Lego Star Wars speedruns are very broken

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today we're speed running through lego star wars the complete saga and i'm here with my friend purple hair guy greetings friends now we'll start the speed run as soon as i click on new game and right away it's just gonna spawn us in the lobby this is because there are six different episodes from us to choose from and we gotta go in the first episode first obviously now unfortunately with this game there are gonna be a lot of unskippable cutscenes like with a lot of the early lego games so we kind of just have to wait here and watch this beautiful sequence now once we start we're gonna right away i'm gonna use the force right here and yeah since this is a two player speed run because obviously that's the best way to play lego star wars i can do one thing and purple hair guy can do the other so like for these guys he's going to go and kill them you're supposed to kill them well i'm going for the robot trying to take all the glory for himself this guy i want all of it give me give me all right so he's going to get this robot i'm going to go on through and then i have to construct something so the robot can then open this door and neither of us know the robot's name sorry about that any big star wars silver guy man yeah the silver guy is that guy even in the movies i don't think so but you know i've seen the movies like 40 times each and i have no clue so anyway while he protects me protect me there's a lot of things to block come on then i get that up let's go oh well thank you for your service i appreciate that and now he's going to drop out so our silver boy okay as i was saying he's going to drop out source silver boy is going to come here sooner and then he can transform into him yeah he's just kind of walking through all these gunshots i'm getting shot yeah there's a lot of people trying to kill us and we're just gonna walk through we don't really care and then we make it to another unskipable cutscene but now we have to go through all this stud collecting and all that sort of stuff thankfully for the later levels you can skip this but for now we just kind of have to watch it but as soon as that's done we can move on to the next level now in total each one of these episodes has six levels and since there are six episodes in total that's going to be 36 levels hey quick math yeah i worked really hard on that thank you and now we get to show you one of the most broken tricks or i guess it's not even one of the most broken because this entire game is kind of broken but what i'm going to do is change my refresh rate to 50. and you'll see why in just a second first of all we have some enemies trying to attack us we can kill them really quick with a slam and now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just back flip up this tree come on game you got it be a little farther away okay there we go and now i can switch the refresh rate back to 60. now if he uses the force then i'm just going to teleport below the ground and he can drop out yeah basically this is going to skip a cutscene for us and it is a pretty long cutscene too so i'm glad we can skip it yeah jar jar binks is gonna try to talk to us but yeah we're just gonna walk through his cutscene trigger and you'll see as soon as we make it on the other side now he's here with us so at this point i'm gonna be doing all the jar jar things and he's gonna be doing all the jedi things like right here he can go let me die come on man please block this guy okay i blocked him i blocked him cup jar jar please jump oh my gosh get over here come on my game is lagging okay jar jar just do your job man you got this so yeah basically i can just go around and be a high jumper no i'm sorry oh no but as i was saying i could be a high jumper he can do jedi things and yeah it worked out pretty well oh i guess you're leaving without me goodbye like now he can go hit that so we can go through there he almost pushes me off a cliff i feel like that was premeditated no no no no i wouldn't ever kill you on purpose smile why did you audibly say smile couldn't you've just smiled well you can't see my face so i had this oh okay so now at this point i'm gonna go up here and i'm going to collapse these rocks and we can just go to the end where'd you die wait excuse me sir he just stunned me so he could get to the end of the level sooner i'm so good at this game please wait for me wait for jar jar so now we swim down to the lost city of atlantis or something like that you clearly are a star wars fan a little confession i've never watched the star wars movies but i do love the lego star wars games so you know i got that from my childhood but now at this point we have to save padme so we'll see her and all the boys just getting escorted by a bunch of enemies but we're here to help them out so we do a little bit of murder you know just normal stuff and now at this point i actually get to play as padme so purple hair guy is actually going to leave the game right away yeah we don't really need him and i'm going to go explode this because i can do a quick job that just puts me through the floor don't ask us why that works but it is beautiful then i can just go through i'm gonna get a power pellet because that's gonna make sure i can't get shot and yeah we just walk through here we don't even need purple air guy oh you don't want me or need me well i just said you know we always want you here oh but yeah the rest of this level isn't too hard we kind of just walk through these places there's a button we have to shoot or i think i was shooting you there so it wasn't shooting the button that's why i died so fast and now i'm going to do the greatest move of my life you better not steal this for me prabora guy this i'm going to draw a moment i'm going to try my best to take this from you please do not take this from me i got to show it off no i messed it up no we suck let me get it no nope i believe you putting that unneeded pressure i was gonna do something so cool not on my watch basically what i could have done is i could have hit all four of those buttons with just a quick jump but purple hair guy hates me but yeah now we open up the end of the level it's already pretty much done oh yeah we have the two people you know just hanging out gotta love these guys and then we murder them we really like murdering poor defenseless people but we made it out of there and we're doing pretty well first three levels sub 10. so anyways this is probably one of everybody's favorite levels in these games because now it's time for some pod racing and we're going to completely break this pod racing segment yeah of course we need 500 so we can buy a new engine and this random kid is like hey how about you let me race in your place now right when this starts purple hair guy is gonna leave because this level is not good for two people i remember playing this level with my brother and we were trying to get all the different collectibles but it was so hard we had to make it just one person and i spent way too much time on trying to do it because to both win the race and get all the collectibles if you've ever played this game you probably know my pain also move out of my way oh yeah there are also random people that just shoot at us for some reason so they're not very nice they're angry this is you know this is their desert yeah but i'm just having a fun time racing some cars here's where the coolest trick or one of the coolest tricks in the game in my opinion comes in so what we do is i go right here he's gonna come in i will drop out then come in again and what's going to happen here is he can finish this lap and then we get this whole cutscene after the first lap where our boy just goes and kills this guy for no reason and then he's gonna quit out right away and i'm going to be out of the map so what's going to happen is i'm just going to be building up speed and dying and we kind of just wait here and watch this happen over and over again but eventually i'm going to have enough speed to clip back in in my game completely destroy this next lap and make it to the next cutscene yeah that is easily one of my favorite tricks just because it's so goofy i'm coming back no you're gonna i don't i don't trust you you're gonna after what you've done to me last level i don't know if i can trust you wait what oh i'm green i was really confused on who i was in our practice he always made fun of me for not knowing which ship i was and then he messes it up here i never enjoyed it this part i figured i need some game time all right that's fair that's fair we got to work together that's called cooperation yup no please i have to win let's go come on please no it's mine oh but yeah now we won money i just take it out of my pocket because i actually had it this whole time and we win a new engine we also get the kid for some reason so that's pretty cool but yeah another level successfully done and it's time for one five now at this point we're getting all of these guys ready for war and this is the most beautiful battle scene i have ever seen in my life i feel like this looked a little bit better when i was a kid but it still has that beautiful nostalgia of all these guys slowly moving across this beautiful terrain what do you think about it purple air guy uh i think that this war is messed up because we mind controlled their leader to make them fight for us i think that's kind of that's wrong is it not but we're doing it for the right reasons right uh i think we're trying to kidnap somebody i mean but we're doing it for reasons right yeah yeah we're doing it four reasons that's for sure anyways once we spawn in right away purple hair guy is gonna try to switch to r2 and here's a cool part where i get to push r2 and that wasn't exactly the direction i wanted him to go okay you just went in all this stuff i'm sorry r2 i didn't need to do that lift me up ah save the r2 i can't i didn't you stunned me oh my gosh oh my god come on gabe you got this man i believe can our friends help our friends are not helping i'm just dying right now okay there we go finally anyway i can force push r2 and as long as i don't force push him too far then he can just start moving again right away if i do force push them too far though uh everything kind of just gets ruined so i try not to do that and that was way too risky this guy taking taking all these risks i started panicking too i was really worried but i can slam down on this so they're not able to hit me and we just hope r2 what what are these spots doing this r2 player is actually throwing okay it's fine okay but we hit all the buttons i guess it works out and now he's gonna leave out pretty quick i'm also gonna try to jump to hopefully not lose my last heart but there's a lot of these people trying to come please stop guys i'm tr i've just tried to go fast all right no but i'm gonna go ahead hit this statue because then we can make something hopefully they won't be trying to murder me while i'm doing it and now it's oh you spawned right in his r2 let's go that does not always happen it's actually a little bit lucky that it did work that way but now it's time for us both to be jedis so we're just gonna go across this whole thing and something you might have noticed from the speed run is we don't really fight enemies when we don't have to we'd rather just let the cpus do it even though they're terrible at fighting and just don't ever damage people oh no this is so horrible ah that seems like it was the purple time this is not going well now just make the jump there we go that's like the tightest jump in the game easy and now we can do a cool trick where we're just gonna hope purple hair guy's not bad he's gonna make the jump over there i can force this up and then he can make that beautiful jump and it works out perfectly oh i thought you're gonna miss that button and then we're gonna get the dumb cutscene okay all right stop stop stop oh my gosh oh he always does this work he almost doesn't let this trick happen but basically can you move that's not me no i was talking to her oh okay it was like really annoying excuse me all right there we go so i'm gonna slash this guy because he's not my okay you kind of went in the wrong position man no all right it's beans so anyway we can skip this whole scene if you know the cpus just want to work out with me but they decided to be jerks today so we're just gonna have to go through this normally all right so we can set up all these different things and did she just miss her grapple did you see that a bot messed up oh my god that was kind of pathetic i'm not gonna lie but it makes me feel better because you know we're usually the ones that mess up but we can just open up this path and this is the hardest part of the game because it is so easy to fall i feel like i'm gonna say pretty much everything is the hardest part of the game in this video i think this game is hard in general this game is hard to speed run they got some hard tricks in here but now we've made it into this area i'm gonna switch over okay let me switch the right person because i need to be padme can you kill that guy oh no no leaving me defenseless yeah we just put to sleep forever i forgot that's the old batman quote all right you keep going i'm gonna try to catch up so we made it into this secret passageway and now we're just gonna move down he's gonna become captain kanaka and did he just hit that guy i i wouldn't do that that would be weird it seemed like you just hit him for no reason but now i'm going to do some amazing aims so i can hit these guys and then save these people that are captured why do you keep hitting these feet stop wait what have they done to you nothing nothing i'm just trying to speed run and my partner is just killing people for no reason okay now purple hair guy has to take care of these guys become a jedi oh my god hold up slam this guy i swear i'm just trying to do my game play but now i can just hit up there and then we're going to get all those people and that's going to open up the end of the level for us now purple hair guy can just go to the door and that's a pretty good level other than the one mistake i think we did pretty well we also get shot at by a bunch of guys and i feel like we should have learned our lesson that bullets do not work on trying to shoot them but yeah this kid is just gonna leave us behind he hates us what a jerk but now it's time for one six which is going to be our first boss fight against darth maul which this guy cheats because he has like two lightsabers i feel like that's not fair i mean we also have two yeah but you know uh he sucks good point good point okay so what's gonna happen here is purple hair guys gonna drop out and they call me easy first try speezy as i was saying they call me easy second try speezy easy third try speed they call me easy fourth try speezy and i can make it up there and okay there we go it's fine because i'll spawn right back on here and then i can make a jump just barely okay it's fine i i made the hard jump already so this jump is so precise oh come on come on man you were almost there i already did the hard part i just have to make it over here this is all planned right yeah this is all planned because now i can get it back i have never missed this jump this many times what is going on it's the nerve okay that should be good there we go finally all right usually that jump goes a little bit better and then i can take my car it's pretty fun but that saves so much time that even the time loss that happened doesn't really matter oh my gosh i can join here yeah now we have another cool jump where i'm gonna go right here he's gonna be trying to fight us but we don't really care and did you just boost me i think you actually just helped and you should probably okay bye i definitely wasn't trying to make the jump as well but now i can just go past here you can see darth maul he's like trying to fight us he has no idea that i'm just like on top of here skipping his entire level and now we get into this section where hopefully purple hair guy can get in oh i joined okay thank you oh thank god a lot of the times with this game it