I Created An Impossibly Huge Snake

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it's time to once again take our little red idiot and become the biggest being in the universe and eat everything else and since we're nice and small we've really got nothing to lose so we're gonna play Super aggressive we're also gonna eat that guy somebody definitely died here but those snakes are so big I won't get a chance to kill them yet my size is 133 top on the leaderboard is 30 000 so it's gonna be a while unless that keeps happening those cold unblinking eyes no no mercy at all gonna see if I can go ahead and get well he doesn't have very quick reaction so I'm actually gonna leave him alone because I feel bad for him orangey here he seems a little quicker I'll have plenty of time to mess with absolutely everyone eventually gotta be careful when someone dies everyone gets greedy and then everyone else dies I think I'm also more tired than I think I am because this is already really stressful and I I've got nothing to lose yet come on just let me eat you you gotta watch out for these little ones they'll make the Bold plays because like me they have nothing to lose that was also really close I mean we could just eat lots of dots we're up to 360 size definitely almost died there kill the jacksepticeye worm snake also him that was weird and him I don't know why everyone just goes tunnel vision when someone dies but no one steers anymore but that did put her size over a thousand I just want to steer him away because he's so big he could Circle me for up to 1150 to hit the leaderboard we need eight thousand so we're one eighth of the way there so if I die I might go for that also again be careful here because everyone gets greedy and runs into everyone else but that was definitely a good bit of size I might as well eat him while he's here up to 1600 as I was saying I'm gonna stick around to the outside where traffic's a little bit lighter the inside is a little bit high risk High reward oh well don't mind if I do then now here I can be a little bit more of a bully too because all the big snakes are in the middle I don't know why people keep like AFK that was really close okay these guys are actually pretty uh sharp so I'm gonna stay away from them I need to pick on sort of the middle crowd uh here's a big boy that I almost managed to get well I'm just gonna speed up a little bit here to try and uh scare someone into doing something stupid should I should I Circle him no he gave up I was actually gonna let him go that's not true I was thinking about letting him go but I probably wouldn't have ultimately to be very Slither isn't a game of Mercy it's a game of killing absolutely everything it's either be eaten there's kind of a lot of chaos right here and I kind of like that I just need things to start dying so everyone gets greedy and stupid I just realized we boosted all the way up to 2500 size so that's actually pretty good pretty quick but no one is Kamikaze near me in a while so that's less fun 2500 is still pretty good though I'm gonna get in there just just a little bit you know these little guys are going to get really aggressive and weird so let's just get away from them 2600 is pretty good I just need to get to the outside and kill a giant worm somewhere out there and then I can eat them all to myself even if I kill a giant worm I don't know if I can get them all it's the art of this Slither like this this is a really big snake just lingering around the outside if I could manage to get him in a weird spot that would be great he's really big oh there's a few biggies out okay there's a lot of big ones out here this one is probably a leaderboard snake this red one might be in a bad position with the way he turned okay there's a lot of big snakes over here I guess I am only 52 on the leaderboard so there really are a lot of bigger ones out there I don't know what he's circling for and I don't really know what this one's doing I'm curious but I feel like that's some kind of trap are you a trap what do we do with you she'd probably just stick to my Golden Rule of if I don't know leave it alone should I go for him oh he kind of wiggled in a weird way to get away from me we'll let him go he passed my test good job sir and then he came back aggressively and then got scared again because I started boosting and he didn't know what to do with that it gets so stressful once you start to get bigger because you really don't want to make a mistake like that guy down below just did so I'm gonna hang out kind of over here hoping someone else dies someone's definitely gonna die in that mess I'm not even going near that I'm actually just gonna move right out of here because I'm way too close to the middle should I go for that little guy no but he's on to me he could probably just make a lot more issues for me than I could for him right okay that was almost a bad play oh I'm not going near that nope no one else can die and I'll eat the leftovers well can someone else die nobody does look stupid and I really don't need any help looking stupid okay someone else died I'm gonna inch my way a little closer to try and get something on the outskirts never mind that's