I Eradicated 7 Billion Humans With The Worst Plague In History

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today i'm going to end the life of every single person on this planet and naturally the best way to do that is using the big pandemic we've all been experiencing for the past few years and this should be easy considering how much damage this has done to the real world now where does tick-tock want to start i'm thinking somewhere dense with lots of population but they also have to have an airport and a seaport i would pick the uk but that's a little bit too mean for my pandemic so i'm going to start in india tik tok begins in india and just like that i vanished a great plague into the world which no one is safe from there's gonna be incredible amounts of suffering so far there's obviously no infections no deaths no transmission no symptoms no abilities it's just tick tock but we got our disease on the board five people infected so far i'm not sure how many people are in india currently there's 7.1 billion in the world nine of whom are infected and i forgot i actually have to pay attention to pop these bubbles but they're gonna get me disease points and just like in real life i'm not gonna let people know the dangers of tick tock until it's too late i'm just gonna make sure it's spread out as far as possible before hurting people so let's let it spread by insects and that should help it spread a lot now if there's nothing too dangerous about it no one's gonna notice and even if they do they're probably not gonna care that much to do anything about it but there's a hundred people infected thanks to insect carrying those numbers are going up pretty quickly we're getting a few dozen every second and we're about to break 1 000 people infected and that means we have 12 dna points to spend so next let's do livestock i'd imagine there's a lot of that in india but i can't say for sure i can barely point to it on a map but those numbers are climbing now instead of going in like a dozen they're going in maybe a thousand per tick tick tock infects thousands we're starting to get somewhere but i need billions i need many billions but look at all those dna points we have there's 21 so now we're going to give ourselves air transmission you got to think that's gonna help it spread if it can spread through the air itself now we're getting several thousand infected per tick which isn't adding up to a lot yet i mean we've only got a very little bit of india but it's gonna spread more and more the more people that have the plague known as tick tock the more it's going to spread and we've made it into pakistan we're going places and i get a big bonus for that the more countries i hit the more i'm gonna get and we're into that country we have rash symptom mutated i think we also just made it into china yep we have a few people infected in china that's a big population mass now rash is a thing we've just got that does increase infectivity but that's going to get people's attention we're going to devolve that i really want to talk to this seem as harmless as possible that way no one's gonna care it's gonna spread the globe and then we're gonna put on like hemorrhaging and make people's eyeballs fall out or something until then though no one's gonna care uh while we're at it i should probably give it some heat resistance and maybe some bacterial resilience that way you can help protect it against all climates uh we're pretty near the equator so uh warm climates are going to be a more priority jason port india there we've got like 1 8 of them infected but those numbers are going up super quickly suddenly probably because of its heat resistance we're getting like 40 million people per tick and we've actually already uh infected like one tenth of the world so i guess india was a good place to start india is looking pretty red how we do in india okay india is fully infected suddenly and we're spreading quickly i'm just waiting to see a red uh plane or boat come out of india to land somewhere else we need to make it to some of these other continents i'm also going to give it cold resistance to help get into some of those colder places like canada and let's help put it into some rodents maybe some rodents i'll get into some boats and help the boats travel around the world to infect more people everywhere even the animals aren't safe from tick tock i'm making a lot of points we've got like a fifth of the world infected now and i don't think we've even hit any of the western continents yet though i did see a red plane just land in the uk so that feels like a victory already 19 dna points to spend we want water transmission next and last will be bloodborne or birds i don't know if blood's gonna be a big infective one but we got russia which is a big geographic area not the biggest population but still pretty big and this is great i've infected 1.4 billion people and no one has any idea oh we finally made it into north america we have canada but now that we are getting into places like canada and the uk that probably have pretty strong health systems let's give it drug resistance pathogen becomes resistant to class 1 and class 2 antibiotics increase effectiveness in wealthy countries you can outsmart tick-tock there is no winning and the coughing symptom is mutated that's actually super contagious like super contagious but that's gonna start to grab people's attention if scientists all over the world are like why is everyone coughing they're gonna look into why they can't know it's tick-tock they can't know tik-tok exists yet as i recall madagascar and i think greenland