on good damage oh yes yes you know what I'm I have to be faster I Could Just Kill you let's do it oh yes oh did I get a critical hit I got a critical hit the first time or something the lead that I previously had was slipping out of my fingers I only had three Pokemon left so everything had to go perfectly for me to secure the W dude ride choose the MVP I'm not gonna lie he may have the lowest base stat total but he is so good all right another Thunderbolt let's go oh you confused me you confused me okay all right that's fine let's just go for another I'm confused I'd be kind of annoyed oh I am no okay just get this get this Thunderbolt off right you yes oh yes he did what I need him to do let's go and in classic Raichu fashion he literally just soloed three of maki's best Pokemon did nothing okay I should have nuzzled I should have should have paralyzed you or something ah uh what do we go with let's just try and take him out come on come on oh oh what move was that it was super effective I'm just like eating food right now I'm so confident come on freeze them freeze him no yes this could be bad for me come on come on come on A9 I know I'm faster so you have thick fat though which means that you're resistant against fire and thunder let's try for this come on no no wait I win I win oh dang it wait is that oh yeah that's everything that was my last Pokemon I love you Ryan too let's go oh that was a lot closer than I thought it would be I just barely walked away with the w and now I have the chance to catch a random legendary oh my gosh I don't know if I'm gonna use him but okay I paralyzed him oh that did a lot of damage I can probably Thunderbolt that yeah yeah oh okay a walking wake spawned which is a really cool Pokemon but just like Moltres I couldn't really see him replacing any of the current legendaries on my team dude I can't believe I beat you annoying I mean I can't believe I'd be you I'm just that much better wait wait is that that's a that's a two win streak so I have one more win than you in this series now right yeah is that what it is let's go let's go first try first try oh oh wow I would have to switch him out for Rayquaza or Articuno honestly I don't know if I want to do that so Nature's quirky just just like you Mickey I like Rayquaza so much and I like Articuno so much honestly the hardest part of this challenge has been trying to pick between the Pokemon that I have also I'm so sorry if I skipped over your favorite Pokemon during this hundred days in the next hundred days I'm sure that your Pokemon will get a chance oh no all right anyway day 81 yeah yeah I'm gonna I'm going I'm going this way okay so today what I wanted to do is not only did I want to level up Garchomp I have to do that but I also wanted to get Battle items for my Pokemon like you know how the magnet that Arcanine has boost electric type moves uh I realized that in the last battle the reason Arcanine was able to take out Gyarados so easily is not only because he was four times effective but also because he had the magnet item that boosts Electric types of attacks I would have normally put it on a Raichu but like I flat out forgot to change it off of him but it actually ended up working in our favor with the new plan to use items to my advantages these next 10 days I decided to go explore the swamp and talk to Maki a little bit if I was a ditto I would literally like transform into like anything other than your friend well I thought we were friends right no well well okay you know when it's convenient for me you know maybe but like otherwise no all right so if I leave you know it here we go there you go the truth comes out I'm sorry you mean so much to me uh editor uh please cut that out don't actually cut that out editor that'd be that's kind of funny but put like editor cut that out and like leave it in you know why can't I read bro this is like school all over again I just want to get out of swamp I don't like swamp it's weird you're weird you're weird oh yeah I'm not weird I think you're the only one who thinks that I'm not weird yeah or not I'm bad I am weird but you're not weird everyone else thinks I'm really cool I've been told by at least like like 20 people that like how cool I am oh really you check your comments like because I know you don't there's like did you know I don't like that everyone's like life yeah well no no you paid someone to do that definitely oh I didn't Spade someone to like the comments that's terrible bro I don't know but if you check the comments actually you would see how many people are like and this monkey kid is so cool this is so cool he's so hip yeah yeah they put the the new generation I'm I'm uh so so swag he's lit [Music] or whatever I might I might catch that I on day 82 I found a low Tad and decided to catch it which I'm not gonna lie I never even took him out of the PC for the rest of the hundred days is instead of um using three Pokemon gets right you now I only need one all right guys comment if you are still watching manky is cool and then add five periods at the end just so you know just so we know that you actually watched it here five periods at the end because