This Was Beyond Maximum Upgrades

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today i have a really stupid idea so because there's something deeply wrong with me i'm gonna try and send this 150 pound weight into space at 10 times gravity and that's really basically it normally you'd start your way here and work your way up as you were able to afford upgrades without added gravity me i'm stupid so i'm gonna go like this and pretty much limit my penguin to hanging himself repeatedly but what can i say that's seven whole dollars so at this rate our best chance is probably to start upgrading the coil as much as we can and the next upgrade is 41 so that's gonna take a while but did that make a difference we got the weight to wiggle so far that's something plus we have two springs now so that's gotta be worth eight maybe even nine dollars luckily i can use fast forward mode to just go like this it's still not quick or fun but it's gonna work and as a very wise person in the comments pointed out you can actually just leave an auto clicker running right here and it will rapidly take you through to do this run again and again and then before you know it you've earned another seven dollars which brings you up to 88 entire dollars so i'm not even sure if i want to add a body right now because the body's just going to be extra weight i think i want to maybe save up for the diy because it has the most power we're going to need power to get things off the ground but i will maybe try our propellers for now they may make a difference um i think i forgot to use them either way they're not going to be enough to lift the weight by itself but look at that that's 123 dollars why because of air time and payload bonus we get lots of money for not lifting a weight maybe this won't actually be as bad as i thought i'm just going to hold this down every time we launch okay so after doing this a few more times you saved up 836 dollars i'm actually not sure if the diy rocket's going to be the way to go on this now but i'm going to try it then i'm going to upgrade my launcher a few more times just in case that makes a difference we're gonna give the diy a little more power and then i'm gonna upgrade the propellers also the maximum level maybe now we can at least get the thing off the ground oh it came off the ground it didn't go very far and the diy rocket isn't really doing much for me right now even if you point it straight still nothing eight dollars nobody's going backwards in a hurry maybe i need more propellers so the diy rock is just gonna go away for nothing and i need something with extra boost slots so for now it's gonna be a trash can for some reason because that makes sense to my brain and i think for now i'm just gonna go with more propellers to hopefully get me into the air lasting a little bit longer basically for now i need to find a way to earn enough money to buy a rocket that can actually get this thing into the sky and keep it there because this isn't working again we're back to eight dollars i think something about the additions i've had pull me back down to earth i need to stay in the sky so we actually need to undo this and maybe also get rid of this brilliant trash can so we're back to simply the coil and propellers there we go something about this leaves me actually hovering just right there and that's enough to earn me money like that was worth 280 dollars that's really not a lot in the grand scheme of things but that's a lot for me now i'm pretty sure this is just kind of confusing the game and make you think that i'm actually carrying that payload in the air all of this time which i'm not it's on the ground but there's 290 dollars so at least if i ever need to make money i know how to do it it's not quick but it works and if i really manage to make this thing rock back and forth and land the thing to the side i can actually fly for a long time this is a strange little exploit i never what happened i'm not sure what really happened there there's 341 dollars we were flying forever though that daily interest might have to be our friend too okay so after using his winning strategy per minute we're up to 14 000 which means we could buy just about any body in the world so i think i'm gonna try a regular space shuttle hopefully that will get it off the ground somewhat then we're gonna upgrade that maybe once that's really only increasing speed right now so we're not gonna do that what i'm gonna do is use dark matter to reduce the weight so we're gonna go from 36 pounds down to 30. of course that's really multiplied by 10 so i don't really know what's about to happen i'm just hoping the rocket can actually get us off the ground and yes we're launching a we got off the ground we got a massive 17 for that all right let's go let's do that again i just want to see if i can kind of maintain i think i need to lose the shuttle so i can hang the penguin to make money otherwise i make 17 and that's not going to be enough for now but i proved that's going to work i just need to do this enough time so now to grind some money because i don't know any other way to actually make money for now even this isn't foolproof because i might have ruined it by upgrading the coil too much although even if the penguin's lying on the side apparently uh well we're making all our money in daily interest apparently okay well whatever the case i don't know why that's happening we're just gonna grind up some money like this for a while until we have enough for some proper upgrades to start making money in