Giant Idiots Vs Super Geniuses in Worldbox

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today we've created some of the absolute stupidest creatures in the entire universe luckily for them they're very tough and they breed like rabbits but we're gonna find out if they can defeat the Geniuses that have plus 1 000 intelligence so we'll give them a little sprinkle of genius and these dumpster fires get stupid and so with that we have the classic brains versus bronze these guys are also much much bigger than they're supposed to be but that will help us differentiate between them because if they're big they're very dumb and if they're small they're incredibly smart and able to utilize their resources well and already you can see the difference the smart guys all work together the idiots have separated into two separate kingdoms three separate kingdoms which are probably soon about to light on fire he's literally made an empire for himself Realm of the M it's just him they have all the land and resources they could ever want so they should hopefully evolve into bustling Empires and eventually will make them Clash for now with this quietly watch and see how they mismanage absolutely everything they do well he's already named himself King of the realm of elm so he's King over three other people and to sort of simplify it further again again idiots are idiots Geniuses are geniuses now unfortunately the selective breeding mod currently isn't working so that means I need to reapply these traits to these idiots every once in a while and curiously they also work on the wildlife because that cow is not supposed to be bigger than a tree I just think that's a lot of fun though if the mod were working every time these guys breeded their traits would pass along to their children so the stupid would just multiply indefinitely but that's your record just fine the Geniuses are still a singular Kingdom because they're very smart at 36. the idiots are multiplying faster but that's kind of the point they don't know any better they just keep doing things for arbitrary reasons uh this is how big they're supposed to be like these little guys instead they're in these absolutely enormous morons they also have -1000 diplomacy so that's probably why they have spent Their Kingdoms already they're just gonna keep setting up empires of one probably because they can't count any higher than that these guys are incredibly dumb but they are trying so hard they're multiplying faster and taking up more room which I don't know is a good or a bad thing the Geniuses are already making roads and have a windmill in the Geniuses already despite their lesser population have a bigger Army and they're gonna need one because these guys are much tougher naturally but the Geniuses are already forming their army and they'll get to work mining to make better weapons and gear in everything they need and good news the idiots are already fighting amongst themselves we have the Empire of 115 attacking the kingdom of 70. but I guess when you're that big you've gotta fight over land because they're expanding pretty wildly they don't even have any gear or probably training they're just too dumb to know any better if they see something they want to attack it they're probably trying to eat each other at this point I can and will force them to get along eventually if I need to but for now I doubt they can even find their way to the other Kingdom despite the fact they share a border nope they managed to find each other they're slowly fighting right here for absolutely no reason there's nothing for them to fight over but again they're really dumb they could care less and you can really already see the difference here's three different kingdoms all fighting over nothing whereas the Geniuses just stick to the land they need and they're making very good use of that land I mean look at these guys they have castles and kingdoms and fountains they already have Legendary Weapons uh they're actually really good shape I've look at all their stuff already mithril stuff uh this is embarrassing to say but I've never actually had a kingdom do this good under my guidance I had to make them smart and need them on their own under my guidance they've done much worse well how you have the sun are attacking the idiots uh they're all idiots but high of the sun might force them all into one big Kingdom and that's perfectly fine I don't care how they get to where they're going as long as they get there these guys are basically already contemplating and solving the mysteries of the universe and these guys really shouldn't be allowed to have fire at all even a little bit population wise though the idiots are about twice the Geniuses IQ wise though it's like four thousand to one really so we'll jump it back up to speed number five and watch a chaos and fold for a while I also find it really funny that when I rained down my stupid rain upon everyone the collective intelligence of the world drops by like 85 and the idiots are attacking each other again but that's what I get for giving the minus a thousand intelligence and no diplomacy whatsoever they don't know how to resolve any little dispute whatsoever they're probably mad because they're breeding each other's air or something absolute be ridiculous and we're just gonna let him have it in fact we're going to encourage them having a dispute that's fine I'll give you all torches if those don't do enough damage you can have nuclear missiles we want Maximum Destruction their army is under March and I do have some uh rare Stone weapons at best most of them have absolutely nothing though they probably forgot where they put them hey it's a little hard to see what's going on it's just a big mess of stupidity there no one can figure it out not even the ones fighting and they're just continually going I don't know what they're fighting about they're still land there's still resources but they're just gonna keep fighting and fighting they've almost taken up their entire half of the map the Geniuses are still within their little Zone getting smarter and better and I'm pretty sure this was no fault of theirs but they just got a meteorite landed so they got lots of fire to deal with they're probably up to the task considering they're probably just run into it accidentally and inevitably put it out we've learned ourselves in the age of dark I just simply removed that because we want to be able to see and these guys well they can't handle the dark they're probably scared of it if they understand it at all but they have Consolidated themselves right back into when giant Kingdom of morons there's currently 800 to them because they just will not stop reading this might just turn into a simple game of numbers there's just going to be so many of them that they just simply can outperform based on Raw numbers and power and the idiots divided their Kingdom in half these guys are also killing themselves as fast as they're expanding if they didn't have all these words they'd probably be at like 8 000 people there