you know they they normally say that so you have to know the difference between if they saw this I'm just saying it uh guys I just made it for making I've been walking around I totally forgot to just look at the crafting recipes to see what items I can actually make let me actually do some research here I'm gonna get my phone out why is glasses on all the special attackers other than Raichu who want to put another magnet on and then Arcanine will probably just keep this magnet on because thunderfang is a really good coverage move for Mickey's Gyarados put a assault vest on Garchomp is what I'm thinking so I might I might do that going into day 83 I had a general plan of what items I wanted to get for my Pokemon oh I'm I'm making sure that I win this thing is what I'm doing really oh yeah okay okay which it's not really hard for me to make sure that I'm gonna win okay all right looking at the type chart I'm trying to fix my moves you're actually going down it's so unfair how how badly You're Gonna Lose I think you're gonna be pretty embarrassed when you don't win for the rest of the series yeah yeah I think it's gonna be interesting even if I lose this next one I'm gonna win the last one just like always are you are you this should boost special attacking moves by two times so we can put this in here boom we're just gonna kind of explore the world and if we find stuff for the assault vest we will make it kind of need to go get levels on my Pokemon I will tell you I am sorry about the items I want my Pokemon to have when I battle you that are gonna like make them a little bit more powerful just to give me that like you know little little Edge luckily for me I was already able to craft some of the items that I needed now it was just a matter if I would find the remaining materials while I go level up my Pokemon I know what you were doing but you know it's fine I like the peace and quiet I don't like hearing your voice you don't like hearing my voice dang oh it like hurts my brain dang I see how this everyone else must agree during the last video when the audio cut out like uh when your audio cut out for like part of the video you know the retention like everybody was like started to watch the video more I just kind of arrived in this ice biome near the end of day 83 I decided that I really needed to go back to the ice biome to get the proper EVS on my Pokemon plus some levels now it is the morning of day 85 and I have finally arrived yeah Mickey yeah what what love what level is your Pokemon right now oh I don't want to tell you why not people get scared I'll get scared I'm just wondering because like you know last time you did have a level Advantage by a lot I think I I'm trying to catch up but honestly I spent so much time figuring out the items and getting like speed EVs and like exploring the swamp for once that I may be in a little bit of trouble loser hey that's what it's called Loser called Loser yep that's what I usually call you oh I'm cool you're gonna cause everybody in the comments to be like oh my gosh man he's so cool I'm gonna delete every comment yes you're cool that's why you don't see any of those comments anymore because seismic deleted but I delete them all oh my gosh Ash greninja's level 94. let's go that's crazy levels bro check Garchomp's EVS that's crazy by day 86 Garchomp's attack EVS were nearing the max I wanted to get him up in decent levels so he would be of use in this next battle but if he didn't end up performing well I might put in ryperior for the final battle ninja is just an absolute animal with 350 special attack but that's a lot that's that's a good amount man I'm one-shotting everything I got the levels things are working out things are working out you know I'm really hoping my Garchomp is going to be harder for you to deal with than my right period imagine if I just had to go like wasted all this time leveling him up and then yeah that's better anyway he does he does have like a Max attack Evie so Garchomp has to be pretty powerful I lose one come on guys I just made it for Makey once I get to level 85 I'm gonna start heading back to base for the battle and just so I can I kind of want to use Rayquaza or Kuno Raichu a little bit too so hopefully I'll have like at least maybe a little bit to use them no one more one more one more yes let's go what just happened well day 86 came to a close Garchomp was finally level 85. oh okay really like 26. we're at level 26 nice yeah yeah level 26. you know they can all dude that's such a sick team you know they can all hang outside the Pokeball and walk around with me while I do stuff unless I get in my way then I kind of be annoyed this is such a sick team Ash for Ninja rides you Arcanine Garchomp Rayquaza and Articuno you know I I just I just died guys to like come back to base I realized I could just die I didn't have to walk back but um and then make you just starts killing me like come on man how mean could you possibly be it's pretty nice I could have like you know leaked your address but I just killed you so you could have leaked my address you just killed me you know she'd be happy you know I could I could like you