the sky okay since i've made enough money now to unlock a nuclear reactor let's try that delicately but maybe also with just the penguin not sure if even this is going to be enough to get this thing off the ground but we're about to find out well we made it up into the sky it's going to be really hard to get that thing under control and going upwards 140 though who am i to complain let's do that again this time i'm going to engage your propellers which are clearly going to help us move upwards 142 dollars it's gonna be a long day so i'm going to take the propellers off for now and just buy the dark matter that way lighten the load a little bit that'll get us very slightly higher which means we can make more money for now see look at that we almost hit the moon i swear and we actually made less money somehow despite the fact nothing really fundamentally changed except we got lighter okay well let's add a balloon to the mix then because i don't know what seems to be working here we have a max power balloon so look at us go now the sky's the limit did the balloon help at all i don't think the balloon helped much we're back 138 dollars that's good enough for me i'm gonna grind this out for a while using my little strategy we've built up 25 000 i'm starting to think that the dark matter isn't really going to matter much because we have 10 times gravity anyway making something lighter is not going to affect gravity so we're going to go back to our space shuttle for a second which we can use to add all sorts of things onto we're going to try a rocket boost we're going to leave the dark matter for a moment and maybe try another rocket boost because that gives quite a bit of lift but so does the bell nozzle we're gonna try a bell nozzle too just for fun then we're gonna see if we can actually get a little bit into the sky with this one that's kind of working when it's not enough to overpower gravity yet but it's getting closer and this hurts to say but we just beat our record for earnings okay so now we just got to figure out what parts of it was it helped get us up there i'm going to give two levels to this and two levels to the f1 bell nozzle i'm gonna get rid of the dark matter because i really don't think that's gonna matter much i think i might actually try a money turbine uh it's gonna add weight but if it gives us money money is kind of one of the big problems right now anyways so let's see what happens now can we at least overpower gravity no it still poses to earth pretty quickly how was that bird flying it was 10 times gravity but there's 730 that's easy money i'll take that for now i'm just gonna do a few launches we need money so basically my strategy has evolved to this i'm just using the auto clicker technique and fast forward to launch your rocket repeatedly back into the ground but we're getting something like 900 per run that technique actually got us up to 76 000 so i can actually sell the space shuttle already and buy the omega shuttle which will hopefully give us more power to get us upwards it also left me at 30 000 extra dollars omega boosters would be better maybe before we buy anything you know what i'm getting a shuttle reactor never mind no will all of this be able to overcome gravity at least yet this was such a stupid idea we're getting closer to getting up there but it's still a really stupid idea oh good there's that secondary booster i was hoping for they can't even lift us off the ground not entirely sure this can actually be done at this point but we're gonna find out we might just need more omega parts which sucks because they're really expensive but if i sell the stages i'm up to thirty three and a half thousand dollars i think i need fifty thousand for the first omega whatever so that's going to be fine we are now making over two thousand dollars per day i think because of daily interest not really sure that works but i guess the more days that go on the more money we make if that's the case that works for me because eventually we'll get rich just from doing nothing or the interest maybe grows simply on the amount of money i have every day that's why it's going up incrementally so this was 1621 after the next day should be a little more because we have more money in the bank that actually makes a lot of sense and that's very helpful to me so i'm going to take advantage of the 62 thousand dollars keep earning interest for now because i need it that actually went surprisingly fast we're up to 887 thousand dollars so how much money exactly am i earning from interest every day then really we're making eleven thousand dollars per day ten thousand which is interest because our rocket sucks and we seem to be capped out on our daily interest but that's all right that's gonna allow us to get things like the omega boosters which are going to be hugely helpful we're going to upgrade those i'm going to upgrade my shuttle once i'm also going to take up my nuclear reactor and we're going to replace that with an omega coil that still loses was 742 000 so let's see how well this is going to work and how much money it's going to make us uh we got some kind of achievements because we're actually making it upwards very slowly i think gravity might take over but we're getting there the game seems to touch laggy too for some reason but that's okay because we're starting to win slowly 150 tons at 10 times gravity there we go 13 000 for a single run because we actually made some money elsewhere so the money turbine's gonna go it probably does make us money but not enough