They Added Guns To Chess And This Happened

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this is gonna get weird now I'm not really good at chess so I'm gonna rely on the part of this game that isn't chess you go there the opening of an idiot now we wait for my opponent's response if they're maybe walking forward with a pawn of their own so I'm gonna go ahead and maybe bring this one forward as a kind of defensive thing again chess it's been a while hmm they might be on to me I know why there's a way to get checkmated really early on so we're gonna try and avoid that because Checkmate isn't where I want to be we're gonna throw that one forward their Knight could take my Pawn that's okay and my horse is actually stuck so we're gonna go ahead and move this one over here I'm more of an action type player than a thinking type player I don't want to think ahead that's too much work so we could probably actually start to let this one not really okay so we'll go there that's gotta be some good baits attack that okay then I could take this so I'm gonna place that there should the Knight go there I can go there now the interesting thing is I don't think my opponent knows anything about this so I'm actually gonna bait this Pawn into being attacked now we got us a fight so we actually need to fight the death I have left shift and I have e I'm not really sure what either of those skills do my opponent seems bewildered which is perfect oh okay they're smarter than I thought okay oh that's a hit we got a hit marker I don't know how much damage he's doing hit and oh I might have chosen a bad opponent to play this against and gotcha okay there's bullet travel we're okay we're okay go back the other way come on you could do it and nope missed uh I press e and oh oh I seven helpers okay that's good we have helpers now uh chess isn't normally a team game but it's also not usually a shooter either my friend you killed my friend I won't miss him anyway they're literally a pawn in my game okay so far both of us are oh we gotta hit there's a camp War for a headshot puns are tough I can't duck and cut your feet stupid your feet is showing we'll get close and okay so far we're really milking this Pond battle I think the bullet travel was throwing me off but now we're starting to get it figured out punch Expendable anyway wait did they win oh no I won and the replay just because I finally happened to land a headshot and that's that so my Pawn actually gets to just sort of survive that uh so we're gonna go there and that's maybe going to force the Knight to move where I can get the Knight or we're gonna of a pond battle here because I'm stupid I literally focused on one piece and go quick draw I could use my auto clicker there okay oh we're gonna press e to summon my power that way my other Pawn can presumably help and the other broken pieces get left wait where'd she go I feel like I hear foot wet is that over there oh on top of the train oh duh uh I've never uh I think that's her at least okay okay uh we're okay we're okay I don't know oh wait is it you what happened to the one on it oh I'm not sure which one it really was kinda lost a pawn there but we're oh where's the one on the train sneaky but that's just pawns we've got more than pods to work with here so I do have to somewhat think about the you know actual chess part of this game but not really that much you go there I do think other pieces are gonna have different powers that's gonna be fun to play with they're gonna have better guns okay now I have a knight in my face so we gotta watch where they can go from here they're always going to be a little bit frisky I'm gonna go and throw that there that way it forces the Knight to do something about it and maybe that'll get them a little bit out of my face because I think it was there and takes this then that's going to put me in check but then I can move forward so that's not a big deal plus I'm fully willing to have that fight so let's have another Pawn battle this time I'm feeling confident we gotta duck to the right pretty sure if you're right-handed you naturally gravitate to the right okay I'm going to summon my pawns to uh help and then I should do the same strategy right blend in if you can't figure out which one to shoot near the big winner oh they brought back up too oh your Pawn is stupid though oh you landed on a chair I was gonna jump all the way down I hit The High Ground now you can't defeat me okay did I win oh with a nice head shot apparently those do count for something all right so so far it's pretty evenly matched I'm not really sure what's going on in the actual chess part of the game it doesn't really seem to matter as long as I can defeat the pieces we're gonna be okay okay here we go we got a bishop versus a knight I've got a different kind of gun it looks like I have a bomb under E I think I can actually fly is that oh hello okay so that's interesting uh have a have a bomb apparently okay okay that really hurts wow that almost killed me so we're gonna go ahead and bomb okay very smarter than I am that's okay we just gotta play this carefully and bomb okay they're gonna boost every time so I'm gonna aim 12 inches to the side for one of them and you go that way oh actually I just hit him stayed up with the bomb okay we're gonna fly this what is this this feels dangerous I'm just going toward them like dying that's not helpful