are the two hard ones to get both because you need a boat to get their boats rarely go there and they're very cold in a very hot country so let's make sure the birds are doing their job i can't believe it's 17 points for birds avian carriers increase infectivity land transmission and mutation i don't need a lot of mutation and i don't know if i need blood like are people out there sharing blood with each other i think we might have just got iceland we sure did that's a big one because i feel like boats go from iceland to greenland a lot now that i say that out loud i don't see why they would but i did to see a boatland in greenland and there's a few boats central america also not safe from tick tock there's a whole bunch of uh african countries central europe uh we really had a good start with india and china the world is looking awfully red in that little corner of the world we got madagascar that's definitely one of the hard ones the world is a little over 50 infected already and we're definitely getting around pretty quickly we have 62 points to spend already i think at this point i'm probably just gonna save up because again even a rash is going to give us away it always does but considering we still have a lot of healthy countries one of them's greenland we also have places like sweden and norway and finland which tells me we need more cold resistance those are the only possible things those countries have in common 16 points yeah whatever go for it we're also going to do more drug resistance too so after extra cold and drug resistance we're left with only 25 points we'll get more points again we've got a lot of people to in fact and once people actually start dying of tick-tock too we'll get lots of points because that's really the whole goal but i'm pretty sure every red bubble right now also is a new country that one was either uh finland or norway they're very interchangeable oh i think one landed in greenland i saw the red boat go in there the uk is looking pretty rough too they have a lot of infections so we're at two-thirds of the world infected so far and that should go quicker so in the usa currently every tick we're getting 70 000 people infected that number might go up when i start to add things like coughing uh coughing just added itself again attempt to let this one run because that makes a big difference we're going up to like a hundred and something thousand five hundred thousand per tick just thanks to that um given that three quarters of the world is already infected i think we're just gonna let coughing take over the rest we'll maybe give the people a little bit of a fighting chance but not too much but look what coughing did to the world i just realized how red everything is the whole world is bleeding what i might do at this point since we've infected 95 of the world is mostly figure out how to get more of these cold countries more infected is it livestock is there lots of livestock in these areas yeah we'll let them have some more livestock that only costs 18 points we also have more cold resistance next i think we're going to add sneezing because that adds quite a bit of infectivity and that's not going to alarm anyone a little bit of sneezing people are just going to think hey i'm sneezing that's no problem little do they know they're infected with tick tock oh we also have cysts now too cysts might be a little bit more concerning scientists might go okay maybe we don't want these so we're gonna get rid of those okay uh whatever i just did is working because look at the big chunks we're infecting in greenland oh fran starts working on a cure for coughing and sneezing typical france let's see what we can do about that so we're maybe going to get genetic hardening right away to slow down their progress tick-tock needs to evolve to kill you sure right why is sweden the one holding out what is it about sweden that's making it hard to get is it drug resistance do the swedes do lots of drugs no there we go we just had to start getting some large swaths of people infected now we're getting over a million per tick and sweden doesn't have a huge population so we just went from like one percent infected now we're at about 80 percent and now sweden is pretty much infected the whole world is pretty much infected in fact there are no healthy people left in the world they're all succumbing to tick tock all right so now what are the biggest baddest uh things we can hit them with pneumonia sounds pretty bad uh immune suppression has lots of lethality let's give them some immune suppression you don't need an immune system total organ failure is like 30 lethal i don't think it's fair we can just jump straight to the total organ failure but that's their problem coma sounds pretty bad what else do we have beaver they can have a fever we only have 28 points left so i need to make sure whatever we give them is really going to cause problems i kind of also want it really lethal without being that severe i don't know how we can separate those two things because i feel like if they're lethal that should be considered severe but we're going to add coma because comas are pretty important next we can add systemic infection but we're kind of out of points to spend but i feel like what we just did is gonna start killing a lot of people and we have anemia nobody knew when tick tock started just how bad it would be first death in mexico yeah i feel like the deaths are going to start there's another 200 000 there's another 300 000 so there's 1.3 million people dead the world is gonna fall pretty quickly south africa shut down its land borders but i'm