know I could have just like ruined your entire life if I wanted to but you know I just I just killed you about that that's so funny it was day 87 now and I decided that I would use Rayquaza a little bit before a battle on day 90. little did I know it now Mickey was looking for some massive revenge on day 90 because he lost two times in a row honestly I love this area because that's where I found the Thunderstone this is so cool to me I don't know why oh night is setting it's getting close it's over for you it's over is it over for me though is it oh yeah is it though oh this is like a sick little like Cave thing I wonder if I've walked past the shiny yet I know I have walked past a shiny Weedle in my uh last hundred days really yeah I did I'm gonna give you crap for it yeah there's like a time stamp in the comments someone put like shiny Weedle and I was like oh shoot there is a shiny Weedle I literally looked down at it and kept getting like I think I may have killed it or just kept going like I looked straight at it and then I walked away it was so bad because it was already day 88 I decided that I'd use Articuno for a little bit and give Rayquaza a little bit of rest you know beating you in these battles is kind of like the side quest for me because it's so easy you know the the real Quest is just like you know the friends we make along the way yeah yeah okay okay yeah yeah it's it's uh oh I accidentally used agility like I don't even have to try that much I say is I'm like try Harding like items and EVs and levels and everything yeah I was about to say I have to win I have to get dude I have to get revenge for Froakie you know you killed him day one you you took him out it was day one it's been like 80 Days yeah he has Greninja Ash Greninja Level 94 has not forgotten oh okay yeah we'll see I'll one shot him it'll be really funny no no he's gonna he's gonna roll through half your team on uh oh I just realized oh I just ran out of moves he's gonna run through your team let me heal my stuff up all right yeah I think I'm gonna head back and then uh by the time I get there it's it's time to battle bro it's it's getting it's getting there oh yeah I'm so ready all right I just died because I'm I'm too lazy to travel like the 200 blocks I had come back to to base on the night of day 88 and gave my Pokemon the items that they needed Uno is gonna have to have one of these as well to make them more powerful I think I'm just gonna leave the XP share on Garchomp just so we get some XP during this battle so he's more usable I'm gonna look at my moves really quick I've been grinding I've got my Pokemon up high levels we're gonna put him first because we're gonna have we're gonna put him first oh no we're gonna put him first no no no we're gonna put we're gonna put in first all right are you ready to battle on the evening of day 89 Mickey and I were both all ready to battle this day 90 battle was absolutely critical for me to win because it's the last battle before day 100 UI Articuno let's go I got the pipe match up I think I'm gonna go for this yep knew it knew it yes yes I predicted it was super effective let's go let's go for this that's super effective that's not gonna oh damn yes oh that tickled oh no you burned micro ninja yes okay for that perfect okay perfect uh let's go with one of these so far the battle wasn't going that great I had a ton of damage on my Pokemon and Makey got the lucky burn maybe you'll Flinch wait oh no you can't Flinch because okay um I don't know what are you gonna do level 98 yeah I was still feeling pretty confident during this battle until I looked at makey's Pokemon's levels they were literally all almost level 100 which was absolutely insane no why'd you say yes okay wait okay use Drill Pack okay we're fine we're fine we're fine all right let's go for let's go for one of these oh you switched what are you gonna switch to oh no you don't you know I will take that that's decent damage okay okay yes I knew you'd go for the ice thing this has to do it please no you switched manky had learned his lesson about the Gyarados Arcanine matchup and decided to put Mewtwo against Arcanine instead remember that information by the way because it'll be important here in 10 days yes okay yes I got a super that was super effective it did nothing against you let's go you used ancient power and all your stats Rose what yeah wait that's that's it that's a 10 chance of effening uh I think we're gonna have to do this come on okay that's good damage oh let's go wait okay okay I'm in trouble yes okay come on here ninja please pull through please Greninja yes yes you switched out oh my gosh dude you had this nothing and you switched out no way I have no idea what Maki was thinking switching Mewtwo out with the stat buff but I mean I can't complain super annoying um but let's go for one these come on come on dude you are literally 13 levels higher than me this is crazy oh Gyarados Gyarados thank you for telling me what you're switching in you're like oh shoot I just did that I know you're gonna try to be strong against Gyarados so let's see what do I do oh that hurt come on come on come on please