just doesn't let your partner join back in if they leave so yeah we got kind of lucky there honestly so what's gonna happen here is i'm gonna go for the or i guess purple hair guy is gonna go for the big guy and i'm gonna kill all the rest of these guys go get him go get him i'm killing him die all right now we'll run straight back because we have to wait for these guys to spawn anyways so let's go purple our guy hurry up oh you dropped out somehow the game sometimes likes dropping you out it's just part of the gameplay but now okay why does this game not want me to have any of the glory so purple hair guy can get the rest i will kill these guys come on let's go oh beautiful gameplay oh yeah that was some of the best gameplay you have ever seen in your life and now we still have to fight these ball guys which just like usual we just have to take out by doing a slam and then taking them to the gym did you like that space jam reference uh i've never seen space jam me neither but i know that's part of it and now finally we can start trying to attack darth maul again but we have a fun little cutscene where we kind of just have to place these things down he keeps trying to escape from us but we have the easiest way of getting through these barriers in the world i feel like he did not think this out too well and then we have the fight which were both what were you doing he just jumped i didn't even get to attack him but basically we're gonna try to get two attacks at once so we can both jump and then boom oh we got it oh that one actually worked out well so he's just jumping away he's kind of being a jerk right now but at this point he's gonna get on top of a platform and we have to throw some chairs at him no a bike so all right thank you chair he's gonna fall back down just get right back on top of here all right where's another chair all right i guess that is in a chair you could use it as a chair though so it's a cobweb yeah was it a cobweb yeah it was a cobweb i think are cobwebs that good at killing people i mean i'm sure if a cobweb is thick enough it'd probably hurt to get hit by it anyways cool jedi fight it doesn't really matter i almost die but our boy here is going to do the greatest move of all time and kill this guy even though he doesn't actually die you can get up oh never mind you're dead look all right you could have helped me more if only you brought medicine like i told you to anyways we did it we saved the world let's go end of the game we got a blue ball what what is the blue ball i have no idea man i couldn't tell you but we have it it's ours yes we are good so that is now going to open up the second episode and i think all the episodes actually but we're going to go to the second one first because it has some stuff we need to get now to start out with this we see padme i think they're like a little bit grown up in this episode right yeah they're a little older because anakin's not like a six-year-old anymore yeah you can see that this lady just tried to murder padme with some bugs or something i don't really know what was going on and so now we have to chase her while she gets to enjoy looking at her new bug friends and at this point this is probably one of the easiest levels in the game all we do is take the correct path follow this person and she even slows down for us a lot of the time so that's pretty nice of her but yeah there's not really too much to say about this level it is one of my favorites yeah it is a fun level like we get to you know shoot that's pretty fun but yeah finally we make it into a hole so that's pretty cool and it's time for our first like arena battle i guess this is kind of like an arena but you'll see at this point there's a lot of these drone guys that we're going to have to take care of first of all we have to touch these white lights oh got him this is crazy oh my god that is actually a lot harder than you think it is because this game sometimes does not like working out but we can now use these bombs first of all i will kill those things and we can just use these bombs to kill these whatever these are called things yeah i'm really good at naming what was that wait oh it almost worked why did it disappear i got it maybe oh my god there we go yeah the shots are not the greatest in the world sometimes they go over the place but now it's time for another chase sequence i don't know why she's still doing this it's obvious we're gonna catch up to her and i also don't know why she didn't leave us when we were trapped in that arena for like a good 20 seconds but maybe she wants to get caught oh i'm right next to her i hit her and exploded get up here that is so that is so baloney but there's now another one of these areas where we're gonna get trapped again i don't know how she keeps getting this lucky but you know i guess it happens she's a crazy shot wait why don't we just fly over this we could just fly over it but where would the fun be in that so now first of all we have to get a bunch of white lights again i'm gonna try to get this one hello all right got that one now we go over to the sides yeah just don't miss them oh that was beautiful i think after like however many hours of gameplay that is the first time i've actually touched one of those lights i could never do it like you know you try your best that's all that matters you do i really do so we're gonna go explode these things one of my bullets did not feel like working gotta love how the bullets work in this game come on shoot hello you're gonna do it can you try to shoot it out it's not working for me i thought i was waiting for you to do it yeah just watching me watching me struggle and pain it was funny all right my bullets might not be working right now oh my goodness is your oh your mind is probably stuck or something i got it though don't worry i'm the carry just like in everything anyways now that we've opened this up it's time for the greatest kill of all time so basically we're gonna be right here and we just start shooting and yeah they just didn't even try for that fight yeah we finally are able to get a good kill we're gonna come up to her and then oh no he kill stealed that guy just came by and stole our kill can you believe that we don't even get an assist on it this is so sad so we decided that because he stole our kill we want to go after him we also kind of love the weapon that he used so we want to steal those as well they will be very useful no this is not the actual lore but it's our made up lore it's our head cannon so first of all we have to go help out this guy who has a long neck and i'm gonna go fix that for him and for some reason fixing that light opens up a bridge for us which makes as much sense as you think it does it's a lego game all right go our table are you i'm gonna push you oh no you're slow i can't move please this guy never help it out so now at this point we go up to these guys and we're like hey where can we get some of these and he shows us they're in this direction what a nice guy now unfortunately r2 is a very slow robot wait this is oh i have to do all the work wait who is this oh yeah it's the red one it's red r2 red r2 yeah so apparently these are babies is what purple hair guys recently told me yes uh which they're just single pellets i don't know how that is supposed to be given off but all right so now we get one of the easiest tricks in the game basically what i do is i just hug this wall and then he joins in and yeah um i don't know how r2 got there but he must have worked really hard so we find the guy who stole our kill and i'm just gonna jump over these they're actually kind of hard to jump over sometimes all right don't die don't die red r2 crazy man these bombs excite me oh never mind so yeah the best way of doing this is to just not die of the bombs but we're also trying to go fast and we have to deal with red r2's antics so you know it's easier said than done but yeah i can't press this button until he leaves button oh my gosh that scared me oh yeah he always does that for no reason adrenaline man i need it but now we can just open up this door i don't know how he thought he could escape from us and we get a section where he's gonna cover up the button and send a bunch of guys at us but thankfully there's a power pellet which of course just nullify all the damage we have to take and just shoots it back at them i don't even have my legs getting shot red r2 don't die oh god it hurts i'll protect you redder thank you thank you so much and it's time for one of the greatest bosses of all time so this boss fight is funny because they do give red r2 something to do but in all reality it doesn't affect the level at all i mean yeah pretty much it does nothing yeah so i have to actually fight this guy and purple hair guy is just going to go around and he's going to be pressing these buttons and they do shoot the ship but it really doesn't actually help us which is kind of funny meanwhile i'm risking my life and this robot is just kind of helping a little bit i guess in the one-player speed runs they don't even use the robot so that's kind of wait where does this missile just went all over the place yeah i don't know what just happened there but yeah this is like the worst bounty hunter ever because he just keeps trying to do the same thing that doesn't work on me and i mean i do applaud the effort but like how many missiles do you have to use before you realize it's not working and then i can just take them out oh no come on oh there we go it's finally time to get our kill but again someone comes by and steals our kill oh my gosh these supports man always stealing our kills this game they need to change the meta but we did get a tracking device on him so i mean that works so it's time for the next level we've been following these people these two people in love are just kind of hanging out on their ship they see me almost dying you know it happens so now they're gonna follow him and at this point we have to save our boy so i get to play as anakin skywalker and purple hair guys gonna be padme it's pretty much just up the purple hair guy right away because he has to shoot all these people and we're also like going into their machinery i don't know what their supply line is given there's no products going through this oh this is the uh is that what this is supposed to be it's the droid fan oh yeah then why don't we see any droids and why is r2 here because he's a cool dude so i'm gonna go ahead do that we can just go right through here and i'm gonna have to switch to padme we're just gonna leave anakin behind because who cares about him oh wait we don't do that just yet but we will do it soon no i missed the shot come on oh okay second time to try let's go and wait we actually left them behind come on okay those jumps are always scary hey can you guys shoot r2 instead of just me they're my friends r2 come on okay that one's on me i'll take the that one wait how'd you get over there all right i made it through i can shoot these things open which we actually don't need to do he could have just done this level by himself but hey i like being helpful or at least pretending to be and now we get a new robot but yeah because this guy is so slow i just have to help him we have to go through this whole sequence he doesn't even get that extra blue stud come on man that was some really good robot noises i'm really proud of you thank you so much i've been practicing oh really just for this video just for this video and that's why you should subscribe to this channel right away we practice for these videos so if you're enjoying the content make sure you subscribe we'd really appreciate it and also go check out purple hair guys channel he does a lot of terraria stuff so if you are interested in that game then we would both appreciate if you would check it out don't just blindly subscribe to him because that actually hurts his channel more than it helps it but if you do like his content subscribe and check him out oh those guys just bullies they hate droids they were so angry at myself promo for both of us they just decided no you're gonna lose time here now at this point we're gonna get the bomb i'm gonna get this power pellet and because i have a power pellet i can get rid of my lightsaber and i can just kind of walk through here they're gonna be a lot of enemies but i don't really care enough to deal with them all right don't push people randomly man oh come on these guys are getting in my way so i'm pushing them off the cliff but there we go we saved him but yeah we didn't actually save him at least we tried and now it's time for one of my favorite levels in the speed run because it's all up to purple air guy i also like this level so it's kind of fair this is a very fun level i especially casually but yeah the speed run for this uh you'll see in just a second that guy's beard is so ugly not count dooku but jango fett it's like real mad what did he do to you he tried to kill me anyways at the start i do have to do some work so it is kind of sad wall purple hair guys he's just gonna keep stunning people it's kind of the greatest job of all time and we can get padme right there but we have to save a couple more people so this is basically the beginning we just kind of saved people's lives they're too lazy to do it themselves i'm also going to explode this because i want a power pellet i said explode it i want the power robot yeah the power pellets are really overpowered in this game they just completely kill people in like two hits so it is good to go ahead and get those and now we also have anakin but we have one more person to save so oh i just got another powerhouse crazy yeah i'm doing a good job right here i'm proud of myself proud of you too i'll get that power pellet for you oh teamwork that's called teamwork right there operation now we will want to wait to get this last power pellet this guy is kind of in our way but that's because purple hair guy is going to want to get it right here are you gonna wait i'm gonna wait until after the cut soon oh smart smart smart smart but now it's all time for purple hair guys so have fun doing your thing all right you got to help me out here though keep your eyes peeled yeah so the really annoying thing about this level is we have to find very specific people and we have to find these red guys but they're also really hard to find there's one um all right you guys got one okay get another power pellet but i also don't know if the name for them is power pellets so someone might be getting really mad powerball power uh no powerball's a lottery thing oh that's three right there dead that was crazy good luck all right we just have to find one more last one right here oh no i left a power thing there there are no power things in my mind where is this guy um please where are you sir hey hello i'm going backwards oh he's right there he's right there jerk he was hiding so sneaky yeah sometimes these guys just hide him because they're so short like we just can't see them but now it's a little bit easier because there's another one this is right there i didn't even see that guy good eye good eye yeah that was close we would have been looking for him for years where the silver boys at there's one at least they're easy to find the silver boys we prefer getting them oh behind you behind you oh my gosh i didn't even see that guy the team that's why they call me a gamer oh and there's another red boy i just one more silver boy they're so tall we can't miss him oh there he is there he is okay got him oh that was some good gaming right there now our enemies get so pissed off that they actually decide to fight so it's time for another one of the greatest boss battles of all time i have about one frame right now we'll see how this works for me this is also the funniest thing no one even cares that she's just hitting him multiple times and then yeah she just murdered him cold blood oh yeah we also get yoda to come here so thanks for showing up so late man but yeah padme just punched the guy to death so yeah now his son is going to come back at us later that is the sun right uh oh press i appreciate it that's it's not his son it's just a clone that he like kidnapped