okay you don't want to rush in there because you'll dilate the rest of them we're gonna find myself a nice situation like here's a little bite of something that is ran into me everyone is dying right here though so that's perfectly fine but we're up to just about 4 000 size so that's actually coming along a lot better than it normally would a green snake did just die right there but it's between me and the candy cane snake and that's not gonna work at all if that one wanted to die though that would be great that would be a big experience boost maybe we should just hang out near it that way when it does die I can get in there he's Gotta Die eventually it appears he's just making Giant Circles so he's clearly playing it very safe until he gets an opportunity which is kind of like what I'm doing but I'm not playing it that safe I'll recklessly make a play don't you worry about that I'm realizing now this really is just a game about causing chaos you just gotta make a few people panic and then someone will die Evan will panic and go for their food then everyone runs into everyone and then it's just a chain reaction of things dying and it's really funny like this poor fellow he got scared and just ran straight into me for some reason uh luckily we ate him up before anyone else could get involved long story sure we're about 5000 size now which is a pretty good sized worm if you ask me we'll eat that little guy this guy seems a little bit crazy so we're gonna give him a wide berth we'll try not to panic ourselves hopefully he himself gets panicked and runs into someone 5300 size the leaderboard has changed a little bit now I need to hit 11 000 to hit it but it's dropped 10 000 at the top so 21 000 is the top worm and it's only a matter of time before we make it there I was just hoping I could make him panic I wasn't actually interested in four little dots top X looks like a bot and he still might be well you can enjoy that Loop see that's what I need to do again and again we just need to make everyone really panic and freak out and run into each other and get greedy you can get so much size in a hurry and being stalked by a little white worm luckily all I have to do is go like this and then suddenly he can't go anywhere near my face anymore and if you can get near my face he can't hurt me but those little ones are honestly the biggest problem they'll team up like this they'll be one or two on either side of me and they'll get all crazy because they've got nothing to lose they can make the Bold adventurous plays usually that happens but every once in a while they're gonna get me I would love to get this big purple uh guy okay yeah we can create a bit of panic with these big ones if I get one of these to die oh come on get back over here then not loving how in the middle I feel and that guy knows that I'm in a bad spot so let's see if we can just yeah steer him at least away go away a yellow worm of a pretty good size just died over there there we go that's what I was waiting for there's a few extra deaths I'm just gonna play very patient and just take a small bite here and there there's likely to be a few more deaths and all that greed like that and yeah there we go just take the patient approach I'm also just going to create a bit of a barrier over here to annoy the ones in the middle that way he's kind of stuck in panicking but I also don't really love this spot because there's a lot of little worms around it would happily eat me but we're up to about seven thousand size so what I'm saying is we're almost on the imaginary leaderboard unfortunately we do live in reality so I'm not actually on the leaderboard but a worm Can Dream candy I would love to kill the big Greenie here but uh he's playing Barry conservatively so it's going to be very hard to find an opening the green machine over here is trying to uh yeah there we go he was trying to annoy me so I started to Circle him he learned or maybe he didn't that's okay too we all learn eventually me slower than most people but greeny here will find out pretty soon will slowly make her way around and then doopsy doodle this way then he's gonna try and come this way so we're gonna turn and go that way eventually we're bigger than him so we'll eventually work our way around him or we won't and we'll just waste each other's time that's where I hold the advantage though because my time is absolutely useless I just realized I'm in a bad spot that black and yellow worm was actually circling me there very slowly he's just so big I didn't notice so I'm just moving way out of here pandemic seems to be in a bit of a trance never mind he came alive I was definitely gonna make a big aggressive play on him but he's alive so this big green worm I'm pretty sure I just saw his tail end right here so let's not let him Circle us we're officially over seven thousand sighs they hit the leaderboard we need 9 700. someone red just died there and it wasn't a bunch of chaos though but there is a little bite for me okay we might see some chaos here because I feel like there's gonna be some greedy people or maybe not dad's probably is a sign that everyone here knows how to play so I should avoid the area because I don't uh oh