they go again but look at the Geniuses every time I look at these guys they're getting better and better they're very smart about getting their food they're getting it all from one little crop circle whereas by contrast these guys are constantly just dividing themselves and biting and they divide it again one place where they might run into trouble is uh well they did actually manage to make a boat which I'm really impressed with I really didn't think they would understand that concept there's also one enormous crab I never really thought about the consequence of the giant animals but they might also affect things because they're really stupid and potentially really aggressive because of it the fertile morons are just in constant dispute with each other but they're spreading so quickly that they're soon going to be at four times the population of the Geniuses but long term we don't know how that's going to work out I guess it simply depends on what they do with their time but the longer these guys go the better stuff they're going to get to be able to fight with and it's going to be really hard to keep these guys from fighting with each other because that's all they do they're too stupid to do anything else like I can't even keep up I'm not affecting anything here they just keep going and going and going and fighting amongst themselves probably because they're running out of room finally and it's perhaps a hard concept for them to understand that there's more land over here they can go and take it they just gotta cross the water which is probably wildly confusing to them I am sort of left to conclude it's smarter to remain in a small area and is build it up from there because these guys are smart enough to know so obviously I'm going to base my life strategy on this these guys are dumb don't do what they're doing these guys are smart do what they're doing if you want to expand your kingdom maybe you don't not until you're ready for it but I feel like these guys will pretty much keep themselves continually weak because they keep biting if they put all their heads together and tried to work together they could maybe accomplish something but they won't let's take a look at their King the uh most powerful biggest idiot in the world and he's got a stone sword that's all he's got it's been hundreds of years and he's got a stone sword but it's about 400 to 1200 give or take so they are definitely uh running away with the population but they're not doing much with it Clippers is out here living their best lives Empires are rising and falling in absolute moments because they're absolute morons and don't know what to do with themselves like it's just constant the kingdom of this is declared war the king is dead the king is alive there's a new king there's an old King they're dead they're switching again there was a lightning strike which causing so late on fire which got their attention they probably were very scared by that while they did actually manage to make a slightly bigger boat so they're getting somewhere with something but they're still a pretty basic Village overall they have made some roads and stuff though so they are not it's not like they're making no progress they're just doing nothing with that progress except for fighting continually but the original kingdom is still surviving there it is nowhere near Advanced as these people these guys are going to be in this space age pretty soon and I'm starting to think just based on the weapons they're creating already that they're gonna have a pretty big advantage and the thoughts of existing in the Box descended to citizens of this place into madness well that's what happens in your you cannot comprehend anything at all and you go crazy uh I'm pretty sure they just went like grab it and probably started attacking up and around them at which point the Giants around them absolutely destroyed them because these guys well not geared they're very strong without the gear the Geniuses basically do 7 to 15 damage if it is a basic idiot the big idiots do 7 to 38 so they have way more top end damage and more than the morons are descending into madness that's their problem they'll figure that out just kidding no they want their morons but that's okay they can continue descending into madness all they want and we'll just keep on dumbing them down as soon as they can spawn we'll turn it back into morons they've had a boat for quite a while but they might not really know how to use it because it just sits here uh they've declared war across the sea I'm not really sure they understand how to get across the ocean though and they let themselves on fire so they've got their own problems to deal with uh plus I think they're being invaded by like six other neighboring Empires so I'm not sure why they're looking across the water but they're stupid so I guess it's not good to rationalize why they do anything they're just not going to make sense to do anything rational no matter what we do to them yep they've declared war or they're just across the water they don't know what to do about that some of the wildlife lit on fire because there was a fire on the genius side of the world they should hopefully be able to go and put that out but maybe they can't and we're still waiting on that war it's been 110 years and no one's crossed the water yet it's been like two years and they've still got war declared on the purple Geniuses they're still just not doing anything about it because they can't comprehend if there's water in between them they're even getting Legendary ranged weapons at this point I'm pretty sure that's like a silver bow so the longer these guys wait and squander they land over here the more they're going to lose their advantage Geniuses will catch up and have better gear they'll make way better use of their same size land so by this point uh the Geniuses have all sorts of rare knowledges all sorts of basic knowledges plus the knowledge gain of 250 with a level 63 culture I'm almost scared to look at what these idiots have become so they do have a positive uh knowledge gain which is something 3.3 they're only level 14 culture and where they've managed sharp axes so you know the trees be be cut down but the intelligence difference is pretty telling I mean the brown guys here basically declared war in the ocean because they can't figure out how to deal with that okay for the first time ever the brown Empire has pioneered unloaded their idiots onto foreign Shores they've come armed with wooden weapons and a brain that just won't quit and the Geniuses are right here ready to meet them with their varying gear so let's see if they actually do anything from here or if they just sit there and wait it looks like they're finally gonna make their move the Giants against the Geniuses and the Geniuses are kind of waiting for them to go by but so far it's a Slaughter the giant idiots just got railroaded uh it looks like reinforcements have arrived though the idiots sent more and that might just be their thing they breed so quickly that