so now purple hair guy is going to leave the game i'm surprised it let me in the game so fast usually it does not do that that's pretty clean so what we have to do here is another set of really cool tricks first of all i'm going to take this bomb and i have to make sure it doesn't hit anything because then oh that almost hit something i basically just don't want to lose the time and i can hit that thing now at this point instead of getting another bomb i have to do this really cool movement okay anyways as i was saying i have to do this really cool movement where i go right through the okay i can do this i can do this excuse me sir i have to do this oh and that one's good that one is perfect okay first try too i can't believe it yeah i got the first try that was impressive i even got to say so at this point i'm also going to want to take this red brick that's behind this rock and we're going to be using that later but now it's time for purple hair guy to have the stress of the levels so i can do a flip and then i'm going to do that he's going to spawn in at the top of the jump okay and yeah i think i messed up no no no that's not me that one's on me that one's on okay okay so let me do the flip and then we'll try this one more time boom he goes straight to the left and then it's a crazy thing that's what we call gaming right there but now it's time for one of the most annoying parts because there are so many enemies that try to steal our bombs everything's just trying to kill steal from us but i have to use these bombs to hit all of these i don't even know what to call these lasers i guess i guess so and purple hair guy can also help me by just killing all the guys around us because they are very annoying all right got another bomb gonna take it over here look at that this dude is so good at this game they call me game so good that you should subscribe all right we already did our shelling we can't do two shillings never buy never mind cancel that nevermind don't subscribe all right look at this gaming maybe you should subscribe i'm not gonna miss a single one of these i've never seen you hit all of these in a row this is awesome yeah this is actually i'm very impressed with myself all right now we're gonna go around destroy a couple of these get those and then we'll turn around one more time okay okay sorry i misunderstood what we're doing can i hit the last one oh my god you're doing this that is so crazy i'm actually a gamer i believe it you know my parents raised the gamer what can i say we even get the true jedi yes all right that was a really good level i think that's the best we've ever done that was like really really good so we'll see this guy he's like oh i want to fight and we're like oh okay so that's basically the story if you're wondering i know star wars expert right here what we're gonna do is boom he's gonna go through the floor i'm gonna drop out and now this is kind of precise so i'm going to pay attention so i have to wait for my guy to stop moving once he's against the door and then as soon as he drops i'm trying to spawn in nice and there we go oh perfect so good okay so that skips some gameplay that we have to do and gets us right into this boss fight and now the boss fight is pretty easy we kind of just stomp on him a couple times but then he gets this thing where now we can't get close to him so we have to throw his stuff back at him you know they really like using this a lot in this game and it's also like i don't know how they don't learn this doesn't work try something else obviously our force is a little bit stronger than yours but there we go we got him once he's going to start freaking out no i have to play yoda now yeah it's time for purple hair guy because one of our guys gets taken out purple hair guy has to play i hate yoda look everyone loves yoda but in this game he is uh he's a little bit wonky we might say so now what's going to happen here is yoda we had the lit or the lightning bit yeah i thought we had the lightning bit too but it just didn't happen so we'll just not worry about it yeah no big deal yeah yoda's just like a different move set from all the other jedi's so it's kind of hard to play you can see him walking so slow come on get over there also the bad thing about this part is even though yoda is clearly hitting him it doesn't get rid of any of his hearts which doesn't really make sense but you know that's life i guess because yoda does no damage so after this i can hit him you're gonna hit him next and we just take turns hitting him because sometimes we won't get the hearts if we don't take turns it's really strange this game oh my gosh there we go all right and there we go that is the second episode done in less than 55 minutes so we are going really fast we also have another ending cut scene where you know some evil things are happening i guess yeah they're laughing with each other yeah you said a funny joke yoda can actually move faster if he jumps but it's just so weird to play as him and now we're gonna go over here and you'll notice we got a red brick earlier well we're gonna use that by going into the extras and we're going to go all the way over here so we can get exploding blaster bolts and now it's time to go into episode four if you're wondering why we're doing this out of order it's because there are some specific red bricks we're gonna have to get through these different levels which makes the other levels easier so it's just faster to do these in the order that we're doing well oh no it's the boys and it's also darth vader you know we'll learn about him more you know when we actually watch the third episode he kind of just shows up in the way we're doing it well we'll start right away by going and making those and we just kind of have to wait for this door to open but yeah we got the two shooter people i'm also going to go ahead and turn on our exploding blaster bolts at this point so now basically everyone who has a gun all of their bullets explode yeah this is not going to work out well for everyone else and we can kill each other with them that's the worst part yeah you definitely won't see any deaths happening through exploding blaster bolts right per ware guy yeah right all right so now what we can do here's one of the places where it's really nice because okay i just messed that up i don't know how i messed up the lever pole but we can just explode these things which i actually don't know how you normally do this now we can go through move all these things excuse me i had to get my revenge and look it actually worked out perfectly there we died at the right spots i'm gonna beat up this guy though for no i need that guy oh yeah here's this part she's like eat this eat this and he really doesn't want to eat it but she doesn't listen to him you can tell he doesn't like it either it's probably not tasty and now at this point we're going to be doing a cool skip so basically i'm going to be standing right here he's going to be using the crane and as soon as it comes down i can walk down and get grabbed by it so we can just go right to the end of the level or not level but this room i guess and that also means we don't even save this guy who we're supposed to have but you know uh sorry the good thing is he does show up for us just a bit later even though we did even save his life oh and we kind of killed those guys were trying to rescue him they just decided to die we're just not very good at rescuing oh my gosh i'm sorry kill him go go go build it good job i'll get r2 i'll get r2 come on give me the right person please here we go that was a pretty good thing right there all right i'm gonna keep going with r2 preparing for some stuff he has to actually build but i can just walk through see you later dude yeah of course because of cp30 we have to get all these extra paths and stuff he's really annoying all right perfect i'm gonna go in the store after that excuse me excuse me guys thank you i'm gonna kill him anyway oh my gosh those are our friends dude they talked to me funny all right they said something funny to me very rude and now i can go and do this he's gonna switch to r2 and we can finish this out you missed it i missed it no we missed a second we have to restart the run so now also for some reason the robots leave without any of the humans which they were right there with us so i don't really understand why and now it's just two robots chilling you know having a good time you should go this way yeah now i'm going this way see you later dude hey wait wait come with us no i want to go this way all right i hate you oh no but yeah some of the random people here they capture both of us so now we have luke skywalker coming to save the robots and he points at them and i guess that's the same as paying for them so that's pretty cool but yeah these guys just steal our robots we just got them back they're jerks some random old guy comes up to luke and is like hey i'm old and yeah that's pretty much the conversation and now we're working together so at this point basically it starts out pretty simple i'm going to want to take ben here give me him give me him it's my name with my name it's his fake name though how do you know ben isn't my fake name oh my whoa don't take my power i can't believe that just happened that is so unlucky you weren't supposed to take my pout oh my gosh why are you dropping out without helping out takes my power pellet and then leaves it's all going bad it's all going bad anyways it's time for the trick because we're using this to get a specific red brick we're basically i go under the map and then if i'm very careful about this i should be able to jump back up and as long as i'm moving i won't go through the map i can go through this rock i could go through this rock as i was saying and come on am i gonna get this first try oh my gosh no way oh my gosh come on no way oh let's go away that was just for that is insane okay now i spawn back here and i always do that i do the slide that was actually insane okay i'm proud of myself for that i have never gotten that first try i am legitimately astounded that you did that first try i am as well and now i just get to skip everything we're gonna leave luke behind because it's all about me ben kenobi and yeah i get to start taking this random animal and he's really slow but unfortunately we do need to use him and because he's so slow i won't even go around this stuff i'll just destroy it because property damage is better than going slow always remember that please do not tell anyone i told you that if all right i i am not how liable anyways i can use that i can do a slam right there and we just make it into here why did you have to punch this guy always punching me sorry sorry you're just so punchable pull the lever pull the lever do you want to pull it i forgot how to pull the lever for a second all right it's time for the greatest teamwork of all time boom boom did you see that oh my gosh we're crazy and i'm also gonna kill this guy and now we have some buttons to press make sure you don't mess this up i messed it up no okay it's fine that's gonna wait where where'd the robot go i had to kill him he was stunned oh okay yeah when the robot dies we have to kill them wait when the robot gets stunned we have to kill him i just said when we they die we have to kill when they get stunned we have to kill them because it's faster than waiting for them to be unstunned got it oh that was some good gameplay right there this level has been going amazing besides you still in the game it's time for me to do my stuff but now it's time for some more cool movement i want to get stuck on this rock and come on okay oh it's fine come on get on the rock man all right there we go i can make that jump then i get stuck up here and then i make a beautiful jump right over there yeah we are completely leaving luke skywalker behind we just don't care about him anymore it's all about me doing the movement purple hair guy just gets to sit back relax i do i get a nice view of you standing and jumping die you know i i just wanted you to get the view of dying as well i i knew you like that so oh gosh so i make some jumps i don't even know how to do that casually but it's probably much harder than that and yeah we can just walk through we're going back to my house hey i'm so at this point yeah get the robot make sure you don't fall off this time all right all right there we go all that's beautiful all of the robots stayed on we so here i want to go ahead excuse hey dog dog that's a dog right uh yeah it kind of looks like one so i'm gonna want to push him in here oh come on oh get in there somehow you push me out come on get in my house i was in there get in my house let me in the house there we go i didn't have my house keys so we just had to kind of glitch him in there but yeah now we find out we have to save some random princess or something and i decide to give purple hair guy a lightsaber which is probably the worst idea of my life hey check this out oh my gosh what is wrong with you stop it you made them oh you made it my bad my bad what is wrong with you oh wait now i'm luke skywalker actually yeah you become ben because now luke skywalker's like you know cool so let's first player be him wait i'm bed now like my real name which is what this whole time you were ben i'm ben oh my god are you ben 10. so we're trying to push him in the wall sometimes this happens first try but there we go all right that wasn't too bad get get back in the car thank you all right and now we can keep going i always try to take that top path first before realizing i'm going in the wrong direction i can go and shoot this part boom i died and then you died as well it's fine can i get in the car all right so i'm going to block off this so they can't get through and follow us i want to kill you i feel my blood bodies come over here no oh that was probably not a good idea time was okay can i guess which one i belong on oh i got it right oh that was pretty good any of the npcs will sometimes just take the spot you're on when you're on those buttons it's very annoying you'll probably see it later in this run oh yeah by the way he just killed that guy that's a pretty brutal way to do it but we get to meet the coolest guy in this entire game han solo but i mean just look at the way he sits with his feet up on the table you already know this guy's cool but i get to be him you just get to be a chewbacca excuse me me i mean chewbacca is really cool yeah yeah that's what i like i love chewbacca so it's time for us to go after the squid guy because this is squid game is that meme still relevant i don't think so i think that's like a year gone already yeah and by the time people are watching this video what if they're watching like 10 years from now and they're just like what is he even talking about but hopefully they still know what among us says of course among us can never die go go chewbacca i'm coming come on catch up to you all right i want the victory come on hey no all right all right we'll be civil so it's time for a cool trick where basically i push the robot so i push him once and then he comes back i push him once he comes back and then i push him again and then he can spawn in and then i go ahead and try to shoot him shoot me please come on put him out of his misery okay anyways uh see you later squid game bye yeah we kind of just made it in there so that skips the entire fight stuff so that's pretty cool and we don't really know why it works but it does i feel like there's a lot of stuff in this game where i don't realize why it works but it does oh yeah by the way say goodbye to your home planet and that is called being a good father right there anyways hey look we're definitely the right droids or clones stormtroopers stormtroopers that's what they are yeah they're different i think and yeah darth vader kind of just believes us but we get rid of our helmets for no reason we could use these but this is one of the cooler levels i actually really enjoy it because purple air guys do work goodbye so purple hair guy has a very precise jump so we can skip some stuff here he goes can you get a first try oh yeah yeah first try purple first try hair guy