that guy's almost trapped I could have made a play there had it been paying just a little more attention but I wasn't okay someone just tried to make a play on me they themselves got eaten no they're inside of me are not going to get greedy over that little bit yeah he's thinking the same way I am he can't get too greedy even though he's small but he's smart 7800 size and I'm just gonna Cruise here along the edges of action and eat all the dots I can and my little Rainbow friend can join us too for a few minutes eventually I'll eat them too but until then they can just Cruise along do another thing I'm headed to a higher traffic zone so I'm really hoping someone dies as soon as they get there and then it's chaos and I can just Gorge myself okay we had one or two worms just die here trying to make people panic a little bit so they go for it but I think everyone just got what they wanted to eat and they're escaping but I might be able to Circle these ones actually I probably got the size for this uh scary okay that was close but that's okay I got one worm and scared everyone else that put us over 8 000 size that's within 200 of the leaderboard I mean there's just a lot of floor dots over here so I can just sit here and go Chinese for a sec starting to run into a lot of progressive worms up here don't know why everyone's going for me I probably annoyed someone well I definitely annoyed someone I'm just not sure who or at what point this guy's starting to annoy me a little bit we're kind of kind of bunk noses I was ahead of him but you got to be careful when you Collide I was on the leaderboard for a sec I saw it I had to score 7 900 that was good enough for a fleeting moment I finally accomplished something with my life I hit the leaderboard in a Flash game that no one plays anymore I would love to kill the big blue Dotty guy too but that's gonna be hard to do because he seems really good and also passive and he's bigger than me so it would be very hard for me to actually get him somebody seems to have died here and there was just some body parts laying around so that's suspicious 8300 we're in the leaderboard leaving at number nine 8300 8400 uh to hit the top we need four times the score still so we're gonna have a really big one by the time we get there but clearly we're doing already the leaderboard is shifted yet again it's right here around 8 000 size and everyone seems to get extra aggressive on me I'm mostly just trying to play pretty passively eating a bunch of dots waiting for the right opportunity to come about and trying not to do anything stupid I do try and circle some of these smaller morons but they're getting smarter as we go but I am almost back on the leaderboard again I just need to stop burning myself around trying to escape bad situations that probably reflects more so on the fact that I need to stop putting myself in bad situations I've just been cruising along the edge of the action just waiting patiently for the right time to strike like I would love to eat the rainbow guy over here but I feel like if I go for him he's gonna Sprint away right away and there's a little guy down below and situations like that also aren't fun because suddenly it is sort of in a bad situation the point I'm trying to make is uh things are ever evolving uh there's definitely lots of different snakes here in all different directions so we got to be very careful not to make a false step otherwise we're dead in an instant and it's all for nothing this little guy here is very aggressive he's much like myself and I'm small he's just trying to ruin things for everyone and he's almost getting away with it at times I mean I'm too far to lunch for him if I try he'll probably peel away he would have got me there but also this little thing is also annoying me so we're just gonna go ahead and box him in Versa to annoy him in return I'm not actually gonna kill him I just want him kind of contained for a second demonstrate that I'm bigger than him oh look at this sneaky guy going for it I almost had him there if I'm careful I could probably actually steer him into a bad situation like that if the two up above had been a little more situationally aware we could have had him even now he could probably get one of these ones I got the little green one hopefully they get greedy and go for that nope but it's close to my body so I was able to get that that was really close well I've done something stupid but I almost had that guy right there so we're back to being a little aggressive idiot but okay I love aggressive it sometimes works wow that was a really big snake wow look how much experience I got out of that uh because to be honest I feel like it's more fun to play as a small medium-sized snake to annoy the big snakes like this uh because you can really really get some experience in a hurry if you're playing aggressively uh this was fortuitous uh just spawned in and got to snakes one of them I didn't kill to be fair but I did happen to find the big green ball of experience sitting here so I'm gonna go ahead and eat all this up for myself and then play Super aggressive again okay super aggressive time let's find the biggest snake we can find and take him down