oh come on can I take this can you please no yes no yes even though Garchomp had a really high base stat total and was a pseudo legendary he wasn't really doing that well in any of these bats let's go with him let's go with him come on Rayquaza let's go like this come on yeah okay we finished him off we're good that's fine oh that was so newbie I just lost my ash Greninja now we're pulling up come on take it right you take it oh okay that hurt all right come on Raichu oh your paralyzed too let's go oh we got we got fat boy here all right we're gonna have to use one of these come on yes okay you're paralyzed wait did you get I got the paralysis off let's go let's confuse come on oh yes oh my thank God that was actually raichu's the worst I'm so glad I got it no I didn't realize it at the moment but at the start of the last set of 10 days Mickey was talking about how he could easily counter my Raichu now I guess when you can easily take out three of the opponent's Pokemon you're kind of a Target to counter fine I don't know how oh you you hate yourself in confusion now you're paralyzed oh no please oh it missed I got a extremely lucky here that manky's icefang missed and Rayquaza was able to get a lot of longevity just do it again yes okay let's go oh it's just good it didn't last long though because now maki's Mewtwo is so powerful he's able to one shot a full HP Rayquaza that's crazy with this come on take it oh okay come on please Articuno please hang in there hang in there come on oh yes okay okay we're good we're good we're good going nine tails oh no please no yes let's go how many Pokemon do we have left yes wait two more including this guy or how much I don't know I had two two including that guy there was absolutely nothing I could do I lost the battle on day 90 and day 100 was just around the corner I needed to reassess my team my moves my items and most of all level up my Pokemon like crazy okay Xerneas bro that's not good for me and to top it all off Mickey had the opportunity to catch a level 100 zerning for making while he catches this I need to get all my Pokemon to like level 100. this is bad that he that he was able to win especially with two Pokemon left I I need to catch up in levels these next days like this next 10 days and be ready for this battle on day 100 like I need to win this this is I was thinking that this would be a walk in the park all right I'm back Mickey no wait what did you kill me no this is what happened I used to okay no I I use psychic let's go I gotta found it no I got it down to two percent and then it got confused and hurt itself and confused I got confused foreign had completely one shot that Xerneas I started to think about what I could do to neutralize Mewtwo he was definitely the most powerful Pokemon on the field so I needed to figure something out and figure it out fast I realized that riper has the move Mega horn which was really good against Mew and would do super effective damage the only issue here is that rhyperior has really low special defense and maki's Mewtwo is a special attacker I started to look at what items could solve this issue for me I also decided to take rhyperior with me instead of Garchomp because the team Synergy was a lot better with him so Garchomp didn't do too well alright and riper actually has the move megahorn which does a serious amount of damage to Mewtwo right period I am going to give him a protector and train his special defense so he can tank a hit from Mewtwo and when he takes a hit from YouTube he'll be able to use Mega horn and kill Mewtwo I'm hoping because it's super effective other than that I don't really have too many Mewtwo killer that that's the plan to use a ripe your instead of a Garchomp oh yeah let's go because I killed you I gained so much xp right no oh I'm U2 it's at net 99 now no 99 all right guys I just muted for Makey uh I'm going to go to the desert biome today I think to get the the levels I need to get my Pokemon all up to like level 100 to be able to compete with him to be honest on the morning of day 92 I had finally arrived in the desert biome and went looking for granite why Granite you ask well it's what I need to craft the assault vest for rhyperior I'm doing so good I'm just like trying to get my guy to 100. imagine if I get a level 100 guy I could it if I win this I gotta figure out a comment to like instead I won but not like give it away I feel like oh imagine losing for 200 days straight that like yeah yeah you you won't have to actually make that comment I'm winning this funny joke yeah okay boom one of these and another one of these all right there we go okay we need that and that so tents were like not even talking I'm actually like I'm trying to study right you usually do and I'm gonna try to like predict you'll predict what I'm gonna do it might be a bit risky actually I don't know if I should do that yeah yeah do that do that go ahead and do it even if I mess up I'll still win so yeah yeah I dude I have to win this dude I cannot lose two 100 days in a row I cannot lose for 200 days everyone will come no if so ever if I win 20 days in a row everyone will come to my channel come