they can descend the idiots in to die again and again and again but they die so quickly I think because these guys have the legendary ranged weapons or epic at least they can hit them from so far away it doesn't look like they're gonna stop trying this time they came with a nice friend the legendary wooden stick but as soon as they get anywhere close especially at the border the genius is just coming and Destroy them with all their better Superior your gear despite the fact physically these guys are much better like even this guy wandering in the Army didn't seem to bother with him much but even the regular citizens managed to kill him fairly quickly just because he's not smart enough to implement a proper strategy okay well the armies are definitely moving in and together but the brown always keeps us disappearing in an instant because they're walking in one of the time because they're stupid and this is probably only going to embold in the Geniuses and make them better and stronger because they're getting experience from killing people like this guy's got one kill with his legendary bow the king of the Geniuses has died probably of old age at this point Allah so rabbit which I didn't mean to make he's both a genius and an idiot so I can't imagine what's going on inside that little brain uh the idiots keep doing exactly this they walk in with a legendary stick probably kind of past the Army and get destroyed but they are kind of stupid and there is only like six of them here on the shores but when one or two of them die they send a reinforcement of another one or two for some reason thinking something will eventually change but since a Geniuses obviously have so much of an advantage uh let's consolidate these guys into one big Empire okay so the a big orange holy idiots are fighting the great idiots here in purple so if we sprinkled this a little bit of Madness down on these guys it removes their allegiance to their Kingdom and then meet his magnet them all up and move them over into here well where they'll become part of here once we carry their Madness also I believe it helps if you pick up some of the army and put it into the land they were supposed to be invading even though I did most of the work for them so every time we see an army somewhere we'll just scoop them up and throw them over here and they'll take over it they'll do the rest see there we go we added a whole bunch of people to the holy evil these guys are taking over right now we just win some repeat with the remaining kingdoms and it'll all be won all the well we got one idiot at the time besieging the Geniuses you know what that's gotta work eventually okay we got the empires mostly Consolidated into the two main ones uh the idiots have set up their army here on this side of the river for some reason and they let things on fire also they are very persistent about doing something about the Geniuses they just really can't figure out what to do these guys might also be a little confused because uh the kingdom behind them has kind of just been destroyed so let's go ahead and send them back back to uh whatever their side of the world for a sec and that will let the orange Empire basically consolidate into one it's 1100 versus 10 so I think they're going to lose pretty rapidly yep the Army's moving in they'll destroy the idiots here because they truly are idiots except for maybe that guy who's just a toddler who's very unhappy and he was either assimilated into there or destroyed and now it's simply idiots versus Geniuses well I'm not sure where these guys came from but they're marching into genius territory and they're probably going to be obliterated but they are trying real hard uh the genius Army is way out there for some reason but they probably realize they don't really need to go and help though there are giants attacking their water tower okay I think some of the army came trickling in and absolutely obliterated them so interestingly the Geniuses despite having 60 of the population have an army that's 25 the size of the idiots it is however a very old Empire and they're very a useful Army the culture at this point is still a 63 I don't know if you even can go any higher because I think they've unlocked everything by contrast that the Wonder has 1.5 knowledge gain a level 12 culture and their just not doing super great their great talent is both basically multiplying that's all they're good for they just multiply wildly but we're overdue for a nice land bridge where everyone can fight right in the center there I'm trying to just to destroy anyone as I do this all right well without further Ado we'll let the armies be able to cross right into each other should they want to these guys are not good at diplomacy so they're going to charge straight across yep you can already see all the lines coming in from Heaven coming to attack they're trying different angles now which is maybe smart I'm not really sure so the Army is outnumbered four to one and for some reason they're pushing into their uh Empire they should probably defeat the idiots before running into their Homeland but what do I know so we got all sorts of different things going on okay there's a lot of idiots running into the center of their world which might work great they're Landing it on buyer probably accidentally whereas a Geniuses just went and quickly took over a large part of their map and looks like they might be returning home because they realize their Homeland is being raided non-stop by giant morons but they might be able to hold them off with just a few simple bowmen because I don't know if the idiots can handle the concept different ranged weapon okay the genius Army is definitely on the way back as they don't like what's happening they receive the call they're coming back and I'm pretty sure they're going to walk through all of the idiots in a real big hurry but there were a lot of idiots they are numbered four to one so they really got to do some damage to be able to save themselves at this point the idiots just ran all the way into their base oh their King died maybe that's what they were going for oh maybe the idiots will actually win this it's hard to say because they're so big did they just wipe out the army or is there more army coming they might have actually just wiped out their army based on just raw numbers oh yeah they quickly discharged in there and took over the Geniuses I did not expect that at all I expect that to go completely the opposite um yeah that's sort of an unintended consequence of this we've kind of mixed the two together so now we have the genius Empire that are also idiots but I guess in the end the idiots had an advantage because they didn't really think about things they discharged straight in without any care or concern and managed to take over the Geniuses I did not expect this result at all but giant idiots win who knew foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 526,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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