that's your suicide and from their perspective here's where I basically walked straight into them like an absolute idiot and got destroyed I'd say this is for the chest but this is like before I teach us and now they have this right here so I'm going to pressure that away or maybe not maybe we'll fight with the king that's probably actually really bad idea I don't want to fight with the King because then I'm in trouble because if they win I'm pretty sure that's Checkmate my opponent is definitely putting more thought than me into this okay well I'm gonna force you to move then otherwise you're getting castled I don't know what the castle is but the horse is pretty deadly otherwise known as a knight for some reason but it's pretty clearly a horse you know what let's get the queen out there to start to um well the queen then is susceptible to that one does that really matter in this game though I don't know him jumping this one up that way I can bring this bishop out so let's just go to there that way it's um you know up here at least I don't know that way I can start making a mess in here my pieces are so spread out I moved all my pawns away that's probably a bad idea in hindsight the horse has been relocated let's pick on a pond for now if I go there the queen can walk into me but I'll fight the queen straight up I think this is gonna give me an advantage because that's just a pawn I should be able to destroy a pawn easy enough because I have like a shotgun or something yeah I could just bully the pawn really just gotta be careful because if I do lose that really hurts gotcha gotcha yeah there's something to be said for that you can bully the puns probably though I also could have died I was taking damage so that was a high risk High reward play which means we got a bishop versus a pawn I think I can handle this one I don't know if I hit him with that but it's also hard to like yeah resist the urge to do that uh okay and oh do you get hit by the trains I don't know what happened there we need to watch a replay on that wait what oh cause self-damage train damage oh it was the train s are dangerous by the way that makes it my turn so I gotta be careful what I do let's have some uh maybe bishop on Bishop love here I don't know if that's gonna work oh I also didn't see the Knight right there yeah it just isn't really my thing it involves thinking the horse as I recall is very dangerous so we gotta be careful wait wait wait wait oh I don't like when uh goes up in the air because yeah okay the horse is dangerous where where Bob oh that's right it's got the drift thing okay I gotta be really careful not to get hit Dodge and oh no way near there okay uh we got the bomb out because that's gotta have a cooldown too right my bomb has a cooldown their other thing must oh I got The High Ground oh that was close to I don't know much damage it actually does I gotta poke just a little bit of my header we're gonna try hard this now they go back the other way reverse psychology or no psychology all right I'm a little nervous now my opponent s what what was oh that's my trail I guess I don't know what's happening okay we're going in for a all-out offensive what what oh oh okay good good good this is stressful what I don't I don't get how that works I think I'm too far away to make this work you got to be close with this thing either that he got to use the bombs a lot more can you crouch all right we're gonna get close we'll get a bomb and then we're gonna go with the shotgun bomb shotgun shotgun more shotgun how many shots does it take please die oh you sneaky come on come on come on got him oh just barely yeah I was probably I think one of my head would have absolutely destroyed me I would say that I'm winning but I'm not really sure I think I've taken out more of her pawns but I don't really know chess I suppose they do an advantage because I didn't really even tell her what the game was about I have some idea but I naturally hold the advantage because I'm uh smart or something okay ready go oh we both missed that's embarrassing okay we're gonna get close and you just gotta pick your shots carefully like that there's just a little bit of bullet travel it's a little bit hard to compensate for whoops probably doesn't hurt that I'm the host yeah I summoned my uh Pawn helper so they're probably dealing with that I can't get back up there I can't remember what color I am is that you or me what are you identify yourself I don't know what's happening oh hello there you are you're back on the ground that's not great oh let's put the train in between I don't feel confident suddenly come on come on come on no no I pass well that's okay I didn't need that pawn anyway just like children puns are disposable I'm just gonna slide my king back because I just don't really love having it there then I'm maybe gonna slide my um castle tower I don't know what this is called anymore up into their Zone oh perfect we gotta get read on that castle long Castle okay we got another Pawn battle going on half of these are out of my control we're just doing our best to try and figure this out I'm gonna jump to the right and got him okay we both take a pretty good shot there that's a head shot oh did they bring a friend in I always forget that that happens oh wow I got destroyed I didn't realize the friend was shooting me yeah they came in from the side and that really scared me to be