you're not huge you would have been fun to kill but whatever there's a bit of experience we're gonna swoop in and create some chaos there we're gonna go for that little bit big snakes normally hide more in the middle uh at least they can but then this happens so everyone has to be very careful when you're in the middle because everyone dies including me so the friend down here just died the guy at my rear end just died and we'll take on him just manage to get him and we're dead too the boosting is so dangerous I really only like to use it to get away or when I have a shirt thing there is a pretty big green boy beside me I'm close to the head I don't know if I'm gonna be able to track him down in time though I can weave into these weird little spots he already turned around though this big red and yellow uh black snake I would love but it's going to be hard to track down his head and bind it gonna have to snipe it out of the blue he's keeping it pretty protective within when you're that big you kind of get away with that but nope not gonna get him there okay we found an even bigger red snake though so new Target acquired I just got to find the business end of them there he is so I'm gonna do something annoying and cruise just along the edge of him so if his head shows up hopefully he runs into me and dies but we'll take out him for a sec just for bunzies this guy might have had the same idea that I did oh I got him I wasn't even trying to get him but he just made a wrong turn so we're actually in a fairly quiet little part up here like there's not really a lot to compete with me for a second don't love this position one little bit but I'm gonna try and sneak out of here real quick I don't want to sit between two giant snakes that's Mega danger okay I just took out this one semi-accidentally but that one Kate almost killed us a few times okay I really gotta stop getting greedy on that little guy but I'll eat all this red and Yep they're actually getting pretty good size pretty quick just playing Super aggressive all right we're still like this guy because he annoys me but it's gonna be very hard to he's got a Mist turn for me to get him okay rather big snake just died but I was actually clicking off screen for a second dangerously so didn't get a chance to take advantage maybe a little bit unless someone swoops and kills me right here every time I see two snakes boosting I assume someone's about to die because usually that's the case it might be able to keep those two pretty tight to each other and then eventually one of them has to die really it's mostly just about creating uncomfortable positions for everyone and just forcing them Tighter and Tighter like see green guy couldn't handle the lack of space anymore so he died and just out of spite I'm not really going to eat any of its inside Parts I'm just gonna let that go there's a little blue guy that was almost bad for me and that guy so I'm gonna get out of here clearly people are onto my scheming what I really need to find is where like the leaderboard snake is he's only 20 000 but still if I could find him and manage to kill him I would get jumped up the leaderboard right away this is kind of an interesting developing situation just given how much chaos is going on there's a few big worms and you're acting rather aggressively so I might be able to eat something out here if I don't die I just went on a pretty crazy killing streak including that guy now too so now to see if I can invest his size into more uh high-risk plays to kill even bigger worms uh this worm seems to be moving at high speed usually that means you can create some chaos and get them to make a bad play they did kill a worm within them but I want them oh the big black and yellow snake just died that wasn't me but I'll happily take some of the leftovers so this is just a lot of luck really that was a really big snake that died gave me that don't touch that I'm happy I got this but I'm kind of sad it wasn't me that did most of the killing nobody ever suspects the little snake come here give me your head walk into me she has managed to kill a big blue one on a really really high risk play that I thought was pretty much a Kamikaze play strangely it wasn't though so I'll take that all day long there's another one everyone's gonna get greedy and then we just watch all the worm explosions and eat them all for ourselves I am also almost dead center in the map so this is why everyone tends to congregate because naturally you're gonna head to the center so this is a bad spot but luckily the green one overplayed so the brofist is too smart for me we're gonna have to find someone a little slower okay legitimately one of the biggest snakes in existence just died that was definitely a leaderboard snake so people went into an absolute frenzy over that and they still are so this is also some very easy size well you know what it's clearly not my night I need more coffee we'll revisit this again when I'm recharged [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 532,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tIHXKf-XqtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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