sorry to say it's too late this highly transmissible diseases in all the countries in the world in fact every person has tick-tock whether they know it or not the world is working on a cure but they're three percent done so it's a race against dying and we've already killed more than the black death whether or not i succeed i've already accomplished something pretty great here today so we now have about 200 million people dead more than a spanish flu there's 230 million 270 million we get like 40 million per tick dying although that cure is a little alarming because it's 11 done now we're gonna have to slow that down a little bit people are dying but maybe not as quick as i would like them to be as we kill more than smallpox the cure for tick tick-tock will be available in 174 days but we've killed 740 million we've got 6.4 billion left so we might actually do it just as is but i'm going to make it more deadly as i can tick-tock placed on watch list as we wiped out 10 of humanity look i'm just trying to bring awareness oh no we have nausea because that's definitely everyone's problem when we have coma constantly so what was it gonna next paralysis systemic infection seems pretty bad that adds a lot of lethality infectivity and severity we're going to need more genetic hardening as soon as we can that way it'll slow down the research because they're 20 done now but we're a little over 20 done with humanity so and we're killing about 100 million people per tick so i think we're gonna succeed just as is i would like to make this more deadly though or at least that people suffer a little more along the way the gear is 25 done but the world is about half dead at the same time so that doesn't bode super well for them we're gonna add some paralysis because people really want some of that oh i forgot about the drug thing again what do we add to this to make it even worse tumors tumors are pretty bad i wouldn't want a tumor internal hemorrhaging i wish i found this one earlier there you guys go oh what's over here hemorrhagic shock i didn't realize there was such interesting options over to the sides still killing well over 100 million per tick the cure is about a third of the way done but the world is about 90 gone australia's government has fallen uh yeah i wonder why we 99 of the people are gone if there was one guy named ted there he would basically be running the show uh indonesia yeah they're all going down quickly how's sweden doing norway's all gone sweden's still hanging in there but sweden was very resistant to this at first i don't know why i figured this would be at least a little bit more of a struggle oh before everyone's dead though let's see if we can add that's 32 points can i have a few more points can you guys survive this a little longer so you can die in a slightly worse way tick-tock to eradicate humans yes we've known that for a while yet people see wildly and willing to do anything about it so there's 136 000 people left 90 000 60 000 i think we're gonna do it if anyone's immune to this they can try and repopulate but it's a tall order to replace 7 billion people the entire world is officially dead they succumbed to tick-tock successfully eliminated all life on earth there's a disease graph you can see the infectivity was rising so no one cared because the severity and lethality wasn't there with it so the cure they were looking for they didn't even well they got almost halfway there but then i increased how hard it was so that ladies and gentlemen is the power of tick-tock that was pretty easy so naturally i'm way too high on myself so now i'm gonna try brutal because it's for strategic geniuses living in concrete bunkers as long as i'm wielding tick-tock no one has a chance plus i'm actually gonna do some of these jeans i didn't really know about before and i'm gonna do aquasite increase chance of plague spreading by c because c is always the tough one then the plague is gonna get a bonus in humid climates then i'm gonna get ionized helix bonus dna when devolving this time should be a little bit harder we're going to start in india again because i liked the way that worked out but this should be much more of a struggle we did upgrade our disease just a little bit but it's not going to be enough to make up for this challenge so now i'm just going to sit back and wait for enough dna points to get some upgrades i think we're gonna go for livestock because that's only seven points and i feel like uh there's a lot of rural areas in this part of the world probably also very hot and humid through there i feel like there's a lot of rain and a lot of heat but i could also be wrong because i'm talking about something that i don't know much about but what else is new 12 points to spend let's see what we're gonna do next let's try insects again i feel like there's got to be a lot of insects in a hot humid climate at least that's where i would be if i was a bug okay we've only infected 3 000 people but we have another 15 points to spend so we're gonna get water this is good for ship transmission and humid areas which i think we're in that seems to be working because we're up to a thousand per tick and that's gonna add up quickly considering we've only got seven thousand we're gonna get rid of coughing though as much as that would help infect more people i don't want anyone paying attention to us just yet i'm also gonna give it heat resistance because again that's a hot part of the world but we're now infecting like 50 000 people per tick there's a hundred so this is going to escalate quickly we've officially crossed the 10 million people infected