to make a difference let's try omega boosters then i don't know if an omega balloon is going to help right now but it's not really going to hurt a hundred thousand dollars kind of stings though so is this enough to get us into the sky the omega balloon won't do anything yet anyway not until the other ones run out uh we're actually maintaining speed finally so this is actually enough to overcome grav well we're losing now we were doing okay i think we're still going up but it's kind of a losing battle so back down we go but that's definitely a new record could you imagine how heavy this thing would be like what would happen if we hit a kite or a bird or a hot air balloon so we're going to get rid of this rocket boost and we're also going to use an omega booster here then i'm going to upgrade the coil maybe we should be upgrading one of these boosters they're going to be the biggest help of all i think then let's see what happens now it's making that really annoying loud sound but we're going very quickly upwards i don't know how long we're going to keep this up for but for now we're at 90 000 we're coming up 100 000 feet upwards so i definitely got some extra money for that and we're running out of steam the balloon is trying its best to help but ultimately it can't really do anything we're forever shackled by this big big weight twenty thousand dollars though so we've doubled our earnings already so i think the only option really is to add another omega booster we could try and make it lighter but if i'm understanding this correctly basically with 900 pounds it might help we'll try a booster first this would be a very easy way to compare the two we're gonna do it with just a booster then we're gonna replace a booster with lighter weight to see which one takes us further okay there's a hundred thousand feet again already i don't know if i should add any more balloons i probably won't because they're really expensive and i don't know if they're actually helping anyways i kind of forgot to pay attention to the altimeter it was around a hundred thousand feet we made three thousand dollars on altitude so if we replace an omega booster with lighter weight is that going to make a difference how much would that cost to replace that much that feels like a better launch already but i could be wrong i'm in fast forward mode so it's a little hard to tell so altitude reach was actually 3300 there so reducing the weight might actually be a pretty big help we're going to do this with knot and fast forward so i can see okay we're coming up on 110 000 if we get one booster by itself it doesn't work the balloon probably helping a little bit but so far so good um i wasn't even sure we'd be able to get this weight off the ground at all so i'm happy we made it that far it took a few minutes but we saved up about eight hundred thousand dollars so i'm going to upgrade the omega coil again a few times these cost twenty seven thousand dollars each but they're going to give us a bigger launch initially for hopefully more money we'll take ourselves down to about four hundred thousand dollars again and that's gonna help us get up higher further hopefully gravity might just have such an effect that it doesn't really matter at this point anyways but we'll find out so that was about a previous record at 115 000 feet we're up to about 140 000 feet we're very much fighting for every inch of this place but that was your 25 thousand dollars so i guess it's back to this auto clicking through this well i'll see you guys again in another 20 minutes a few exciting minutes later we're at day 397 991 thousand dollars i think i want to try adding three balloons they cost a hundred thousand dollars each but if i don't like them i can sell them just like my children so i'm simply gonna add three balloons to see if those make any difference at all while launching ourselves upwards they don't add any weight so they should only add lift i just don't know how much they add uh and they also trigger one at a time looking at the fuel on the left so i don't think they're going to be of any help at all because by the time the good rockets are out of fuel their first balloon is still going to be going and only the first balloon so we made it to 145 000 feet okay the second balloon did start going but it wasn't until we were going downwards so that doesn't matter and you get a full refund for the balloons we're going to keep one because one might help i'm gonna try upgrading the shuttle a few times uh for maybe a couple hundred thousand dollars to see if that helps because as far as i can see it just increases the top speed which isn't really going to help us that much but it might a little bit okay that might have actually made quite a difference because now we're going up to 180 185 190 000 from 145 which tells me we need more shuttle now that was worth thirty thousand dollars by itself now we have a max level omega shuttle the upgrades cost fifty thousand dollars which is less than these so maybe we'll make these worth fifty thousand dollars for upgrades actually the dark matter upgrade is still quite cheap too so that's going to take us from 55 down to 51. that's a 10 weight reduction just about for only 70 000 so this should actually help us and we're almost at 200 000 feet so we'll get 50 bp for that so that's something uh it's not 2 million but it's a 10th of the way there but so far so good until we hit that stupid alien but this does show we can't overcome the power of gravity right now because those things are stopping