Evidence of the Founding Fathers Discovered in the Mountains of Vermont | Treasure Hunting Adventure

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're back out in the mountains of Vermont take a while to get up here today we still have plenty of time to do some detecting and exploring as you can see the leaves are changing it's autumn and it's only gonna get better or maybe like 10 20 percent foliage all of these green leaves are gonna be fluorescent a few weeks bear season right now meaning archery season not wearing my fluorescent hat today because I have to be so close to an animal with a bow and it would be a pretty terrible hunter to mistake me for a bear so I'm gonna risk it today a couple weeks so it'll be deer season and start wearing some orange so we're out in an area today which I'm pretty sure is very old lots of stone walls it does have a cellar hole which I've detected in the past and I found some pretty awesome stuff but I'm gonna venture out and do some exploring follow some of these stone walls and see what else we can find all right well did some walking walk past the cellar spend a couple minutes there but it wasn't a whole lot of anything there so I followed the stone wall and I came to a point where it's like a square you know like a know if it's a stable or whatever but it was it's a fairly small square stone walls and a little break walked in and I got my first little signal in here just a 66 [Music] hopefully it'll give us some indication of what could be here it's under a roof it's a good sign OOP it's out yeah look at that well it is a very good sign it's a giant pewter spoon it's very very old 1700s be my guess beautiful all right let's do some looking around here so I was walking along and I saw this really cool tree clearly grew on top of a stone you can see all of the roots are kind of engulfing the stone now that was pretty cool I don't know how old it is but I decided to do a little detecting around it check it out solid 81 see look nice it looks like it's a copper underneath the cool tree awesome yes check it out what do you think it's gonna be I think we're an old place can make out a little bit of something on there but I don't know let me get it cleaned up here all right check it out oh you can see that me pull the light on here that is a draped bust us large cent awesome I don't know if we're gonna get a date off it but as long as we can identify it we can give it a range of dates man that's plenty old for me nice trade bus large set makes me wonder if that was dropped while this really cool tree was here or if the tree grew after the fact beautiful one cent and awesome alright well it's been out on all 15 minutes large sent button button button there's another button somewhere right and right next to this button 75 if I were to bet I'd say it's another button but never know so old brass buckle it's cool looks like it's complete with the exception of the pin not very fancy probably horse tack still cool so uh well my last videos I made a comment about how I don't dig every signal I got a lot of comments about that I just wanted to kind of clarify what I meant I know the metal detector well enough to know when a target is probably iron so what I'm in a new site I'll go around and I will dig only the nice clean 99% relic err coin targets so I don't spend all day digging garbage now that's not to say that I won't return to a site once all the good targets are gone and dig all of the iffy targets because you never know you know I've only get one day a week and generally it's not a whole day to metal detect so I like to make the best of it and they do alright let's keep going alright I'm still following this wall just got a pretty faint button tone pretty sure it's a button big and round and a dirt clump let's see oh yeah there's the shank doesn't appear to be anything on the front just a big ol coat button very cool you know I always wonder how these things fall off people obviously if there's no shank that means the shank broken the button fell off but this one still has its shank you think it just came on sewed string broke I don't know pretty cool well I just found it first I don't know what it is I assume it's a button all right there's the shank look at this it's a teardrop doesn't seem to be damaged or anything it just seems to be that's the design crazy do you think that's a cuff probably not for a coat or anything that's super interesting I don't see any designs or anything but yeah that's pretty cool interesting so I've mentioned break sandstone walls a couple times and I just wanted to kind of point out what I was talking about this right here is a stone wall and then it's gone and then right here is more stone wall and you can see right here there is nothing no stones it can be misleading sometimes because sometimes logging roads will bust over the top of the wall and they'll just kind of flatten them down they'll move some but you can still see that the walls still there logging road through a stone wall not super helpful actual break through a stone wall 50-50 chance that there's gonna be a home site sometimes it was just you know access to the field all the times there was a building in there either way there's always a chance to find it something just down the ways there is something else kind of interesting we go take a look at that all right we're just off the road here this is the same wall if you notice it's pretty clear here and it hits the wall and then it looks like there's a road then continues on the other side and you know these rocks right here specifically look a little peculiar they're too big compared to the rocks on the other side if I were to venture a guess I would say that this was a logging road probably a hundred years ago and they broke through the wall and when they were I repaired it which is kind of cool that they would do that I could be completely wrong that's what it looks like to me all right we got a solid deep baby have to move some of the sticks of stuff out of the way but that one's got me excited see here let's get you in for the close-up all right you ready looks like I missed a little bit's in the wall here whoo you see it there it is looks like another copper beautiful can we tell what this one is oh look holy crap look you see all those rings around the outside that's a Fujio holy mackerel that's amazing a freakin Fujio I let's get it cleaned up man it's pretty beat-up sad looks pretty good all right well it fell apart quite a bit unfortunately but you can clearly see the Rings this side is normally pretty intricate it's got a sundial and a bunch of other stuff going on but unfortunately it's mostly gone try to take a photo of it so you can see the right orientation but that's amazing amazing I've only ever found one of these ever and it was only a half one it was clipped this was only made one year I believe it was 1787 and it was designed by the works of Benjamin Franklin that's real history right here Doug from the mountains of Vermont incredible I made my day all right well it's not the end of the day but I am heading on out of here it's a long drive out and you know this little square of stone wall that I found ran out of targets sure there's probably a couple I missed but uh walking around for a movie 40 minutes and I haven't found anything so I'm gonna call it a day the amount of targets wasn't huge but the stuff I found this pretty awesome you can see got the Fujio and the great bust large sent four buttons a little buckle and two spoons so probably not a home site I don't know picnic area some reason people hung around there and drop stuff could have just been a farm field I suppose workers drop the stuff while they're out there but a beautiful place and it's only gonna get more beautiful in the coming weeks of all these leaves changing looking forward to it [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 55,939
Rating: 4.9795065 out of 5
Keywords: treasure, treasure hunt, treasure hunting, metal detecting, coins, old coins, relic, adventure, great outdoors, garrett, garrett at pro, at pro, vermont, america
Id: nn5a94SrSmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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