mark and no one suspects a thing and we made it into our first new country and there's a red boat headed for what might be indonesia there's a lot of red boats getting out there and that's going to make a lot of extra points for us so next let's go airborne because we're starting to get into kind of the deserty regions of the world and because of that airborne thing uh we can get on planes i didn't realize we couldn't actually spread by planes until right now oh but there's a red boat it's going to the uk or maybe france oh and we hit uh north america already so that's a pretty good sign i'm gonna have to make sure this thing is very transmissible in many different ways we're gonna go birds that's an expensive upgrade so i assume it's gotta be worth it and rodents then i do have to give it drug resistance also but so far so good we've infected like one-fifth of the world and we've uh evolved nausea which we're going to devolve but so far so good this is all going according to plan i don't know if that's a good plan but it is my plan medicine in australia is slowing the infection uh any country with really top notch healthcare is going to be a bit of a struggle right now and with that one point i think we can actually get it some drug resistance and now it can spread in some of the uh richer countries and that's going to help because i just need i need more infections everywhere the more infections there are the more likely it is to spread again and again and again to more places i do have 1.5 billion people infected worldwide though so that's pretty good so far i just hope the scientists don't notice it yet and they shouldn't because there's really no symptoms so we've infected a lot of countries but we still have more that are still healthy so that's going to get tricky let's give it some cold resistance for sure that way we can start to make a way a little bit more into the northern climates just because they're cold it doesn't mean they don't deserve tick-tock also i did you see red plain land in greenland so that's a good one i know that's normally a hard one to get and i don't know if boats do actually go from greenland or sorry iceland to greenland we'll find out i'm tempted to go disease transmission maybe waterborne just one more for ship transmission that's very expensive but i think it's going to be worth it i need more infected ships to get places like madagascar and greenland probably also going to need more drug resistance because places like the usa are not getting infected in a hurry we haven't even hit canada yet it was a frozen hostile wasteland so let's go a little more drug resistance than to hopefully get into those countries a little more and i do actually think we just got madagascar so that's a big one i might have to get a little more heat resistance because i think there's a lot of warm countries there's this thing has so far too uh we got canada i don't know why it puts the graph way up there i would be surprised if the disease entered canada from the arctic sea but you never know i do have 46 dna points but before spending any of those i really need to see what countries are left then i need to try and decide on how to do this from here we're also going to get rid of rashes just like you should in real life so the countries left are greenland norway sweden baltic states ukraine morocco so i'm wondering if we're gonna need some help with the cold weather because a lot of those are cold countries let's assume that's going to help because also once we do finally get into those countries i'm going to need to make the most progress there we have infected about 60 of the world and i think we just got norway and that should help get sweden because i'm as far as i know the borders are all still wide open so i would should cross into different countries and spread tick-tock around there's sweden we've been in iceland for a while we only have 20 people infected so far so it's going to be hard to get a boat from there to greenland if that's where the boats come from so now we're getting somewhere russia's starting to spread a lot quicker uh canada is going to get up there pretty quick yeah okay suddenly the u.s just erupted we have coughing now we might just let coughing run its course because we're about 90 done anyways yeah okay we got greenland now too so hopefully that spreads pretty quick i'm gonna let coughing run its course because i need to start infecting people in a hurry in peru which seems to know how to deal with tick tock uh i also just realized canada apparently we annexed alaska along the way and that's fine by me but that might not be cool with other people okay confirmed we've hit every country in the world what do canada greenland norway and sweden have in common like how do we infect more of the people is it livestock again we'll assume it's livestock uh let's also give them some uh sneezing that shouldn't uh raise too many alarm bells but it should help spread that because i need to hit those countries pretty hard right now new minor disease is spreading oh i've got bad news for you we've already spread it's called tick tock and it's currently infected seven billion people worldwide canada's numbers are climbing quite quickly greenlands are not greenland is going to be a problem i'm not giving it insomnia because that's going to annoy people and that's going to make him do something about it i do need to be careful how i spend points from here i've only got 50 left i'll get more as people start dying but i've got to be strategic i'm only going to get so many more to use greenland's got 900 people infected