that was really clever okay yeah thank you i appreciate it but can he get the harder glitch i can he has to go right through this boom no wait oh my gosh okay what what's yours we fixed it we it doesn't matter he gets another try what just happened there um i spawned back in and i think that saved it so he went a little too far which would have caused a soft lock and we would have had to watch the beginning cutscene and all that stuff again so that was barely saved all right purple hair guy do not mess this up be a little bit more careful this time oh there we go that was beautiful oh that that one's i'm sweating right now that's how scared i am of messing that one up that was a little close i i was very worried about that that was the best save i've ever seen you make that was so good hit the hit the cameras i got one of them i think the other one's still up but who cares oh and he actually showed up so sometimes he's just not there and we have to wait for him also can i snipe him watch this watch this come on get him get him uh all right so you have to keep this helmet do not lose it i will never i couldn't lose this if i wanted to oh oh my gosh he lost okay we gotta go back i was just saying that i was just saying you could have lost it but you did that on purpose because you really wanted to get another one yeah you wanted to show the backup strats yeah i'm gonna get a helmet too now because that might be a good idea where are all the enemies at i don't know i think they just are on vacation i want to do it i can't tell which one's us because we looked exactly alike but now can purple hair guy do the hardest trick in the book doing some slight movement oh i get it first try oh my god don't let them see you why did you just run into that was just rude man we're buddies okay okay chewbacca do not go crazy do not go crazy chewbacca no chewbacca i got it i got it let's go oh that was so good good teamwork so if we start building chewbacca even though they're not even shooting at us he just goes crazy for no reason so we almost lost our helmet but i was able to body block that was beautiful right there all right now remember kill the cameras yeah yeah yeah except i'm dead oh we were slightly too light i got him i got him i didn't lose too much time so we want to kill those cameras so more people don't keep coming in because i guess they don't really care that there's just not a camera there and now it's time to save princess leia and then we can go in here and boom we'll press these but i hate you oh i blew myself up kill all right she's indestructible it was not fair so anyways we give her a gun and she decides you know she really likes these exploding bullets and chewie doesn't want to go down there but han solo gives him a scooby snack oh he loves scooby snacks but now we're stuck in some ugly poop water and you know probably not the nicest place to be han solo almost kills us we have exploding bullets on right now dude what do you think this water tastes like probably like skittles i guess kind of looks like mountain dew though oh some nice mountain dew i'd love some mountain wait no we're not sponsored um uh uh redacted uh citrus o from kroger yeah citrus o from kroger i love that stuff man that's my go-to but now it's time for another fun level oh we have to wait for the robot oh wait we don't i forgot i always forget all right so i'm going to get a nice helmet you might want to get a helmet too we might want to do this yeah i'll take another one as well so the nice thing about han solo is he has an auto dodge if he's shooting so hopefully that will make it that i can keep my helmet and also chewy looks great with his helmet on he does look pretty cool so i can use my auto dodge right here i'm just gonna keep shooting these guys and dodging out of the way of any of their stuff because if we get hit once then i lose my helmet oh my gosh no all right good thing you have the helmet it's fine it's fine we have the best teamwork ever we really do we've i mean we've put in like at least 25 hours into this game at this point so we've got to pretty good at it oh that was a good correction i totally did that on accident but it works i guess it worked out yeah sometimes you have to correct these things because this game is really finicky in some parts for no reason and now we can swing across here i don't even have to do anything this is all up to chewie at this point he has the helmet i'ma go through the door though see you later all right so we got to kill these guys if they don't die they'll be very annoying oh i love the window washers out there be very careful with your helmet yeah yeah i got it i got it i wish it was on han but that's okay oh no all right that's fine i'm bad i'm really bad nah you didn't have han solo han solo has the auto dodge she just shot him and nothing happened to him this game this game why do the cpus do literally nothing anyway we can get another helmet in a little bit it just makes it a tiny bit more complicated maybe you should stay in here actually oh okay because then you can help me kill the people yeah because usually we would have the helmets so we could just go incognito but now these people are going to try to kill us because they're jerks all right stay down there stay down there i'm waiting i'ma press this i'll come down to help kill and the annoying thing about this part is they're unlimited guys and it kind of sucks gotta cover me all right we're already cool boom now we can go up with the elevator yeah these are never ending guys it's very annoying this part is so horrible what wait what is luke doing up here he just walked out like teleporting ow oh my gosh protect me protect me oh no i wasn't able to make it up i'm gonna drop out here princess leia can you please kill that man oh my gosh i think you're no one's mad at you anymore oh that was so close did you see that shot that was very very close yeah all right anyways thankfully now they just kind of ignore us wait they're supposed to ignore us why are they being so mean anyway we gotta go ahead anyways it's fine yeah no it'll be fine it'll be fine so i'm gonna go ahead build this up hopefully it will protect me from the blaster bullets thank you very much so here's an interesting part basically we're de-spawning our ship later in the game so what we have to do is i have to go all the way over here touch this and then purple hair guy can oh i miss you don't have to i missed it should i uh i drop out here right wait i need a helmet we need a helmet no we can get one later so that's going to despawn the ship and now i can just go back through and you'll see why we did that in just a second so i go through here purple hair guy can build that thing for where guys sorry the bots stopped me from going anywhere so mean are you getting the helmet i i don't know what's going on here oh you did it your guy was just built let me go first let me go first too late no now they're gonna try to go before me no you're gonna protect me oh my gosh that was terrifying yeah these bots are very annoying they care about themselves more than us all right so now all we have to do is hopefully we got the d spawn there i'm sorry about that i didn't mean to do that was one of the times where i didn't mean to kill you one of the few yeah those are rare all right so i'm just gonna ignore all these people go right here so i can get a power up and then of course that makes it so that they can't hurt me so they'll just keep shooting at me i'm just gonna be building all right we made it through nice easy and now here's the time for the jump i really hope we did this right we've had it where we messed it up before oh there we go oh my god let's go that was so awesome yeah so because we despawned the ship we can just skip this whole part which takes like a minute or two so we skipped a whole part of fighting people all that sort of stuff and the level is already done so now we're going into another level which has a really cool skip in my opinion but before we make it there there's some more stuff we gotta do like watch this powerpoint presentation now we have to use these missiles again so we can just collect a couple of them and then use them on different things i can only carry three while purple hair guy for some reason can carry like six because i'm a white is not fair why can't i just have more bombs man your ships shoot harder my ships blow up harder so now we're gonna go after all of this stuff just using our bombs little by little we can go collect a couple more while we're waiting for the portal to get down boom nice and easy all right this has been going well so far yeah now we just have to go over here load some more stuff i got the left side yeah good good plan good plan sometimes these bombs do not work right surprisingly doing well oh it worked somehow oh that was beautiful that was beautiful this is the gameplay we need so we'll get a couple of bombs for some safety i blew up i'm dead purple hair guy please don't die on me it's okay i got a new spaceship we're fine so i also want to make sure i have an extra bomb purple hair guy can now leave bye and we have a cool skip so basically this is a little bit specific i'm gonna want to destroy these things and then i go right over here against this wall i stop moving just let my guy go forward and then i can clip through that wall if i'm a little bit better all right we'll give one more try so as i was saying go through here boom come on get right in there boom first try another first try we are insane at this game oh my gosh that was awesome so darth vader is very angry that we just glitched out reality so he's gonna try to take us out now what i want to do here is just move completely straight and hope they're not able to shoot me they're really bad shots and can only shoot in one direction so if he doesn't move he's okay yeah they're trying their best all right they're trying the best who paid these guys uh not me that's for sure oh you paid them off so they wouldn't shoot you okay oh yeah look how yellow han solo's teeth are there i don't know why they decided to make han solo's teeth so yellow what did they do they're so nasty but now it's time for the ending part purple hair guy can come back in we're both on one hp which isn't oh no preferable okay we're not gonna get hit i say as i get hit and no safety bomb safety bomb okay there we go now all we have to do is bomb the middle boom easy and that is going to be another level done yeah we did it we're going to blow up a death star full of people yeah we just killed a lot of people it's it was actually a little bit messed up kind of brutal um sorry yeah murder oh my god chewie is so excited you beast all right so episode four is now done all right so now we can go since we got another red brick it's time to get another extra and this one is going to be fast force which you know pretty obviously just makes us faster when using the force oh he just bullied that for me so sad hello hello yeah purple hair guy loves his phone guy from fanaf i uh i have a horrible confession to make i have never played five nights at freddy's you love phone guys i played security preacher that's it but everyone loves five nights at freddy's i do i think it's a cool game especially when he goes hello he does go like that but i get a really cool mask like look how cool i look all right i will uh i'll build this for you just stay safe and there we go boom perfect he's coming after me oh that was terrifying all right so it's time for us to actually use fast force and we're also going to turn back on blaster bolts and i mean just look at this thing after we destroy that what are these spider things by the way uh their brains in jars and they walk around they're so scary yeah and oh my gosh get away from me i can't if i shoot him you die all right but now watts this fast force boom that was so fat i mean they couldn't it might have been that speed normally they don't know yeah that's true you would never know this is where blaster bolts comes in handy for i think the first time where you like really need it yeah blaster bolts is just dopey usually you'd need a bounty hunter to blow that up but for this one nope just uh blaster bolts oh those were perfect shots too all right here's the guaranteed lag coming up in this game i remember it every time yeah we always get lag at this point maybe it won't happen okay well there it is okay and then i get to do some super cool stuff get to do some jedi stuff you know so i'm gonna jump on here and then i stop boom make it over there that was awesome and now purple hair guy can switch to him while i get the other guy why are these guys always getting captured like do you think they learn their lesson at some point they can't fight back oh that's true that's fair i need to remember that i take r2 here look this is this doesn't sound impressive you know remembering this stuff but you don't know how many runs we put into this game there's a lot of game going on we just forget everything all right and i'm going to oh boy my boy here oh you got they're faster for once this one is so scary to do i hate doing it but i gotta do it for the boys i was just like move out of the way all right so time for one of the coolest tricks that hopefully purple hair guy doesn't mess up it's so scary oh gosh boom boom through the box okay we missed it all right all right oh there we go oh come on uh and boom there we go nice that's wait i'll let you go all right cool now i drop out and now it's all up to purple hair guy i'm freaking out already what the camera jump up maybe well no now i jump up and now i fall oh my gosh he's insane he is insane at this game all right but can you do the final jump oh no this one's so bad there's the great you just have to make it into the great come on come on there we go let's go oh my gosh he's absolutely insane oh yes where did luke go why is he hiding that was actually crazy that was so good all right come over here man so we basically have to injure him with a bunch of falling rocks and yeah we just kind of do that over and over again it's actually really sad we get these guys to come out of these holes and then i force choke them okay four stroke him okay and then he grabs them we go and bait him over here and then i destroy this which yeah just kind of destroys him my guy keeps trying to build that thing stop it man oh my god come on what is happening i think you got try there we go okay there we go that took a little bit longer than it shut up but that's fine and yeah it's allowed because we're the good guys that's what force choking the only dark side thing yeah and yeah there we go now we did it hooray which job of the hut gets very upset at us and yeah even though we won fair and square he gets his boys to come at us so at this point he has princess leia and is kind of a jerk to be honest and he also has our robots but at this point it's time for luke skywalker to walk the plank because yeah this is pirates by the way if you want to see lego pirates of the caribbean you should like the video and tell us you want more lego stuff we love doing these but you know what i love even more how this guy is so dumb he gives us back our lightsaber come on man you should have known that was gonna happen jabba doesn't pay those guys to think he just pays him to stab people in the butt oh okay i mean that's probably a good job good benefits i stunned you you stopped me you jerked i stunned you on accident that is so i'm so sorry i did not need to but now at this point you can use the fort what are you doing oh i thought you were a luke player this guy thinking i'm a luke player everyone knows that i'm a uh dying player i just keep dying over and over again you're a dying man yeah i'm a doctor i'm doing up here oh i hit him did you see that yeah he just spawned in that was really weird so now we get this awesome part where he just shoots the sky vault i got him and yeah we just one of our biggest enemies and goodbye so yeah we've been doing pretty good so far i can make this jump over here why'd you just kill yourself uh mistakes you know half of it happens to the best of us all right watch me make this jump i okay watch me make this