on come on bro come on come on please bro bro it was the morning of day 93 now and the desert biome really wasn't doing it for me I needed to get more XP and the flat area that the ice biome offered allowed more Pokemon to spawn I had to make the switch you know so I I think I'm just gonna travel straight there how much health is on my elytra my lighter should be able to make it okay I'm just gonna kind of Glide over there as fast as I possibly can uh that that that's that's what we're gonna have to do all right we're back in the biome um I need I need to go find some ice okay I just watched our other 100 day video just to get inspiration wait did you actually yeah well I just like that last fight oh the last fight oh you're studying me you dog dog you would study me that's that's what a professional does oh well I know you're every move come on I think this is a lot better XP wise for us it was the night of Day 94 now and time was just flying by while it might seem like we're always joking around this challenge got super duper competitive and tense Mickey and I would just not talk for the longest time during these 10 days so we were pretty stressed out cannot even tell you I'm I'm actually I'm literally writing a spreadsheet right now of what of what your Pokemon is strong again so that you're weak against that no way yeah yeah you might be so I don't get confused during the fight because I'm gonna freak out I know it are you are you I'm gonna be calm cool and Collective I'm gonna figure this out no you're not you're gonna be like I don't know what to do guys oh I got it come on this guy this guy this guy yes okay the spawns are starting to like turn up or something because like I'm getting so much XP come on dude I am oh my gosh this is so dense oh I've never wanted to win in a Minecraft game this badly I'm not gonna lie yeah yeah I'm I'm not that crazy about it but you know if I if I lose I'd still like break my desk it's still like he used to like snap your keyboard in half you know yeah yeah see so I'm doing that win or loss bro winner how does excitement I snap my keyboard when I win I gotta go with that yes okay perfect perfect on the morning of day 95 I had finally gotten both Rayquaza and Raichu up to level 100 maybe like this and then we're gonna put it on E he probably oh wait oh this guy's also um let's do this let's um uh but let's use this side let's use this guy okay yes okay perfect come on E Snorlax weighs a thousand pounds oh so do you this guy gets the next level we're gonna go to the next uh Greninja I never thought that I would be this stressed in in a battle against you you know you're usually so terrible comparison like you know me but yeah yeah yeah I get that I get that power is beating so fast right now all right I like I'm like it like my breasts are like shaky dang I sound like a total nerd I guess I I do that to some people you know oh you got me feeling some type of way mate my it's my wrist you know it's it's your wrist bruh what are you doing near the end of day 95 my elytra had broke so I had to go fight Pokemon on foot oh that's actually good no it's not it's gonna ruin my efficiency by like 1.3 times I did the math uh 1.3 times less efficiency you are a nerd okay it takes so long to get places now I need to stay on the ice becoming nighttime not like that to be honest yeah I switched to move out on this guy this move so he so he'd be better thank you yeah how you doing are you uh are you stressed a little bit or are you you know I'm actually very confident it was the morning of day 96 and my Pokemon's levels were skyrocketing in my mind minky could have had all level 100 Pokemon by now so that just made me grind even harder say something and then you just like it takes like 10 seconds and then you find like oh yeah really really I was like okay all right uh uh because I I'm dude I'm not I'm grinding so hard right now come on one more one more dude it's okay it's gonna be time to start heading back here in a second yeah I uh I died and I'm back at base so it was day 97 now and I was back at base I needed to go in the forest away from Mankey and figure out what items and strategies I was going to use for the battle in just three days thank Mewtwo's uh a psychic if he can tank Mewtwo's psychic I can one shot him with mega horn I know I can oh dang this only this only does that hold up how do I die wool oh I need white wool what um I realized that I could only make the red wool required for an assault vest with white wool I muted from manky while I took out all these wulu's and found red flowers to dye the wool give me give me give me thanks come on I do actually have shears which might give me more uh it's fine it's fine it's fine I think at like 1.5 times so that would be 300 special defense on Arcanine which would actually kind of be ideal I realized that the assault vest is so good that it would be really beneficial for Arcanine to have just in case I have to throw him in against Mewtwo I decided to make an assault vest for Arcanine as well as rhyperior and take the mag off of Arcanine so this will boost their special defense so I need to switch them in against