that might go up we might just have to play the waiting game typical greenland always holding up the rest of the world links are better than everyone else luckily there's not a huge population there so as i'm infecting like 700 people per tick that's actually going to eat up greenland pretty quick okay progress is going in greenland now nice and quick they'll be done before you know it so let's start killing people i do kind of like the route we took last time with immune suppression and then a total organ failure because that sounds pretty bad the next i think instead of coma we're going to follow anemia around to whatever was so bad over on that side but now people should start dying morocco starts work on cure yeah you might wanna hurry insomnia mutated i'm not gonna fight to get insomnia back i'm just gonna keep going with severe symptoms the more things that naturally mutate the better because i can build off them uh also i should probably start getting disease resistance as soon as i can so that's gonna cost 14. but we've officially infected everyone in the world so that's a good start uh we've killed 1.5 million people now and that's going quickly already we're at 6 million they're all shutting down the borders now i would like some points though because the disease is already 10 cured and that's gonna start to worry me but we killed more than a black death okay i need some points the the disease is 20 done i didn't realize they'd be this quick well we're doing pretty good though overall we've killed half a billion people but the cure is 25 done i really need to slow that down okay we can slow it down now 14 points now it's going to be a little bit slower we might need a few genetic reshuffles but i need a lot of people to die for the points and in theory the more people that die the slower that should go because there's less people to research okay i've got 14 points to spend that might be enough for a reshuffle 16 points 25 points for that 30 for that one uh we might be in trouble i'm still optimistic though we are getting a lot of points now that people are dying very quickly uh so there we go we might do a genetic reshuffle right now just because we can i don't know if this is a good idea but we're going to do it we need to get ahead of this and we have killed almost half the world now uh so if deaths really start escalating we might get ahead of this i do also need to slow down the cure so we need another 10 points like yesterday but there's four billion people dead so that's pretty impressive all by itself the raw potential of tick tock there's wait for it the 30 points we need so let's uh slow this down oh that's just another reshuffle i need hardened well which one do we do which one's going to be better um i'm kind of thinking actually the reshuffle i'm not entirely sure on this but we're going to do that that's going to drop it down to 64 percent at the rate people are dying this might actually work because countries and stuff are going to start to break down pretty soon because the world is pretty dead so far 5 billion people would probably put the brakes on a few projects uh plus with these next a few points we're gonna have another well let's call it 19 points to spend on something good i think for right now we're going to settle on pulmonary fibrosis and then we'll get that next because they're pretty cheap i just need people to die a little bit quicker than what they are the cure rate has definitely slowed down a lot though probably due to everyone being dead but i think we might actually get away with this if not it's going to be close so there's only 730 million people left alive on this planet and there's going to be less and less as time goes on i think we've got this one accomplished there's only 400 million people left the cure is 80 percent done just to be sure we'll slow it down as soon as we can okay the cure is pretty well stalled at 81 percent which is good because there's only 150 million people left so we're just gonna let this one run out the clock in fact we're gonna make it even worse let's not let the people suffer anymore have some comas enjoy those and uh apparently the cure got set back quite a bit i'm not entirely sure what just happened but it dropped to 70 maybe the people working on that fell into a coma i don't really know 80 million people left and it naturally uh gave us paralysis which is pretty serious i forgot this whole time that there's also a fast forward button so i could have been doing this quite a bit quicker um though maybe it's a good thing i wasn't playing in super fast mode because that would have been a little bit chaotic but look at those numbers drop our last million people are live on earth 960 eight something uh 500 000-ish tick-tock to destroy humanity i think it would consider humanity destroyed by this point really but let's see what countries survived i mean survived the longest places like turkey argentina colombia egypt australia no being upside down would confuse the virus final hundred thousand i'm kind of surprised my lazy strategy worked it obviously worked on easy mode but on super hard mode i didn't think it would get the job done but i guess the moral of the story is never doubt tick-tock okay stay tuned for next time's adventure when we destroy the world in some other colorful way you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 799,899
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Id: nSmkvUYNEsc
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Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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