joke and watch me do it next oh that was beautiful that was beautiful all right so now we get to do a pretty cool trick where what i'm going to do is die so i'm going to go up here boom and i can start pushing this thing down you might as well get the other thing too as well purple guy this one uh and the other one all right and so i'm gonna move this just slightly so it has just enough space he's also gonna press that thing don't worry about it right now but i can make this beautiful jump come on man how did that happen yeah that was so close come on i'm gonna push it a tiny bit more oh you pushed it a little too far that's fine yeah that's fine all right we could have done a cool trick i'm sorry everything is going wrong wrong all right uh you know where the middle one is right yeah he's going to get one switch that's over here i'm gonna get this switch that's over here i guess we should have timed those for the same time but whatever that's what i was hoping for all right and then i drop out yeah so purple hair guy can drop out and then it's all up to me oh hey i'm right here i guess i dropped out into chewbacca that works so we have some platforms we gotta go past oh chewbacca i fell it happens to the best of us all right so he's gonna be protecting me while i have to do some good work so boom i have to start putting these all in their right places protect me i'm scared i'm trying oh i blew myself up also all these people are in my way i can't even see oh my gosh okay and there we go okay perfect that is just what we wanted so now i'm gonna walk through here and do another cool trick where after i die i'm going to do a backflip into a slam and then make it okay almost almost anyway do a backflip into a slam make it up there that was beautiful but if you thought that trick was cool you'll see an even cooler one right here so i'm going to go into this corner chewbacca's going to come just hug me because you know we're really good friends and i'm going to start making this hopefully this will get me through the wall boom i can die right there and now all i have to do is make this jump come on man you got it you got it boom okay good job oh that was beautiful you almost went back to the cantina that would have not been good but yeah now it's time for this cutscene where princess leia just completely chokes this man absolutely murders jabba he stops breathing for one second and instantly dies she's just that strong wow yeah now she's free too so this part we have a couple of things there are gonna be a couple of evil guys trying to murder us and we don't like that they're not very nice so i'm gonna start pushing this thing my guy isn't even in his pushing animation okay that was really strange and boom he takes control oh no i don't get away from my friend get away from me you bullies good job all right i'm gonna go over here now yeah you take the other one you take the other one so we have to push this stuff so we can open this thing up and this is the greatest commentary of all time like we're focusing all right it's hard i'm i'm uh like my mouth is drooping open and i'm just focusing so hard right now all right come on i'm gonna open this up make sure you hit the shop for where i got this oh you you missed it gabe please boom please first shot no it wasn't even me i didn't even hit it oh my god but yeah we made it out safe so right and now luke gets to be you know the man luke's the hero here and then han solo smoothes up on leia i mean to be fair they are uh brother and sister so yeah but uh uh do they know that yet no they don't know that well actually wait is this episode six they do know that and they've pissed already okay so good for them but now it's time for a very stressful level for me it's easy for purple air guy and to be fair i am going to get this first try so also he can not see through those binoculars did you see that they were closed they're actually glasses of milk he just really likes milk oh is it like good for your eyes yeah it's like carrots but milk's better for your eyes don't put milk in your eyes don't no do not do that kid google that google it i i don't think you're going to come up with good results if you google should i put milk in my face who asked that question in the first place uh i don't know somebody who watched this video maybe whoops why do they come in there bad he always does this every single time i just want to play the game okay but it's all my job i'm gonna be doing this cool trick where we skip pretty much the entire level so i have to get into this thing and i have to aim my guy right up against this wall boom i think that was pretty good that was awesome all right wasn't perfect but that's fine now i can go into this corner all right and he's gonna spawn in and now i have to do a loop-de-loop and pull like spongebob and i drop out which gets me out of the cart and we just go through first try that was actually first was that the first for real first try we've done oh no you did it with actually a lot i think we're we're good at this game i mean last time we did it it did not work out well we had to restart oh my gosh we are gaming right now oh you left me sorry about it wait wait for me don't pull it oh that's beautiful we do it at the same time so we don't have to watch two cutscenes and now i'm gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna infiltrate this place which is surprisingly easy now purple hair guy wants to wait before he presses that because first i want to destroy these jump out and yeah during this cut scene the thing is going to start moving back to us and then i can just go in it again and yeah pretty much the same thing this is a very epic battle as you can see boom one and boom two easy now all we have to do is press a couple of levers come on the game was just making us way and there we go you died as soon as you press that lever i think i died like 50 times that level i kept blowing myself up over and over again also one thing to notice is both of them have the exact same shirt with all the same wrinkles on them it might just be a fashion design but like it's the same shirt luke's is way lower resolution though yeah it just faded out he put it in the laundry a little too many times a scooby snack oh i love those wait why are they trying to stop him from eating tasty scooby snacks what is wrong with them because it was on a string in the middle of the woods it's probably poisoned oh yeah poisoned with people trying to murder us but it's okay because we got cp3o which nope i did not say that right c3po we have c3po which for some reason is their king and yeah so we tell them all about darth vader and now they're on our team it was that easy and all thanks to chewbacca too if he wasn't going for that scooby snack it wouldn't have worked out look at him dancing in the background i always love that so now i have some hard movement i have to do it's not that bad but basically we don't want to do puzzles that's too complicated for us so instead i'm just gonna fly over here and leave all my friends behind wow that was awesome what the heck first try again first try for the first one can i this one is a little bit more slippery so i have to like boom oh dang it good try okay it's okay boom just drop down once oh i tried to do the double drop come on this one is so hard yeah this one is just awkward oh come on man that was so close i'm gonna try this do you think i can make this come on oh no there we go that was so sick oh first try how are we getting everything first try this is crazy i have no idea wait you have to become a little guy yeah i love playing as a little guy wicked is my favorite now i'm gonna destroy a bunch of stuff because i'm very angry and edgy and then i'll also get that power pellet so no one can shoot me while my friends again they literally do nothing leia is trying to punch this guy and it does not oh my gosh these things are so specific come on oh no come on there you go there we go that's what we like to see so if you have these things slightly off then it just doesn't work so oh that was perfect yes all right all right now we'll hope that we picked the right buttons there we go and goodbye oh no so now at this point i want to destroy all these bushes and then i can build this thing come on start han solo come on man build it man gotta get up there and then i can open up this for my little buddy look at him look how cute he is oh i'm so adorable i'm going to hit the button go for the butts and you got this boom they're going to kill me oh all right you know those are just growing pains now i'm going to open this up and we have to i'm probably going to kill these people because a lot of the times everyone gets distracted because all of these people are dumb go my friend go thank you all right so three of us are gonna go over here three of us are gonna go to the other place oh we let the slow robot go over there come on man oh my gosh they did it though that's that's really good that never happens i'm gonna kill these guys i don't trust our cpus to do the right thing uh that's probably a smart idea so little guy is actually the most hopeful guy in the world because he can crawl which apparently no one else in this world can do and now i opened that up so we can all go over here and press some nice buttons hopefully they don't oh they didn't even kick us off whoa wait let me swap to chewbacca and then i'm out of here bye-bye i need to see you later man i got some diving to do i also have one health that's kind of scary the nice thing about this game is your health doesn't really matter but it also loses the tiniest bit of time so you know i get i get those time saves you know what i'm saying me blowing myself up it's probably lost us like a total of 30 minutes of this game i mean same way not that much but same thing for me i just love blowing myself up it's such a fun hobby to have i'm gonna try to shoot these guys so they won't stop my building i can go right over here build this and here's a cool part where basically i'm just gonna go into this corner and now we just wait for chewbacca yep this is why i chose chewbacca earlier if so i can join in as him when he gets up there there we go beautiful and now so oh princess leia let me shoot well you can switch to her now if you really want so he's going to create this path hope i'm just using all these people's meat shields for me right now moving a little more to the left that this game is so awesome this game does not like it when you're not precise i'm gonna pull their arms off while i wait oh my gosh do you have to do that yes it's a requirement so now we get this area which we just kind of murder a bunch of people you know there's a lot of murdering that goes on in this game and so we have to open up four of these switches we got our first one right there and now we can go into here and so there are a couple switches in this part let's try hitting them at the same time i'll get this one come on and go oh i missed it oh i'm literally standing only push me on what a guy what a good guy you know maybe these guys aren't half bad all right so now you can get the robot uh yeah and i will go up here i can find him where is he sometimes these camera angles are so annoying oh my gosh all right there we go beautiful oh those are some good robot sounds have you been working on those two yeah why did you sound like you were crying when you said yeah oh i forgot there are people we have to murder you know that seems like a common thing in this game so i'm gonna go up here there are several things which we have to go and open up the first one is this r2 one so i have to make this specific fly you got it come on man no oh good try good try i feel like we have never gotten that fly first try why did that just go up there come on come on come on boys first try basically that's what we call that beep beep beep beep all right and then i'll i'm not gonna go in here yet oh come on wait for me wait for me nice nice that was close this level was also really confusing for us when we were learning it it was it was not uh we're not the smartest people in the world let's just say that all right only one more let's go can little guy be fast enough with his stubby little legs oh they're so short he's tried his best here i'll push you thank you he almost gets murdered you have one house careful get out of my way oh that was beautiful oh that was gameplay right there oh we forgot these ones oh no you get that one three two one push perfect all right i'll take the farther ones we gotta blow this thing up let's go oh my gosh there's a bunch of people oh and we made it out somehow the robots made it out too i don't know how they they're so slow and we were running from there but yeah we destroyed another place you know just a typical day in the world of star wars but now it is time for one of the most broken levels in this game so we get a nice father-son reunion you know always a good time here comes the biggest dad joke in the game hello see i had to fit it in there come on [Laughter] yeah we see this old guy he's like gray it's kind of gross and he just decides to use his lightning powers which are pretty sick i wish we had lightning powers but darth vader decides to betray him for his own son messed up yeah that is so wrong betraying old people for your own family but now it is time for a hard trick all right we're gonna switch over i'm gonna become vader i'm gonna let him hit me one more time baby hit me baby one more time oh and all right do you think i can do this i do i'm a believer all right switch out get out i'm a believer boom and now i go and switch him over come on believer come on push yes try that skips the entire fight and it's also really funny because the place we push him off is also the place he gets pushed off in the cutscene so honestly maybe that was planned but yeah for some reason darth vader is hurt even though he barely took any damage and yeah i am surprised we got that first try that was insane you're surprised we only get first tries here that's true i forgot about that my bad kiss mwah oh and then here goes his body oh god so it's time for the last level in episode six and this one is going to be another ship level so now this starts out basically we just have to find torpedoes and it's kind of luck based uh we just have to wait here and anyone anyone else where the torpedoes at all right there's one there's a torpedo i got it let's go shoot him all right and another torpedo okay it just took some time you know they just wanted us to fight wait where'd it go man come on this guy always trying to escape his immediate death yeah so we basically just have to destroy four of these ships honestly not the most exciting part so we'll probably just skip to when this is done all right so here's our last ship we already got the other three he can get that torpedo we just need one more come on there he is there he is come on oh that's beautiful and that is all the ship's dead oh it just did a big loop-de-loop right there did you see that and yeah we kind of just have to wait for a really long time um game there we go so now at this point it's time to go into the death star that's what this is called right yeah well this is death star 2 because we blew up how did we die yeah so this part is actually really scary um because there's just a lot of things that are going to try to shoot us and some poles i don't like poles also the weirdest thing about this level is you might notice these are teeth you cannot tell me that is not someone's teeth that are just randomly in the death star oh oh that was beautiful that was just what we needed now we have to pick up a couple more bombs okay i meant come ship come on oh there we go that's beautiful i feel like this level was really fun when we were kids but you know once you play it like 10 times it gets a little more fun a hundred percent in this level was way like my favorite thing to do as a kid it was awesome oh my gosh i lost my bombs i'll come back i got him i have two i have two so we're fine okay we want to keep as many bombs as possible because you'll see in just a second but at this point it's time to destroy all these turrets we can just go