special I think he's chasing me hi what's up hey oh there's a bunch right here how did I not see that before I'm uh your guy huh are you just like running around I don't even know what that was it was now day 99 and Mickey seemed like he was already and confident for the battle I still needed more time to do my items and my moves but he didn't hesitate to troll me while I was doing so I started screaming have you picked up again burn your house down I want you steal oh and you steal no no that's a dawn stone though the dog okay okay you stole my dawn stone I cannot believe you no I'm gonna go burn your house down yeah yeah you mean hey to get rid of him and put him back in his house so then I could go deeper in the forest where he wouldn't find me no Mickey's trolling me yeah you're freaking out and I'm just having some fun yeah yeah you're gonna be freaking out here in a second all right guys I need to I need to move further away from Yankee so he doesn't mess with my stuff it is literally like day 99 and a half right now I'm so glad I came back early it's gonna be day 100 for like three fights right yeah yeah well the battle start at day 100 yeah oh okay okay okay we got it we got it okay we got this for this guy I had finally gotten all the items on my Pokemon so now all there was left to do is organize the moves and get ready for battle we got a battle here we're gonna put this move on him all right Mickey the Sun is setting on day 99 dude okay are you ready to battle ready yeah let me just here let me just float for a bit float look at the Comfort base like right in the middle right three two one hey what's up that's crazy what is that yeah let me let me do it again it's pretty cool are you doing it again do it again do it again go ahead and shoot me I would never dude I would never shoot you come on come on that's what you do I can just fly all right right three two one what wait how do you wait are you like I don't know pause on the game how do you do that see I told you it's attacking I I say uh default because you're hacking I uh sleep over your place so I'm kind of scared I I always just bring my entire bed with me to friend's house you see this all the Pokemon we caught all the Pokemon we trained up all the battles we had and all the challenges we overcame boiled down to this moment this was the first of the two out of three final battle and who is better to start with but Raichu the MVP of this hundred days um let's do one of these come on let's go I'm so lucky with the matchup yes you're going down Mickey Mickey you are going down yes okay I knew you'd twitch yes I want to use Raichu to paralyze and confuse Maggie's Pokemon in this battle so this was going off to a perfect start but you don't stop let's go for this one yes come on yes yes let's go um let's do let let's do this come on come on Raichu nope oh you confess me no yes no it's fine it's fine it's fine we're fine we're fine we're just gonna keep using this move nice nice what come on come on come on please let's go no that's so annoying double team yeah yeah let's go all right um okay so come on baby yes better yes let's do this come on please please oh you're so annoying let's go Mickey and I were continuously switching out our Pokemon to try and get the advantage on each other lightning rod riperia oh that's hilarious what you gonna do Mickey I know you are stumped we've both been training for literally a hundred days about this yes no that's so annoying okay come on right here but this no oh no hey what yeah Hammer arm oh yeah I do big damage I do big damage what you gonna do oh oh that does nothing let's [Music] let it fixes out of the game I ended up using rhyperior to take Snorlax out which meant that I would have to use a different Pokemon to take Mewtwo out this would have posed a massive problem but luckily I thought about this in advance yes that's fine that's fine that's fine you confused me how did you get that confusion off you're slower because you're paralyzed that doesn't make sense um come on right come on this yes no let's go the reason rhyperior died here to Mewtwo isn't only because he was low Mankey had taught Mewtwo the move or a sphere meaning that he was super effective against me koing me no matter what yes sir okay okay let's go with this it's my new move oh yes go yes okay okay we're good we're good and there was Arcanine my insurance policy for if riperior didn't work with his assault vest he was able to take one hit from Mewtwo and get him really low Mewtwo's face and it's okay that's kind of weird but you know what I mean have you been paying attention to my Levels by the way I have pretty high levels dude yeah they're pretty high big Care Bear I didn't get him to level 100. you didn't you did not uh oh yes tank oh yes that does that tickles the fact that Arcanine was able to not get one shot by that is literally due to like the item that I gave him and that is it oh that's so annoying I got so lucky I was so smart with what I gave him Gyarados was kind of destroying Articuno at this point but I set up the move Tailwind so for four turns all of my Pokemon are faster than mankey's okay yes let's go