honest I didn't know this was a horror game Castle on Castle we neither of us know what these do yeah they Rook that's what I said oh take a sniper rifle oh this is gonna be even worse then okay we're gonna go and okay it's like take a careful shot got him yeah I'm just gonna jump down because I need I need a bit of distance I can't handle all that stuff also I don't know oh you put like a oh interesting you put like a protection down which I put in a really bad spot because I'm stupid okay come on where's your head oh did I land that no I got killed it turns out this thing's really hurt I picked a bad opponent to play and shoot a game against if I'm being honest with you uh the board is evening up so I've uh gotta pull it together here I think we're probably gonna start pulling up the big brain plays okay uh this is probably going to be really bullying to my um well that's a shotgun actually I know that so if I just give a little bit of distance I think I'll have the advantage because with that thing to hurt it's got to be right up in my face so that's not good the pawns are pretty vulnerable I don't feel good about this and I I don't really have a lot of movement I feel better now confidence is coming back oh that was close oh you actually got a lot of leeway on those bombs they don't hurt as bad as you think and I don't know if she's used that yet so she doesn't know how little that actually hurts hurts me yeah yeah that's what you get I'm using my Bishop experience to my advantage I haven't really used a night yet let's get the Knight into action I'm gonna try and land the night on something I can volley they're also going with their Knight everyone always loves the knights I think as they move at such a weird unpredictable spots oh we got a knight versus a rook that could be a good battle because they're both kind of long range okay how does this one work I got shift and I got e wait oh I was pressing the wrong key no that's embarrassing is it what what where is what what's happening oh okay got it got it how does this what is this these don't go anywhere this is a horrible matchup I did not at all see what just happened last time happened to me this turn I had never used the Knight before so I had no idea what to do or how to use it and then I got psyched so this Castle is going to be a problem so let's try a queen this might be stupid but I think I'm gonna need something strong to take out the Rook because that Rook what is this it's a grenade launcher what is this oh Gatling gun oh yeah that's a good matchup for the castle then because then I could just bully probably because it's going to be hard to yeah get any shots off on me oh I could pick a piece wait what what what just happened okay yeah I see the problem now I walked right into a headshot what that was my queen so that's not great okay we got Bishop on Bishop this one's a shotgun battle so I'm pretty much just gonna March forward shooting it's just gonna be a war of attrition really and apparently oh I did win I thought I lost her second but I figured if I could just even if I shot just slightly burst I could just get more DPS off okay I'm gonna land Hmm this is a problem so I'm gonna move my knight a little closer I don't really want to fight that with the Knight but I'm just kind of bluffing here to get them to move I would happily do a pawn fight at least I'd have something of a chance but it's gonna be really hard to defeat the castles okay so this I'm just gonna press e and I'm gonna send a pawn at them and that's hopefully just gonna be a bit of a meat Shield or you know just wander around aimlessly but I assume that's where she's gone then oh this has cooldown I can actually just sit up here now and go Pawn March forward that'll tell me where she is and also give me a chance to get a shot off okay that one also died that's okay we'll get another one going momentarily what was that sound it's kind of a nervy not knowing what's happening where she is it's very very intimidating to peek over that into the sniper I gotta pay this real smart I think I might be out of Pawns no I got one more so she blasted that pawn uh I could it's so oh got her again and wait got no bad got can I have more pawns pun nope nope nope puns are strongest already that when you have more teammates to sacrifice okay go in there got one there and peekaboo yeah I'm pretty pretty much a natural chess Grand Champion well I didn't think about that before they have a sniper rifle I should just I just gotta get close see because they yeah yeah they can't even they can't aim up close Okay but they're actually quicker than I thought I didn't realize they had a boost oh I definitely forgot about that move okay we gotta get our feet off the ground oh she doesn't know I'm here oh that was my chance and I blew it we're gonna strafe around oh that was Gary well dead okay one more oh no it must have been so close Okay but I do have that one for good though they have like an eight time zoom so if you get close it makes it really hard to hit because yeah that's a disaster I don't love my odds but I've been to worst he got this it's mostly just dealing with this stupid castles okay let's take her there Queen before we figure out what the Queens do I think I'm just gonna maybe March into the queen next and then go straight for the king because I feel like this is gonna slide away from me because uh I can't really