through it stuns us if we're not careful oh gosh oh my god i can't see we're good oh perfect shot the no looker all right i got this one and i got the other one too yeah i'll just let you do it because i want to keep my bullets you want to be the hero and blow up the death star fine yeah you know you know me but there we go we have destroyed did we get that one as well yeah i think we got awesome all right camera and boom now i can destroy that it just didn't work it missed it it just hit oh this this game sometimes get the ball thankfully it spews out more of them but that is so dumb come on all right there you go that's what we like to see yeah one thing you might have noticed that we didn't mention is we also got a red brick here that's gonna come in useful later but now it's time for the best part of this level where literally all you do is you hold down on your d-pad and square but at least we get to enjoy all these teeth you know i always like that they're so nasty they're like different colors as well don't judge them you know they're trying their best he's also about to die you shouldn't judge your patient like that's not true but yeah not too much to say about this we're i'm literally just holding down and shoot and you know we'll make it out there eventually oh you got more pellets than me we haven't been keeping track of that i noticed the money someone in the comments has to tell us who has the most pellets for most levels i remember when my brother and i used to play this game we always used to compete on who could get the most studs and we would also kill each other to try to take each other's studs so yeah oh they're going to smooch oh oh this guy he really just destroyed him wait never mind what a goddess oh my gosh look he's looking at that what a creep oh yeah we also get this nice cut scene he's just burning his father it'd be that way and look now he has a ghost that's gonna follow him for the rest of his life wait did he like see the ghosts yeah yeah they're uh they're not like ghost ghosts they're force ghosts so they can they choose when to exist oh my god did you see that guy's drum set just a bunch of heads there's probably still heads inside of those helmets that's the messed up part oh my gosh and now we finish out the level hey look all these ghosts hey when did yoda die oh no spoilers spoilers anyways we did it all the boys but we still have two more episodes to do oh now i can force choke people oh no please no i need to find anyways we're going straight back to episode three yeah this order is just kind of messed up at this point but that doesn't matter because it's the fastest way to do it and time for the most exciting level of the entire game where we just fly in a straight line for like three minutes it's very exciting we're just gonna you know shoot some things fly it's pretty fun we can also bully each other so that makes it more exciting i'm gonna try to murder you yeah come here i'm gonna get you to hit that thing man oh we can't run into the spaceships oh why not yeah only some of the spaceships it's very sad it doesn't make any sense oh this section you left me one time and i died here like four times trying to break those yeah i went to get water one of these times and purple hair guy had to do this by himself and apparently it's really hard when you do it by yourself i wouldn't know because i was getting water and it was tasty yeah not too much to say uh about this it's another one of these that was really fun when i was a kid but once you're an adult you kind of realize how scripted it is this is probably like my favorite level as a kid i i think i loved the prequel like shift levels i mean it is really exciting when you don't know that you can't die and another thing is we aren't getting all the collectibles but we've been talking about it we are willing to do a 100 speed run if you all really want it that's a 13 hour speed run leave a like and subscribe and maybe we'll do it but what if they do it i really 13 hours that is so much it will be a lot to learn but you know oh yeah i got it i got it all right remember here this is the part in the level where we actually die on purpose yeah we don't really know the reason behind this i think it's because it gets rid of all of our enemies but we're going into the top left you know smooching a little bit and we're just barely going to hit that ship which i don't even know how we hit that there it feels like we did it whatever it works but it gets rid of all of our enemies which i think just like reduces lag maybe i don't know there's probably some reason for doing that but yeah normally there would be a lot of people trying to shoot at us but instead we just have a nice calm way back to the base all right now let's run into the wall to make us die faster oh that'd be awesome wait when did your wing get broken uh what happened i did that on purpose oh okay a cutscene scout yeah yeah i think oh wait maybe dying there we just skipped that cutscene was that the reason i have i i don't know dude maybe because we did skip that cutscene right uh i i don't know all right purple you you know what i'm no editor's there will be an editor's note in here that will let us know the reason behind it okay i i couldn't tell you i haven't figured that out purple hair guy like usual leaves all the work to me yes i get to do the easy stuff oh gosh they're gonna shoot me all right come on man do this jump oh my gosh first trigger boom first try we love to see first tries in this game so we can do that cool movement to make it through here now it's time to do some more murder did you miss your i hit him before he put his shield up that was kind of sick i'm not gonna lie you're kind of insane at this video game yes sir oh i'm a beast that was beautiful right there well i get to be the robot yes all right i'll just be this guy i'll slice your guy while you're doing that dude hello maybe i shouldn't have been the robot wants to be the robot and then messes up being the robot i forgot you believe this man all right now time for some good ow ouch this dude's a crazy guy he's the strongest droid in the universe so now we just wait for r2 he goes he's gonna press that while i murder another person and yeah we see this old person chained to a chair and we're like oh we should help him but there's another old person who wants to fight us so many old people yeah a lot of old people in this game oh yeah so this is the part where we just have to wait for him to force choke us and there he goes doctor healthy oh my bad you know sometimes you just gotta die yeah that's how it is so i'm gonna take this power up boom and now hopefully he'll force choke you oh that's perfect i'm pretty sure one of the droids just shot him there yeah i think i was like you didn't hit him how did that happen or maybe it was my power up so it was like a reflection got him one shot and boom oh you are cold-blooded man now we just have to make it to the exit we usually mess up on those stairs i'm surprised we were actually able to do that wait remember you want to stay in his r2 oh yeah i'll join it i'll join oh wait not yet not yet you're right no it's fine i'll be all right i'll be all right but now i can't push you backwards and murder you oh well you did that last time and it restarts the level but if any one of us dies it restarts this part so i can't murder anyone it's so sad so i'm gonna be going with my boy r2 and we're leaving these other people because we just don't care about them yeah screw these guys if he doesn't play his r2 it's just gonna break the level and he's not gonna be able to come back in the game because we love steam remote play but he can go and do that i'm gonna open this up for him and that was some good jumps i'm proud of myself yeah that was actually like really clean i'm gonna push ya no i'm sorry you're full i only had one heart so it's okay but we make it in here we just don't see r2 anywhere and we see our boy i i feel like his eyes are diseased or something though it's that's the scary part oh no he needs to eat more lemons do they have space lemons i would assume they're just regular lemons i don't think they no they're space lemons space ones they're space lemons if it's in space it's a space lemon i i mean i guess that works out anyways we're gonna ignore all these people and just go right ahead hit these switches okay you push them at me yeah even though we didn't take out any of our enemies it doesn't matter because they just decided to stop attacking us and we make it to another really fun level after these cutscenes of course and this is one of the coolest strats like all of these boss fights have cool straps honestly so what we do for this one is as soon as this is done we're going to want to start walking upwards and we want to make it over to that cliff i got it first trump oh that was beautiful so what i do is i jump over here we wait for him to show up i jump back and then he just shoots him a couple times sometimes it doesn't work and we don't get any help some damage but there we go got a couple oh that was two that was beautiful oh yes let's get it again let's get it again boom hit him a couple times pow pow what the heck all right take damage it's fine this guy is kind of cracked but this is the fastest way of doing this by far even if some of the shots don't hit him oh that was a true that was a twofer he also wants to make sure he doesn't shoot him too many times because then it can get him in a cutscene so we got to be kind of careful about this pow pow pow oh i thought that was going to be two all right come on we can do this we can do this i mean obviously we can do this this is the easiest fight of the game when you do it this way but we can do it fast all right that's the important part all right i'm gonna get three this time oh let's go i called it i did it he's absolutely insane and then we lose like we almost lose after doing that cheap strat but we take him out and his head is gone and now i get to play as yoda look yoda isn't that bad all right purple hair guy he was kind of exaggerating no no yoda's horrible so we're gonna have me jumping around and then we're gonna have chewbacca chewbaccaing i guess yeah i guess that's a fine way to describe it it's not a good adjective but unfortunately our friends turn into our enemies because this guy's like ah kill him that's what he says yeah yeah that's what he says in the movies too i know you haven't seen him but that's exactly what he says and we're like but we don't want to die dad so anyways while chewbacca does some murdering i'm just gonna go ahead fix that stuff and now we have to save a bunch of these other guys we let's go kill them murder shoot those people oh that's some good murdering i'm proud of you yeah i know i'm i'm an 8 here murderer all right now you just got to shoot him some more boom this guy's so good at murdering how does he do it oh that's why they paid me the big bucks all right purple hair guy remember this we go to this way first fine fine boom okay this is going really well i'm gonna rip your arms off oh they blew me up that's what you deserve this is a terrible way to die stop it what are you doing to these four people boom okay now we saved all of our people and we can make it to these nice buttons this game really likes giving us these button puzzle things all right see you later chewbacca you're slow fine wait what are you doing you don't drop out oh you're right i'm sorry you said see you later and i was like oh that means i dropped out i meant you were slow i'm just dumb don't worry about it i was like i don't remember dropping out here but i'm sure it's the right thing to do also why are you shooting these people they aren't even fighting back exactly that's the best time to shoot people stop it this is awful so here's another cool strap where basically i have to set that up and then i also get that thing and then you can just shoot up there come on hello hello what is going on please try jumping maybe there we go i don't even know what i'm shooting at there but i am oh now i leave bye yeah so normally he would have to grapple up there but instead because we activated the grapple place he can just shoot them from far away and just get that good out of him you have so much more money than i do right now this is so uh i'm doing so well oh i'm rich imagine not having all this money i'll have to kill you for your money all right that's kind of messed up why would you do that i gotta earn it somehow ah that's fair that's fair a bowler my worst enemy all right you to get out of here no no i'm taking it yes money this guy he's he's literally just staying in the game so he can steal my money oh let me drop out can you believe him yeah money money money yet call me mr krabs or dog okay that's a nice name boom we almost get hit by a boulder come on yoda there we go nice nice pew i missed there we go first shot oh this guy is a family stop it no they don't they're cloned they're specifically made not to have family i mean what if they want to make a family though and you're preventing that uh it's just how it is you know that is not a good enough reason i've got no excuses come on boom oh no open it open it get his arms out of there all right there we go nice nice they kept shooting me right when the ship was about to be opened by yoda ceo wouldn't want to be a wait but you uh you were yoda back then no i was saying i wouldn't want to be chewbacca because i get to go fly i'm flying away man and meeting up with some random guy now i play yoda yeah i'm like hey you want to be my friend and he's like no and i'm like hey would you think they'll be my friends and then he's like no no they're like what the heck that is so messed up yoda yeah so i drop out oh that was a mistake it happened yoda really just made it so i can't have any friends it actually really hurts oh come on move this thing there we go oh do you think you're in for this hard part i do i really do it's actually not really that hard it's more that can you do it efficiently that's the hard part absolutely not i'm yoda you should probably take out your lightsaber fine this guy always backseat gaming look all i'm saying is that if we work together that's called cooperation that's true that's true all right boom can he do it gets the rock beautiful i almost got it boom all right so i'm back in and we're gonna have a bunch of people trying to murder us why yoda you're supposed to be the fast one i am i'm catching up how is this guy so good at jumping also look at his double jump animation he just like stalls in the air for a second and we kill all these guys who don't have families specifically oh okay do you ask them beforehand yeah yeah i made sure that's good of you i'm pretty proud of yoda for that and now we have some puzzles which we race i want to be there soon oh no yes come on it's fine oh god wait what are you doing here this guy made a mistake he should have just left while he had the chance yeah he did he really think he had a chance against us when we killed all of those people all right so i'm gonna let you take the lever so i can hit the button thank you thank you this guy's thanks man come on there we go i'ma take it mine oh no yoda hurry up you're taking so long you're such a slowpoke all right this one is clearly mine there's no way you take this from me boom i'll see you later oh this guy's traded clearly two out of three go to me and the only one that you got was because i let you uh huh you were just too afraid i was too afraid to let you handle the hard jumps yeah oh and then this part is awesome so purple hair guy loves going on a killing spree you don't have to kill these people stop they needed to die okay but in all reality we just have to wait after i force that one thing oh hey look what a nice person oh she's dead so yeah now we see that he is now on the dark side so it's time to kill our friend so now it's time for the fight between the two friends kind of a sad ending especially because i have to do all the work in this he's gonna drop out uh because it's a little bit easier when it's just one person going through this i remember playing this with my brother and we failed it so many