come on yes okay that's good damage that's good damage from Articuno thank you Articuno all right let's go for one of these um yeah it's okay okay perfect dang it yes at least some YouTube's down Zapdos um come on this better clutch up for us yes let's go let's go [Music] yes because Rayquaza was faster than Zapdos now he was easily able to take him out I'm locked into this move now this is your last guy right this has to be your last guy come on come on there's no way decision I can clutch it oh shoot I stopped he stopped oh what [Music] yeah and I had done it round one was mine if I could win one more battle against Mankey I would win the entire thing oh yes okay you have to win the next one or else the the battle's over and I win you're on like day like six or something this is absolute revenge for that and also it's uh it's revenge for Froakie it's prevent for Froakie how you you're gonna sit your uh rally killed by frokey on day one this is the ultimate Revenge I'm going to win I'm not gonna even let him get one win here I'm doing it this is how last time went though where I where I won once and then you and then you won the last two so I need to be careful guys I'm so confident I'm just gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back oh man I hate it let's go all right I'm back man I was so nervous I I did get some good laughs though you know because I did take out your your team yeah okay are you ready let's go are you ready are you ready let's go let's go let's go let's go three two one go battle dude let's do it let's do it oh let's carry it I predicted you so hard I knew you would put that in I knew that make you would put in Snorlax to try and counter my Raichu which I led with before so I put in rhyperior so I could counter Snorlax do you kill me here I don't know oh no let's go right here right here beating a Pokemon Seven Levels oh I switched in Greninja thinking Mewtwo would use side strike but he used a super effective move against my Greninja that oh that's ridiculous let's just do one of these come on please yes yes oh oh wait you flitched me the way the item worked yes that's your revenge that's your revenge from all the things that make you is done oh yes that's Revenge right there Greninja had finally gotten his revenge on Mankey he took out his Mewtwo solo with being switched in oh that's so lucky that's so much luck that's like 10 chance of you plunging oh boy not him again come on no oh let's go okay come on hang on there hang on there right here hang on there you gotta hang in there oh no yes okay you know it's fine it is fine look who it is surprise surprise manky look at how massive he is compared to your little Pelican yeah okay oh you're switching what are you switching to yes yes okay perfect it's so unfair what it's so powerful Mickey tried to counter my Rayquaza with his gyarados's ice thing but he couldn't even get it hidden wait that's a one shot that's an easy one shot easy one shot let's go come on I got this i got this oh how'd you hang in there oh no I'm confused uh let's try this come on wait no no no that was a stupid move yes no oh I oh I made such a bad mood then oh yes it still hits I didn't think it would still hit like that um should we go with one of these it's more accurate I think this one this is accurate yes yes okay we'll finish you off yes okay come on Rayquaza you can't even take him down let's go with this again let's start doing this again because he's gonna die Zapdos is pressure activated dude break pause is actually caring yes oh okay okay oh that's fair that's fair with Greninja taking out Mewtwo and Rayquaza's amazing longevity this battle was going very well out speed out speed come on wait is this your last Pokemon wait if I land this I win wait please please that everything yeah it's everything oh my gosh I actually won dude I told you I'd sweep you and so I had finally beaten Mankey even though the wind was very satisfying I started to think it wasn't the victory that made this journey so satisfying the fun I had with Maki the Pokemon we caught and the adventures we had is what will Propel me to keep making these challenges and what makes it all worth it if you guys enjoyed please subscribe uh Mickey's Channel and he'll comment and I'll probably pin his comment uh so subscribe to him too go watch some of his videos um we had an awesome time thank you for watching uh
Channel: Seismic
Views: 613,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, cobblemon, minecraft, pokeman, coblemon, pixelmon.pokemon in minecraft, cobblemon charmander starter, minefat, minecraft pokemion, Sruid, Arpus, 100 days cobblemon, 100 days pixelmon, sirud, Pokémon, 100 days in pokemon, pixelmon nuzzlock, We spent 100 days playing Pokémon in Minecraft!, Cobblemon is Pixelmon's Newest Competitor, I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Pokemon... Here's What Happened., I Spent 100 DAYS in LEGENDARY POKÉMON Minecraft Against my Rival! Duos Cobblemon
Id: WzLbrKJsA_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 48sec (10008 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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