us pretty dead we're 36 thousand dollars so i think we're gonna have to go back to auto click mode to save some more money because upgrades are stupidly expensive now many unbearable hours later after letting things run for quite a while we're up to 3.7 million which should be enough for a few good upgrades i think the first thing i want to do is try and reduce the weight considering that only cost eight thousand dollars per upgrade right now so we'll maybe go this much we're down to 44 pounds now we'll just do equal upgrades everywhere we can until we run out of money i am going to upgrade the coil for 50 000 several times i'm not sure if that's gonna be worth it the shuttle also costs fifty thousand dollars it increases the top speed so we're gonna do that three times i think the boosters are maybe gonna be better so let's try it right there with everything being equal and it's costing fifty thousand dollars per upgrade so we can get another 50 upgrades if you want i'm just not entirely sure anything we do is going to be enough to get me up to 2 million feet or anywhere close to it but we'll see luckily i'm hitting everything in the sky on my way up so that's slowing me down pretty badly but we're making pretty good progress we're at 250 there's 260 we're gonna maybe hit 300 000 on this one maybe a little bit more even don't know where the thrusters go in different rates but there's 335 000 with 150 tons of 10 times gravity worth 53 000 all by itself that pays for a single upgrade i just realized what these boosters was behind the other ones so we have 50 upgrades left so we're gonna go five on each of these then maybe five on the shuttle which i think is that many if i can count and then maybe five on this guy while we're at it let's spend another three hundred thousand dollars on weight reduction so that's going to take us down to 38.5 pounds plus 150 so again i'm not really sure the weight reduction is going to do anything but i don't know how they calculate that fully that seemed to make a pretty decent difference i was in fast forward so my flight trajectory got a little bit sub-optimal we're at almost 500 000 feet though that's way higher than i thought we were gonna get all right well let's spend the rest of our million dollars on more upgrades the boosters are all note plus 10 this is plus 13 that's plus 13 which should carry us pretty nicely over 500 000 feet up in fact that carried us to almost 700 000 that was worth 125 000 i don't know what that copy thing is or where it came from but i realized we've also been neglecting the balloon the balloon might be worthwhile because we're up to 830 000 feet oh i see what i did i bought as many upgrades as i could all at once that's what the little cursey thing was last time i thought the upgrade seemed a little bit expensive but there's something else i need to do also if we turn off ten times gravity we then need to launch simply a penguin a hundred thousand feet without any body he might be allowed to have an omega booster on him and that would be okay i think with the omega launcher he's probably going to hit his goal anyway uh oh yeah i forgot we still have the weight nah whatever we'll take that with us don't know if we're actually going to get 100 000 with this it's a little bit slow we got a penguin in space upgrade really works better with the whole you know rocket apparatus around it but we got 50 000 yeah it's gonna be a little hard with 150 tons on our back but i mean i could probably still do this let's try it again with a better launch because we're already at 33 000. this might work light trajectory not great we're running out of fuel okay maybe it's going to be a little bit hard with the extra weight so let's reduce gravity by 50 and increase thrust and reduce oh yeah we have to reduce gravity by 50 percent okay that kind of threw me into this automatically this might do it though just don't run out of fuel along the way i shouldn't be doing this in fast forward mode but i've been at this long enough that i just want to get this done well i guess we can reduce the weight say we go one pound um then we'll reduce gravity by half anyway that should probably help yep we're already we've like warped into a hundred thousand feet that's kind of how much easier it is with you know less gravity i don't think we even need the thrusters anymore we could have just launched just the penguin so i kind of want to see what happens if we do that oh that definitely worked because now we have the omega pink one but i'm really curious to see this now we're gonna sell that we've got only two million dollars to our name which isn't a ton but we're just gonna launch simply a penguin with an omega coil because i want to see how high they go he's gonna have one pound on him but he'll get over that 80 000 feet but what's the omega penguin it's so cheap okay we just go ahead and max that out plus it has all the extra stuff on it but we're just gonna sell all of that for a second so just an omega penguin plus you make a coil with one extra pound wow 200 000 feet in an instant this is gonna open up lots of options i wish i had that today because he probably could have done this a lot quicker but i did make it just about a million feet with the stupidest amount of weight ever so i'm gonna call that good enough
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,720,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8K6CTmc4APU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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