beat the castles or it's very hard so I'm gonna try and mitigate them all together okay let's bring our Knight in then not really for any reason in particular I just need to get I'm gonna play the pawn with the Knight that way I can start to learn how the night actually works she is definitely pushing for my king right now so what is that I'm gonna do I'm gonna walk right to here and then we can have a one of these they can fight each other reasonably well I definitely don't have the advantage here but I'm gonna try left shift is a grappling hook what is that oh hello oh wow that's quick oh she doesn't know what happened oh and I fell let's try that again because I don't know where she is this is scary where is she I don't oh way over there okay grapple grapple where's my grapple grapple grapple there we go uh it's really Harmony grappling I can probably no scope yeah I couldn't make it up stupid you gotta be tall for that okay you're a Dodge dive Dodge I don't know if you can shoot in the air with this gun that was close okay no no scoping doesn't work at all confirmed I saw that where that last shot actually went and uh at least jumping no scopes aren't a thing like I don't know yeah you see the trajectory I hit the floor like 10 feet in front of her just because it was such an inaccurate shot well I guess that makes it my turn Knight versus Pawn okay so e is like a Bent Arrow I don't know what that means oh it's a wind-up shot I get it that's why it hurts so much and we won okay but now that I know that works I might be able to use that to take out their um Castle oh we're fighting a queen okay uh she might not know where the queen works that well so I'm just gonna try and snipe right away uh uh okay good she went down so that'll give me an advantage to snipe maybe and chill uh I don't really know what that does to be honest I don't think she does either okay that's a good headshot got that and go oh nice the knight's actually really good it's just really hard to time that which puts the ball back in my court and you know what I want to get rid of this since I'm on the road with the Knight I think these are probably our two strongest uh pieces right now so what is e do is that homing oh does that make me quick I don't know what that does okay that's one good hit do I want to challenge this uh maybe I didn't oh actually if I get close yeah that's right oh you get stuck on that okay I can't go and do that but apparently she again great wait what did I win what just happened I'm confused now apparently I won that I don't know what just happened was there a second train I mean obviously I planned for that to happen that's why I won but I'm as confused as to how I did that okay I'm gonna move my knight here and then I can actually challenge the king potentially I do still have quite a few pawns but pawns aren't really going to be super great when it comes down to the end maybe I'll actually kind of go like that and then or you can go that way or challenge me it's risky to challenge the king though obviously because I'm fairly certain that's how you win this game I just realized I have mostly pawns left so you can go there but I can get you there maybe while chasing this King around which really just sounds like chess to me a lot can't move there you can well actually can move there can't move here oh should we just go for it yeah you know what let's see how strong the king is oh that's their strongest player though this was probably not a great idea I don't know what any of these do okay we're gonna run oh oh oh it's a sword or something okay we're here oh oh interesting it's like a ground slam oh yeah it's it's yeah close range against fire that works and the ground slam was definitely unexpected for both of us because neither of us knew what to expect uh this is definitely gonna turn into a game of immobile pieces chasing each other okay we're jumping right into a battle here and chunk oh yeah good timing there I think there was another hit I don't know what that one does I don't know if that's like a homing Arrow or what okay I some have a pretty good timing on this suddenly a little unsure we're wait oh hello I didn't know where they went and that's not fun in this game it's very stressful and you can't see the opponent oh that was a good one I think it was a head shot it gave me the red text released and Zoop I think jumping is actually a little bit dangerous in this because you're very predictable when you're jumping because once you're in the air your trajectory stays the same night wins uh that makes it my move so I can probably go here actually yeah you getting pretty close to have to engage now uh Pawn versus King I got this don't worry first I'm gonna do is send a send a backup on it and I gotta stay way away from that we're just gonna try and fire from a distance as best we can and hopefully the best because I if that thing is close to me I'm doomed uh already this is too much uh okay I jumped I think that saved me oh oh did I do it I think I've managed to do it just barely well I guess we will win that one that was a lot of chaos I really did not expect to win uh but now I need to go foul for divorce see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 391,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Flo52sx0fks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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