times because we tried to get all the collectibles like this stage is very stressful and also the cpu can die if you're not careful but thankfully he wasn't terrible now we're gonna go through and open up all of these things did you just try to force the one that i was forced i don't know man i think anakin's confused we keep fighting each other and i don't really understand what's going on like we go between helping each other and fighting each other it's pretty much because they don't want to be enemies then you stab me in the butt ouchy yeah literally ah don't kill me friend all right so now we work together boom thank you for opening that for me freddie i can't hit it get out of the bucket quick we're gonna die oh my gosh this guy what what wait it just broke the game just broke up actually just broke what the heck all right so anyways i'm gonna go through here i'll open this up and then of course purple hair guy is a really nice guy so he's going to open up the path for me right no i'm not purple save me oh wait i forgot i have teleportation powers kind of puts into the question why i'm even doing this in the first place if i can just teleport but anyways goodbye it's for dramatic effect oh that makes sense that makes sense so this is another kind of stressful part when you have two people so better to just have one person do all the work i can just make my way over here boom plow jump you like that commentary jump that was sweet and now i have to make this jump this is always kind of scary but if you just wait it out it should be fine and purple hair guy can finally come back in so purple hair guy comes in for the sole reason of me murdering him please kill me instead of us fighting i just get to kill purple air guy goodbye i love that part this level was so fun when i was a kid i have so many good memories of this even if it was like one of the hardest levels in the game at least when i was a kid maybe not nowadays but when i was a kid that level was hard i mean we failed that level like hundreds of times when we we're practicing anyways we get to see padme she's finally having her twins and yeah they're looking great but she also dies so you know it happens also i just realized the baby princess leia had hair and her hair put in a specific hairstyle i have never realized that before they had to do it because how how else would you know that was leia instead of luke i mean just buy like the pink rip them apart he's angry yeah he's like dang it i never wanted kids oh that's that's kind of sad yeah it is a pretty sad moment anyway let's go friend it's this way isn't it oh yeah it is this way i always forget for these levels i remembered i did it all right we gotta go buy stuff now yeah we are right now at 2 35 i think the sub 3 is possible and here we're going to buy the vehicle smart bomb the infinite torpedoes and a couple other extras and it's finally time for the last episode we get this whole cutscene you know some yeti kills luke whatever oh hey look we got saved yeah this is kind of just a long cut scene now after the longest cut scene of our lives i'm gonna put on a couple extras we got to get the infinite torpedoes the vehicle smart bomb and you know some other important stuff you gotta make sure i don't die here all right yeah yeah i got you i got it safe oh my gosh i'm scared no no you're fine you're fine i would never let anyone hurt you oh that's so nice yeah thank you and boom bombed it and i also died okay so here is time for one of the most stressful parts for me it's pretty easy for me though yeah it's pretty easy for him so what i'm going to do is go up against this wall 45 degree angle do a loop-de-loop okay strap out we'll try to get it we're chill out chill out you're panicking oh this one is so hard you got it though i'm a believer i'm gonna do a quick little turn boom boom come on baby yes nice job nice all right i can first try this his first try can we get the double first try boom the spin around and let's go we're crazy that was kind of insane we are doing an amazing job but now it's time to take care of a bunch of small guys get in here it's another one of these levels where we just have to kill a bunch of these people and they're these little drone thingies i guess wait am i in here no where am i oh my god it kicked me out okay i have to unplug my controller i did not even realize that i wasn't playing right now yeah whenever you unplug and replug your controller it just starts laughing i was like i was like is he gonna join or why you're alone you know i just believed in you all right thank you for believing in me that was a pretty fast first part just because i did it mostly myself you know kind of a big deal you're just a pro you know you're really good at video games oh god they're mustaches oh wow i think this is the first part you can actually see the mustaches yeah so we decided to wait till the end till we put on the best part of this game because you know you can't have it the whole time it's just like a little bit of beauty there's one more full got him he's dead oh he's so cute and he's also very far away all right let's go for the other one so sometimes it just puts them very far away for no reason i guess i don't got him there we go i got the bomb i got the bomb it's ready what i can't go that far outside the stage just turning me around my bomb i'm trying i'm i'm working at it i'm holding it come on come on you got it you got it oh my bomb is sitting there save it come on yes that was some awesome teamwork beautiful teamwork all right i'm going to take the bomb yup i'll wrap them up look at all these small guys i never realized they were even here they're like little foot soldiers i don't know if they're doing down there but it must be pretty pretty cold out here yeah boom nice job nice job all right that's two done perfect tactical deaths so it happens during the cutscene nice nice you restore health and now it's just a mix of all these people so yeah not too much to say you you go around to get him oh no it's at a spinny part hold up i gotta be careful here my bomb it's rolling towards him slowly menacingly oh get the bomb come on bob come here oh i can't hit it come on you got this you got this you're the bomb guy what the heck what is going on we're so bad this bomb is actually throwing all right there we go i got it yes nice first first attempt at that one too okay first attempt first try we gotta kill some walkers now just one more yeah the good thing is while we were doing that we randomly shot a bunch of people so nice that one's done and that should be the last part of this level oh no not the mustache we get to see the mustaches in full i feel like that's covering his windshield right there but you know it's for style reasons so the question i have is in this world do you think the mustache is like they're naturally on them or do you think it's like you know it's just the social norm for everyone to have a mustache nowadays yeah yeah it's like wearing makeup like if you wear makeup it's totally normal but like in this world you have to wear these mustaches you're weirdo okay i mean that's fair that's fair it just became the status quo to put it on all of you and your vehicles yeah yeah i'm gonna be honest i would be terrified of this guy coming by i mean these things are like 80 feet tall it's so scary well i'm talking more about the mustache like it's so much more intimidating than my own mustache oh that was that was romantic hey did you just try hitting me no no no just because i gave you a mustache say no you jerk don't you do it don't kill me i wouldn't do anything to you i love the mustache power-up space heater start speed heating space yes make some coffee go oh my gosh oh my gosh here we go i'll heat this up keep making it all right that's four cups of coffee are you feeling energized now absolutely he shot me he's just following us too like just give him up ouch you get i hit myself wait did you blow me up i hate you remember don't go through the door too fast for everywhere guy get ready get ready all right going through the door boom now we get to get hit by this car oh i love getting hit by cars all right so he's gonna push me now because of course c-3po is not the fastest person don't shoot me oh my gosh you're fine you're fine you're fine and now oh i'll let you do it this part no no no no i'm gonna be c3po such a jerk that's my job man i've done it every time i know but hopefully you won't mess it up i'm scared man what if i get it wrong hurry up i'm waiting so we're gonna use this box to push me up and yeah it's that easy that was really hard i was so scared i was going to mess that up can this door blow up there we go we really didn't like you boom oh my gosh i don't have an arm anymore you jerk you got rid of my arm it's time for my revenge no please you didn't have to do it oh look at him go he has his one look at him hop wow he is fast yeah he is really trying his best right now he doesn't even have to come up here either all right so here's the part we can't mess up i go first boom one button two buttons three buttons all right all right i got this i got this oh oh my gosh i thought i missed it that was so close for my revenge now no revenge all right revenge is a fake thing it doesn't exist you know stop punching the robot so these buttons get they don't get weighed down by the block this guy is an idiot this dude is so stupid my god what a guy this game what a guy man it's time for me to do some super cool movement remember wait for me to get the jump first all right so i have to get this jump oh boom oh come on come on i thought that was it this jump is so hard for me and there we go okay perfect yeah you were saying try i think you lied how do we always get everything first try i have no idea and back through the darth vader come on man oh they put the mustache on the front of the ship oh yeah we put it on you know it's it's important to put the mustache on before it oh beautiful and then we just leave luke behind see you later dude hey that big ship didn't have a mustache on it that would be a really big mustache it was it would probably cost a lot to be fair most of these big ships don't wow they're they're fakers so this is the part of why we wanted to get these infinite bullets or torpedoes whatever they're called because basically we can just keep using these torpedoes to destroy a bunch of stuff oh my gosh i missed it i missed the turret back there it's so hard to break these there we go i got all right there we go there we go so we're going through trying to destroy all of these turrets using our infinite torpedoes and which one do we miss oh i don't know where is it oh right there right there we got it that's my bad that's my bad no no no it's fine it's fine now it's time for another do-nothing part so how you backflip oh yeah this is pretty good i'll do them too but we get a nice cutscene we are looking stylish they were so afraid they thought they were gonna die there cowards i mean look it's it's a hard life out here right with all these mustache freaks out here you don't know who to trust no the mustache freaks are the bad guys we're the mustache awesome people oh okay that my mistake i blew up yeah it's not the mustache that makes them freaks oh they just happen to have mustache that's just that descriptive word okay yeah i'm just like trying to help you understand who they are you know yeah thank you i i clearly misunderstood so we're gonna destroy all this stuff hopefully our torpedoes will work this is another good part where having infinite torpedoes is important and yeah this level is literally just you go through and you shoot i thought i was you i always do this in this level yeah you're blue you got the blue thing this this was definitely i could 100 say this was my favorite level as a kid because like the spaceship levels were just so cool for me i don't know why they are pretty awesome besides for the oh that was a nice living i don't know why i did that i was just like i think it's a backflip time all right got that one top left top left come on let's target it shoot it now if we go down that big hole a huge worm comes out but we're not interested in that yeah we're not really friends with worms ever since the accident oh no all right so last part i wanted to do a loop-de-loop you know you got to have all the fun earlier i understand yeah yeah you know we really could just go like above this rock but it wouldn't be as fun you know why not destroy it that violates the rules of space combat that you're not allowed to go above things yeah you you have to stay on the same plane as all your enemies or else it's cheated oh okay that makes sense all right oh one left that's it come on hit it come on torpedoes wait wait this one ah this this rock man our torpedoes are trying so hard this rock is not going in a place where we can help us rock please i think i got it there come on there we go go go go oh that was so fast and now we just get to hang out oh look how cool he is he has his legs up on the table again the thing you can't do purple hair guy i know i'm not allowed to look at that poor droid with the mustache floating through space what else little guy but anyways enough with the space levels it's finally time to meet our boy yoda again i guess we've met him a lot to be completely honest so luke does not know how to fly a ship for the life of him and yeah he crash lands it's probably to be fair hard to see with that in front of your windshield but yeah a big that's why he crashed is because of the mustache oh sorry about that he's dead he drowned you're drowning in all the mtn do see i won't say the full name because you know that it's not a sponsorship yeah oh and you got eaten by an alligator i'm lucky is your mustache okay yeah yeah yeah it's fine it's fine thank god i was worried about that now i'm gonna push him up and okay we hate baths all right we killed eat bats kill the bats so the bats actually injure you if you don't kill them first so it's not like you know i'm trying to destroy nature i gotta do it got to destroy nature all right i can hit that and we can just let r2 go on by we go [Applause] don't die i can't come on there we go okay cool all right we get a little bit of a break from bats now but we have to cross this pond and that's some good spinning might i say yep that's that's pretty impressive oh i thought you were gonna fall off there no no no i'm i'm practiced i'm a legend oh oh oh dude my death perception does not work with this game i this is the only time it's ever worked for me so all right so go out put out yep why all right so we're gonna try to skip yoda here but it is very easy to mess this up so hopefully i won't all right so i'm gonna stand here and we're gonna wait for him to spawn he can switch to him boom and then no ah whatever it's fine all right so we didn't get the skip to skip yoda but it doesn't lose too much time we just have to watch a cutscene oh yoda is looking really good with that mustache on yeah in his old years he grew some facial hair it really works for him and he tries to kill us good that was just mean so he's like come learn how to use the force and we get a brand new outfit we're looking pretty stylish whoa how does he do that uh hacks oh yeah it's actually messed up but yeah yoda really wants to teach us how to play this game i just don't really have time for that and there are too many bats in this cave so yeah we're just gonna be r2 ah bats get away from me yeah fight him yeah this entire time you could also hear him in the background just trying to beat up bats [Music] oh this game is awesome but i can just walk to the end of the level and then we're going to be doing a little bit of a trick so first of all i go right over here try to get on this ledge so i can make it onto this first mushroom thing then i want to go over here boom make it onto there that was perfect wow that was awesome so now r2 doesn't have to be bored while luke gets trained so he can just leave and yeah he knows the force now i guess all right see you later dude we oh wait i gotta pick up our two okay chill out what are you doing no i can just make this jump oh are you that good yeah i'm a gamer you are a gamer oh my gosh remember i have to swap to luke before uh before the cave bit here yeah yeah i did not know you could make that jump so right now we're looking out for bats because they're scary oh no no there they are uh yoda hates bats as everyone does in the star wars universe it's just because of the batman video that's why he hates bats so much yeah he he was not a fan of the batman video he was like you should have done star wars first he was jealous all right here we go look at these jumps look at this yoda jump nice nice yoda is not so bad to play i think purple hair guy was just over exaggerating i hate yoda oh look at this that was a bit of a mistake but hey look luke your dad came to help you train oh sweet too bad for you i'm gonna take all the glory i'ma fight your dad for you thank you yeah i'm not gonna do anything about it all right so i can hit him for his first four health and then purple hair guy you don't have to build that you just force this oh i forced that one whoopsies gabe there we go you're throwing no no no no no i i have never thrown in my life i don't get up there boom chow all right let's kill him luke you better not steal my kill you better not steal my kill i killed my own dad oh i wanted to do that so now we have some more bat infested levels as they all are luke kill this bat hold up my son i'm forcing some plants if you're ever gonna be a jedi you have to know bats are the natural enemy of jedi's i think that's actually true oh get away from me they are so dangerous they really are like what is their problem what do we do to them what gabe there we go i don't know what i thought i wanted to do there all right so i'm going to push this thing down die bet purple hair guy is going to protect me from bats i go and create something or two where's our two areas no there's two things on the ground oh my gosh the bad can you see why we hate bats so much they always do that but hey we got a new ship and we put a mustache on it of course i do wish the bats had mustaches maybe i would like them better if they did bats don't uh go by societal standards for mustaches it's so sad so now that we have the force it's finally time to murder our father well not for good but we'll at least try every mustache i see makes me laugh it never gets old it really is the best part of this game i body blocked for you but i only have two hearts left survive robot go oh gosh robot oh that's a good dropout right there yeah yeah i killed those guys no the dropout wasn't good what wait what you died oh what happened oh my god this guy and now i can't join in wait you can't oh no please please let me join maybe if you go through this door oh come on gabe don't do this to me just keep trying just keep driving you know i'm surprised this hasn't happened yet this is the first time this has happened and now it's just lagging all right we're gonna have to quit out oh my gosh so when this happens we have to completely quit out of the game and reinvite him all right we are back and hopefully we can actually finish this man that is that is so upsetting we're doing really really good too yeah and there goes like a minute and a half but that's fine that's fine don't let it hurt our mental no no my mental is tip top i just ate a chocolate chip i'm feeling better i'm glad i'm glad all right maybe you just don't even switch out honestly it's so hard to fly back it really is i think it's because i died somehow i don't know it's it's just not worth the risk i think i agree all right go robot we okay i'm gonna fly back all right come robot i'm flying back please don't kill me i almost killed you there so there we go we're back to it like three minutes later it's fine no big deal for where guy it sounds like it's hurting your mental it's not it's not it's not no no no no no my mental's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine i'm feeling good okay feeling good stop poking them in the butt try to slam the wall while you have the power up or uh maybe deflect the bullet into it there we go oh there we go last time we played this we were very confused on what happened yeah so you deflected an explosive bullet into it that's what happened yeah okay that makes sense that makes sense all right all right i actually really like this oh i tried to push you ah wait why are these guys i'm gonna kill these guys really quick get them out of there all right r2 let's go kill my dad yay but he's looking so stylish do you think we should do it absolutely all right so i'm going to slice him two times for where guys whoopsies literally throwing no no no no i'm doing my job all right so basically we just use this air vent darth vader is allergic to air vents so we just keep turning it on get up nice that was awesome all right go get a helmet that was very good except for the part where you just fell off oopsies hey look i got a helmet oh that's a very nice helmet you got there all right so hopefully i will remember the buttons i have to use to use this crane i always mess this up boom i did it good job good gosh i'm a gamer hiya bpp don't mind me just waiting for this to slowly move up and there we go okay all that gameplay is done now we see my dad again all right remember you stay down yeah yeah yeah and then i hit this button and i wait so in this whole part basically darth vader wants us to fight him but that seems like a lot of work so we kind of just run past them instead all right can i get the jump oh no i i had it come on oh you're so close yeah it's okay it's okay no big deal no big deal dang it my stylish victory though you would have looked so cool if you did that just let me know whatever all right don't don't yet it's fine all right so we want to turn on these fans so we can use them on darth vader basically as you saw right there which i want to time it correctly so i have time to build all this stuff and make sure r2 can actually do stuff wow darth vader's being nice today yeah he's not oh i thought he was going to come kill me i was really scared he tried to attack you but yeah i can slice him two times and okay stop it father come on man and then he'll just go in the fog again he's allergic to it it's a very big problem for him so have to come on back maybe it's toxic that's true maybe there's like pesticides in it or something oh yeah and he's a bug under that suit i think yeah we figured it out we figured out the star wars lore darth vader's a bug all right last one last one no he hit me okay that's fine boom he gets sliced right back down and we're going to try to do a trick let's see if i can get it i've never gotten it before i just slice him two more times he runs away like a little whim pushers man we actually don't know if that works does that work are we sure about that i wish i could tell you honestly all right so now r2 is just going to go on a murder spree like he usually does i love murdering he just goes it look this guy just got born and r2 is just like no you're not allowed to be born then i have to hit these things back at darth vader and i hit him up but oh yeah i have to go for the jump attacks i forgot about that yeah he's going to go back he's going to make a couple more people and as soon as he's born murder cartoon just kills him murder oh i didn't like kill that one take that or two i did dude what purple guy i'm sorry i didn't think that would work she's so sorry i you said take that and i jumped in front of the thing literally throwing at the end of the speed run no no it's fine it's fine it's fine we got this i'm just gonna do that one more time boom i'ma jump into the abyss so i can refill my hearts i made a boo boo yeah they don't let him through this glass i just have to be so annoyed i can't believe i did that oh god it's fine it's fine get it out of your mental it's gone it's gone i'm fine can i make this jump this one's so slippery hey yeah all right teamwork kill him i need your help blew me up i got it i need your help too oh god get him r2 i'm working at it oh i'm gonna i'm gonna kill him oh i did it i did it it was all thanks to r2d2 yay i did it i totally dealt damage there oh my god your hand's gone yeah look it doesn't matter and then he shows me he and my mom used to not have mustaches what no yeah the worst revelation of my life why so completely because of this revelation i decide goodbye i can't trust a mustacheless father i cannot believe he'd do that oh yeah then this part happens and wow um it's a little painful i would guess but it's time for the last level in the speed run we are three hours and 10 minutes in i think we can get the sub 320. i'm a believer i always believe it all comes down to if purple hair guy can do a glitch no no the pressure oh yeah here's the funny part we have our boy he's like i'm not talking to you i gotta go look at this mustache it's so nice if i saw a fine lady with a mustache on oh that's the way oh yeah look it's the silver guy from the beginning uh i remember that guy yeah except he kidnaps c-3po and forces him to like i think he dismembers them it's messed up man that's pretty i thought he was our friend oh yeah and then han solo yeah he decides he wants to go on an amusement park ride but unfortunately you have to be frozen to go on it oh this is the lore right purple air guy yeah i i've i've seen the movies a billion times i'm pretty sure that's exactly what they say this is like a big water park but you have to be frozen to do it look we're three hours in i don't even know what i'm saying anymore okay you can't judge me for none of my viewers can judge me for what's going on you could have hit the switch you know uh instead of putting all the work to me sorry not sorry actually all right i'm going for the triple shot i'm going for this triple shot boom up oh wow didn't work it almost worked that was good that was good good job that was pretty wait let me have her let me have her oh yeah yeah swapsies boom oh first time switch oh check it out usually switching is a lot more painful than that i got murdered it's okay it's all up to me where am i where am i oh i am chewbacca i guess let me rip some arms off oh yeah we have chewbacca having uh that on his back don't ask where is his lane i need land come here there we go come on lando is literally throwing oh always so here is one of the worst glitches in the game come on man though oh one looks at it that was so oh i lagged there for a second one two gotta count them out oh can you believe this oh my lord come on come on come on we gotta get the sub 320. i want the sub 320 so bad i dream about it let's go i drew what we this guy is a gamer now he just has to not mess up this no come on get through the floor i dream up yes i believe i'm a believer oh you're about to get shot i don't think you left people absolutely not this guy's a gamer this is why you should check out purple hair guys channel especially if you watch this whole video that means you at least don't hate him hey that's good hello hello no you lost your helmet what just happened why does this game hate me i hit the doors got me yeah while purple hair guy is having an existential crisis again go check out his channel he does a lot of terraria stuff if you like that you'll probably like it i'm going to cry and yeah subscribe to my channel too of course you've been watching the whole video you probably like the content oh and like and subscribe alright it worked and you have a friend oh no it's not letting me in oh and we're unplugging you got it you're back i hope please let me engage thank you okay thank you gabe thank you sub 320 we have five minutes to get the sub three we got it big time this is gonna be easy for us too because we're so good at this game i'm gonna super build this all right all right go go go go boom he's so fast chewbacca is dead i'm gonna blind hit this because i'm so good oh never mind you he's so good wait why'd you drop it it wouldn't let me go any further i hate this game it's over no no it's here it's here i'm fine all right there you go that's his background it's all right now you might be like don't you need c-3po but no of course we don't he he takes up too much time he's too slow we just forgot about him and instead it's time for another cool glitch so i'mma just hang out on this door and i guess you're gonna blow yourself i did that for iframes hold up i'm gonna kill this guy first all right come on you got this boom you ready boom oh hold up let me blow you up let me blow you up the orange ones don't explode i don't think if this guy would get out of my get out of my way okay please i i don't think it'll work no i think it's over we have to go back no all right go back go back i'll go back i'll go back let's get we got it we got it i'm a believer all right this is fine this is fine all right so i messed up that glitch a little bit hit this first i'm gonna hit this oh yeah hit that oh god we have the backup strats which is basically we just have to go back ah that stinks smelly so i got stuck in a really small crevice and i could have caused that not to happen i just oh i tried i i just messed it up can't see it okay where is it oh i missed it there we go got him come on get up here robot and boom what r2 you did hey c3 they really are trying to make us not get this sub 320. why did he walk off the map all right i'm dropping as far as i can in and i'm taking him so i just killed this guy this guy remember you gotta hit the button when we go up there as well go friends i'm on my way oh i should push you i should push you can they move out of the way these jerks these guys all right you know just a little bit of a time loss no big deal it's fine we're doing fine move why are these people always in my way i hate having a big group okay two minutes left to get this sub 320. we got it yeah i think we can do it i think we can do it but we gotta play it out of our minds luckily they just ignore me hey guys nice to see you and your mustaches oh yeah i also just ignore this poisonous gas because i'm a robot i don't care all right let's go get on the people right first let's go go other side other side stop with the cutscenes good this is good this is good come on i'll get the right side yeah you get the right side i'll get the left teamwork boom grab our two i'm running out the i'm running out the door all right let's go one minute left one minute for the sub 320. all right also this part's hilarious all these people keep dying it's brutal like it's it's part of the strategy okay i get the guys on the bridge you get the guys uh not on the bridge okay okay let's go we got this we got this now we just need to kill a bunch of people that show up and as soon as they all die we can leave and finish out the game this is literally the end all we have to do is be fast at our murders we got it we got it we've been training our murders all day we gotta do this is where it counts go go go get out of my way guys they're almost dead only a few more there's one more back there get him get him go to the back go let's go come on cup scene and we can call off time come on get in yes was that under 320 3 19 43 oh my gosh that's under 320. oh we beat our goal oh my it feels so good so that is going to put us at 15th place on the leaderboards and i'm pretty happy with that time is that over half the people who tried uh yeah it is oh we're so good man we're so good all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye bye bye bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 4,505,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, lego star wars, star wars lego, lego star wars the complete saga, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, speed run, world record, wr, lego star wars speedrun, lego star wars world record, star wars, lego, star wars speedrun, star wars speed run, lego speed run, lego star wars speed run, lego games, speedrun world record, speedrun lego star wars, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy lego star wars, games done quick, speedruns, memeruns, funny speedruns, lego speedrun
Id: xJm_dLroNt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 46sec (7246 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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